
Kotera Kanako - Rush Out!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年6月8日 at 0:03:13

Artist: Kotera Kanako
Title: Rush Out!
Source: イースvs.空の軌跡 オルタナティブ・サーガ
Tags: Falcom Sound Team J.D.K. jdk 神藤由东大 浜田英明 INNOCENT PRIMEVAL BREAKER Ys7 Adol Christin ドラマCD イースSEVENプロローグ ~綴られざる冒険譚~
BPM: 190
Filesize: 8369kb
Play Time: 05:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. Alternative Saga (4.95 stars, 1023 notes)
Download: Kotera Kanako - Rush Out!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
"Rush Out" for APPROVE
The song comes from Ys.vs Sora no kiseki
Thx Adol for metadata checking
Special Thx for jonathanlfj for timing check and BG
Adol Christin
First post ~

Edit: 久违地打开osu打了一把。感觉做的很好啊,我个人挺喜欢。那天你坚持说要做的很善良,我还以为做出来会只有4.2、3星的。
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

First post ~
我只知道这歌出自伊苏VS空轨的ost,至于有没有出过单曲还真不知道 :?
Adol Christin

zj0924 wrote:

我只知道这歌出自伊苏VS空轨的ost,至于有没有出过单曲还真不知道 :?
射10颗星我觉得都值! 但有的modder不喜欢看高sp的图来着。。。
另外我确认了下metadata: 这首歌最早的出处是伊苏7初回限定版的特典广播剧 (ドラマCD イースSEVENプロローグ ~綴られざる冒険譚~)。记得自己以前有收过这广播剧,没记错的话是ed来着。
初回限定版广播剧没在卖了,相关页面也美丽。以上信息来自Diva小寺可南子CD的收录曲信息: 如果有其他人质疑的话跟他们看这个就好了。

Edit: 我觉得还是以最早的出处为准。首先这曲目的确出自ys7,另外这首歌有在数个Falcom的专辑里收录。如果以vs为准的话那么其他的专辑理应有一样的优先度。
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

zj0924 wrote:

我只知道这歌出自伊苏VS空轨的ost,至于有没有出过单曲还真不知道 :?
射10颗星我觉得都值! 但有的modder不喜欢看高sp的图来着。。。
另外我确认了下metadata: 这首歌最早的出处是伊苏7初回限定版的特典广播剧 (ドラマCD イースSEVENプロローグ ~綴られざる冒険譚~)。记得自己以前有收过这广播剧,没记错的话是ed来着。
初回限定版广播剧没在卖了,相关页面也美丽。以上信息来自Diva小寺可南子CD的收录曲信息: 如果有其他人质疑的话跟他们看这个就好了。

Edit: 我觉得还是以最早的出处为准。首先这曲目的确出自ys7,另外这首歌有在数个Falcom的专辑里收录。如果以vs为准的话那么其他的专辑理应有一样的优先度。
多谢帮我查了meta,不过第一次知道小寺版的真是从这个ost里找到的,至于广播剧啊,还有在多个专辑收录什么的,真的没注意。从个人角度来说,我更情愿把它归于VS的范畴,轨迹系列赛高呀~ :) 如果我把VS的meta写清楚了应该不会有问题,毕竟确实有出自这个专辑,meta写它的我觉得是合理的
Adol Christin

zj0924 wrote:

多谢帮我查了meta,不过第一次知道小寺版的真是从这个ost里找到的,至于广播剧啊,还有在多个专辑收录什么的,真的没注意。从个人角度来说,我更情愿把它归于VS的范畴,轨迹系列赛高呀~ :) 如果我把VS的meta写清楚了应该不会有问题,毕竟确实有出自这个专辑,meta写它的我觉得是合理的
vs这部作品比较特殊,除了极少的几首原创曲目外,其它所有的曲目都出自其它系列。你看ost,甚至还有好多卡卡布和Dragon Slayer曲目。如果出处只写vs,想想都不靠谱。换你肯定不会愿意把Get over the barrier 或者 Overdosing heavenly bliss的meta写成vs,是吧?
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

zj0924 wrote:

多谢帮我查了meta,不过第一次知道小寺版的真是从这个ost里找到的,至于广播剧啊,还有在多个专辑收录什么的,真的没注意。从个人角度来说,我更情愿把它归于VS的范畴,轨迹系列赛高呀~ :) 如果我把VS的meta写清楚了应该不会有问题,毕竟确实有出自这个专辑,meta写它的我觉得是合理的
vs这部作品比较特殊,除了极少的几首原创曲目外,其它所有的曲目都出自其它系列。你看ost,甚至还有好多卡卡布和Dragon Slayer曲目。如果出处只写vs,想想都不靠谱。换你肯定不会愿意把Get over the barrier 或者 Overdosing heavenly bliss的meta写成vs,是吧?
关于你举的例子,我不得不承认你是对的。也许真的是因为这首的原出处比较冷门…所以我才挑了一个稍微热门的一部作品作为它的出处,于是乎source我并不打算改,tag我会加上的 :D
From PM IRC modding :)
2015-04-04 16:38 Hyasalia: 我来试图了
2015-04-04 16:39 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 16:44 Hyasalia: 挺爽的
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 打得都比我好^
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 我才92
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 完蛋
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 条是不是太小了?
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 跳
2015-04-04 16:48 Hyasalia: 感觉还行
2015-04-04 16:48 zj0924: 我也觉得还行
2015-04-04 16:48 zj0924: 你是第一次玩
2015-04-04 16:48 zj0924: 我玩了很多次都觉得跳足够大了
2015-04-04 16:48 Hyasalia: 因为整体DS不大,一些地方跳太厉害也不好
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 昨天看到好友大跳全部300
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 是的啊
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 我比较谨慎
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: ds没选太大
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 怕太松散了
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 而且我的跳都有提醒的
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 联系性比较强所以让人觉得可能小了点
2015-04-04 16:50 Hyasalia: 00:22:986 (1) - 这里滑条不喜欢
2015-04-04 16:51 Hyasalia: 00:53:302 (1) - 这种滑条总感觉打起来怪怪的
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 好吧
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 那怎么改
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 已经被逼到角落里了
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 只能这样了吧...
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 原来你不喜欢这样的滑条……
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 增加多样性想不出别的滑条样式
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 只能这样了
2015-04-04 16:53 Hyasalia: 弯一点比较好感觉
2015-04-04 16:54 Hyasalia:
2015-04-04 16:54 Hyasalia: 这种感觉怎么样
2015-04-04 16:55 zj0924: 好
2015-04-04 16:55 zj0924: 怎么拉的
2015-04-04 16:55 zj0924: 我要看描点
2015-04-04 16:55 Hyasalia:
2015-04-04 16:56 zj0924: 赞一个
2015-04-04 16:56 zj0924: 这个漂亮多了
2015-04-04 16:56 zj0924: 原来就加了一个普通描点
2015-04-04 16:57 Hyasalia: 其实一个红点加一到两白点可以摆出很多花样
2015-04-04 16:57 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 16:57 zj0924: 我滑条苦手
2015-04-04 16:58 Hyasalia: 00:53:144这里这个
2015-04-04 16:58 Hyasalia: 我把前面的3拿过来摆了个balnket
2015-04-04 16:58 Hyasalia: blanket
2015-04-04 16:59 zj0924: 哪里
2015-04-04 16:59 zj0924: 00:53:302 (1) - 这个滑条?
2015-04-04 16:59 Hyasalia: 嗯
2015-04-04 16:59 zj0924: 让我看下
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: 不错感觉
2015-04-04 17:01 Hyasalia: 然后01:34:670 (4) - 这里滑条点尽量用少点
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: blanket无所谓的吧
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: 最主要是滑条
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: 我觉得
2015-04-04 17:02 Hyasalia: blanket摆给mapper看的,看起来舒服一点
2015-04-04 17:02 Hyasalia: 很多麻婆比较在意这些
2015-04-04 17:03 Hyasalia: 01:34:670 (4) - 这个你试试把第3个和第5个点删掉
2015-04-04 17:03 zj0924: 完蛋我摆不出blanket……
2015-04-04 17:03 Hyasalia: 有没有发现基本没变
2015-04-04 17:04 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 17:04 zj0924: 删了
2015-04-04 17:08 Hyasalia: 03:24:407 (2,3,4) - 这里为什么叠再下面,会造成误读
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 是这样的
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 有个初速度
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 你发现没
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 我怕人家冲得太快了
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 我叠尾巴会觉得很卡手
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 所以可以往下移了点
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 刻意
2015-04-04 17:09 Hyasalia: 别人会以为是连着的连打
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 那就放尾巴上吧
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 17:10 zj0924: 改了
2015-04-04 17:10 Hyasalia: 放开点更好把
2015-04-04 17:10 Hyasalia: 别遮挡着
2015-04-04 17:10 zj0924: 不叠尾巴?
2015-04-04 17:10 zj0924: 那放哪里
2015-04-04 17:10 Hyasalia: 嗯,往下放?
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924:
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924: 这样也不错
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924: 感觉问题都不打
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924: 大
2015-04-04 17:12 Hyasalia: 嗯可以,我可能会往右去一点
2015-04-04 17:13 zj0924: 放下面感觉会和03:25:196 (2) - 碰到
2015-04-04 17:13 zj0924: 还是叠尾巴上
2015-04-04 17:13 Hyasalia:
2015-04-04 17:13 Hyasalia: 这样呢?
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 滑条往左弯
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 三连往右这样我不知道是不是有些卡手
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 所以没往右边
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 还是叠尾巴上吧我觉得有些卡手
2015-04-04 17:14 Hyasalia: 滑条判定大,可以顺着flow过去
2015-04-04 17:15 zj0924: 有道理
2015-04-04 17:15 zj0924: 好吧
2015-04-04 17:16 Hyasalia: 03:39:091 (1) -
2015-04-04 17:16 Hyasalia: 这种滑条中间加个红点,然后尽量减少白点的数量
2015-04-04 17:17 zj0924: 挣扎了半天,test了一下往右还是觉得有些卡手
2015-04-04 17:17 zj0924: 额这个
2015-04-04 17:18 zj0924: 我感觉那个红描点可以下来一点感觉有些尖尖的
2015-04-04 17:18 Hyasalia: 这样好看一点,真的。
2015-04-04 17:19 zj0924: 我觉得一般
2015-04-04 17:19 zj0924: 毕竟我想搞个s
2015-04-04 17:19 Hyasalia: 。。
2015-04-04 17:19 zj0924: 红描点角度太尖了不圆滑
2015-04-04 17:20 zj0924: XD
2015-04-04 17:20 Hyasalia: 那就放着呗
2015-04-04 17:20 zj0924: 没事滑条建议尽管提
2015-04-04 17:21 Hyasalia: 其他类似的地方就不再说了
2015-04-04 17:21 Hyasalia: 03:54:407 (2) - 这里2删掉比较好?
2015-04-04 17:21 zj0924: 我知道打起来不是很顺
2015-04-04 17:21 zj0924: 但是有key音
2015-04-04 17:22 zj0924: 问题不大吧
2015-04-04 17:22 Hyasalia: 我对能不能rank还没有概念,只是建议。你自己决定
good luck~
Topic Starter

