
Sasaki Sayaka - Koi Saku Mirai [Taiko]

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
for rank go
Topic Starter

Marirose wrote:

for rank go
ok let's move out
  1. Sasaki Sayaka - Koi Saku Mirai (shionelove).osuを作成
  2. Lucky Monsterからbars.pngを持ってくる
  3. .osbに次のように書き込む
    //Background and Video events
    //Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
    //Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
    //Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
    //Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
    //Storyboard Sound Samples
  4. 完。
  5. No kd
Yo taiko m4m. 1st mod~~~~~~


  1. Enable Custom Coloursは不要なので外してください。
  2. Widescreen Supportを無効にしてください。

  1. Change SV to 1.2 - 譜面のまとまり感を出しましょう。
  2. KantanでのSV changeはunrankableです。全てを1.00xにしてください。(ミス?w)
  3. 00:11:039(11) - change to k, 電子音もボーカルも高音になっているので。
  4. 00:59:610 - スピナーの終点を 01:00:682に持っていってそれから 01:01:396(1,2)を01:01:039 へ持っていき、(2)をkに。曲的にもこっちのほうが合っていると思います。
  5. 上記に伴って01:02:110にkを追加。
  6. 01:03:539 - ここにもdを追加。そして01:05:325をdに変更。さらに01:06:039を01:05:682に移動。
  7. 最後に01:06:396にkを追加。そうすれば曲のリズムにより合ってると思うので1度お試しを。
う~ん、裏拍がだいぶ使われてて難易度高い。。。裏拍の使用頻度を再検討してみてはどうですかねー 自分は簡単だと思ってももしかするとそれが難しく感じる人もいる(かも)しれないし。。。という感じです、ハイ。

  1. 00:23:182 - change to k, 電子音が高音なので。パターン性を豊かにするためにもこうしたほうがいいでしょう。
  2. 00:23:896 - ^同上。
  3. 00:26:753 ~ 00:36:039 - 1/1配置が続きすぎです。休息を入れることを強く勧めます。一応例を出しておきましょう。
    1. 00:28:539 - delete.
    2. 00:29:253 - ^
    3. 00:31:396 - ^
    4. 00:32:110 - ^
    5. 00:32:825 - ^
    6. 00:34:253 - ^
    7. 00:35:682 - ^
  4. 00:38:182 ~ 00:47:110 - ここも同じく。提案を参考に削っていってください。
  1. 01:38:182 ~ 01:40:325 - ここはdkdkd...テイストでいったほうがいいと思いました。
  2. 01:44:253 - change to k, ドンとカツのバランスを考えると。
  1. 00:22:914 - これを00:23:092へ移動。そして00:23:182 これをkに変更。このほうがリズムに合っていると思います。
  2. 00:23:717 ~ 00:24:967 -
  3. 3連のノーツを4連続で使うのは勧めないです。もっといい配置があるはず。一応提案を出しておきます。
    1. 00:23:807 - delete.
    2. 00:24:878 - ^
  4. 00:36:128 - これを00:36:307に移動。そして00:36:396をdに変更。最後に00:36:485を消去。3連を2連続で使うよりこちらのほうがリズム的にしっくりくると思います。
  5. 00:51:575 ~ 00:51:753 - 単色以外の1/4パターンはMuzukashiiにおいて使用は控えてください。dddかkkkに変更してください。
  6. 00:54:432 ~ 00:54:610 - ここも同じです。
  7. 00:56:396 - delete. 消したほうがよりメリハリをつけられると思いました。
  8. 01:00:414 - これを01:00:235に移動、そしてこれと01:00:325をdに変更。これもリズム的にこうすればよりベター。
  9. 01:10:235 - delete. 休息を入れることを推奨。
  10. 01:10:950 - ここまでダラダラノーツを続けさせる必要はないと思います。delete.
  11. 01:42:467 - delete. そして01:42:646 と 01:42:825を入れ替え。
  1. 01:29:610(140,141) - この2つを削除。敢えて消すことで大音符の存在感が増し、より良くなるかと。

以上!Rankedがんばって! :)
Topic Starter

tasuke912 wrote:

  1. Sasaki Sayaka - Koi Saku Mirai (shionelove).osuを作成
  2. Lucky Monsterからbars.pngを持ってくる
  3. .osbに次のように書き込む
    //Background and Video events
    //Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
    //Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
    //Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
    //Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
    //Storyboard Sound Samples
  4. 完。
  5. No kd
おお ありがとう これは永久保存版にしとく
Topic Starter

SKSalt wrote:

Yo taiko m4m. 1st mod~~~~~~


  1. Enable Custom Coloursは不要なので外してください。
  2. Widescreen Supportを無効にしてください。
いずれも全ての難易度Taikoだと消さないとなんかあるのか おk

  1. Change SV to 1.2 - 譜面のまとまり感を出しましょう。
  2. KantanでのSV changeはunrankableです。全てを1.00xにしてください。(ミス?w)ミスです
  3. 00:11:039(11) - change to k, 電子音もボーカルも高音になっているので。一つ前のもkにした
  4. 00:59:610 - スピナーの終点を 01:00:682に持っていってそれから 01:01:396(1,2)を01:01:039 へ持っていき、(2)をkに。曲的にもこっちのほうが合っていると思います。三連をdddにしたとこ以外はそのまんま採用
  5. 上記に伴って01:02:110にkを追加。三連にした都合こっちはpass
  6. 01:03:539 - ここにもdを追加。そして01:05:325をdに変更。さらに01:06:039を01:05:682に移動。
  7. 最後に01:06:396にkを追加。そうすれば曲のリズムにより合ってると思うので1度お試しを。同じ ここはどうせBメロだしそんな難しくはしなくてもいいし凝らなくてもいいと思ってる
う~ん、裏拍がだいぶ使われてて難易度高い。。。裏拍の使用頻度を再検討してみてはどうですかねー 自分は簡単だと思ってももしかするとそれが難しく感じる人もいる(かも)しれないし。。。という感じです、ハイ。
自分の経験上 局所難は全体難より圧倒的に初心者は害だし(密度1なのにいきなり2になるのと、終始2では実は後者のほうがミスは少ない)、IIDXの動画で見た忘れられないコメントがあって、「最近のNormal譜面は音を歯抜けにして8分にしてるだけのつまらない譜面」これは簡単にも言えると思ってる。表拍ばっかりに置くのも初心者からしても退屈だろうし簡単の範疇を逸脱しない程度にはある程度の遊び工夫を凝らしてもいいと思ってるよ はい

