
What have you done lately to better yourself?

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DS senpai

Ryoid wrote:

Study more
Less osu
I thought the idea was to BETTER yourself?
Ender Lain
25 Kilometre of Cycling/day

next month will gain to 30 or 35
Making a great memories with my
Wtf posting this makes my eye rainning
Going outside once in a while.
Not drinking as many slushies :<
I left my desktop at home this semester. Actually getting into volunteering and meeting people on campus instead of spending free time in front of a computer screen. Also more motivated to study.
KuMagAwa Mi
in-game: Starting to play osu online

irl: Stop flirting with girl and start to focus on study kinda
I am still pretty new so this could help a few beginners IF they look into this thread anyway.

- Don´t play only Maps/Songs you like
- Don´t Replay Songs more often than 3 times in a row
- Play as many different beatmaps as you can
- If some maps are too difficult, move on and play other ones
- Play easier Maps too!
- Have Fun

After some time you will improve without even notice it.

PS: Maybe i didn´t quite understood the Question of the OP, i thought it was osu related <.<

Logitazer wrote:

PS: Maybe i didn´t quite understood the Question of the OP, i thought it was osu related <.<
This exactly is not related to "Osu!".
I don't want to seem harsh but...

I've been looking for a renumerated activity (what would be translated in English as "Civilian Service") and I found one.
Decided to take my studies more serious as well as going back to doing cardio two to three times a week :)
Making my real life better.
Even if that means less osu....
[Sorry for my bad english but as the title said, I'll try to improve it too ]

Currently, I'm not in good situation. I feel like I can do awesome things but laziness controls me. That's why I' will written a message every Monday in order to have some motivation, have a global view of my goals (redefine it, if it is necessary) but mainly to achieve my goals (logic right :P ).

First of all, I NEED to stop skipping class. It's my final year (12th grade in USA I think) and I don't want to messed up this year like I did the past year. Even if it's hard, I'll succeed. I'll also work hard for my test and all this stuff. I also have personnal purpose outside the school : Be a writer and also increase(learning mosty) my programmation skill. I NEED to write something because it's been a really long time since I did some writting. :(

I also want to maintain my body. I'm pretty skinny and I don't like it. I'll start some exercices in order to shape EVERY part of my body (I take all advice ^^).
Eat less of shit is what I aim too
Oh and also I'm constantly improving in Osu, I take like 200pp in 2days and that's amazing haha, but I'm gonna increase my endurance as a priority ..

That's my top priorities. I have a lot of other goals to but I don't think it would be a good idea if I do too much things. 8-)
One love from France.
i usually hang out with my friends every saturday night when i have freetime (or when i have money lol)
i also read some novels when im not hanging out with my friends
nope lokalizer thats irl related but anyways

what i did? i net business
and training more

and play osu mania 1-2 hours daily how it should be
Going to bed early and waking up really late...

and a bit of meme and shitposts too
Lowered my spd rate to 20ish!
Night of Terror
Knowledge is money.

Not lately, but over years I have learned coding and now I'm running a successful bitcoin gambling site.
Write up a better resumé for a job so I don't have to map circles all day.
Thanks for this topic!

I trying to dedicate more time to the importante people for me.
I take good care of my health.
I decided to focus more on my studies and use my time better.
I try to be more responsible.
I try to enjoy every momment of my life and see how life can be beatiful.
I started to improve my english (srry for the bad english xd) and having more contact with people who speak other languages and thus, making new friends!
I really want to get better and better...
I have been eating loots of choclate lately and been working out after if that counts.
E m i
lol HRT
well actually, this is a bit less of what i've done to better myself, and more of a realization of what it is i'm doing that should be fixed sooner or later.