Hyasalia wrote:

From PM IRC modding :)
2015-04-04 16:38 Hyasalia: 我来试图了
2015-04-04 16:39 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 16:44 Hyasalia: 挺爽的
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 打得都比我好^
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 我才92
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 完蛋
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 条是不是太小了?
2015-04-04 16:45 zj0924: 跳
2015-04-04 16:48 Hyasalia: 感觉还行
2015-04-04 16:48 zj0924: 我也觉得还行
2015-04-04 16:48 zj0924: 你是第一次玩
2015-04-04 16:48 zj0924: 我玩了很多次都觉得跳足够大了
2015-04-04 16:48 Hyasalia: 因为整体DS不大,一些地方跳太厉害也不好
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 昨天看到好友大跳全部300
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 是的啊
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 我比较谨慎
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: ds没选太大
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 怕太松散了
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 而且我的跳都有提醒的
2015-04-04 16:49 zj0924: 联系性比较强所以让人觉得可能小了点
2015-04-04 16:50 Hyasalia: 00:22:986 (1) - 这里滑条不喜欢
2015-04-04 16:51 Hyasalia: 00:53:302 (1) - 这种滑条总感觉打起来怪怪的
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 好吧
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 那怎么改
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 已经被逼到角落里了
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 只能这样了吧...
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 原来你不喜欢这样的滑条……
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 增加多样性想不出别的滑条样式
2015-04-04 16:52 zj0924: 只能这样了
2015-04-04 16:53 Hyasalia: 弯一点比较好感觉
2015-04-04 16:54 Hyasalia:
2015-04-04 16:54 Hyasalia: 这种感觉怎么样
2015-04-04 16:55 zj0924: 好
2015-04-04 16:55 zj0924: 怎么拉的
2015-04-04 16:55 zj0924: 我要看描点
2015-04-04 16:55 Hyasalia:
2015-04-04 16:56 zj0924: 赞一个
2015-04-04 16:56 zj0924: 这个漂亮多了
2015-04-04 16:56 zj0924: 原来就加了一个普通描点
2015-04-04 16:57 Hyasalia: 其实一个红点加一到两白点可以摆出很多花样
2015-04-04 16:57 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 16:57 zj0924: 我滑条苦手
2015-04-04 16:58 Hyasalia: 00:53:144这里这个
2015-04-04 16:58 Hyasalia: 我把前面的3拿过来摆了个balnket
2015-04-04 16:58 Hyasalia: blanket
2015-04-04 16:59 zj0924: 哪里
2015-04-04 16:59 zj0924: 00:53:302 (1) - 这个滑条?
2015-04-04 16:59 Hyasalia: 嗯
2015-04-04 16:59 zj0924: 让我看下
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: 不错感觉
2015-04-04 17:01 Hyasalia: 然后01:34:670 (4) - 这里滑条点尽量用少点
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: blanket无所谓的吧
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: 最主要是滑条
2015-04-04 17:01 zj0924: 我觉得
2015-04-04 17:02 Hyasalia: blanket摆给mapper看的,看起来舒服一点
2015-04-04 17:02 Hyasalia: 很多麻婆比较在意这些
2015-04-04 17:03 Hyasalia: 01:34:670 (4) - 这个你试试把第3个和第5个点删掉
2015-04-04 17:03 zj0924: 完蛋我摆不出blanket……
2015-04-04 17:03 Hyasalia: 有没有发现基本没变
2015-04-04 17:04 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 17:04 zj0924: 删了
2015-04-04 17:08 Hyasalia: 03:24:407 (2,3,4) - 这里为什么叠再下面,会造成误读
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 是这样的
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 有个初速度
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 你发现没
2015-04-04 17:08 zj0924: 我怕人家冲得太快了
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 我叠尾巴会觉得很卡手
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 所以可以往下移了点
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 刻意
2015-04-04 17:09 Hyasalia: 别人会以为是连着的连打
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 那就放尾巴上吧
2015-04-04 17:09 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-04 17:10 zj0924: 改了
2015-04-04 17:10 Hyasalia: 放开点更好把
2015-04-04 17:10 Hyasalia: 别遮挡着
2015-04-04 17:10 zj0924: 不叠尾巴?
2015-04-04 17:10 zj0924: 那放哪里
2015-04-04 17:10 Hyasalia: 嗯,往下放?
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924:
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924: 这样也不错
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924: 感觉问题都不打
2015-04-04 17:11 zj0924: 大
2015-04-04 17:12 Hyasalia: 嗯可以,我可能会往右去一点
2015-04-04 17:13 zj0924: 放下面感觉会和03:25:196 (2) - 碰到
2015-04-04 17:13 zj0924: 还是叠尾巴上
2015-04-04 17:13 Hyasalia:
2015-04-04 17:13 Hyasalia: 这样呢?
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 滑条往左弯
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 三连往右这样我不知道是不是有些卡手
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 所以没往右边
2015-04-04 17:14 zj0924: 还是叠尾巴上吧我觉得有些卡手
2015-04-04 17:14 Hyasalia: 滑条判定大,可以顺着flow过去
2015-04-04 17:15 zj0924: 有道理
2015-04-04 17:15 zj0924: 好吧
2015-04-04 17:16 Hyasalia: 03:39:091 (1) -
2015-04-04 17:16 Hyasalia: 这种滑条中间加个红点,然后尽量减少白点的数量
2015-04-04 17:17 zj0924: 挣扎了半天,test了一下往右还是觉得有些卡手
2015-04-04 17:17 zj0924: 额这个
2015-04-04 17:18 zj0924: 我感觉那个红描点可以下来一点感觉有些尖尖的
2015-04-04 17:18 Hyasalia: 这样好看一点,真的。
2015-04-04 17:19 zj0924: 我觉得一般
2015-04-04 17:19 zj0924: 毕竟我想搞个s
2015-04-04 17:19 Hyasalia: 。。
2015-04-04 17:19 zj0924: 红描点角度太尖了不圆滑
2015-04-04 17:20 zj0924: XD
2015-04-04 17:20 Hyasalia: 那就放着呗
2015-04-04 17:20 zj0924: 没事滑条建议尽管提
2015-04-04 17:21 Hyasalia: 其他类似的地方就不再说了
2015-04-04 17:21 Hyasalia: 03:54:407 (2) - 这里2删掉比较好?
2015-04-04 17:21 zj0924: 我知道打起来不是很顺
2015-04-04 17:21 zj0924: 但是有key音
2015-04-04 17:22 zj0924: 问题不大吧
2015-04-04 17:22 Hyasalia: 我对能不能rank还没有概念,只是建议。你自己决定
good luck~
谢摸~滑条方面给了很多建议 :)
Cerulean Veyron
Hello! R2 Ticket used from my queue!

[> General <]
  1. - Fine!
[> Alternative Saga<]
  1. - AR8, I don't think the current one looks fitting.
  2. 00:31:196 (2) - I think you should try to sharpen this slider than curving it. Just trying to improve flow.
  3. 00:38:144 (1,2) - Recorrect double blanket? or sth?
  4. 00:44:144 (3,3,3) - Stack slidertail, or sth?
  5. 01:04:670 (1,1) - Recorrect slidertail blanket or sth?
  6. 01:21:723 (3,4) - Instead of stacking here, maybe you should move circle (3) on the head of slider (5). And it'll perform a back-and-forth flow. Might improve playstyle.
  7. 01:34:039 (2,3,4) - Why the spacing at first two sliders are much different than the last two? pretty sure it's an unbalanced spacing.
  8. 01:58:039 (1) - You might need to move this slider down grid, for not touching the healthbar, which is against the criteria...
  9. 02:13:433 (4) - I don't hear any beat on this 1/4 circle, so i guess you should remove this to avoid overmapping.
  10. 02:19:986 (4) - I might think you should follow a bit of the percussion here, where this beat on 02:20:144 - is quite strongly recommended for a click.
  11. 02:46:354 (1,2) - Stack slidertail?
  12. 02:51:091 (2,3,4,1) - Almost the same issue as 01:34:039 (2,3,4) -, i might think this part doesn't fit for extended sliders.
  13. 03:10:354 (2,1) - Maybe you could try overlapping the tail on the next slider a bit full circle. Alike moving slider (2)'s second slider point to x:352|y:260, for example.
  14. 03:29:933 (1,2,3) - Spacing is quite different while on the same spacing placements. Players might think it's could be immediate notes to click on, but probably not. So maybe you could add a circle on 03:30:407 - or sth.
  15. 03:54:407 (2) - Delete circle for vocal track? or you're following the piano on the background music?
  16. 04:28:344 (1) - Add finish on head?
  17. 04:33:397 (1) - ^, ehh there's more.
  18. 04:55:660 (3,4) - Stack or sth.
  19. - There are some patterns i don't seem to understand it's flow, but it's played nicely! There are more issues of the patterns' placements than i mention here, just keeping this short. Also, good hitsounding, you might miss-hitsounded some strong rides on the song track that should probably have a Finish hitsound. GJ anyways!

That's all for now, Good luck!
Topic Starter

Gray Veyron wrote:

Hello! R2 Ticket used from my queue!

[> General <]
  1. - Fine!
[> Alternative Saga<]
  1. - AR8, I don't think the current one looks fitting.use AR9 instead
  2. 00:31:196 (2) - I think you should try to sharpen this slider than curving it. Just trying to improve flow.sure,fixed
  3. 00:38:144 (1,2) - Recorrect double blanket? or sth? fixed
  4. 00:44:144 (3,3,3) - Stack slidertail, or sth? oops,fixed
  5. 01:04:670 (1,1) - Recorrect slidertail blanket or sth? fixed
  6. 01:21:723 (3,4) - Instead of stacking here, maybe you should move circle (3) on the head of slider (5). And it'll perform a back-and-forth flow. Might improve playstyle.Right,but that flow so fast and the latter slider flow slower than this so no change here
  7. 01:34:039 (2,3,4) - Why the spacing at first two sliders are much different than the last two? pretty sure it's an unbalanced spacing.Sure,fixed
  8. 01:58:039 (1) - You might need to move this slider down grid, for not touching the healthbar, which is against the criteria...fixed
  9. 02:13:433 (4) - I don't hear any beat on this 1/4 circle, so i guess you should remove this to avoid overmapping.not affect the whole XD
  10. 02:19:986 (4) - I might think you should follow a bit of the percussion here, where this beat on 02:20:144 - is quite strongly recommended for a click.reserve your suggestion,Let's see other modders feeling with this XD
  11. 02:46:354 (1,2) - Stack slidertail?fixed
  12. 02:51:091 (2,3,4,1) - Almost the same issue as 01:34:039 (2,3,4) -, i might think this part doesn't fit for extended sliders.Ok,I'll rearrange this part~
  13. 03:10:354 (2,1) - Maybe you could try overlapping the tail on the next slider a bit full circle. Alike moving slider (2)'s second slider point to x:352|y:260, for example.Ok,made some adjustments here
  14. 03:29:933 (1,2,3) - Spacing is quite different while on the same spacing placements. Players might think it's could be immediate notes to click on, but probably not. So maybe you could add a circle on 03:30:407 - or sth.umm,I don't think so,cuz the angle03:29:933 (1,2) - here is kinda big that make player hard to flow and give them a feeling to stop,so I stick to my own
  15. 03:54:407 (2) - Delete circle for vocal track? or you're following the piano on the background music?following piano XD
  16. 04:28:344 (1) - Add finish on head? add clap instead
  17. 04:33:397 (1) - ^, ehh there's more. fixed
  18. 04:55:660 (3,4) - Stack or sth.why?
  19. - There are some patterns i don't seem to understand it's flow, but it's played nicely! There are more issues of the patterns' placements than i mention here, just keeping this short. Also, good hitsounding, you might miss-hitsounded some strong rides on the song track that should probably have a Finish hitsound. GJ anyways!

