
Noisysundae - Her name is Cindy

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Timings, at the end as well, if this is wrong someone should correct me.
Removed the kd, thanks though
Topic Starter

Madlollipop wrote:

Timings, at the end as well, if this is wrong someone should correct me.
the end shouldn't be that much timed because it is the same (exactly the same as in the beginning).. sorry :?
17:23 Madlollipop:
17:23 Madlollipop: No clue why I got a kd from that
as request.
Delete the other points and use these timings.
Do not award me a kd for this ;) Even if you're a kind person :P

Good luck with the map and sorry for the inconvenience :/

00:05:898 (4) -
Is that rankable?
If it was a new mapper I would probably complain about the sliders a lot due to inexperience, but from what I see as a whole it's all intended and should be treated as such, well done!
Topic Starter
I thought giving a kds also rewards the modder/timer for the time he spent... :o sry! I didn't know this
Then I would just write a pink kind thanks for the timing points <3
from pm

I cropped and cleaned this version of the image.
it's quite efficient as lossless png, so no need to make it jpg
no kds
hi o3o

[diff name here]
  1. audio lead-in 2000 pls
  2. 00:15:898 (4) - why a clap? totally doesen't fit
  3. 01:12:105 (1,2) - imo is better a normal blanket
  4. i may have a general tip for you,the stong sounds you should't map those with slider end but starts or single circle
    exsample could be randomly 01:13:312 (2) -

    wich basicly should be like:
  5. 01:25:553 (1) - this slow down doesen't fit
  6. 01:28:484 (2,1) - to far
  7. 02:26:587 (1,1) - why? ;_;
  8. 02:33:139 (1,2,3,1) - the combo colors don't let you notice the speed up and slow down
  9. 03:18:312 (1,2,3) - random can't notice that is speed up
  10. 03:52:105 (1,2) - ugly overlaps

Madlollipop wrote:

00:05:898 (4) -
Is that rankable?
If it was a new mapper I would probably complain about the sliders a lot due to inexperience, but from what I see as a whole it's all intended and should be treated as such, well done!
yap it is ò-ò/

good luck o3o ♥
Her name is Cindy
yeah. my name is Eun
.. haha xDDD
thanks for your kind mod. so, lets get started it

  • Smoothness
  1. 00:10:036 (1) - i think just one note is enough. 1/16 tempo might give confusing to players.
  2. 00:14:863 (1) - place it on x136y248 it makes nice overlap
  3. 00:37:622 (1,4) - make perfect overlap~
  4. 01:19:174 (2) - ctrl G for better flow?
  5. 01:22:794 (6) - move it to x392y120 for better blanket?
  6. 01:24:691 (2) - you can makes better overlap. i recommend place it on x109y184.
  7. 01:50:036 (9) - NC
  8. 01:56:070 (4) - finish should be more fitting this reverse arrow.
  9. 02:07:105 (3) - ^
  10. 03:08:656 (9) - NC
  11. 03:25:553 (4) - move it x128y264 for better blanket and flow? if you do this, also you can make nice stack with 03:26:932 (6) this
  12. 03:37:967 (4) - x254y130 for better blanket~
  13. 03:41:070 (4,1) - NCswap~
  14. 03:47:450 (6) - move it on x75y180 i think it makes better reading and nice blanket.

gl with it!
Topic Starter

Lally wrote:

hi o3o

[diff name here]
  1. audio lead-in 2000 pls okay, will do it later..
  2. 00:15:898 (4) - why a clap? totally doesen't fit ooh didn't see that!
  3. 01:12:105 (1,2) - imo is better a normal blanket I think something like this is just my style..
  4. i may have a general tip for you,the stong sounds you should't map those with slider end but starts or single circle
    exsample could be randomly 01:13:312 (2) - omg!!! thanks, how perfect

    wich basicly should be like:
  5. 01:25:553 (1) - this slow down doesen't fit fixed
  6. 01:28:484 (2,1) - to far no, should be that way..
  7. 02:26:587 (1,1) - why? ;_; because it energylike escalating :D
  8. 02:33:139 (1,2,3,1) - the combo colors don't let you notice the speed up and slow down I really don't understand what u mean? do u say that combo colours at all cannot make a SV visible or exaclty here it's because of another reason that u cannot be able to notice?
  9. 03:18:312 (1,2,3) - random can't notice that is speed up whoaa I love this :( sorry
  10. 03:52:105 (1,2) - ugly overlaps exactly!

Madlollipop wrote:

00:05:898 (4) -
Is that rankable?
If it was a new mapper I would probably complain about the sliders a lot due to inexperience, but from what I see as a whole it's all intended and should be treated as such, well done!
yap it is ò-ò/

good luck o3o ♥ thanks ♥
Topic Starter

Euny wrote:

Her name is Cindy
yeah. my name is Eun
.. haha xDDD
thanks for your kind mod. so, lets get started it

  • Smoothness
  1. 00:10:036 (1) - i think just one note is enough. 1/16 tempo might give confusing to players. (1/8)yeah but the melody is like that
  2. 00:14:863 (1) - place it on x136y248 it makes nice overlap just beautiful <3
  3. 00:37:622 (1,4) - make perfect overlap~ fixed
  4. 01:19:174 (2) - ctrl G for better flow? I want this to be anti-flow :)
  5. 01:22:794 (6) - move it to x392y120 for better blanket? yep
  6. 01:24:691 (2) - you can makes better overlap. i recommend place it on x109y184. fixed, but another way becuase of lally's mod
  7. 01:50:036 (9) - NC hmm, no they should be all violet and crazy :D
  8. 01:56:070 (4) - finish should be more fitting this reverse arrow. okay :3
  9. 02:07:105 (3) - ^ ^
  10. 03:08:656 (9) - NC hm, they smothness with which you begin your stream after the jumps shouldn't be disrupted by NC, sorry, I'm a hard person with NC changes :D
  11. 03:25:553 (4) - move it x128y264 for better blanket and flow? if you do this, also you can make nice stack with 03:26:932 (6) this I don't know how u can see this, thanks <3
  12. 03:37:967 (4) - x254y130 for better blanket~ yeah
  13. 03:41:070 (4,1) - NCswap~ ok that's right ;)
  14. 03:47:450 (6) - move it on x75y180 i think it makes better reading and nice blanket. fine!

gl with it! you're so cool ;) <3
00:15:898 (4,1) Stack is not perfect
00:22:794 (2) Delete the red point in this one, looks much better without it
00:24:863 (8) Move it too 324/208. Feels better to play
01:05:208 (1,2,3,4) Maybe they should have the same distance all the time
01:28:656 (1,2) They are really close to each other which looks not so good, maybe you should change that
01:30:725 (3,4) It may just be me, but this one looks so weird
01:38:312 (6,7) Why dont you stack them
01:48:656 (1,2,3,4) The Sv change is not necessary at all. Theres nothing in the song to increase it
02:12:622 (1,2) Unnecessary screen jump. Remove it
02:26:587 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) Why the SV-change here, its too sudden and those sliders really destroy the flow
02:33:139 (1,2,3) Unnecessary sv change again
02:44:863 (1) ^
03:18:312 (1,2,3) ^
03:41:070 (1,2) Why no stack?
05:09:444 (1) Maybe you should move this one to the middle

Lovely song ^-^
Good luck \o/
Topic Starter

Come[Back]Home wrote:

00:15:898 (4,1) Stack is not perfect :o it is?
00:22:794 (2) Delete the red point in this one, looks much better without it okay!
00:24:863 (8) Move it too 324/208. Feels better to play good idea
01:05:208 (1,2,3,4) Maybe they should have the same distance all the time yeah
01:28:656 (1,2) They are really close to each other which looks not so good, maybe you should change that moved the node a bit
01:30:725 (3,4) It may just be me, but this one looks so weird it's just u :D
01:38:312 (6,7) Why dont you stack them spaced stack feels better for me
01:48:656 (1,2,3,4) The Sv change is not necessary at all. Theres nothing in the song to increase it ?? the nearly spaced stream after that goes at the exact same speed.. that's really ok
02:12:622 (1,2) Unnecessary screen jump. Remove it no sry. this pattern feels like a spirit to me it's so antiflow~ introduced by the jump
02:26:587 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) Why the SV-change here, its too sudden and those sliders really destroy the flow this pattern is very hard, I know. but everytime the special pitch sound appears the SV changes and it's just there to get a bit crazy with these special sounds..
02:33:139 (1,2,3) Unnecessary sv change again again the pitch sound
02:44:863 (1) ^ again, (I really thought something while mapping like this)
03:18:312 (1,2,3) ^ ^
03:41:070 (1,2) Why no stack? again spaced stack
05:09:444 (1) Maybe you should move this one to the middle moved it that it exactly appears on the flower..

Lovely song ^-^
Good luck \o/
Danke für deine mod! Bei den SV changes hab ich mir schon was gedacht :) die sind nicht random hahha :lol:

EDIT: 02:26:587 (1,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) hier überlege ich aber trotzdem ob ich es änder. ist schon echt hart. aber die ganzen highs haben die stelle auf anhieb geschafft.. (<#100)
Your M4M as requested! ^^

  • Smoothness

  1. 00:10:036 (1) - this note is gonna be to confusing for players tbh :S i know it fits with the music but, try placing a single note there instead
  2. 00:26:243 (6) - place this note on x:161 y:246 for the correct DS
  3. 00:44:518 (1) - move this note a little bit, to get the correct DS, on x:108 y:96 (you can see the correct spacing if you remove the inherited point)
  4. 01:05:036 (6) - same with the spacing on this one x:168 y:351 would be more accurate
  5. 01:09:863 (2,3,4,5,6) - you could improve this star pattern, try using ctrl+shift+D
  6. 01:13:312 (2) - place this note on x:308 y:184 for more flow
  7. 01:15:208 (2,3,4,5,6) - like i said earlier, you could improve this star pattern
  8. 01:28:484 (2) - turn this note , and place it on x:200 y:295 for more flow like this for example
  9. 02:14:691 (4,5,6,7,8) - could also improve this star pattern >.< for example like this
  10. 03:55:898 (6) - this note can be placed on x:503 y:119 (correct DS)

    From my viewpoint, it looks like you've been yolomapping xD Try to look up different patterns :> and suggest you to try them out, and use ctrl+shift+D to make polygon shapes, and use ctrl+shift+F to convert sliders into streams! :D my tip for you!

Good luck on your map btw :D its a good song as well :>
Late check sry offset looks good

no kds
Topic Starter

Keada wrote:

Your M4M as requested! ^^

  • Smoothness

  1. 00:10:036 (1) - this note is gonna be to confusing for players tbh :S i know it fits with the music but, try placing a single note there instead okay because everyone says that..
  2. 00:26:243 (6) - place this note on x:161 y:246 for the correct DS thanks!
  3. 00:44:518 (1) - move this note a little bit, to get the correct DS, on x:108 y:96 (you can see the correct spacing if you remove the inherited point) perfect!
  4. 01:05:036 (6) - same with the spacing on this one x:168 y:351 would be more accurate thanks again..
  5. 01:09:863 (2,3,4,5,6) - you could improve this star pattern, try using ctrl+shift+D yes you're right..
  6. 01:13:312 (2) - place this note on x:308 y:184 for more flow moved but not there because of ugly touch
  7. 01:15:208 (2,3,4,5,6) - like i said earlier, you could improve this star pattern star should be that way
  8. 01:28:484 (2) - turn this note , and place it on x:200 y:295 for more flow like this for example okay I love to play it like this but everyone says that..moved otherwhere bnecause then no one can say ugly overlap!!
  9. 02:14:691 (4,5,6,7,8) - could also improve this star pattern >.< for example like should be exactly that way, sorry. 6-polygon but not a perfect one. this
  10. 03:55:898 (6) - this note can be placed on x:503 y:119 (correct DS) yeah

    From my viewpoint, it looks like you've been yolomapping xD Try to look up different patterns :> and suggest you to try them out, and use ctrl+shift+D to make polygon shapes, and use ctrl+shift+F to convert sliders into streams! :D my tip for you! I'm not yolomapping because nearly everything is well-conceived (streams are consistent, some streams are done with ctrl+shift+F and jump patterns are feeling comfortable)

Good luck on your map btw :D its a good song as well :>
this mod was so nice thanks! I learned to use Ctrl+shift+D! :o
Topic Starter

Lenfried- wrote:

Late check sry offset looks good

no kds
also thanks for checking the offset again!
from my queue m4m reverse!
00:12:105-x356 y233 stack
00:16:932-y112 stack
00:19:863-put a brake here it will be good believe me :3
00:39:346-1,2 fix blanket
01:20:381-x161 stack
01:25:984-i don't sure its a good idea to put it like this
01:30:725-there is no point of the slider to be like this
01:56:587-1,2 fix blanket
01:59:346-x376 y141 stack
02:07:105-NC and then remove NC here 02:07:622
02:09:518-x67 y272 stack
02:12:622-x40 y193 stack
02:12:794-y193 stack
02:36:070 2,2 fix blanket
04:57:376 1,2,3,-separate pls(make jumps)
Topic Starter

ohad1881 wrote:

from my queue m4m reverse!
00:12:105-x356 y233 stack right!
00:16:932-y112 stack yes
00:19:863-put a brake here it will be good believe me :3 I know what u mean but the beginning should be hard with HR so the drain must be there
00:39:346-1,2 fix blanket ok
01:18:139-^^ no problem here? the blanket here needn't to be perfect
01:20:381-x161 stack ok
01:25:984-i don't sure its a good idea to put it like this it is :)
01:30:725-there is no point of the slider to be like this what :D?
01:56:587-1,2 fix blanket ok
01:59:346-x376 y141 stack ok
02:07:105-NC and then remove NC here 02:07:622 no it belongs together..
02:09:518-x67 y272 stack yes
02:12:622-x40 y193 stack omg how did u notice that
02:12:794-y193 stack ok
02:36:070 2,2 fix blanket yes a bit
04:57:376 1,2,3,-separate pls(make jumps) no it should be a bit hard to notice rhythm
nice placement mod thanks, I think the placement now is perfect..:)
Ciyus Miapah

00:27:794 (5,6,7) - i think this combo is hard to expect, beause this 00:27:967 (6) - was a strong beat you need to NC, maybe make another pattern in this timeline can fix this problem (and looks the 1/4 sliders is overmap, and looks you mapped this part again in other timeline, you should considering that one)
00:32:622 (4,5,6) - why no 1/2 pattern? i clearly hear some strong beats there
00:45:036 (1,2) - move this up a bit, prevent (2) overlapped with 00:45:553 (3) - sliderend
00:48:829 (2) - clap?
01:01:415 (2) - move to right a bit, overlaps with circle 3 didnt look good i guess
01:16:760 (3) - better use circle, its overmapped things if you map 1/4 slider there
01:25:898 - you should add circle here, its very hard to read this pattern since you NC 01:25:984 (1) - (my suggestion is you should NC in 01:25:898 - )
01:44:174 (6,7) - you need to reduce this spacing. man... this flow very rigid
01:42:449 (9) - forget NC?
NCs in this stream parts looks messy i guess. consider NC every 1 or 2 big stanza. and i guess this NCs looks messy, you randomly NC in 2nd white line, red line, Big white line, etc. i guess you need to fix it for consistency and quality reason
01:53:484 - you need clickable object here pls
02:12:622 (1,2) - i didnt want to make this pattern in marathon song, it's very forcing players and makes this map like airman. consider reduce distance
02:26:587 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3) - oh my god, what is this?? the 1/4 sound pattern in music is very low, why you overmapping this map like this?? its like you kill your flow in your map (and with that SV changes, it looks very uncommon).
02:33:484 (3) - slider start in 02:33:656 - (makes more sense), so you need add circle or 1/4 slider in 02:33:484 -
02:34:691 (3) - this jump too far, consir reduce distance
02:42:449 (4) - this one hit my score bar, maybe you can move to down a bit
02:44:863 (1) - i didnt think this slider gives more sense, let me guess. slow slider in there is better than fast slider because it very awkward if you map fade out sound with fast sv
02:54:001 (10) - same like above i say, just use circle pls
03:09:518 (2) - im really disagree with this pattern, looks this slider is like 99% hidden and that's kind of unrankable things
03:15:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - nice stream pattern
03:18:312 (1,2,3,4) - im not sure for this pattern, its like....... ah whatever
03:25:725 (5,6) - fix blanket?
03:51:760 (2) - make this notes keep clearly visible?
04:02:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - im just wondering why you make this pattern
04:04:346 (8,1,2) - ah that spacing... increase spacing between 8 and 1 pls
for some reasons i like this random jumps in this map, but still im not sure with your SV change patterning
04:24:346 (1) - ok you can make yours if you like that. you must be know what i mean
04:43:829 (1,1) - dont spam NC pls, remove NC in here then put circle on 04:44:518 - and NC it. feels better
04:47:376 - you can halved BPM in here because 174bpm looks too high

yeah you need to re-structure and re-design this combo patterning. It looks messy for ranked, im just not to lie in here.