so because i like to play online games a bunch (play pokemon mmos, not the shitty ones, and osu), i started to notice that my grades aren't really looking up for the best right now. and at home, i'm starting to lack on my chores, which is supposed to help me "build up responsibility".
i always disregarded what my mom said about "you're going to have to take care of yourself when you grow up" and thought that if i could get good enough at competitive esport games that i could join a team, i'd do it, but i realize that there has to be some sort of a stepping stone for me to achieve that goal. and now that i'm not really focused on trying to play games like league of legends or rocket league, i'm a bit more skeptical to how my future is going to paint itself out. because i'm only 14 years old, i still don't have a good grasp on how my life is going to be in 4 years, or when i graduate. more like "if", at this point.
so i might start playing less games (10 hours or more per day as of right now), and focus more on my education rather than how i'm going to figure out how i would do 6k muscle memories on osu!mania. i might also take myself more seriously, because at this point in my life, i'm only eating lunch most of the days of the week, and i rarely drink water/liquids, and i wake up somewhat earlier than the rest of my family. thinking about how i'm going to do this, i might have to lose some of my online "friends" (quotations because i'm not sure anymore), but i practically died on discord. i didn't want to, but real life called, and i'm contemplating what would have happened if i still could use discord. as i type this, i wonder what could have been if i didn't die on discord, if i, i don't know, didn't leave. now, i didn't leave, technically, but i feel like there's a part of me that's missing, and the part that has an open gap in it is sucking out all the interest that i ever had in any subject that i liked doing, like drawing, or learning hiragana and katakana. and now, i feel like i don't even know myself anymore. i'm practically losing myself when i wake up everyday, waiting for the inevitable end of my online life. someday, and i don't know when, i'm going to lose interest in everything that i found fun, that i found, interesting. and after a few years, i'll be signing papers in some rundown office building, with each phase of my life slowly passing by, mocking me for "what could have been."
now this post sounds more like a sad life story than what i've done to better myself.
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Started working on my endurance. Also trying to be better at communication.
play harder maps
actually going to my group therapy sessions
i've been trying to strengthen myself every school day, in my school's weight room, we call it.
I've been trying to become more social and make new friends and also trying to spend more time outside home
[ Pingu ]
been trying to drink as much water as i can without feeling sick (i feel sick if i drink like half a 300ml bottle but im trying to power through it)
I find this thread so motivating :)

Well what have i done to better myself is just now im playing guitar more often so i can use my skill to find money with teaching guitars.
I did quit playing guitar like 6 months i believe and starting to re-learn again , playing classical and also reading notes .
Although im not teaching yet , learning guitar is distracting my depression over my life. To be honest, i feel empty and dont know what to with my future , i just see what is in the front of me atm . I'm not like " im going to chase my dream and passion bullsh*t " . Playing guitar might be the only one ( beside osu ) that can make me feel content and not thinking about negative things . I also Sing sometime , even though this voice can make the whole windows cracks lol xD.
And i plan to go on vacation at the start of 2018 , i might need one haha.

That is just for me now. For now.
just started playing have had a blast pretty much . trying to get more consistent atm and learning different patterns and how to stream consistently etc by using the editor as help. got a long way to go and yeah been hella fun these past 20days definitly wanna keep playing for alot longer ^^. other from that i have lived a normal life pretty much working etc.
trying to enjoy the game instead of farming for pp, yknow
osu-wise, playing at least 1 beatmap pack per day. I have been practicing a lot of 4-5 star maps and frankly, I'm getting good at them especially jump maps.

IRL? Well, instead of going for chocolate as dessert, I ate it for dinner! Hooray!

keremal wrote:

well actually, this is a bit less of what i've done to better myself, and more of a realization of what it is i'm doing that should be fixed sooner or later.

so because i like to play online games a bunch (play pokemon mmos, not the shitty ones, and osu), i started to notice that my grades aren't really looking up for the best right now. and at home, i'm starting to lack on my chores, which is supposed to help me "build up responsibility".
i always disregarded what my mom said about "you're going to have to take care of yourself when you grow up" and thought that if i could get good enough at competitive esport games that i could join a team, i'd do it, but i realize that there has to be some sort of a stepping stone for me to achieve that goal. and now that i'm not really focused on trying to play games like league of legends or rocket league, i'm a bit more skeptical to how my future is going to paint itself out. because i'm only 14 years old, i still don't have a good grasp on how my life is going to be in 4 years, or when i graduate. more like "if", at this point.
so i might start playing less games (10 hours or more per day as of right now), and focus more on my education rather than how i'm going to figure out how i would do 6k muscle memories on osu!mania. i might also take myself more seriously, because at this point in my life, i'm only eating lunch most of the days of the week, and i rarely drink water/liquids, and i wake up somewhat earlier than the rest of my family. thinking about how i'm going to do this, i might have to lose some of my online "friends" (quotations because i'm not sure anymore), but i practically died on discord. i didn't want to, but real life called, and i'm contemplating what would have happened if i still could use discord. as i type this, i wonder what could have been if i didn't die on discord, if i, i don't know, didn't leave. now, i didn't leave, technically, but i feel like there's a part of me that's missing, and the part that has an open gap in it is sucking out all the interest that i ever had in any subject that i liked doing, like drawing, or learning hiragana and katakana. and now, i feel like i don't even know myself anymore. i'm practically losing myself when i wake up everyday, waiting for the inevitable end of my online life. someday, and i don't know when, i'm going to lose interest in everything that i found fun, that i found, interesting. and after a few years, i'll be signing papers in some rundown office building, with each phase of my life slowly passing by, mocking me for "what could have been."
now this post sounds more like a sad life story than what i've done to better myself.

I've actually contemplated this myself for a while, and I genuinely feel for you. I know that, as a 13-year-old myself, it's hard to come to terms with a future devoid of meaning, devoid of interest, and devoid of hope. I have always had a false sense of security concerning adulthood; I had people reassuring me that I could still pick up hobbies and that I didn't have to let my childhood die. But it's hard for me to imagine finding any time for anything else when I stopped to picture it. This overall gave me a bleak point of view until about a week ago.

