
Tomatsu Haruka - courage

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i hate ur sliderticks lmaoo
delete ur osb u dont have a storyboard
rip slider ends they had a great lif 2012 - 2015 ;_;
01:55:409 (2) - dis might be offscreen but idk, just to be safe u should move it :VVVV
02:22:956 (4,1) - le nazi blanket kekekekek
02:33:215 (1) - this is.... probably offscreen
02:45:460 (3,4) - bad "polarity" so to speak. I'd suggest just starting the 4th slider one red tick to the left because it sounds more nice to play anyway lo l
03:24:797 (3,1) - anti-flow on an ez is bad flo
03:56:479 (3) - proooooooooooooobobly offscreen too
ya nice
00:10:730 (2,1) - lol if u really give a shit, then those things r not parallel (not that it matters tbh lmao)
00:20:219 (4) - I'd make this into 2 sliders, one with a repeat, and one without a repeat, because it plays better than this and most scrobs cant more than 1 repeat anyway and u gotta finesse on easier diffs anyway u fee l (i also think the last repeat on this slider isn't justified with anything either so rip)
00:49:760 (1) - I'd remove the clap, imo doesn't fit
01:03:383 (2,3) - might be bad to read
01:26:648 (5,1) - ^ idk im p sure it is because overlaps are usually bad to read esp. for easier diffs l0l
02:05:202 (3) - and this'd probably be the example of why u sudn't do the top 2 ^ becuase they might misread either those ones, this one, or both but yea idklol
02:37:352 (2,3) - imo if u made a slider like 02:36:892 (1) - and used a note at the slider end instead of these 2, it'd be rhythmically better
03:11:328 (2,3,1) - tbh that overlap is rlly bad, have u tried playing that graces of heaven map spro made lol. it has these kinds of overlaps and it's actually rlly hard to read (and this is like a ar 9 diff we're talking about too lmao) but ye
03:54:337 (1,2) - if u made a slider instead of the red tick to white that'd work better trust (though it does sound weird cuz of ur slidertick asfjasdgfasdhfasfa)
00:21:138 (1,2) - just kill me no w
00:35:832 (1,2) - asdf
01:09:658 (4,1) - k like overlaps aren't bad sometimes like the overlaps at 00:28:944 (2,3) - is actually p sick and 00:24:199 (2,1) - should be ok, bUT 01:09:658 (4,1) - IS JUST ASIFGSRJDFGHSDGDFKNOFG
i mean they r p sick tbh but they're s o bad for playing and i'm not sure but maybe unrankable, idk ask asphyxia trust pls b
01:18:536 (1,2) - stacking would be better but this is fine too g
01:27:260 (1,3) - ok this one might also be bad
01:29:097 (3,4,5) - lol i feel like i pissed u off so much this far this SHOULD be fine but i feel like it might have a possibility that some people might just misread this some ho w like as if the rhythmical space between the slider and circle is larger than the 2 circles or smth idk it should be fine tho
01:48:982 (5,1) - lol dat jump
01:58:469 (2) - NC cuz SV change (it also looks noticeable too)
02:12:548 (1,2) - it's like u ha te me eejhagbhsrkgjlsdr
02:20:201 (2,3) - same distance as 01:48:982 (5,1) - might misread some players but it sHOULD be fine since the time frame between these 2 is so large
02:41:022 (3,4) - y
03:03:215 (3,4) - lol tho it's not as bad as the others
03:10:103 (1,2,3,4) - inb4 stream missread callin it (tho it looks pretty so)
03:29:389 (4,1) - r they supposed 2 blanket or am i a dumas
03:53:724 (2) - possible offscreen issue idklol
yea i didn't point out all teh overlaps i hated i think lo o l sorr y for hatin on ur overlaps it just plays r rela l y bad tbh
00:23:434 (1) - What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
00:23:893 (2) - if u ctrl+G this and put the new start circle where the old start circle was i think it'd pflow better but that's ur call me mane
01:32:449 (2,3) - i was like w0w there's like almost no overlaps in this diff since i only saw one, and then i saw this and i just lold
i just
01:35:360 (5,7) - imo u sud ctrl+G these and then ctrl+G 01:35:513 (6,7) - 4 dat sik flo u feelmee (thought the sliderafter might be an issue for that kinda flow so idk)
01:44:238 (4) - i feel like this should be higher idk like at x:328 y:72 or smth cuz that's what I think the flow is tellin me but ya
01:57:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - even tho i'd do this too, it'd be safer to go with at least 1 slider so that they kno that's the rhythm 2 play u feel
02:12:548 (1,2) - if u ctrl+G these then the dropoff of the slider before would flow better
02:23:568 (1) - l0l questionably offscreen idk
02:47:603 (4,5) - dude
ni c e
03:02:756 (1) - another probablyoffscreenobjectidek
03:18:981 (2,3) - for some reason to me this carry-off looks a bit risky but it sho u l d be fine
03:59:694 (1) - for dis slider I'd suggest just scaling the size down a bit and lowering the SV so that you don't run into... offscreen... issues aka note the rop lefti and right of this slider rip
boy do u love ur overlaps asdfdsgasdfdfadsd

sik map tho i lov dem pp farmsz
Topic Starter

deetz wrote:

yo, just popping in to share some thoughts about your hitsounding, maybe just for your future maps or idk.

imo, you're really using this 2,4 clap pattern in ways that don't fit the song. you'd really benefit from listening to the song better in many places. for example:

02:32:756 (1) - this whole section to 02:37:352 (2) - isn't really the way you've hitsounded it, if you listen closer.

I hear claps on beats such as
02:33:522 (2) -
02:33:981 (4) -
02:34:441 (1) - the tail
02:34:901 (2) - the tail
02:35:514 (4) -
02:35:973 (2) -
02:36:433 (3) -

This is nice. Yea, the rhythm here changes, (polarity? is that what its called?) so I should have mapped the claps to red-ticks rather than white here. I'm pretty bad at hitsounding honestly, since I don't play with hitsounds enabled (lol).

if you remove all of your claps and put claps on the beats I mentioned, you can clearly hear the difference, and how much better it fits with the song rather than a constant 2,4 clap pattern that sort of actively clashes with the song.

the same thing applies to: Idk... This part seems fine to me
the whole beginning part - the whistle-christmas-bell-clap sounds feel kind of random and not linked to the song. you could do better by using the sound less here.
01:09:964 (1) - to 01:18:842 (2) -
01:20:219 (1) - to 01:21:750 (5) - why are there even claps here there's no such sound :'( Yea, removed the drum-clap here
03:27:246 (1) - to 03:37:042 (1) -

in the end I think if you listen to the song and try to identify better places for claps etc. you can improve your hitsounds a lot. in hitsounding, fitting to the song is more important than consistency.

i think i'm supposed to say no kd for posts like this
Well, this mod was definitely insightful, even tho it was short haha, Thanks :D
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:


i hate ur sliderticks lmaoo
delete ur osb u dont have a storyboard
rip slider ends they had a great lif 2012 - 2015 ;_;
01:55:409 (2) - dis might be offscreen but idk, just to be safe u should move it :VVVV
02:22:956 (4,1) - le nazi blanket kekekekek
02:33:215 (1) - this is.... probably offscreen
02:45:460 (3,4) - bad "polarity" so to speak. I'd suggest just starting the 4th slider one red tick to the left because it sounds more nice to play anyway lo l
03:24:797 (3,1) - anti-flow on an ez is bad flo
03:56:479 (3) - proooooooooooooobobly offscreen too
ya nice
00:10:730 (2,1) - lol if u really give a shit, then those things r not parallel (not that it matters tbh lmao)
00:20:219 (4) - I'd make this into 2 sliders, one with a repeat, and one without a repeat, because it plays better than this and most scrobs cant more than 1 repeat anyway and u gotta finesse on easier diffs anyway u fee l (i also think the last repeat on this slider isn't justified with anything either so rip)
00:49:760 (1) - I'd remove the clap, imo doesn't fit
01:03:383 (2,3) - might be bad to read
01:26:648 (5,1) - ^ idk im p sure it is because overlaps are usually bad to read esp. for easier diffs l0l
02:05:202 (3) - and this'd probably be the example of why u sudn't do the top 2 ^ becuase they might misread either those ones, this one, or both but yea idklol
02:37:352 (2,3) - imo if u made a slider like 02:36:892 (1) - and used a note at the slider end instead of these 2, it'd be rhythmically better
03:11:328 (2,3,1) - tbh that overlap is rlly bad, have u tried playing that graces of heaven map spro made lol. it has these kinds of overlaps and it's actually rlly hard to read (and this is like a ar 9 diff we're talking about too lmao) but ye
03:54:337 (1,2) - if u made a slider instead of the red tick to white that'd work better trust (though it does sound weird cuz of ur slidertick asfjasdgfasdhfasfa)
00:21:138 (1,2) - just kill me no w
00:35:832 (1,2) - asdf
01:09:658 (4,1) - k like overlaps aren't bad sometimes like the overlaps at 00:28:944 (2,3) - is actually p sick and 00:24:199 (2,1) - should be ok, bUT 01:09:658 (4,1) - IS JUST ASIFGSRJDFGHSDGDFKNOFG
i mean they r p sick tbh but they're s o bad for playing and i'm not sure but maybe unrankable, idk ask asphyxia trust pls b
01:18:536 (1,2) - stacking would be better but this is fine too g
01:27:260 (1,3) - ok this one might also be bad
01:29:097 (3,4,5) - lol i feel like i pissed u off so much this far this SHOULD be fine but i feel like it might have a possibility that some people might just misread this some ho w like as if the rhythmical space between the slider and circle is larger than the 2 circles or smth idk it should be fine tho
01:48:982 (5,1) - lol dat jump
01:58:469 (2) - NC cuz SV change (it also looks noticeable too)
02:12:548 (1,2) - it's like u ha te me eejhagbhsrkgjlsdr
02:20:201 (2,3) - same distance as 01:48:982 (5,1) - might misread some players but it sHOULD be fine since the time frame between these 2 is so large
02:41:022 (3,4) - y
03:03:215 (3,4) - lol tho it's not as bad as the others
03:10:103 (1,2,3,4) - inb4 stream missread callin it (tho it looks pretty so)
03:29:389 (4,1) - r they supposed 2 blanket or am i a dumas
03:53:724 (2) - possible offscreen issue idklol
yea i didn't point out all teh overlaps i hated i think lo o l sorr y for hatin on ur overlaps it just plays r rela l y bad tbh
00:23:434 (1) - What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. o god pls no
00:23:893 (2) - if u ctrl+G this and put the new start circle where the old start circle was i think it'd pflow better but that's ur call me mane I did something else~
01:32:449 (2,3) - i was like w0w there's like almost no overlaps in this diff since i only saw one, and then i saw this and i just lold
i just
lold ;___; I think this is fine~ My old Insane had like this pattern every 5 seconds or something loool
01:35:360 (5,7) - imo u sud ctrl+G these and then ctrl+G 01:35:513 (6,7) - 4 dat sik flo u feelmee (thought the sliderafter might be an issue for that kinda flow so idk) Hmmm... I get what you mean. I tried something else, which I think also plays a bit better.
01:44:238 (4) - i feel like this should be higher idk like at x:328 y:72 or smth cuz that's what I think the flow is tellin me but ya Nice. yea i agree.
01:57:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - even tho i'd do this too, it'd be safer to go with at least 1 slider so that they kno that's the rhythm 2 play u feel I'll... think about this lol. Might just convert them all into sliders, since the melody slows down here. Maybe i won't need the circles at all lmao,.
02:12:548 (1,2) - if u ctrl+G these then the dropoff of the slider before would flow better This is fine imo...
02:23:568 (1) - l0l questionably offscreen idk Its fine when i F5.
02:47:603 (4,5) - dude
ni c e Thanks. Fixed the slider-end since the stack was off. That's clearly what you meant here right? :D
03:02:756 (1) - another probablyoffscreenobjectidek Its fine~
03:18:981 (2,3) - for some reason to me this carry-off looks a bit risky but it sho u l d be fine Should be fine~
03:59:694 (1) - for dis slider I'd suggest just scaling the size down a bit and lowering the SV so that you don't run into... offscreen... issues aka note the rop lefti and right of this slider rip
Debating whether to scale the whole thing down, or just the wings section. D:
boy do u love ur overlaps asdfdsgasdfdfadsd

sik map tho i lov dem pp farmsz Time to increase to OD 9????
Thanks for the full mod ;o~ I'll edit this post later to go over the other diffs, focusing on the Insane for now

monstrata wrote:

;___; I think this is fine~ My old Insane had like this pattern every 5 seconds or something loool
lmaooo i basically complained about these overlaps and started being liek wtjwhrgdfgbjkdv in every diff that's what the context behind the first point and the third point is B^)

i was like dam





Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:


i hate ur sliderticks lmaoo
delete ur osb u dont have a storyboard
rip slider ends they had a great lif 2012 - 2015 ;_;
01:55:409 (2) - dis might be offscreen but idk, just to be safe u should move it :VVVV
02:22:956 (4,1) - le nazi blanket kekekekek
02:33:215 (1) - this is.... probably offscreen
02:45:460 (3,4) - bad "polarity" so to speak. I'd suggest just starting the 4th slider one red tick to the left because it sounds more nice to play anyway lo l
03:24:797 (3,1) - anti-flow on an ez is bad flo
03:56:479 (3) - proooooooooooooobobly offscreen too
ya nice
00:10:730 (2,1) - lol if u really give a shit, then those things r not parallel (not that it matters tbh lmao)
00:20:219 (4) - I'd make this into 2 sliders, one with a repeat, and one without a repeat, because it plays better than this and most scrobs cant more than 1 repeat anyway and u gotta finesse on easier diffs anyway u fee l (i also think the last repeat on this slider isn't justified with anything either so rip)
00:49:760 (1) - I'd remove the clap, imo doesn't fit
01:03:383 (2,3) - might be bad to read
01:26:648 (5,1) - ^ idk im p sure it is because overlaps are usually bad to read esp. for easier diffs l0l
02:05:202 (3) - and this'd probably be the example of why u sudn't do the top 2 ^ becuase they might misread either those ones, this one, or both but yea idklol
02:37:352 (2,3) - imo if u made a slider like 02:36:892 (1) - and used a note at the slider end instead of these 2, it'd be rhythmically better
03:11:328 (2,3,1) - tbh that overlap is rlly bad, have u tried playing that graces of heaven map spro made lol. it has these kinds of overlaps and it's actually rlly hard to read (and this is like a ar 9 diff we're talking about too lmao) but ye
03:54:337 (1,2) - if u made a slider instead of the red tick to white that'd work better trust (though it does sound weird cuz of ur slidertick asfjasdgfasdhfasfa)
00:21:138 (1,2) - just kill me no w K
00:35:832 (1,2) - asdf sdfsdf
01:09:658 (4,1) - k like overlaps aren't bad sometimes like the overlaps at 00:28:944 (2,3) - is actually p sick and 00:24:199 (2,1) - should be ok, bUT 01:09:658 (4,1) - IS JUST ASIFGSRJDFGHSDGDFKNOFG zzzzz
i mean they r p sick tbh but they're s o bad for playing and i'm not sure but maybe unrankable, idk ask asphyxia trust pls b
01:18:536 (1,2) - stacking would be better but this is fine too g
01:27:260 (1,3) - ok this one might also be bad Ehhhhhhh theyre fine as long as the overlaps don't occur on repeat arrows
01:29:097 (3,4,5) - lol i feel like i pissed u off so much this far this SHOULD be fine but i feel like it might have a possibility that some people might just misread this some ho w like as if the rhythmical space between the slider and circle is larger than the 2 circles or smth idk it should be fine tho Fixed this
01:48:982 (5,1) - lol dat jump O. Fixed.
01:58:469 (2) - NC cuz SV change (it also looks noticeable too) Okay
02:12:548 (1,2) - it's like u ha te me eejhagbhsrkgjlsdr lolol
02:20:201 (2,3) - same distance as 01:48:982 (5,1) - might misread some players but it sHOULD be fine since the time frame between these 2 is so large Fixed previous one so this should be okaay
02:41:022 (3,4) - y trollololol
03:03:215 (3,4) - lol tho it's not as bad as the othersphew
03:10:103 (1,2,3,4) - inb4 stream missread callin it (tho it looks pretty so) I think this is fine, nothing in the music or the slow SV would suggest streams lel. just spacing, which imo is fine~
03:29:389 (4,1) - r they supposed 2 blanket or am i a dumas Ur a dumas, but ya why not blanket since its so close :3
03:53:724 (2) - possible offscreen issue idklol Its k, 2015 mapping style, objects so offscreen you need to play with 3 monitors
yea i didn't point out all teh overlaps i hated i think lo o l sorr y for hatin on ur overlaps it just plays r rela l y bad tbh
00:23:434 (1) - What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
00:23:893 (2) - if u ctrl+G this and put the new start circle where the old start circle was i think it'd pflow better but that's ur call me mane
01:32:449 (2,3) - i was like w0w there's like almost no overlaps in this diff since i only saw one, and then i saw this and i just lold
i just
01:35:360 (5,7) - imo u sud ctrl+G these and then ctrl+G 01:35:513 (6,7) - 4 dat sik flo u feelmee (thought the sliderafter might be an issue for that kinda flow so idk)
01:44:238 (4) - i feel like this should be higher idk like at x:328 y:72 or smth cuz that's what I think the flow is tellin me but ya
01:57:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - even tho i'd do this too, it'd be safer to go with at least 1 slider so that they kno that's the rhythm 2 play u feel
02:12:548 (1,2) - if u ctrl+G these then the dropoff of the slider before would flow better
02:23:568 (1) - l0l questionably offscreen idk
02:47:603 (4,5) - dude
ni c e
03:02:756 (1) - another probablyoffscreenobjectidek
03:18:981 (2,3) - for some reason to me this carry-off looks a bit risky but it sho u l d be fine
03:59:694 (1) - for dis slider I'd suggest just scaling the size down a bit and lowering the SV so that you don't run into... offscreen... issues aka note the rop lefti and right of this slider rip
boy do u love ur overlaps asdfdsgasdfdfadsd

sik map tho i lov dem pp farmsz
Topic Starter

VINXIS wrote:


i hate ur sliderticks lmaoo
delete ur osb u dont have a storyboard
rip slider ends they had a great lif 2012 - 2015 ;_;
01:55:409 (2) - dis might be offscreen but idk, just to be safe u should move it :VVVV
02:22:956 (4,1) - le nazi blanket kekekekek
02:33:215 (1) - this is.... probably offscreen
02:45:460 (3,4) - bad "polarity" so to speak. I'd suggest just starting the 4th slider one red tick to the left because it sounds more nice to play anyway lo l
03:24:797 (3,1) - anti-flow on an ez is bad flo
03:56:479 (3) - proooooooooooooobobly offscreen too
ya nice
00:10:730 (2,1) - lol if u really give a shit, then those things r not parallel (not that it matters tbh lmao) Dam 2 degrees. fixed
00:20:219 (4) - I'd make this into 2 sliders, one with a repeat, and one without a repeat, because it plays better than this and most scrobs cant more than 1 repeat anyway and u gotta finesse on easier diffs anyway u fee l (i also think the last repeat on this slider isn't justified with anything either so rip) dam. I think this works tho zzz since its supposed to just be a hold. hmm. will see D:
00:49:760 (1) - I'd remove the clap, imo doesn't fit K
01:03:383 (2,3) - might be bad to read Preparing the scrubs for Hard :3.
01:26:648 (5,1) - ^ idk im p sure it is because overlaps are usually bad to read esp. for easier diffs l0l Should be fine
02:05:202 (3) - and this'd probably be the example of why u sudn't do the top 2 ^ becuase they might misread either those ones, this one, or both but yea idklol
02:37:352 (2,3) - imo if u made a slider like 02:36:892 (1) - and used a note at the slider end instead of these 2, it'd be rhythmically betterI think this is better,
03:11:328 (2,3,1) - tbh that overlap is rlly bad, have u tried playing that graces of heaven map spro made lol. it has these kinds of overlaps and it's actually rlly hard to read (and this is like a ar 9 diff we're talking about too lmao) but ye Tried that map :3 this is the opposite tho, the objects don't overlap the slider heads so approach circle can still be seen very clearly
03:54:337 (1,2) - if u made a slider instead of the red tick to white that'd work better trust (though it does sound weird cuz of ur slidertick asfjasdgfasdhfasfa) Tried. dunno about this D: ill keep for now cuz it seems like the same for me haha
00:21:138 (1,2) - just kill me no w
00:35:832 (1,2) - asdf
01:09:658 (4,1) - k like overlaps aren't bad sometimes like the overlaps at 00:28:944 (2,3) - is actually p sick and 00:24:199 (2,1) - should be ok, bUT 01:09:658 (4,1) - IS JUST ASIFGSRJDFGHSDGDFKNOFG
i mean they r p sick tbh but they're s o bad for playing and i'm not sure but maybe unrankable, idk ask asphyxia trust pls b
01:18:536 (1,2) - stacking would be better but this is fine too g
01:27:260 (1,3) - ok this one might also be bad
01:29:097 (3,4,5) - lol i feel like i pissed u off so much this far this SHOULD be fine but i feel like it might have a possibility that some people might just misread this some ho w like as if the rhythmical space between the slider and circle is larger than the 2 circles or smth idk it should be fine tho
01:48:982 (5,1) - lol dat jump
01:58:469 (2) - NC cuz SV change (it also looks noticeable too)
02:12:548 (1,2) - it's like u ha te me eejhagbhsrkgjlsdr
02:20:201 (2,3) - same distance as 01:48:982 (5,1) - might misread some players but it sHOULD be fine since the time frame between these 2 is so large
02:41:022 (3,4) - y
03:03:215 (3,4) - lol tho it's not as bad as the others
03:10:103 (1,2,3,4) - inb4 stream missread callin it (tho it looks pretty so)
03:29:389 (4,1) - r they supposed 2 blanket or am i a dumas
03:53:724 (2) - possible offscreen issue idklol
yea i didn't point out all teh overlaps i hated i think lo o l sorr y for hatin on ur overlaps it just plays r rela l y bad tbh
00:23:434 (1) - What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
00:23:893 (2) - if u ctrl+G this and put the new start circle where the old start circle was i think it'd pflow better but that's ur call me mane
01:32:449 (2,3) - i was like w0w there's like almost no overlaps in this diff since i only saw one, and then i saw this and i just lold
i just
01:35:360 (5,7) - imo u sud ctrl+G these and then ctrl+G 01:35:513 (6,7) - 4 dat sik flo u feelmee (thought the sliderafter might be an issue for that kinda flow so idk)
01:44:238 (4) - i feel like this should be higher idk like at x:328 y:72 or smth cuz that's what I think the flow is tellin me but ya
01:57:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - even tho i'd do this too, it'd be safer to go with at least 1 slider so that they kno that's the rhythm 2 play u feel
02:12:548 (1,2) - if u ctrl+G these then the dropoff of the slider before would flow better
02:23:568 (1) - l0l questionably offscreen idk
02:47:603 (4,5) - dude
ni c e
03:02:756 (1) - another probablyoffscreenobjectidek
03:18:981 (2,3) - for some reason to me this carry-off looks a bit risky but it sho u l d be fine
03:59:694 (1) - for dis slider I'd suggest just scaling the size down a bit and lowering the SV so that you don't run into... offscreen... issues aka note the rop lefti and right of this slider rip
boy do u love ur overlaps asdfdsgasdfdfadsd

sik map tho i lov dem pp farmsz
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:

VINXIS wrote:


i hate ur sliderticks lmaoo
delete ur osb u dont have a storyboard
rip slider ends they had a great lif 2012 - 2015 ;_;
01:55:409 (2) - dis might be offscreen but idk, just to be safe u should move it :VVVV
02:22:956 (4,1) - le nazi blanket kekekekek Fixed
02:33:215 (1) - this is.... probably offscreen
02:45:460 (3,4) - bad "polarity" so to speak. I'd suggest just starting the 4th slider one red tick to the left because it sounds more nice to play anyway lo l I think the spacing should be sufficient.
03:24:797 (3,1) - anti-flow on an ez is bad flo Yaaa agreed, fixed this
03:56:479 (3) - proooooooooooooobobly offscreen too
ya nice
00:10:730 (2,1) - lol if u really give a shit, then those things r not parallel (not that it matters tbh lmao)
00:20:219 (4) - I'd make this into 2 sliders, one with a repeat, and one without a repeat, because it plays better than this and most scrobs cant more than 1 repeat anyway and u gotta finesse on easier diffs anyway u fee l (i also think the last repeat on this slider isn't justified with anything either so rip)
00:49:760 (1) - I'd remove the clap, imo doesn't fit
01:03:383 (2,3) - might be bad to read
01:26:648 (5,1) - ^ idk im p sure it is because overlaps are usually bad to read esp. for easier diffs l0l
02:05:202 (3) - and this'd probably be the example of why u sudn't do the top 2 ^ becuase they might misread either those ones, this one, or both but yea idklol
02:37:352 (2,3) - imo if u made a slider like 02:36:892 (1) - and used a note at the slider end instead of these 2, it'd be rhythmically better
03:11:328 (2,3,1) - tbh that overlap is rlly bad, have u tried playing that graces of heaven map spro made lol. it has these kinds of overlaps and it's actually rlly hard to read (and this is like a ar 9 diff we're talking about too lmao) but ye
03:54:337 (1,2) - if u made a slider instead of the red tick to white that'd work better trust (though it does sound weird cuz of ur slidertick asfjasdgfasdhfasfa)
00:21:138 (1,2) - just kill me no w K
00:35:832 (1,2) - asdf sdfsdf
01:09:658 (4,1) - k like overlaps aren't bad sometimes like the overlaps at 00:28:944 (2,3) - is actually p sick and 00:24:199 (2,1) - should be ok, bUT 01:09:658 (4,1) - IS JUST ASIFGSRJDFGHSDGDFKNOFG zzzzz
i mean they r p sick tbh but they're s o bad for playing and i'm not sure but maybe unrankable, idk ask asphyxia trust pls b
01:18:536 (1,2) - stacking would be better but this is fine too g
01:27:260 (1,3) - ok this one might also be bad Ehhhhhhh theyre fine as long as the overlaps don't occur on repeat arrows
01:29:097 (3,4,5) - lol i feel like i pissed u off so much this far this SHOULD be fine but i feel like it might have a possibility that some people might just misread this some ho w like as if the rhythmical space between the slider and circle is larger than the 2 circles or smth idk it should be fine tho Fixed this
01:48:982 (5,1) - lol dat jump O. Fixed.
01:58:469 (2) - NC cuz SV change (it also looks noticeable too) Okay
02:12:548 (1,2) - it's like u ha te me eejhagbhsrkgjlsdr lolol
02:20:201 (2,3) - same distance as 01:48:982 (5,1) - might misread some players but it sHOULD be fine since the time frame between these 2 is so large Fixed previous one so this should be okaay
02:41:022 (3,4) - y trollololol
03:03:215 (3,4) - lol tho it's not as bad as the othersphew
03:10:103 (1,2,3,4) - inb4 stream missread callin it (tho it looks pretty so) I think this is fine, nothing in the music or the slow SV would suggest streams lel. just spacing, which imo is fine~
03:29:389 (4,1) - r they supposed 2 blanket or am i a dumas Ur a dumas, but ya why not blanket since its so close :3
03:53:724 (2) - possible offscreen issue idklol Its k, 2015 mapping style, objects so offscreen you need to play with 3 monitors
yea i didn't point out all teh overlaps i hated i think lo o l sorr y for hatin on ur overlaps it just plays r rela l y bad tbh
00:23:434 (1) - What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
00:23:893 (2) - if u ctrl+G this and put the new start circle where the old start circle was i think it'd pflow better but that's ur call me mane
01:32:449 (2,3) - i was like w0w there's like almost no overlaps in this diff since i only saw one, and then i saw this and i just lold
i just
01:35:360 (5,7) - imo u sud ctrl+G these and then ctrl+G 01:35:513 (6,7) - 4 dat sik flo u feelmee (thought the sliderafter might be an issue for that kinda flow so idk)
01:44:238 (4) - i feel like this should be higher idk like at x:328 y:72 or smth cuz that's what I think the flow is tellin me but ya
01:57:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - even tho i'd do this too, it'd be safer to go with at least 1 slider so that they kno that's the rhythm 2 play u feel
02:12:548 (1,2) - if u ctrl+G these then the dropoff of the slider before would flow better
02:23:568 (1) - l0l questionably offscreen idk
02:47:603 (4,5) - dude
ni c e
03:02:756 (1) - another probablyoffscreenobjectidek
03:18:981 (2,3) - for some reason to me this carry-off looks a bit risky but it sho u l d be fine
03:59:694 (1) - for dis slider I'd suggest just scaling the size down a bit and lowering the SV so that you don't run into... offscreen... issues aka note the rop lefti and right of this slider rip
boy do u love ur overlaps asdfdsgasdfdfadsd

sik map tho i lov dem pp farmsz
Wow! Your mapset is finally ready? :3
I love your diffs, let me give you a kudosu! :D

Good luck!!
Topic Starter
Wow, thanks Warfu ^^.

