
CENOB1TE - Onslaught

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 26. Oktober 2015 at 20:35:30

Artist: CENOB1TE
Title: Onslaught
Tags: dubstep drumstep dangdutstep foreverends winber1 charles445 hanzer kyshiro inverness wendao2000 harez collab collaboration
BPM: 140
Filesize: 4041kb
Play Time: 03:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. apoplexy_ (5,53 stars, 669 notes)
  2. easy_ (1,47 stars, 138 notes)
  3. inverness-hard_ (3,34 stars, 389 notes)
  4. kyversible-insane_ (4,64 stars, 558 notes)
  5. wendao-normal_ (1,91 stars, 242 notes)
Download: CENOB1TE - Onslaught
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Taken from inverness' set, with permission. t/215256 Check this thread to see mods.

It has been modded several times already (and received two disqualifies), so this is good for rank.

bf4 ost

1/6 = 210bpm
Apoplexy collab by inverness, Foreverends, winber1, Charles445, and HanzeR.
Insane collab by Kyshiro & Irreversible
Hard by inverness | Normal by wendao | Easy by Irreversible (w/ inverness' wub sliders).

how to Snickarbon (ft. Pettson & Findus)
Collab parts
Collabers mapped second kiai part, the rest is mapped by inverness
  1. 00:20:592 - 02:24:020 - inverness
  2. 02:24:020 - 02:37:735 - Foreverends
  3. 02:37:735 - 02:51:449 - winber1
  4. 02:51:449 - 03:05:163 - Charles445
  5. 03:05:163 - 03:18:878 - HanzeR
Irre 3/4 Kyshiro 1/4
uh this is here for statistical purposes B) B) (B
Topic Starter

Quality Assurance Team wrote:

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.


Unreasonable 1/6-jumps

  • The issue about the 1/6-jumps in inverness' part has not been fixed since the last disqualification. Having an 1/6-jump between a circle and another object is tricky, because unlike jumps after sliders, the slider leniency that would make the jump easier to play is pushed to the limit (in the case of circles into sliders). Therefore, the 1/6-jumps after circles are huge difficulty spikes and put more emphasis on the following beats than they should. Examples:
  1. 01:20:525 (4,1) -
  2. 01:21:383 (4,1) -
  3. 01:27:383 (4,1) -
  4. 01:28:240 (4,1) - This one for instance is especially tricky, as (1) doesn't even follow the direction of the jump leading into it

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

Changed with inv's permission.
first. experience 2k15 modding.

check tags :) i sent you a pm about it

you haven't bolded the w in the map description

This is a very solid diff. Very impressive and unique.

00:46:311 (2,3) - Could reverse slider here instead so you're playing that whole bit? if you get me.
01:02:597 (3) - Blanket?
01:03:883 (4) - blanket
01:18:883 (1) - blanket
01:37:740 (4) - this is really far along in the timeline, but i thought it was meant to blanket, this won't matter at all.
01:56:597 (1) - Normal HF for epicness?
02:00:883 (3) - NC. cos otherwise you don't NC for 4 whole bars, hp drain man.
02:48:025 (1,2) - don't line up at all, looks wonky af. Move the whole 2,3,4,5 pattern up and right to fix that.
02:56:597 (3) - Move onto the y-axis. 1 grid to the right. Then move the 4 to fix the spacing.
03:08:597 (1) - blanket

[Kyverisble insane]
I can see that Irre put a lot of work into this map and it's paid off :)!

