
Amamiya Sora - Tsuki Akari

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sabtu, 05 September 2015 at 17.36.50

Artist: Amamiya Sora
Title: Tsuki Akari
Source: アカメが斬る!
Tags: Akame ga Kill! 2nd ending ED2
BPM: 91
Filesize: 6607kb
Play Time: 04:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,21 stars, 177 notes)
  2. Hard (2,64 stars, 428 notes)
  3. Insane (3,92 stars, 504 notes)
  4. Normal (1,63 stars, 283 notes)
Download: Amamiya Sora - Tsuki Akari
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
10chan a gud
Hi~ M4M from your queue! ^^ I'm still a bit new to modding so I may miss a few things. >< I'll try my best though!

  1. 00:12:198 (2) - Uneven blanketing~
  2. 00:13:516 (3) - x:312, y:368 for a small adjustment to the blanket. ^^
  3. 02:49:121 - That's a really short Kiai section. o.o
  1. This is very minor but I noticed there's a bit of varying distances between notes such as 00:02:967 (3,4,5,6) - and 00:05:604 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  2. 02:33:297 (1) - I think bending it in the middle would look better.
  3. 02:52:417 (7,8) - 7 should end at 02:52:912 - and 8 should start at the next white tick.
  4. 02:58:351 (6,7) - Shorten the slider and move both the note and slider back one tick before adding another note where 6 was previously on.
  1. 00:18:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pentagon pattern instead?
  2. 00:41:209 (3,4) - I feel like there's something missing here but I'm not sure what. ><
  3. 02:38:242 (7,8) - Irregular stacking.
  1. 00:35:934 (3,4,5) - I don't think this needs to be connected.
I can't really find much. >< But I hoped my mod helped!
M4M Request~~

No problem, I think

00:52:088 (5) - stack it to 00:50:110 (3) - ? will be better imo
04:07:303 (1,2,1) - I think it's hard to read in normal diff. I think it's better if u make circle 2 into a slider and ends it at 04:08:189 -

01:24:725 - I think it would be better if you put a circle here and stack it with 01:23:736 (4) -
04:10:343 - put a circle here?

Can't say much but suggestion. Can ignore it if you don't like it :)
01:03:297 (1,2,1) - a better triangle pattern, would you?
01:13:681 (2) - stack with 01:12:857 (3) - ?
01:14:176 (1) - stack with 01:13:187 (5) - ?
02:17:143 (2,3) - I wouldn't recommend stack here
02:59:835 (1) - somehow confusing....
Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Victorica wrote:

Hi~ M4M from your queue! ^^ I'm still a bit new to modding so I may miss a few things. >< I'll try my best though!

  1. 00:12:198 (2) - Uneven blanketing~ Fixed.
  2. 00:13:516 (3) - x:312, y:368 for a small adjustment to the blanket. ^^ I played with the nodes here a bit.
  3. 02:49:121 - That's a really short Kiai section. o.o That's supposed to be a kiai flash.
  1. This is very minor but I noticed there's a bit of varying distances between notes such as 00:02:967 (3,4,5,6) - and 00:05:604 (1,2,3,4,5) - Kind of fixed, I think.
  2. 02:33:297 (1) - I think bending it in the middle would look better. Sure.
  3. 02:52:417 (7,8) - 7 should end at 02:52:912 - and 8 should start at the next white tick. Nope; it'd mean completely ignoring 02:53:242. But yeah, I decided to ignore it anyway.
  4. 02:58:351 (6,7) - Shorten the slider and move both the note and slider back one tick before adding another note where 6 was previously on.
    I made the rhythm here simpler.
  1. 00:18:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pentagon pattern instead? Why?
  2. 00:41:209 (3,4) - I feel like there's something missing here but I'm not sure what. >< Well I don't think there's a good way to map 00:41:786 without making a difficulty spike.
  3. 02:38:242 (7,8) - Irregular stacking. Should be okay now.
  1. 00:35:934 (3,4,5) - I don't think this needs to be connected. I think they should, because the music is quite calm and making 1/4s separated is only done in the parts where the music is more intense.
I can't really find much. >< But I hoped my mod helped!

Kasuga wrote:

M4M Request~~

No problem, I think

00:52:088 (5) - stack it to 00:50:110 (3) - ? will be better imo Doesn't affect anything in-game, by the way.
04:07:303 (1,2,1) - I think it's hard to read in normal diff. I think it's better if u make circle 2 into a slider and ends it at 04:08:189 - Sure.

01:24:725 - I think it would be better if you put a circle here and stack it with 01:23:736 (4) - Nope. It's best to keep this the part of the break. It'd break the silent atmosphere if I added something there.
04:10:343 - put a circle here? Mapped with a slider.

Can't say much but suggestion. Can ignore it if you don't like it :)
01:03:297 (1,2,1) - a better triangle pattern, would you? Intentional to make the spacing not too harsh.
01:13:681 (2) - stack with 01:12:857 (3) - ? Doesn't interfere with anything while playing.
01:14:176 (1) - stack with 01:13:187 (5) - ? ^
02:17:143 (2,3) - I wouldn't recommend stack here Why? This fits with how the drums are played.
02:59:835 (1) - somehow confusing.... Made the spacing larger for now.
Good luck :D
Hi :)
Here's my mod for the M4M, I'm not really experienced so I hope you find at least some of this useful.

00:28:022 (2) - Staring off with combos \o/ (I can already tell this is going to be a great post). I personally just like to add a NC in places like this since it's stacked.
01:52:417 (2) - ^
01:53:736 (1) - Here you have new combo but 00:29:340 (3) - here you don't, it's the same pattern and part of song so it should be the same I think

00:25:384 (7) - I'd move this slightly more to the left, say X=100
01:51:099 (1,2) - First object to 256|352 and second object to 141|251 (or there about anyway), I think it flows better into the slider. (screenshot)
01:57:362 (2) - Move upwards like this :)
03:14:834 (2,3,4) - I think these play better if you change the "curve" like this, because you get the downward motion from 03:14:175 (1) - this slider.
03:48:461 (3,5) - NC on these because they're stacked under the circle
03:53:735 (3,5) - ^
03:59:010 (1) - ^

00:57:857 (6,7) - Maybe stack 7 below 6?
02:09:560 (1) - Make this curved and blanket it kinda like this
02:22:253 (6,7) - You could stack these two like I mentioned in the first point
02:35:934 (1) - I'd make this longer and extend it to the white tick because of the lyrics, and you'll have to delete 02:36:593 (2) - this then (like this)
02:59:011 (7) - Would definitely put a NC here, particularly because of the spacing that 02:58:351 (4,5,6) - these objects have, it always makes me think like that's a jump (I'm used to playing insanes where this would happen anyway so I automatically assume that and do the jump without looking at the approach circle and there's no new combo there that would make me go pay attention to it).
02:59:340 (8) - Continuing from above, you could also stack this under the end point of the 02:59:011 (7) - slider, I feel like it plays better this way

