
Go Ichinose - Encounter! Psychic

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 8. März 2015 at 16:32:19

Artist: Go Ichinose
Title: Encounter! Psychic
Source: Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Tags: Junichi Masuda Adachi Minako ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア
BPM: 141
Filesize: 1578kb
Play Time: 00:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Great (2,19 stars, 61 notes)
  2. Master (4,28 stars, 168 notes)
  3. Poke (1,3 stars, 30 notes)
  4. Ultra (3,19 stars, 123 notes)
Download: Go Ichinose - Encounter! Psychic
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
3rd ranked.
So, since nobody is interested in my actual sets in which I put effort and hard work, here you have a boringly repetitive mapspread that took me literally no time and made no fun at all to make. It's really short and uncomplicated so modders won't have any further inconveniences with becoming tired of exhaustion. Thanks for modding.


Poke, Great, Ultra and Master equal the names of the Pokeballs, ranging from bad to good in catch rate. I equalized that rate with the difficulties Easy, Normal, Hard and Insane.

Background found on Deviantart. Credit goes to EYEofXANA and to Ringating for improving the quality!

Changed the title to "Encounter! Psychic" to make it fully match with several other pokemon beatmaps (e.g.: "Battle! Mew")

Improved mp3, redownload as of 03/07!
Here is correct metadata (Since I'm also mapping this song)
Artist: 一之瀬剛 since previous mapsets (like Battle Mew) have the composer as its artist, the other two can go into tags)
Romanised Artist: Go Ichinose
Title: 視線! サイキッカー
Romanised Title: Trainers' eyes Meet (Psychic)
Tags: Masuda Junichi Adachi Minako

