
HoneyWorks - Attakain Dakara

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Megurine Luka
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年5月6日 at 19:46:42

Artist: HoneyWorks
Title: Attakain Dakara
Tags: Hatsune Miku Vocaloid Vocaloid2 初音ミク クマムシ Kumamushi Evil_Twilight Japanese pop jpop j-pop
BPM: 170
Filesize: 3212kb
Play Time: 01:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2.68 stars, 164 notes)
  2. Easy (1.43 stars, 49 notes)
  3. G's Hard (3.5 stars, 190 notes)
  4. Insane (4.51 stars, 280 notes)
  5. Normal (1.79 stars, 87 notes)
Download: HoneyWorks - Attakain Dakara
Download: HoneyWorks - Attakain Dakara (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

A warm song for you, all of you.

After almost 10 years, it's still a warm song. :3

Love you all.
  1. 去掉widescreen letterbox这两个选项
  1. Normal 标题应该是あったかいんだからぁ♪,乱码了
  2. aimod有些小问题
    1. 00:35:343 (1) - 叠好
    2. 00:47:519 (3) - ^
    3. 00:54:047 (3) - 打开ds
    4. 01:02:518 - kial 开始时间
    5. 01:02:460 - kial 结束时间
  3. 00:02:872 (3) - 可以包的更好
  4. 00:11:166 (1) - add finish?
  5. 01:01:106 (3) - ^
  6. 00:20:166 (2,4) - add whistle?
  7. 00:57:224 (1,3,5) - ^然后把相邻的whistle去了(相当于鼓里的snare)你看如何呢
  8. 01:07:812 (4) - ^
  9. 01:15:223 (1) - ^
  10. 00:27:225 (2,3) - 这样好看点吗?
  11. 00:33:931 (5) - 01:09:576 (3) - normal不能用两次折返的滑条,对新手不友好,好像是unrank的吧,而且这里这么用很违和,前面那两个长的倒还是可以
  12. 01:05:341 (1) - 包好

  1. 00:02:166 (3,4) - 各自ctrl+g下flow更好
  2. 00:06:225 (2) - 包好
  3. 00:16:284 (4) - flow有点怪,这个pattern不适合这里的旋律,把它叠428 96怎么样,再把00:16:637 (6,1) - 往左边弯一下?
  4. 00:17:166 (2,3) - 这里做个梗怎么样,就是把00:17:696 (4,5,6,7) - 提到前面,后面再用一次,距离近一点。就是反跳的那种渐入效果
  5. 00:17:696 (4,5) - 这个距离有点远flow也不好
  6. 00:26:872 (2) - 包好,尾巴往上拉一点
  7. 00:28:284 (1,3) - 叠好
  8. 00:37:107 (2,3,4) - 试试这个?
  9. 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 虽然有nc提示,还是觉得距离不要一样的好,因为节奏不一样
  10. 01:03:929 (5) - NC
  11. 01:10:635 (4,5) - flow不是很好试试这个?6叠4滑条尾
GL :)
Adol Christin
Greeting, from my queue. After replying, please grade my mod by voting in my queue if you are willing to.



  1. 请检查AI-mod:kiai time开始和结束的的绿线慢了1毫秒 - - 以及:Normal的标题出错了- -


  1. 00:07:284 (1,2) - 建议把滑条放在下面,圈放在上面。打着会顺手
  2. 00:09:401 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1) - 这一段打下来感觉好挤,甚至有些妨碍读图了。希望重新做一下。
  3. 00:18:401 (1,2) - 我个人觉得这个跳有些破坏间距平衡,节奏上也没有明显突出的地方。建议把1往靠近前面那个滑条的位置挪一下。
  4. 00:19:460 (5,6,7) - 这个连打方向朝下的话大概会顺一些。
  5. 00:24:754 (4,5,6) - 这个三角不是等边的 - -
  6. 00:36:931 (1,2,3) - ^
  7. 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这是想做个读图梗嘛?初见杀啊。。。确定rankable吗?(我不太确定)不然就像zj说的那样,避免一样的距离吧。
  8. 01:04:106 (6,7,8,9) - 我个人觉得这种直线打着有些卡手。建议改成这样:


  1. 00:20:166 (2,3,4) - 包好
  2. 00:16:990 (1,2) - 两次折返的滑条,挺多人不喜欢的,建议不用。
  3. 00:40:813 (4,5) - 全曲唯一一处用了1/2拍单点,不太好。建议删去(4),或者在其他相同节奏的地方都用上这个。
  4. 00:55:459 (1,1) - Normal难度下,转盘后必须空出两拍。建议删去这个转盘,改成其他物件。