  1. 00:23:182 - change to k, 電子音が高音なので。パターン性を豊かにするためにもこうしたほうがいいでしょう。この電子音前のパートから二小節単位で鳴ってるのでここだけフォローするのはよくないし、maniaじゃないんだから何もそこまで聞かなくてもいいかなあと
  2. 00:23:896 - ^同上。
  3. 00:26:753 ~ 00:36:039 - 1/1配置が続きすぎです。休息を入れることを強く勧めます。一応例を出しておきましょう。
    1. 00:28:539 - delete.
    2. 00:29:253 - ^
    3. 00:31:396 - ^
    4. 00:32:110 - ^
    5. 00:32:825 - ^
    6. 00:34:253 - ^
    7. 00:35:682 - ^
  4. 00:38:182 ~ 00:47:110 - ここも同じく。提案を参考に削っていってください。個人的にはあんまり消したくない、というのは簡単でも言ったようにプレイヤーを密度に慣れさせるためってのがある 徐々に難しくすることで思ったよりはプレイヤーにとって優しい譜面になると信じている
IIDXだって全体難はノーツが多い割にはクリアしやすいし、逆にノーツ少ない局所難は恐怖 そんな感じこれ見れば物量によらないってのが分かる

  1. 01:38:182 ~ 01:40:325 - ここはdkdkd...テイストでいったほうがいいと思いました。
  2. 01:44:253 - change to k, ドンとカツのバランスを考えると。だるw
  1. 00:22:914 - これを00:23:092へ移動。そして00:23:182 これをkに変更。このほうがリズムに合っていると思います。d d kkkにした
  2. 00:23:717 ~ 00:24:967 -
  3. 3連のノーツを4連続で使うのは勧めないです。もっといい配置があるはず。一応提案を出しておきます。
    1. 00:23:807 - delete.
    2. 00:24:878 - ^後半がいい感じで間引いてあったのでそれと同じにしました
  4. 00:36:128 - これを00:36:307に移動。そして00:36:396をdに変更。最後に00:36:485を消去。3連を2連続で使うよりこちらのほうがリズム的にしっくりくると思います。バイオリンの7連に合わせてるけど、7連は難しいではないのでなるべく
  5. 00:51:575 ~ 00:51:753 - 単色以外の1/4パターンはMuzukashiiにおいて使用は控えてください。dddかkkkに変更してください。
    kdk/dkd are acceptable as long as they're not coupled with triplets of other kinds. 公式のガイドより 要は他のパターンの3連とくっついてなければ大丈夫の意
  6. 00:54:432 ~ 00:54:610 - ここも同じです。ここも同じです。
  7. 00:56:396 - delete. 消したほうがよりメリハリをつけられると思いました。おk
  8. 01:00:414 - これを01:00:235に移動、そしてこれと01:00:325をdに変更。これもリズム的にこうすればよりベター。ここはスネアの連打を尊重してる
  9. 01:10:235 - delete. 休息を入れることを推奨。
  10. 01:10:950 - ここまでダラダラノーツを続けさせる必要はないと思います。delete.
  11. 01:42:467 - delete. そして01:42:646 と 01:42:825を入れ替え。入れ替えはせずkdkdにした
  1. 01:29:610(140,141) - この2つを削除。敢えて消すことで大音符の存在感が増し、より良くなるかと。
 おk その次は7連にした


以上!Rankedがんばって! :)

Hello from my queue

I am a novice modding . Please note only


* I think that the use of 1.0 rather than 1.2 speed.

* It seems to look a little harder than the difficulty.

00:48:182 (1) - Note that seems to be fine , rather than short spin to Kantan

00:59:633 (1) - However, because this part seems decent vocals XD

There seems to be a perfect Other :)


* The Kantan speed is 1.2. Is Futsuu But why 1.0 ?

00:26:396 ~ 00:36:039 - This section seems boring the player ....

Like the rest.


00:51:663 - d dkd kdk it would be more decent than that in ddd kkk

00:54:521 - k


Sorry flimsy modding TT
Topic Starter

BeoMu wrote:

Hello from my queue

I am a novice modding . Please note only


* I think that the use of 1.0 rather than 1.2 speed. hmm no change,but thanks i find there are two types:1.0 and 1.2

* It seems to look a little harder than the difficulty. hmmmmm just SD broken for example in IIDX there is too much notes gap
in LV11 876 min 1810 max wow this Kantan is just many notes,no complex pattern,no killing zone so i think it is ok

(´ゝ౪◔`)<When the thing you think is ok, I always think it is not ok.

00:48:182 (1) - Note that seems to be fine , rather than short spin to Kantan

00:59:633 (1) - However, because this part seems decent vocals XD i can't catch what you say but if you say delete this note no thanks
both are good for sound and honestly long spinner is easier than short

There seems to be a perfect Other :)


* The Kantan speed is 1.2. Is Futsuu But why 1.0 ? idk what to say ask tasuke912 he is well-experienced taiko mapper he knows the reason

00:26:396 ~ 00:36:039 - This section seems boring the player .... simple song simple pattern and not boring for beginner

Like the rest.


00:51:663 - d dkd kdk it would be more decent than that in ddd kkk

00:54:521 - k ddd kkk too simple there are some space i can put a bit complex pattern


Sorry flimsy modding TT
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NM, not BN mod, don't get your hopes up ;w; clearing queue out!