Good Luck!
Feel free to ask me for a mod, or even better, a m4m
Hi, IRC mod

16:31 Geronimaa: sry had to 
16:31 Geronimaa: restart osu
16:33 Sala-: It's fine.
16:33 Sala-: I am ready.
16:33 Geronimaa: i did a testplay and
16:33 Geronimaa: its pretty hard to read
16:33 Geronimaa: considering all those doubles
16:33 Sala-: Which difficulty, Master?
16:33 Geronimaa: masmtmer and ultra
16:34 Geronimaa: ultra is difficult cuz of those doubles with that low ar
16:34 Sala-: Well my maps are supposed to be hard to read.
16:34 Geronimaa: but considering the star diff spread
16:34 Geronimaa: in master its ok
16:34 Geronimaa: last diffs are usually pretty hard to read
16:35 Geronimaa: but at least ultra
16:35 Sala-: Any alternatives?
16:35 Geronimaa: you can try putting higher ar to ultra
16:35 Geronimaa: like 8,5
16:35 Geronimaa: 8,7
16:35 Geronimaa: smth like that
16:36 Sala-: I wanted it to be playable with DoubleTime. Could try 8,5 tho.
16:36 Geronimaa: haaa
16:37 Geronimaa: that filthy dt farmer :D
16:37 Geronimaa: regarding master
16:37 Sala-: i doubt that this would give a lot of points because of its length.
16:37 Geronimaa: there is not much to say since most of it would be my personal opinions
16:37 Geronimaa: since its mapepr really well
16:37 Sala-: Thanks.
16:37 Geronimaa: mapped
16:37 Geronimaa: however
16:37 Geronimaa: double liek this 00:02:258 (6,7,8,9) -
16:38 Geronimaa: are reaaallly wayy too difficult for 4,5 star
16:38 Geronimaa: so here is an alternative
16:38 Geronimaa: put a 1/4 at their place
16:38 Geronimaa: and put a double here 00:02:045 (5) -
16:38 Sala-: Yeah, you are not the first one to mention that, I will either make a normally spaced stream or 1/4s.
16:38 Geronimaa: that double will be harder to read
16:38 Geronimaa: but since its only one
16:38 Geronimaa: it will be kind of ok
16:39 Geronimaa: thats pretty much it
16:39 Geronimaa: otherwise its fine
16:39 Geronimaa: solid map
16:39 Geronimaa: but you know what
16:39 Geronimaa: try putting jumps in there
16:40 Geronimaa: it will make it more comfortable to play
16:40 Geronimaa: but will keep the difficulty
16:40 Geronimaa: for exampel these three 00:13:003 (2,1,1) -
16:40 Geronimaa: could have bigger spacing
16:41 Sala-: I would do that, but the map is pretty dense already.
16:41 Geronimaa: or even this pattern 00:19:705 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
16:41 Geronimaa: what is making it difficult is that low bpm
16:41 Geronimaa: and the amount of mapped stuff
16:41 Geronimaa: you pretty much mapped every 1/4 tick
16:41 Sala-: That's what I mean with density.
16:41 Geronimaa: on 140 bpm
16:41 Geronimaa: yea
16:41 Geronimaa: thats why jumps would be fun
16:42 Geronimaa: anyway lets go to utlra
16:42 Geronimaa: and you could increase OD
16:42 Geronimaa: to like 7.5
16:42 Geronimaa: to make it more pp
16:42 Geronimaa: now what i dont like about ultra is this 00:19:705 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
16:42 Geronimaa: wrong
16:42 Geronimaa: this 00:06:088 (1,2) -
16:42 Geronimaa: i see its probably intentional
16:42 Geronimaa: to be difficult to read
16:43 Geronimaa: but this is way too much
16:43 Sala-: Yeah it is, and yeah it is.
16:43 Sala-: xD
16:43 Geronimaa: xD
16:43 Geronimaa: what you can do
16:43 Geronimaa: to make it difficul to read but keep it fun is
16:43 Sala-: But I will definitely not just use one 1/4 slider.
16:43 Geronimaa: these three 00:07:365 (1,2,3) -
16:43 Geronimaa: dont
16:43 Geronimaa: but dont put it under that
16:44 Geronimaa: you could put these three
16:44 Geronimaa: 00:07:365 (1,2,3) -
16:44 Geronimaa: like this
16:44 Geronimaa: try this pattern 00:10:769 (5,6,1) -
16:45 Geronimaa: with bigger spacing
16:45 Sala-: I think that's more confusing because the circles and the slider have the same spacing
16:45 Sala-: which can't happen with a stack
16:45 Geronimaa: you wanted to make it hard to read :D
16:46 Sala-: It's hard enough with the stack D:
16:46 Geronimaa: isnt this a bit off 00:28:641 (2) - ?
16:46 Geronimaa: im not sure
16:46 Geronimaa: but people are sometimes bitching about it
16:47 Sala-: "off" in what sense? Do you mean out of bounds?
16:47 Geronimaa: yea, like out of mapping field
16:48 Geronimaa: not much more to say
16:48 Geronimaa: since you repeat a lof ot patterns
16:48 Geronimaa: and we have already discussed them
16:48 Sala-: Let me check that ingame real quick
16:48 Geronimaa: ingame its fine
16:48 Geronimaa: but i remember that some map just got disqualified cuz of it
16:48 Sala-: Well then it shouldn't be an issue.
16:48 Sala-: Oh wow
16:49 Sala-: I've seen different, but I am sure that those things happen
16:49 Geronimaa: anyway