I was getting a haircut over the winter break when the stylist paused to say hi to one of her co-worker's sons. When she returned to me, she told me: "What a spoiled kid. That's not always a bad thing, though. He'll only get one childhood, so a little bit of spoiling is okay." That really opened my eyes as to how fortunate of a time adolescence and young adulthood is. We have the freedoms to explore interests, learn new things, and not have to worry so much. That's why, as something I want to do to better myself, I want to take more risks. I want to live more of my young life involved and active. Who knows, maybe one of my interests will carry me through my life.
I eat Boiled eggs and play Taeyang Square/Jump/Farm/Tech maps to better myself and adjust tablet area bigger for more consistent in aiming and play dragonforce for stamina/stream and dt = Husa
What I've done to better my self... well to be frankly honest, nothing, my life has been a shit hole since I was 7, ever since then I've been going to see many doctors and other people. Most days I come home from a shit day at school, lock my self in my room, play osu and some other games (Usually RPGs and MMOs) Because of my past, I'm not to trusted with freedom inside my school or the choices I make there as of an attempt I did to well extract my self a few years ago. It's not like I want to stay in school, get GCSE's ETC and move on to work a boring life waltzing around on train platforms, getting on the train causally just to go to work, do work, come back home, sleep; or any bull shit like that (and no, I can't live the life that I want). When it comes to online gaming, that's usually the only place that I feel safe/fit in... for about 8 years now of my life I've been depressed and honestly empty. My problem isn't to do with a falling out with a girl or, losing money or having a really bad family, unlike most problems surrounding depression, my one has no sollution, no end, no relief (No it's not fucking autism or ADHD), and that's why... I haven't and will never be able to do anything to better my self; my only plans are to grow up until I'm 30 maybe then die, that's about all I have planned for life.

KuroTX wrote:

What I've done to better my self... well to be frankly honest, nothing, my life has been a shit hole since I was 7, ever since then I've been going to see many doctors and other people. Most days I come home from a shit day at school, lock my self in my room, play osu and some other games (Usually RPGs and MMOs) Because of my past, I'm not to trusted with freedom inside my school or the choices I make there as of an attempt I did to well extract my self a few years ago. It's not like I want to stay in school, get GCSE's ETC and move on to work a boring life waltzing around on train platforms, getting on the train causally just to go to work, do work, come back home, sleep; or any bull shit like that (and no, I can't live the life that I want). When it comes to online gaming, that's usually the only place that I feel safe/fit in... for about 8 years now of my life I've been depressed and honestly empty. My problem isn't to do with a falling out with a girl or, losing money or having a really bad family, unlike most problems surrounding depression, my one has no sollution, no end, no relief (No it's not fucking autism or ADHD), and that's why... I haven't and will never be able to do anything to better my self; my only plans are to grow up until I'm 30 maybe then die, that's about all I have planned for life.
thats depressing as fuck dude :(
I passed the last few weeks of my life by just doing whatever I had in mind, it seems nice, but for me it's the most boring life I've ever had. I would straight up do nothing for a day, would close and open random sites and apps and that's about it.

What I decided to do was schedule my entire days, so that every activity I'd have would be in the schedule and I forced myself to not escape from it.

That actually worked, in the last days I studied for my big test coming up and a bunch of stuff that I always had interest in, like music theory and languages.
I don't know how much time it will last but I'd definetly recommend it to anyone having the same issue.

KuroTX wrote:

What I've done to better my self... well to be frankly honest, nothing, my life has been a shit hole since I was 7, ever since then I've been going to see many doctors and other people. Most days I come home from a shit day at school, lock my self in my room, play osu and some other games (Usually RPGs and MMOs) Because of my past, I'm not to trusted with freedom inside my school or the choices I make there as of an attempt I did to well extract my self a few years ago. It's not like I want to stay in school, get GCSE's ETC and move on to work a boring life waltzing around on train platforms, getting on the train causally just to go to work, do work, come back home, sleep; or any bull shit like that (and no, I can't live the life that I want). When it comes to online gaming, that's usually the only place that I feel safe/fit in... for about 8 years now of my life I've been depressed and honestly empty. My problem isn't to do with a falling out with a girl or, losing money or having a really bad family, unlike most problems surrounding depression, my one has no sollution, no end, no relief (No it's not fucking autism or ADHD), and that's why... I haven't and will never be able to do anything to better my self; my only plans are to grow up until I'm 30 maybe then die, that's about all I have planned for life.
Hope you get better dude. Really, just talking about the issues you have I feel is doing something to better yourself, so don't be so hard on yourself.
Started 2 small clothing businesses and joined a gym gotta keep that BELLY at bay hahaha hope all of you are well
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