00:21:428 (1) - I'd move this to the right and not have it be stacked (screenshot). You don't stack them here 00:14:505 (4,1) - and it's a similar section of music
01:51:099 (1,2) - CTRL+G these two
02:07:912 (2) - Place this under the start point of 02:06:923 (1) - this slider
02:08:901 (4,5,6) - Make a triangle pattern here instead like so, the jump works better this way in my opinion because of the start of the next slider that's pointing downwards and it's a bit awkward to play it the way you have it now I feel.
02:17:308 (3) - Put this at, let's say, 361|228.
02:54:395 (1) - Curved instead of a sharp bend like that?
03:19:285 (4) - Move this down 307|188
04:12:431 (1) - Instead of what you have right now, make this slider shorter by 1/4 and add a 1/8 slider after it (screenshot), it fits with the piano right at the end

Good luck with the mapset :)
add esdeath to tags
bg looks so goofy lol a screencap from the ED would be sick liek smllboat
add esdeath to tags
swap combo 3 and 4
add esdeath to tags
design t ab toggles etc.
add esdeath to tags

00:02:967 (1,2,3,4) - stack this like wow so sick!!11
00:12:857 (4) - o man perfect overlaps ;_; i'd appreciate if u shifted it even just a small bit
00:14:505 (4) - awkard slider a circle would have a greater impact. if so you can consider turning 00:13:516 (1,2,3) - into a reverse as well.
00:20:110 (1) - ^ somethign liek dis
00:33:956 (4,1) - w0w do ueven blanket (444,286 for 1)
00:37:088 - you might consider mapping this theres drum and the fading piano is still there.
00:52:088 (3,4) - ayyy this wasn't really expected, id consider closing this just a bit, maybe blanketd by 00:50:439 (1) - 's second curve? also combo colours too dark! xd disuqlify! blend with bg!@1
00:55:714 (1) - because i wasn' t feeling it when theres some stuff being skipped like 00:56:209 - and emphasis on 00:57:198 - . so uhh here u go hope u like it
00:59:670 (1,2,1) - sloppiest triangle rotate 2015 (its jsut (1) thats off lol)
01:11:538 (1) - 2 circles pls, didn't feel muhc 'impact'
01:13:681 (2) - omg 2 circle for SICK JUMP PATTERNS n pp
01:49:450 - circle here instead would be sexcy
02:03:626 (4) - spacing this a little further feels good for the soul
02:05:934 - odd polarity change you should map this so people odnt get confused you know maybe like (i dont like long reverses)
02:12:198 (1) - dat rtriangle agian doe
02:17:472 - i feel like thjis chorus isnt as hard as the first u should totally buff the jumps
02:35:934 (1) - u hear that amazing guitar riffs so u should do this (rhythm)
02:50:275 - triple!1
03:00:989 - piano thing not jingle jingle i think it sounds great
03:45:823 - ogm circle plis
03:49:779 (1) - y not reverse or 1/2 slider + circle or som variant.
03:50:768 (2) - circle plsss
04:12:431 (1) - y cant u just put this in the midle of the scren asdfasdasdasd

01:02:802 (5) - techjncialy thnis is a red tick but uh i foudn it weird to start it here lol maybe like
01:43:846 (2) - ffff follow pattern ;_;
02:16:483 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - imo too much overlaps wit this ar, really confusing. since u want emhpassis on 1 maybe try this? :D
02:21:428 (3) - i suggest this, wit hthe main focus on mapping the blue tick at 02:22:582 - sincei t feels kinda left out lol
02:25:384 (1,2) - why no do the thing here 02:22:747 (1,2,3) -
02:59:011 (7) - u sud space this or put somewhere selse so it isn't confusing spacing lolz

00:50:110 (3,5) - adjust ds and stack pls plsp lspl splp

Hinsvar <3

~ From Lovely Modding Quest! ~

- Artist should be : "雨宮 天"
- Song title should be : "月灯り"
- I wish you could map this part : 03:03:626 - 03:12:527 - :(

  1. 00:41:209 (4) - Clap on the tail?
  2. 02:51:758 (3) - Mmh, The distance should be fixed at here.
  3. 02:54:395 (1) - Nazi distance , x:249 y:230


  • Increase HP to 3.5 ? It wouldn't hurt much i think.
  1. 00:03:297 (4) - mmh, Distance issue. 244 , 53
  2. 00:39:560 (4,5) - Stack these ? biar mainnya bisa mirip kek 00:38:242 (2,3) - soalnya masih sama part.
  3. 00:41:868 (7) - 160 , 349 . Yeah nazi and OCD of me. ;w;
  4. 00:50:439 (4) - Another distance issue. 313,176
  5. 01:51:099 (1) - Still readable to me but, Try 216 ,348 would make this perfect.
  6. 02:10:549 (5) - Mmh, Distance issue. 130 , 347
  7. 02:12:198 (1) - Finish on the head. Yep there's a loud cymbal's sound from here.
  8. 02:21:428 (5) - 02:25:384 (1) - Distances~
  9. 02:30:329 (4) - 268, 182 would make this perfect. inb4 nazi again.
  10. 03:24:395 (7) - Mmh, 206 , 51.
  11. 03:29:999 (1,2,3,4) - Distances too.
  12. 03:47:142 (1) - 03:50:768 (7) - Dunno if this intentional or not.
  13. 03:56:043 (7) - Mmh, another distance issue. 108 , 103.

  1. 02:17:308 (6) - Remove this one? Lebih enak didengar + enak dimainin juga.

  1. 02:00:989 (4,5) - Make this in to a stream? also there's a strong beat at 02:00:824 - so i really suggest to map it.
  2. 02:17:143 (2,3) - i prefer these to be unstacked. it plays a bit awkwardly for me. or maybe you can remove (3) because it sounds better for me.
  3. 02:24:066 (4,5) - Same look with 02:25:879 (2,3) - but has a different play, it'll make players a bit confused. Should unstack one of these that i mentioned.
  4. 03:32:636 (1,2,3) - I feel like.. this didn't fit with the song.. Try this ? :

That's all for me, Hope this help. And good luck!
Topic Starter

Hathz wrote:

Hi :)
Here's my mod for the M4M, I'm not really experienced so I hope you find at least some of this useful.