  1. 01:23:896 () - Useless inheriting point in all diffs.
  1. 00:13:896 (50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58) - How about kkk ddkkd? Part isn't that intense.
  2. 00:16:217 (66,68) - Both to 'k'? Improves flow a lot, because kdd d dkd is a single-tapper hitting the same key 4 times. Also fits the song nicely.
  3. 00:16:932 (71,72,73) - d k? kkd doesn't fit too well.
  4. 00:20:325 (97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104) - ddd kkddk? Maps to the piano nicely, and still fits the other sounds.
  5. 00:21:396 () - 00:23:539 () - Should be the same density as 00:15:325 () - 00:18:182 () , (density, you can still make other patterns) as nothing really changes with the song (also because streams like these are more for Inner).
  6. 00:41:217 (218,219) - delete these, so that all the verses in this part are the same length?
    (00:38:182 to 00:41:039, 00:41:396 to 00:43:896, 00:44:253 to 00:46:753)
  7. 00:41:396 (218) - k? (now that you removed those notes) fits the song nicer.
  8. 00:42:110 (223,224,225,226) - d kkk? Also fits the 'orchestra' sounds.
  9. 00:50:503 (283,284,285,286,287) - Follow drums here? This part of the song is slow, so streams fit less.
  10. 00:53:539 (296,297,298) - Change to just a big don at 00:53:717 ()?
  11. 00:54:253 (300,301) - These notes don't fit because the song picks up at 00:54:432 ().
  12. 00:54:967 (303,304) - ^ 00:54:967 (303) - Maybe keep this note though, and change 00:55:146 (305) - to d?
  13. 00:55:682 () to 00:57:467 () - Make this part fit more to the music, currently it's pretty overmapped, and the song isn't 'intense' yet.
  14. 01:04:075 (371,372) - Delete these for a tiny break? This is a lot of notes.
  15. 01:04:967 (376,377) - kk? ddddd isn't mapped to much.
  16. 01:09:700 (417,419,421) - Delete these so it's just d d d then the stream?
  17. 01:15:057 (24,25,26) - Delete, for another little break? A lot of 5 note patterns here.
  18. 01:20:503 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76) - How about something less crazy like

    (The last note is K)
  19. 01:23:271 (82,86) - ctrl+g these? The stream gets higher pitched, so ddkdddkkddd fits nicer.
  20. 01:26:575 (112) - Delete this for same break reasons.
  21. 01:27:200 (118) - Remove this note? The stream was unecessary imo.
  22. 01:33:360 (166,167,168,169,170,171) - simply d kkk?
  23. 01:44:432 (64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - kkddkdk like in the beginning?
Actually this is a tough choice. You tried to make other diffs more dense to try and create some spread, but really, it's the patterns + density that make Oni really tough. I tried to help out bu nerfing it, but maybe you need to change this into Inner Oni after all ;_; (GJ tho)
  1. 00:16:932 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - k k d d k (ddd d d k)? I think it's nicer, and helps the part to not have a lot of dons.
  2. 00:19:075 (76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - d d kkk d k d? Then 00:20:325 (84) - delete?
  3. 00:24:075 (106) - delete, to lower density?
  4. 00:37:646 (163) - Remove finish
  5. 00:42:467 (190) - delete, density blah blah?
  6. 00:43:539 (196,197,198) - k d? (note in middle dies)
  7. 00:46:039 (210) - density also (it's not hard, just most of the song isn't that dense outside of kiai, so saving it for kiai just makes it less weird)
  8. 01:01:217 (285) - ^
  9. 01:05:146 (309) - k? bunch of dons here
  10. 01:25:503 () - add a note here, to dense it like the beginning of kiai, then delete 01:26:575 (85) - so it's 2 ~equally~ long patterns?
  11. 01:44:075 (49) - delete, so this ending part doesn't become the most dense part of the song haha.

    Follows rules for the most part, just some inconsistent density and structure is all!
  1. 00:15:682 (3) - delete as a break, since the intro doesn't feel like it really has any actual breaks.
  2. 00:21:396 (21) - ^, just because it's a long row of notes
  3. 00:24:253 (29) - k?
  4. 00:25:146 (32,33,34,35,36) - remove finish, it's just too complicated for futsuu players' fingers ;_; (Actually I don't recommend 1/2 big notes in Futsuu)

    Hm, a lot of parts are just a lot of simple notes. Futsuu is more like (d k d d k k d d k [tiny break]), making little patterns while following the music as best as possible, adding breaks, and keeping it within the spread. Right now it's a lot of 1/1, or d k ddk d k dkk etc. Try looking at futsuu for similar songs!
  1. This is a lot better, all you really need is to make sure that if you see ~11-12 notes in a row (you can judge this yourself) with no LONG breaks (big white tick to the next one) then add one!
  2. Also find simpler ways to map stuff like 01:21:039 (19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26) - which is too hard for kantan. The star rating is almost 2 ;_;

    Kantan is basically make a difficulty for monkey people. ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Sorry mod gets terrible at lower diffs, but I was taking too long here ;__; GL with set! (and ty for looking at riot of color)!
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NM, not BN mod, don't get your hopes up ;w; clearing queue out!
wow you are BN now good luck

  1. 01:23:896 () - Useless inheriting point in all diffs.
forgot deleting this when i copy from my ranked mapset thanks

  1. 00:13:896 (50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58) - How about kkk ddkkd? Part isn't that intense.
  2. 00:16:217 (66,68) - Both to 'k'? Improves flow a lot, because kdd d dkd is a single-tapper hitting the same key 4 times. Also fits the song nicely.
  3. 00:16:932 (71,72,73) - d k? kkd doesn't fit too well.
  4. 00:20:325 (97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104) - ddd kkddk? Maps to the piano nicely, and still fits the other sounds.
  5. 00:21:396 () - 00:23:539 () - Should be the same density as 00:15:325 () - 00:18:182 () , (density, you can still make other patterns) as nothing really changes with the song (also because streams like these are more for Inner).
  6. 00:41:217 (218,219) - delete these, so that all the verses in this part are the same length?
    (00:38:182 to 00:41:039, 00:41:396 to 00:43:896, 00:44:253 to 00:46:753)
  7. 00:41:396 (218) - k? (now that you removed those notes) fits the song nicer.
  8. 00:42:110 (223,224,225,226) - d kkk? Also fits the 'orchestra' sounds.
  9. 00:50:503 (283,284,285,286,287) - Follow drums here? This part of the song is slow, so streams fit less.
  10. 00:53:539 (296,297,298) - Change to just a big don at 00:53:717 ()?
  11. 00:54:253 (300,301) - These notes don't fit because the song picks up at 00:54:432 ().
  12. 00:54:967 (303,304) - ^ 00:54:967 (303) - Maybe keep this note though, and change 00:55:146 (305) - to d?
  13. 00:55:682 () to 00:57:467 () - Make this part fit more to the music, currently it's pretty overmapped, and the song isn't 'intense' yet.
  14. 01:04:075 (371,372) - Delete these for a tiny break? This is a lot of notes.
  15. 01:04:967 (376,377) - kk? ddddd isn't mapped to much.
  16. 01:09:700 (417,419,421) - Delete these so it's just d d d then the stream?
  17. 01:15:057 (24,25,26) - Delete, for another little break? A lot of 5 note patterns here.
  18. 01:20:503 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76) - How about something less crazy like