16:49 Geronimaa: consider that AR
16:49 Sala-: Well, we will see.
16:49 Geronimaa: and if you want to be a real dick
16:49 Sala-: Still at Ultra? I changed that to 8.5.
16:49 Geronimaa: you can put bigger circles
16:49 Geronimaa: yes
16:49 Geronimaa: like cs 3,5
16:49 Sala-: Nah, CS is fine. xD
16:50 Geronimaa: but that would actually work with ultra
16:50 Geronimaa: like makign it 4.5
16:50 Geronimaa: lemme check that
16:50 Geronimaa: woah
16:50 Geronimaa: its already 4,4
16:50 Geronimaa: didnt notice
16:50 Geronimaa: xD
16:50 Sala-: xD
16:51 Sala-: Anything else concerning the set, or are we done?
16:51 Geronimaa: im lookin at great now
16:52 Geronimaa: that should be normal right?
16:52 Sala-: Yes.
16:52 Geronimaa: as for normals
16:52 Geronimaa: ive been told that they should keep same spacing
16:52 Sala-: (I suck at mapping normals)
16:53 Geronimaa: now stylistic thing
16:53 Geronimaa: these two
16:53 Geronimaa: 00:01:833 (2,3) -
16:53 Sala-: I went for a little twist at 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2) - , I already decreased the spacing and didn't use NCs on all circles
16:53 Geronimaa: could be just straight sliders
16:53 Geronimaa: and then this 00:02:684 (1) - curved
16:53 Sala-: For what reason?
16:53 Geronimaa: since these 00:00:982 (1,1) -
16:54 Geronimaa: two
16:54 Geronimaa: share same sound
16:54 Geronimaa: so it would be c ool for t hem to have same shape as well
16:54 Sala-: Hm, interesting suggestion..
16:54 Geronimaa: same for others
16:54 Sala-: It wouldn't work too well with the shape of 00:03:535 (2) - tho.
16:54 Geronimaa: this one
16:54 Geronimaa: 00:14:599 (1) -
16:54 Geronimaa: you can keep that
16:55 Geronimaa: can be shaped like this one 00:16:301 (1) -
16:56 Sala-: Yeah, since the shape is unique, I will do that.
16:56 Geronimaa: but those jumps
16:56 Geronimaa: are definitely 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2) -
16:56 Geronimaa: too big
16:57 Geronimaa: and after those circles
16:57 Geronimaa: you could relieve it
16:57 Geronimaa: by making this a 1/4 slider
16:57 Geronimaa: 00:07:365 (1,2) -
16:57 Geronimaa: since its comforatble to go to slider from hard pattern
16:58 Geronimaa: also do somthing about this circle 00:25:556 (2) -
16:58 Geronimaa: these are wayy too difficult for normal
16:58 Sala-: I might have problems with space there..
16:58 Geronimaa: i understand
16:59 Sala-: Well the players that had to test the map didn't have any problems with those at all.
16:59 Sala-: They were like rank 200-100k.
17:00 Geronimaa: roughly smth like this ?
17:00 Geronimaa: really?
17:00 Geronimaa: then its fine
17:00 Sala-: Which part is that?
17:00 Geronimaa: 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,3) -
17:01 Sala-: i decreased the spacing a bit more there.
17:01 Sala-: Just the stack would bother you now.
17:01 Geronimaa: alright
17:02 Geronimaa: thats probably it with this diff
17:02 Geronimaa: fine as well
17:02 Sala-: I'll see. When there are more people complaining about that, I might change it.
17:02 Geronimaa: alright
17:02 Geronimaa: oh, and isnt hp drain too high?
17:03 Sala-: That is possible.
17:03 Sala-: xD
17:03 Geronimaa: :D
17:03 Geronimaa: anyway
17:03 Geronimaa: doing Poke now
17:03 Geronimaa: first and foremost
17:03 Geronimaa: 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,3) -
17:03 Geronimaa: damn
17:03 Geronimaa: 00:06:726 (2,1) -
17:03 Geronimaa: this pattern
17:03 Geronimaa: totally breaks the flow in easy
17:03 Geronimaa: and easy should not have any flow breaks
17:04 Geronimaa: same here 00:20:343 (2) -
17:04 Sala-: You mean because of the stop at 3?
17:04 Geronimaa: also this 00:20:343 (2,1,2) -
17:04 Sala-: Because otherwise, the flow would be fine.
17:04 Geronimaa: what i meant
17:04 Geronimaa: taht transition from 2 to 3 is difficult
17:05 Geronimaa: but this 00:20:343 (2,1,2) -
17:05 Geronimaa: this 00:26:514 (1,2) -
17:05 Geronimaa: is probably not ok
17:05 Geronimaa: i dont really do easy diffs
17:05 Geronimaa: but when I did
17:05 Sala-: Me neitherxD
17:05 Geronimaa: BATS shitted on me
17:06 Sala-: Well then let me use what I graphically seen used in Ultra.
17:06 Geronimaa: also
17:07 Geronimaa: ar is way too high
17:07 Geronimaa: this is actually normal diff
17:07 Geronimaa: anyway try
17:07 Geronimaa: ar3, od2, hp 2,5
17:07 Geronimaa: ar 3,5 could work too
17:08 Sala-: Spreadwise, I will use HP2, AR3 and OD2.
17:08 Geronimaa: but this pattern 00:26:514 (1,2) -
17:08 Geronimaa: ok
17:08 Sala-: I changed that.
17:08 Geronimaa: try to do smth about it
17:08 Geronimaa: ok
17:08 Geronimaa: well and thats it for the mod
17:09 Sala-: Okay, thank you very much, you were a good help.