00:28:022 (2) - Staring off with combos \o/ (I can already tell this is going to be a great post). I personally just like to add a NC in places like this since it's stacked. Nope. This is still readable and I follow the measures of the music for my NC placement in easier diffs.
01:52:417 (2) - ^ ^
01:53:736 (1) - Here you have new combo but 00:29:340 (3) - here you don't, it's the same pattern and part of song so it should be the same I think Oops. Changed.

00:25:384 (7) - I'd move this slightly more to the left, say X=100 Why? Moved downwards a little, anyway.
01:51:099 (1,2) - First object to 256|352 and second object to 141|251 (or there about anyway), I think it flows better into the slider. (screenshot) I... remapped this part.
01:57:362 (2) - Move upwards like this :) ^
03:14:834 (2,3,4) - I think these play better if you change the "curve" like this, because you get the downward motion from 03:14:175 (1) - this slider. I simplified 03:14:175 (1) into a 1/2 slider, so this won't work. I did something else.
03:48:461 (3,5) - NC on these because they're stacked under the circle No need to; they're readable and the current NC placement follows the music.
03:53:735 (3,5) - ^ ^
03:59:010 (1) - ^ ^

00:57:857 (6,7) - Maybe stack 7 below 6? ...Why?
02:09:560 (1) - Make this curved and blanket it kinda like this ^
02:22:253 (6,7) - You could stack these two like I mentioned in the first point ^. The instrument sounds don't have the same pitch, and for 1/2 stacks, that'd be really weird to do.
02:35:934 (1) - I'd make this longer and extend it to the white tick because of the lyrics, and you'll have to delete 02:36:593 (2) - this then (like this) I'm following the instruments.
02:59:011 (7) - Would definitely put a NC here, particularly because of the spacing that 02:58:351 (4,5,6) - these objects have, it always makes me think like that's a jump (I'm used to playing insanes where this would happen anyway so I automatically assume that and do the jump without looking at the approach circle and there's no new combo there that would make me go pay attention to it). Played with the spacing instead.
02:59:340 (8) - Continuing from above, you could also stack this under the end point of the 02:59:011 (7) - slider, I feel like it plays better this way Sure.

00:21:428 (1) - I'd move this to the right and not have it be stacked (screenshot). You don't stack them here 00:14:505 (4,1) - and it's a similar section of music Umm, the difference of spacing between the previous spot and this is very close, and I don't really think this even matters... Sorry, but yeah, that's what I think.
01:51:099 (1,2) - CTRL+G these two ...Why, again? It totally breaks the flow of this section.
02:07:912 (2) - Place this under the start point of 02:06:923 (1) - this slider Once again, why? I can't see the benefit of doing it.
02:08:901 (4,5,6) - Make a triangle pattern here instead like so, the jump works better this way in my opinion because of the start of the next slider that's pointing downwards and it's a bit awkward to play it the way you have it now I feel. Decided to make the spacing consistent, instead.
02:17:308 (3) - Put this at, let's say, 361|228. It's better to make this stacked to follow the constant pitch of the drum.
02:54:395 (1) - Curved instead of a sharp bend like that? Sure.
03:19:285 (4) - Move this down 307|188 It ruins the flow from 03:18:790 (2).
04:12:431 (1) - Instead of what you have right now, make this slider shorter by 1/4 and add a 1/8 slider after it (screenshot), it fits with the piano right at the end Nope. That'd be way too complex. I intentionally did this to simplify the rhythm.

Good luck with the mapset :)

handsome wrote:

add esdeath to tags
bg looks so goofy lol a screencap from the ED would be sick liek smllboat
add esdeath to tags
swap combo 3 and 4
add esdeath to tags
design t ab toggles etc.
add esdeath to tags

what's with all the Esdeath

I'll consider changing the BG; swapped the combo colors; turned off widescreen support and countdown.

00:02:967 (1,2,3,4) - stack this like wow so sick!!11 I can't really see why should I do that...
00:12:857 (4) - o man perfect overlaps ;_; i'd appreciate if u shifted it even just a small bit You can see this as something like me representing the rhythm of the instruments. And this is readable so...
00:14:505 (4) - awkard slider a circle would have a greater impact. if so you can consider turning 00:13:516 (1,2,3) - into a reverse as well. I'm following the sound that sounds like a vibration to 00:15:494.
00:20:110 (1) - ^ somethign liek dis ^
00:33:956 (4,1) - w0w do ueven blanket (444,286 for 1) i'm a shitty blanket artisan alright
00:37:088 - you might consider mapping this theres drum and the fading piano is still there. Feels too silent to be mapped.
00:52:088 (3,4) - ayyy this wasn't really expected, id consider closing this just a bit, maybe blanketd by 00:50:439 (1) - 's second curve? also combo colours too dark! xd disuqlify! blend with bg!@1 Made the jumps smaller. Also, I'm sure the color doesn't blend...
00:55:714 (1) - because i wasn' t feeling it when theres some stuff being skipped like 00:56:209 - and emphasis on 00:57:198 - . so uhh here u go hope u like it I think I... did something similar.
00:59:670 (1,2,1) - sloppiest triangle rotate 2015 (its jsut (1) thats off lol) Isn't intentionally designed to be a triangle, and I think it looks fine.
01:11:538 (1) - 2 circles pls, didn't feel muhc 'impact' The slider follows the... guitar, I think.
01:13:681 (2) - omg 2 circle for SICK JUMP PATTERNS n pp pls I want to emphasize 01:13:764
01:49:450 - circle here instead would be sexcy Nothing to map, unfortunately.
02:03:626 (4) - spacing this a little further feels good for the soul It'd break the consistency.
02:05:934 - odd polarity change you should map this so people odnt get confused you know maybe like (i dont like long reverses) This feels okay to me, but if people complains I'll probably do something about it.
02:12:198 (1) - dat rtriangle agian doe is there anything wrong here
02:17:472 - i feel like thjis chorus isnt as hard as the first u should totally buff the jumps Really? It feels similar to me.
02:35:934 (1) - u hear that amazing guitar riffs so u should do this (rhythm) Used sliders, instead.
02:50:275 - triple!1 what
03:00:989 - piano thing not jingle jingle i think it sounds great I'll keep the rhythm as is, as the current rhythm goes along better with the song.
03:45:823 - ogm circle plis Nope; you probably know why.
03:49:779 (1) - y not reverse or 1/2 slider + circle or som variant. ^
03:50:768 (2) - circle plsss ^
04:12:431 (1) - y cant u just put this in the midle of the scren asdfasdasdasd I hope this is okay.