哇~Adol也来了哈,么么哒 :)

  1. Blanket 问题:00:02:166 (3,4) - 00:03:401 (6) - 建议加个红点 00:05:696 (1) - 00:28:637 (2) -
  2. 00:11:519 (1,2,3,4,5) - 绿线音量渐渐加强吧
  3. 00:15:931 (3,4,5) - 这个角度虽然好看但是挺不顺手的,建议4和5调换
  4. 00:22:637 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - 这个略微偏离flow的pattern是刻意的吗?如果把滑条方向朝外摆一些或者整个滑条往外移一些flow会好很多
  5. 00:34:990 (2,3,4) - overmapped?

  1. Hit的音效建议换一个跟背景的鼓点类似的
  2. 00:36:578 (3) - 这开头音效也太突兀了。。也许把hit音换了就不会这样了
  3. 01:14:518 (1) - NC?

Good luck XD
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Map is kinda quiet.
00:24:048 (3) - Break after this.
00:50:166 (6) - Delete this and add in a break.
01:07:812 (4) - Move this to x:116 y:264
01:10:459 (4) - Move to x:500 y:172
01:01:106 (1,2,3,4) - Spread these out so people don't get confused with the fast stream ahead of it.
01:18:047 - Spinner could end here.
Pretty nice map. Good luck on rankings. :D Please vote on how good my modding was on my queue page. My Modding Queue
M4M from your modding queue

  1. According to the ranking criteria so do you need to add a Hard diff since the difficulty gap will be too big.
  2. Turn off the widescreen support. You don't have a storyboard.
  3. Offset is wrong. The offset of the timing is 00:01:460
  1. 00:02:872 (3) - Blanket
  2. 00:16:990 (1,2) - I don't recoomend you to let the player go back and forth in a slider like this since the player may end up getting bored of it. Delete one reverse and put a circle instead.
  3. 00:20:166 (2) - Blanket
  4. 00:32:519 (3) - Clap on slider tick
  5. 00:33:931 (5) - same as 00:16:990 (1,2)
  6. 00:33:931 (5) - Clap on the first reverse
  7. 00:35:343 (1) - Clap on slidertick
  8. 00:35:343 (1,2) - Don't stack them like than especially not when it's 1/2 beat space. If most of the map was 1/2 beat so wouldn't I really mind but the most of the map has 1/1 space and stacking it like that will let people who are not used to play osu to miss. So don't stack them.
  9. 00:38:166 - 00:48:754 and 01:02:518 - 01:13:106 - Put a clap on every 2 and 4 wite tick. In case that spot ends up being on a slider put a clap on the slidertick.
  10. 00:46:637 (2,3) - Same as 00:35:343 (1,2)
  11. 00:50:166 (6) - Delete the circle. I can't hear anything there which make s that note unnesseccary
  12. 01:05:341 (1) - Blanket
  13. 01:14:518 (5) - Delete
I'm bad at modding Insane but I'll do my best
  1. 00:02:519 (4) - Blanket
  2. 00:09:107 (3,4,5,1) - I don't think it's a good idea to have that "stream" like thst. It's too hard to tap them and confusing to players.
  3. 00:12:401 (1,1) - Why two NC's after each other?
  4. 00:26:872 (2) - Blanket
  5. 00:28:284 (1,2) - Dinstance snap
  6. 00:28:637 (2) - Blanket
  7. 00:38:166 - 00:48:754 and 01:02:518 - 01:13:106 - same as Normal
  8. 00:43:813 (6,1,1,2,3) - This is confusing for the player and the player will believe that all of them are 1/1 beats or 1/4 beats and miss them
  9. 00:55:988 (2) - Blanket
  10. 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Let the people know that 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4) are 1/2 beats 01:01:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) are 1/4 beats people will miss otherwise.

this was all I had to say Thank god that it didn't end up being a blanket mod like my usual meds XD
hi there!
from your queue!
00:02:519 (2,3) - fix blanket!
00:05:343 (2) - stacking is not allowed in normal like that
00:07:107 (1,2,3,4) - don't you think its pretty hard for normal?
00:14:166 (1,2) - if this meant to be a blanket fix it
00:19:813 (1,2) - stacking problem
00:21:225 (3,4) - ^^ (it is just very confusing for normal players)
00:27:225 (2,3) - overlap
00:36:225 (2) - wo wo wo relax
00:40:813 (4) - ^^
00:47:519 (3) - wo wo wo
01:05:341 (1,2) - fix blanket!
01:07:812 (4,1) - overlap
01:14:518-end your kiai here?
00:01:460 (1,3) - fix blanket
00:02:519 (4,5) - ^^
00:02:872 (5,6) - ^^
00:05:343 (4,1) - ^^
00:05:696 (1,2) - ^^
00:55:988 (2,3) - ^^
01:10:988 (5,6) - ^^
01:10:988 (5,7) - ^^ (if it meant to be blanket tho)
01:14:518-end kiai here?
Sister Jude
Hi ^^ M4M