    (The last note is K)
  19. 01:23:271 (82,86) - ctrl+g these? The stream gets higher pitched, so ddkdddkkddd fits nicer.
  20. 01:26:575 (112) - Delete this for same break reasons.
  21. 01:27:200 (118) - Remove this note? The stream was unecessary imo.
  22. 01:33:360 (166,167,168,169,170,171) - simply d kkk?
  23. 01:44:432 (64,65,66,67,68,69,70) - kkddkdk like in the beginning?
Actually this is a tough choice. You tried to make other diffs more dense to try and create some spread, but really, it's the patterns + density that make Oni really tough. I tried to help out bu nerfing it, but maybe you need to change this into Inner Oni after all ;_; (GJ tho)
i decided to make another Oni(like lite Oni)and Muzukashii a bit easier,then there are 5diffs,this eroge has 5 heroins,come on BGs
  1. 00:16:932 (64,65,66,67,68,69) - k k d d k (ddd d d k)? I think it's nicer, and helps the part to not have a lot of dons.
  2. 00:19:075 (76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - d d kkk d k d? Then 00:20:325 (84) - delete?
  3. 00:24:075 (106) - delete, to lower density?
  4. 00:37:646 (163) - Remove finish
  5. 00:42:467 (190) - delete, density blah blah?
  6. 00:43:539 (196,197,198) - k d? (note in middle dies)
  7. 00:46:039 (210) - density also (it's not hard, just most of the song isn't that dense outside of kiai, so saving it for kiai just makes it less weird)
  8. 01:01:217 (285) - ^
  9. 01:05:146 (309) - k? bunch of dons here
  10. 01:25:503 () - add a note here, to dense it like the beginning of kiai, then delete 01:26:575 (85) - so it's 2 ~equally~ long patterns?
  11. 01:44:075 (49) - delete, so this ending part doesn't become the most dense part of the song haha.

    Follows rules for the most part, just some inconsistent density and structure is all!
  1. 00:15:682 (3) - delete as a break, since the intro doesn't feel like it really has any actual breaks.
  2. 00:21:396 (21) - ^, just because it's a long row of notes
  3. 00:24:253 (29) - k?
  4. 00:25:146 (32,33,34,35,36) - remove finish, it's just too complicated for futsuu players' fingers ;_; (Actually I don't recommend 1/2 big notes in Futsuu)

    Hm, a lot of parts are just a lot of simple notes. Futsuu is more like (d k d d k k d d k [tiny break]), making little patterns while following the music as best as possible, adding breaks, and keeping it within the spread. Right now it's a lot of 1/1, or d k ddk d k dkk etc. Try looking at futsuu for similar songs!
    i hate artist again this is fxxkin s1mple song i only put unique pattern on break and i saw all part again then i think i was drunk,what is this Futsuu?hahaha i should remap
  1. This is a lot better, all you really need is to make sure that if you see ~11-12 notes in a row (you can judge this yourself) with no LONG breaks (big white tick to the next one) then add one! hmm i can't delete any notes...this song is really consistent,no rest
  2. Also find simpler ways to map stuff like 01:21:039 (19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26) - which is too hard for kantan. The star rating is almost 2 ;_;
    delete 20 but i can't delete 22~25 too(i hate artist not singer)
    Kantan is basically make a difficulty for monkey people. ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Sorry mod gets terrible at lower diffs, but I was taking too long here ;__; GL with set! (and ty for looking at riot of color)!
i will reply Muzukashii and Oni when i finish another diff and adjust diff spread
ahh sorry i remapped too much they are like new map i can't reply>< but check some and most parts are nearly same as your opinion thanks
Taiko mod~
All are suggestion unless in red.

00:14:610 - add one more K here to match with the vocals? It makes it feel less empty~
00:56:575 (9) - consider deleting this to make a break~

00:21:753 (17) - try moving this to 00:22:467 so the stream is a bit shorter
00:24:967 (25) - consider deleting this to make a break~
overall this feels more like a low muzukashii at some parts, particularly around the chorus. Maybe look it over and add more breaks?

seems fine

seems fine

[Cherry Blossom]
seems fine

so far so good, good luck for rank~
Topic Starter

Coro wrote:

Taiko mod~
All are suggestion unless in red.

00:14:610 - add one more K here to match with the vocals? It makes it feel less empty~ d instead
00:56:575 (9) - consider deleting this to make a break~ keep for consistent rhythm(snare)

00:21:753 (17) - try moving this to 00:22:467 so the stream is a bit shorter ok
00:24:967 (25) - consider deleting this to make a break~ ahh keep
overall this feels more like a low muzukashii at some parts, particularly around the chorus. Maybe look it over and add more breaks?
even this i made much easier than used to rip

seems fine

seems fine

[Cherry Blossom]
seems fine

so far so good, good luck for rank~
Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue (M4M)(?)



Cherry blossom is later ... is too late here ._.

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Is good .-.