aylmao lmao turned off the kiai
01:02:802 (5) - techjncialy thnis is a red tick but uh i foudn it weird to start it here lol maybe like I still feel that this rhythm fits the best with the instruments. We'll see later.
01:43:846 (2) - ffff follow pattern ;_; isn't this already following the patern enough
02:16:483 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - imo too much overlaps wit this ar, really confusing. since u want emhpassis on 1 maybe try this? :D I uh... simplified the pattern.
02:21:428 (3) - i suggest this, wit hthe main focus on mapping the blue tick at 02:22:582 - sincei t feels kinda left out lol I don't think that blue tick should be mapped here. It isn't really of any importance for a Hard diff.
02:25:384 (1,2) - why no do the thing here 02:22:747 (1,2,3) - You can say I'm trying to emphasize the tick with the whistle+clap on the latter pattern.
02:59:011 (7) - u sud space this or put somewhere selse so it isn't confusing spacing lolz Yeah, I changed this.

laalalalalalalalaa ayy
00:50:110 (3,5) - adjust ds and stack pls plsp lspl splp sure


Shurelia wrote:

Hinsvar <3 no

~ From Lovely Modding Quest! ~

- Artist should be : "雨宮 天" RIP
- Song title should be : "月灯り" RIP
- I wish you could map this part : 03:03:626 - 03:12:527 - :( gotta have a break son

  1. 00:41:209 (4) - Clap on the tail? Nope; I hitsound this according to what and how instruments are played very precisely.
  2. 02:51:758 (3) - Mmh, The distance should be fixed at here. I think I fixed it...?
  3. 02:54:395 (1) - Nazi distance , x:249 y:230 umm are you serious


  • Increase HP to 3.5 ? It wouldn't hurt much i think. dunno it looks quite high
  1. 00:03:297 (4) - mmh, Distance issue. 244 , 53 Fixed.
  2. 00:39:560 (4,5) - Stack these ? biar mainnya bisa mirip kek 00:38:242 (2,3) - soalnya masih sama part. ok
  3. 00:41:868 (7) - 160 , 349 . Yeah nazi and OCD of me. ;w; Rearranged this part a bit.
  4. 00:50:439 (4) - Another distance issue. 313,176 Fixed.
  5. 01:51:099 (1) - Still readable to me but, Try 216 ,348 would make this perfect. Rearranged this too.
  6. 02:10:549 (5) - Mmh, Distance issue. 130 , 347 Fixed.
  7. 02:12:198 (1) - Finish on the head. Yep there's a loud cymbal's sound from here. how did I even miss this
  8. 02:21:428 (5) - 02:25:384 (1) - Distances~ Fixed.
  9. 02:30:329 (4) - 268, 182 would make this perfect. inb4 nazi again. ^
  10. 03:24:395 (7) - Mmh, 206 , 51. ^
  11. 03:29:999 (1,2,3,4) - Distances too. ^
  12. 03:47:142 (1) - 03:50:768 (7) - Dunno if this intentional or not. ^
  13. 03:56:043 (7) - Mmh, another distance issue. 108 , 103. ^

  1. 02:17:308 (6) - Remove this one? Lebih enak didengar + enak dimainin juga. ...Ubah ritmenya aja deh.

  1. 02:00:989 (4,5) - Make this in to a stream? also there's a strong beat at 02:00:824 - so i really suggest to map it. ok
  2. 02:17:143 (2,3) - i prefer these to be unstacked. it plays a bit awkwardly for me. or maybe you can remove (3) because it sounds better for me. This really fits with the song, and I'm afraid it'll take a lot for me to change this.
  3. 02:24:066 (4,5) - Same look with 02:25:879 (2,3) - but has a different play, it'll make players a bit confused. Should unstack one of these that i mentioned. This is for variance.
  4. 03:32:636 (1,2,3) - I feel like.. this didn't fit with the song.. Try this ? : There is something to map at 03:33:213, and using a 3/4 slider for 03:32:636 (1) creates a "hold" feeling which goes well with the rhythm after the slider.

That's all for me, Hope this help. And good luck!
Thanks guys!
One more from Hinsvar~ (^w^)b
Good Luck!
hi from your m4m queue this is my first ever mod !! :) :)
  1. base offset is early
  2. whats with the first kiai using a custom sampleset then the other kiais using default? like it doesnt cause problems but i also dont get it so i want enlightenment
  1. 00:57:692 (1,2,1) - emphasis on these is super weird cuz 00:58:351 (1) - is stronger yet it has baby spacing. 02:22:418 (4,1) - does it gud
  2. 02:19:780 (4,1) - dudesame
  3. 02:05:934 - not getting why sound is being ignored here since it's just as loud as the surrounding drums and has el vocal. circle would be sense
  4. 02:25:879 (2) - 01:17:308 (2) - 03:17:966 (4) - etc. is the drumnormal on this stuff supposed to be representing bass kicks? i really can't tell because things are so inconsistent at times... like 01:01:483 (2) - 02:25:879 (2) - are the same, 01:17:308 (2) - , 02:41:703 (2) - , 03:27:856 (2) - are the same, but their hitsounds aren't. everything's inconsistent but it's so inconsistent that it almost seems intentional
  1. 01:13:846 (8,9,2) - who cares butovelrap stacjkz could you not
  2. 03:16:812 (1,2,1,2) - maybe i'm dumb but making a jump at exactly double your regular distance snap is confusing af. also doesnt help that the tail of 03:17:472 (1) - is..wehre ti is. 03:27:362 (1,2,1,2) - is a lot easier to comprehend
  1. 00:52:088 (5,1) - some placement wehre these aren't overlapping would be reeally easy
  2. 02:03:626 (4) - nice clap. too nice probably. get rid of it
  3. 03:03:626 (6) - could have a new combo like the other diffs it deosnt matter at alltletteglgadshgiiok
  4. 02:58:351 (5) - softsampleset on tail sounds a lot better cuz music is... soft. easy does soft idk
  1. 00:18:791 (3) - pixels from that border u serious
  2. 00:50:439 (3,1) - uh that overlap could easily be gone by doing like this or soemthing
  3. 04:08:903 (1) - whistle tho
omg this song o;
Modding this is like defusing a grenade

00:18:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - You could try a star or a pentagon pattern here (Suggestion)
00:26:373 (4,1,2) - Bad Blanket
00:38:571 (3,4) - ^
00:53:077 (1,2) - Potential for blanketing(Suggestion)
00:58:351 (1,3) - Bad blanket
01:18:132 (5) - Soft finish maybe?(Suggestion)Dont forget to decrease volume on the sliderend
01:49:780 (3) - Looks uneven
02:47:802 (3) - Try ending kiai here (Suggestion)
03:03:626 (1) - Drum whistle sounds better here imo
03:55:054 (1,2,3,4,5) - Im not a fan of this pattern as you can tell