That's all for now, Good luck!
THX for modding :)
Adol Christin
irc + thread modding.

17:17 Adol Christin: 00:02:207 (1) - 这根滑条
17:17 zj0924: 恶俗界的偶像
17:17 Adol Christin: :)
17:17 zj0924: 嗯
17:17 Adol Christin: 感觉角度不是太好
17:17 zj0924: 是要往左边一点吧
17:18 Adol Christin: 日你所见
17:18 Adol Christin: 如你所见
17:18 Adol Christin: 因为现在这样
17:18 zj0924: 日了狗了
17:18 Adol Christin: 00:01:417 (3) -
17:18 Adol Christin: 跟这个放一起看
17:18 Adol Christin: 00:02:680 (2) - 或者跟这个房一起看
17:18 Adol Christin: 都很难看
17:19 Adol Christin: 目测我不是第一个提这个的?》
17:19 zj0924: 第一个
17:19 zj0924: 他们都是在高潮部分提的
17:20 zj0924: 我觉得这部分是唯一没啥可改的地方
17:20 zj0924: 就算你说的有道理我觉得也完全不影响游戏
17:21 zj0924: 但是我还是改了吧
17:21 Adol Christin: 00:02:680 (2) - 如果你不想改之前那个,就该这个吧‘
17:21 Adol Christin: 改
17:22 zj0924: 我觉得两种都可以
17:22 zj0924: 那就后面那种吧
17:23 Adol Christin: 00:15:407 (1) -
17:23 Adol Christin: 如果是我会这么放
17:23 Adol Christin: 现在这个,视觉效果上不是太好
17:24 Adol Christin: 显得左边比较空
17:24 zj0924: 没错
17:24 zj0924: 但是后面滑条怎么办
17:24 Adol Christin: flow
17:24 Adol Christin: 上没什么影响啊
17:25 Adol Christin: 就保留现在这样也未尝不可
17:25 zj0924: 00:15:407 (1,3) - 感觉要碰到
17:26 Adol Christin: 如果你不在意overlap的话,后面两个可以这么移
17:26 Adol Christin:
17:27 Adol Christin: 2的滑条尾放在上一个4上
17:27 Adol Christin: 上一个4的身体上
17:29 zj0924: 三感觉有些挤了XD
17:29 zj0924: 感觉这里重叠只会越来越挤
17:29 zj0924: 当然我自己没考虑好
17:29 zj0924: 这个flow角度确实就有些怪
17:30 Adol Christin: 3还好啊,感觉和2间距挺合适的
17:30 zj0924: flow在绕圈
17:30 zj0924: 所以空间应该更大
17:30 zj0924: 这样只会越来越小XD
17:31 Adol Christin: 毕竟是1/2滑条在绕圈
17:31 Adol Christin: 放太开也不合适
17:32 zj0924: 这个让我在考虑下吧现在不打算改
17:32 Adol Christin: 行,你自行考虑改法吧,但我觉得这一段一定要改
17:32 zj0924: why
17:33 Adol Christin: 现在这样,视觉效果上左边很空这是一方面
17:33 Adol Christin: 另一方面,现在这样也很挤
17:33 Adol Christin: 其实现在的也是在绕圈,不是嘛
17:34 Adol Christin: 其实相同旋律的地方,你的处理全部都是弧形flow嘛
17:34 Adol Christin: 相同节奏的地方,你懂
17:34 zj0924: 可是你的改法我觉得越来越近了……除非真的flow不顺影响rank之类的,我觉得算了吧,看其他modder怎么说
17:35 Adol Christin: 并不是unrankable的问题,只是我自己不太能接受。随你咯
17:35 zj0924: 嗯
17:40 Adol Christin: 01:49:354 (2,3) -
17:41 Adol Christin: 不知为什么,每次我看到这种角度都很难受
17:41 zj0924: 往右晚点
17:41 zj0924: 好的
17:42 zj0924: 01:51:407 (1,2,3) - 这里难受不
17:42 zj0924: 我觉得很难受
17:42 Adol Christin: 这个的话,滑条是弧线的,感觉还好
17:43 zj0924: 那个往右弯了
17:43 zj0924: There are more issues of the patterns' placements than i mention here, just keeping this short. 哭
17:45 Adol Christin: Grey Veyron说的嘛
17:45 zj0924: 嗯
17:45 Adol Christin: 我觉得不用在意
17:45 zj0924: 说我spacing不好
17:46 zj0924: 确实有些地方感觉spacing可以加强
17:46 zj0924: 不过真的没有那么多吧,我怎么觉得他是摸不出才这么写的……XD
17:47 Adol Christin: :)
17:47 Adol Christin: 现在我有点理解587关于跳的感觉了
17:47 Adol Christin: 仔细看的话
17:48 Adol Christin: 01:46:354 (1) -
17:49 Adol Christin: 如果是我的话,这个滑条身体的地方会处理成空拍
17:50 Adol Christin: 然后后面那个note处理成1/2滑条
17:50 Adol Christin: 01:54:407 (2,3) - 然后是这个,跟前面一样,看着浑身难受的角度
17:51 zj0924: 你有没有注意到背景的延长音
17:51 zj0924: 长话条更适合吧
17:52 zj0924: 混森兰寿
17:52 Adol Christin: 哪有什么延长音。。。
17:52 zj0924: 仔细听
17:52 Adol Christin: 我把note全删了听了下
17:52 zj0924: duang一下
17:53 Adol Christin: 那个声音也算啊
17:53 Adol Christin: 好吧
17:54 zj0924: 我不跟vocal的哟
17:55 Adol Christin: 02:14:775 (4,1) - 这包裹是什么鬼
17:55 zj0924: 啥?
17:55 Adol Christin: 把包裹修一下吧
17:56 zj0924: 噗
17:56 zj0924: 我大概是修图的时候不当心碰到了
17:57 zj0924: fixed
17:58 Adol Christin: 02:43:986 (4,5) - 我建议ctrl+g,因为你要强调的音肯定是下一个1,而不是4
17:59 zj0924: 你看下我的flow
17:59 Adol Christin: 看到的
17:59 zj0924: 这样改的话4-1非常乖
17:59 zj0924: 怪
17:59 zj0924: 02:43:512 (3,4) - 并没有强调
17:59 zj0924: 只是个折现flow一点都不卡手啊
18:00 zj0924: 或者放弃blanket
18:00 zj0924: 45ctrl+g
18:00 zj0924: 把5放4上面
18:00 zj0924: 也不错
18:00 zj0924: 看之后有没有人说了
18:01 Adol Christin: 并不是因为卡手,只是因为现在这样的折线flow
18:01 Adol Christin: 有强调的感觉
18:01 Adol Christin: 嘛叠起来也可以
18:02 zj0924: 我觉得折现flow不算强调
18:02 zj0924: 拉远距离才算
18:02 zj0924: 有点困了想睡怎么办
18:02 zj0924: 你还有多少
18:03 Adol Christin: 看到一半吧,我把irc存下来,剩下的写成post咯
18:03 Adol Christin: 如果你困了的话
18:03 zj0924: 你明天还在吗
18:04 Adol Christin: 这比较难说呢,明天才知道
18:04 zj0924: XD

02:03:723 (4) - 滑条尾盖住了长白线的重音。请跟04:48:239 (4) - 保持一致(然后在长白线位置放一个圈)
03:24:407 (2,3,4) - 这个三连跟滑条尾叠起来,会相当难读。(事实上我每次都读错了xD)
03:25:512 - 这里的音我觉得有必要跟上,请加一根1/2滑条。如果你期待的是减速,1拍的间距足够达到这个效果了。
03:29:933 (1,2) -
04:06:555 (5) - 04:14:134 (5) - 如果是我的话会用弯一点的滑条吧。
04:07:186 (2,3) - 建议往左边移一些,这样2、3、4的flow更舒服。(后面的物件整体右移一下)
04:09:397 (1,2) - 虽然我一时想不出怎么改,但这两个物件间距确实过远了。
04:19:976 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个跳的确小了,跟前面的物件比根本不能称其为跳。我觉得2.1左右的间距会比较平衡。
04:48:555 (1,2) - 把圈和折返滑条对换顺序。折返滑条的折返点压重音是常用的套路。
04:53:765 (1,2) - 这角度。。。
05:06:397 - 转盘应该结束在这儿

My last mod in a few months, i guess. Just because this song is related to ys7. :x

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:

irc + thread modding.

