15:08 Fullerene-: irc
15:08 Fullerene-: ????
15:10 Starry-: if bss wants to work
15:10 Starry-: ok
15:11 *Fullerene- is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/662524 sakuzyo - Scattered Rose [Another]]
15:11 *Starry- is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/662524 sakuzyo - Scattered Rose [Another]]
15:11 Fullerene-: 00:04:763 (4763|2,4763|0) - this plays on the 1/8 after, you could fix this by moving the timing point
15:12 Starry-: the little noise?
15:12 Starry-: doesn't the piano play on the white tick tho
15:12 Fullerene-: 1/16 sry
15:12 Fullerene-: the piano is very slightly delayed here
15:12 Starry-: oh right i see
15:13 Fullerene-: where did you get the mp3 from?
15:13 Starry-: a ranked map
15:13 Starry-: not that old
15:13 Fullerene-: o
15:14 Starry-: i see what you mean though
15:14 Starry-: 00:05:429 (5429|2) - eg this
15:14 Fullerene-: these little deviations wouldn't be happening if the mp3 is a direct bms -> wav conversion
15:14 Fullerene-: you can choose to map those as grace notes, leaving it is fine i think
15:15 Starry-: they'd probably seem a bit awkward as grace notes so I'll leave for now, although ill keep that in mind for the future
15:15 Fullerene-: alright
15:15 Fullerene-: 00:04:096 (4096|0) - move these SVs 1/2 forward
15:15 Fullerene-: to coincide with the strings that come in at 00:04:096 (4096|0) -
15:15 Fullerene-: wait wtf wrong paste
15:15 Fullerene-: aaaa
15:16 Fullerene-: 00:06:096 - meant here lmao
15:16 Starry-: xD
15:16 Starry-: alright
15:16 Fullerene-: 00:05:763 - there's also a piano note here
15:17 Starry-: added
15:17 Fullerene-: 00:04:096 (4096|0) - i personally feel this adds a bit too much density in this section, idk
15:17 Fullerene-: not to mention 1/2 jack
15:17 Fullerene-: though i can see why you added it there
15:18 Starry-: yeah i see what you mean but idk what else to do here really
15:18 Starry-: i kinda wanna keep that chord so
15:18 Fullerene-: symptom of the LNs lol
15:18 Fullerene-: you can leave it
15:19 Starry-: rip LNs
15:19 Starry-: gonna leave it
15:19 Fullerene-: 00:06:263 (6263|2) - remove this, there's no piano chord here unlike on the 1/1s earlier
15:19 Starry-: the LN is for the kinda build up / fade in
15:20 Starry-: so the piano note coincides with it
15:20 Starry-: i know the build up starts a tiny bit earlier but i dont want another 1/2 jack from the LN
15:21 Fullerene-: i suggested to remove the normal note since it's just a single piano note there
15:21 Fullerene-: the LN can both cover the piano and the string build up, and would add strength to 00:06:596 (6596|2,6596|1) -
15:23 Starry-: hmm i guess so but i always thought of them as two different noises
15:23 Fullerene-: 00:08:513 (8513|3) - this piano note is on 1/3, not 1/4
15:23 Starry-: removed anyways
15:23 Fullerene-: it makes sense but it breaks the chord density you established in that section
15:23 Starry-: sounds like 1/4
15:23 Starry-: yeah
15:24 Fullerene-: 00:08:763 (8763|1) - i hear a 1/8 grace note here
15:24 Fullerene-: additionally, i don't hear a piano note associated with 00:08:929 (8929|2) -
15:26 Starry-: its really quiet i think ; ; sec lemme hear it
15:26 Starry-: yeah at 25% although i dont think it's audible enough
15:27 Fullerene-: if you do end up removing it then move 00:09:013 (9013|3,9263|2) - 1 column left
15:28 Fullerene-: another missing piano note here 00:09:763 - , preferably add the note to 1st column since it's the same pitch as 00:10:429 (10429|0) -
15:29 Starry-: oh damn
15:29 Starry-: nice catch
15:29 Starry-: added
15:30 Fullerene-: 00:09:429 (9429|2,9429|1,9429|3) - doesn't feel strong enough to be triple like earlier to me
15:31 Starry-: it's kinda like the finish of the section so i'd prefer to keep that as a triple if possible
15:31 Fullerene-: ok
15:31 Starry-: compared to all the other 3 note chords in the section
15:31 Starry-: ok now time to cringe at this stream awful layering part thing <:
15:32 Fullerene-: 00:11:346 (11346|3) - i think this is on 1/3
15:32 Fullerene-: sorry, 1/6
15:32 Fullerene-: 00:11:374 -
15:33 Starry-: oh right okay
15:33 Starry-: done
15:33 Fullerene-: 00:11:929 - could put a slowdown to speedup SV herre
15:34 Fullerene-: like 1.15 -> 1.3 on each 1/4
15:35 Starry-: o that plays kinda nice
15:35 Starry-: done
15:36 Fullerene-: for the section after, i think the layering is percussion + extra note for piano
15:36 Fullerene-: correct me if i'm wrong
15:36 Starry-: yeah
15:37 Fullerene-: 00:13:679 (13679|0) - no sound here
15:37 Starry-: thats the kinda piano sound :X
15:37 Fullerene-: aaaa
15:38 Starry-: rip fulle 2k15-2k15
15:38 Fullerene-: 00:14:013 (14013|2) - this really screams like it could be a jack
15:38 Starry-: i see what you mean
15:38 Starry-:
http://puu.sh/gFJHY/b779907c8b.png something like this?