00:17:472 (1) - I dont think you need NC here
00:33:956 (4,1) - Bad blanket
00:41:703 (1) - Drum clap
00:42:527 (1) - Finish here?(Suggestion)Decrease the volume on this sliderend or it will sound bad
00:45:165 (1,2,3,4) - flow is kinda meh here
00:45:165 (1,4) - Bad blanket
01:36:593 (1) - I dont think you need NC here
01:44:176 (3) - Move the red anchor a bit to the left
01:59:011 (1) - Not 100% symmetrical but its alright
02:06:099 (3,4) - Drum sampleset(Not 100% sure)
02:16:154 (1,2) - Drum clap (Suggestion)
02:26:703 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Nice hitsounding
02:42:527 (1) - Lower the volume on the sliderend (Suggestion)
02:47:802 (3) - Try ending kiai here (Suggestion)
03:03:626 (1) - Drum whistle sounds better here imo

(You can ignore some of the hitsound changes since my osu! client doesnt show hitsounds sometimes)
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

hi from your m4m queue this is my first ever mod !! :) :) sure
  1. base offset is early +10'd
  2. whats with the first kiai using a custom sampleset then the other kiais using default? like it doesnt cause problems but i also dont get it so i want enlightenment Made them consistent; this was a mistake.
  1. 00:57:692 (1,2,1) - emphasis on these is super weird cuz 00:58:351 (1) - is stronger yet it has baby spacing. 02:22:418 (4,1) - does it gud Made the spacing bigger.
  2. 02:19:780 (4,1) - dudesame same
  3. 02:05:934 - not getting why sound is being ignored here since it's just as loud as the surrounding drums and has el vocal. circle would be sense For some reason, I feel the opposite; it's weak compared to the drums, and so I wanted to especially emphasize the drums here. It's more natural this way.
  4. 02:25:879 (2) - 01:17:308 (2) - 03:17:966 (4) - etc. is the drumnormal on this stuff supposed to be representing bass kicks? i really can't tell because things are so inconsistent at times... like 01:01:483 (2) - 02:25:879 (2) - are the same, 01:17:308 (2) - , 02:41:703 (2) - , 03:27:856 (2) - are the same, but their hitsounds aren't. everything's inconsistent but it's so inconsistent that it almost seems intentional I'm the king of hitsound consistency, dude. Should be consistent now.
  1. 01:13:846 (8,9,2) - who cares butovelrap stacjkz could you not Hmm, there doesn't seem to be anything that touches with each other here, so I think it's ok.
  2. 03:16:812 (1,2,1,2) - maybe i'm dumb but making a jump at exactly double your regular distance snap is confusing af. also doesnt help that the tail of 03:17:472 (1) - is..wehre ti is. 03:27:362 (1,2,1,2) - is a lot easier to comprehend Made the spacing consistent
  1. 00:52:088 (5,1) - some placement wehre these aren't overlapping would be reeally easy dunno I tried; isn't really visible while playing anyway
  2. 02:03:626 (4) - nice clap. too nice probably. get rid of it goddammit
  3. 03:03:626 (6) - could have a new combo like the other diffs it deosnt matter at alltletteglgadshgiiok but uh combo pattern consistency pls (and there is nothing special in the music)
  4. 02:58:351 (5) - softsampleset on tail sounds a lot better cuz music is... soft. easy does soft idk RIP consistency
  1. 00:18:791 (3) - pixels from that border u serious Moved.
  2. 00:50:439 (3,1) - uh that overlap could easily be gone by doing like this or soemthing pretty much said "fuck this" and remapped lel
  3. 04:08:903 (1) - whistle tho dam

Rohit6 wrote:

Modding this is like defusing a grenade

00:18:791 (1,2,3,4,5) - You could try a star or a pentagon pattern here (Suggestion) Made a trapezium instead.
00:26:373 (4,1,2) - Bad Blanket ok
00:38:571 (3,4) - ^ looks ok to me
00:53:077 (1,2) - Potential for blanketing(Suggestion) ^
00:58:351 (1,3) - Bad blanket hopefully ok now
01:18:132 (5) - Soft finish maybe?(Suggestion)Dont forget to decrease volume on the sliderend Nope; the instrument here pretty much asks for the current hitsounding.
01:49:780 (3) - Looks uneven looks even to me
02:47:802 (3) - Try ending kiai here (Suggestion) 02:48:471 instead
03:03:626 (1) - Drum whistle sounds better here imo nope the drum whistle is too strange for this sound
03:55:054 (1,2,3,4,5) - Im not a fan of this pattern as you can tell moved (5) out

00:17:472 (1) - I dont think you need NC here Removed.
00:33:956 (4,1) - Bad blanket hopefully it's ok now
00:41:703 (1) - Drum clap Why? Doesn't fit with the instrument here, IMO.
00:42:527 (1) - Finish here?(Suggestion)Decrease the volume on this sliderend or it will sound bad There's already a finish, and I think it sounds about right.
00:45:165 (1,2,3,4) - flow is kinda meh here I hope it's ok now.
00:45:165 (1,4) - Bad blanket rearranged this part
01:36:593 (1) - I dont think you need NC here ok
01:44:176 (3) - Move the red anchor a bit to the left ^
01:59:011 (1) - Not 100% symmetrical but its alright
02:06:099 (3,4) - Drum sampleset(Not 100% sure) sure
02:16:154 (1,2) - Drum clap (Suggestion) nope; doesn't fit IMO
02:26:703 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Nice hitsounding
02:42:527 (1) - Lower the volume on the sliderend (Suggestion) feels ok and fitting to me
02:47:802 (3) - Try ending kiai here (Suggestion) 02:48:471 instead
03:03:626 (1) - Drum whistle sounds better here imo Nope; see my reply on Hard.

(You can ignore some of the hitsound changes since my osu! client doesnt show hitsounds sometimes)
Thanks guys!
From MQ.


About AudioLeadIn : Starts feel little early. I suggest that 1000 ~ 1500.

02:42:537 (4) - I think a blanket of 02:41:219 (3) - to have good placement to respond to. x404 y260

02:45:834 (2) - I felt that I should stack it in 02:43:197 (5) - . I think that that is more beautiful.

03:59:020 (2) - I think that symmetric placement is good. x464 y151

03:19:460 (1) - I'm worried about being little overlap. Would you like to move the under? x96 y288

Good map

01:20:779 (4) - I think this distant. Jump? I think that an equal interval is good. x436 y248

02:09:405 - Would you like to add to circle? It is a part same as 00:45:010 (5) -

04:12:431 (1) - I felt that I should stack it in 04:10:787 (3) -

GL :)
Topic Starter

kunkakunkakunkakunka wrote:

From MQ.