17:17 Adol Christin: 00:02:207 (1) - 这根滑条
17:17 zj0924: 恶俗界的偶像
17:17 Adol Christin: :)
17:17 zj0924: 嗯
17:17 Adol Christin: 感觉角度不是太好
17:17 zj0924: 是要往左边一点吧
17:18 Adol Christin: 日你所见
17:18 Adol Christin: 如你所见
17:18 Adol Christin: 因为现在这样
17:18 zj0924: 日了狗了
17:18 Adol Christin: 00:01:417 (3) -
17:18 Adol Christin: 跟这个放一起看
17:18 Adol Christin: 00:02:680 (2) - 或者跟这个房一起看
17:18 Adol Christin: 都很难看
17:19 Adol Christin: 目测我不是第一个提这个的?》
17:19 zj0924: 第一个
17:19 zj0924: 他们都是在高潮部分提的
17:20 zj0924: 我觉得这部分是唯一没啥可改的地方
17:20 zj0924: 就算你说的有道理我觉得也完全不影响游戏
17:21 zj0924: 但是我还是改了吧
17:21 Adol Christin: 00:02:680 (2) - 如果你不想改之前那个,就该这个吧‘
17:21 Adol Christin: 改
17:22 zj0924: 我觉得两种都可以
17:22 zj0924: 那就后面那种吧
17:23 Adol Christin: 00:15:407 (1) -
17:23 Adol Christin: 如果是我会这么放
17:23 Adol Christin: 现在这个,视觉效果上不是太好
17:24 Adol Christin: 显得左边比较空
17:24 zj0924: 没错
17:24 zj0924: 但是后面滑条怎么办
17:24 Adol Christin: flow
17:24 Adol Christin: 上没什么影响啊
17:25 Adol Christin: 就保留现在这样也未尝不可
17:25 zj0924: 00:15:407 (1,3) - 感觉要碰到
17:26 Adol Christin: 如果你不在意overlap的话,后面两个可以这么移
17:26 Adol Christin:
17:27 Adol Christin: 2的滑条尾放在上一个4上
17:27 Adol Christin: 上一个4的身体上
17:29 zj0924: 三感觉有些挤了XD
17:29 zj0924: 感觉这里重叠只会越来越挤
17:29 zj0924: 当然我自己没考虑好
17:29 zj0924: 这个flow角度确实就有些怪
17:30 Adol Christin: 3还好啊,感觉和2间距挺合适的
17:30 zj0924: flow在绕圈
17:30 zj0924: 所以空间应该更大
17:30 zj0924: 这样只会越来越小XD
17:31 Adol Christin: 毕竟是1/2滑条在绕圈
17:31 Adol Christin: 放太开也不合适
17:32 zj0924: 这个让我在考虑下吧现在不打算改
17:32 Adol Christin: 行,你自行考虑改法吧,但我觉得这一段一定要改
17:32 zj0924: why
17:33 Adol Christin: 现在这样,视觉效果上左边很空这是一方面
17:33 Adol Christin: 另一方面,现在这样也很挤
17:33 Adol Christin: 其实现在的也是在绕圈,不是嘛
17:34 Adol Christin: 其实相同旋律的地方,你的处理全部都是弧形flow嘛
17:34 Adol Christin: 相同节奏的地方,你懂
17:34 zj0924: 可是你的改法我觉得越来越近了……除非真的flow不顺影响rank之类的,我觉得算了吧,看其他modder怎么说
17:35 Adol Christin: 并不是unrankable的问题,只是我自己不太能接受。随你咯
17:35 zj0924: 嗯
17:40 Adol Christin: 01:49:354 (2,3) -
17:41 Adol Christin: 不知为什么,每次我看到这种角度都很难受
17:41 zj0924: 往右晚点
17:41 zj0924: 好的
17:42 zj0924: 01:51:407 (1,2,3) - 这里难受不
17:42 zj0924: 我觉得很难受
17:42 Adol Christin: 这个的话,滑条是弧线的,感觉还好
17:43 zj0924: 那个往右弯了
17:43 zj0924: There are more issues of the patterns' placements than i mention here, just keeping this short. 哭
17:45 Adol Christin: Grey Veyron说的嘛
17:45 zj0924: 嗯
17:45 Adol Christin: 我觉得不用在意
17:45 zj0924: 说我spacing不好
17:46 zj0924: 确实有些地方感觉spacing可以加强
17:46 zj0924: 不过真的没有那么多吧,我怎么觉得他是摸不出才这么写的……XD
17:47 Adol Christin: :)
17:47 Adol Christin: 现在我有点理解587关于跳的感觉了
17:47 Adol Christin: 仔细看的话
17:48 Adol Christin: 01:46:354 (1) -
17:49 Adol Christin: 如果是我的话,这个滑条身体的地方会处理成空拍
17:50 Adol Christin: 然后后面那个note处理成1/2滑条
17:50 Adol Christin: 01:54:407 (2,3) - 然后是这个,跟前面一样,看着浑身难受的角度
17:51 zj0924: 你有没有注意到背景的延长音
17:51 zj0924: 长话条更适合吧
17:52 zj0924: 混森兰寿
17:52 Adol Christin: 哪有什么延长音。。。
17:52 zj0924: 仔细听
17:52 Adol Christin: 我把note全删了听了下
17:52 zj0924: duang一下
17:53 Adol Christin: 那个声音也算啊
17:53 Adol Christin: 好吧
17:54 zj0924: 我不跟vocal的哟
17:55 Adol Christin: 02:14:775 (4,1) - 这包裹是什么鬼
17:55 zj0924: 啥?
17:55 Adol Christin: 把包裹修一下吧
17:56 zj0924: 噗
17:56 zj0924: 我大概是修图的时候不当心碰到了
17:57 zj0924: fixed
17:58 Adol Christin: 02:43:986 (4,5) - 我建议ctrl+g,因为你要强调的音肯定是下一个1,而不是4
17:59 zj0924: 你看下我的flow
17:59 Adol Christin: 看到的
17:59 zj0924: 这样改的话4-1非常乖
17:59 zj0924: 怪
17:59 zj0924: 02:43:512 (3,4) - 并没有强调
17:59 zj0924: 只是个折现flow一点都不卡手啊
18:00 zj0924: 或者放弃blanket
18:00 zj0924: 45ctrl+g
18:00 zj0924: 把5放4上面
18:00 zj0924: 也不错
18:00 zj0924: 看之后有没有人说了
18:01 Adol Christin: 并不是因为卡手,只是因为现在这样的折线flow
18:01 Adol Christin: 有强调的感觉
18:01 Adol Christin: 嘛叠起来也可以
18:02 zj0924: 我觉得折现flow不算强调
18:02 zj0924: 拉远距离才算
18:02 zj0924: 有点困了想睡怎么办
18:02 zj0924: 你还有多少
18:03 Adol Christin: 看到一半吧,我把irc存下来,剩下的写成post咯
18:03 Adol Christin: 如果你困了的话
18:03 zj0924: 你明天还在吗
18:04 Adol Christin: 这比较难说呢,明天才知道
18:04 zj0924: XD

02:03:723 (4) - 滑条尾盖住了长白线的重音。请跟04:48:239 (4) - 保持一致(然后在长白线位置放一个圈)好吧,fixed
03:24:407 (2,3,4) - 这个三连跟滑条尾叠起来,会相当难读。(事实上我每次都读错了xD)之前有modder说半叠会让人觉得这里是连打,我改了,不过我更喜欢半叠,因为有个初速度,自己打的也顺,既然你那么说我就换半叠了,不知道半叠对你来说影响大吗……
03:25:512 - 这里的音我觉得有必要跟上,请加一根1/2滑条。如果你期待的是减速,1拍的间距足够达到这个效果了。请仔细听一下我下节奏的方式,我这里是跟鼓,主旋律这里非常轻,我认为不合适
03:29:933 (1,2) - ?是不是太近了?veyron也说这里可能会抢拍也可能不会……这里是个比较卡手的钝角,我觉得会有很强的停顿感,不怎么会抢拍,对我而言是这样的……如果还有modder吐槽这个那我在考虑改下
04:06:555 (5) - 04:14:134 (5) - 如果是我的话会用弯一点的滑条吧。有道理,改了
04:07:186 (2,3) - 建议往左边移一些,这样2、3、4的flow更舒服。(后面的物件整体右移一下)OK,这里我空间没掌握好,让我做下调整
04:09:397 (1,2) - 虽然我一时想不出怎么改,但这两个物件间距确实过远了。本来想强调滑音的,又是个oval flow我觉得距离远一些没有关系,现在看一下确实有些远了,而且04:09:081 (5,1) - 04:09:397 (1,2) - 间距也不一致我把04:09:397 (1) - 掰弯这样应该好些了……
04:19:976 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这个跳的确小了,跟前面的物件比根本不能称其为跳。我觉得2.1左右的间距会比较平衡。这个不是跳哦,最多也只能算是小跳,不过看着确实有些紧了,我再调整一下
04:48:555 (1,2) - 把圈和折返滑条对换顺序。折返滑条的折返点压重音是常用的套路。我觉得影响不大,这里主要跟bass,先强调前三个音所以先用reverse
04:53:765 (1,2) - 这角度。。。ok,我弯一点就是了
05:06:397 - 转盘应该结束在这儿 oops,fixed

My last mod in a few months, i guess. Just because this song is related to ys7. :x I guess it is related to Adol Christin XD

Good luck~
Thanks~ :)
[Alternative Saga]
  1. 堆叠的话在图形比较正的时候用会更好
  2. 00:15:091 (4) - 没必要
  3. 00:25:512 (1,2,3,4) - 这是一组的,00:25:512 (1) - 这直得浑身难受
  4. 01:07:196 (1) - 填一些节奏比较好,现在太稀疏了
  5. 01:17:302 (1) - 这样的话,flow更好,而且01:16:986 (3,1,3) - 这三个也变得有联系了
  6. 01:30:960 (4,5) - 白线三连一般是用不到的,还是后退1/2变红线3连比较好
  7. 01:36:091 (6,7,1) - 移到232,176,01:35:933 (5,6) - 间距太小了
  8. 02:00:565 (2) - 尾巴略丑
  9. 02:30:565 (1) - 同前面
  10. 02:36:249 (4) - 移到156,280,做个跳
  11. 03:09:723 (1) - 移到36,88,做个跳
  12. 03:17:302 (1) - 这是什么鬼或者
  13. 03:23:933 (1,1,2,3) - 移开比较好,03:24:723 (4) - 而且这里也应该加个圈补节奏,不要问为什么,打图的感觉
  14. 03:26:302 (1) - 三连
  15. 03:36:565 (1) - 不建议放这么个坑
  16. 03:39:091 (1) - 个人觉得1.0比较合适
  17. 04:33:397 (1) - 形状
  18. 04:45:081 (1) - 建议1.0,节奏和形状
  19. 05:06:239 - 转盘这里,后面那点是回音
need more work
Topic Starter

liangv587 wrote:

[Alternative Saga]
  1. 堆叠的话在图形比较正的时候用会更好
  2. 00:15:091 (4) - 没必要 确实没必要
  3. 00:25:512 (1,2,3,4) - 这是一组的,00:25:512 (1) - 这直得浑身难受 那弯一些吧
  4. 01:07:196 (1) - 填一些节奏比较好,现在太稀疏了不了,我觉得没必要,这里本来就是低潮部分,为了后面的快节奏需要强烈对比……
  5. 01:17:302 (1) - 这样的话,flow更好,而且01:16:986 (3,1,3) - 这三个也变得有联系了 好!之前也不知道怎么这样放了,打习惯了就发现不了问题了...
  6. 01:30:960 (4,5) - 白线三连一般是用不到的,还是后退1/2变红线3连比较好 也是之前做完没发现问题,之后觉得有些奇怪,要么不三连,否则前面滑条要改掉,考虑考虑看别人怎么说
  7. 01:36:091 (6,7,1) - 移到232,176,01:35:933 (5,6) - 间距太小了 是的
  8. 02:00:565 (2) - 尾巴略丑
  9. 02:30:565 (1) - 同前面 ^
  10. 02:36:249 (4) - 移到156,280,做个跳好好好!
  11. 03:09:723 (1) - 移到36,88,做个跳 好好好!
  12. 03:17:302 (1) - 这是什么鬼或者第一个漂亮
  13. 03:23:933 (1,1,2,3) - 移开比较好,03:24:723 (4) - 而且这里也应该加个圈补节奏,不要问为什么,打图的感觉 分开了,圈就算了觉得好怪
  14. 03:26:302 (1) - 三连 确实有三连,但是这里节奏比较多样,如果三连了对间距要求是非常高,我已经构成了多边形,不怎么想破坏整体性
  15. 03:36:565 (1) - 不建议放这么个坑 我故意拉近了距离提醒这里是一根减速滑条所以并不坑,为了强调bass而采用的变速滑条我觉得可行。如果这都算坑的话,那其他各种变速图难道不坑吗……
  16. 03:39:091 (1) - 个人觉得1.0比较合适这里我觉得减速多一点比较好,1.0的话滑条又会太长了
  17. 04:33:397 (1) - 形状
  18. 04:45:081 (1) - 建议1.0,节奏和形状好吧,这里想做把剑的……就变成这样了
  19. 05:06:239 - 转盘这里,后面那点是回音 之前也是这么想的,adol这样改我觉得也有道理,先保留意见
need more work
谢摸~ :)
Here's your return mod through use of my ticket - Apologies if I missed some things, as my internet deleted my first mod post just as I was about to submit it >.<