15:39 Fullerene-: sure
15:40 Fullerene-: 00:15:263 (15263|3,15596|0) - the crash here is on the left side for the first note, and right side for the 2nd
15:40 Fullerene-: you could try something like [123] and [234] chord
15:40 Fullerene-:
http://puu.sh/gFJPx.jpg15:41 Starry-: sure
15:41 Starry-: done
15:41 Fullerene-: 00:18:096 (18096|0,18179|1) - might also be suitable as a jack like the earlier higher pitched version
15:43 Starry-: kinda hard to implement it here whilst maintaining balance
15:43 Starry-:
http://puu.sh/gFK61/33607cfbb9.png15:43 Starry-: does that look okay
15:44 Starry-: rearranged a bunch before and after it to make it work
15:44 Fullerene-: yeah that's fine
15:45 Starry-: alright
15:45 Fullerene-: 00:19:429 (19429|3,19596|3) - there's a subtle filtered kick here that could be accented
15:45 Fullerene-: possibly using short LN
15:47 Starry-:
http://puu.sh/gFKoJ/be38932cb6.png15:48 Fullerene-: surt
15:48 Fullerene-: sure
15:48 Starry-: hmm doesn't play as well as i'd hoped
15:49 Fullerene-: i was thinking a 1/4 length LN keeping the current pattern
15:49 Fullerene-: but i know it's something out of your style
15:50 Starry-: yeah because of the 1/4 overlap LN thing
15:50 Starry-: i think i'll keep it without ln
15:50 Fullerene-: k
15:51 Fullerene-: you could isolate the notes on the right side to emphasize it better without LN
15:51 Fullerene-: as in keeping the 1/2 jack
15:52 Starry-: alright
15:52 Starry-: rearranged it a bit
15:52 Fullerene-: 00:22:679 (22679|0,22763|0) - i'd remove this to prevent a 1/4 jack
15:53 Fullerene-: there's no staccato notes here like earlier where it was justified
15:54 Starry-: true but i wanted big emphasis on the finish
15:54 Starry-: i can remove if its a big problem idk jacks are scary
15:55 Fullerene-: this is easily SSable but to me it's just a bit over the edge of overkill for me
15:56 Starry-: suppose so
15:56 Starry-: 00:28:096 (28096|3,28096|1,28096|0) - will i have to remove this too then
15:56 Fullerene-: hmmm
15:56 Fullerene-: the jack feels more justified here
15:56 Starry-: because that'll require rearranging^2
15:57 Starry-: alright
15:57 Starry-: so just the first one?
15:57 Fullerene-: for this specific instance it might be better to create a minijack on both columns of the previous 1/4 chord
15:57 Fullerene-: less effort to hit
15:57 Fullerene-: yeah just the first one
15:59 Starry-: removed the first one
15:59 Starry-: created the minijack on both cols
16:01 Fullerene-: 00:28:596 (28596|1) - move this to 3rd column
16:01 Fullerene-: actually wait no
16:01 Fullerene-: 00:28:763 (28763|1) - move this to 3rd
16:02 Starry-: even tho same pitch?
16:02 Starry-: alright im fine with that
16:02 Starry-: although it kinda makes me wanna 00:29:263 (29263|1,29429|2) - ctrlh this
16:02 Fullerene-: 00:28:596 (28596|1,29263|1) - are both same pitch
16:02 Starry-: actually nvm
16:03 Starry-: yeah
16:03 Fullerene-: 00:31:263 (31263|0,31263|3,31263|2) - any reason why this is a triple?
16:04 Starry-: for the kick+piano but
16:04 Starry-: 00:30:763 (30763|3,30763|2) - since this is not a triple i can remove
16:05 Fullerene-: 00:31:096 (31096|1,31096|0,31429|3,31429|1) - both have piano so yeah
16:06 Fullerene-: the stream right after would fit a bit better as a right -> left direction instead of left -> right
16:06 Starry-: im rearranging it now
16:06 Starry-: but im not quite sure what to do with it
16:07 Starry-:
http://puu.sh/gFM5s/d412cc9218.png maybe like this but it seems too generic for a muffled stream like that
16:07 Fullerene-: i came up with this
http://puu.sh/gFM7x.png16:07 Fullerene-: personally i would just make it singles but you did the same in the hyper so yeah
16:08 Starry-: alright
16:08 Starry-: and yeah next time i'll probably make them singles aha
16:08 Fullerene-: 00:32:346 - another muffled kick here
16:12 Starry-: added
16:13 Fullerene-: 00:33:096 (33096|2,33429|1) - ctrl+h this and end the LN after 1/2
16:13 Starry-: ah damn i need to go in like 2 mins
16:13 Fullerene-: o rip
16:14 Fullerene-: i'll post the log
16:14 Fullerene-: should i continue the mod myself or continue tomorrow or something
16:15 Starry-: sure do whatever you helped lots already
16:15 Fullerene-: np
16:15 Starry-: thanks :p
16:15 Fullerene-: i'll post the log now, then continue it in another post maybe