my mod isnt enough to fix your map, you need to approve your own mapping skill to make this ranked!

you can read this thread
t/288639 (look avoid overmapping map)

okay see ya later, good luck with your map! :3
Topic Starter

Fort wrote:

hi hi, I'm trying to answer this mod kind but that wouldn't be possible sorry

00:27:794 (5,6,7) - i think this combo is hard to expect, beause this 00:27:967 (6) - was a strong beat you need to NC, maybe make another pattern in this timeline can fix this problem (and looks the 1/4 sliders is overmap, and looks you mapped this part again in other timeline, you should considering that one) that's true changed it into circles
00:32:622 (4,5,6) - why no 1/2 pattern? i clearly hear some strong beats there ok I will change it
00:45:036 (1,2) - move this up a bit, prevent (2) overlapped with 00:45:553 (3) - sliderend <yey
00:48:829 (2) - clap? no why
01:01:415 (2) - move to right a bit, overlaps with circle 3 didnt look good i guess ok
01:16:760 (3) - better use circle, its overmapped things if you map 1/4 slider there ??? why should this be overmapped? thats just a slider and it feels good to everyone..?
01:25:898 - you should add circle here, its very hard to read this pattern since you NC 01:25:984 (1) - (my suggestion is you should NC in 01:25:898 - ) that's ok man
01:44:174 (6,7) - you need to reduce this spacing. man... this flow very rigid moved a bit
01:42:449 (9) - forget NC?
NCs in this stream parts looks messy i guess. consider NC every 1 or 2 big stanza. and i guess this NCs looks messy, you randomly NC in 2nd white line, red line, Big white line, etc. i guess you need to fix it for consistency and quality reason I will rework the NC's..
01:53:484 - you need clickable object here pls why??
02:12:622 (1,2) - i didnt want to make this pattern in marathon song, it's very forcing players and makes this map like airman. consider reduce distance ok man
02:26:587 (1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3) - oh my god, what is this?? the 1/4 sound pattern in music is very low, why you overmapping this map like this?? its like you kill your flow in your map (and with that SV changes, it looks very uncommon). ok I will change that
02:33:484 (3) - slider start in 02:33:656 - (makes more sense), so you need add circle or 1/4 slider in 02:33:484 - we'll see, doesn't sound well to me u know
02:34:691 (3) - this jump too far, consir reduce distance do u have any idea what "causing energy" in a map means? No I don't think so. If u ask some highs to do a testplay, u can SEE at they're cursor that these jumps have so much energy.
02:42:449 (4) - this one hit my score bar, maybe you can move to down a bit ok
02:44:863 (1) - i didnt think this slider gives more sense, let me guess. slow slider in there is better than fast slider because it very awkward if you map fade out sound with fast sv The next thing whjat I really DON'T understand. "Fade out"-sounds as u call them are mapped in this map with high SV and this sliders and the little stream after that are feeling very nice to play IF you're not colourblind know what I mean (violet). So I don't know what's ur problem man. After you've played this map once u know which slider goes how fast. But you can also infer it from the colours.
02:54:001 (10) - same like above i say, just use circle pls omg no, have u ever heard of slide-into-stream sliders? I think you've seen them but did not notice because they were mapped from experienced mappers, not like me... ok man.
03:09:518 (2) - im really disagree with this pattern, looks this slider is like 99% hidden and that's kind of unrankable things are u serious? have u ever played the map with a skin which do not spamm 300's? this looks like hidden in the editor, but a modder should play a map, and if u do that you'll see that it is easy to see
03:15:553 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - nice stream pattern ok
03:18:312 (1,2,3,4) - im not sure for this pattern, its like....... ah whatever yes that is too crazy, I will change it, but the SV will stay.
03:25:725 (5,6) - fix blanket? right
03:51:760 (2) - make this notes keep clearly visible? yeah that's right
04:02:277 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - im just wondering why you make this pattern I'm not judging u because of this but if you listen to it closely you can hear drums at 1/4
04:04:346 (8,1,2) - ah that spacing... increase spacing between 8 and 1 pls aha why?
for some reasons i like this random jumps in this map, but still im not sure with your SV change patterning Dude should I tell u something? They not random at all and that's because they feel cool. the SV changes are... in some cases changeable, you're right.
04:24:346 (1) - ok you can make yours if you like that. you must be know what i mean yes I must be sure and I see NOTHING which should unsure me?
04:43:829 (1,1) - dont spam NC pls, remove NC in here then put circle on 04:44:518 - and NC it. feels better ok right forgot it here
04:47:376 - you can halved BPM in here because 174bpm looks too high I don't think thats necessary? I'm also asking me where you "see" the bpm while playing? Nowhere.

yeah you need to re-structure and re-design this combo patterning. It looks messy for ranked, im just not to lie in here. that's right come NC are bad..

my mod isnt enough to fix your map, you need to approve your own mapping skill to make this ranked! Oh reaaaally? What do I have to improve? I just have reduce some overmapping things with high SV. Please don't tell me my map has no flow in general, u would be the first person in the world. So the only thing I have to do is go a bit down which "experiments" in my map.

you can read this thread thanks but I already knew it
t/288639 (look avoid overmapping map)

okay see ya later, good luck with your map! :3 yes see ya and please answer again to my answer to your mod. I didn't understand many things.
Ciyus Miapah
my english sucks
Topic Starter

- Changed too crazy sliders
- Audio lead-in added

READY now.. :)
Slider shape changed? I more liked the somewhat-unstable ones before...
Topic Starter
I know what you mean I also liked them more.
I asked MANY BNs if the could take a look and see if it is ready for bubble but nearly everyone said that everything is cool and has good flow but the sliders are bad. You don't know how much I've done for my special sliders but, as it seems, I'm not "famous" enough to help them to survive..
I also hate people who don't like slider-shapes(!), don't want to push a map forward because of that cause slidershape is a personal opinion and in my opinion the old shape had fit to the song.

I'm sorry.. but no one in this game helps me to push a mappu with sliders like that. :cry:

yugijedi wrote:

I know what you mean I also liked them more.
I asked MANY BNs if the could take a look and see if it is ready for bubble but nearly everyone said that everything is cool and has good flow but the sliders are bad. You don't know how much I've done for my special sliders but, as it seems, I'm not "famous" enough to help them to survive..
I also hate people who don't like slider-shapes(!), don't want to push a map forward because of that cause slidershape is a personal opinion and in my opinion the old shape had fit to the song.

I'm sorry.. but no one in this game helps me to push a mappu with sliders like that. :cry:
In my opinion...
Slidershape isn't matter when mapping. The main idea of mapping is how to make the mapset is comfortable to play. Everyone have their own style of mapping so if someone said that our mapping style is wrong it's totally not right because that was our mapping style. But if someone want to give a suggestion of mapping we can can talk about it with them and maybe we can improve our mapping style rather than change it.

Note : And my mod willl come later in this post ;) Here is it


  1. from 00:02:044 - to 00:21:096 - I think you need some hitsounds here (soft whistles will works).
  2. 00:21:441 (1) - a whistle will more fit with the song than a finish
  3. 00:25:406 (4,5,6,7) - I think this pattern isn't really fit with the song since there's nothing in the song at 00:26:096 - . I suggest to repeat the slider 00:25:406 (4) - just like 00:30:924 (5) - and remove 00:26:096 (5,6,7) - .
  4. 00:44:544 (7,1) - hmm... A big jump here looks not really good and the flow too. Try this on 00:45:062 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  5. 01:09:889 (4) - unreasonable soft sampleset ? Give me the reason if there's one.
  6. 01:50:924 (4,1) - just IMO isn't the distance is looks a bit too far for transition from slider to stream ? (I don't know about it because I'm not a skilled player at all XD)
  7. 02:13:682 (2,3,1,2) - maybe it's not a big deal but avoid the overlap ?
  8. 02:25:924 (2,3) - ctrl+g on every of them ? I think it'll flow better.
  9. 02:35:406 (2,3,1) - I like how you play SV here. Good Job ;)
  10. 03:11:268 (2) - you missed the stack here
  11. 03:11:268 (2) - move it to left 3 times with ctrl+<- to stack the tail properly (and disable the grid snap)
  12. 03:11:268 (2) - and you missed the stack again here
  13. 04:39:545 (5) - maybe move it somewhere around make it flow from (4)'s tail and (6)'s head
  14. 04:49:027 (1) - change it to soft ? since the piano part start from here
  15. 04:59:126 (2,3,4) - stacking this much in one beat snap isnt really good I think. maybe you can make them like ?

Okay that's it :3
good luck with this mapset ;)
And your slider shape isn't bad since there's no bad overlap in it ;) (an addition, one that I dislike the overlap is 02:46:613 (1,2) - )
bye ( ^w^)/

edit : oh and one more. your preview point isn't snapped
Topic Starter

Fantastica wrote:

yugijedi wrote:

I know what you mean I also liked them more.
I asked MANY BNs if the could take a look and see if it is ready for bubble but nearly everyone said that everything is cool and has good flow but the sliders are bad. You don't know how much I've done for my special sliders but, as it seems, I'm not "famous" enough to help them to survive..
I also hate people who don't like slider-shapes(!), don't want to push a map forward because of that cause slidershape is a personal opinion and in my opinion the old shape had fit to the song.

I'm sorry.. but no one in this game helps me to push a mappu with sliders like that. :cry:
In my opinion...
Slidershape isn't matter when mapping. The main idea of mapping is how to make the mapset is comfortable to play. Everyone have their own style of mapping so if someone said that our mapping style is wrong it's totally not right because that was our mapping style. But if someone want to give a suggestion of mapping we can can talk about it with them and maybe we can improve our mapping style rather than change it.

Note : And my mod willl come later in this post ;) Here is it


  1. from 00:02:044 - to 00:21:096 - I think you need some hitsounds here (soft whistles will works). Yeah you're absolutely right! added some
  2. 00:21:441 (1) - a whistle will more fit with the song than a finish already changed ;)
  3. 00:25:406 (4,5,6,7) - I think this pattern isn't really fit with the song since there's nothing in the song at 00:26:096 - . I suggest to repeat the slider 00:25:406 (4) - just like 00:30:924 (5) - and remove 00:26:096 (5,6,7) - . you're perfect omg now one noticed that!
  4. 00:44:544 (7,1) - hmm... A big jump here looks not really good and the flow too. Try this on 00:45:062 (1,2,3,4,5) - no that's ok
  5. 01:09:889 (4) - unreasonable soft sampleset ? Give me the reason if there's one. no reason, right
  6. 01:50:924 (4,1) - just IMO isn't the distance is looks a bit too far for transition from slider to stream ? (I don't know about it because I'm not a skilled player at all XD) I know what you mean but the stream is very spaced and so it's way more comfortable to go from the longer 1/4's the the spaced stream :)
  7. 02:13:682 (2,3,1,2) - maybe it's not a big deal but avoid the overlap ? changed as it was before, the bigger jump is always cooler
  8. 02:25:924 (2,3) - ctrl+g on every of them ? I think it'll flow better. hm no..
  9. 02:35:406 (2,3,1) - I like how you play SV here. Good Job ;) thank u I spend so much time here.. :oops:
  10. 03:11:268 (2) - you missed the stack here fixed
  11. 03:11:268 (2) - move it to left 3 times with ctrl+<- to stack the tail properly (and disable the grid snap)
  12. 03:11:268 (2) - and you missed the stack again here copied something wrong?
  13. 04:39:545 (5) - maybe move it somewhere around make it flow from (4)'s tail and (6)'s head nice, thanks!
  14. 04:49:027 (1) - change it to soft ? since the piano part start from here yeah
  15. 04:59:126 (2,3,4) - stacking this much in one beat snap isnt really good I think. maybe you can make them like ? no, I want it exactly this way, should be a bit hard to read.

Okay that's it :3
good luck with this mapset ;)
And your slider shape isn't bad since there's no bad overlap in it ;) (an addition, one that I dislike the overlap is 02:46:613 (1,2) - )
bye ( ^w^)/

edit : oh and one more. your preview point isn't snapped okk
thanks!!! was VERY helpful :)

yugijedi wrote:

I know what you mean I also liked them more.
I asked MANY BNs if the could take a look and see if it is ready for bubble but nearly everyone said that everything is cool and has good flow but the sliders are bad. You don't know how much I've done for my special sliders but, as it seems, I'm not "famous" enough to help them to survive..
I also hate people who don't like slider-shapes(!), don't want to push a map forward because of that cause slidershape is a personal opinion and in my opinion the old shape had fit to the song.

I'm sorry.. but no one in this game helps me to push a mappu with sliders like that. :cry:
Geez, too bad. I have no idea why they decide what is good and bad though... It's nothing like this map is unplayable or out of rhythm... then why it is unrankable? If people more like it then why not rank that one. I feel really bad that this mapping community forces mappers to follow one-way mapping.
Topic Starter
you're so right man..

This time I've been forced by many people to change my ugly sliders.. The next map I will make I will create sliders how I want (maybe the style like the sliders of this map were before) and would not be influenced by someone. I've done that because I really want my first map ranked I don't want to wait until 1 or 2 BN's come and like my sliders.
It is how it is, the people aren't open for something new..

Fantastica wrote:

In my opinion...
Slidershape isn't matter when mapping. The main idea of mapping is how to make the mapset is comfortable to play. Everyone have their own style of mapping so if someone said that our mapping style is wrong it's totally not right because that was our mapping style. But if someone want to give a suggestion of mapping we can can talk about it with them and maybe we can improve our mapping style rather than change it.
I don't understand why maps should be 'comfortable' to play. Some maps can have really uncomfortable moving line and that can also be part of the map's difficulty. Being uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not fun, because some people can enjoy overcoming the 'uncomfortableness' and being good at it. I feel too lazy when I play those 'comfortable' maps and they are too boring, even when the map is unFCable for me.

Of course, comfortable flow would seem to be better for most people so if that 'comfortableness' is liked by most of them then it's alright, but those sliders were not uncomfortable or something, it's just those sliders had a little awkward shape - which was an art - and he just changed it smoothly, and I feel this map has gone too simple and less artistic, thus less fun.
Hi~ fast lucky mod I guess ?

- General :
  1. Remove newgrounds from tags, you already have it on source.