01:02:825 - Delete (mini-breaks)
01:05:682 - Same

01:20:682 - Move to 01:20:860- (have sound for a triple but is better this way)

01:52:378 - Delete (not nessesary)

01:52:467 - Spinner until 01:59:610- (long sound ends here)



00:51:575 - this triple with d's please .... (triple with different color not allowed - very rare is allowed)
00:54:432 - this triple with k's (same reason)

01:07:467 - Delete (mini-breaks)
01:14:789 - Same

01:20:682 - Delete .. and ...
01:20:950 - d (a triple here is better)

01:24:610 - Delete (mini-break)
01:26:975 - Same
01:27:467 - Same

01:32:914 - Move to 01:32:378- (triple is more notable here)

01:52:378 - Delete (not nessesary)

01:52:467 - Spinner until 01:59:610- (long sound ends here)



00:05:682 - Change to d (low sound)

00:09:253 - in this sequence add note in empty place and change notes to this -> kkkkd

00:14:342 - ctrl+g with 00:14:610- (following pitch in vocal sound)

00:19:253 - Change to k (high sound)

00:20:057 - ctrl+g with next note (focusing consistence with BG sound)

00:25:682 - Delete

00:26:753 - Change to d (no have emphasis for a finish, also is a new sequence here)

00:50:414 - Delete (no have sound for a triple and is "soft part")
00:53:271 - Same
00:54:700 - Same
00:54:789 - Same
00:56:842 - Delete this or delete 00:57:378-

01:05:592 - Move to 01:05:950- (have more tone in this part for a triple)

01:09:164 - Delete (no have sound for a triple here)

01:45:682 - Delete (same as 00:25:682- )

01:52:467 - Spinner until 01:59:610- (long sound ends here)


Cherry Blossom:

00:09:342 - ctrl+g with next note (if inner is better a bit variable without losing focus in BG sound)

00:14:610 - Change to k (high vocal sound)

00:20:057 - Move to 00:19:878- (have better consistence imo)
00:20:414 - Move to 00:20:235- (same)

00:20:860 - Change to d (variety)

00:43:450 - Add note (have notable sound)

00:43:896 - Change to k (high sound)

00:48:717 - This -> This (more variety)

01:05:325 - Change to k (high sound)

01:12:914 - Delete (a bit emphasis for starts kiai)

01:20:592 - Delete (not nessesary)
01:27:021 - Same
01:32:021 - Same


All complete this time .-.
Topic Starter

xtrem3x wrote:

Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue (M4M)(?)



Cherry blossom is later ... is too late here ._.

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Is good .-.


01:02:825 - Delete (mini-breaks)
01:05:682 - Same [b]no thanks

01:20:682 - Move to 01:20:860- (have sound for a triple but is better this way) keep

01:52:378 - Delete (not nessesary) i think it's necessary because of s1mple pattern

01:52:467 - Spinner until 01:59:610- (long sound ends here) okok accepted for all diffs



00:51:575 - this triple with d's please .... (triple with different color not allowed - very rare is allowed)
00:54:432 - this triple with k's (same reason)
from "kdk/dkd are acceptable as long as they're not coupled with triplets of other kinds."
so i think it's ok

01:07:467 - Delete (mini-breaks)
01:14:789 - Same
no thanks(i'm affected by ,1/2 stream)

01:20:682 - Delete .. and ... no
01:20:950 - d (a triple here is better) yes

01:24:610 - Delete (mini-break) no thanks
01:26:975 - Same
01:27:467 - Same i found better rhythm so changed

01:32:914 - Move to 01:32:378- (triple is more notable here)
totally changed
01:52:378 - Delete (not nessesary)
01:52:467 - Spinner until 01:59:610- (long sound ends here)



00:05:682 - Change to d (low sound)
00:09:253 - in this sequence add note in empty place and change notes to this -> kkkkd
gap for Oni and Inner Oni,i shouldn't make same

00:14:342 - ctrl+g with 00:14:610- (following pitch in vocal sound)
no thanks
00:19:253 - Change to k (high sound)
00:19:253 (77,78) - for these sounds d better

00:20:057 - ctrl+g with next note (focusing consistence with BG sound)
for 00:19:610 (79,80) - instead
00:25:682 - Delete
keep imo(make different from muzu and there's sound)

00:26:753 - Change to d (no have emphasis for a finish, also is a new sequence here)
keep i will change if other says same thing
00:50:414 - Delete (no have sound for a triple and is "soft part")
00:53:271 - Same
keep,i won't move here from mania if i can't put notes on no sounds
00:54:700 - Same
00:54:789 - Same
they have
00:56:842 - Delete this or delete 00:57:378-
make different rhythm here
01:05:592 - Move to 01:05:950- (have more tone in this part for a triple)
add and make ddk kkd instead

01:09:164 - Delete (no have sound for a triple here)
same reason as 00:53:271

01:45:682 - Delete (same as 00:25:682- )

01:52:467 - Spinner until 01:59:610- (long sound ends here)

Cherry Blossom:

00:09:342 - ctrl+g with next note (if inner is better a bit variable without losing focus in BG sound)
no thanks for violin

00:14:610 - Change to k (high vocal sound)
i don't follow vocal here

00:20:057 - Move to 00:19:878- (have better consistence imo)no
00:20:414 - Move to 00:20:235- (same)yes(i make kdkkd)

00:20:860 - Change to d (variety) 00:20:771 (103) - instead

00:43:450 - Add note (have notable sound)
no thanks

00:43:896 - Change to k (high sound) dkd instead

00:48:717 - This -> This (more variety) s1mple better for me

01:05:325 - Change to k (high sound)
01:05:146 (389) - instead
01:12:914 - Delete (a bit emphasis for starts kiai)
ok and a bit changed
01:20:592 - Delete (not nessesary)
01:27:021 - Same
01:32:021 - Same
no thanks i need them


All complete this time .-.
other diffs later
thanks for long mod...late reply sorry
i heard from somewhere that taiko map cannot be able to have different difficulty name if the mapset is ordinary thing

i'm not sure tho. and i even think that cherry blossom is better for name ;-;

_S u w a k o_ wrote:

i heard from somewhere that taiko map cannot be able to have different difficulty name if the mapset is ordinary thing

i'm not sure tho. and i even think that cherry blossom is better for name ;-;
Last diff in taiko have Custom Name (obviously you have something related to taiko) as Oni Blossom or Cherry Inner or something
Topic Starter
there's no rule in RC about custom name,i can free to name


i dont know
Topic Starter
remapped with some new ideas from my 1st rip redvoted ranked map

_S u w a k o_ wrote:


i dont know
they are Common Terms,not rules
if you have no idea to name original diffname you use them
Hey there! M4M as promised.