01:05:025 (1) - Why did you NC here? I think it makes it a LOT harder to read. Take NC out. Also the flow here is jarring, since you're having to click on the slider end and go back upa nd back down again.
01:20:168 (3) - why the spacing increase?
01:27:025 (3) - Same again, but the spacing increase is only 0.1x instead of 0.2 this time.
01:30:883 (1,2,3,1,2) - why do these green lines have SV changes?
01:32:311 (3) - NC cos of slow slider shenanigans?
01:56:597 (1,2) - Why isn't this a 2/1 slider? Funny to say it, but this part's overmapped and feels gay way to start it. Later iterations of this work fine though. Put a normal hitfinish for epicness though.
02:11:168 (2) - I'm having a feeling that's an illegal slider because it alters the speed of the slider.
03:01:740 (1) - Maybe illegal? probably fine though.
03:06:454 (2) - Move slider down to here. It emphasises the wouboub more without compromise to the rest of the map. Actually increasing spacing to the (1)

Very nice mapset, that's it from me!
01:28:240 (3) - move 308, 109 so it can read better in terms of timing-distance
01:29:168 (1) - stack on start of 01:28:311 (1) - for better flow
00:54:454 (6) - two circles instead of a slider feels better here imo (up to you if you want to jump from the second)

01:05:168 (1,2) - i like the whistle hitsounds, y u no 01:12:025 (1,3) - (and maybe others like it)
02:28:740 (3) - the only 1/1 stack in the whole map? not sure if any new player will expect so better off moving to 453, 95
02:35:168 (2) - maybe move this thing to 46, 272 for better symmetry with (1)? readjust next 3 notes too
Topic Starter

Hula wrote:

first. experience 2k15 modding.

check tags :) i sent you a pm about it done

you haven't bolded the w in the map description pls

This is a very solid diff. Very impressive and unique.

00:46:311 (2,3) - Could reverse slider here instead so you're playing that whole bit? if you get me. no, but fixed
01:02:597 (3) - Blanket? k
01:03:883 (4) - blanket k
01:18:883 (1) - blanket k
01:37:740 (4) - this is really far along in the timeline, but i thought it was meant to blanket, this won't matter at all. that one shouldn't be a blanket tbh
01:56:597 (1) - Normal HF for epicness? nice catch
02:00:883 (3) - NC. cos otherwise you don't NC for 4 whole bars, hp drain man. kk
02:48:025 (1,2) - don't line up at all, looks wonky af. Move the whole 2,3,4,5 pattern up and right to fix that. kkk
02:56:597 (3) - Move onto the y-axis. 1 grid to the right. Then move the 4 to fix the spacing. kkkk
03:08:597 (1) - blanket kkkkk

[Kyverisble insane]
I can see that Irre put a lot of work into this map and it's paid off :)!

01:05:025 (1) - Why did you NC here? I think it makes it a LOT harder to read. Take NC out. Also the flow here is jarring, since you're having to click on the slider end and go back upa nd back down again.
01:20:168 (3) - why the spacing increase?
01:27:025 (3) - Same again, but the spacing increase is only 0.1x instead of 0.2 this time.
01:30:883 (1,2,3,1,2) - why do these green lines have SV changes?
01:32:311 (3) - NC cos of slow slider shenanigans?
01:56:597 (1,2) - Why isn't this a 2/1 slider? Funny to say it, but this part's overmapped and feels gay way to start it. Later iterations of this work fine though. Put a normal hitfinish for epicness though. That one fits pretty well imo. Added hitnormal though. It's not 2/1 to emphasize the strong beat with a click.
02:11:168 (2) - I'm having a feeling that's an illegal slider because it alters the speed of the slider.
03:01:740 (1) - Maybe illegal? probably fine though. ye
03:06:454 (2) - Move slider down to here. It emphasises the wouboub more without compromise to the rest of the map. Actually increasing spacing to the (1)
fixed the rest

Very nice mapset, that's it from me!