- Smoothness :
  1. 00:07:648 (4,5) - Make them centered, we don't see stack with 00:05:924 (4) - .
  2. 00:44:544 (7) - Move it to 196:380, like this the curve of stream is kinda weird with slider's position.
  3. 00:59:372 (5,8) - You shouldn't extend your jumps like that, music is not enough "strong" to go for giant jumps. Somethings like this fit better imo
  4. 01:18:510 (3,1) - I don't like how the flow is here. Transition is too abrupt. Change direction of slider to make transition better or use 2 circles instead.
  5. 01:30:234 (7,1) - This overlap don't work here and make map just looks messy.
  6. 01:43:165 (3,4,5) - You just kill flow here, slider direction are misplaced and are not coherent. Somethings like this have much more sens
  7. 01:50:406 (1,2,3,4) - this is probably the worst idea to raise SV here. It's too sudden and with the fast rhythm of this part lead to easy break. Just use same SV as before but you can keep this spacing for following stream.
  8. 01:52:044 (12,13,14,15,16) - If you want to make a real star use CTRL+Shift+D.
  9. 02:11:441 (4,5) - These jumps have no reason to be here imo, or at least shouldn't be so huge.
  10. 02:46:613 (1) - The whirlpool at the end could be improve imo.
  11. 03:16:613 (1,2) - To respect flow, stream should restart with 03:17:303 (2) - at 160:228.
  12. 03:31:441 (10,2) - Bad stacking.
  13. 04:26:096 (1,2) - Flow again is broken. You can change position of slider to fit it correctly or minimum move his end to 448:224.
  14. 04:28:165 (2,3) -Same as 02:11:441 (4,5) - .
  15. 04:28:165 (2,3,3) - Move end to 360:276 for flow.
  16. 04:46:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - You should use 0.8x or 1.0x spacing for this part, because you can feel music become stronger at 04:47:648 - , so use a lower spacing and raise it after this point is more coherent to music.
  17. 04:52:919 (1,2,3,4,5) - Don't stack them but use a low spacing like 0.2x, a stack is just boring here.
  18. 04:58:781 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above.
  19. 05:09:126 (1) - Make it start to 05:08:608 - .

That's all.

Doyak wrote:

I don't understand why maps should be 'comfortable' to play. Some maps can have really uncomfortable moving line and that can also be part of the map's difficulty. Being uncomfortable doesn't mean it's not fun, because some people can enjoy overcoming the 'uncomfortableness' and being good at it. I feel too lazy when I play those 'comfortable' maps and they are too boring, even when the map is unFCable for me.

Of course, comfortable flow would seem to be better for most people so if that 'comfortableness' is liked by most of them then it's alright, but those sliders were not uncomfortable or something, it's just those sliders had a little awkward shape - which was an art - and he just changed it smoothly, and I feel this map has gone too simple and less artistic, thus less fun.
hmm... I think just me who have another meaning about "comfortable" XD. Here I mean a mapset that comfortable to play is fun to play. The design wasn't the matter because the design wasn't an unrankable issues. And I didn't say that this mapset was bad, otherwise this mapset was really comfortable to play. "Comfortable" in my vision wasn't mean good in design, but how the mapset make a flow, when to put a jump, and the mapset wasn't overmapped. this mapset have those 3 of my comfortableness so this mapset was really good.

Fantastica wrote:

hmm... I think just me who have another meaning about "comfortable" XD. Here I mean a mapset that comfortable to play is fun to play. The design wasn't the matter because the design wasn't an unrankable issues. And I didn't say that this mapset was bad, otherwise this mapset was really comfortable to play. "Comfortable" in my vision wasn't mean good in design, but how the mapset make a flow, when to put a jump, and the mapset wasn't overmapped. this mapset have those 3 of my comfortableness so this mapset was really good.
Hmm yeah I mean, that could be good for most maps and I agree with that. But the issue here was "Why did BNs tell him to change the slider shape" and you said "Slider shape doesn't matter, but comfortableness" so I'm saying that they were not uncomfortable and then why he was forced to change it.
From ✞Kuki and Moph's Modding Q✞

  1. I would consider a different difficulty name, e.g "Shine", "Mellow", "Cheerful". If you do like the difficulty name don't worry about it :)
  2. 00:02:045 (1) - This note could probably be a bit quieter.
  3. 00:13:165 (5) - This note goes outside the playfield, consider moving.
  4. 00:21:441 (1) - This note also goes slightly outside the playfield, and I suggest you rotate it slightly also, as it seems bland.
  5. 00:28:337 (1) - This note goes outside the playfield, consider moving.
  6. 00:30:924 (5) - ^
  7. 00:41:958 (5) - ^
  8. 00:44:372 (5,6,7) - ^
  9. 01:11:958 (4) - ^
  10. 01:12:648 (2) - ^
  11. 01:33:165 (4) - ^
  12. 01:34:544 (1) - ^
  13. 01:35:924 (2) - ^
  14. 02:04:717 (4) - ^
  15. 02:20:751 (4) - ^
  16. 02:25:062 (6,8) - ^
  17. 02:26:268 (3,4) - ^
  18. 02:26:268 (3,4) - ^
  19. 02:44:199 (4) - ^
  20. 02:45:234 (6) - ^
  21. 02:45:234 (6) - ^
  22. 03:09:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - This stream shouldn't be one combo only.
  23. 03:12:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - ^
  24. 03:13:855 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - ^
  25. 03:34:372 (6,9) - These notes go outside the playfield, consider moving.
  26. 04:00:752 (1) - ^
  27. 04:07:303 (7,1) - ^
  28. 04:08:855 (8) - ^
  29. 04:10:752 (2,3) - ^
  30. 04:23:165 (3) - ^
  31. Lots of notes outside the playfield, honestly I think these are all not really a big deal, but you may want to go into/fix them at some point.
This map is beautiful, the sliders are amazing, and deathstreams orz

Good luck with getting this ranked, I can't wait to play it 8-)
Topic Starter

Nozhomi wrote:

Hi~ fast lucky mod I guess ?

- General :
  1. Remove newgrounds from tags, you already have it on source.

- Smoothness :
  1. 00:07:648 (4,5) - Make them centered, we don't see stack with 00:05:924 (4) - . I see what you mean, but the beginning of (4) is the exact middle of the triangle. I centered the (5)
  2. 00:44:544 (7) - Move it to 196:380, like this the curve of stream is kinda weird with slider's position. hmm.. this is also weird, but moved to (190/377)
  3. 00:59:372 (5,8) - You shouldn't extend your jumps like that, music is not enough "strong" to go for giant jumps. Somethings like this fit better imo you're right they're a bit unlinear I moved (5) up to create a straight line
  4. 01:18:510 (3,1) - I don't like how the flow is here. Transition is too abrupt. Change direction of slider to make transition better or use 2 circles instead. rotated the slider a bit
  5. 01:30:234 (7,1) - This overlap don't work here and make map just looks messy. ok, ok moved down.
  6. 01:43:165 (3,4,5) - You just kill flow here, slider direction are misplaced and are not coherent. Somethings like this have much more sens "sens" hahaha okay yes rotated (4)
  7. 01:50:406 (1,2,3,4) - this is probably the worst idea to raise SV here. It's too sudden and with the fast rhythm of this part lead to easy break. Just use same SV as before but you can keep this spacing for following stream. no this SV is pretty okay. It introduced the spaced stream, has good circle flow and also makes the player take a look at further "crazy-violet sliders"
  8. 01:52:044 (12,13,14,15,16) - If you want to make a real star use CTRL+Shift+D. no thanks:) should be exactly this way, the last circle should have lower distance
  9. 02:11:441 (4,5) - These jumps have no reason to be here imo, or at least shouldn't be so huge. right.
  10. 02:46:613 (1) - The whirlpool at the end could be improve imo. hm.. I've no idea how..
  11. 03:16:613 (1,2) - To respect flow, stream should restart with 03:17:303 (2) - at 160:228. oh why?
  12. 03:31:441 (10,2) - Bad stacking. right
  13. 04:26:096 (1,2) - Flow again is broken. You can change position of slider to fit it correctly or minimum move his end to 448:224. I would change it if the stream was "uncornered" but the stream has corners the flow is not bad it is just a bit difficult.
  14. 04:28:165 (2,3) -Same as 02:11:441 (4,5) - . right, moved
  15. 04:28:165 (2,3,3) - Move end to 360:276 for flow. ?
  16. 04:46:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - You should use 0.8x or 1.0x spacing for this part, because you can feel music become stronger at 04:47:648 - , so use a lower spacing and raise it after this point is more coherent to music. I see what u mean but it is even hard to get the spaced stream down so if the spacing also changes it would be reaaally hard
  17. 04:52:919 (1,2,3,4,5) - Don't stack them but use a low spacing like 0.2x, a stack is just boring here. good idea, changed it into a "a bit hard to read antispacing pattern :)"
  18. 04:58:781 (1,2,3,4) - Same as above. here does the stack fit cause the rhythm is equal.
  19. 05:09:126 (1) - Make it start to 05:08:608 - . okay that's right, don't know why no one saw this before

That's all.
helpful at all!
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

From ✞Kuki and Moph's Modding Q✞

  1. I would consider a different difficulty name, e.g "Shine", "Mellow", "Cheerful". If you do like the difficulty name don't worry about it :) I will think about a change..
  2. 00:02:045 (1) - This note could probably be a bit quieter. why
  3. 00:13:165 (5) - This note goes outside the playfield, consider moving.
  4. 00:21:441 (1) - This note also goes slightly outside the playfield, and I suggest you rotate it slightly also, as it seems bland.
  5. 00:28:337 (1) - This note goes outside the playfield, consider moving.
  6. 00:30:924 (5) - ^
  7. 00:41:958 (5) - ^
  8. 00:44:372 (5,6,7) - ^
  9. 01:11:958 (4) - ^
  10. 01:12:648 (2) - ^
  11. 01:33:165 (4) - ^
  12. 01:34:544 (1) - ^
  13. 01:35:924 (2) - ^
  14. 02:04:717 (4) - ^
  15. 02:20:751 (4) - ^
  16. 02:25:062 (6,8) - ^
  17. 02:26:268 (3,4) - ^
  18. 02:26:268 (3,4) - ^
  19. 02:44:199 (4) - ^
  20. 02:45:234 (6) - ^
  21. 02:45:234 (6) - ^
  22. 03:09:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - This stream shouldn't be one combo only.
  23. 03:12:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - ^
  24. 03:13:855 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - ^ My combnopatterning is constisent because I NC after 8/1 in streams. :)
  25. 03:34:372 (6,9) - These notes go outside the playfield, consider moving.
  26. 04:00:752 (1) - ^
  27. 04:07:303 (7,1) - ^
  28. 04:08:855 (8) - ^
  29. 04:10:752 (2,3) - ^
  30. 04:23:165 (3) - ^
  31. Lots of notes outside the playfield, honestly I think these are all not really a big deal, but you may want to go into/fix them at some point.
This map is beautiful, the sliders are amazing, and deathstreams orz

Good luck with getting this ranked, I can't wait to play it 8-)
sorry for no changed I checked it an I think nothing is outside of playfield :o I don't know what you mean.
I hope you find it helps my mod ... just change a little the sounds of the calm parts ... basically whistles. Good Luck!


OD - 1

00:03:165 (2) - Whistle?[
00:06:268 (1,2) - ^
00:07:648 (4) - ^
00:08:682 - ^
00:09:717 - ^
00:12:475 - ^
00:13:165 - ^
00:14:199 - ^
00:15:234 - ^
00:15:579 - ^
00:15:924 -^
00:16:958 - ^
00:17:648 - ^
00:19:717 - ^
00:20:751 -^
01:30:924 - ^
01:33:165 - ^
01:34:544 - ^
01:35:062 - ^
01:35:579 - ^
01:35:924 - ^
01:36:958 - ^
01:37:303 - ^
01:38:337 - ^
01:38:682 - ^
01:39:199 - ^
01:40:062 - ^
01:40:579 - ^
02:59:199 - ^
02:59:717 - ^
03:00:751 - ^
03:01:441 - ^
03:02:820 - ^
03:03:337 - ^
03:03:855 (4) - ^
03:04:199 - ^
03:05:234 - ^
03:05:406 - ^
03:05:579 - ^
03:06:613 - ^
03:06:786 (8) - ^
03:06:958 (1) - Finish?
04:50:160 -Whistle
04:52:919 (1,2,3) - ^
04:55:677 (6,7) - ^
04:59:470 - ^
05:00:160 - ^
05:02:229 (7,8,9) - ^
05:03:953 (3) - ^
05:04:643 (5) - ^
05:05:677 - ^
  1. I guess newgrounds is website name (?) , if yes
    RC:Only use the Source field if the song comes from or was made famous by a video game, movie, or series. Website names are not an acceptable Artist nor Source.
  2. have you ask any some timing experts to confirm the timing ? since this song has some piano track and that might need adjust some timing at piano part
  1. 00:27:475 (3) - x324 y124 ? I think note here will play better if you increase spacing a bit here
  2. 00:30:924 (5) - try this shape?
  3. 00:32:820 (2) - try this ? it would make the flow here 00:32:820 (2,3) - a bit better imo
  4. 00:34:372 (4,5,6) - try this rhythm? , sound better imo
  5. 00:36:441 (4) - maybe you can make the curve at the head consistent with curve at the tail , that would make this slider flow more smooth
  6. 00:40:924 (2,3) - the jumps here feels a bit awkward for me so I suggest you ctrl+g this 00:41:096 (3) - that would make the jumps better imo
  7. 00:48:682 (7,8) - why not make spacing here same as 00:48:165 (4,5) - that would here flow here a bit nice and consistent
  8. 00:55:924 (1,2) - increase spacing a bit here is not a bad idea
  9. 00:59:372 (5,8) - maybe you can make pattern like this that would make the pattern looks better and also might make flow better too
  10. 01:08:337 (1) - try this shape ?
  11. 01:12:303 (6,1) - this would make a great jumps , why you use low spacing here that kinda make flow here 01:12:303 (6,1,2) - a bit weird imo
  12. 01:13:855 (1) - try this shape ?
  13. 01:30:406 (1) - you might need to adjust node a bit so the left side and right side stay consistent
  14. 02:00:406 (4,5) - this would flow better if you swap the place of these two notes
  15. 02:02:993 (5) - ctrl+g would make flow a bit better here 02:02:648 (4,5) -
  16. 02:08:165 (4,5,6) - try this rhythm ? sound better imo
  17. 02:14:027 (3) - ctrl+g would make flow a bit better here 02:13:682 (2,3) -
  18. 02:14:372 (1,2) - the spacing here is a bit too much imo and the stright flow there make this feel a bit awkward tho so you might need to consider this jumps a bit
  19. 02:35:406 (2,3,1) - this flow better imo
  20. 02:37:131 (1) - try this shape ?
  21. 02:46:613 (1) - I think slow sv would emphasis this part better
  22. 03:08:165 (1) - nc for change in spacing ?
  23. 03:11:268 (2) - this make flow here 03:11:268 (2,3) - better imo
  24. 03:27:131 (3,4) - jumps here might be a bit too big imo
  25. 03:56:269 (5,6) - this would flow better if you swap the place of these two notes
  26. 04:54:643 (5) - nc ?
  27. 05:02:919 (9) - nc this instead of 05:03:263 (1) - ?
so hard map ;_;
but stream part look pretty good

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

  1. I guess newgrounds is website name (?) , if yes
    RC:Only use the Source field if the song comes from or was made famous by a video game, movie, or series. Website names are not an acceptable Artist nor Source. fix
  2. have you ask any some timing experts to confirm the timing ? since this song has some piano track and that might need adjust some timing at piano part yeah I have and it's ok :)
  1. 00:27:475 (3) - x324 y124 ? I think note here will play better if you increase spacing a bit here right
  2. 00:30:924 (5) - try this shape? fix
  3. 00:32:820 (2) - try this ? it would make the flow here 00:32:820 (2,3) - a bit better imo fix
  4. 00:34:372 (4,5,6) - try this rhythm? , sound better imo sounds really better
  5. 00:36:441 (4) - maybe you can make the curve at the head consistent with curve at the tail , that would make this slider flow more smooth no that's ok
  6. 00:40:924 (2,3) - the jumps here feels a bit awkward for me so I suggest you ctrl+g this 00:41:096 (3) - that would make the jumps better imo yeah
  7. 00:48:682 (7,8) - why not make spacing here same as 00:48:165 (4,5) - that would here flow here a bit nice and consistent no should be exactly like that
  8. 00:55:924 (1,2) - increase spacing a bit here is not a bad idea right
  9. 00:59:372 (5,8) - maybe you can make pattern like this that would make the pattern looks better and also might make flow better too I think it's abit challenging and should stay. It is consistent.
  10. 01:08:337 (1) - try this shape ? perfect!
  11. 01:12:303 (6,1) - this would make a great jumps , why you use low spacing here that kinda make flow here 01:12:303 (6,1,2) - a bit weird imo changed in a cool way
  12. 01:13:855 (1) - try this shape ? already done
  13. 01:30:406 (1) - you might need to adjust node a bit so the left side and right side stay consistent yeah!
  14. 02:00:406 (4,5) - this would flow better if you swap the place of these two notes yep
  15. 02:02:993 (5) - ctrl+g would make flow a bit better here 02:02:648 (4,5) - no, special antiflow ;)
  16. 02:08:165 (4,5,6) - try this rhythm ? sound better imo yeah
  17. 02:14:027 (3) - ctrl+g would make flow a bit better here 02:13:682 (2,3) - again anti-flow
  18. 02:14:372 (1,2) - the spacing here is a bit too much imo and the stright flow there make this feel a bit awkward tho so you might need to consider this jumps a bit tell me how pls..
  19. 02:35:406 (2,3,1) - this flow better imo for me this is absolutely perfect.. but nice idea
  20. 02:37:131 (1) - try this shape ? perfect
  21. 02:46:613 (1) - I think slow sv would emphasis this part better hmmmmm
  22. 03:08:165 (1) - nc for change in spacing ? ok that's right
  23. 03:11:268 (2) - this make flow here 03:11:268 (2,3) - better imo PERFECT!!
  24. 03:27:131 (3,4) - jumps here might be a bit too big imo they're awkward, that's right
  25. 03:56:269 (5,6) - this would flow better if you swap the place of these two notes no sorry..
  26. 04:54:643 (5) - nc ? yeah
  27. 05:02:919 (9) - nc this instead of 05:03:263 (1) - ? nice
so hard map ;_;
but stream part look pretty good thanks..