[ General]

  1. is this file being used? If not, then delete
  2. Consider readjusting HPOD on all difficulties: here more info
[ Kantan]

  1. 00:18:182 (19,20,21) - Maybe make this measure whole k's to vary from previous part?
  2. 00:23:896 (27,28,29) - Same as above, but the opposite (all d's)
  3. 00:36:575 (39) - Can use a finisher I think, to emphasize the tone uprise
  4. 00:38:182 (41) - Hm. This one however, I don't feel there is any emphasizable sound. Remove finisher?
  5. 01:12:467 (1) - I think the vocal can use a finisher here
  6. 01:18:182 (11) - 01:19:610 (14) - Hm, you used a finisher here. You could use it as well in 01:21:039 (17) - to cohere
  7. 01:22:467 - 01:23:717 - This part looks a bit empty. Add a slider?
  8. 01:23:896 (20) - Can use a finisher to emphasize the restart of the chorus I think
  9. 01:31:039 (33) - The same way you used finisher in you can use 01:32:467 (35) - here, too
  10. 01:38:182 (5,6,7) - Same suggestion as in 00:18:182 (19,20,21) -
  11. 01:43:896 (12,13,14) - ^ but for 00:23:896 (27,28,29) -
  12. 01:50:325 (2) - Shouldn't this be on 01:50:146 - ?
  13. 01:50:682 - Add a note here?
[ Futsuu]

  1. 01:41:039 (14) - Wouldn't this flow better as a d?
  2. 01:50:325 (2) - Same as in Kantan
  3. 01:50:682 - ^
[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:06:039 (10) - Considering you follow vocals, wouldn't it be better if you removed this note?
  2. 00:31:753 - 00:32:110 - Add notes here to completely follow vocals?
  3. 01:28:003 - Add a note here? Think it flows better

[ Oni]

  1. 00:06:932 - Can add a note here to keep following vocals
  2. 00:08:360 - ^
  3. 00:10:503 - ^
  4. 00:11:039 (32) - Move to 00:11:217 - ? I don't know whether you're following vocals or background rhythm.
  5. I liked the kiai
[ Cherry Blossom]

  1. 00:06:932 - You've been following vocals all along, I think it's better if you add a note here
  2. 00:14:789 - 00:15:146 - ^
  3. 00:32:110 - Leaving no note here has an important impact on the flow. Consider adding a note
  4. Overall I've seen that you use 1/4 pretty often even if the song does not ask for it. I'd suggest you to reconsider some of them. The rhythm you use looks just fine, but the amount of 1/4s compared to what the song offers is a bit too much I think. I'll leave it up to you!
That's pretty much it!

Good luck on rank!
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

Hey there! M4M as promised.

[ General]

  1. is this file being used? If not, then delete
    yes i use for movie and BG(tasuke told me so idk why i need lol)
  2. Consider readjusting HPOD on all difficulties: here more info kantan HP4 Inner Oni HP6
[ Kantan]

  1. 00:18:182 (19,20,21) - Maybe make this measure whole k's to vary from previous part?
  2. 00:23:896 (27,28,29) - Same as above, but the opposite (all d's)
    no thanks i refer Taiko no Tatsujin original ><
  3. 00:36:575 (39) - Can use a finisher I think, to emphasize the tone uprise
  4. 00:38:182 (41) - Hm. This one however, I don't feel there is any emphasizable sound. Remove finisher?
  5. 01:12:467 (1) - I think the vocal can use a finisher here
  6. 01:18:182 (11) - 01:19:610 (14) - Hm, you used a finisher here. You could use it as well in 01:21:039 (17) - to cohere
  7. 01:22:467 - 01:23:717 - This part looks a bit empty. Add a slider?
    for long break BN once told me when i got 1st ranked
  8. 01:23:896 (20) - Can use a finisher to emphasize the restart of the chorus I think
  9. 01:31:039 (33) - The same way you used finisher in you can use 01:32:467 (35) - here, too
  10. 01:38:182 (5,6,7) - Same suggestion as in 00:18:182 (19,20,21) -
  11. 01:43:896 (12,13,14) - ^ but for 00:23:896 (27,28,29) -
  12. 01:50:325 (2) - Shouldn't this be on 01:50:146 - ?
    for bass
  13. 01:50:682 - Add a note here? same
[ Futsuu]

  1. 01:41:039 (14) - Wouldn't this flow better as a d?
  2. 01:50:325 (2) - Same as in Kantan
  3. 01:50:682 - ^ follow basssssss
[ Muzukashii]

  1. 00:06:039 (10) - Considering you follow vocals, wouldn't it be better if you removed this note? ok and to follow vocal completely repattern here
  2. 00:31:753 - 00:32:110 - Add notes here to completely follow vocals? for long break(2/1)
  3. 01:28:003 - Add a note here? Think it flows better k

[ Oni]

  1. 00:06:932 - Can add a note here to keep following vocals keep i know there's a vocal but same pitch=one note in the front is enough
  2. 00:08:360 - ^ same
  3. 00:10:503 - ^ ok here
  4. 00:11:039 (32) - Move to 00:11:217 - ? I don't know whether you're following vocals or background rhythm. ahh ok
  5. I liked the kiai
[ Cherry Blossom]

  1. 00:06:932 - You've been following vocals all along, I think it's better if you add a note here ok
  2. 00:14:789 - 00:15:146 - ^ for accent
  3. 00:32:110 - Leaving no note here has an important impact on the flow. Consider adding a note add k
  4. Overall I've seen that you use 1/4 pretty often even if the song does not ask for it. I'd suggest you to reconsider some of them. The rhythm you use looks just fine, but the amount of 1/4s compared to what the song offers is a bit too much I think. I'll leave it up to you!
    that's why i added Oni diff(actually this is used to Oni,but because of diff spread issue i added Oni and this becomes Inner Oni) so i think i don't have to change overall,this is overmapped maybe but a bit,not unrankable i think
That's pretty much it!