Yes! Time to get this ranked :3.
[General] <- can you fix consistency combo? lol <- can you fix consistency kiai? orz


aibat, saying there lot unsnapped timing they are:

  1. 01:19:009
  2. 01:29:709
  3. 01:29:786
  4. 02:32:770
  5. 02:38:113
  6. 02:38:204
  7. 02:39:429
  8. 02:40:653
  9. 02:41:801
  10. 02:41:878
  11. 02:48:383
  12. 02:53:051
  13. 02:54:352
  14. 02:55:577
  15. 02:56:801
  16. 03:15:322
  17. 03:17:541
  18. 03:26:112
  19. 03:27:413
  20. 03:59:250



  1. 01:22:520
  2. 01:29:784
  3. 01:44:018
  4. 02:06:442
  5. 02:07:666
  6. 02:28:636
  7. 02:38:202
  8. 02:39:427
  9. 02:40:651
  10. 02:48:075
  11. 02:53:049
  12. 02:54:350
  13. 02:55:575
  14. 02:56:799
  15. 03:17:539
  16. 03:47:768
  17. 03:54:350
  18. 14:57:693



  1. 00:29:693
  2. 01:12:733
  3. 01:29:707
  4. 01:29:784
  5. 01:51:444
  6. 02:03:975
  7. 02:25:407
  8. 02:25:560
  9. 02:25:713
  10. 02:26:325
  11. 02:28:636
  12. 02:38:190
  13. 02:38:204
  14. 02:39:429
  15. 02:40:577
  16. 02:40:653
  17. 02:41:801
  18. 02:41:876
  19. 02:41:878
  20. 02:53:049
  21. 02:53:051
  22. 02:54:350
  23. 02:54:352
  24. 02:55:575
  25. 02:55:577
  26. 02:56:801
  27. 03:26:110
  28. 03:27:564
  29. 03:53:409

[Sleeping Knights]


  1. 01:01:852 (2,3,4) - I don't like this part, cuz "jump" made confuse a lot, would be better if you fix spacing 1.00 that note (3) look this pic this prt would better a lot IMO
  2. 01:26:342 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ same

  1. 00:01:544
  2. 00:29:693
  3. 01:51:444
  4. 02:38:204
  5. 02:39:429
  6. 02:40:577
  7. 02:40:653
  8. 02:41:801
  9. 02:41:878
  10. 02:53:051
  11. 02:54:352
  12. 02:55:577
  13. 02:56:801

look good
Almost ready, call me back
no need kudosu
Topic Starter

Pereira006 wrote:

[General] <- can you fix consistency combo? lol Fixed <- can you fix consistency kiai? orz Fixed.


aibat, saying there lot unsnapped timing they are: All re-snapped or deleted (if they weren't necessary)

  1. 01:19:009
  2. 01:29:709
  3. 01:29:786
  4. 02:32:770
  5. 02:38:113
  6. 02:38:204
  7. 02:39:429
  8. 02:40:653
  9. 02:41:801
  10. 02:41:878
  11. 02:48:383
  12. 02:53:051
  13. 02:54:352
  14. 02:55:577
  15. 02:56:801
  16. 03:15:322
  17. 03:17:541
  18. 03:26:112
  19. 03:27:413
  20. 03:59:250



  1. 01:22:520
  2. 01:29:784
  3. 01:44:018
  4. 02:06:442
  5. 02:07:666
  6. 02:28:636
  7. 02:38:202
  8. 02:39:427
  9. 02:40:651
  10. 02:48:075
  11. 02:53:049
  12. 02:54:350
  13. 02:55:575
  14. 02:56:799
  15. 03:17:539
  16. 03:47:768
  17. 03:54:350
  18. 14:57:693 lol



  1. 00:29:693
  2. 01:12:733
  3. 01:29:707
  4. 01:29:784
  5. 01:51:444
  6. 02:03:975
  7. 02:25:407
  8. 02:25:560
  9. 02:25:713
  10. 02:26:325
  11. 02:28:636
  12. 02:38:190
  13. 02:38:204
  14. 02:39:429
  15. 02:40:577
  16. 02:40:653
  17. 02:41:801
  18. 02:41:876
  19. 02:41:878
  20. 02:53:049
  21. 02:53:051
  22. 02:54:350
  23. 02:54:352
  24. 02:55:575
  25. 02:55:577
  26. 02:56:801
  27. 03:26:110
  28. 03:27:564
  29. 03:53:409

[Sleeping Knights]


  1. 01:01:852 (2,3,4) - I don't like this part, cuz "jump" made confuse a lot, would be better if you fix spacing 1.00 that note (3) look this pic this prt would better a lot IMO Okay, i agree. Changed.
  2. 01:26:342 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^ same Also fixed, + fixed one more spot where this 1/4 jump happened.

  1. 00:01:544
  2. 00:29:693
  3. 01:51:444
  4. 02:38:204
  5. 02:39:429
  6. 02:40:577
  7. 02:40:653
  8. 02:41:801
  9. 02:41:878
  10. 02:53:051
  11. 02:54:352
  12. 02:55:577
  13. 02:56:801

look good
Almost ready, call me back
no need kudosu
I made two additional changes to Sleeping Knights.
1. Changed the final slider a bit since other BN's were concerned about it being too difficult to read.
2. Turned the 1/3 section jumps into repeat sliders instead. (Music was slowing down, and even though the jumps fit ,I decided to decrease the difficulty there).

Thanks again!!
1 week ago, we talk about Combo Color and some stuffs.
We change a lot Combo all diff's to be consistency by style mapper and sense this music.
Fix some rules and stuffs

Everthing look good, and pretty funny to play

Don't give up, monstrata

Will mod it later today.

Here for a recheck.


  1. Rather add 2000ms for the audio lead-in. It’s just to be safe. Go to the .osu file in notepad and then just change the audio lead-in to 2000.

  1. According to AiMod, you have three DS errors. I know it’s sometimes just a false alarm, but just check all three of them to be sure they are spaced correctly.
    01:52:960 (4) – This (4) for example has to be moved a bit closer to the slider (3).
    02:05:814 (3) – This (3) has to be moved a bit closer to (2). For spacing consistency.
    02:26:630 (3) – This (3) just has to be moved a tiny bit closer to (2).
  2. 01:19:913 (1,2) –I don’t like this kind of stack in an Easy diff. Rather remove that circle and just lengthen the slider and it really sounds as if that slider has to end here: 01:22:209 – The place where it ends now makes it sounds out of beat. Try this rhythm:
  3. 01:22:668 (3,4,1) –This rhythm really looks like a pattern that one would use for a Normal diff. Rather try this:
    I just removed the (4) and made (3) longer.
  4. 02:08:875 (1) –I think it will be better for spacing purposes to stack the head of that slider on the head of 02:06:426 (1) – Like you did here: 03:24:797 (3,1) –
  5. 03:37:654 (4) –Add new combo here and then remove new combo here: 03:38:267 (1) –
  6. 03:59:694 (1,1) –Hm, the reaction time between the spinner and the next note is really short. Try placing the head of that slider right in the middle of the spinner, or make the spinner a bit shorter.

  1. 00:02:617 (3) –I think lengthening the slider will make it sound better. Like this:
  2. 00:25:883 (1) –Add a soft-finish on the head of this slider?
  3. 00:35:066 (4) –Rather remove this whistle since you didn’t add it anywhere here: 00:38:281 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – and that whistle also just sounds a bit out of place.
  4. 01:29:693 (1) –Add a soft-finish on this circle?
  5. 02:18:364 (5) –Move this circle a bit lower please since it’s touching the HP bar.
  6. 03:59:694 (1,1) –Same thing as Easy about the reaction time. Place the head of this slider in the middle of the spinner.

  1. You have more than one green line on some places. Please make sure there’s no duplicate green lines:
  2. 01:16:546 – Add a note here. It will help with the flow and also make the flow more readable.
  3. 02:24:487 (2) –Add new combo here and then remove new combo here: 02:24:793 (1) – If you don’t add that new combo there then the jumps are rather confusing.
  4. 02:28:313 (5) –Rather change this slider into a circle to emphasize this single beat: 02:28:313 – better.
  5. 03:46:223 (1) –Since this slider’s SV is so slow, I think it will be better if you move 03:47:447 (1) – closer to the slider. Like this:
    If you don’t do this, then that jump is rather confusing and just not recommended.