General Comments:
  1. I find the kick drum hitnormal to be a little overbearing, especially in sections where it's used intensively. If you could slightly reduce the volume of this hitsound, I think it would sound better
Map-Specific Comments:

00:15:407 (1) - Rotate this clockwise slightly to create a better blanket with 00:15:091 (4) - don't forget to move the following combo to maintain your other stacks and patterns

00:22:039 (2,3) - Increase the curve of (2) to create a better blanket around (3)

00:28:512 (2) - Move to [x-236,y-176] to create a better double blanket with 00:28:039 (1) with roughly similar DS to what you currently have

00:30:249 (5,1) - Curve (1) more to create a better blanket around the head of (5)

00:38:618 (2) - Move to [x-396,y-144] and rotate the tail 1 degree anticlockwise for another good double blanket

00:39:091 (3,1) - Same as 00:30:249 (5,1)

00:40:670 (1,2,3,1) - This combo needs to be mapped to 1/8 instead of 1/4 - if you listen at 25% speed you'll notice that the hit objects arrive too late in places for their corresponding sounds in the music. Try a pattern like this:

01:05:618 - Consider adding some circles on the unmapped white ticks in this section to maintain the rhythm (there are cymbals on each)

01:23:618 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - This is very cool 8-)

02:30:249 - Same as 01:05:618

03:01:512 (5,1) - Curve (1) more to create a better blanket around the head of (5)

03:04:670 (1,2) - Curve (1) more to create a better blanket around (2)

03:13:986 (3) - Rotate the tail 5 degrees clockwise and increase the curve here for a better blanket around the tail of (1)

03:18:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - DS is very inconsistent here and note placement seems quite random. I feel this pattern would flow better if it followed an anticlockwise rotation spiralling outwards (with DS increasing slightly between each successive note). To do this, swap (4,6) and then swap (5,6) - note placement can stay as it is unless you want to change it

03:40:354 to 03:59:933 - I know this is supposed to be a quiet, relaxing section of the music, but I think it could do with a *little* more activity - you don't want the player falling asleep so close to the end of the song! I would add a few circles and slow sliders for the vocals in this section just to maintain the rhythm a little better

04:22:029 (1,2) - Increase the curve of (1) to create a better blanket around (2)

04:24:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 03:18:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - although the variation in DS is much less extreme here so fewer changes are needed

04:45:081 (1) - Consider adding a slight wobble to this slider to map the guitar "wah", like you did at 02:00:565 (2)

That's all from me. Hopefully I picked up on everything the second time that was deleted from my first mod >.< If there's anything you'd like me to explain in more detail, please don't hesitate to PM/message me and I'll do my best to help.

Good luck! (:
Topic Starter

JBHyperion wrote:

Here's your return mod through use of my ticket - Apologies if I missed some things, as my internet deleted my first mod post just as I was about to submit it >.< Never mind>.<

General Comments:
  1. I find the kick drum hitnormal to be a little overbearing, especially in sections where it's used intensively. If you could slightly reduce the volume of this hitsound, I think it would sound better I'll take into consideration.There are many bass sounds in the music so I want to use this kind of kick to express it>.<
Map-Specific Comments:

00:15:407 (1) - Rotate this clockwise slightly to create a better blanket with 00:15:091 (4) - don't forget to move the following combo to maintain your other stacks and patterns OK

00:22:039 (2,3) - Increase the curve of (2) to create a better blanket around (3) OK

00:28:512 (2) - Move to [x-236,y-176] to create a better double blanket with 00:28:039 (1) with roughly similar DS to what you currently haveOK

00:30:249 (5,1) - Curve (1) more to create a better blanket around the head of (5)OK

00:38:618 (2) - Move to [x-396,y-144] and rotate the tail 1 degree anticlockwise for another good double blanketsure~

00:39:091 (3,1) - Same as 00:30:249 (5,1) OK

00:40:670 (1,2,3,1) - This combo needs to be mapped to 1/8 instead of 1/4 - if you listen at 25% speed you'll notice that the hit objects arrive too late in places for their corresponding sounds in the music. Try a pattern like this:ye~I've already be aware of that it's 1/8
rhythm here is quite hard to acknowlege due to the random drumbeat ……I think mine is fine

01:05:618 - Consider adding some circles on the unmapped white ticks in this section to maintain the rhythm (there are cymbals on each)
sure,but let's wait for other modders response to this...If this really hurts,I'll add these cymbals.For now I just want to make a strong contrast

01:23:618 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - This is very cool 8-) I'm glad you like it 8-)

02:30:249 - Same as 01:05:618 ^

03:01:512 (5,1) - Curve (1) more to create a better blanket around the head of (5)OK

03:04:670 (1,2) - Curve (1) more to create a better blanket around (2)OK

03:13:986 (3) - Rotate the tail 5 degrees clockwise and increase the curve here for a better blanket around the tail of (1)OK

03:18:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - DS is very inconsistent here and note placement seems quite random. I feel this pattern would flow better if it followed an anticlockwise rotation spiralling outwards (with DS increasing slightly between each successive note). To do this, swap (4,6) and then swap (5,6) - note placement can stay as it is unless you want to change it your idea is great but I don't like circular flow,I want to make jumps here ;)

03:40:354 to 03:59:933 - I know this is supposed to be a quiet, relaxing section of the music, but I think it could do with a *little* more activity - you don't want the player falling asleep so close to the end of the song! I would add a few circles and slow sliders for the vocals in this section just to maintain the rhythm a little better no thanks,I don't want to follow vocal in this map so no changes here

04:22:029 (1,2) - Increase the curve of (1) to create a better blanket around (2)OK

04:24:555 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 03:18:565 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - although the variation in DS is much less extreme here so fewer changes are needed no thanks

04:45:081 (1) - Consider adding a slight wobble to this slider to map the guitar "wah", like you did at 02:00:565 (2)OK

That's all from me. Hopefully I picked up on everything the second time that was deleted from my first mod >.< If there's anything you'd like me to explain in more detail, please don't hesitate to PM/message me and I'll do my best to help.

Good luck! (:
Thx for your modding especially in detail.Really helps a lot :)
slider end hidden i think?
00:40:670 (1) -

drop my mod soon.
Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

Alternative Saga
  1. 00:12:881 (1) - Maybe fix up the curve at the end so it doesn't just drop down from going straight
  2. 00:15:723 (2) - Not stacked properly
  3. 00:52:670 (3) - ^
  4. 00:53:933 (2) - A bit of an awkward shape for a 1/2 slider, at least compared to the other sliders
  5. 01:15:881 (5) - Not stacked properly
  6. 01:20:933 (1) - ^
  7. 02:01:512 (1) - Stack
  8. 02:53:302 (1) - Could use a little reposition and also maybe blanket it to the end of 02:52:670 (4) - ?
  9. 03:22:986 (3) - Not stacked properly
  10. 03:26:302 (1) - ^
  11. 03:24:881 I think this part here should be used for a break instead, up to 03:29:933
  12. 03:36:091 (5) - ^
  13. 03:36:565 (1) - Probably going to be difficult to read considering it is hidden under the slider and it's slider velocity is reduced to make it look like 1/2
  14. 03:40:039 In my opinion, a break is much better suited for this part considering the song, up to 03:47:618
  1. 00:01:101 (2,3,4) - for 1/1 gaps like these, i would rather space them out more, although the DS 'techinically' is fine, having things close together is more often used for 1/2 jumps. ill just explain with a picture =_=
    00:02:207 (1,2) - ^ same idea here put the sliders further apart
    00:06:470 (3,1,2) - ^ etc
  2. 00:18:249 (3) - dis blanket please :C
  3. 00:40:670 (1) - repeat is hidden. yeah.
  4. 00:41:736 (1,1) - remove one of these nc, both is not necessary
  5. 00:53:933 (2) - lol wtf
  6. perhaps remove nc at 01:05:933 - 01:08:460 - 1 combo is rather weird
    03:23:933 (1,1) - ^
  7. 01:24:881 (1,2,3,4,5) - the sudden change in direction is rather trolly. i would suggest you unstack them a bit more to make it easier to read.
  8. 01:34:039 (2,3,4) - perhaps use soft sample on the ends to make the extended sliders sound better HS wise
    02:51:091 (2,3,4) - ^
    03:12:249 (1) - ^
    04:28:344 (1) - ^
  9. 02:20:144 - i would suggest mapping the snare here, since you mapped every previous one anyway, it would be weird to skip it now
  10. 03:29:933 (1,2) - this needs more spacing
  11. 03:39:091 (1) - i think if u used some anchors, u can improve the tail more
Topic Starter

DahplA wrote:

Hi, DahplA here posting from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team. This is a response in regards to this request. Please be sure to vote here on how helpful our mod was.

