This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 26. Oktober 2015 at 20:35:30
Artist: CENOB1TE
Title: Onslaught
Tags: dubstep drumstep dangdutstep foreverends winber1 charles445 hanzer kyshiro inverness wendao2000 harez collab collaboration
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4041kb
Play Time: 03:22
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Taken from inverness' set, with permission. t/215256 Check this thread to see mods.
It has been modded several times already (and received two disqualifies), so this is good for rank.
bf4 ost
1/6 = 210bpm
how to Snickarbon (ft. Pettson & Findus)
uh this is here for statistical purposes B) B) (B

Artist: CENOB1TE
Title: Onslaught
Tags: dubstep drumstep dangdutstep foreverends winber1 charles445 hanzer kyshiro inverness wendao2000 harez collab collaboration
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4041kb
Play Time: 03:22
Difficulties Available:
- apoplexy_ (5,53 stars, 669 notes)
- easy_ (1,47 stars, 138 notes)
- inverness-hard_ (3,34 stars, 389 notes)
- kyversible-insane_ (4,64 stars, 558 notes)
- wendao-normal_ (1,91 stars, 242 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Taken from inverness' set, with permission. t/215256 Check this thread to see mods.
It has been modded several times already (and received two disqualifies), so this is good for rank.
Apoplexy collab by inverness, Foreverends, winber1, Charles445, and HanzeR.
Insane collab by Kyshiro & Irreversible
Hard by inverness | Normal by wendao | Easy by Irreversible (w/ inverness' wub sliders).
Insane collab by Kyshiro & Irreversible
Hard by inverness | Normal by wendao | Easy by Irreversible (w/ inverness' wub sliders).
how to Snickarbon (ft. Pettson & Findus)
Collab parts
Collabers mapped second kiai part, the rest is mapped by inverness
Irre 3/4 Kyshiro 1/4
Collabers mapped second kiai part, the rest is mapped by inverness
- 00:20:592 - 02:24:020 - inverness
- 02:24:020 - 02:37:735 - Foreverends
- 02:37:735 - 02:51:449 - winber1
- 02:51:449 - 03:05:163 - Charles445
- 03:05:163 - 03:18:878 - HanzeR
Irre 3/4 Kyshiro 1/4