nice map
Topic Starter
Thank you for modding and starring, Geronimaa.

Baraatje: You should already be able to see that the japanese original song title contains an exclamation mark "!", which most likely states that my title is correct. I featured the Artist and the Title and kept both romanised ones. Tags will be a bit more individualized, but they will contain the other artists' names. Thank you.
There you have a point, but both Bulbapedia, and iTunes (source where I got my music from) both say the title I listed
Topic Starter

baraatje123 wrote:

There you have a point, but both Bulbapedia, and iTunes (source where I got my music from) both say the title I listed

I'd really like some backup on this. But thanks for informing me. c:
here cuz bored


  1. bruh
  2. throw in at least 500ms audioleadin as well
  3. try to find a fullsize (1366x768) bg


  1. AR to 9, its really too high considering the object density.
  2. 00:00:556 (1,2,3) - not clear to enough to dictate a 1/6 sound, remove it.
  3. 00:05:662 (7,8,9,1,2) - same rhythm spacing, vastly different object spacing. consider reducing 00:06:088 (1,2) - spacing to 1.2x~ doesn't feel as forced
  4. 00:12:790 (4,1) - same issue here
  5. 00:13:003 (2,1,1) - a pattern like this has much more appropriate flow, due to the slidermovement.
  6. 00:19:492 (9,1) - flow here is pretty awkward, if you keep the spacing of 1.5x on the 1-2 patterns, try to reduce this spacing so that the player can focus more on hitting the 1-2 pattern than getting to it in the first place.


  1. AR to 8, for same reasons.
  2. 00:31:620 (1,2,3) - 1/4s in the background in these notes overlap, if i didnt know any better i'd play them like a stream. its fine to do regular bigger spacing

    alright diff, fix up your stars like 00:26:514 (1,3,5,7,1) - 00:19:705 (1,3,5,7,1) - and center 00:07:365 (1) - 00:14:173 (1) - these correctly.


  1. 00:04:386 (1,2) - try not to do this, its 3/4 spacing in a normal. not really ideal and difficult to read when its not very obvious too, unlike 00:06:088 (1) -
  2. 00:07:045 (2,1,2) - maybe keep 1-2 on a 1/2 slider, changing to 1/2 spacing isnt too friendly as well. or why not just do this: 00:27:790 (1) -

thats all, good luck
Hey just a little check :3

The spread is currently unrankable : E/H/H/I =/ It must be N/H/H/I or E/N/H/I

You have 2 ways :
  1. Make Ultra a little bit easier to be an Normal diff or
  2. Make Great diff a little bit harder to be an Hard diff
Your choice o3o

Also you can kd for this xD
Topic Starter

handsome wrote:

here cuz bored


  1. bruh
  2. throw in at least 500ms audioleadin as well I use the automatically created leadin, did that with one of my other sets as well and it was fine.
  3. try to find a fullsize (1366x768) bg


  1. AR to 9, its really too high considering the object density.
  2. 00:00:556 (1,2,3) - not clear to enough to dictate a 1/6 sound, remove it.
  3. 00:05:662 (7,8,9,1,2) - same rhythm spacing, vastly different object spacing. consider reducing 00:06:088 (1,2) - spacing to 1.2x~ doesn't feel as forced Fixed to normal stack
  4. 00:12:790 (4,1) - same issue here Moved my stack on a spot that resolves the spacing issue a bit. Also, it supports the next object's direction (or starting point to be exact).
  5. 00:13:003 (2,1,1) - a pattern like this has much more appropriate flow, due to the slidermovement.Was fixed by the above
  6. 00:19:492 (9,1) - flow here is pretty awkward, if you keep the spacing of 1.5x on the 1-2 patterns, try to reduce this spacing so that the player can focus more on hitting the 1-2 pattern than getting to it in the first place. That is intentional.


