TeA's Easy00:01:006 (1,2) - no reason for this blanket not to be 100% perfect c:
00:08:213 (2) - see if you can move this little bump in the slider to be exactly in the middle? It looks kind of 'unclean' to me ><
00:23:603 (1) - could have this start on the blue tick of you like. feels a bit nicer with that 1/2 gap
00:56:135 (1,2) - these are not quite on the same level (veeerry nazi, but I'm assuming you'd want your symmetry to be on point c:)
01:05:096 (3,1) - very minor, but is this overlap really neccessary? I mean there's a pause right after that pattern so you could try rearranging this a bit if you feel like it. It's not like this one is particularly ugly, I guess I just don't like overlaps ><
01:22:629 (1,2) - I'm guessing this is supposed to blanket? try making this nicer if that's the case. c:
01:27:304 (1,1) - symmetry not 100% on point (assuming that's what you were going for)
01:42:889 (1,2) - I think just using a simple slider shape for 2 would look a lot neater.
01:56:915 (1) - this doesnt look symmetrical to me. besides, I don't really think this looks as neat as the rest of your slidershapes ><
02:06:265 (1,3) - same thing with the 'symmetry not on point'
Normal00:01:590 (2) - I really like splitting this up into two sliders to cover both piano sounds better than having just one long slider ><
00:21:850 (4) - this looks a bit unclean without any form of symmetry, especially since this kind of shape works best with perfect symmetry. eh just my two cents
00:51:460 (3,4) - this is a bit nazi, but this just looks a little unclean without a proper blanket
01:04:707 (6,1) - not sure if having this overlap like this might confuse newer players
01:14:837 (1,2) - these shapes don't really look all that nice too me >< see if these work for you
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/300618701:39:382 (6,1) - ''cough'' blanket ''cough''
01:58:083 (2,3) - ^
I'm being very picky here, this is a great Diff ;w;Hard00:10:941 (1) - sad something similar for the Normal. I think these sliders need perfect symmetry in order to look really neat ><
00:38:603 (2,4) - why not stack these two? seems like the obvious thing to do for me
00:54:577 (1,3) - 3 isn't perfectly parallel to the tail of 1. very nazi ><
01:00:421 (4,1) - shouldn't the spacing between these two be 1.0 too? besides that, I think that I jump between these two would've worked better than a jump between the previous circle and the slider. put more pressure on the downbeat
01:33:148 (4) - could consider giving this a very slight upward curve for a nice 'swing' into the next slider
01:48:538 (2,4) - why not have these on the same lvl for perfect symmetry? the spacing between 4 and 5 is different than the spacing for the rest of the pattern for no apparant reason
01:57:304 (3,4) - no reason for this blanket not to be perfect c:
02:00:616 (2,3) - ^
02:10:746 (6,1) - why not have these stack perfectly?
02:11:915 (2,3) - uuh this blanket just looks a bit half-assed to me ><
Sorry for going all out nazi mode on the blankets, there's just not much more for me to point out! Great map uwu