About AudioLeadIn : Starts feel little early. I suggest that 1000 ~ 1500.

02:42:537 (4) - I think a blanket of 02:41:219 (3) - to have good placement to respond to. x404 y260

02:45:834 (2) - I felt that I should stack it in 02:43:197 (5) - . I think that that is more beautiful.

03:59:020 (2) - I think that symmetric placement is good. x464 y151

03:19:460 (1) - I'm worried about being little overlap. Would you like to move the under? x96 y288

Good map

01:20:779 (4) - I think this distant. Jump? I think that an equal interval is good. x436 y248 I think this is... okay? o.o

02:09:405 - Would you like to add to circle? It is a part same as 00:45:010 (5) - Done.

04:12:431 (1) - I felt that I should stack it in 04:10:787 (3) - Not really necessary, but... sure.

GL :)
Hue next page
Hello! | Some small suggestions from me...

  1. Do you planned to change the BG? If not, you can add gray from the BG to your combo colours
  2. Consider to add full version or something similar like this to tags?
  3. AudioLeadIn 1500 please? 1000 still too early imo
  1. 00:47:812 (1) - Bend this slider to the opposite side? I could improve some visual things . Seems likely you can blanket 00:45:175 (3) - to that slider even if you hate blankets, and might increasing transition performance between 00:47:812 (1,2) -
  2. 01:16:823 (3) - Do the same curve with 01:14:186 (1) - . Better to play more straighter slider at those cymbal sound imo
  3. 02:20:120 (3) - Make it parallel with 02:17:482 (1) - . Using inconsistency of slider shape when you can make it more better if you parallel it with seems looks bad imo
  1. 00:02:977 (3,4,5,6) - Because you using this kind of rhythm, it sounded weird if you didn't fill 00:04:131 - . It could improve some rhythmical transition to 00:04:296 (6) - , so it won't looks awkward anymore ( Seems likely to be ignored since you didn't use the complex rhythm like what I suggest for you )
  2. 01:20:779 (3) - Bend this slider to the opposite side . Plays a polarity between 01:20:779 (3,4) - seems didn't match with the song imo . The sound on 01:20:779 (3) - is a starter to start the following rhythm, so it would fits better if it played smoothly
  3. 02:06:274 (7) - Curve this out? You can make it blanket with 02:05:614 (6) - and plays a little smoothly to 02:06:933 (1) - like this
  4. 02:24:735 (4) - You could bend to curve this slider and blanket them 02:24:735 (4,5) - . A little improvements to make it more flexible rhythm imo
  5. 02:48:471 (1) - Is this NC really necessary? The beat on it isn't loud as 02:48:142 (6) - played
  1. 00:01:164 - Better to not ignore this beat because it still on the line of the rhythm that you're following it . If you can't or any similar reason to bap out this beat, just add simple anchor point to emphasize it
  2. 01:20:449 (3,4) - Is there a reason why you put large spacing between these two? It's nonsense because the rhythm still on the line of the previous rhythm that start from 01:20:120 (2) - , so with the large spacing, it could plays awkwardly throughout the rhythm . Another reason is because you didn't put any jump at the rhythm starter, not like what do you did on 02:44:515 (2,3,4,5,6) - . Consider to use default spacing between them
  3. 01:23:416 (3) - If you want to enlarge the spacing, you could do it on this note . It plays with louder sound that creates new rhythm to be played . It should be fine if you enlarge the spacing
  4. 03:00:010 (1) - To avoid misread, please use spacing on this note . It would likely recognize as 1/2 rhythm because it's using 1/2 rhythm's spacing like you did on the previous rhythm
  5. 03:02:318 (6,7,1) - Better to replace them with the same rhythm that you used in the Insane diff . It's Hard diff, the current rhythm could be improved to more complex rhythm
  6. 04:08:189 (3) - Better to keep the spacing consistent . Some players might be mistakenly thinks that this note has a different timing with 04:07:713 (2) - and placed more faraway because it plays like 1/1 rhythm or similar like this
  7. 04:10:787 (1,2) - They're too close . How about use this spacing 04:07:303 (1,2) - to them too?
Insane is nice, I won't mod it, because I'll only give something carelessly to it xD
Good Luck!
Halo Hinsvar senpai :3
Woah, first spot slot buat second pagenya udah diambil x-x
Just some suggestion, not going to say much -w-
So many diffs for 4 mins song .-. (Well, not that many actually xD)

  1. Tsuki Akari = Moonlight, mungkin kasih "moonlight" ke tags (?) .-.
  2. Karena ini full version, perlu ngga add "full" ke tag? .-. ga tau juga sih xD
  3. Letterbox during breaknya kaka -w-

  1. 00:50:449 (3) - Kayaknya slider ini butuh hitsound di tailnya deh .-. ada suara kayak "clap" yang disini 00:49:131
  2. 01:03:636 (1,3) - Bentuknya dibikin sama aja biar ada kayak kesan simetris... Ato slider yang (1) mau khusus ngikutin vocal? .-. tapi kayaknya ga bakal terlalu masalah....
  3. 01:08:911 (1) - Red anchornya nggak pas di red tick (maap nazi xD) nggak enak aja liatnya xD 2 slider berikutnya juga begitu
  4. 01:14:186 (1,3) - Dibikin symmetry? .-. bakal lebih bagus kalo (2) nya bisa ditaro di tengah
  5. 02:12:208 (1) - Agak overlap sama 02:09:570 (3) - x-x sebentar doang sih, tapi keliatannya gak bagus aja .-. mungkin pindahin ke bawah dikit biar nggak overlap .-.
  6. 02:47:812 (4) - Imo kayaknya slider ini nggak perlu reverse .-. di 02:48:471 Nggak ada sound dan jadi agak mengurangi emphasizenya slider (4)...
  7. 04:07:265 (1) - Mungkin ini mendingan ditaro di white tick pas bpmnya udah diganti... ( 04:07:303 - )
  8. Balnketnya banyak yang kurang rapi xD

  1. ada 1 DS problem .-.
  2. HP 4? .-. Atau nggak 3.5
  3. 00:39:900 (5) - Ini dibikin bentuknya kayak 00:37:263 (1) - sama 00:38:581 (3) - biar jadi closed form? .-. agak susah sih soalnya bentuknya gak bakalan segitiga sempurna...
  4. 00:40:889 Kasih note disini buat nge support vocal? .-.
  5. 01:11:219 ^
  6. 01:00:999 (4,5,6,7) - Nice pattern -w-
  7. 01:11:548 (4) - BTW, ini melengkungnya kayak keabisan tempat xD mungkin bisa dibikin kayak gini? .-.
  8. 01:54:735 (4,1) - Overlapnya nggak keliatan begitu bagus .-. mungkin bodynya (4) bisa diblanket aja...
  9. 02:48:471 (1) - Menurut ane sih nggak perlu NC .-. tapi mungkin ada alasan lain...
  10. 02:51:109 (4) - Tailnya sekalian di stack sama (1) aja xD
  11. 03:56:383 (8) - .-. DS, di stack sama tailnya (5)