Nekomata wrote:

01:28:240 (3) - move 308, 109 so it can read better in terms of timing-distance
01:29:168 (1) - stack on start of 01:28:311 (1) - for better flow
00:54:454 (6) - two circles instead of a slider feels better here imo (up to you if you want to jump from the second) fixed all

01:05:168 (1,2) - i like the whistle hitsounds, y u no 01:12:025 (1,3) - (and maybe others like it)
02:28:740 (3) - the only 1/1 stack in the whole map? not sure if any new player will expect so better off moving to 453, 95
02:35:168 (2) - maybe move this thing to 46, 272 for better symmetry with (1)? readjust next 3 notes too fixed all
thank you guys!
holy cow

Irreversible wrote:

Apoplexy collab with Foreverends, winber1, Charles445, and HanzeR.

edit: please update my diff (added silent soft-sliderwhistle.wav and extra normal-hitwhistle3.wav)
Akiyama Mizuki
OH YES ;w; i crie this epic map is finally back
Topic Starter
Updated your Normal, wendao.
19:30 *Asphyxia is editing [ CENOB1TE - Onslaught [kyversible-insane_]]
19:30 Asphyxia: 00:56:883 (3,4) -
19:30 Asphyxia: stack's off a little
19:31 Asphyxia: 01:08:168 (7,1) - ^
19:32 Irreversible: fioxed both
19:33 Asphyxia: hmm
19:34 Asphyxia: you could keep the SB consistent throughout the diffs
19:34 Asphyxia: as in, add it to your easy
19:34 Asphyxia: since it's the only one that's missing it but
19:34 Asphyxia: you can SB a little, so you could copy the name from somewhere and just
19:34 Asphyxia: splat some of the code or whatever in the easy and done
19:35 Irreversible: uh
19:35 Irreversible: that's actually quite advanced
19:35 Irreversible: XD
19:35 *Asphyxia is editing [ CENOB1TE - Onslaught [easy_]]
19:35 Irreversible: i could just
19:35 Irreversible: delete it from wendao's
19:35 Asphyxia: 01:06:883 (2) - maybe move a little up? doesnt seem to be off-screen but you know xd
19:36 Asphyxia: 01:36:025 (1,4) - blanket is kinda bad there tbh not gonna lie
19:36 Irreversible: done
19:36 Asphyxia: 01:42:883 (4) - Not sure how you do your NCs but could be NC'd due to the stanza
19:37 Asphyxia: but if it makes your ncs inconsistent
19:37 Asphyxia: dont
19:37 Irreversible: fixed
19:37 Asphyxia: 02:30:883 (1) - this is just me, but it could look better if you somehow could turn it into a symmetrical slider, or near it
19:38 Asphyxia: by mimicking the first curve
19:38 Asphyxia: k thats all
19:38 Irreversible: nah.. but improved curve + blanket
19:38 Asphyxia: mm yea just delethe the SB from the normal
19:38 Asphyxia: since the hard diff doesnt have the SB either
19:39 Irreversible: yeah

Modded a little, should be good to go!

Edit: Bubbled!
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Removed one unused file, change the AR for the Easy and did some nice talk.

Oh, boy. Here we go.
haiy sirr. bruther of inpernes
That was unexpected
thumbs up tho

Topic Starter

Charles445 wrote:

That was unexpected
thumbs up tho

Cannot let this masterpiece rest and pls there's my mapping effort in it, too!!!!

Well, I guess like this the map will be even more enjoyable. Of course, with invs agreement.
Zhu Yuan
That speedrank... But well, I can understand if the map has been modded many times, congratz.

Inyuschan wrote:

That speedrank... But well, I can understand if the map has been modded many times, congratz.
lol. this is no speedrank, the mapset got DQd a staggering amount of times. pls.

RIP inv.

Hula wrote:

RIP inv.
Topic Starter
Thanks to everyone!
Oh... this map!, nice
Zhu Yuan

Hula wrote:

Inyuschan wrote:

That speedrank... But well, I can understand if the map has been modded many times, congratz.
lol. this is no speedrank, the mapset got DQd a staggering amount of times. pls.
I saw it. I'm not complaining about that, sorry for the misunderstanding x__x
Woo it returns in a slightly different form :D

pls let this live
Congrats inverness!
Glad to see this back
I can't wait to see another disqualification on this beatmap. \o3o/

Krfawy wrote:

I can't wait to see another disqualification on this beatmap. \o3o/
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