  1. AR to 8, for same reasons.
  2. 00:31:620 (1,2,3) - 1/4s in the background in these notes overlap, if i didnt know any better i'd play them like a stream. its fine to do regular bigger spacing

    alright diff, fix up your stars like 00:26:514 (1,3,5,7,1) - 00:19:705 (1,3,5,7,1) - and center 00:07:365 (1) - 00:14:173 (1) - these correctly. Tried my best..


  1. 00:04:386 (1,2) - try not to do this, its 3/4 spacing in a normal. not really ideal and difficult to read when its not very obvious too, unlike 00:06:088 (1) -
  2. 00:07:045 (2,1,2) - maybe keep 1-2 on a 1/2 slider, changing to 1/2 spacing isnt too friendly as well. or why not just do this: 00:27:790 (1) -Kinda rearranged everything in this diff. I hope things are better now.

thats all, good luck

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Hey just a little check :3

The spread is currently unrankable : E/H/H/I =/ It must be N/H/H/I or E/N/H/I

You have 2 ways :
  1. Make Ultra a little bit easier to be an Normal diff or
  2. Make Great diff a little bit harder to be an Hard diff
Your choice o3o

Also you can kd for this xD
I think you mixed up some difficulties, but I know what you mean. I tried to nerf Great a bit so it actually matches the diff "Normal". Sadly I think it didn't turn out as such by value. But since circles give a difficulty boost, they seem to be the reason for that. I don't want to change 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2) - any more than decreasing the spacing because I think that is unique for a normal and not too hard to manage.
I think that if looking at the star difficulty through the whole set, my spread should be seen as fine.

Thank both of you.

Mein modding auf Deutsch suckt.


Ich finde, dass die Diff-Settings ein wenig unglücklich geraten sind. Bei Poke würd ich mit den HP runter (2.5?), und wiederrum bei Great mit der AR (5.5 sollte genügen). Probier es ein wenig zu nerfen bei den unteren Diffs, aber auch ein wenig zu balancieren overall.

Versuch das Wasserzeichen beim Bild rechts wegzubekommen?

Ich finde die Diffnames voll komisch... Nachdem dus mir erklärt hast, hats ja Sinn gemacht, aber irgendwie ist Great für mich schon Hard-diff, und Poke ist einfach mal aus dem Stehgreif gegriffen... aber naja, es macht ja aufs Beispiel Pokebälle bezogen Sinn..

Nice Hitsounds.


00:06:088 - Ok, also das war noch schwieriger zu erraten als in "Great". Ich würds ganz einfach so machen. Mach nen Wellenslider, oder halt ... etwas spezielles, um den Part hervorzuheben. Aber auf keinen Fall diesen Rhythmus. Take some hässliches Beispiel: Es folgt dem Hintergrund auch gut UND es würde dem Spread wirklich gut folgen, wenn du die Suggestion bei Great befolgst (1 slider, 2 circles).
00:24:811 (1) - Es würde dem natürlichen Flow helfen, wenn es so wäre: Viel müsstest du ja eh nicht replacen, wenn du oberen Ratschlag befolgst.


00:02:684 (1) - Blanket
00:03:535 (2,3) - Nur etwas kleines, aber ich finds schöner, wenn 2 und 3 etwas vertikal verschoben sind.
00:05:237 (2,3,4,1) - Kriegst du hiermit keinen schöneren runden Flow hin? Oder vielleicht zigzag? Würde sich sogar einfacher spielen. Sollte ja sowieso nur eine Normal sein.
00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,1) - Imo würd ich das remappen, damit hatte sogar ich Probleme. Ist relativ unreadable, und ich denk für dieses Level auch ziemlich frustrierend. Mach einfach ohne Overlaps, oder ersetz 2 circles durch einen Slider (Slider, 2 circles hättest du danach) Dies gilt für alle diese Parts.
00:18:003 (1) - 128 376 flowt besser

Nicht schlecht, aber auch nichts wirklich besonderes. Ich bin mir sicher, dass du einen geeigneteren Weg für das rotmarkierte findest.