00:01:460 (1,2) - Blanket can be better
00:04:284 (1,2) - ^
00:14:872 (3,4,5) - Looks ugly. You can try to blanket 3,5
01:04:282 (4,5) - I think 5 can be farther


00:10:990 (2) - Move this to 80 140
00:28:284 (3) - One square up

Was good map I can't find much mistake .-. gl
Sister Jude
wrong place*
M4M from your queue
  1. 00:05:343 (2,1,2) - 个人建议避免此类overlap,可以把00:07:107 (1) - 往右然后00:05:343 (2,2) - stack
  2. 00:15:578 (2) - 往上一点,让两个滑条的尾巴跟另一个滑条的头尾距离一样(这什么解释...,上图吧
  3. 00:16:990 (1,2) - 避免两次折返?这是最低难度吧,这不太友好,有点危险的说
  4. 00:33:931 (5) - ^
  5. 01:09:576 (3) - ^
  6. 01:10:459 (4) - 弄成折返?正好后面有个音
  7. 01:13:812 - 这里没音不适合圈圈,01:13:459 (3,4) - 连起来做滑条吧
  8. 01:15:223 (1) - 加whistle,结尾有个 叮~~~~~~

  1. 00:02:872 (5) - NC
  2. 00:09:578 (2,6) - 歪了吧,00:09:754 (3) - 这也是,看起来难受,摆成这样正正的多好看
  3. 01:15:223 - 建议加个圈,有个打击感好一点
  4. 00:14:166 - 小小建议,从这里开始的地方,背景鼓点非常丰富,我觉得可以适当加点1/4节奏进去,比如00:14:431 - 加个圈啊等等等等
  5. 00:25:813 (2,3,1,2,3,1) - 这一块overlap看起来不是很好看,而且00:26:166 (1,2,3) - 这个也没有减小间距的理由,所以不如就用下复制旋转,差不多这样
  6. 00:36:931 - 00:37:990 - 这段地方可以减小一下音效音量,跟后面形成一下对比
  7. 01:09:576 (3,4,5,6) - 为什么不这样呢
献上大腿 :)

KIAI snap
00:01:460 (1,3) - 排版:00:02:166 (3,4) - 对称,00:01:460 (1,2,3) - 三角,00:01:460 (1) - 既然包不上那么就变成波浪吧
00:04:284 (1,2,3,4) - 排版:因为 00:05:343 (4) - 出现的时候00:04:284 (1) - 已经消失了,所以包上的话重叠也是木有关系的,00:04:990 (3) - 这个方向改了一下
00:28:284 (1,2) - 这个距离略坑,不过insane也就无所谓了
00:44:343 (1,2,3) - 这个我觉得可以继续延续00:43:813 (6,1,1) - 这样的距离呀

00:55:459 (1,1) - 根据现行规定,normal的spinner需要两大格的距离

00:11:343 (5) - 尾部加减音量的clap或者正常的whistle?

01:03:223 (3) - 01:06:047 (3) - 这两个都是有whistle,但是01:04:635 (3) - 这里没有,而且01:03:047 (2,2,2) - 这几个红线上也有whistle,总之就有音效略乱
01:13:106 (1) - 我比较喜欢insane的摆法,分成两段,舍掉最后一个note,因为本身就是没有鼓音的
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~
Handryan Bros
  • 01:09:576 (3) replace it with slider start from 01:09:576 to 01:09:929 and a hit circle at 01:10:106, it sound better
    Add hit circle at 01:10:812
  • delete the break time at 01:10:812
    00:34:990 (2,3,4) move to 00:34:813, and add hit circle at 00:35:166
    in this break time, maybe map it rather than let it break time
Mod this please
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Fixed most and explained some common mods:

  1. 00:44:166 (1,1,2,3) - These spacing is intended to be this way. Cuz the stop from the vocal is obvious.
  2. 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I don't really think this spacing is confuse for an insane map, especially I use the New Combo to indicate the spacing change.
  3. I am too blind to observe the blanket.
Thanks anyway. 8-) 8-) Love ya guys.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

cmn_891127 wrote:

换个whistle吧 :arrow: 有三个...是哪个...QUQ

KIAI snap
00:01:460 (1,3) - 排版:00:02:166 (3,4) - 对称,00:01:460 (1,2,3) - 三角,00:01:460 (1) - 既然包不上那么就变成波浪吧
00:04:284 (1,2,3,4) - 排版:因为 00:05:343 (4) - 出现的时候00:04:284 (1) - 已经消失了,所以包上的话重叠也是木有关系的,00:04:990 (3) - 这个方向改了一下
00:28:284 (1,2) - 这个距离略坑,不过insane也就无所谓了
00:44:343 (1,2,3) - 这个我觉得可以继续延续00:43:813 (6,1,1) - 这样的距离呀

00:55:459 (1,1) - 根据现行规定,normal的spinner需要两大格的距离

00:11:343 (5) - 尾部加减音量的clap或者正常的whistle?

01:03:223 (3) - 01:06:047 (3) - 这两个都是有whistle,但是01:04:635 (3) - 这里没有,而且01:03:047 (2,2,2) - 这几个红线上也有whistle,总之就有音效略乱
01:13:106 (1) - 我比较喜欢insane的摆法,分成两段,舍掉最后一个note,因为本身就是没有鼓音的
(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

00:27:401 (3,5,6,7) - 做成平行会比较好看
00:52:282 (6) - 稍微减小一点点弧度

Hp -1?感觉中间休息段掉血太快
00:25:460 - 00:38:166 - 感觉声音有点小。调高一点?

Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
purupuru~ bubbled /o/
这都泡了还要什么摸 射星走人(
Sorry but the bubble need to be popped.

  1. Just some complaints.
  2. My personal suggestions.
  3. Highly recommended.
  4. Unrankable, you have to fix it.

  1. Your skin misses some files which is necessary:
  1. 01:05:341 (1,2,3) - 这里你摆的位置感觉有点卡手而且不怎么好看,我觉得这样放比较好:
  2. 01:10:988 (2,3) - nazi,这个应该能blanket吧www?
  1. WHY HP6? Also I think ar6 is a bit high, 5 or 5.5 should be better. (大哥你怎么normal的四维比hard都高啊……
  2. 00:16:990 (1,2) - 现在QAT抓这种挺严的,不建议在normal中放这种两次折返及以上的滑条,最好改一下
  3. 00:33:931 (5) - 01:09:576 (3) - ^
  4. 00:36:225 (2) - 这个stack最好移出来
  5. 00:46:637 (2,3) - ^
  6. 00:49:460 (5) - 就顺着flow摆下去比较好
  7. 01:05:341 (1,2) - blanket better,而且我觉着01:05:341 (1,3) - 形状一样会比较好
  8. 01:13:459 (3,4) - 4这个地方并没音,把3改成个1/2滑条然后把4删了?
vdog's Hard
  1. OD+1, seriously.
  2. Do you make sure that you want to use this diff name to ranking?
  3. 00:48:225 (5,1) - swap nc? 方便读图
  4. 00:48:519 (1) - 用hitsound装的很像,说白了还是unsnap
  1. Hard才HP5,要么提高hard的hp,要么insane降一点,8有点高。
  2. 00:19:460 (5,6,7) - 打的时候感觉这整个ctrl+g比较顺手
  3. 00:34:990 (2,3,4) - 这个三连的位置很卡手,而且flow并不好,音乐中也没有三连的音,稍微改一下梗?
  4. 01:15:223 (2) - finish?
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

HP和fin加了,另外两个想了想感觉还是这样了- -后面那个三连其实还有一个原因是和00:36:048 (7) - 做了一个小角度的折角,所以就这样好了:S




HP真的是因为我傻逼- -
两次折返滑条 - - 呵呵这简直傻逼- -(然而还是改了
stack没有移- -因为移出来觉得很丑=-=



  1. 00:33:931 (5,6) - 这个藏折返那里有点……建议这样:
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Nice. Updated.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
To the next BN: please contact me before you qualify this map...sorry for any inconvenience...
hello dage from my queue
you need sliderborder code for all diffs as you have custom skin elements for your mapset
preview time is unsnapped. please reset it to 01:01:547 - in all diffs (sounds better than at 01:01:459 - )
what's that "-1500" AudioLeadIn @@ plz reset it to 1500 for all diffs (in fact 500 is enough)
the volume of the mp3 file is comparably low. you may want to raise it a bit
it's more reasonable to stop the kiai at 01:13:812 - instead, in all diffs
plz turn down the volume for the last spinner in all diffs, it current sounds annoyingly loud while spinning, and also try a whistle at end? hmm only for Easy and Normal, Insane diff with 40% volume is acceptable