  1. Remove “Widescreen support” in this diff.
  2. 00:25:883 (1) –Add a drum-whistle on the head of this slider. Like you did here: 00:23:434 (1) –
  3. 02:57:858 (1) –Also add that finish on this slider’s head. Like you did here: 02:52:960 (1) - 02:54:185 (1) - 02:55:409 (1) - 02:56:634 (1) –
  4. 02:59:083 (1) -^

After making the necessary changes, call me back~ :D
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Will mod it later today.

Here for a recheck.


  1. Rather add 2000ms for the audio lead-in. It’s just to be safe. Go to the .osu file in notepad and then just change the audio lead-in to 2000. Okay, added on all diff's.

  1. According to AiMod, you have three DS errors. I know it’s sometimes just a false alarm, but just check all three of them to be sure they are spaced correctly.
    01:52:960 (4) – This (4) for example has to be moved a bit closer to the slider (3). Fixed
    02:05:814 (3) – This (3) has to be moved a bit closer to (2). For spacing consistency. Fixed
    02:26:630 (3) – This (3) just has to be moved a tiny bit closer to (2).Fixed
  2. 01:19:913 (1,2) –I don’t like this kind of stack in an Easy diff. Rather remove that circle and just lengthen the slider and it really sounds as if that slider has to end here: 01:22:209 – The place where it ends now makes it sounds out of beat. Try this rhythm: Okay, yea this works nice.
  3. 01:22:668 (3,4,1) –This rhythm really looks like a pattern that one would use for a Normal diff. Rather try this: K Changed to that.
    I just removed the (4) and made (3) longer.
  4. 02:08:875 (1) –I think it will be better for spacing purposes to stack the head of that slider on the head of 02:06:426 (1) – Like you did here: 03:24:797 (3,1) – Okay, changed.
  5. 03:37:654 (4) –Add new combo here and then remove new combo here: 03:38:267 (1) – Okay
  6. 03:59:694 (1,1) –Hm, the reaction time between the spinner and the next note is really short. Try placing the head of that slider right in the middle of the spinner, or make the spinner a bit shorter. I reduced the length of the spinner instead. Found a good spot to end it.

  1. 00:02:617 (3) –I think lengthening the slider will make it sound better. Like this: Idk about this. It works, but i'd prefer to keep a 1/2 gap between the two sliders.
  2. 00:25:883 (1) –Add a soft-finish on the head of this slider? K
  3. 00:35:066 (4) –Rather remove this whistle since you didn’t add it anywhere here: 00:38:281 (1,2,3,4,5,6) – and that whistle also just sounds a bit out of place. K removed.
  4. 01:29:693 (1) –Add a soft-finish on this circle? Added
  5. 02:18:364 (5) –Move this circle a bit lower please since it’s touching the HP bar. Okay fixed.
  6. 03:59:694 (1,1) –Same thing as Easy about the reaction time. Place the head of this slider in the middle of the spinner. Yep, same as Easy, I reduced the length of the spinner, it now ends with a drum beat which is nice too.

  1. You have more than one green line on some places. Please make sure there’s no duplicate green lines: Fixed all~
  2. 01:16:546 – Add a note here. It will help with the flow and also make the flow more readable. Added
  3. 02:24:487 (2) –Add new combo here and then remove new combo here: 02:24:793 (1) – If you don’t add that new combo there then the jumps are rather confusing. Okay
  4. 02:28:313 (5) –Rather change this slider into a circle to emphasize this single beat: 02:28:313 – better. Okay, i changed up the pattern here too.
  5. 03:46:223 (1) –Since this slider’s SV is so slow, I think it will be better if you move 03:47:447 (1) – closer to the slider. Like this: Okay. Reduced the spacing for circle 1. I also reduced the jump from 1 > 2 > 3 a bit
    If you don’t do this, then that jump is rather confusing and just not recommended.

  1. Remove “Widescreen support” in this diff. K
  2. 00:25:883 (1) –Add a drum-whistle on the head of this slider. Like you did here: 00:23:434 (1) – K
  3. 02:57:858 (1) –Also add that finish on this slider’s head. Like you did here: 02:52:960 (1) - 02:54:185 (1) - 02:55:409 (1) - 02:56:634 (1) – Added
  4. 02:59:083 (1) -^Added

After making the necessary changes, call me back~ :D
-Also fixed the (potentially) off-screen issue on Sleeping Knight's final slider
-Changed the preview point
-Removed the normal slider-tick after a lot of consideration and testplaying. (Regular slider-tick wasn't as noisy, but also worked).

Thanks -Nya- :D
  1. You still have one duplicate green line in the hard: 02:56:787
  2. This circle: 00:35:066 (4) - in the Normal still has that "soft" sampleset activated even though you removed the whistle
    Just change it to auto please.
  3. 01:21:138 (2) - In the Easy, add a soft-finish on the tail of this slider since a cymbal sound can be clearly heard.

Fix these above and then call me back.
Ok, monstrata fixed everything in my previous mod.
Time to move this mapset forward.


Gratz~ :)

-Nya- wrote:

Gratz~ :)
that slider <33333
:) gratzu
I still think more care could have been taken to clap placements, but still, grats :p
Gratz, this is really different from when I looked at it!
Topic Starter
OMGGGG Ranked :D.


Thanks everyone for all the support in getting this mapset ranked :D.
congratz man!! keep it up
yayyy congratulations monstrata san :D
Nice !!!
Gratz ~ !
grats :)
Congratz :3
Last spinner of Sleeping Knights diff isn't snapped :?

hopperhtkn wrote:

Last spinner of Sleeping Knights diff isn't snapped :?
It's snapped on the blue tick, isn't it?

-Nya- wrote:

hopperhtkn wrote:

Last spinner of Sleeping Knights diff isn't snapped :?
It's snapped on the blue tick, isn't it?
04:04:496(1)- Not so ;w;
is snapped in blue tick here

EDIT: not fine

well ,Wait QAT dq this map then the mapper fix spinner unsnapped so i guess we can re-bubble and re-qualify

Pereira006 wrote:

still fine (or not?)
rip ;w;

EDIT: Pay more attention -Nya- :p
I'm sorry guys, I will wait when the mapper fix and will re-bubble
Topic Starter
Damn... my fault, sorry guys x___x

Please don't blame my BN's :P

I'll contact a QAT to get this dq'ed so we can fix and get this reranked asap :D.

edit: spoke briefly with Asphyxia, QAT will check this mapset later and see if there are any other problems (in case there are other dq reasons) we'll have to wait until then~

So please don't HDDT Sleeping Knights yet hvick.

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

rip ;w; EDIT: Pay more attention -Nya- :p

It's easy to miss a mistake like that. We're all humans; not robots.
But it's not really such a big deal. Just fix that snapping thing and we'll get this map going again. No big deal.

-Nya- wrote:

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

rip ;w; EDIT: Pay more attention -Nya- :p

It's easy to miss a mistake like that. We're all humans; not robots.
But it's not really such a big deal. Just fix that snapping thing and we'll get this map going again. No big deal.
ok sorry for it
no love for my map </3
SAO SEASON 3 soon™
Topic Starter
Shirushi's an amazing song <3

Just a bit slow for me BPM wise lol.

Calling it now, first ranked mapset of SAO Season 3 OP = instant best map of the year.
Howdy monstrata. On behalf of the QAT, I must disqualify this map over the following reasons:
  1. 04:04:515 (1) - The final spinner in the Sleeping Knights difficulty is not snapped correctly, please snap it to the long white tick after it.
  2. The normal-hitnormal is essentially inaudible to the song. Players must have proper feedback in order to play consistently. Please either increase the volume of the hitsound or find another sample altogether.
The additional modding that follows represents my opinions and not necessarily those of the QAT. Feel free to take or decline these suggestions, but keep in mind that they are made in order to benefit the map!

[Sleeping Knights]
The diff spread between the hard and insane is kinda large. Insane has a lot of jump patterns and 1/4 whereas hard is mostly distance snapped and almost devoid of 1/4. Not too too bad, but something to keep in mind for the future.
  1. 00:19:301 (3) - Perhaps make this a duplicate of 00:18:689 (1) - , the curve here is really flow breaking and awkward. Having it a similar shape to 00:18:689 (1) - keeps a similar motion going and keeps the flow you want into the next pattern
  2. 00:23:434 (1) - Have the curve of this slider be a little smoother and a bit more further out from the slider start. Its a rather abrupt change in direction coming from the previous pattern, and I think players would appreciate a smoother transition
  3. 01:20:219 (1) - The blue combo color of the pattern you have selected is a bit hard to see with the default spinner, I recommend that you change the color of the combo here so the object is a bit more noticeable. You can accomplish this by clicking on the object, going to the new combo button, hit the arrow, and select another color from the palette you have chosen. The red one works nicely!
  4. 01:51:736 (1,2,3,4,1) - I really enjoyed the flow of this pattern, nice work!
  5. 02:08:875 (1) - Almost the entirety of this kiai section has the objects located on the right side of the screen. While inherently this is not totally a bad thing, having more movement around the playfield would be recommended
  6. 03:22:654 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Lovely pattern!
  7. 03:59:694 (1) - <3
  1. 00:41:954 (1) - Have the angle of this slider go a bit further out so it is more pronounced and noticeable
  1. 00:20:219 (4) - I usually am against these kinds of repeating sliders in lower difficulties. Players at this point do not necessarily have the rhythm or skill required to come to a dead stop, hit the repeats, and then have the momentum to continue onward onto the next object. Plus it is kind of hard to tell when the slider ends so, I recommend that you try something different here
  2. 03:10:103 (1,2) - I know what you are trying to do here with 03:12:552 (1) - , but I highly recommend you space this 1.00x like all of your other patterns
Nice mapset! I really liked the look of the insane, kind of reminds me of my own maps with that structure :')
The BNG will handle the requalification. Good luck!
courage 2 disqualify

handsome wrote:

courage 2 disqualify
maybe it infected by your cancer ?
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

Howdy monstrata. On behalf of the QAT, I must disqualify this map over the following reasons:
  1. 04:04:515 (1) - The final spinner in the Sleeping Knights difficulty is not snapped correctly, please snap it to the long white tick after it. RIP. Fixed.
  2. The normal-hitnormal is essentially inaudible to the song. Players must have proper feedback in order to play consistently. Please either increase the volume of the hitsound or find another sample altogether. Will fix, need to talk with a BN tho since i dunno how to fix this myself lol.
The additional modding that follows represents my opinions and not necessarily those of the QAT. Feel free to take or decline these suggestions, but keep in mind that they are made in order to benefit the map!