Wirklich nice.


00:00:556 - Willst du das nicht mappen? Es wäre 1/6 und dann 1/4 :o Schau in meiner Diff, da stimmts :3
00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Sieht schick aus, aber spielt sich wirklich schlecht :( Weiss nicht wie fixen.. Aber ich würd weniger back-forth movement gebrauchen D; (gilt für alle)
00:13:960 (1,1,2,3) - Das stopped movement spielt sich auch nicht wirklich gut für mich, wie wärs mit wegplatzieren? Also, nur die 00:14:173 (1,2,3) -
00:26:620 (2,1,1) - cool
00:13:003 (2,1,1) - coool
00:32:897 - Willst du das nicht auch mappen? Mit nem doppelrepeater, auf wenig Lautstärke... wär für mich noch ne Option ^^

Ausser diese 12121212 combo eigentlich ganz solide.

Viel Glück :3
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:


Mein modding auf Deutsch suckt.


Ich finde, dass die Diff-Settings ein wenig unglücklich geraten sind. Bei Poke würd ich mit den HP runter (2.5?), und wiederrum bei Great mit der AR (5.5 sollte genügen). Probier es ein wenig zu nerfen bei den unteren Diffs, aber auch ein wenig zu balancieren overall.

Versuch das Wasserzeichen beim Bild rechts wegzubekommen? Hab leider nur das gefunden und bin schlecht im Editieren..

Ich finde die Diffnames voll komisch... Nachdem dus mir erklärt hast, hats ja Sinn gemacht, aber irgendwie ist Great für mich schon Hard-diff, und Poke ist einfach mal aus dem Stehgreif gegriffen... aber naja, es macht ja aufs Beispiel Pokebälle bezogen Sinn.. Sobald sie klar sind, sind sie leicht zu verstehen. Ich glaub ich erklär die im Main Post.

Nice Hitsounds.


00:06:088 - Ok, also das war noch schwieriger zu erraten als in "Great". Ich würds ganz einfach so machen. Mach nen Wellenslider, oder halt ... etwas spezielles, um den Part hervorzuheben. Aber auf keinen Fall diesen Rhythmus. Take some hässliches Beispiel: Es folgt dem Hintergrund auch gut UND es würde dem Spread wirklich gut folgen, wenn du die Suggestion bei Great befolgst (1 slider, 2 circles).
00:24:811 (1) - Es würde dem natürlichen Flow helfen, wenn es so wäre: Viel müsstest du ja eh nicht replacen, wenn du oberen Ratschlag befolgst.


00:02:684 (1) - Blanket
00:03:535 (2,3) - Nur etwas kleines, aber ich finds schöner, wenn 2 und 3 etwas vertikal verschoben sind.
00:05:237 (2,3,4,1) - Kriegst du hiermit keinen schöneren runden Flow hin? Oder vielleicht zigzag? Würde sich sogar einfacher spielen. Sollte ja sowieso nur eine Normal sein.
00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,1) - Imo würd ich das remappen, damit hatte sogar ich Probleme. Ist relativ unreadable, und ich denk für dieses Level auch ziemlich frustrierend. Mach einfach ohne Overlaps, oder ersetz 2 circles durch einen Slider (Slider, 2 circles hättest du danach) Dies gilt für alle diese Parts. Hab das in Poke gefixed und dafür das vorherige Pattern aus Poke in Great gepackt.
00:18:003 (1) - 128 376 flowt besser

Nicht schlecht, aber auch nichts wirklich besonderes. Ich bin mir sicher, dass du einen geeigneteren Weg für das rotmarkierte findest.