Good luck :)
thanks much for ur mod I made many changes. Am I allowed to ask for recheck later? :lol:
Reallyyyy a great map for the very first.

I hope it gets ranked soon ;) Good luck!
Topic Starter

FrostxE wrote:

Reallyyyy a great map for the very first.

I hope it gets ranked soon ;) Good luck!
thank you <3 ;)
from modding queue ~
00:26:791 (6) - i personally think this should be closer to 5 , feel more comfortable to play
00:46:273 - i think this greenline should lowers the volume a little ( 60% works fine ) since its kinda feel too loud , especially those streams,
barely hear the music
00:59:377 (5,8) - this jump feels kinda awkwardly big since 00:59:549 (6,7) - have constant spacing with 00:59:032 (3,4) - while
00:58:860 (2,5,8) - have a large distance , consider reducing 00:58:860 (2,5,8) - a little for better playability
01:09:722 (3) - suggest to move it down for a better flow : something like this :
01:51:791 (9) - i'd nc here
02:00:411 (4,5) - ctrl+g would be nice to play
02:15:239 (4,5) - suggest to ctrl+g too , would play better along with pattern on 02:14:722 (1,2) -
02:20:411 (2,4) - couldve have a closer blanket here
02:22:998 (2,3) - ctrl+g would play nice because the pitch is go up and down here , would fit the feeling more :D
02:25:411 (8) - suggest to move it a bit to the left for variety flow , feel kinda cramp to the right side here , maybe something like this :
02:28:342 - for me this 1.3x sv is kinda too sudden and felt too fast , maybe reducing it a little ? around 1.15 would feel nicer imo
02:35:411 - nice
03:10:411 (9) - long combo , nc here
03:11:101 (1,2,3,4) - the flow is kinda too random here , feel a little confuse , might want to rework the pattern here
03:13:170 (9) - nc here tho
03:14:549 (9) - ^
03:20:411 (3) - this object doesnt represent anything
03:29:032 (1) - fix overlap
03:35:411 (6,7,8) - suggest to ctrl+g this for nicer flow
04:16:963 (4,5) - ctrl + g
04:17:998 (5,6) - ^ would be better for 04:18:170 (6) - to be at (5) would form a nice triangle :
04:18:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - felt weird with the anti flow here , wouldve be nicer if u split it by 4 objects by moving the (8) near the (7) like this :
04:35:584 (3,4) - personally feel ctrl+g here felt better to play ><
04:46:963 (9) - nc here ~
04:48:342 (9) - ^ ~
05:11:199 (1) - feel this object isnt necessary tho , you can just end the spinner here , no need to clap 05:11:027 - here too

very nice and enjoyable map , i would consider to change the normal-hitnormal to blend it well with the music , its kinda loud for this beautiful song
ps : call me anytime when you think it is ready :D
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

from modding queue ~
00:26:791 (6) - i personally think this should be closer to 5 , feel more comfortable to play yeah, moved under (2)
00:46:273 - i think this greenline should lowers the volume a little ( 60% works fine ) since its kinda feel too loud , especially those streams,
barely hear the music 55 ;)
00:59:377 (5,8) - this jump feels kinda awkwardly big since 00:59:549 (6,7) - have constant spacing with 00:59:032 (3,4) - while
00:58:860 (2,5,8) - have a large distance , consider reducing 00:58:860 (2,5,8) - a little for better playability no, should be a challenge for especially people who "circling around at triangles" what is not really clean, many people make that mistake so I wanted to implement something which trains a clear, triangle corner cursormotion.. I know it's a bit hard because the angle gets closer but I want this that way.
01:09:722 (3) - suggest to move it down for a better flow : something like this : yes, flows nice like that :)
01:51:791 (9) - i'd nc here right
02:00:411 (4,5) - ctrl+g would be nice to play hmmm, no I don't think so
02:15:239 (4,5) - suggest to ctrl+g too , would play better along with pattern on 02:14:722 (1,2) - this should be a bit weird ;) like it is now
02:20:411 (2,4) - couldve have a closer blanket here right
02:22:998 (2,3) - ctrl+g would play nice because the pitch is go up and down here , would fit the feeling more :D OMG this idea is so perfect <3
02:25:411 (8) - suggest to move it a bit to the left for variety flow , feel kinda cramp to the right side here , maybe something like this : WOW very nice suggestion again
02:28:342 - for me this 1.3x sv is kinda too sudden and felt too fast , maybe reducing it a little ? around 1.15 would feel nicer imo hmm, maybe 1,25x, but I think you can see it at because of the AR very good and a circle slider cannot be played very wrong, know what I mean, u don't have to move the cursor far ;)
02:35:411 - nice thanks, spend so much time here
03:10:411 (9) - long combo , nc here yep
03:11:101 (1,2,3,4) - the flow is kinda too random here , feel a little confuse , might want to rework the pattern here nooo up and down and up and down...
03:13:170 (9) - nc here tho yeah
03:14:549 (9) - ^ yes
03:20:411 (3) - this object doesnt represent anything lol, okay it represents a very weird electric pitchsound and it fits really good like a fcking drop, in my opinion
03:29:032 (1) - fix overlap yeah sure
03:35:411 (6,7,8) - suggest to ctrl+g this for nicer flow ok, not bad
04:16:963 (4,5) - ctrl + g It flow mega perfect now thaaaanks <3
04:17:998 (5,6) - ^ would be better for 04:18:170 (6) - to be at (5) would form a nice triangle : no sorry, then the flow down from (4) to (5) to (6) would be weird
04:18:687 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - felt weird with the anti flow here , wouldve be nicer if u split it by 4 objects by moving the (8) near the (7) like this : sorry, I want this to be so, these should be antijumps, you know they're a bit too rare in 2015 mapping ;)
04:35:584 (3,4) - personally feel ctrl+g here felt better to play >< same for me your absolutely right..
04:46:963 (9) - nc here ~
04:48:342 (9) - ^ ~
05:11:199 (1) - feel this object isnt necessary tho , you can just end the spinner here , no need to clap 05:11:027 - here too not familiar with a finishing object EXACTLY in the middle of the flower :D ?

very nice and enjoyable map , i would consider to change the normal-hitnormal to blend it well with the music , its kinda loud for this beautiful song
ps : call me anytime when you think it is ready :D
thank you so much, nice mod, I will call you back :)
m4m, id like to keep a ticket since I still need to finish up my map :)

  • [Smoothness]
  1. 00:05:929 (4,1) - swap nc since that piano melody starts from 00:05:929 (4) -
  2. 00:07:653 (5) - You could try this to catch both piano hits.
  3. 00:11:877 (2) - Not snapped to the piano hit, Id suggest making 00:11:791 (1) - a 1/8 slider and have a circle at 00:12:136 - instead, would probably be better than a 1/8 doublet.
  4. 00:17:653 (8) - I don't like the slider here, it's a fading piano hit but the sliderticks makes it so noisy. But if you want to keep the slider, id suggest silencing the sliderticks. and have the curve on the first slidertick so it turns on the beat.
  5. 00:25:411 (4) - unnecessarily long slider, youre missing several white ticks and a particularily strong beat at 00:25:756 - id suggest this instead, youll catch all the white ticks because they are important for the percussion and the 1/1 slider should emphasize the long synth hit a bit.
  6. 00:30:929 (5) - same as above
  7. 00:36:446 (4) - same as above
  8. 00:35:239 (1) - Make this parallel with 00:34:894 (6) - so make it look better
  9. 00:36:446 (4) - Ill stop here, you get the drift.
  10. 00:53:429 (2) - blanket is off.
  11. 00:55:929 (2) - blanket is off
  12. 00:55:929 (1,2) - unnecessary sliders, its overmapped and its pretty noisy, just change to circles, and you could use a big jump between them to emphasize the double kick
  13. 01:09:894 (4) - bad flow, rotate it like -50 and blanket it again and move away 01:10:239 (5) -
  14. 01:19:032 (5) - could make a turn here.
  15. 01:30:411 (1) - the long sliders in this section is pretty fine though i think since youre almost exclusively following the synth in this part.
  16. 01:31:791 (2) - could blanket this slider with (1) to make it look better
  17. 01:45:929 (5,6,7) - bad flow, [url]try this[/url]
  18. 01:50:411 - really random sv change, I hear nothing in the music that calls for a change, the stream from 01:51:101 (1) - is a bit higher pitch so the increased spacing there is fine but I think its a bit too much, consider reducing,
  19. 02:04:377 (3) - blanket is off
  20. 02:12:825 (5) - should probably stack with 02:11:618 (7) -
  21. 02:35:411 - this is really cool!!
  22. 02:40:411 (1) - blanket is off on sliderhead
  23. 02:40:929 (2) - straighten it out a bit so it blankets better
  24. 02:53:515 (2,3) - these are off, notice how the followpoints between (2) and (3) is slanted
  25. 02:58:342 (2,3,4,5) - these could easily be confused to 1/3 because the spacing change is so sudden
  26. 03:47:480 (2) - stack
  27. 03:54:204 (2) - can blanket with (1) and (3) better
  28. 04:51:199 (3) - I like this pointed downwards
  29. 04:59:131 (2,3,4) - could use a bit of movement, and the bigger movement from 05:00:165 (1) - would nicely imo
  30. 05:11:199 (1) - center this?
Nice map and song, I hope it can get ranked :)
Topic Starter

Kotonoha wrote:

m4m, id like to keep a ticket since I still need to finish up my map :)

  • [Smoothness]
  1. 00:05:929 (4,1) - swap nc since that piano melody starts from 00:05:929 (4) - comboing is one big white ticks..
  2. 00:07:653 (5) - You could try this to catch both piano hits. this tone is not strong enough I think but good idea, i will think about it..
  3. 00:11:877 (2) - Not snapped to the piano hit, Id suggest making 00:11:791 (1) - a 1/8 slider and have a circle at 00:12:136 - instead, would probably be better than a 1/8 doublet. I had exactly this pattern before (1/8 slider) but many modders said that this probably confuses and they were right, but good catch
  4. 00:17:653 (8) - I don't like the slider here, it's a fading piano hit but the sliderticks makes it so noisy. But if you want to keep the slider, id suggest silencing the sliderticks. and have the curve on the first slidertick so it turns on the beat. I don't see a reason here, sorry
  5. 00:25:411 (4) - unnecessarily long slider, youre missing several white ticks and a particularily strong beat at 00:25:756 - id suggest this instead, youll catch all the white ticks because they are important for the percussion and the 1/1 slider should emphasize the long synth hit a bit. I'm not mapping percussion here, I'm mapping melody..
  6. 00:30:929 (5) - same as above
  7. 00:36:446 (4) - same as above
  8. 00:35:239 (1) - Make this parallel with 00:34:894 (6) - so make it look better wow I never heard of parallel curves, but I know what you mean, changed it a bit, they are now 180°
  9. 00:36:446 (4) - Ill stop here, you get the drift. ?
  10. 00:53:429 (2) - blanket is off.fix
  11. 00:55:929 (2) - blanket is off ??
  12. 00:55:929 (1,2) - unnecessary sliders, its overmapped and its pretty noisy, just change to circles, and you could use a big jump between them to emphasize the double kick I don't think so, it is ok
  13. 01:09:894 (4) - bad flow, rotate it like -50 and blanket it again and move away 01:10:239 (5) - umm no..
  14. 01:19:032 (5) - could make a turn here. cool idea you mean because of the other streams which are turning? I just won't change that becuase I have another "circle-shaped stream" later
  15. 01:30:411 (1) - the long sliders in this section is pretty fine though i think since youre almost exclusively following the synth in this part.thank you
  16. 01:31:791 (2) - could blanket this slider with (1) to make it look better right, cool idea
  17. 01:45:929 (5,6,7) - bad flow, [url]try this[/url] I like it this way
  18. 01:50:411 - really random sv change, I hear nothing in the music that calls for a change, the stream from 01:51:101 (1) - is a bit higher pitch so the increased spacing there is fine but I think its a bit too much, consider reducing, I will think about the sliders, some modders complain about this, but I won't change any streamspacing or streamshapes (important for every further modder)
  19. 02:04:377 (3) - blanket is off fix
  20. 02:12:825 (5) - should probably stack with 02:11:618 (7) - not necessary at all
  21. 02:35:411 - this is really cool!! <3
  22. 02:40:411 (1) - blanket is off on sliderhead ok, but really not important..
  23. 02:40:929 (2) - straighten it out a bit so it blankets better ..
  24. 02:53:515 (2,3) - these are off, notice how the followpoints between (2) and (3) is slanted hmm, but the pattern should be symmetric..
  25. 02:58:342 (2,3,4,5) - these could easily be confused to 1/3 because the spacing change is so sudden no surely not
  26. 03:47:480 (2) - stack no one can notice that it's unneceassry and also the space between the straigh sliders is fixed
  27. 03:54:204 (2) - can blanket with (1) and (3) better yes.. changed a bit
  28. 04:51:199 (3) - I like this pointed downwards hm I think thats ok like it is now
  29. 04:59:131 (2,3,4) - could use a bit of movement, and the bigger movement from 05:00:165 (1) - would nicely imo no let this just be a normal oldschooly stack, many modders complain about this but I won't change because it is my opinion.
  30. 05:11:199 (1) - center this? It's exactly stacked on the flower.
Nice map and song, I hope it can get ranked :)
thanks for mod ( I didn't remember I requested..?) you will get a ticket that's okay. Sorry for just some changes...
Hey There :D/
Sorry for late mod as i have been on holiday in Jersey ;w;
From the Wild and Hyper's NM/M4M Queue [STD|CTB]

00:02:049 (1) - imo this note would be better extended one more time and remove the reverse (consider making these sliders slower for the soft music)

00:22:825 - There is sound here so please map it in. even if it's just all circle notes like this

00:28:342 (1) - shorten the slider down by one as it fits more
00:33:256 (4) - removing this note will give more sound to the next notes so you can hear it better.
00:34:377 (4,5,6) - swap 5,6 over with 4's place cause it sounds better (like i mention later on at 02:08:170 - )
00:39:377 (1) - Shorten again
00:44:291 (4) - remove again
00:46:273 (1) - this should have a finish on the start of the slider also as it has a finish sound in the song
00:52:308 (2,3) - imo i would remove (3) and extend the (2) slider reverse as it sounds better.
01:26:101 (4,1) - removing (4) will give more emphasis one (1)
01:37:308 (6) - bit of a gap in the play here. at least make this one a slider
01:41:101 (1) - please reduce the audio of the timing point here at the start of the slider down to about 50%. It's so loud for a nice song ;w;
01:57:825 (4) - the start of this slider fits more with a circle note so i would remove the reverse and have a single slider after adding a circle note here instead.