  1. 00:00:834 (2) - di end di blue tick terus kasih note di white tick? .-. buat support suara pianonya
  2. 00:20:779 Mungkin tambahin note tambahan di sini (iya, nggak ada bunyi apa apa memang xD makannya sering ane sebut "filler") terus taro di (192,224) biar bisa kebentuk segitiga yang bagus :v geregetan liat form nggak sempurna xD
  3. 00:45:175 (1) - sebenernya bakal lebih enak flownya kalo di curvenya ke arah sebaliknya, tapi buat note selanjutnya.... ah sudahlah
  4. 00:47:812 (1) - Ga mau pake 1/2 slider aja buat ngikutin vocalnya? .-. ini Hard lho...
  5. 01:23:416 (3) - entah kenapa nggak cocok kalo pake slider .-. cocokan pake circle imo.
  6. 02:39:570 (2,3,4,5,6) - Nggak dibikin bentuk star aja? .-.
  7. Itu aja deh xD

Okay that's all :3
Good luck kk -w-
Topic Starter

Ipas wrote:

Hue next page
Hello! | Some small suggestions from me...

  1. Do you planned to change the BG? If not, you can add gray from the BG to your combo colours Why? Gray feels so out of place.
  2. Consider to add full version or something similar like this? No need since it's technically the original version of the song.
  3. AudioLeadIn 1500 please? 1000 still too early imo ok
  1. 00:47:812 (1) - Bend this slider to the opposite side? I could improve some visual things . Seems likely you can blanket 00:45:175 (3) - to that slider even if you hate blankets, and might increasing transition performance between 00:47:812 (1,2) - This will break the flow from 00:47:153 (4).
  2. 01:16:823 (3) - Do the same curve with 01:14:186 (1) - . Better to play more longer slider at those cymbal sound imo uh slider shapes don't have any correlation with the instruments on the head and tail
  3. 02:20:120 (3) - Make it parallel with 02:17:482 (1) - . Using inconsistency of slider shape when you can make it more better if you parallel it with seems looks bad imo ok
  1. 00:02:977 (3,4,5,6) - Because you using this kind of rhythm, it sounded weird if you didn't fill 00:04:131 - . It could improve some rhythmical transition to 00:04:296 (6) - , so it won't looks awkward anymore ( Seems likely to be ignored since you didn't use the complex rhythm like what I suggest for you ) Nope; I'm avoiding the usage of 1/4s here. Yes, I'd like the rhythm to be simpler here.
  2. 01:20:779 (3) - Bend this slider to the opposite side . Plays a polarity between 01:20:779 (3,4) - seems didn't match with the song imo . The sound on 01:20:779 (3) - is a starter to start the following rhythm, so it would fits better if it played smoothly It will ruin the flow here...
  3. 02:06:274 (7) - Curve this out? You can make it blanket with 02:05:614 (6) - and plays a little smoothly to 02:06:933 (1) - like this
  4. 02:24:735 (4) - You could bend to curve this slider and blanket them 02:24:735 (4,5) - . A little improvements to make it more flexible rhythm imo With how 02:24:076 (3,5) are curved, this straight slider is the best way to bridge the flow between them.
  5. 02:48:471 (1) - Is this NC really necessary? The beat on it isn't loud as 02:48:142 (6) - played Removed.
  1. 00:01:164 - Better to not ignore this beat because it still on the line of the rhythm that you're following it . If you can't or any similar reason to bap out this beat, just add simple anchor point to emphasize it mapped
  2. 01:20:449 (3,4) - Is there a reason why you put large spacing between these two? It's nonsense because the rhythm still on the line of the previous rhythm that start from 01:20:120 (2) - , so with the large spacing, it could plays awkwardly throughout the rhythm . Another reason is because you didn't put any jump at the rhythm starter, not like what do you did on 02:44:515 (2,3,4,5,6) - . Consider to use default spacing between them Emphasizing the drum at 01:20:779 (4).
  3. 01:23:416 (3) - If you want to enlarge the spacing, you could do it on this note . It plays with louder sound that creates new rhythm to be played . It should be fine if you enlarge the spacing I prefer to play safe in this diff.
  4. 03:00:010 (1) - To avoid misread, please use spacing on this note . It would likely recognize as 1/2 rhythm because it's using 1/2 rhythm's spacing like you did on the previous rhythm did stuff
  5. 03:02:318 (6,7,1) - Better to replace them with the same rhythm that you used in the Insane diff . It's Hard diff, the current rhythm could be improved to more complex rhythm Added a circle at 03:02:812.
  6. 04:08:189 (3) - Better to keep the spacing consistent . Some players might be mistakenly thinks that this note has a different timing with 04:07:713 (2) - and placed more faraway because it plays like 1/1 rhythm or similar like this Well, the timing is inconsistent here. What did you expect?
  7. 04:10:787 (1,2) - They're too close . How about use this spacing 04:07:303 (1,2) - to them too? ok
Insane is nice, I won't mod it, because I'll only give something carelessly to it xD
Good Luck!

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Halo Hinsvar senpai :3
Woah, first spot slot buat second pagenya udah diambil x-x
Just some suggestion, not going to say much -w-
So many diffs for 4 mins song .-. (Well, not that many actually xD)

  1. Tsuki Akari = Moonlight, mungkin kasih "moonlight" ke tags (?) .-. Gak ada official source yang nyebut Moonlight sih, jadi ga perlu deh.
  2. Karena ini full version, perlu ngga add "full" ke tag? .-. ga tau juga sih xD Mestinya gak perlu karena ini bisa dibilang versi original lagunya.
  3. Letterbox during breaknya kaka -w- Added.