Wirklich nice. :3


00:00:556 - Willst du das nicht mappen? Es wäre 1/6 und dann 1/4 :o Schau in meiner Diff, da stimmts :3 Yesss, ist wieder drin.
00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Sieht schick aus, aber spielt sich wirklich schlecht :( Weiss nicht wie fixen.. Aber ich würd weniger back-forth movement gebrauchen D; (gilt für alle) Das hab ich mit Absicht so gemacht, der Part soll sich so abheben. Wenn es damit noch zu rankproblemen kommt, mache ich etwas mit Flow dahin.
00:13:960 (1,1,2,3) - Das stopped movement spielt sich auch nicht wirklich gut für mich, wie wärs mit wegplatzieren? Also, nur die 00:14:173 (1,2,3) -
00:26:620 (2,1,1) - cool
00:13:003 (2,1,1) - coool
00:32:897 - Willst du das nicht auch mappen? Mit nem doppelrepeater, auf wenig Lautstärke... wär für mich noch ne Option ^^ Lautstärke ist da schon auf 5%, außerdem hab ich an der Stelle in jeder Diff einen Endpunkt.

Ausser diese 12121212 combo eigentlich ganz solide.

Viel Glück :3

  • General
  1. This map has no break time. so, check out letterbox during breaks
  2. and check out enable countdown. if you want it, just ignore it
  3. add kiai? from 00:14:599 (1) - ~
  • Poke
  1. 00:19:705 (3) - NC
  • Great
  1. 00:06:726 (1) - remove NC
  2. 00:07:365 (1) - ^
  3. 00:14:173 (1) - ^
  4. 00:20:982 (1) - ^
  • Ultra
  1. 00:06:088 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think it's insane beat. i recommend some change 2combo streams to slider.

  • Master
  1. looks fine to me, just....00:00:556 (1,2,3) - how about remove it?
almost perfect to me. i can't find T.T... good luck!
Topic Starter

Euny wrote:

  • General
  1. This map has no break time. so, check out letterbox during breaks
  2. and check out enable countdown. if you want it, just ignore it
  3. add kiai? from 00:14:599 (1) - ~ If I would add Kiai, then I'd put it at 00:07:790 - and 00:21:407 - , but I think that would be too much, so I will not add any Kiai.
  • Poke
  1. 00:19:705 (3) - NC
  • Great
  1. 00:06:726 (1) - remove NC
  2. 00:07:365 (1) - ^
  3. 00:14:173 (1) - ^
  4. 00:20:982 (1) - ^
  • Ultra
  1. 00:06:088 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think it's insane beat. i recommend some change 2combo streams to slider. Sorry, I prefer this rhythm.

  • Master
  1. looks fine to me, just....00:00:556 (1,2,3) - how about remove it?Nobody likes those.. I used a 1/6 slider here now instead of a stream.
almost perfect to me. i can't find T.T... good luck!
I'm here to mod as I promised ^^
As far as I know only the Hardest level can have a custom name
Looks cool :3
00:09:067 (2,3) - Blanket?

Maybe try to fix these
00:31:939 - Maybe add a note here?
Also, 00:05:982 (4,1,2) - This stact feels weird after that stream, but it's not that bad tho
00:32:471 - The rest of the diffs finished here
Nothing else

Good job, I like it :3
Good luck for ranking it! ^^
Topic Starter

Hullahopp wrote:

I'm here to mod as I promised ^^
As far as I know only the Hardest level can have a custom name As far as I know, there is an exception that kicks in here. The names I chose are increasing in strength like pokeballs. So Master is the best ball and the hardest diff, Ultra balls are less good/strong, and so on.
Looks cool :3
00:09:067 (2,3) - Blanket?

Maybe try to fix these Fixed those at 19 seconds.
00:31:939 - Maybe add a note here?
Also, 00:05:982 (4,1,2) - This stact feels weird after that stream, but it's not that bad tho It's forming a part of the next pattern. I used the NC to make it more visible.
00:32:471 - The rest of the diffs finished here
Nothing else

Good job, I like it :3
Good luck for ranking it! ^^
Everything unmentioned has been fixed. Thank you!
from my queue:

before removing the text I found a cleaner version of the image (the one you linked was pretty gross). I then removed the text and smoothed the gradients slightly, then cropped it straight to 1366x768 to avoid rescaling.
new bg
also this version is now a tiny lossless png, since this image is very simple and thus very efficient in that format
no kds
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot, Ringating! Looks really neat. c:
ooookay, let's do this

00:00:556 - why not just start offset from here ?