Alternative Saga
  1. 00:12:881 (1) - Maybe fix up the curve at the end so it doesn't just drop down from going straight nope,I think mine flows well
  2. 00:15:723 (2) - Not stacked properly fixed
  3. 00:52:670 (3) - ^ fixed
  4. 00:53:933 (2) - A bit of an awkward shape for a 1/2 slider, at least compared to the other sliders OK,I'll use other shape
  5. 01:15:881 (5) - Not stacked properly fixed
  6. 01:20:933 (1) - ^ fixed
  7. 02:01:512 (1) - Stack fixed
  8. 02:53:302 (1) - Could use a little reposition and also maybe blanket it to the end of 02:52:670 (4) - ?OK
  9. 03:22:986 (3) - Not stacked properlyfixed
  10. 03:26:302 (1) - ^fixed
  11. 03:24:881 I think this part here should be used for a break instead, up to 03:29:933 Nope,this map is for app if I use a break the draining time will under 5min XD
  12. 03:36:091 (5) - ^ ^
  13. 03:36:565 (1) - Probably going to be difficult to read considering it is hidden under the slider and it's slider velocity is reduced to make it look like 1/2 I use nc to warn player that next slider will slow down and I make ds closer to express my intention,too.Just want to add some variety to follow bass
  14. 03:40:039 In my opinion, a break is much better suited for this part considering the song, up to 03:47:618^
THX for modding :)
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

  1. 00:01:101 (2,3,4) - for 1/1 gaps like these, i would rather space them out more, although the DS 'techinically' is fine, having things close together is more often used for 1/2 jumps. ill just explain with a picture =_= I'll keep your idea in mind cuz this part is very quiet I want to make ds close.Meanwhile,00:01:891 (4) - is the note that I want to emphasis.but your explanation is reasonable.If someone have the same idea too I'll do some changes.
    00:02:207 (1,2) - ^ same idea here put the sliders further apart
    00:06:470 (3,1,2) - ^ etc
  2. 00:18:249 (3) - dis blanket please :C sure
  3. 00:40:670 (1) - repeat is hidden. yeah. oops,half stack makes that hidden,made some adjustment here
  4. 00:41:736 (1,1) - remove one of these nc, both is not necessary Honestly,00:41:736 (1) - is 1/8 so I nc here,but it seems that nc here makes no sense for players.Well,remove it
  5. 00:53:933 (2) - lol wtf lol fixed according to previous modder
  6. perhaps remove nc at 01:05:933 - 01:08:460 - 1 combo is rather weird Right,this part is slow.NC every two white tick seems much reasonable
    03:23:933 (1,1) - ^
  7. 01:24:881 (1,2,3,4,5) - the sudden change in direction is rather trolly. i would suggest you unstack them a bit more to make it easier to read.Sure,make some changes here
  8. 01:34:039 (2,3,4) - perhaps use soft sample on the ends to make the extended sliders sound better HS wise yeh,use a soft normal-hit instead fine now
    02:51:091 (2,3,4) - ^
    03:12:249 (1) - ^
    04:28:344 (1) - ^
  9. 02:20:144 - i would suggest mapping the snare here, since you mapped every previous one anyway, it would be weird to skip it now yes,change here
  10. 03:29:933 (1,2) - this needs more spacing since many previous modders mentioned this problem,I will change this
  11. 03:39:091 (1) - i think if u used some anchors, u can improve the tail more done
THX quib senpai :)
A Mystery
Hello! I accept the M4M offer (obviously otherwise I wouldn't be posting)


  1. soft-hitnormal is longer than needed, consider making the wav a little shorter but it's really minor in this case
  2. OD7? WHAT IS THIS? pp farming aside - OD8 would make getting accuracy a lot more interesting, so consider changing it to that.
  3. A little sad that you sometimes map the BG music instead of emphasizing the vocals more :(
  4. Did you not hitsound a lot of finishes on purpose? :?
  5. Very nice map, I really like it :)
  1. 00:18:249 (3) - Blanket pl0x
  2. 00:17:933 (1) - Finish?
  3. 00:22:986 (1) - ^
  4. 00:30:565 (1) - ^ on slider head (you missed a lot of finishes, unless you did it on purpose for some reason)
  5. 00:33:091 (1) - I see that you're trying to make a blanket, but it would make more sense if the distance was even a little greater (instead of smaller) than the one used in the previous pattern, since there is a new downbeat. Very minor though. Also finish
  6. 00:40:670 (1) - Clap on the slider return? I know the sound is not exactly the same as the other snares, but it's probably the same snare anyway Same here 00:42:723 (3,4) -
  7. 00:48:249 (1) - y u ignore red tick :( consider removing the return, placing 2 circles or something instead
  8. 00:50:775 (1) - Finish
  9. 01:03:091 (5,6) - Ctrl+G-ing these would make (imo) the pattern feel more natural. However if you follow this suggestion, move these 01:03:407 (1,2) - next to 01:03:091 (5) - So there won't suddenly be a small spacing before the downbeat. 01:04:354 (3) - could be stacked beneath (2)
  10. 01:10:354 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Wow I really like this :D
  11. 01:03:407 (1) - Finish
  12. 01:11:461 (1) - There is a finish here as well in the music, though I'd understand it if you didn't hitsound it here
  13. 01:23:618 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I don't know if I'm the only one, but I think this plays a lot more awkward than let's say... a regular square or diamond shape. I know it sounds silly
  14. 01:34:039 (2) - I saw Kibbleru's suggestion about the slider ends here, which is good, but consider making it slightly softer (lower volume) since it's still pretty loud
  15. 01:44:775 (3) - Also this slider ends adds a sound that is not in the music, consider doing the same as above (and Kibbleru's suggestion)
  16. 01:46:354 (1) - Finish on slider head
  17. 01:51:407 (1) - Probably here as well
  18. 01:53:933 (1) - and here (lol sometimes you use it and sometimes not :o )
  19. 01:56:460 (1) - ^
  20. 01:56:302 (8,1) - Minor thing, consider enlarging the distance a bit
  21. 02:00:565 (2) - I like the slider, but might notice that there is a drum-bass on the red tick, though if you want to ignore it that's very fine
  22. 02:01:512 (1) - I think it's pretty obvious what's missing here :( (finish)
  23. 02:14:144 (1) -
  24. 02:16:670 (1) -
  25. 02:20:460 (1,2) - What happened to the hitsounds? D: (you're using S instead of S:C1
  26. 02:24:881 (3) - Please no ignorerino vocalerino make this slider 1/2 -> circle or 3 circles
  27. 02:43:512 (3) - Blanket pls
  28. 02:51:091 (2,3,4) - Same about slider ends, also the last slider uses the normal slider end
  29. 03:02:144 (1) - Same as 00:33:091 (1) -
  30. 03:07:196 (1) - Finish
  31. 03:22:354 (1) -
  32. 03:24:881 (1) -
  33. 03:26:302 (1) - there is a 3x1/4 sound in the song, so a 1/4 return slider or a triple would fit better
  34. 03:27:723 (2,3,4) - There is also something on the red ticks after these, consider making stacks per 2
  35. 03:29:933 (1) - finish
  36. 03:34:039 (2) - finish on slider end (sounds like an active hitsound, so consider making 2 circles instead to emphasize this)
  37. 03:38:144 (2) - Use something to represent the drum in the song (whistle maybe)
  38. 03:39:091 (1) - If this isn't a finish then I don't know what I'm doing here
  39. 03:48:091 (2,3) - I know it's not your fault but these are not correctly snapped to the song (idk what you can do about it though, but from my own experience I couldn't get my GD bubbled because of issues like these)
  40. 04:14:450 (1) - Finish on slider head
  41. 04:15:554 (7,8,1) - There is an obvious difference in distance between the circles of the stream and the slider, consider moving it a little further away
  42. 04:23:292 (1) - finish
  43. 04:28:344 (1) - Finish on slider head
  44. 04:28:344 (1) - again pretty loud slider-end
  45. 04:38:450 (1) - same as 00:33:091 (1) - and finish
  46. 04:39:713 (1,2,3,4) - I'm sorry but I don't hear 1/3 anywhere here, just 1/2 paired in 3 and some triples
  47. 04:40:976 (1) - finish
  48. 04:42:081 (1) - Maybe not your intention but blanket?
  49. 04:45:081 (1) - Same as 02:00:565 (2) -
  50. 04:51:081 (1) - finish
  51. 04:56:134 (1) -
  52. 05:00:239 (2) -
  53. 05:01:186 (1,3,6) - also finish :(
I'm so sorry for the long mod, but most of them are finishes you forgot? I don't know but I highly recommend you to use more finishes because sometimes you did hitsound a certain cymbal in the music, but the next downbeat where there is the exact same cymbal you didn't, it's a little weird. I probably even missed some so consider checking it throughout the map.

Good luck! I hope to see this getting approved anytime soon
Have a star in the meantime
Topic Starter
Wow~Really attentive mod you give me.I don't mind anyone make a long mod for me but I know they mod by heart.Of course,you are the one :) Perhaps It'll take some time to reply your mod,I'll take your every suggestion into consideration and tell you whether I accept or decline these suggestions.
Also,I'm really appreciate for your star and I'm glad you like my map~
THX :)
Topic Starter

A Mystery wrote:

Hello! I accept the M4M offer (obviously otherwise I wouldn't be posting)