plz better use AR3 for Easy diff to be more friendly to new players

AR6 for Normal is generaly too high, especially when your diff is quite easy as a Normal. please use AR5 instead.
the gap between Normal and Hard is a bit big as the rhythm in this diff is kinda easy as it currently is. it's better if you could use some more 1/2 beats at the parts where the drums are intense like 00:14:166 - ~ 00:25:460 - and else. you can try this kind of rhythm
00:05:343 (2) - not recommended to stack circles under slider ends like this in lower diffs, better move it to (460,320) instead
00:07:107 (1) - why a finish here but no finish at 00:08:519 - ?
00:34:284 - better add clap as well to keep it consistent, also clap on 00:34:990 (6) - and so on
00:36:225 (2) - this rhythm really caught me when I was testing, it'd fit the song better if you move it to 00:36:401 - instead and stack it on 00:36:578 (3) - 's head
00:37:460 (1,2) - swap NC?
00:39:225 - also better to keep on consistent clapping if you decide to use them in this diff
00:47:519 (3,4) - not really a good rhythm choice, I'd rather prefer to move 3 to 00:47:519 (3) - and start 4 from 00:48:048 - to catch the cymbal sound at 00:48:048 - which is really important
00:52:635 (2) - plz keep the distance even, it's ok if you use a smaller ds, as it's in the slow part
00:59:341 (3) - same as 00:05:343 (2) - , try this
01:12:223 (2) - plz keep the distance even

G's Hard
01:13:812 (2) - better unstack it with 01:13:106 (1) - to make it easier to read for hard-level players. try moving it to (92,372)

00:08:519 (1) - better have a finish on head
00:24:754 (4) - probably need a whistle to be consistent with 00:19:107 (4) -
00:34:990 (2,3,4) - this triple plays kinda weird as it doesn't really fit in the music. it'd be better if you start a triple from the red tick 00:34:813 - or 00:35:166 -
00:36:931 (1,2,3,4,5) - may wanna use smaller spacing for this soft part
00:47:872 (1,2) - better swap NC as 00:47:696 (8,1) - are coherent beats while there's a gap between 00:47:872 (1,2) -
01:02:518 - where is the finish OAQ
01:15:223 (2) - may wanna use finish here instead to go with the cymbals

call me back
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
00:36:225 (2) - 这个主要压了Vocal...我觉得难度上对N玩家来说也还可以



00:34:990 (2,3,4) - 这个之前也有人提过...一来我是觉得这样比较好玩,而来是想距离上和00:36:048 (7) - 做一个小角度折角...
00:36:931 (1,2,3,4,5) - 大概是为了反差萌?233

kiai in Insane wasn't changed and is inconsistent with that in your other diffs now =.=
everything else should be fine
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Hm, since this map is already bubbled, I'll take a look at it later today~

Placeholder, btw.

Mod below :P
Reason for pop: Still a lot of things that require fixing and possible unrankable issues as well that will need confirmation from another BN.

From M4M.

  1. I’m not that sure about the current metadata. I found this metadata on youtube:
    So I think the metadata will have to be: HoneyWorks feat. Hatsune Miku – Attakain Dakara
    Maybe you’ll have to add “[cover]” as well but I’m not sure. Just doublecheck your metadata with an expert please.
  2. The repeat arrow clashes with the hitcircle-skin a bit, since it’s not that visible when placed on the soft pink colour. I guess your choices are either to change the colours and make sure that the arrow is visible enough or to change the reverse arrow completely to something darker that’s more visible.
  3. Combo colour 1 and combo colour 3 are very close to each other. The pink and the pink. I highly suggest that you change combo colour 3 to a different colour since I think it might be unrankable if the two colours are too close to each other. Try green for combo 3.
    That’s just an example of the two combo colours that look too similar.
  4. The hitsounding in the Easy could do with work imo. In the Hard and Insane the hitsounds are great but then your easiest diff still lacks that hitsounding. I think you just used whistles in that diff if I’m not mistaken.
  5. I think the gap between Normal and Hard might be a problem. Hard is quite difficult and imo Normal can be harder. Try adding more difficult rhythms and patterns in Normal.
  6. You didn’t add your GD’er in the tags. “G’s Hard” Who is the GD’er?
  7. Uncheck “Widescreen support” in all diffs since you don’t have a SB. Just optional.
  8. Use a resolution of 1366X768 or 1024X768 for your BG. Your current resolution is a bit unsatisfying. I managed to fix your current BG’s resolution. It’s 1366X768 now. Here:
  9. To be safe, change your audio lead-in to 2000ms. If you don’t know how, just contact me.