[Sleeping Knights]
The diff spread between the hard and insane is kinda large. Insane has a lot of jump patterns and 1/4 whereas hard is mostly distance snapped and almost devoid of 1/4. Not too too bad, but something to keep in mind for the future. Will do~. the BPM was quite high here, so of course, introducing jumps and streams bumped the diff up a lot. I almost completely refrained from using triplets too, to try and ease the diff gap, I think there are only 4 times in Sleeping Knights where I mapped triplets lol.
  1. 00:19:301 (3) - Perhaps make this a duplicate of 00:18:689 (1) - , the curve here is really flow breaking and awkward. Having it a similar shape to 00:18:689 (1) - keeps a similar motion going and keeps the flow you want into the next pattern This is fine imo. I reasoned that if the player took advantage of slider-leniency this pattern would actually flow rather naturally.
  2. 00:23:434 (1) - Have the curve of this slider be a little smoother and a bit more further out from the slider start. Its a rather abrupt change in direction coming from the previous pattern, and I think players would appreciate a smoother transition This is fine imo. Also slider leniency. I don't think players are going to follow the curve precisely, and will probably play it like a normal bezier curve so this was mainly a visual change.
  3. 01:20:219 (1) - The blue combo color of the pattern you have selected is a bit hard to see with the default spinner, I recommend that you change the color of the combo here so the object is a bit more noticeable. You can accomplish this by clicking on the object, going to the new combo button, hit the arrow, and select another color from the palette you have chosen. The red one works nicely! Damn... I didn't even know you could do that. Changed to red, ya this really makes a lot of sense xD.
  4. 01:51:736 (1,2,3,4,1) - I really enjoyed the flow of this pattern, nice work! Thanks :D
  5. 02:08:875 (1) - Almost the entirety of this kiai section has the objects located on the right side of the screen. While inherently this is not totally a bad thing, having more movement around the playfield would be recommended Ya, I'll remember that on future maps.
  6. 03:22:654 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Lovely pattern! <3
  7. 03:59:694 (1) - <3
  1. 00:41:954 (1) - Have the angle of this slider go a bit further out so it is more pronounced and noticeable Alright,!
  1. 00:20:219 (4) - I usually am against these kinds of repeating sliders in lower difficulties. Players at this point do not necessarily have the rhythm or skill required to come to a dead stop, hit the repeats, and then have the momentum to continue onward onto the next object. Plus it is kind of hard to tell when the slider ends so, I recommend that you try something different here This pattern actually went through extensive modding haha... Would you believe it started out as 8 1/2 circles in a row on Normal? lmao. Ultimately I decided this pattern played out the best while still mapping to the drums. Of course, there are simpler patterns that I could have incorporated that would ignore the drums, or at least some of them (maybe mapping half the hits using a longer slider) but since ignoring half the beats was already done on the Easy I reasoned players could appreciate this on the Normal.
  2. 03:10:103 (1,2) - I know what you are trying to do here with 03:12:552 (1) - , but I highly recommend you space this 1.00x like all of your other patterns Alright, I moved the slider back so it should all be 1.00x spacing now.
Nice mapset! I really liked the look of the insane, kind of reminds me of my own maps with that structure :')
The BNG will handle the requalification. Good luck!
Thanks Lust!. I'm going to try and find you in game for help on the sampleset, but other than that, i'm relieved there weren't more serious unrankable issues related to the map. Hopefully the re-rank will go smoothly now that the QAT have taken a look :D.
the spinner is now snapp in red line
Delete file and change volume to 50% only all N:C1
fix some objects, to not touch hp skin default and fix 1 slider border in easy

all look good


good luck
Ok~ Let's send this forward again.

Gj. Gratz again
Topic Starter
...and we're back!

Thanks again for the help Pereira and Nya :). Much appreciated ^___^.

Hopefully it's smooth sailing now~. Sorry for those who managed to get pp on Sleeping Knights before the dq D:. I realize my map's worth a bit of pp ;o. 220pp for SS apparently.
i need yuuki btw;__;
I have to disqualify it once again, hopefully for the last time.

  1. 01:27:260 (3) - the repeat is unsnapped. Whether you edited the slider's length via Notepad or slapped an inherited offset with unusual SV multiplier on top of it, so that it has a non-standard length, this is not allowed. I know this is impossible to fix without changing the rhythm, but it's easy to figure what that rhythm should be
  2. 03:49:129 (1) - the tail is unsnapped; again, do a rhythm change
I guess that's all.
It's weird that the previous QAT's didn't mention this

-Nya- wrote:

It's weird that the previous QAT's didn't mention this
we just missing, when map have a lot red lines is hard... just happen

Well, I did talk ticclick, I still can re-bubble

anyway... I check all red lines, Hope this is final...

Here to qualify this . . . again.
Hopefully the last.

Topic Starter
Thanks again Pereira and Nya for all the support!!

@ TicClick - Both rhythms have been fixed. It really bothers me that these issues weren't brought up by Lust :P. I don't blame him though, I mean the repeats are literally what, 2ms off because of the red line? :P. Maybe AiMod should learn to pick up repeat-arrow snaps and not just circles/sliders/slider-ends/spinners :P.

Whelp, 3rd time, here we go ;o. I think courage can apply for residency in the Qualified section of beatmap selection now lmao...
Congratz, very nice Insane! :3 The flow is great!
Topic Starter
Thanks Desperate-kun ;o. I really try and focus on flow when I map :3.
gratz !!
We decided to disqualify this map again. I'm very sorry that it has to happen again and so late.

The disqualify reason is that 01:28:485 (4) on Easy uses Soft Sampleset on it's head. You already admitted it's not intentional and it basically makes the hitsound inaudiable, so you must change it back to Normal Sampleset.

Additional Modding

In "Sleeping Knights", since 03:59:694 (1) doesn't really end on a beat, the tail should be silenced (Soft Sampleset + a low volume) so it feels better when playing the map.

Additionally, there are some issues brought up by Garven, please also check these:

Garven wrote:

02:45:460 (3,4) - This spacing is really ambiguous due to the angle, low velocity, distance snap, and ridiculous size of the hitcircles.
03:24:797 (3,1) - I'm wary of this stack too. 02:06:426 (1,1) - was alright since it's pretty huge, but this one is really fast in comparison

00:01:546 (1,2,3) - This is a really weird rhythm to start the entire map off with circles, then proceed to have everything else as sliders. Seriously, like 15 seconds of nothing but sliders.
00:19:913 (3,4,1) - This is a pretty tough transition to use in a Normal.
That soft clap is waaay overused during the intro.

01:07:362 (1,2) - This spacing is really weird, but I talked out a solution with the mapper in IRC if this does get DQ'd. Same with 02:55:409 (1,2) -
00:49:760 (1,2) - compared to 02:08:110 (1,2) - Why so different?

Diff gap is iffy from Hard to this...
Well I'm done

I really wish good luck find other bn, because this gonna more bigger risky for me, I'm sorry

Good luck again
you can call me :>
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

We decided to disqualify this map again. I'm very sorry that it has to happen again and so late.

The disqualify reason is that 01:28:485 (4) on Easy uses Soft Sampleset on it's head. You already admitted it's not intentional and it basically makes the hitsound inaudiable, so you must change it back to Normal Sampleset. Okay fixed ;___;

Additional Modding

In "Sleeping Knights", since 03:59:694 (1) doesn't really end on a beat, the tail should be silenced (Soft Sampleset + a low volume) so it feels better when playing the map. Okay, changed~

Additionally, there are some issues brought up by Garven, please also check these:

Garven wrote:

02:45:460 (3,4) - This spacing is really ambiguous due to the angle, low velocity, distance snap, and ridiculous size of the hitcircles. I rotated the slider 20 degrees, so the angle isn't as sharp. I think the spacing is adequate but this will help with the visual aid imo.
03:24:797 (3,1) - I'm wary of this stack too. 02:06:426 (1,1) - was alright since it's pretty huge, but this one is really fast in comparison This is fine imo.