  1. soft-hitnormal is longer than needed, consider making the wav a little shorter but it's really minor in this case I use kick to follow the bass in the music,cuz there are many bass sound and the kick is suitable imo
  2. OD7? WHAT IS THIS? pp farming aside - OD8 would make getting accuracy a lot more interesting, so consider changing it to that.Well,I like pp-farm but I'm so noob to play such a high accuracy map.will consider to increase od :D
  3. A little sad that you sometimes map the BG music instead of emphasizing the vocals more :( Yep,that's my mapping style,I seldom follow vocal and it's unwise to map vocal for this song,will miss some strong beat
  4. Did you not hitsound a lot of finishes on purpose? :? Actually,I don't hear so many cymbals in the song so I miss finishes but you remind me that where should add finish and I think you are right
  5. Very nice map, I really like it :) THX
  1. 00:18:249 (3) - Blanket pl0x oops,fixed
  2. 00:17:933 (1) - Finish? I don't think that fits~
  3. 00:22:986 (1) - ^fixed
  4. 00:30:565 (1) - ^ on slider head (you missed a lot of finishes, unless you did it on purpose for some reason)
  5. 00:33:091 (1) - I see that you're trying to make a blanket, but it would make more sense if the distance was even a little greater (instead of smaller) than the one used in the previous pattern, since there is a new downbeat. Very minor though. Also finish you are right,ds could be a bit bigger but I think that's ok so no changes here added finish
  6. 00:40:670 (1) - Clap on the slider return? I know the sound is not exactly the same as the other snares, but it's probably the same snare anyway Same here 00:42:723 (3,4) - Sure,fixed
  7. 00:48:249 (1) - y u ignore red tick :( consider removing the return, placing 2 circles or something instead I think mine is fine
  8. 00:50:775 (1) - Finishfixed
  9. 01:03:091 (5,6) - Ctrl+G-ing these would make (imo) the pattern feel more natural. However if you follow this suggestion, move these 01:03:407 (1,2) - next to 01:03:091 (5) - So there won't suddenly be a small spacing before the downbeat. 01:04:354 (3) - could be stacked beneath (2)Yes,that's great,love it
  10. 01:10:354 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Wow I really like this :D THX
  11. 01:03:407 (1) - Finish it's too noisy but I add a green line and adjust vol to 40% fine now
  12. 01:11:461 (1) - There is a finish here as well in the music, though I'd understand it if you didn't hitsound it here well,finish here is great and I finish on 01:10:986 (1,1) -
  13. 01:23:618 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - I don't know if I'm the only one, but I think this plays a lot more awkward than let's say... a regular square or diamond shape. I know it sounds silly cuz 01:22:354 (1,2,3,4) - makes it difficult to create other shapes so keep
  14. 01:34:039 (2) - I saw Kibbleru's suggestion about the slider ends here, which is good, but consider making it slightly softer (lower volume) since it's still pretty loud sure,it's noisy I'll try to turn down the volume of sample.
  15. 01:44:775 (3) - Also this slider ends adds a sound that is not in the music, consider doing the same as above (and Kibbleru's suggestion)ah,I forgot to change this,thx for reminding me
  16. 01:46:354 (1) - Finish on slider headfixed
  17. 01:51:407 (1) - Probably here as well fixed
  18. 01:53:933 (1) - and here (lol sometimes you use it and sometimes not :o )fixed,and turn down to 40%
  19. 01:56:460 (1) - ^
  20. 01:56:302 (8,1) - Minor thing, consider enlarging the distance a bit It doesn't matter
  21. 02:00:565 (2) - I like the slider, but might notice that there is a drum-bass on the red tick, though if you want to ignore it that's very fine sorry,I want to keep,kick here is not that important in contrast to the bass
  22. 02:01:512 (1) - I think it's pretty obvious what's missing here :( (finish)fixed
  23. 02:14:144 (1) - fixed,volume to 40%
  24. 02:16:670 (1) - fixed
  25. 02:20:460 (1,2) - What happened to the hitsounds? D: (you're using S instead of S:C1Intentional,I want to use soft-whistle(bell)to express the piano key
  26. 02:24:881 (3) - Please no ignorerino vocalerino make this slider 1/2 -> circle or 3 circles sorry,pls listen carefully,I want to follow bass here
  27. 02:43:512 (3) - Blanket pls fixed
  28. 02:51:091 (2,3,4) - Same about slider ends, also the last slider uses the normal slider end oops,fixed
  29. 03:02:144 (1) - Same as 00:33:091 (1) - ^
  30. 03:07:196 (1) - Finish doesn't fit here
  31. 03:22:354 (1) - fixed
  32. 03:24:881 (1) - fixed
  33. 03:26:302 (1) - there is a 3x1/4 sound in the song, so a 1/4 return slider or a triple would fit better 1/4return slider is better for me
  34. 03:27:723 (2,3,4) - There is also something on the red ticks after these, consider making stacks per 2 OK,stack per2
  35. 03:29:933 (1) - finish fixed
  36. 03:34:039 (2) - finish on slider end (sounds like an active hitsound, so consider making 2 circles instead to emphasize this)That's weird
  37. 03:38:144 (2) - Use something to represent the drum in the song (whistle maybe) yes,that's good
  38. 03:39:091 (1) - If this isn't a finish then I don't know what I'm doing herelol,fixed
  39. 03:48:091 (2,3) - I know it's not your fault but these are not correctly snapped to the song (idk what you can do about it though, but from my own experience I couldn't get my GD bubbled because of issues like these)hmm,it sounds delay maybe I need someone to check timing...
  40. 04:14:450 (1) - Finish on slider headfixed
  41. 04:15:554 (7,8,1) - There is an obvious difference in distance between the circles of the stream and the slider, consider moving it a little further away fixed
  42. 04:23:292 (1) - finish fixed
  43. 04:28:344 (1) - Finish on slider headfixed
  44. 04:28:344 (1) - again pretty loud slider-end^
  45. 04:38:450 (1) - same as 00:33:091 (1) - and finish
  46. 04:39:713 (1,2,3,4) - I'm sorry but I don't hear 1/3 anywhere here, just 1/2 paired in 3 and some triples I want to keep here,1/3 slider is suitable when rhythm is like this
  47. 04:40:976 (1) - finishfixed
  48. 04:42:081 (1) - Maybe not your intention but blanket?fixed
  49. 04:45:081 (1) - Same as 02:00:565 (2) - ^
  50. 04:51:081 (1) - finishfixed
  51. 04:56:134 (1) - fixed
  52. 05:00:239 (2) - fixed
  53. 05:01:186 (1,3,6) - also finish :(
fixed those finish,lol finally

I'm so sorry for the long mod, but most of them are finishes you forgot? I don't know but I highly recommend you to use more finishes because sometimes you did hitsound a certain cymbal in the music, but the next downbeat where there is the exact same cymbal you didn't, it's a little weird. I probably even missed some so consider checking it throughout the map.Yeah,thanks for your suggestions,you've got a point here,that's my blindness to miss these finishes :o

Good luck! I hope to see this getting approved anytime soon
Have a star in the meantime
Thank you very much really helps me a lot.
Plz ingame catch me if you need mod,(even nm mod) I'll all do it for you :)

HP7 for long map is way too high. You have some empty areas in the middle where it could be possible to die with HR or if the player messed up before them.
00:02:207 (1,2,3) - inconsistent spacing
00:07:259 (1,2,3) - ^
00:40:670 (1,2,3,4) - Either the snapping is wrong here or this part needs to be timed, since you can hear the slider repeat 00:40:828 is clearly very late and also the slider head 00:41:302 (3) -
01:55:039 (5,1) - Opposed sliders play badly (when slider's direction is opposite that of the movement required to reach it)
03:36:565 (1) - This surprise slowdown doesn't follow the music or make any sense.
04:22:976 (4,5,6,7,1) - Hard to read properly because of overlap

good luck~
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:


HP7 for long map is way too high. You have some empty areas in the middle where it could be possible to die with HR or if the player messed up before them.OK,HP6.5
00:02:207 (1,2,3) - inconsistent spacingWhy incosnsistent?Though ds is kinda big but visual ds is okay for me.This part is also quiet and slow and I use many anti-jumps here so that wouldn't hurt so much
00:07:259 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
00:40:670 (1,2,3,4) - Either the snapping is wrong here or this part needs to be timed, since you can hear the slider repeat 00:40:828 is clearly very late and also the slider head 00:41:302 (3) - I'm almost crazy about this maybe need someone to help me check timing
01:55:039 (5,1) - Opposed sliders play badly (when slider's direction is opposite that of the movement required to reach it)ok,made some adjustments here
03:36:565 (1) - This surprise slowdown doesn't follow the music or make any sense.plz listen carefully to bg,I want to express the bass sound here so I use a slowdown slider
04:22:976 (4,5,6,7,1) - Hard to read properly because of overlap well,you are right but I just want to add some creative elements to my map,It's kinda hard to read when first playing,but I think that's fine

good luck~
THX for modding :)

Alternative Saga 作為難度名字我覺得有點長 …… 空之軌跡的話換成 軌跡 或者 空 都可以吧 …… 大概
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:


Alternative Saga 作為難度名字我覺得有點長 …… 空之軌跡的話換成 軌跡 或者 空 都可以吧 …… 大概
难度名的话,仁者见仁智者见智了,我觉得不需要改了,嗯 :D
Hollow Wings



  1. timing肯定不行,03:47:628 (1,2,3) - 这种地方明显偏早,建议你找几个人多听几次。

Alternative Saga

  1. 00:00:786 (1) - 开头这一整段,1/1跳其实可以摆的更大些,否则打起来还是有些别扭的,因为你00:04:259 (4,5) - 这种1/2能跳的跟1/1差不多大。不只是这里,整张图也是如此比如00:12:881 (1,2) - 之类的,由于你跟的节奏不是那么密集所以还是要多注意这些方面,特别是各种不同ds混杂在一起的时候。
  2. 01:53:618 (4,5) - 这里感觉没必要跳那么大。03:16:986 (4,5) - 这里也是。
  3. 整体没啥问题,作梗好像还算自然,就是可以排的再好看些。

good luck.
Topic Starter

Hollow Wings wrote:




  1. timing肯定不行,03:47:628 (1,2,3) - 这种地方明显偏早,建议你找几个人多听几次。
    是的,这首歌某些部分的节奏感觉有些随机,还有前面00:40:670 (1,2,3,4) - 都压到1/8了。我不怎么会timing,只能找擅长timing的帮忙了 :|

Alternative Saga

  1. 00:00:786 (1) - 开头这一整段,1/1跳其实可以摆的更大些,否则打起来还是有些别扭的,因为你00:04:259 (4,5) - 这种1/2能跳的跟1/1差不多大。不只是这里,整张图也是如此比如00:12:881 (1,2) - 之类的,由于你跟的节奏不是那么密集所以还是要多注意这些方面,特别是各种不同ds混杂在一起的时候。嗯,之前death和quib都吐槽过这里了,我打起来觉得挺自然的所以没改,既然你也提到了这个并阐述了理由,那说明肯定是有问题的,这部分我去重新remap下,以后我会更加注意这方面细节的~
  2. 01:53:618 (4,5) - 这里感觉没必要跳那么大。03:16:986 (4,5) - 这里也是。oops,确实跳太大了,fixed
  3. 整体没啥问题,作梗好像还算自然,就是可以排的再好看些。确实排版也是我不满意的一点,这张图花了近一个礼拜做完,刚开始做的时候,还记得你在骗顶吧发过贴说:如果拿捏不好空间感就叠一起。然后我没理解透彻,就蠢蠢地叠了这么多,导致图有些挤了。随着这几天不断摸图,对空间把握这方面也稍微有些进步了。之后的路还很长,我会努力的!

good luck.
多谢HW姥爷指导~ :)