02:03:515 (1) - Add a finish to the start of the slider
02:07:049 (4) - remove so other notes can be heard more
02:07:653 (1,2,3) - the claps are a bit loud here. either add a timing point to reduce, Remove or mostly i highly recommend switching to whistles
02:08:170 (4) - This section would sound better with the music switched around like this

02:08:946 (6) - shouldn't this note be 02:08:860 - here instead?
02:13:170 (1) - shorten
02:35:411 (2,3) - watch auto play and see how fast you truly got to be to do this ;w;. I recommend doing this instead

02:36:618 (4) - make into a slider instead

02:49:894 (5) - Just a small idea but it would be nice to delete some of these one notes with not much sound on for emphasis on the next notes (since you were at one point focusing on the dinging sounds)
02:59:894 (2) - Like here ^ no sound at all
03:20:067 (1,2,3) - omg so faaaast ;w; try slow or find other ways around. it seems so impossible ;w;
03:25:584 (3,4,5) - Curve these instead of a straight line

03:31:791 (1) - add finish to the start
03:35:067 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - possible curve mirror these?
03:42:998 - add circle note
03:59:204 (4) - shorten by 1 tick and make into a reverse instead
04:15:584 (9) - ^ but not too essential
04:42:825 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - possible curve mirror again?
04:49:032 (1) - this reverse does not really fit. imo just have a circle note instead (and also consider deleting 04:48:946 (8) - for more emphasis on the next one too)
04:54:648 (1) - consider this for the intro ones too but make these long nice slow sliders

05:02:924 (9) - make into a slider which ends where (2) is
05:08:441 (1) - same as before. just make into a circle note instead
05:08:613 (1) - add finish

Well i hoped this helped :D
Any questions just pm me or leave a message in my inbox
Good luck :D
Topic Starter

WildOne94 wrote:

Hey There :D/
Sorry for late mod as i have been on holiday in Jersey ;w;
From the Wild and Hyper's NM/M4M Queue [STD|CTB]

00:02:049 (1) - imo this note would be better extended one more time and remove the reverse (consider making these sliders slower for the soft music) no this is an 1/8 melody and I mapped it this way.

00:22:825 - There is sound here so please map it in. even if it's just all circle notes like this ?? why

00:28:342 (1) - shorten the slider down by one as it fits more I don't understand what you mean
00:33:256 (4) - removing this note will give more sound to the next notes so you can hear it better. this is a normal little stream
00:34:377 (4,5,6) - swap 5,6 over with 4's place cause it sounds better (like i mention later on at 02:08:170 - ) that's absolutely right, man, fixed
00:39:377 (1) - Shorten again no
00:44:291 (4) - remove again haha why
00:46:273 (1) - this should have a finish on the start of the slider also as it has a finish sound in the song yep
00:52:308 (2,3) - imo i would remove (3) and extend the (2) slider reverse as it sounds better. no feels better like this
01:26:101 (4,1) - removing (4) will give more emphasis one (1) I won't remove any 1/2 because it has crucial impact on the flow of a map, remember that.
01:37:308 (6) - bit of a gap in the play here. at least make this one a slider no reason
01:41:101 (1) - please reduce the audio of the timing point here at the start of the slider down to about 50%. It's so loud for a nice song ;w; ok done
01:57:825 (4) - the start of this slider fits more with a circle note so i would remove the reverse and have a single slider after adding a circle note here instead. yes changed a bit

02:03:515 (1) - Add a finish to the start of the slider yes
02:07:049 (4) - remove so other notes can be heard more noooo
02:07:653 (1,2,3) - the claps are a bit loud here. either add a timing point to reduce, Remove or mostly i highly recommend switching to whistles they're ok
02:08:170 (4) - This section would sound better with the music switched around like this yes, again

02:08:946 (6) - shouldn't this note be 02:08:860 - here instead?
02:13:170 (1) - shorten no
02:35:411 (2,3) - watch auto play and see how fast you truly got to be to do this ;w;. I recommend doing this instead I don't watch auto, I play and this part feels perfect

02:36:618 (4) - make into a slider instead no, energykilling

02:49:894 (5) - Just a small idea but it would be nice to delete some of these one notes with not much sound on for emphasis on the next notes (since you were at one point focusing on the dinging sounds) no again, would be flow destruction
02:59:894 (2) - Like here ^ no sound at all feels good
03:20:067 (1,2,3) - omg so faaaast ;w; try slow or find other ways around. it seems so impossible ;w; no it's perfect
03:25:584 (3,4,5) - Curve these instead of a straight line hm ok

03:31:791 (1) - add finish to the start
03:35:067 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - possible curve mirror these? no
03:42:998 - add circle note no (please get more experience in "modding of delete and adding notes")
03:59:204 (4) - shorten by 1 tick and make into a reverse instead no
04:15:584 (9) - ^ but not too essential
04:42:825 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - possible curve mirror again? no
04:49:032 (1) - this reverse does not really fit. imo just have a circle note instead (and also consider deleting 04:48:946 (8) - for more emphasis on the next one too) listen to the music.
04:54:648 (1) - consider this for the intro ones too but make these long nice slow sliders the outro is perfect.

05:02:924 (9) - make into a slider which ends where (2) is
05:08:441 (1) - same as before. just make into a circle note instead
05:08:613 (1) - add finish

Well i hoped this helped :D
Any questions just pm me or leave a message in my inbox
Good luck :D
just a last thing to suggest before pushing this
mostly just hitsounds and neating some parts , feel free to take any.
no kds ~

00:13:170 (5) - how about a whistle on the head here ?
00:14:549 (1) - ^ on the reverse
00:15:929 (3) - ^
00:18:687 (1) - can be neater
00:33:429 (6,7) - maybe can fix this curve to something like :
00:39:032 (6,3,5,6) - how about clap whistle here ? would sound nice with the bgm
01:41:101 (1) - i think better remove the clap on the tail tho
01:51:704 (8) - maybe move this a bit down to make the curve looks more natural :
02:07:825 (2) - maybe remove this clap would sound nicer imo
02:26:273 (3) - i think better remove this clap and add clap at 02:26:618 (4) - head instead
02:34:894 (6) - would clap on head ?
02:37:136 (1) - remove clap , i think the finish only sounds just nice
02:40:411 (1) - i think better clap on head instead of tail
if you agree with ^ , 02:40:929 (2) - add a clap on tail too
02:41:791 (7,8) - also would sound nice with clap on head
02:55:584 (9) - clap here
02:56:273 (5,5) - how about clap here too ? would be more rhytmic , also 02:55:929 (1) - finish only here works nice enough , remove clap
03:09:204 (4) - i think remove clap here would sound nice
03:08:342 (2) - ^
03:21:791 (4) - clap
03:32:136 (2) - hmm after few plays i think ctrl+g works with the flow better imo
03:34:722 - i think its better to add a circle here , the break sounds kinda awkward , tho here have sound to , maybe suggest to make like this :
03:37:308 (7) - remove clap on tail and add clap on 03:37:653 (1) - head
03:59:377 (5,6) - same as ^
04:04:033 (1) - nc here ~
04:36:273 (7) - clap ~
04:45:584 (1) - remove clap on reverse ?
04:46:877 (8) - move a bit down like this :
04:48:342 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - maybe this stream flow can be curve nicely tho , just a rough suggestion :
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

just a last thing to suggest before pushing this
mostly just hitsounds and neating some parts , feel free to take any.
no kds ~

00:13:170 (5) - how about a whistle on the head here ?
00:14:549 (1) - ^ on the reverse
00:15:929 (3) - ^ you mean (4), sound much cooler, added on (4)
00:18:687 (1) - can be neater adjusted
00:33:429 (6,7) - maybe can fix this curve to something like : I don't want to make this curve like this, the slider should be antiflow with the little stream, to emphasize this purpose I rotated (7) more.
00:39:032 (6,3,5,6) - how about clap whistle here ? would sound nice with the bgm done. (5) is a whistle and the other s claps, sounded good to me
01:41:101 (1) - i think better remove the clap on the tail tho OH, yeah moved clap and finish to (1)
01:51:704 (8) - maybe move this a bit down to make the curve looks more natural : for me it's perfect, sorry
02:07:825 (2) - maybe remove this clap would sound nicer imo right
02:26:273 (3) - i think better remove this clap and add clap at 02:26:618 (4) - head instead sounds nice
02:34:894 (6) - would clap on head ? no normally on (1) feels better..
02:37:136 (1) - remove clap , i think the finish only sounds just nice yes
02:40:411 (1) - i think better clap on head instead of tail both
if you agree with ^ , 02:40:929 (2) - add a clap on tail too would be to much clapping, but I made it my own way, listen to it~ until the big violet slider
02:41:791 (7,8) - also would sound nice with clap on head yeah fits perfect
02:55:584 (9) - clap here yeah
02:56:273 (5,5) - how about clap here too ? would be more rhytmic no sorry, also 02:55:929 (1) - finish only here works nice enough , remove clap yes
03:09:204 (4) - i think remove clap here would sound nice yep
03:08:342 (2) - ^ no I like it here
03:21:791 (4) - clap yep, good idea
03:32:136 (2) - hmm after few plays i think ctrl+g works with the flow better imo OMG how perfect!!
03:34:722 - i think its better to add a circle here , the break sounds kinda awkward , tho here have sound to , maybe suggest to make like this : works so perfect, thanks
03:37:308 (7) - remove clap on tail and add clap on 03:37:653 (1) - head hmm I don't know why I did this
03:59:377 (5,6) - same as ^ yep..
04:04:033 (1) - nc here ~ yes
04:36:273 (7) - clap ~ uuh nice
04:45:584 (1) - remove clap on reverse ? hmm no
04:46:877 (8) - move a bit down like this : you're right, was a bit inconsistent here
04:48:342 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - maybe this stream flow can be curve nicely tho , just a rough suggestion : I changed it for better flow but not like yours ~
thanks youuu <3
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

:) :) wooooow
Cherry Blossom
Hello, this map clearly lacks of quality.
Default volume is too loud and it sounds really odd to use default Normal hitsound for this kind of map, especially on the stream part. Poor Hitsounding and I really recommend you to add more improvements on them. At least, decrease the volume.
Well, let's talk about the playability of the map. Many patterns look untidy, and quite random. They do not really reflect the real impact of the song. They also look inconsistent, i mean, you make difficult things on parts which are supposed to be more calm than the kiai time which is the most powerful part of song, i have an example of this : 04:04:894 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - , It's clearly something you should avoid.
And the other way round.


  1. 00:24:204 (1,2,3,4) - This is the first kiai part, there should be more distance between these objects to introduce the next patterns which are a little fast and surprising because the first pattern is quite slow and the player don't expect a speedup, the song is not faster here and more dense here, there is no reason for a speed change.
  2. 00:29:377 (5,6,1,2,3) - This is uncomfortable and difficult to handle these circles, the motion is like a "S" and the player needs much aim to be able to handle these circles, i recomend you to do something like a ctrl+g on 00:29:722 (1,2) - , or you can decrease the distance between each objects.
  3. 00:41:101 (3,4) - there should be more distance between these sliders, because on your previous patterns there is more distance between them and it should be better if you keep consistency to make these pattern more intuitive to play. Plus 00:41:618 - is a strong note, and make it more distanced will be nice for emphasis.
  4. 00:52:308 (2) - i can't see any reason for using a reversed 1/4 slider. There is nothing audible on the blue tick, and following the blue tick does not really make sense.
  5. 00:55:929 (1,2) - This is overmapping, useless difficulty. As i said for ^, there is nothing audible on blue ticks, and following them in order to make this map harder is not recommended to do, and you should avoid that.
  6. 00:56:618 (5,6) - This is difficult to get, because 00:56:273 (3,6) - are overlapped, and you should make this pattern easier to read. Make it more airy and try to avoid overlaps like this :
  7. 00:57:308 (1,1,2) - These objects are too close, for the sake of playability, there should be more distance between them.
  8. 01:07:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This stream is a little overdone. The distance between each circles is little high for what these circles follow. The notes on 1/4 are a little difficult to hear, you should reduce a little the distance between each circles.
  9. 01:11:273 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is weird, the stronger notes are followed by 01:12:653 (2,3,4,5,6) - which are easier than the star pattern you made which follows something less powerful. you should increase the distance between 01:12:998 (3,4,5,6) - because the strongest beat is 01:13:170 (4) - and to emphasize it, you should use a jump.
  10. 01:18:515 (3) - Here, you should not use a 1/4 slider, the stream starts here 01:18:687 - , not here 01:18:515 - . Same for 02:55:756 (10) -
  11. 01:51:101 (1) - When playing, this circles looks hidden by the previous objects, but it is not. For the sake of readability, it should be better if you don't overlap objects here, the stream is difficult, and you should make it as readable as possible.
  12. 01:57:825 (4,5) - It is not really a good idea to stack these objects, because the strong beat here 01:57:998 - should be emphasized to give a better impression. Plus, the NC should be here because the combo starts here, not here 01:58:342 - . Same for 03:37:136 (6,7) - and many more.
  13. 02:07:308 (7,1) - This is counter intuitive, the player expects that there is a 1/2 gap here, not a 1/1. There should be more distance between them. Or you can use a 1/2 slider instead of 02:07:308 (7) - That can work.
  14. 02:27:825 (5,6,7) - These circles are a little overkill, because these previous sliders 02:25:584 (1,2,3) - are really close, and that plays really weird, and it is surprising too. There should be a higher distance between 02:25:584 (1,2,3) - and less distance between 02:27:825 (5,6,7) - . Make them a little more balanced.
  15. 02:36:101 (1,2,3,4) - This jump looks a little overdone, the distance between them is too high, you should reduce the distance between each circles on this triangle 02:36:101 (1,2,3) -
  16. 02:48:687 (4,5) - same as ^, there is no reason for large jumps like this, especially after something which slowdowns when the current atmosphere is not changing. Try something like this instead :
  17. 02:53:170 (1,2) - The angle is a little clunky and that makes this pattern not really comfortable to play, I suggest you to increase the angle between these objects to make this pattern more comfortable to play, just see :
  18. 03:02:825 (1,2) - The distance between these objects is low compared to the previous and next patterns. This is something weird which should be fixed, because there is no reason to reduce the distance here.
  19. 03:29:032 (1,2,3) - This plays on a close angle and, this current pattern is not really comfortable to play. You should make it more airy and increase the angle between these objects, you have enough space to do whatever you want, so you can do something like
  20. 04:02:136 (5,6,7) - There should be a larger angle between these objects, to make this pattern better concerning gameplay, try something which is smoother like :
  21. 04:04:549 (5,6) - This is "too much", there is nothing audible on blue ticks and using two 1/4 sliders is kind of overmapping and useless difficulty on something already difficult. You should avoid them.
  22. 04:04:894 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - As i said above, this patterns looks out of place, it is also overdone. There is too much distance between each circles, you should at least reduce the distance between each circles. This pattern is way easier than 04:10:411 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for example. They follow the same sounds.
  23. 04:16:446 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - same as ^ etc.
  24. 04:38:860 (4,5) - Make this beginning more noticeable, this pattern looks a bit messy because this overlap is werid and easily avoidable. See

Fort wrote:

you need to improve your own mapping skill to make this ranked!
Yes he is right, i don't really think that someone that does not have any ranked maps and not experienced enough with modding could get a bubble after 1 month.
You got almost 20 mods and i think that for an average approval map, there are too many, it looks weird to see that a map really lacks of quality when it has received almost 20 mods. You should remap some parts, as an old chinese BAT said, remapping is better than 30 mods. And that shows that you have interests in being better at mapping and improving your own skills.
I've pointed out the most important things, you should also work on hitsounding.
For now, i'll leave a bubble pop icon. You can call me back when you finally feel ready for a rebubble but I won't recheck it unless there are improvements and enough quality to get rebubbled and considered as ready for approval.
Topic Starter
bye bye original.

see ya later in other maps, when "i'm more experienced" and my map "can be bubbled in just one month". yes.