  1. Imo, I really think you can map that break out since you mapped that section in all the other diffs.
  2. 00:02:872 (2) –I don’t really like the placement of this slider. It doesn’t make a nice blanket and it looks a bit crammed. I suggest trying this placement. It will also make the flow nicer imo.
  3. 00:04:284 (3) –Rather place a 1/1 slider here. That repeat slider might be a bit confusing for beginners.
  4. 00:05:696 (1) –Ctrl+J. To ensure better flow with 00:07:813 (2) –
  5. 00:07:107 –I hear a cymbal sound here. Rather place a finish on the tail for better emphasis. You might want to lower the volume then since the sound might be too loud.
  6. 00:09:931 –Hm, I hear a cymbal sound on this repeat. I think it would be better then to place a finish on the repeat then instead of the whistle. ^
  7. 00:14:166 (2) –Finish instead? It’s quite a loud sound there and I don’t think the whistle really supports it that well. ^
  8. 00:32:519 (4) –Again, rather a finish. There’s a cymbal sound in the background.
  9. 00:36:401 (4) –The vocals clearly starts here: 00:36:578 – again. So start the slider there as well. Like this:
  10. 00:38:166 (1) –Finish on head of slider.
  11. 00:38:166 (1,2) –Eh, I don’t really like this pattern: Bad flow and it just looks untidy. Something as simple as this will look better:
  12. 00:48:048 –Finish on the tail of the slider.
  13. 00:56:871 (2) –Finish please. There’s a clear cymbal sound in the music.
  14. 00:55:459 (1,2) –Eh, not best flow. In future, try not to place circles like right under the tail of a slider since it’s not the best flow. Here’s an example like what the best flow would be:
  15. 00:58:282 –Again, place a finish here please.
  16. 00:59:694 (4) -^ On the head of the slider.
  17. 01:02:518 –Finish on the head of the slider please.
  18. 01:05:341 (1) –Not the best flow imo. Maybe try something like this instead:
  19. 01:08:165 (4) –Finish here.

I might have missed some places where you could have placed finishes, but I think I pointed out every place.

  1. 00:57:576 (1,2) –Can you please just check this spacing again please. 00:58:282 (2) – is too close to 00:57:576 (1) –
  2. 00:16:990 (1) –For better flow you can try stacking this slider on the head of this slider: 00:14:166 (1) –
  3. 00:33:578 (4) –That clapsound is very loud. I really advise you to lower the volume there a bit. There are other places as well of course, but I’m not gonna point them all out since I trust that you know where they are.
  4. 00:35:343 (1,2) –I don’t really approve this stack, since the rhythm here is so fast. Rather unstack.
  5. 00:46:637 (2,3) -^
  6. 00:55:459 (1) –Add a finish on the tail of the spinner. There’s a clear cymbal in the background.
  7. 00:57:576 (1) –I suggest you rather place this circle in the middle of the spinner to make it easier for the player to click it since the reaction time is not that long.
  8. 00:58:282 (2) –Finish on the head of the slider.

G’s Hard:
  1. Circle size 4? A hard always looks better with a circle size of 4.
  2. 00:14:078 –Hm, rather remove that 5% green line. I’m not sure if it’s really unrankable if placed on the tail of the slider. But just to be 100% safe rather remove it.
  3. 00:43:813 (1) –Finish on the head of this slider?
  4. 01:05:871 (2) –This circle is placed too high. It’s slightly touching the HP bar.

  1. Ehh, not really fond of the whistle sounds that you used in this diff. It’s a really annoying sound and kind of ruins the cute song imo. Try to stick to the Hard’s hitsounding a bit. I kinda like the Hard’s hitsounding the best.
  2. 00:43:813 (6,1,1,2,3) –Hm, this placement looks a bit confusing. Can’t you try something like this instead:
  3. 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –This confused me a lot. You used the same spacings, but one part of that stream has a slow rhythm while the other part has a very fast rhythm. The NC’s won’t be enough for distinction imo.

There’s still a lot of things that require fixing imo. Take a look at most of the aspects in “General” especially. Also, make sure of the metadata please. I think you might have to add “Hatsune Miku” somewhere in the artist.