Timing check and irc mod
2015-04-26 21:56 jonathanlfj: 好我irc mod一下
2015-04-26 21:56 jonathanlfj: 稍等
2015-04-26 21:56 zj0924: 能否帮我再检查下XD
2015-04-26 21:56 zj0924: 嗯谢谢
2015-04-26 21:57 jonathanlfj: 00:12:801 (8,1) - 这里角度有点别扭
2015-04-26 21:58 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-26 21:58 zj0924: 这种连打然后加个滑条我老是搞不好
2015-04-26 21:58 jonathanlfj: 00:12:881 (1) - 加finish
2015-04-26 21:58 zj0924: 总喜欢把一个滑条转成连打
2015-04-26 21:58 zj0924: ok
2015-04-26 21:58 jonathanlfj: 00:17:933 (1) - finish
2015-04-26 21:59 zj0924: ok
2015-04-26 22:00 jonathanlfj: 01:09:407 - 这里跟vocal可以考虑加一个note
2015-04-26 22:01 zj0924: 呃……可是我这里只想跟节奏
2015-04-26 22:01 jonathanlfj: 行
2015-04-26 22:01 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-26 22:02 jonathanlfj: 01:34:039 (2,3) - 这里end要用soft sample
2015-04-26 22:02 jonathanlfj: 01:34:354 (3) - 这个我会缩短到1/2更有感觉一些
2015-04-26 22:02 zj0924: 这个我自己加了个soft替代了normal
2015-04-26 22:02 zj0924: 原soft有点响
2015-04-26 22:03 zj0924: 1/2啊思考……
2015-04-26 22:04 jonathanlfj: 01:58:828 - 这个鼓点跳过了感觉很别扭
2015-04-26 22:04 zj0924: 稍等
2015-04-26 22:05 zj0924: 额这里是主根bass不知道可不可以
2015-04-26 22:05 zj0924: 不过好像是有点别扭
2015-04-26 22:05 jonathanlfj: 02:03:723 (4) - 因为你这里跟了
2015-04-26 22:06 zj0924: 嗯我改
2015-04-26 22:06 jonathanlfj: 02:20:460 (1,2) - 同样的效果可以放在00:57:091 (1) -
2015-04-26 22:06 zj0924: 之前那个1/4换成1/2了
2015-04-26 22:07 jonathanlfj: 02:34:828 (1,1) - 跟01:11:461 (1,1) - 一样放finish
2015-04-26 22:07 zj0924: 不过这个00:57:091 (1,2) - 怎么换成单点....
2015-04-26 22:08 jonathanlfj: 我指的hitsound
2015-04-26 22:08 zj0924: 好的
2015-04-26 22:08 zj0924: finish也加好了
2015-04-26 22:08 jonathanlfj: 02:51:091 (2,3,4) - 同理
2015-04-26 22:09 jonathanlfj: 03:07:196 (1) - finish
2015-04-26 22:09 zj0924: finish ok
2015-04-26 22:09 jonathanlfj: 03:17:302 (1) - finish
2015-04-26 22:10 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-26 22:10 jonathanlfj: 03:19:828 (1) - finish
2015-04-26 22:10 zj0924: ok
2015-04-26 22:12 jonathanlfj: 03:19:828 (1) - 这里timing有点问题稍等
2015-04-26 22:12 zj0924: 好的
2015-04-26 22:12 jonathanlfj: 03:19:828 (1) - 这里加红线190bpm
2015-04-26 22:13 jonathanlfj: 重置用
2015-04-26 22:13 zj0924: 加好了
2015-04-26 22:17 jonathanlfj: 03:19:828 - 加红线然后+20ms
2015-04-26 22:18 jonathanlfj: 别忘了修正绿线和resnap
2015-04-26 22:18 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-26 22:18 jonathanlfj: 03:38:460 (1) - 没stack好
2015-04-26 22:18 zj0924:
2015-04-26 22:19 zj0924: 这样是吗
2015-04-26 22:19 jonathanlfj: 03:29:933 - 这里加190bpm红线之后的不要动
2015-04-26 22:20 zj0924: ....
2015-04-26 22:20 zj0924: 好吧
2015-04-26 22:20 jonathanlfj: 03:19:828 - 从这到03:29:874 -
2015-04-26 22:20 jonathanlfj: 只有这里+20
2015-04-26 22:20 zj0924: 好吧
2015-04-26 22:20 zj0924: 我错了
2015-04-26 22:21 zj0924: 稍等一下
2015-04-26 22:22 zj0924: 改好了....
2015-04-26 22:23 jonathanlfj: ok
2015-04-26 22:23 zj0924: timing真是蛋疼
2015-04-26 22:23 jonathanlfj: 03:38:460 (1) - 这个stack修复?
2015-04-26 22:23 zj0924: 03:38:459 (1) - ?
2015-04-26 22:23 zj0924: 差了1ms吗?
2015-04-26 22:24 zj0924: 我这里是459
2015-04-26 22:25 jonathanlfj: 恩没事timing section bug
2015-04-26 22:25 zj0924: 完了改了bpm好多绿线差ims
2015-04-26 22:25 zj0924: 1ms
2015-04-26 22:25 zj0924: 我去自己挨个检查下
2015-04-26 22:25 jonathanlfj: 嗯
2015-04-26 22:26 jonathanlfj: 完了叫我
2015-04-26 22:27 zj0924: 好的
2015-04-26 22:38 zj0924: 00:12:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 想问一下这个角度该怎么改会比较好
2015-04-26 22:39 jonathanlfj: 00:12:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 顺时针转40度
2015-04-26 22:39 jonathanlfj: 然后上移
2015-04-26 22:39 jonathanlfj:
2015-04-26 22:40 zj0924: 00:12:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 不是把这个往下移吗?
2015-04-26 22:41 zj0924: ok
2015-04-26 22:42 zj0924: 感觉顺手好多...
2015-04-26 22:42 jonathanlfj: 嗯
2015-04-26 22:42 jonathanlfj: timing搞定了
2015-04-26 22:42 jonathanlfj: ?
2015-04-26 22:42 zj0924: 我再检查一遍
2015-04-26 22:42 zj0924: 怎么了?
2015-04-26 22:43 jonathanlfj: 后面还有几个点mod一下然后就完了
2015-04-26 22:43 zj0924: 好的
2015-04-26 22:43 zj0924: timing我去找过charlie他好像没回我...
2015-04-26 22:45 jonathanlfj: 04:30:081 (1) - 去掉NC加在04:30:871 (2) - 上
2015-04-26 22:45 jonathanlfj: 04:30:871 (2) - 加finish
2015-04-26 22:45 jonathanlfj: 04:35:608 (6,1) - 两个地方都加finish
2015-04-26 22:46 zj0924: 你和我说的timing我都搞定了
2015-04-26 22:46 jonathanlfj: 嗯
2015-04-26 22:46 jonathanlfj: 04:46:029 (1) - finish
2015-04-26 22:46 jonathanlfj: 05:01:660 (3) - finish
2015-04-26 22:47 jonathanlfj: 差不多就这些了
2015-04-26 22:47 jonathanlfj: 然后bg换成这个不带发售日期的
2015-04-26 22:47 zj0924: 好了全部修复
2015-04-26 22:47 zj0924: 厉害
2015-04-26 22:47 zj0924: 我都找不到没有日期的555
2015-04-26 22:48 jonathanlfj: hehe
2015-04-26 22:48 jonathanlfj: update吧
2015-04-26 22:49 zj0924: 恩恩
2015-04-26 22:53 zj0924: 抱歉我这边上传总是抽风
2015-04-26 22:53 jonathanlfj: 没事
2015-04-26 22:54 zj0924: 稍等一下我去用个玲珑加速器
2015-04-26 22:54 jonathanlfj: 哈哈ok
2015-04-26 22:55 zj0924: 掉线狂魔...天朝网速真是伤不起
2015-04-26 23:01 zj0924: 噗……终于连进来了 我也是醉了
2015-04-26 23:01 jonathanlfj: xD
2015-04-26 23:02 zj0924: upload 完啦
2015-04-26 23:02 jonathanlfj: kk
2015-04-26 23:02 zj0924: 玲珑加速器一用就飞起来了
2015-04-26 23:03 jonathanlfj: 你知道怎么加leadin吗
2015-04-26 23:03 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-26 23:03 zj0924: 记事本
2015-04-26 23:03 zj0924: 加多少
2015-04-26 23:03 jonathanlfj: 加1500ms
2015-04-26 23:04 zj0924: ok
2015-04-26 23:04 zj0924: 我再传一遍
2015-04-26 23:06 zj0924: 还有别的要改的吗owo
2015-04-26 23:07 jonathanlfj: 没了
2015-04-26 23:07 zj0924: 嗯
2015-04-26 23:07 zj0924: 那我传了
Topic Starter
Thanks my idol~~~
Really help me a lot :) :) :)
Cherry Blossom
Bubble pop, some people will bubble pop it for this reason, but i won't.

You must fix these timing points because they may be unrankable, or they are unrankable.

- They are at the same point, but they don't have the same sampleset :

- They don't have the same volume :

Good Luck ~
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Bubble pop, some people will bubble pop it for this reason, but i won't.

You must fix these timing points because they may be unrankable, or they are unrankable.

- They are at the same point, but they don't have the same sampleset :

- They don't have the same volume :

Good Luck ~
All fixed~Thx CB

  1. 01:26:144 (1,2,3,4) - What's with this overlap? I can't really see any point of doing this, to be honest. Try making them not touch each other for the sake of tidiness.
  2. 01:34:670 (4,1) - Won't the sudden change of spacing be confusing? Make the spacing of 01:34:039 (2,3,4,1) consistent!
No kudosu.

I can rebubble after this, but since there was an unrankable issue, it'll be bubble #1 again.

Poke me once you're done.
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:


  1. 01:26:144 (1,2,3,4) - What's with this overlap? I can't really see any point of doing this, to be honest. Try making them not touch each other for the sake of tidiness.Ok,at first I didn't overlap
  2. 01:34:670 (4,1) - Won't the sudden change of spacing be confusing? Make the spacing of 01:34:039 (2,3,4,1) consistent!
No kudosu.

I can rebubble after this, but since there was an unrankable issue, it'll be bubble #1 again.

Poke me once you're done.
All fixed~Thank you Hinsvar :)
Okay, bubble #1!
Fixed a bg update

Adol Christin

Kagamine Ren wrote:


Topic Starter
Thanks Kodora~
Adol Christin

Kagamine Ren wrote:


Adol Christin wrote:


Kagamine Ren wrote:

A Mystery
Topic Starter

Adol Christin wrote:


Sellenite wrote:


AIR wrote:


A Mystery wrote:

Adol Christin

Kagamine Ren wrote:


Sellenite wrote:

那天玩到想いの眠るゆりかご,突然看到状态变成not submitted,然后去主页一看。。。。
Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:

益~坐等坠机 :D
Adol Christin

Kagamine Ren wrote:



unfortunately we have to disqualify this beatmap after some internal discussion for the following reasons:


  1. Your source is wrong; The romanized source should be "Ys vs. SORA NO KISEKI ALTERNATIVE SAGA" even though we recommend you to use the Japanese "イースvs.空の軌跡オルタナティブ・サーガ"

[Alternative Saga]

  1. 04:39:713 (1,2,3,4) - There is no 1/3 in the music here; If you listen closely to the music, you can just hear a row of 1/4 triplets and therefore it should be mapped like this.
  1. 03:36:565 (1) - Why is here such a drastic SV reduction? The song doesn't really ask for a so much lower SV here as the instruments are the same like at 03:31:512 - or 03:34:039 - for instance which makes this quite uncomfortable to play.

  1. Something I would like to mention is stress misplacing at 00:36:091 (2) - . Here for example you are mapping the red tick with the active Sliderhead while you leave the stress in terms of vocals/drums on the white tick unclickable.

This map will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck! ;)
Adol Christin

Mao wrote:



unfortunately we have to disqualify this beatmap after some internal discussion for the following reasons:


  1. Your source is wrong; The romanized source should be "Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki ALTERNATIVE SAGA" even though we recommend you to use the Japanese "イース vs. 空の軌跡 オルタナティブ・サーガ"
The "Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki ALTERNATIVE SAGA" does not exist both in the webpage you listed and screenshot you cut down. I double checked Falcom's official website for this game and related CD information. There is no official romanized name of this game.
Therefore, the current romanized source should not be judged as a "wrong" source since the translation is correct. (I know Japanese is the best choice but current one is not wrong, cannot be a reason for disqualification, right? )

After this disqualification the source would be changed to Japanese one. What I worry about is the next time. If same situation appeared, will you disqualify these maps?

sorry, dunno the romanized Japanese words need to be written in small letters.

btw if you need help for the requalification, feel free to poke me anytime.
Let me clarify a bit later when I have time approaching a pc.
Metadata and reference provided are not comprehensive from previous post.
Adol Christin

Kagamine Ren wrote:


btw if you need help for the requalification, feel free to poke me anytime.
原来假名的罗马音必须小写,涨见识了。(官方除了大写的ALTERNATIVE SAGA就没有个罗马音source。。。)
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