  1. 00:50:449 (3) - Kayaknya slider ini butuh hitsound di tailnya deh .-. ada suara kayak "clap" yang disini 00:49:131 ok
  2. 01:03:636 (1,3) - Bentuknya dibikin sama aja biar ada kayak kesan simetris... Ato slider yang (1) mau khusus ngikutin vocal? .-. tapi kayaknya ga bakal terlalu masalah.... ^
  3. 01:08:911 (1) - Red anchornya nggak pas di red tick (maap nazi xD) nggak enak aja liatnya xD 2 slider berikutnya juga begitu ^
  4. 01:14:186 (1,3) - Dibikin symmetry? .-. bakal lebih bagus kalo (2) nya bisa ditaro di tengah well diubah dikit deh
  5. 02:12:208 (1) - Agak overlap sama 02:09:570 (3) - x-x sebentar doang sih, tapi keliatannya gak bagus aja .-. mungkin pindahin ke bawah dikit biar nggak overlap .-. fixed
  6. 02:47:812 (4) - Imo kayaknya slider ini nggak perlu reverse .-. di 02:48:471 Nggak ada sound dan jadi agak mengurangi emphasizenya slider (4)... Umm jelas-jelas ada kok itu...
  7. 04:07:265 (1) - Mungkin ini mendingan ditaro di white tick pas bpmnya udah diganti... ( 04:07:303 - ) RIP
  8. Balnketnya banyak yang kurang rapi xD

  1. ada 1 DS problem .-.
  2. HP 4? .-. Atau nggak 3.5 3.5 deh...
  3. 00:39:900 (5) - Ini dibikin bentuknya kayak 00:37:263 (1) - sama 00:38:581 (3) - biar jadi closed form? .-. agak susah sih soalnya bentuknya gak bakalan segitiga sempurna... Kenapa emangnya? IMO ga perlu kok...
  4. 00:40:889 Kasih note disini buat nge support vocal? .-. Sengaja kosong biar ga terlalu dense.
  5. 01:11:219 ^
  6. 01:00:999 (4,5,6,7) - Nice pattern -w-
  7. 01:11:548 (4) - BTW, ini melengkungnya kayak keabisan tempat xD mungkin bisa dibikin kayak gini? .-. fixed
  8. 01:54:735 (4,1) - Overlapnya nggak keliatan begitu bagus .-. mungkin bodynya (4) bisa diblanket aja... Overlap-nya dibikin mendingan.
  9. 02:48:471 (1) - Menurut ane sih nggak perlu NC .-. tapi mungkin ada alasan lain... Removed.
  10. 02:51:109 (4) - Tailnya sekalian di stack sama (1) aja xD Ga perlu deh...
  11. 03:56:383 (8) - .-. DS, di stack sama tailnya (5) Di sini DS-nya udah bener kok... Di-rearrange aja deh.

  1. 00:00:834 (2) - di end di blue tick terus kasih note di white tick? .-. buat support suara pianonya ok
  2. 00:20:779 Mungkin tambahin note tambahan di sini (iya, nggak ada bunyi apa apa memang xD makannya sering ane sebut "filler") terus taro di (192,224) biar bisa kebentuk segitiga yang bagus :v geregetan liat form nggak sempurna xD Gak deh; ini udah oke, ga perlu ditambahin apa-apa lagi (di Insane sendiri ada, tapi di Hard segini kayaknya juga udah cukup).
  3. 00:45:175 (1) - sebenernya bakal lebih enak flownya kalo di curvenya ke arah sebaliknya, tapi buat note selanjutnya.... ah sudahlah Done.
  4. 00:47:812 (1) - Ga mau pake 1/2 slider aja buat ngikutin vocalnya? .-. ini Hard lho... Sengaja buat penekanan instrumen.
  5. 01:23:416 (3) - entah kenapa nggak cocok kalo pake slider .-. cocokan pake circle imo. Saya malah kepikiran sebaliknya loh. Ini lebih bagus untuk penekanan bagi (4).
  6. 02:39:570 (2,3,4,5,6) - Nggak dibikin bentuk star aja? .-. Nggak deh; sekarang juga udah bagus kok, ga ada yang salah.
  7. Itu aja deh xD

Okay that's all :3
Good luck kk -w-
As requested!

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed

Break Time

  • 01:24:735 - Snap for all diffs


  1. 00:50:449 (1) - Don't make too big jump, the SV is slowed down a lot. 2.4 - 2.8~ should be good, best if you make it more lower.
  2. 02:48:471 - A bit over here (esp SV), replace just with a circle? Like 01:23:746 - , nothing on vocal
  3. 03:27:372 (1,2,1,2,1) - The (2)s are too hard :\ I'd remove it even it sounds like climax


  1. 01:12:208 - Clap?
  2. 02:22:098 - Clap
  3. 02:45:175 (1) - Remove NC (constant)
  4. 03:22:756 - Clap?

Call me back!
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Rakuen wrote:

As requested!

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed

Break Time

  • 01:24:735 - Snap for all diffs Fixed.


  1. 00:50:449 (1) - Don't make too big jump, the SV is slowed down a lot. 2.4 - 2.8~ should be good, best if you make it more lower. Done.
  2. 02:48:471 - A bit over here (esp SV), replace just with a circle? Like 01:23:746 - , nothing on vocal Isn't it already a circle?
  3. 03:27:372 (1,2,1,2,1) - The (2)s are too hard :\ I'd remove it even it sounds like climax Made the spacing here consistent, instead.


  1. 01:12:208 - Clap? A drum hitnormal is enough for this.
  2. 02:22:098 - Clap ^
  3. 02:45:175 (1) - Remove NC (constant) Done.
  4. 03:22:756 - Clap? Not needed for the reason that I have stated above.

Call me back!
Hmm this has been lying around for quite a while.


01:56:383 (1,2) - Is this spacing intentional? It doesn't seem so, as it is not repeated in other similar instances


This difficulty is a bit disappointing compared to the others. The kiais were the most interesting sections in the other difficulties, here they are just filled with 1/1 without any variation (not counting circle/slider variations). As it is an Easy difficulty, it should be fine though.

Good mapset, I'm a huge fan of Insane and Hard. Call me back when it's rebubbled (or if you didn't fix the thing in Normal, even though that would need a good explanation lol)~
Topic Starter
Fixed that spacing inconsistency. I wish I could've made something more interesting, but I can't really see how to do that here...

Gonna call someone for rebubbling.
Gonna qualify when a slot is free.

EDIT: After trying it like the 20th time since then I am a bit pissed lol
Topic Starter
Thanks beforehand, guys o.o/

*rolls around*

Desperate-kun wrote:

EDIT: After trying it like the 20th time since then I am a bit pissed lol
bn life
Topic Starter

pishifat wrote:

Desperate-kun wrote:

EDIT: After trying it like the 20th time since then I am a bit pissed lol
bn life

Two maps qualified in under 72 hours after uploading this week and my map's chillin' on the bubble section for two months

Topic Starter
ive sung this song b4
good beat map just its very easy at insane, i hope you add other difficult like extra :idea: :lol:
Yea hinsvar how dare u go overmap sth next time

Congrats xD
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