Sorry to have to pop the bubble again, but I just feel this set can do with a bit more mods. I guess it will improve a lot if you take my mod into consideration. You may call me back when you think it’s ready.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Let me do this one by one.


  1. Checked with Japanese players (mappers) that the original song is by Kumamushi. HoneyWorks is the composer of the Vocaloid cover version. However, it was uploaded by HoneyWorks on niconico (and probably in their CD as well). As I consulted some of BNs, they agree that it's better to follow the original page on niconico. So here is the Screenshot for you.

    And link:
  2. Combo color changed.
  3. Changed the reversible arrow into a new one.
  4. About the hitsound in Easy, I think I would rather keep it as what it sounds like now. Since Easy has relatively less rhythm, I don't want to make it the same as Hard and Insane.
  5. GDer is the one in tag. She uses this diff name in every GD maps. You can also check our last collaboration here:
  6. BG fixed. Even though 1280*768 is not a issue at all, but thanks.
  7. Widescreen Support doesn't really matter, so I will keep it.
  8. About audio-leadin, I personally think 500 is enough. Anyway, increased to 1500.

  1. About the break, I think new players are more likely to follow the vocal. It is easier for them to play so I will keep it.
  2. 00:02:872 (2) - I think my flow works better.
  3. 00:04:284 (3) - no I follow the vocal as I said.
  4. 00:05:696 (1) - hmmm, don't like it. I want to make a close area using 00:04:284 (3,1) -
  5. 00:05:696 (1) - no, the cymbal sounds too heavy here.
  6. 00:36:401 (4) - You're right. The vocal starts at red line. But unfortunately starting a slider from a red line is kinda difficult for new babies. I was taught "DO NOT START A SLIDER FROM A RED LINE IN AN EASY DIFF" by a famous mapper (tutuhaha, if you want the mapper's name) when I was a new mapper. So I will keep it.
  7. 00:38:166 (1) - Added.
  8. 00:38:166 (1,2) - no, please don't. I don't like the style.
  9. 00:46:637 (1) - no. Too heavy.
  10. 00:59:694 (4) - ^
  11. 01:02:518 (1) - this one works. Added.
  12. 01:05:341 (1) - no I don't like it.
  13. 01:08:165 (4) - works. added.

  1. 00:57:576 (1,2) - But 00:57:576 (1,2,3) - acts in a triangle shape. I don't think people would recognize this tiny spacing problem while they are playing. People are not robots or Auto.
  2. 00:14:166 (1,2,1) - Can you see the triangle I'm making here?
  3. 00:33:578 (4) - It does. Decrease the volume to 30%
  4. 00:35:343 (1,2) - No. Unstack here is ugly. You did't really play old maps very often, do you?
  5. 00:46:637 (2,3) - ^
  6. 00:55:459 (1) - I think whistle works better here since the vocal is gentle.
  7. 00:57:576 (1) - So how long do you expect the reaction time would be?
  8. 00:58:282 (2) - Added.

  1. Circle size 4 works for me.
  2. 00:14:078 - this works. deleted.
  3. 00:43:813 (1) - added.
  4. 01:05:871 (2) - fixed.

  1. If you are talking about the normal whistle sound, I bet you don't like James' map. I add these whistles for some reasons. If you listen carefully at 00:45:931 (1) - 01:08:871 (1) - 01:10:282 (1) - You will find the BGM contained the sound that is really similar with normal whistle. I didn't cover all these sounds because I think it is not very suitable to use whistle sound to cover vocal. So I put the whistles sound in the beginning.
  2. 00:43:813 (6,1,1,2,3) - No. I like anti-jumps. Example: :arrow:
  3. 01:01:106 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - It is an Insane. Not a Hard or Normal or Easy. Also it is not the type of song that is really too gentle to put these difficult points.
Done. Thank you and please give my bubble back.

Well, I think you probably don't like old maps. But I do.
Also about the amount of the mods, have you looked through the whole thread?

Apologize for the choice of words. However I did check all of your mods very carefully.

Spacing in Normal has to be consistent. It's a requirement.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

-Nya- wrote:

Spacing in Normal has to be consistent. It's a requirement.
moved right a little bit, should be fine now.
Also, as talked. decrease the volume in Easy and add some finish. Sorry for making you think I'm arrogant.
Thank you.
Lets give this map its bubble back.
To next BN: I guess just check hitsounding and spacing in lower diffs but it should be fine.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

-Nya- wrote:

Lets give this map its bubble back.
To next BN: I guess just check hitsounding and spacing in lower diffs but it should be fine.
Thank you again.
Don't really mean to offense you, but ...