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Many patterns look untidy, and quite random.
my map isn't random at all.

But okay, if the community thinks so, I will remap some things.. :x
My goodness CB. He's a new mapper lol. Be easy with him. He is still learning the process, so no need to overdo it. One step at a time. Don't get me wrong, you did the right thing and the bubble pop is valid.

Anyways yugijedi, don't expect a instant nomination as a new mapper (unless you're like a few talented mappers like RLC, which is quite rare). Remapping your first few maps is common for newer mappers so don't feel disappointed. Just remember to have fun mapping and have fun learning the process as well. Also, considering that this is a marathon map (which I don't recommend for newer mappers to aim for nomination), changes are you will need to remap a lot of times. This is just my opinion though and this is what I've learned from experience and observations.
Topic Starter

BeatofIke wrote:

My goodness CB. He's a new mapper lol. Be easy with him. He is still learning the process, so no need to overdo it. One step at a time. Don't get me wrong, you did the right thing and the bubble pop is valid.

Anyways yugijedi, don't expect a instant nomination as a new mapper (unless you're like a few talented mappers like RLC, which is quite rare). Remapping your first few maps is common for newer mappers so don't feel disappointed. Just remember to have fun mapping and have fun learning the process as well. Also, considering that this is a marathon map (which I don't recommend for newer mappers to aim for nomination), changes are you will need to remap a lot of times. This is just my opinion though and this is what I've learned from experience and observations.
Thank you Ike you brought my fun in mapping back to it's equilibrium. I know that I'm a new mapper and I shouldn't aim for the nominations of marathons, but I just love to make insanes and extras and if they're comfortable to play (for most highs, I asked much for testplays and nearly all liked this map), the map cannot be that bad. I noticed that I have to remap some parts, because of my lack in experience, but some suggestion are not helpful, the are just killing the spirit of my map, they are destroying something I spent much time one, something which is not random at all.

cb, I will start remapping tomorrow, thank you both~
Ciyus Miapah
i told you :/

looks you're gonna remapping this
pm me if you done okay (since i like this song) :3

lol title name is wrong, changed it to His name is Fort
/me runs

be careful for your map, since CB watching this map (he like a sniper) haha
Topic Starter
No I won't remap THIS
I will remap something
Cherry Blossom

BeatofIke wrote:

My goodness CB. He's a new mapper lol. Be easy with him. He is still learning the process, so no need to overdo it. One step at a time. Don't get me wrong, you did the right thing and the bubble pop is valid.
Awh yeah, you're right ;w;
I'm sorry if I was too serious and mean.
CB you can tell to him to get more mods to improve the quality of the map :3
Topic Starter

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

I checked the map and I totally agree with you CB. I saw some sliders which I don't like so much and I dislike some placement of the streams because those looks weird and I feel the movement of the cursor looks desoriented. My suggestion to mapper is to get some mods on patterns,blankets,stream placements,hitsounding and rhythms before bubble to improve the quality of the mapset to be ranked.
are you serious, blanketing? on a diff like this..? You cannot learn blanketing you can just do it, but I think at that diff I don't need much blankets.
You can help me with my blankets, considered that they should be blankets, just link the bad ones.
About the thing with the mods, I'll probably get some mods, but I think I know how to improve the "quality" of a map now, like BNs or QATs want it, so I can do most of it myself.
Sorry for I mentioned the blankets because I guess I saw some blankets there ;w;
Topic Starter

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Sorry for I mentioned the blankets because I guess I saw some blankets there ;w;
Np! I just think I made no mistake at blanketing :?
Topic Starter
ok let's get started

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hello, this map clearly lacks of quality.
Default volume is too loud and it sounds really odd to use default Normal hitsound for this kind of map, especially on the stream part. Poor Hitsounding and I really recommend you to add more improvements on them. At least, decrease the volume.
Well, let's talk about the playability of the map. Many patterns look untidy, and quite random. They do not really reflect the real impact of the song. They also look inconsistent, i mean, you make difficult things on parts which are supposed to be more calm than the kiai time which is the most powerful part of song, i have an example of this : 04:04:894 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - , It's clearly something you should avoid.
And the other way round.


  1. 00:24:204 (1,2,3,4) - This is the first kiai part, there should be more distance between these objects to introduce the next patterns which are a little fast and surprising because the first pattern is quite slow and the player don't expect a speedup, the song is not faster here and more dense here, there is no reason for a speed change. remapped
  2. 00:29:377 (5,6,1,2,3) - This is uncomfortable and difficult to handle these circles, the motion is like a "S" and the player needs much aim to be able to handle these circles, i recomend you to do something like a ctrl+g on 00:29:722 (1,2) - , or you can decrease the distance between each objects. fixed another way
  3. 00:41:101 (3,4) - there should be more distance between these sliders, because on your previous patterns there is more distance between them and it should be better if you keep consistency to make these pattern more intuitive to play. Plus 00:41:618 - is a strong note, and make it more distanced will be nice for emphasis. yes
  4. 00:52:308 (2) - i can't see any reason for using a reversed 1/4 slider. There is nothing audible on the blue tick, and following the blue tick does not really make sense. ok changed
  5. 00:55:929 (1,2) - This is overmapping, useless difficulty. As i said for ^, there is nothing audible on blue ticks, and following them in order to make this map harder is not recommended to do, and you should avoid that.
  6. 00:56:618 (5,6) - This is difficult to get, because 00:56:273 (3,6) - are overlapped, and you should make this pattern easier to read. Make it more airy and try to avoid overlaps like this : remapped this one and the previous one now I think it looks pretty cool
  7. 00:57:308 (1,1,2) - These objects are too close, for the sake of playability, there should be more distance between them. yes
  8. 01:07:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This stream is a little overdone. The distance between each circles is little high for what these circles follow. The notes on 1/4 are a little difficult to hear, you should reduce a little the distance between each circles. that is the first thing I don't agree with you. Every stream like this has something like a corner and the same spacing, the spacing is not extreme and the 1/4 are hearable as anywhere else. son no reason for me to change that.. I also don't see a quality issue here, the stream follows a clear path and then turns at a white tick.
  9. 01:11:273 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is weird, the stronger notes are followed by 01:12:653 (2,3,4,5,6) - which are easier than the star pattern you made which follows something less powerful. you should increase the distance between 01:12:998 (3,4,5,6) - because the strongest beat is 01:13:170 (4) - and to emphasize it, you should use a jump. remapped anyways
  10. 01:18:515 (3) - Here, you should not use a 1/4 slider, the stream starts here 01:18:687 - , not here 01:18:515 - . Same for 02:55:756 (10) - this is the next thing I don't understand. if you are so strict with 1/4 use, then why don't you listen to the song very closely.. there is something audible what is DIFFERENT to the tone which I can hear during the stream, so why shouldn't I use a DIFFERENT object at 01:18:515 (3) - which is 1/4 ? Something like this has high mapping quality in my opinion. the next thing is right, there is nothing there at 02:55:756 (10) - just an overmap
  11. 01:51:101 (1) - When playing, this circles looks hidden by the previous objects, but it is not. For the sake of readability, it should be better if you don't overlap objects here, the stream is difficult, and you should make it as readable as possible. okay that's right. now it has "quality circularity flow"
  12. 01:57:825 (4,5) - It is not really a good idea to stack these objects, because the strong beat here 01:57:998 - should be emphasized to give a better impression. For me, a stack is a way to emphasize something.. If you noticed it, in this map there aren't much stacks, JUST at places where something should be emphasized, as a BN who's reputation as an objective person predeces him, you should accept that.Plus, the NC should be here because the combo starts here, not here 01:58:342 - . Same for 03:37:136 (6,7) - and many more. my mistake, yes :)
  13. 02:07:308 (7,1) - This is counter intuitive, the player expects that there is a 1/2 gap here, not a 1/1. There should be more distance between them. Or you can use a 1/2 slider instead of 02:07:308 (7) - That can work. distance increased
  14. 02:27:825 (5,6,7) - These circles are a little overkill, because these previous sliders 02:25:584 (1,2,3) - are really close, and that plays really weird, and it is surprising too. There should be a higher distance between 02:25:584 (1,2,3) - and less distance between 02:27:825 (5,6,7) - . Make them a little more balanced. ok, your right they're are a bit too far but again, this has a purpose, to introduce the next increased SV so these circles aren't related to the previous patterns, they are something like a prelude for the next pattern. I changed it though, because it really was too high distance. I tell you my purpose at every suggestion of you because I want to show you that nothing is random here, and my map does not deserve something like the word RANDOM.
  15. 02:36:101 (1,2,3,4) - This jump looks a little overdone, the distance between them is too high, you should reduce the distance between each circles on this triangle 02:36:101 (1,2,3) - this is the next thing I do not understand. this pattern causes so much energy, this is probably the best pattern in my map. The crowd of people I asked for testplay has one opinion, this pattern is fun. I understand people who are telling me that this jump is too big, but these people cannot play the rest of the map. your rank is better than #1000, and you don't think this jump makes fun? really..? the music is soo strong here and it fits perfect.
  16. 02:48:687 (4,5) - same as ^, there is no reason for large jumps like this, especially after something which slowdowns when the current atmosphere is not changing. Try something like this instead : yes you're right.
  17. 02:53:170 (1,2) - The angle is a little clunky and that makes this pattern not really comfortable to play, I suggest you to increase the angle between these objects to make this pattern more comfortable to play, just see : yeah
  18. 03:02:825 (1,2) - The distance between these objects is low compared to the previous and next patterns. This is something weird which should be fixed, because there is no reason to reduce the distance here. yeah I noticed that you're absolutely right, I changed the order of the circles in a flowy way
  19. 03:29:032 (1,2,3) - This plays on a close angle and, this current pattern is not really comfortable to play. You should make it more airy and increase the angle between these objects, you have enough space to do whatever you want, so you can do something like yes you are right. my purpose here was the kinda "swing" motion to the right and then back, but like you say, a more airy version works better.
  20. 04:02:136 (5,6,7) - There should be a larger angle between these objects, to make this pattern better concerning gameplay, try something which is smoother like :
  21. 04:04:549 (5,6) - This is "too much", there is nothing audible on blue ticks and using two 1/4 sliders is kind of overmapping and useless difficulty on something already difficult. You should avoid them. listen to the music. if you have good speakers (maybe a subwoofer here :D) you can here the wobbling bass (I know it's a very low frequency, but it is audible). I also asked to creator of this song especially for this reason, "where his 1/4 basses end". You can't here it with hitsounds, yes, but I will probably hitsounds everything new..
  22. 04:04:894 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - As i said above, this patterns looks out of place, it is also overdone. There is too much distance between each circles, you should at least reduce the distance between each circles. This pattern is way easier than 04:10:411 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for example. They follow the same sounds. I will clearly remap this, until it has enough quality to hold on with the rest of my map.
  23. 04:16:446 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - same as ^ etc. yes
  24. 04:38:860 (4,5) - Make this beginning more noticeable, this pattern looks a bit messy because this overlap is werid and easily avoidable. See yes, I done like this.

Fort wrote:

you need to improve your own mapping skill to make this ranked!
Yes he is right, i don't really think that someone that does not have any ranked maps and not experienced enough with modding could get a bubble after 1 month.
You got almost 20 mods and i think that for an average approval map, there are too many, it looks weird to see that a map really lacks of quality when it has received almost 20 mods. You should remap some parts, as an old chinese BAT said, remapping is better than 30 mods. And that shows that you have interests in being better at mapping and improving your own skills.
I've pointed out the most important things, you should also work on hitsounding.
For now, i'll leave a bubble pop icon. You can call me back when you finally feel ready for a rebubble but I won't recheck it unless there are improvements and enough quality to get rebubbled and considered as ready for approval.
thank you again for making me clear what it means to rank a map. I know you checking this, so please answer me and take an objective look at my arguments and purposes at places where I wrote something red
As posted on the board by Cherry Blossom

Some mods here, hopefully would help

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  • Just so, we all have different points of "ranking a map"

    For example, some mappers just want everyone else to play their maps (song), even it's crappy or anything, and some rank a very quality map and let everyone else to remember (ofcoz not just these). It's good to have an aim tho.

    Anyways, I'd suggest first ranked map with a lot more DS instead of jumps, which might help to make your map more neatly. Especially, when we don't have enough experience in mapping OR playing (so we know where to place jump and how far between each note by playing experience)


  • I'd use claps at places like 00:25:239 - 00:25:929 - 00:26:618 (5) - and so on, can hear snare hit


  • Basically the map looks fine to play, but maybe just not really neat
  1. Din't get what diff name means by "Smoothness"
  2. 00:11:877 (2) - Wrongly snapped, it's at 1/8 > 00:11:834 -
  3. 00:15:584 (2) - Don't think it's necessary to use 2.9x spacing here, it's too far. The down beat is at 00:15:929 (3) - so I'd let (3) be more jumpy instead.
  4. 00:16:618 (5,6) - At this part, you can hear (6) is slightly louder than (5), so I'd make (6) a jump and (5) closer to previous note
  5. 00:17:998 - Might wanna 5% slider tick as well, sounds unbalanced for just slider tail
  6. 00:18:687 (1,2,3,4) - Try not to randomly place them if you're aiming for pattern, look at the pics, you'll realize:
  7. 00:32:136 (6,7,1) - Make them same distance would be more neater
  8. 00:50:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd not force stack them on previous note, such as 00:49:894 (3) - on slider head of 00:49:032 (1) - , remember the lighting is on slider tail.
    ^ If you don't agree with this, why not make stacks at 00:38:860 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - more okay to read
  9. 01:18:515 (3) - Overmapped, just make it a circle
  10. 01:21:963 - Inaudible slider tail could be unrankable, don't be afraid to sound them
  11. 01:29:722 (2) - NC here for consistency with 01:28:342 (1) - (8 stream hits ea)
  12. 01:30:411 - Next time you map parts like this, make it more densed. It basically sounds like the other parts with a lot covers and drums, just the instrument changed. Listen closely, drum is hitting non-stop.
    Rest is not a good option if you wanna map for approvals. Make sure the whole song is balanced in its difficulty (Extra, in this case)
  13. 01:40:411 (7) - Remove this, and place a circle on 01:40:584 - , would it sound nicer? It matches with the instrument imo
  14. 01:50:411 (5,6,7,8) - A bit messy here, I'd suggest to decrease unnecessary stacks like 01:50:067 (3) - + 01:50:756 (7) - (number is covered), 01:50:411 (5) - + 01:50:756 (7) - + 01:51:101 (1) -
  15. 01:51:963 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Is this a small flower shape? Wouldn't it be better like:
  16. 02:07:480 - I'd place something here, the map itself is non-stop, so another circle wouldn't differ. Long slider like 02:10:239 (5) - is likely counted as small break cuz players don't have to keep tapping
  17. 02:35:411 - Dangerous part, try not to accelerate too much here. If you do, 02:35:584 - should be slowed down, it sounds like "down" part
  18. 02:36:101 (1,2,3,4) - Too big jump, even the end of KIAI which is 02:13:687 (2,3,1,2) - doesn't have that big jump
  19. 02:46:618 (1) - Remove slider whistle, it sounds better to listen to the music, not the whistle
  20. 02:55:756 (10) - Overmapped
  21. 02:58:687 - Why clap here?
  22. 03:07:653 (2,1,2) - Don't try to create a rhythm yourself here, it doesn't sound great for me. Just fully stick to the music if you want safe rank
  23. 03:20:411 (3) - As mentioned before about slider tail. And there's a sound at 03:20:584 - if you remove the notes and listen carefully
  24. 04:53:786 (3,4) - I'd space them to let players realize there are gaps, not same rhythm. Pure reading sucks when the song is leading out

Good luck!
Cherry Blossom
About these 1/4 things you didn't want to change. They are not really noticeable and audible, and when i was testplaying, i didn't feel the real impact of the song with this current pattern, it looked a little overdone and that does not give a good impression.
For example 01:18:515 (3) -, The sound on the sliderend exists but it is not really noticeable, and due to poor hitsounding, it is really confusing. You can make an effect of contrast between them concerning kicks, they currently sound dull and monotonous. Same for 04:04:549 (5,6) -

Second thing.
I think i'm enough experienced to judge what plays and what does not play well, and i keep in mind that everyone has his own opinion about it.