00:01:546 (1,2,3) - This is a really weird rhythm to start the entire map off with circles, then proceed to have everything else as sliders. Seriously, like 15 seconds of nothing but sliders. Hm. Alright yea this makes sense, since even Sleeping Knights didnt use many circles for the intro. Changed to a single slider instead.
00:19:913 (3,4,1) - This is a pretty tough transition to use in a Normal.
That soft clap is waaay overused during the intro. Removed one of the slaps on the repeat slider, but I think this transition works. Full explanation on Lust's mod

01:07:362 (1,2) - This spacing is really weird, but I talked out a solution with the mapper in IRC if this does get DQ'd. Same with 02:55:409 (1,2) - Okasy. I changed up the patterns here. The spacing should no longer be deceptive.
00:49:760 (1,2) - compared to 02:08:110 (1,2) - Why so different?

Diff gap is iffy from Hard to this...
Alright. Ready for Re-Re-Requalify lol.
Topic Starter
Thanks for all the support Pereira and Nya. sorry it had to end up like this x____x"
Omg sad pereira and nya :C
eternally qualified :(

this song is cursed
just a little suggestion:
in Sleeping Knights diff, there has several useless inherit time point, maybe you can remove them. Specially notice on 02:08:875 - and 02:38:267 - , they are overlapped, you can setting volume by red line and remove these green line.....
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

just a little suggestion:
in Sleeping Knights diff, there has several useless inherit time point, maybe you can remove them. Specially notice on 02:08:875 - and 02:38:267 - , they are overlapped, you can setting volume by red line and remove these green line.....
Ehh sure why not. Okay. removed the unnecessary green lines. I also applied this to Easy/Normal/Hard.
Let's break the curse ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ


Please, nobody ranks this mapset before a couple of Timing / Snapping Issues have been checked carefully. We don't want to risk another disqualify.

Talking about 01:21:750 (5,6,7) - and 02:38:118 (1,2) - (and maybe others?)
Hey monstrata,
I have a little doubt on some section:

03:49:286 to 03:51:581 - The objects seems to land earlier than the beats in the music. That's what I hear on my end when I slow down.
And I found some 1ms unsnapped objects, but it's okay to keep them.

And I have found something Sleeping Knights that could be changed.

Sleeping Knights

  1. 02:24:793 (1) - 02:25:864 (8) - 03:55:255 (5) - 03:55:867 (2) - These objects have soft sampleset which is pretty inaudible.

Whenever you need a BN, you can poke me, and I'll check the mapset. But after the timing and snapping issues has been fixed.
And no kudosu.
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

Hey monstrata,
I have a little doubt on some section:

03:49:286 to 03:51:581 - The objects seems to land earlier than the beats in the music. That's what I hear on my end when I slow down.
And I found some 1ms unsnapped objects, but it's okay to keep them.

And I have found something Sleeping Knights that could be changed.

Sleeping Knights

  1. 02:24:793 (1) - 02:25:864 (8) - 03:55:255 (5) - 03:55:867 (2) - These objects have soft sampleset which is pretty inaudible.

Whenever you need a BN, you can poke me, and I'll check the mapset. But after the timing and snapping issues has been fixed.
And no kudosu.
Hey Sheela, thanks~ Changed the sample-sets for those objects back to Normal. I don't know about the timing though, I'll ask TicClick when I catch him online again.
rebubbled /w\

Desperate-kun wrote:

Please, nobody ranks this mapset before a couple of Timing / Snapping Issues have been checked carefully. We don't want to risk another disqualify.

Talking about 01:21:750 (5,6,7) - and 02:38:118 (1,2) - (and maybe others?)
Current snapping is correct for 01:21:597 (4,5,1) - although they are meant to be 1/4 (blame the drummer)
02:38:138 (1) - is correct
timing is 50 shades of fucked up at the end, here:

You might need to resnap a few sections but do not touch the section at 03:59:627 - or it will fuck the slider up.

slider, replace the last-but-one line with this (last one is the spinner)
The snapping issues have been fixed before the bubble, I know they are correct now.
Thanks for your help with Timing though, looks like this needs to rebubbled when that is applied.
Topic Starter

Desperate-kun wrote:

The snapping issues have been fixed before the bubble, I know they are correct now.
Thanks for your help with Timing though, looks like this needs to rebubbled when that is applied.
Everything is applied and (technically) ready for rebubble, however, after talking with TicClick, there are SV-manipulation and snapping issues that need to be clarified.

Currently I am using unusual SV's to manipulate slider lengths so that the slider-ends will snap to the correct tick. This is because the slider passes through a red line. On Easy, one slider actually has to pass through 3 red lines, and of course, on Sleeping Knights, the final slider passes through 10 or so red lines. The question is whether manipulating SV's for this purpose can be rankable.

I realize there was another recently ranked map by grumnd with a similar problem where instead of manipulating SV/editing the map through Notepad, the slider was left unsnapped.

For easy reference, here is a list of the sliders:


03:50:401 (2) -
03:51:576 (3) -


03:51:576 (1) -

Sleeping Knights:

03:59:620 (1) -

I hope this issue can be clarified so we can get this mapset rolling again. Thanks :)
Okoayu ...
posting for reference,
it has been done already and ranked already by pishifat in various of his multi bpm maps

if you need to do the thing he does here, then i see no reason not to do so
re re re re re re bubbled ==
rererererererererererererbuuuuuuuuuubllllllleeeeeee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

double post orz
you should get my taiko ;_;
and shit newpage
This got unranked AGAIN!!
Why am I not surprised . . .? :x

-Nya- wrote:

This got unranked AGAIN!!
Why am I not surprised . . .? :x
yeah -Nya- ;w;
Started IRC with the mapper, but I'll continue with the qualify process later, because reasons.
IRC log for those who are curious
  • 2015-04-15 20:50 monstrata: Hey! All the timing has finally been worked out on Courage. Could you help me with requalifying it? :D Thanks~
    2015-04-15 20:50 sheela901: Sure
    2015-04-15 20:51 monstrata: Sweet :D.
    2015-04-15 20:56 sheela901: In Easy, 03:50:401 (2) - the distance between this and the previous object seems to be longer than the usual
    2015-04-15 20:57 monstrata: hmm
    2015-04-15 20:58 monstrata: oh
    2015-04-15 20:58 monstrata: damn there were so many red ticks there, alright i'll fix it hang on
    2015-04-15 21:00 sheela901: After that, according to AiBat, 03:59:232 - is unsnapped by 2ms. There's also 04:04:433 -
    2015-04-15 21:01 monstrata: K Spacing is 1.00 now
    2015-04-15 21:01 monstrata:
    2015-04-15 21:02 sheela901: Good
    2015-04-15 21:02 monstrata: wtf
    2015-04-15 21:02 monstrata: The spinner is snapped wrong damn
    2015-04-15 21:03 monstrata: good thing i caught it
    2015-04-15 21:03 monstrata: Should be on white tick idk why its on blue zzz
    2015-04-15 21:03 sheela901: That's good. We don't want another disqualification
    2015-04-15 21:04 monstrata: Yea. Especially after literally 6 QAT's have already checked the map loool
    2015-04-15 21:04 monstrata: I don't think unsnapped green lines matter, but i've snapped them anyways
    2015-04-15 21:05 monstrata: 04:04:433 - Deleted this one since it was unnecessary
    2015-04-15 21:05 sheela901: Yeah, it depends if they don't matter
    2015-04-15 21:06 sheela901: 01:08:893 (4) - The tail is snapped on a 1/8 tick. Is it intended?
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: Damn
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: nope
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: fixed
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: zzz was an error with red tick
    2015-04-15 21:08 monstrata: rec line*
    2015-04-15 21:08 sheela901: Alright.
    2015-04-15 21:08 sheela901: 01:29:693 (5,1) - I think the NC needs a switch. The NC would fit on the new timing. It might help the newbies
    2015-04-15 21:10 monstrata: Ah that makes sense
    2015-04-15 21:10 monstrata: Alright swapped
    2015-04-15 21:12 sheela901: Easy looks clean to me, now in Normal
    2015-04-15 21:13 monstrata: Alright :D
    2015-04-15 21:15 sheela901: 00:18:077 (3,1) - Little inconsistency in the distance
    2015-04-15 21:16 monstrata: Oh
    2015-04-15 21:16 monstrata: K fixed
    2015-04-15 21:16 monstrata:
    2015-04-15 21:16 sheela901: Great
    2015-04-15 21:17 sheela901: 00:40:270 (6,1) - Same thing. The tail of the little slider could be down, like this
    2015-04-15 21:17 sheela901:
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: Ehh
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: 00:23:893 (1,2) -
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: I guess it wouldnt hurt to even the spacing here too
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: And o okay
    2015-04-15 21:18 monstrata: Alright fixed
    2015-04-15 21:18 sheela901: I think it's okay. You can still edit them, like turning (2) into a curve
    2015-04-15 21:19 sheela901: 00:59:097 (2,3) - Also them
    2015-04-15 21:20 sheela901: 01:24:046 (5,1) -
    2015-04-15 21:21 sheela901: 01:43:932 (5,1) -
    2015-04-15 21:22 sheela901: Tell me if I'm going too fast. There's also 01:54:185 (1,2) -
    2015-04-15 21:22 monstrata: First one took a while to fix
    2015-04-15 21:22 sheela901: Alright
    2015-04-15 21:23 monstrata: Okay fixed all
    2015-04-15 21:25 sheela901: 02:45:001 (4,1) - Little thing with the distance
    2015-04-15 21:25 sheela901: 02:46:838 (4,1) -
    2015-04-15 21:27 monstrata: Fixed both
    2015-04-15 21:27 sheela901: Alright, go in Hard.
    2015-04-15 21:27 monstrata: Okay :D
    2015-04-15 21:32 sheela901: 04:04:524 (1) - Hmm... I would go for a slider, like you did to the easier difficulties
    2015-04-15 21:33 monstrata: I thought there was enough time for a 2nd spinner on Hard
    2015-04-15 21:33 sheela901: Okay
    2015-04-15 21:35 sheela901: Otherwise, I don't see no issues in the difficulty, so we pass to the final one :3
    2015-04-15 21:36 monstrata: Sweet :D
    2015-04-15 21:41 monstrata: I poked Lust, the spinner on Hard is fine :D
    2015-04-15 21:41 monstrata: Just in case haha~
    2015-04-15 21:43 sheela901: Oh, the spinner? Yeah yeah, it is fine. I just thought that you can turn it into a slider, like you did in Easy and Normal. You would then need to reduce the length of the first spinner. Having two consecutive spinners aren't a problem, since you just spin them
    2015-04-15 21:44 Sleeping Knights is issue-free, and the final slider is *kisses*



  1. Some inherited points are unsnapped according to AiBat. There are before 2 to 4ms before the snapped tick which I don't think it would cause problems. But to be safe, here are the points ("snap to <value>" can be ignored since the program snaps them on 1/4, and some can be on other signatures).