Good luck on rank!
thanks thanks thanks good mod
Topic Starter
deleted Cherry Blossom without special diff name i won't rank that map gg wp
Oni=3.47 worst map boring map gg
`L,,,` weh
Topic Starter
remapping rip i'm back start
Hey! Recheck for Inner Oni as requested.

[ Inner Oni]

  1. OD6? To differentiate from Oni and also avoid notelock on long patterns
  2. 00:06:932 - Add a note to fully follow vocals?
  3. 00:14:789 - 00:15:146 - same, you can add notes here

    At the following parts some 1/4 patterns seem to bit a bit... random? I'm not saying they are bad (they can even be good for improvised playstyle) but I'm gonna try to give suggestions to where you can add/delete/replace some patterns because I think it will have better flow/sounding.

    1. Move to 00:18:628 - ?
    2. 00:19:075 (81,82) - Remove these 2 and move 00:18:896 (80) - to 00:19:075 - ?
    3. 00:19:521 (85) - Remove?
    4. 00:20:057 (89) - Remove?
    5. 00:21:039 (93) - I think the downbeat should be a d rather, it fits into a deep hit imo
    6. 00:21:396 (94) - This has rather a higher pitch, change to k?
    7. 00:21:842 (98) - Remove?
    8. 00:22:378 (101,102) - Remove these 2? this would be the resulting
    9. 00:24:164 (111) - Remove?
    10. 00:24:700 (115,117) - I think these 2 are a bit unnecessary, remove?
    11. 00:32:110 - You can add a note here, there are enough 1/1 breaks
    12. 00:36:128 (157) - Remove? The buildup doesn't start until 00:36:217 - imo
    13. 00:38:450 (171) - Remove? I feel it's a bit unnecessary
    14. 00:38:896 (173,174) - Remove? I think rhythm flows better like this
    15. 00:39:878 (179,182,183) - Remove? Reason above ^
    16. 00:41:396 (186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) - This buildup makes for good 1/4s! Well done!!
    17. 00:44:878 (212) - Remove? Feels a bit unnecessary
    18. 00:45:325 (215) - ^, to keep rhythm
    19. 00:45:950 (218) - Remove?
    20. 00:48:807 (236) - ^, I think power buildup starts at 00:48:896 - with vocals+background music
    21. 00:57:378 (277) - Change to d? To keep the downward flow of the tone
    22. 01:01:664 (303) - Remove? I feel a bit unnecessary
    23. 01:03:450 (316) - Same ^
    24. 01:08:003 (347) - Change to k? I think it helps keeping the rhyhtm
    25. 01:09:432 - You could add a note here, to maintain the momentum
    26. 01:19:878 - Can add a k here, sounds and flows good imo
    27. 01:38:450 (24) - Can be removed, feels unnecessary
    28. 01:38:896 (26) - Can be removed to cohere with the rhythm
    29. 01:39:521 (32) - ^
    30. 01:52:110 (100,101,102,103) - Change these last 4 notes to k? To variate a bit
Tried to be a bit specific, but the rhythm needs some tweaks still. Never give up shione!

Good luck!!!
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

Hey! Recheck for Inner Oni as requested.

[ Inner Oni]

  1. OD6? To differentiate from Oni and also avoid notelock on long patterns
    i just don't like OD 6 or more(so HP is different)
  2. 00:06:932 - Add a note to fully follow vocals?
  3. 00:14:789 - 00:15:146 - same, you can add notes here
    sry i don't put vocal overall sometimes ignore is better for me

    At the following parts some 1/4 patterns seem to bit a bit... random? I'm not saying they are bad (they can even be good for improvised playstyle) but I'm gonna try to give suggestions to where you can add/delete/replace some patterns because I think it will have better flow/sounding.
    hmm actually there are few same sounds,so most pattern is different=seems random map,only this song has this special logic lol

    1. Move to 00:18:628 - ?
    2. 00:19:075 (81,82) - Remove these 2 and move 00:18:896 (80) - to 00:19:075 - ?
      i don't like even number stream for this song sry
    3. 00:19:521 (85) - Remove? same rhythm as 00:18:003 (73,74,75,76,77,78) - these
    4. 00:20:057 (89) - Remove? change pattern:kkddd
    5. 00:21:039 (93) - I think the downbeat should be a d rather, it fits into a deep hit imo ddddk instead
    6. 00:21:396 (94) - This has rather a higher pitch, change to k? 00:21:575 (100) - this higher so i put d here
    7. 00:21:842 (98) - Remove? same reason as ^^^^
    8. 00:22:378 (101,102) - Remove these 2? this would be the resulting
      that's too easy for my Inner Oni,if i have to do so i should delete this and 4diff map instead
    9. 00:24:164 (111) - Remove? gooood for violin sound same as 00:23:717 (115,116,117) -
    10. 00:24:700 (115,117) - I think these 2 are a bit unnecessary, remove? ahh keep because of bass
    11. 00:32:110 - You can add a note here, there are enough 1/1 breaks ok
    12. 00:36:128 (157) - Remove? The buildup doesn't start until 00:36:217 - imo violin violin
    13. 00:38:450 (171) - Remove? I feel it's a bit unnecessary no thanks(maybe different feeling)
    14. 00:38:896 (173,174) - Remove? I think rhythm flows better like this
    15. 00:39:878 (179,182,183) - Remove? Reason above ^ same
    16. 00:41:396 (186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) - This buildup makes for good 1/4s! Well done!! gg
    17. 00:44:878 (212) - Remove? Feels a bit unnecessary same
    18. 00:45:325 (215) - ^, to keep rhythm i don't think i should put break here
    19. 00:45:950 (218) - Remove? same
    20. 00:48:807 (236) - ^, I think power buildup starts at 00:48:896 - with vocals+background music for bass?1/2 bass=1/4 in Inner Oni for me
    21. 00:57:378 (277) - Change to d? To keep the downward flow of the tone k=snare
    22. 01:01:664 (303) - Remove? I feel a bit unnecessary move instead
    23. 01:03:450 (316) - Same ^ change pattern instead
    24. 01:08:003 (347) - Change to k? I think it helps keeping the rhyhtm ok
    25. 01:09:432 - You could add a note here, to maintain the momentum ok thanks i found better pattern
    26. 01:19:878 - Can add a k here, sounds and flows good imo good
    27. 01:38:450 (24) - Can be removed, feels unnecessary
    28. 01:38:896 (26) - Can be removed to cohere with the rhythm
    29. 01:39:521 (32) - ^
      same as previous same pattern
    30. 01:52:110 (100,101,102,103) - Change these last 4 notes to k? To variate a bit good
Tried to be a bit specific, but the rhythm needs some tweaks still. Never give up shione!