And i felt that this jump 02:36:101 (1,2,3,4) - plays forced, for what it is supposed to follow. And that creates a spike which may unnecessary increase the star rating.
And about 01:57:825 (4,5) - , i though I wrote "and many more".... Well, as i said, stacking 2 objects is not really a good idea, if you want to emphasize something powerful like a strong beat, there should be a jump between the previous object and the object on this strong beat. Or a triple. I'm pretty sure 95% of players will like to play patterns like this. And not two stacked 1/2 which is a little boring because it is kind of slowdown and that does not really give an nice impression.
As a player, when you see a map with more than 5.5 stars, 174 BPM and dnb song, you expect something jumpy. Because (if you don't know), jumps increase a lot the star rating, more than streams.

Sorry for misunderstanding.
i would avoid overmapping at all costs especially if you're fairly new to mapping

but sometimes your undermapping makes the map feel really unbalanced like

01:13:860 (1) - ik you're following the music but you skipped 2 drumbeats that could have been mapped
having a consistent rhythm makes the map smoother. if you wan't to 'define' a section in the music, either undermap everything or don't undermap at all.

maybe im a bit biased to my mapping style tho q:
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

As posted on the board by Cherry Blossom

Some mods here, hopefully would help

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  • Just so, we all have different points of "ranking a map"

    For example, some mappers just want everyone else to play their maps (song), even it's crappy or anything, and some rank a very quality map and let everyone else to remember (ofcoz not just these). It's good to have an aim tho.

    Anyways, I'd suggest first ranked map with a lot more DS instead of jumps, which might help to make your map more neatly. Especially, when we don't have enough experience in mapping OR playing (so we know where to place jump and how far between each note by playing experience)


  • I'd use claps at places like 00:25:239 - 00:25:929 - 00:26:618 (5) - and so on, can hear snare hit


  • Basically the map looks fine to play, but maybe just not really neat
  1. Din't get what diff name means by "Smoothness"
  2. 00:11:877 (2) - Wrongly snapped, it's at 1/8 > 00:11:834 - fixed!
  3. 00:15:584 (2) - Don't think it's necessary to use 2.9x spacing here, it's too far. The down beat is at 00:15:929 (3) - so I'd let (3) be more jumpy instead. I think it's ok they're 1/1! and at 174 bpm you can't call 1/1 "a jump".
  4. 00:16:618 (5,6) - At this part, you can hear (6) is slightly louder than (5), so I'd make (6) a jump and (5) closer to previous note
  5. 00:17:998 - Might wanna 5% slider tick as well, sounds unbalanced for just slider tail yeah
  6. 00:18:687 (1,2,3,4) - Try not to randomly place them if you're aiming for pattern, look at the pics, you'll realize: right, fixed
  7. 00:32:136 (6,7,1) - Make them same distance would be more neater remapped anyways
  8. 00:50:411 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd not force stack them on previous note, such as 00:49:894 (3) - on slider head of 00:49:032 (1) - , remember the lighting is on slider tail. remapped
    ^ If you don't agree with this, why not make stacks at 00:38:860 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - more okay to read
  9. 01:18:515 (3) - Overmapped, just make it a circle listen to the music, I will emphasize it later I'm working on hitsounding...
  10. 01:21:963 - Inaudible slider tail could be unrankable, don't be afraid to sound them full volume??
  11. 01:29:722 (2) - NC here for consistency with 01:28:342 (1) - (8 stream hits ea) yes
  12. 01:30:411 - Next time you map parts like this, make it more densed. It basically sounds like the other parts with a lot covers and drums, just the instrument changed. Listen closely, drum is hitting non-stop. okay I know what you mean here I though it would be a bit varied if I map something WHICH FITS but is chilling here.. But I will remember that in the future.
    Rest is not a good option if you wanna map for approvals. Make sure the whole song is balanced in its difficulty (Extra, in this case)
  13. 01:40:411 (7) - Remove this, and place a circle on 01:40:584 - , would it sound nicer? It matches with the instrument imo yes, mathces not good now I will map it another way
  14. 01:50:411 (5,6,7,8) - A bit messy here, I'd suggest to decrease unnecessary stacks like 01:50:067 (3) - + 01:50:756 (7) - (number is covered), 01:50:411 (5) - + 01:50:756 (7) - + 01:51:101 (1) - remapped
  15. 01:51:963 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Is this a small flower shape? Wouldn't it be better like: yes, adjusted
  16. 02:07:480 - I'd place something here, the map itself is non-stop, so another circle wouldn't differ. Long slider like 02:10:239 (5) - is likely counted as small break cuz players don't have to keep tapping Increased distance
  17. 02:35:411 - Dangerous part, try not to accelerate too much here. If you do, 02:35:584 - should be slowed down, it sounds like "down" part I'm sorry that I have to say something against a "red complaint"... but I think this is not a slow down tone it is a crazy electric melodic white sound.. and to have the next slider very slow is perfect I think... for me this pattern is really nice..
  18. 02:36:101 (1,2,3,4) - Too big jump, even the end of KIAI which is 02:13:687 (2,3,1,2) - doesn't have that big jump yes I think that jump really has to be big but ok, I moved the (3) much more down. The sound really fits!!
  19. 02:46:618 (1) - Remove slider whistle, it sounds better to listen to the music, not the whistle ok
  20. 02:55:756 (10) - Overmapped fixed
  21. 02:58:687 - Why clap here? fits, I think
  22. 03:07:653 (2,1,2) - Don't try to create a rhythm yourself here, it doesn't sound great for me. Just fully stick to the music if you want safe rank ?? I'm mapping exactly with the music, but just the most audible tones here, that works fine I think.
  23. 03:20:411 (3) - As mentioned before about slider tail. And there's a sound at 03:20:584 - if you remove the notes and listen carefully okay, I think I've done it a cool way
  24. 04:53:786 (3,4) - I'd space them to let players realize there are gaps, not same rhythm. Pure reading sucks when the song is leading out no it is fun ;)

Good luck!
thanks for your mod!!!
Cherry Blossom

It's better than last time, but this current version is not good enough yet. I'll give you things which can improve your map's quality.

  1. About your hitsounds, i recommend you to use this kind of snare you used on this part 01:08:342 - with soft samplesets, Normal hitsounds sound a little noisy and this does not give the real impact of the song. Use soft hitsounds with it. Just rename it to soft-hitclap2 or something like this.
  2. 01:18:515 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is what i expected here concerning hitsounds, good job.
  3. 01:27:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - try to use default soft-hitwhistle on this stream which should be hitsounded to give a better impression, just use a whistle every white tick
  4. 01:30:411 - to 01:37:308 - This part should be remade, because there are inconsistencies between objects, and that may be misleading. You should keep consistency with spacing on this part.
  5. 01:41:446 - to 01:52:480 - same things as 01:27:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - . And also 02:55:929 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - and all streams with the same sound followed.
  6. 02:21:446 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - as i said last time, this is a little too much, you used too many circles for a part which is supposed to be a little easier than kiai part, i recommend you to use some sliders here, and it will be also better if you avoid high jumps. Same for 04:05:411 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and many more ?
  7. 02:35:411 (2,3,1) - I realized that this motion can be improved here, it is better to make a "S" motion instead of a "M" motion, try something like this instead
Things i really recommend to you :
- Try to get hitsounding mods. Hitsounds on a map are very important.
- Ask some BNs for testplays, and ask them what plays well or not.
- Try to keep consistency throughout your map, that means don't add sudden spikes to your map like these jumps part that are still overdone.

You still can call me back.
Mapper asked asked to help with hs. Mostly we made littel disques about samples and object's placement. Not to much, just i link to guide and another maps. (sry forgot to save log)
In overall hs need to work: atm they suits to music in very basic level which is not enought.
Additions modding:
  1. present soft-hitnormal should be cutted till it got like 1.2 sec empty sound. New file. Old LordRaika's samples sometims got that problem.
  2. 04:49:131 - can't find reason why you add so strange time lime. I think is much better move it to normall 04:49:118 - . Well i dont see any reason to do it, maybei am wrong.
  3. mmm i think you need a bit more metadatta. At least "dnb" till it got so clear liquid beat. Btw, copy?
  4. dont see any reason to use 9.2 ar cause you got slow intro and end parts, but well its your decidion.
  5. in you storyboard add string in "//Background and Video events". It will remove useless bg which esist during all song. It will remove overload somewhere on 02:04:798 - . It wont remove overaod at start but i think its nvm but youc an try bns in case if rankability but normally dqs never happend cause of sb.
Good luck with it!
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:


It's better than last time, but this current version is not good enough yet. I'll give you things which can improve your map's quality.

  1. About your hitsounds, i recommend you to use this kind of snare you used on this part 01:08:342 - with soft samplesets, Normal hitsounds sound a little noisy and this does not give the real impact of the song. Use soft hitsounds with it. Just rename it to soft-hitclap2 or something like this. rehitsounded
  2. 01:18:515 (3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is what i expected here concerning hitsounds, good job.
  3. 01:27:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - try to use default soft-hitwhistle on this stream which should be hitsounded to give a better impression, just use a whistle every white tick ok
  4. 01:30:411 - to 01:37:308 - This part should be remade, because there are inconsistencies between objects, and that may be misleading. You should keep consistency with spacing on this part. yes
  5. 01:41:446 - to 01:52:480 - same things as 01:27:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - . And also 02:55:929 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - and all streams with the same sound followed. ok
  6. 02:21:446 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't know what is your problem here, no one complained about this and there aren't too many circles.. as i said last time, this is a little too much, you used too many circles for a part which is supposed to be a little easier than kiai part, i recommend you to use some sliders here, and it will be also better if you avoid high jumps. Same for 04:05:411 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ok will add some sliders here and many more ? ?
  7. 02:35:411 (2,3,1) - I realized that this motion can be improved here, it is better to make a "S" motion instead of a "M" motion, try something like this instead I think my cursor motion works better
Things i really recommend to you :
- Try to get hitsounding mods. Hitsounds on a map are very important. got 3 hs mods, really helped me
- Ask some BNs for testplays, and ask them what plays well or not. everything plays well
- Try to keep consistency throughout your map, that means don't add sudden spikes to your map like these jumps part that are still overdone. I made the jump easier which created a "SPIKE" in starrating and there is really NO jump in my map now which is too far, there a just too many cricles.

You still can call me back.
Sorry My Queue For STDHas Been Closed I Can't Handle That Mode Anymore .. :(
Cherry Blossom
This map is not bad and 10 times better than the version i popped. I've noticed that many things has been changed and that's really nice.
There is an issue, i already told you, All kiai parts are not the hardest parts of the map, that can be a problem, it could be better if you make them a little harder. The jump parts have been nerfed and they play fine and reasonably, and they reflect the real impact of the song.

Now i recommend you to find more mods, because many things has been changed. And you still need to make some pattern more tidy, or make some things smoother or consistent. Like :

01:15:239 (1) - Curve less this slider to improve the flow.
01:23:342 (1) - Inconsistency in rhythm with 01:24:894 (1) - , the strong beat is here 01:23:515 - and it must be played to give a better impresison.
And many more.

I'll try to get more mods from BNs for you. But you still should find more mods too.
By the way, try to get a storybard modder or someone that can confirm that everything is fine concerning your storyboard.
Fushimi Rio
I guess I should begin mod this now... I want this to be ranked ;w; Then I got a cold. *cough
Ok. whatever.
  1. When comparing with Normal samples, soft-hitnormal is quite...unaudible. Maybe you can change them to drum-hitnormal. Especially in your kiai times. Unaudible notes make players feel like they are clicking nothing.
  2. In my opinion the sb is fine, but it still need to be checked by some professionals I guess.
not that smooth imo just a joke, don't mind :P

Bold = please think it over carefully

  1. 00:07:653 (4) - it will look much better if you could make it symmetrical.
    Simple way: move 4th grid to x276 y212.
  2. 00:14:549 (1,2) - compared with former parts the spacing is a bit too big imo. I recommend you to move them closer.
  3. 00:17:653 (8) - slider end sound weird because there's no sound in the song. add a green line at 00:18:601 - to mute it? as you did in 01:33:084 -
  4. 00:29:032 (3) - as I said in Gerenal. Since the acute-angle flow emphasized this circle, adding some sound to it will make this part much better. (e.g. change it to Normal sample)
  5. 00:40:067 (3) - ^. Also the song has a strong sound here. Add a Normal-addition clap?
  6. 00:58:860 (2,5,8) - 8 feels too far to 01:00:067 (1) - imo. I recommend you to keep these notes in same spacing as 00:58:687 (1,4,7) - . It will also make this pattern looks better. (well, maybe, I guess, huh
  7. 01:06:101 (2) - a jump will emphasize the latter note of it. So here I recommend you to put 2 closer to 1 and make a jump between 2 & 3. It will make this part more logical and fit the song better.
  8. 01:18:773 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Normal-addition whistles fit quite well here. Try it? (just normal addition, samples should still be soft
  9. 01:21:446 (4,5) - Actually in the song these two parts are same. So 1/2 slider is enough for 5 imo.
  10. 01:29:722 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The song is fading-out here, while you are using spaced streams and jumps...It doesn't fit the song imo. Using something gentler will be better.
  11. 01:37:480 - ...nothing here? Sorry I don't understand it...
  12. 01:50:756 (7) - The placement feels a bit sudden for me (it didn't follow former notes' regularity). Former short sliders can be divedid into 3 groups (left-right left-right left-right). So move 7 to the left side of 8 is better imo.
  13. 02:07:308 (7) - I suggest change it to a 1/2 slider because the rhythm is a bit empty here.
  14. 02:15:239 (5,6) - players have to slow down here because smaller spacing. However slowing down doesn't fit the song because 02:14:549 (1,2,3,4) - are still jumps. Maybe you need to rearrange this pattern.
    Simple way: ctrl+g. So 4 & 5 will also become a jump.
  15. 02:24:894 (5,6) - again. move 5 to x308 y160 could help.
  16. 02:26:273 (3) - ctrl+g? just a suggestion
  17. 02:35:411 (2,3) - Well, to be honest I got scared at first time. This fast slider is a bit too sudden.
  18. 02:57:998 (1,2,3,4,5) - same to 01:29:722 - . This spaced stream is really off.
  19. 03:17:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Nice idea.
  20. 03:52:136 (6,1) - Not a good flow imo. I suggest move 1 to the down side. It will plays better.
  21. 04:03:171 (6,1) - ^, and same solution.
  22. 04:10:239 (8,1) - Also odd flow imo. I suggest just copy 04:10:756 (2) - and ctrl+h, which gives better flow and looking.
  23. 04:12:480 (5,6,7,8) -
    1. ctrl+g 5 & 6, then all jumps from 1 to 8 go anticlockwise. Logical jumps plays much better than totally random jumps.
    2. move 8 to the upside of 1. Current flow of 04:12:998 (8,1) - is quite odd to me.
  24. 04:29:894 (2,5) - looks too far from 3. Try move them closer?
  25. 04:48:342 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ...well, third time. This spaced stream is really too off.
  26. 04:58:786 (1,2,3,4) - I recommend you to separate them. I'm sure this will fit the song better.
I guess that's all. Good luck!
Topic Starter

imoutosan wrote:

I guess I should begin mod this now... I want this to be ranked ;w;
yes please :o I try to find mooore!
Topic Starter

imoutosan wrote:

I guess I should begin mod this now... I want this to be ranked ;w; Then I got a cold. *cough
Ok. whatever.
  1. When comparing with Normal samples, soft-hitnormal is quite...unaudible. Maybe you can change them to drum-hitnormal. Especially in your kiai times. Unaudible notes make players feel like they are clicking nothing. I think I will make it louder.. imo the soft-hitnormal gives the right dnb feeling, you know..
  2. In my opinion the sb is fine, but it still need to be checked by some professionals I guess. ok
not that smooth imo just a joke, don't mind :P

Bold = please think it over carefully

  1. 00:07:653 (4) - it will look much better if you could make it symmetrical. yes!!
    Simple way: move 4th grid to x276 y212.
  2. 00:14:549 (1,2) - compared with former parts the spacing is a bit too big imo. I recommend you to move them closer. imo it is cool like this
  3. 00:17:653 (8) - slider end sound weird because there's no sound in the song. add a green line at 00:18:601 - to mute it? as you did in 01:33:084 - I muted before the tick so there is also no sound at the end
  4. 00:29:032 (3) - as I said in Gerenal. Since the acute-angle flow emphasized this circle, adding some sound to it will make this part much better. (e.g. change it to Normal sample) yeah I think that's right
  5. 00:40:067 (3) - ^. Also the song has a strong sound here. Add a Normal-addition clap? as above, will change it.
  6. 00:58:860 (2,5,8) - 8 feels too far to 01:00:067 (1) - imo. I recommend you to keep these notes in same spacing as 00:58:687 (1,4,7) - . It will also make this pattern looks better. (well, maybe, I guess, huh should be exactly like this, I want to train people who don't have a clear triangle movement.
  7. 01:06:101 (2) - a jump will emphasize the latter note of it. So here I recommend you to put 2 closer to 1 and make a jump between 2 & 3. It will make this part more logical and fit the song better. that's a good idea!
  8. 01:18:773 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Normal-addition whistles fit quite well here. Try it? (just normal addition, samples should still be soft yes
  9. 01:21:446 (4,5) - Actually in the song these two parts are same. So 1/2 slider is enough for 5 imo. yes
  10. 01:29:722 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - The song is fading-out here, while you are using spaced streams and jumps...It doesn't fit the song imo. Using something gentler will be better. I don't think so, it fits perfect for me, like a bridge to the next part of the song
  11. 01:37:480 - ...nothing here? Sorry I don't understand it... I follow different synths here, listen to the type of tones
  12. 01:50:756 (7) - The placement feels a bit sudden for me (it didn't follow former notes' regularity). Former short sliders can be divedid into 3 groups (left-right left-right left-right). So move 7 to the left side of 8 is better imo. right
  13. 02:07:308 (7) - I suggest change it to a 1/2 slider because the rhythm is a bit empty here. no I think it is good like this
  14. 02:15:239 (5,6) - players have to slow down here because smaller spacing. However slowing down doesn't fit the song because 02:14:549 (1,2,3,4) - are still jumps. Maybe you need to rearrange this pattern. I want it like this :)
    Simple way: ctrl+g. So 4 & 5 will also become a jump.
  15. 02:24:894 (5,6) - again. move 5 to x308 y160 could help. ^
  16. 02:26:273 (3) - ctrl+g? just a suggestion wow nice
  17. 02:35:411 (2,3) - Well, to be honest I got scared at first time. This fast slider is a bit too sudden. no it is ok
  18. 02:57:998 (1,2,3,4,5) - same to 01:29:722 - . This spaced stream is really off. I like to emphasize parts like this, and if I have a system, as you see, it is okay.
  19. 03:17:308 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Nice idea.
  20. 03:52:136 (6,1) - Not a good flow imo. I suggest move 1 to the down side. It will plays better. I think it is good flow, did you play this part? Because the zigzag motion from the end of the slider to the circles works very nice for me..
  21. 04:03:171 (6,1) - ^, and same solution. ^
  22. 04:10:239 (8,1) - Also odd flow imo. I suggest just copy 04:10:756 (2) - and ctrl+h, which gives better flow and looking. yeah that works better, you're right
  23. 04:12:480 (5,6,7,8) -
    1. ctrl+g 5 & 6, then all jumps from 1 to 8 go anticlockwise. that's best!! thanks Logical jumps plays much better than totally random jumps.
    2. move 8 to the upside of 1. Current flow of 04:12:998 (8,1) - is quite odd to me.
  24. 04:29:894 (2,5) - looks too far from 3. Try move them closer? hm no
  25. 04:48:342 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ...well, third time. This spaced stream is really too off. Again, I emphasize things like this and that is the system..
  26. 04:58:786 (1,2,3,4) - I recommend you to separate them. I'm sure this will fit the song better. okay :) good I will do what sooo many modder said, seperate them haha
I guess that's all. Good luck!
Sorry for this late answer, I was busy, thanks for your mod imouto !! 8-)
free kd
2015-06-12 13:30 yugijedi: ACTION is listening to [ Noisysundae - Her name is Cindy]
2015-06-12 13:30 yugijedi: It's a bit different style
2015-06-12 13:31 UndeadCapulet: want irc mod?
2015-06-12 13:33 UndeadCapulet: wow pretty sb
2015-06-12 13:33 yugijedi: oh yes
2015-06-12 13:33 yugijedi: thanks :3 a tried a bit of programming what I learnt in school
2015-06-12 13:33 yugijedi: to adapt to the SGL editor
2015-06-12 13:35 UndeadCapulet: 00:11:834 (2) - why not repeat this so the piano is fully mapped?
2015-06-12 13:35 yugijedi: oh wait!
2015-06-12 13:35 yugijedi: this slider is too fast
2015-06-12 13:36 yugijedi: some SV gone wrong haha
2015-06-12 13:36 yugijedi: wait
2015-06-12 13:36 UndeadCapulet: o xD
2015-06-12 13:37 yugijedi: ok update :D
2015-06-12 13:39 UndeadCapulet: yay that makes more sense xD
2015-06-12 13:40 UndeadCapulet: 00:40:584 (6,1,2,3) - i think this motion is a little awkard, coming out of the square
2015-06-12 13:41 UndeadCapulet: would be smoother
2015-06-12 13:42 yugijedi: wait
2015-06-12 13:42 yugijedi: okay so youj mean
2015-06-12 13:42 yugijedi: rotating (1,2) a bit and move down
2015-06-12 13:43 UndeadCapulet: i kinda just put them where i put them, but sure that'd work xD
2015-06-12 13:44 yugijedi: okay
2015-06-12 13:44 yugijedi: I think overlap 4 with 2 works
2015-06-12 13:44 yugijedi: or stack
2015-06-12 13:44 UndeadCapulet: yeah sounds good :)
2015-06-12 13:44 yugijedi: ok
2015-06-12 13:46 UndeadCapulet: 01:17:998 (1) - if you ctrl+j this, the emphasis will make more sense and the flow will be the same
2015-06-12 13:46 UndeadCapulet:
2015-06-12 13:48 yugijedi: hmm
2015-06-12 13:49 yugijedi: then it will flow bad with
2015-06-12 13:49 yugijedi: 01:18:342 (2) -
2015-06-12 13:49 yugijedi: I think this is ok
2015-06-12 13:49 yugijedi: :)
2015-06-12 13:50 UndeadCapulet: wait so did you change it?
2015-06-12 13:51 yugijedi: no because of (2) :o
2015-06-12 13:51 yugijedi: the next circle
2015-06-12 13:51 UndeadCapulet: ok so let me explain myself
2015-06-12 13:51 yugijedi: ok
2015-06-12 13:52 UndeadCapulet: star patterns create a very centralized style of flow, all the snapping causes the player to feel drawn towards the center of the star
2015-06-12 13:52 yugijedi: yes+
2015-06-12 13:53 yugijedi: I see
2015-06-12 13:53 yugijedi: what you mean
2015-06-12 13:53 UndeadCapulet: when coming out of a star, the player wants to keep traveling in this manner, but 01:17:998 (1) - is tacked on to the same path of 7 and 8
2015-06-12 13:53 UndeadCapulet: it feels really weak
2015-06-12 13:53 yugijedi: yes!
2015-06-12 13:53 yugijedi: I see
2015-06-12 13:53 yugijedi: but IF I ctrlj
2015-06-12 13:54 yugijedi: then the motion from this cltred slider to the next circle AND from the circle to the next slider is awkward then
2015-06-12 13:54 yugijedi: know what I mean?
2015-06-12 13:55 UndeadCapulet: hmm i dont really think so, but lemme see if i can find another solution
2015-06-12 13:55 yugijedi: yep
2015-06-12 13:55 yugijedi: would be nice :)
2015-06-12 13:55 yugijedi: or suggest a place for (2) after the Ctlr j
2015-06-12 13:55 UndeadCapulet: how about ? you keep something in the center of the star, and the flow works out better i think?
2015-06-12 13:57 yugijedi: oh well!
2015-06-12 13:57 yugijedi: better
2015-06-12 13:57 yugijedi: ok will change it I think
2015-06-12 14:00 UndeadCapulet: ok
2015-06-12 14:00 UndeadCapulet: 01:24:204 (4,5,6) - shift this to the right a bit, it's overlapping with 2 a bit
2015-06-12 14:03 yugijedi: left ? :D
2015-06-12 14:04 yugijedi: in this style you know I nearly have no circle overlaps..
2015-06-12 14:05 UndeadCapulet: hmm? this overlap doesn't look good
2015-06-12 14:05 yugijedi: ohh
2015-06-12 14:05 yugijedi: okay
2015-06-12 14:05 yugijedi: now I see what you mean
2015-06-12 14:05 UndeadCapulet: :P
2015-06-12 14:05 yugijedi: in my editor
2015-06-12 14:05 yugijedi: I hate activating
2015-06-12 14:06 yugijedi: stack
2015-06-12 14:06 yugijedi: so there I see it like non overlap haha
2015-06-12 14:06 yugijedi: but yes, done
2015-06-12 14:06 UndeadCapulet: ;c you should leave it on, you never know when something like this will happen
2015-06-12 14:07 yugijedi: argh
2015-06-12 14:07 yugijedi: ok
2015-06-12 14:07 yugijedi: hahaha
2015-06-12 14:07 UndeadCapulet: haha
2015-06-12 14:07 UndeadCapulet: 02:16:618 (5,6,7,8) - i think these should be closer together, this part of the song is quiet, we don't need large star jumps like this
2015-06-12 14:11 yugijedi: oh
2015-06-12 14:11 yugijedi: hm
2015-06-12 14:12 yugijedi: I need them :D
2015-06-12 14:12 yugijedi: ehm you know
2015-06-12 14:12 yugijedi: 02:14:549 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this
2015-06-12 14:13 yugijedi: is a weird but cool slowdown for most people
2015-06-12 14:13 UndeadCapulet: yeah i liked that a lot
2015-06-12 14:13 yugijedi: Guy told me he loves it too :D
2015-06-12 14:13 yugijedi: 02:15:929 (1,2,3,4) - from
2015-06-12 14:13 yugijedi: here
2015-06-12 14:13 yugijedi: to
2015-06-12 14:13 yugijedi: 02:16:446 (4,5,6,7,8) - here
2015-06-12 14:14 yugijedi: should be a antijump-underlined speed up so this has a reason :)
2015-06-12 14:14 yugijedi: sorry I won't change ;)
2015-06-12 14:14 UndeadCapulet: fair enough
2015-06-12 14:14 yugijedi: enough reason haha
2015-06-12 14:15 yugijedi: but you are very closely with modding that's nice
2015-06-12 14:15 yugijedi: I mapped the break of Atmosphere haha
2015-06-12 14:15 yugijedi: I will update
2015-06-12 14:15 yugijedi: now
2015-06-12 14:18 UndeadCapulet: 03:20:756 (1) - maybe toggle kiai on here instead? matches up better with the previous kiais, and toggling on here fits how strong this note is
2015-06-12 14:19 yugijedi: oh yes
2015-06-12 14:19 yugijedi: nice catch
2015-06-12 14:19 yugijedi: no one noticed before haha
2015-06-12 14:21 UndeadCapulet: ok that's it from me, rest of the map looks good :)
2015-06-12 14:21 UndeadCapulet: it's really pretty~
2015-06-12 14:22 UndeadCapulet: oh wait you might want to delete that extra star
2015-06-12 14:23 yugijedi: haha
2015-06-12 14:23 yugijedi: ~ thanks
2015-06-12 14:23 yugijedi: I don't know which BN I should ask!!
2015-06-12 14:24 yugijedi: yeah I will delete the star sure but then I also will change it in the SGl
2015-06-12 14:27 UndeadCapulet: ok im gonna post in your thread for my free kd now
droppin by. helping CB a little
00:40:756 (1,2) - ctrl g better flow imo
00:43:342 (3) - try moving it like this for better consistency with 00:43:170 (2) - (visually)
00:24:204 - so the kiai or chorus here has 0.8 SV multiplier but then you switched to 00:46:273 - 1.0, a higher value when the song becomes calmer? why ><? not to mention your other kiais all have 1.0x too so that's also a consistency issue...
00:54:204 (4) - maybe copy paste 00:53:687 (3) - 's slider shape
00:57:825 (1) - why the NC here?
01:18:515 (3) - overmapped. kinda. well i guess the additive HSing is kinda cool
01:30:411 (1) - ahh you really don't want sharp inner curvers like here
try to smooth it out or something
01:33:170 - your nc pattern got a little messed up here. NC shouldbe on. 01:33:170 - and 01:35:929 - to follow the 2 stanza thing
01:50:756 (7,8) - consider swapping places for these the jump to 7 is kinda jarring currently
03:07:653 (2,3) - move these both 1/2 earlier ><? i don't think ur rhythm is accurate atm lol..
03:32:136 (2) - ahh can u remake this slider so it can use the new circular algorithm?
Hi, here for M4M Map
(You said length has to be below 3:30 so If you want to only mod 1 diff and do a really quick skim over the rest that's fine. I'd prefer if you modded my diff. The dragon because that was recently remapped.)
  1. 00:04:204 (3) - That actually ends on an 8th tick not a 4th Image
  2. 00:11:791 (1,2) - Stacking those normally would be much better because It would be a better indicator to the player that those notes are an 8th apart
    especially because its a lot easier to tell how far each note is from the other because of the approach circles
  3. 00:40:239 (4) - Stack the 4 under the 3 and stack the 00:40:584 (6) - under the 5? It's just a suggestion but I think the stacks put a nice emphasis on the drums.
  4. 00:56:101 (2,5,6,7) - Ctrl+G the 5 & the 6 and stack the 7 under the 2. It flows a lot better that way.
  5. 02:02:653 (4) - Ctrl+G that so it flows better
  6. 03:07:653 (2) - There isn't anything in the music for that to be mapping it should be moved to 03:07:480
  7. 03:07:998 - Add a note here stacked under the 1 and move 03:08:170 (3) - under the stack aswell like this. That combined with the mod for 03:07:653 (2) fits the music much nicer.
    04:06:618 (3,4) - Ctrl+G those. Unexpected changes don't make the map exciting or innovative they just make it confusing.
This modding thread has been migrated to the new "modding discussions" system. Please make sure to re-post any existing (and unresolved) efforts to the new system as required.
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