Anyway :3!
  1. 用AR5?6真的太高,HR+DT会美丽。而且AR5的话四个难度ar分别是3,5,7,9,spread上多好
  2. 00:34:990 (6) –漏clap
  3. 00:39:578 (2) –我建议这个滑条尾和00:40:813 (3) –都加一个clap,像00:36:225 (2,3) –这里的一样。00:47:519 (3,4) –这些同理。
  4. 00:42:401 (1) –尾巴clap
  5. 00:44:519 (4) -^
  6. 00:55:459 (1) –转盘尾finish,虽然你说低难度节奏密度低不需要那么多finish,但是这个转盘加个finish听着会很舒服
  7. 00:57:576 (1,2,3,1) –根据几何关系你这要摆正三角形并兼顾每个物件间的距离(不是ds)肯定摆不来啊,等腰三角和斜三角又不好看。我建议你还是把00:57:576 (1) –放到(115,111),让00:57:576 (1,2,3) –保持直线。你这种虽然不明显但是会被dq的
  8. KIAI里我建议你加点clap,这样太blank看着太像一个unfinished的音效。虽然由于二四白线的关系加不满,但是也比空着好

  1. 00:37:107 (2) –加whistle
  2. 00:56:871 (1) –finish,因为是cymbal,而且这个应该是和00:59:694 (5) –一样的
  3. 01:15:223 (2) -20%的音量太低,考虑40~50%
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
虽然不知道怎么回事然而我被叫过来reb 所以我们再过一遍
no kd

00:57:576 (1,2,3,1,2) - 把这里间距都调到1.2X
01:04:282 - 漏了clap
01:08:165 (1,2) - 把2的clap挪到1的尾巴上才合曲 然而01:09:576 (3) - 尾巴上clap

G's Hard
00:13:460 (1) - 滑条头20%音量soft是比较危险的 最好加到40%
00:56:518 (1) - 滑条尾巴5%消音我并不认为是安全的 请至少涨到10%
01:13:459 (1) - 去掉NC

00:58:282 (5) - 头上finish 和00:56:871 (1) - 00:59:694 (5) - 一样

Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Done... Thanks all.

ps. 其实没发生什么,就是爆炸了一下而已
Talked to moe Luka via qq, fixed accidental CS change on Hard & Normal

Qualified! =3=/
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
Adol Christin
Need to redl this i guess...

cmn_891127 wrote:


Hi Megurine Luka!

I'm here to pull this out of the qualified section for now, as for the following reasons:

Spread issues between N > H (main reason)

We strongly believe that the gap between N and H is not executed appropriately. While H has 1/4 and difficult patterns (such as 00:36:931 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -) a repeated slider can be found in N. We think that this should be improved, thus we'd like you to add a new diff between N and H - or nerf the Hard (pretty massively, not recommended), as you wish.

Aesthetics in Insane (we really think your map can benefit of that!)

Your map could look a lot more polished if you went over it once more and fixed little aesthetical problems! Let me point up a few, so you get the idea.

  1. 00:02:166 (3) - blanket
  2. 00:02:519 (4,5) - This actually does not make sense rhythmically, why do you put a jump from 3 to 4 (no strong beats), but no jump from 4 to 5 (where there actually is a strong beat?). Please reconsider.
  3. 00:03:401 (6) - blanekt
  4. 00:04:284 (1,2,3) - Make the spacing even
  5. 00:19:460 (5,6,7) - How comes the spacing drops so much here? 00:18:401 (1,2,3,4) - has been really jumpy.
  6. 00:22:637 (1) - Same, why no jump when there's something to emphasize?
tl;dr: 1) check blankets 2) check whether a jump makes sense or not (put a jump on strong sounds, keep it spaced on weak sounds), 3) check if the spacing is even, where it should be the same (for example: 00:04:284 (1,2,3) - )

Break in Easy

Why didn't you map the break in Easy? The player is certainly not exhausted by playing 13 seconds, and we don't really see why this part of the map should be left out. I do see that you wanted to follow the vocals explicitely, yet this is just boring for a player! Please at least place some objects (does not even have to be dense).

If you have any questions, just ask! BNs will handle this map from now on. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka

You guys win.
Hey you should have used the control panel to uninstall instead of deleting the folder since it removes the shortcuts.

Quite the pitiful way to act when you could just fix the mentioned points with a bit of work and it would be on its way to ranked again.
Topic Starter
Megurine Luka
No more fix, thanks.

Password changed, last post here.

:) This community gives me a lot of fun this time.

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