Good luck!!!
i will check others done thanks but TNA rip gg
Yo, randomly picked this map to mod into the TNA special list since i might try to submit something next time.

hmm imo there is a huge lack of logic in the structure of the whole set ;w;
transition between following the vocal/instrumental are pretty messy in lower difficulties,
i would mainly suggest you to try to remap a bit the whole thing by using some more casual rhythm,
i honestly doubt that the set has a chance to pass the BN test at its current state :c + unrankable stuff in muzu i guess.

i tried to point some issues, if you agree with my point of view then remember than i only gave examples (bigger changes are needed imo).
you may want to pm me ing if i was not clear on something (my bad english).

HP => 7 ?
- move - 00:13:003 (17) - to - 00:13:182 - ? still fits the song and easier rhythm to play for beginners.
- 00:17:467 (18) - remove ? emphasize the following d and make it less denser.
- 00:23:182 (26) - ^.
- 00:38:182 - 00:48:182 - that part is kinda messy, i can't find a logic while playing and in the end it is not really instinctiv to play. I would remap this by using the big withe lines rhythm.
- move - 00:56:575 (9) - to - 00:56:753 - as d ? better focus on the main rhythm again.
- 00:58:896 (12) - remove ? too big emphasize on the vocal here x_x really not needed in a kantan imo.
- 01:18:539 (12,13) - remove both, also remove - 01:20:682 (16) - and change next note to normal d ? basically to emphasize more finishers and get something easier to handle, no need to follow that much the vocal again imo.
- 01:27:110 (26) - remove ? this part is a bit too dense with the finishers.
random comment : if you want to follow some important vocal beat but keep it simple, think more about using spinners or sliders, there are good spots for that in this song i think. - 01:09:610 - could support a spinner, - 01:22:825 - couuld support a slider for example or idk.

HP => 6 ?
- 00:13:003 (17) - refer to kantan.
- 00:20:682 (14) - i would remove this one or another from that long amount of notes.
- 00:24:967 (24,25,26,27,28) - remove first and last d ? several xX 1/2 in such short time in fuutsuu isn't that easy to handle. + to emphasize K K K. same for the end of the diff.
- 00:31:753 - add k here for 4*d 4*k, if you think it needs break i would rather remove - 00:33:182 (37,39) -.
- 00:38:182 - 00:48:182 - hmm looks messy again ;w;
- move - 00:50:503 (74) - to - 00:50:325 - as k and do similar stuff on the whole part ? your current red lines rhythm doesn't fit that much the song imo.
- 00:56:396 (89) - remove ? doesn't play bad buut kinda hard.
- 00:58:182 (94,95,96,97,98) - what about k_dkd_ _ K instead of k _ _dd_ kK ? plays better to me + easier to handle.
- remove - 01:01:753 (105) -, - 01:03:182 (109) - etc, a bit too dense imo.
- remove - 01:15:682 (11,13) - little break + emphasize more some d.
- 01:27:110 (46,48) - ^.
- 01:52:289 (8) - remove ?

HP => 5 ?
- from beginning to - 00:15:325 -, you kinda randomly switch between following the vocal and the melody which make the part a bit weird to play, for example at - 00:09:253 (18,19,20) - you chose to map that melody part and at - 00:11:039 - you miss an important beat from it because you switched for the vocal. I don't want to force anything but i would suggest to chose one and focus more on it, reducing the amount of notes isnt a bad thing here x_x.
- 00:24:432 (81) - maybe remove this one ? kinda long pattern here.
- 00:38:182 - again the part from here could play much better if you use more the big white lines ;w;. Like, if you remove - 00:39:789 (139) - and move - 00:41:753 (148) - to - 00:42:467 - (and maybe change some colors), see that xx xxxx structures that repears itself, that already looks more appropriate to me (thats just an example again).
- 00:51:575 (193,194,195) - hmm that's unrankable stuff in muzu iirc, "complexe" patterns allowed are oox/oxx/xxx i think, + a normal 1/2 dk would fit more imo.
- 00:54:432 - ^.
- 00:56:932 (210) - here you pick that crahs sound instead of the vocal right after while all the notes before are following the vocal x_x..
- 01:01:396 - 01:09:610 - drums are like soo high on this part, that would be the perfect spot to map some casual stuff like k ddk/kd dk, trying to follow the vocal here is just not worth it imo. Well same overall comment about the kiai time, would play better a bit more drums oriented.
- 01:10:950 (275) - remove ? not needed + plays a bit weird.
- 01:44:432 (39) - refer to - 00:24:432 (81) -.

- remove - 00:31:396 (23,24) - and add d at - 00:32:110 - ? better spot for a break and that d will fit the vocal.
- move - 00:38:896 (57) - to - 00:38:360 - and remove - 00:40:325 - ? and try to keep a similar rhythm here ? would fit/play pretty well with the vocal. like, if you do, also move - 00:44:610(91) - to - 00:44:075 -, same vocal logic.
- move - 01:02:646 (184) - to - 01:02:467 - (and maybe change previous d to k) ? drums rhythm emphasis this time (as i commented this part in the muzu). if you do, it would be good to find a way to have a d at - 01:05:325 - and a 1/2 break after.
- 01:10:950 (237) - refer to the muzu.
- 01:52:497 - ^ for the same reason, would be better to have like a k here and start the spinner right after ? starting a spinner on white lines is good but without any break before it becomes pretty awkward.

[Inner Oni]
HP => 5 ?
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sorry if my comments might look harsh, i only tried to help by giving my opinion, you are free to reject this mod tho.
Good luck'
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