  1. 01:22:668 (3,1) - This new combo pattern doesn't fit with the music because after 01:22:209 - is a new rhythm / beat in the music.
  2. 03:50:401 (2,3) - Little inconsistency in the distance, although it looks a little like 03:51:576 (3,4) . There's also 03:47:752 (3,1) .


  1. 01:33:368 (4) - This is personal preference. The sliders looks ugly to me, like in the old days. I would just loosen the curve a bit, like this:
  2. 03:50:248 (3,4,5,6) - This rhythm feels too much for a Normal to me. I would try this rhythm (the image might confuse you due to timing) or if you have your own.
    The slider should end on 03:50:693 so using pishifat's trick will do the thing. I believe the value is 96 instead of 100.

Poke me again for a final to ensure mapset. You can do your own changes if you find something.
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

IRC log for those who are curious
  • 2015-04-15 20:50 monstrata: Hey! All the timing has finally been worked out on Courage. Could you help me with requalifying it? :D Thanks~
    2015-04-15 20:50 sheela901: Sure
    2015-04-15 20:51 monstrata: Sweet :D.
    2015-04-15 20:56 sheela901: In Easy, 03:50:401 (2) - the distance between this and the previous object seems to be longer than the usual
    2015-04-15 20:57 monstrata: hmm
    2015-04-15 20:58 monstrata: oh
    2015-04-15 20:58 monstrata: damn there were so many red ticks there, alright i'll fix it hang on
    2015-04-15 21:00 sheela901: After that, according to AiBat, 03:59:232 - is unsnapped by 2ms. There's also 04:04:433 -
    2015-04-15 21:01 monstrata: K Spacing is 1.00 now
    2015-04-15 21:01 monstrata:
    2015-04-15 21:02 sheela901: Good
    2015-04-15 21:02 monstrata: wtf
    2015-04-15 21:02 monstrata: The spinner is snapped wrong damn
    2015-04-15 21:03 monstrata: good thing i caught it
    2015-04-15 21:03 monstrata: Should be on white tick idk why its on blue zzz
    2015-04-15 21:03 sheela901: That's good. We don't want another disqualification
    2015-04-15 21:04 monstrata: Yea. Especially after literally 6 QAT's have already checked the map loool
    2015-04-15 21:04 monstrata: I don't think unsnapped green lines matter, but i've snapped them anyways
    2015-04-15 21:05 monstrata: 04:04:433 - Deleted this one since it was unnecessary
    2015-04-15 21:05 sheela901: Yeah, it depends if they don't matter
    2015-04-15 21:06 sheela901: 01:08:893 (4) - The tail is snapped on a 1/8 tick. Is it intended?
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: Damn
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: nope
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: fixed
    2015-04-15 21:07 monstrata: zzz was an error with red tick
    2015-04-15 21:08 monstrata: rec line*
    2015-04-15 21:08 sheela901: Alright.
    2015-04-15 21:08 sheela901: 01:29:693 (5,1) - I think the NC needs a switch. The NC would fit on the new timing. It might help the newbies
    2015-04-15 21:10 monstrata: Ah that makes sense
    2015-04-15 21:10 monstrata: Alright swapped
    2015-04-15 21:12 sheela901: Easy looks clean to me, now in Normal
    2015-04-15 21:13 monstrata: Alright :D
    2015-04-15 21:15 sheela901: 00:18:077 (3,1) - Little inconsistency in the distance
    2015-04-15 21:16 monstrata: Oh
    2015-04-15 21:16 monstrata: K fixed
    2015-04-15 21:16 monstrata:
    2015-04-15 21:16 sheela901: Great
    2015-04-15 21:17 sheela901: 00:40:270 (6,1) - Same thing. The tail of the little slider could be down, like this
    2015-04-15 21:17 sheela901:
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: Ehh
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: 00:23:893 (1,2) -
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: I guess it wouldnt hurt to even the spacing here too
    2015-04-15 21:17 monstrata: And o okay
    2015-04-15 21:18 monstrata: Alright fixed
    2015-04-15 21:18 sheela901: I think it's okay. You can still edit them, like turning (2) into a curve
    2015-04-15 21:19 sheela901: 00:59:097 (2,3) - Also them
    2015-04-15 21:20 sheela901: 01:24:046 (5,1) -
    2015-04-15 21:21 sheela901: 01:43:932 (5,1) -
    2015-04-15 21:22 sheela901: Tell me if I'm going too fast. There's also 01:54:185 (1,2) -
    2015-04-15 21:22 monstrata: First one took a while to fix
    2015-04-15 21:22 sheela901: Alright
    2015-04-15 21:23 monstrata: Okay fixed all
    2015-04-15 21:25 sheela901: 02:45:001 (4,1) - Little thing with the distance
    2015-04-15 21:25 sheela901: 02:46:838 (4,1) -
    2015-04-15 21:27 monstrata: Fixed both
    2015-04-15 21:27 sheela901: Alright, go in Hard.
    2015-04-15 21:27 monstrata: Okay :D
    2015-04-15 21:32 sheela901: 04:04:524 (1) - Hmm... I would go for a slider, like you did to the easier difficulties
    2015-04-15 21:33 monstrata: I thought there was enough time for a 2nd spinner on Hard
    2015-04-15 21:33 sheela901: Okay
    2015-04-15 21:35 sheela901: Otherwise, I don't see no issues in the difficulty, so we pass to the final one :3
    2015-04-15 21:36 monstrata: Sweet :D
    2015-04-15 21:41 monstrata: I poked Lust, the spinner on Hard is fine :D
    2015-04-15 21:41 monstrata: Just in case haha~
    2015-04-15 21:43 sheela901: Oh, the spinner? Yeah yeah, it is fine. I just thought that you can turn it into a slider, like you did in Easy and Normal. You would then need to reduce the length of the first spinner. Having two consecutive spinners aren't a problem, since you just spin them
    2015-04-15 21:44 Sleeping Knights is issue-free, and the final slider is *kisses*



  1. Some inherited points are unsnapped according to AiBat. There are before 2 to 4ms before the snapped tick which I don't think it would cause problems. But to be safe, here are the points ("snap to <value>" can be ignored since the program snaps them on 1/4, and some can be on other signatures). Alright, snapped all, just in case~


  1. 01:22:668 (3,1) - This new combo pattern doesn't fit with the music because after 01:22:209 - is a new rhythm / beat in the music. Swapped NC. Makes for a longer combo though (recheck this)
  2. 03:50:401 (2,3) - Little inconsistency in the distance, although it looks a little like 03:51:576 (3,4) . There's also 03:47:752 (3,1) .Fixed


  1. 01:33:368 (4) - This is personal preference. The sliders looks ugly to me, like in the old days. I would just loosen the curve a bit, like this: Sure
  2. 03:50:248 (3,4,5,6) - This rhythm feels too much for a Normal to me. I would try this rhythm (the image might confuse you due to timing) or if you have your own. Okay fixed.
    The slider should end on 03:50:693 so using pishifat's trick will do the thing. I believe the value is 96 instead of 100.

Poke me again for a final to ensure mapset. You can do your own changes if you find something. Only additional change: I changed the sample-set of the 2nd last spinner on Hard to a soft sample-set since the slider-end on Sleeping Knights was silenced too.
  1. Fixed a little inconstant distance
  2. Added a new combo due to long combo
Everything looks clear to me, so let's get this re-re-re-qualified!
Topic Starter
Thanks again sheela!


No more dq-erino plserino
feel happy this map go qualified again
i hope this map can go to ranked section :)
Akiyama Mizuki
The spread between Hard and Insane (which looks like an Extra).
Desperate-kun didn't really count the spread as a DQ reason in his post so it should be fine... I hope
Topic Starter
If the spread wasn't within rankable parameters it would have been brought up a long time ago lol.

Also, the rhythm of Sleeping Knights is very straight forward. I used almost exclusively 1/2 rhythm with only 4 triplets and 3 streams. I think rhythm complexity should also be taken into account when considering a map's difficulty.
Topic Starter

Gratz! :D

F1r3tar wrote:

Nice to see it finally ranked! Congrats and thanks for making! :)
Hunter Howl
oh hey. it has been totally Ranked. congratulations o/
Finally ranked
Grats :3
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