
Shiena Nishizawa - FUBUKI

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Ozato Fumika
Thank you nely <3

Xinely wrote:

if pkk changes something from his diff, dont forget to check the video, i guess he didnt download the video www

Qualified!! ~

아 그리고 병크, 죄책감때문에 하는소리 다 고분고분하게 들었는데. 다시한번만더 그딴식으로 태도보이시면 가만히 안둠
Topic Starter
Ozato Fumika
01:21:243 (2,3) - 간격 이거 왜이러나요 ㅎ

00:12:743 (1) - 직접적인 언랭 사유도 아니고 이러한 이유로 언랭 된 사례는 본적이 드뭅니다만 기본 스킨 기준으로 파란색 콤보 색상이 읽기 다소 어려운 점이 있어 노란색 콤보 색으로 변경해 주시는게 조금 더 안전하다고 판단됩니다.

확인하신 후에 펭귄님이 잘 해주시겠죠? ㅎ
ah no ones want to check my fubuki >_>



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Ozato Fumika
하드는 냅두고 엑스트라는 콤보고침
Topic Starter
Ozato Fumika

No Dap wrote:

EDIT : p/4040039/
하트표시 어디
w nice

근데 진짜 하트 어딨떠영?
and you were worried about your extra being bad, pssshh

grats sir
gratz mom
Grats pkk's Hard Insane *:・٩(´・ω・)۶*:・
And Gratz Mom ! Too Sad this is last mappu ;_;
This.. is a really great map!


unfortunately, we have to disqualify this set, as its quality is not meeting our expectations for letting this into the Ranked section, yet. Please consider the points below as reason for the disqualification:


Add HIGE DRIVER to the tags, please


You want to remove that.

Generally, we observed the hitsounds to be very quiet. You want to raise the hitsound volume in this difficulty to make it be more audible
We also observed that the placement of 01:10:409 (2,3,4) - is a bit offthrowing directly after the stream, which you should fix!


In this difficulty, we observed a multitude of different issues we would like to see fixed. The super short kicksliders at the beginning are trying to follow something that is barely noticeable in this section and therefore partially flaws the pattern itself. Make sure to follow musical samples that are clearly recognizeable and try not to follow everything existent in the music, even if it is just barely noticeable. We also observed some questionable increased spacings, especially when they happened on the "less intense" parts, whereas the "more intense parts" appeared to be less spaced. This appeared contradicting to us. Moreover, you should not overuse the 1/4 spacing too much. Some patterns appeared to us to be more suitable as simple triplet rather than a slider-circle combination that contained a jump between both. That is unneccessary. Also some kick slider jumps appearing after short streams appeared to have some flow issues, which you should revise.
We also saw no apparent reason for the New Combo overusage you performed on one pattern. Also this diff is longer (due to the spinner) than the other diffs. This should be consistent across all of them, as we see no reason why this Extra should be longer than all other diffs.
Examples for the above criticism:
00:01:243 (2)
00:02:576 (2) -
00:04:576 (4) -
00:06:076 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - vs 00:08:632 (1,2,3,4,5) -
00:19:909 (3,1) -
00:21:243 (2,1) -
00:34:576 (3,1) -
00:53:576 (2,1) -
00:58:743 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) -
01:15:743 (1,2) -
01:16:743 (1,2) -
01:26:159 (1) -

Please revise this difficulty and try to improve it further! Try not to overdo things too much, try to apply your creative concept to the entire difficulty, so it appears remarkable, recognizeable and unique!


Please make sure to adjust your mapset accordingly to the above provided reason. Keep in mind that we are filing general criticism and improvement advises, so the above reason applies to more than just the provided examples. Whenever your mapset received further revision and improvement, the Beatmap Nominators will furtherly take care of that mapset.

Loctav wrote:

Hello! loctav i'm your biggest fan please sign my map
Add HIGE DRIVER to the tags, please done!


You want to remove that. haha forgot about that, removed

Generally, we observed the hitsounds to be very quiet. You want to raise the hitsound volume in this difficulty to make it be more audible
I don't really like the default soft-hitnormal to be really loud, and since most people will be using skins with their own custom hitsounds, the hitsounds should be fine. However, for those few unfortunate souls still using the default skin (peppy please change the cursor I can barely see it), I raised the volume

We also observed that the placement of 01:10:409 (2,3,4) - is a bit offthrowing directly after the stream, which you should fix!
Interesting. I feel that this is rather subjective as I don't find it offthrowing at all, perhaps you mean the flow isn't very intuitive since the stream loops around in a circle, as do the slider that follows but not the placement of the circles? Anyways, my circle placement is intentional there as I 'break' up the flow on the next beat to emphasize the vocal, plus just having everything in a circle is rather boring. Since I only slightly overlapped the circle it's not hard to read, so that's not an issue either. If you still have an issue is, then I would like to know who 'we' is so we can discuss this. Other than that, I won't be changing anything here since I believe it plays out wonderfully!
Thanks Loctav + any other members who took a look at the mapset!

Fast wrote:

omg come back Dap.
@pkk When you map ,you have to do so with the dfault skin in mind, despite its shortcomings, I am pretty sure this is in the RC. so i definitely agree that the hitnormal was way too quiet.
The rest of the reasons for DQ however, are very questionable and seem rather subjective. Hell, if skystar is allowed to get away with some of the stuff he does, this is nothing in comparison.

we can safely assume that this map is forever rip, unless a miracle happens.

really sad to see.
A Mystery
Highly doubt he will come back, which is definitely very unfortunate, too bad certain people are probably happy about it.

This DQ made sense with some of the reasons, so I don't hope to see another shitstorm here. However I get the feeling that some mappers are just getting away with similar things (mappers with a rather "unique" style)

Setz wrote:

@pkk When you map ,you have to do so with the dfault skin in mind, despite its shortcomings, I am pretty sure this is in the RC. so i definitely agree that the hitnormal was way too quiet.
When I map, I use the default skin. However, I don't like using the default skin for testplaying while in the editor at all (the cursor is really hard to see) so I usually set a custom skin through song setup which will only take effect while in testplay mode (editor will still be in default skin). In this case I just forgot to switch it back to user's preference in song setup when I updated the map ;_;

rip mom
Akiyama Mizuki
gonna 5ever miss u mom

So it seems like No Dap is out of silence
will this possibly be ranked again? 'w'
No Dap = No Ranked T.T
I want No Dap T.T
unfortunately No Dap was quit T.T T.T T.T
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