00:07:365 (3) - I prefer to use here repeat-slider like this:
00:20:982 (3,4) - ^
00:11:407 (2) - replace it to 2 circles, it's more fits song, imo
00:25:024 (2) - ^
00:13:960 (1) - overlap. Let's try X:298 Y:208
00:28:535 - add circle?

00:06:088 (1,2) - I reccomend you to replace it to 1/4 slider, because it's so difficult play "stacked double" after stream. Also look at other similar moments
Can't find anymore ._.

00:06:088 (1,2) - idk about this moment, but i prefer delete (2) - and double-repit (1) Also, look at other similar moments
00:28:216 (1,2) - I prefer to unstack this and remove NC from 00:27:790 - and add NC to 00:28:216 -
00:28:428 - start spinner here, because it's will difficult to play 1/4 at Mania

00:06:088 (1) - move first additional point to X:344 Y:28 for more beautiful slider
Other is clear!

Nice map, really nice. Will wait it ranked :) Also, take my star
Topic Starter

Shadren wrote:

ooookay, let's do this

00:00:556 - why not just start offset from here ? Because that causes problems with the first objects and the beat would be off by 2 ticks.

00:07:365 (3) - I prefer to use here repeat-slider like this: Can't do this because the pattern resolutes itself in flow with the upcoming rest, with a repeatslider, I would have a break and that doesn't fit too well imo.
00:20:982 (3,4) - ^
00:11:407 (2) - replace it to 2 circles, it's more fits song, imo Way more weird to be played though, so I prefer a slider.
00:25:024 (2) - ^
00:13:960 (1) - overlap. Let's try X:298 Y:208
00:28:535 - add circle? Song starts being more quiet here, and I reduced the density of the map together with the volume. So I can't set something here.

00:06:088 (1,2) - I reccomend you to replace it to 1/4 slider, because it's so difficult play "stacked double" after stream. Also look at other similar moments Also keeping those for now, I have asked several people that have told me that they didn't have any problem with those doubles.
Can't find anymore ._.

00:06:088 (1,2) - idk about this moment, but i prefer delete (2) - and double-repit (1) Also, look at other similar moments That's the most interesting part of the song though, and I'd really like to keep up this pattern.
00:28:216 (1,2) - I prefer to unstack this and remove NC from 00:27:790 - and add NC to 00:28:216 -
00:28:428 - start spinner here, because it's will difficult to play 1/4 at Mania

00:06:088 (1) - move first additional point to X:344 Y:28 for more beautiful slider
Other is clear!

Nice map, really nice. Will wait it ranked :) Also, take my star
Thank you!

■ Combocolour 3 and 5 are kinda dark. You probably want to make them a bit more bright
■ Remove "repetitive cool background" from the Tags
■ Resnap preview point in every diff (since you changed the mp3)
■ Consider adding ~2000ms auf Audio-LeadIn to every diff, as the first Notes appear pretty early
■ Even though the song is pretty quiet at the end, please have at least 25% volume on those parts (Ultra and Master, the Spinners are fine)

Great and Ultra have around 1.7 stardiff difference, which is too much. It shouldnt be over 1.5 between each diff, so you should either buff Great or nerf Ultra a bit. (In this case, you probably want to nerf Ultra)

■ 00:03:960 (6,7,8,9) - It'd be more enjoyable if this stream had the same spacing on every circle. 0.60 should be fine
■ 00:09:067 (6,7,8,9) - 00:22:684 (6,7,8,9) - This Stream doesnt really make too much sense as 00:02:258 (6,7,8,9) - 's music is not as powerful, but the Stream is yet spaced. You might want to adjust either one of them with more or less spacing.
■ 00:12:471 (1,2,3,4,1) - 00:26:088 (1,2,3,4,1) - Imo, this combo doesnt play too well. Teleporting mid-stream isnt always a good idea. Maybe you want to do sth like this?

■ 00:27:790 (1,2,3) - You probably want to move this a little bit so that the player wont mistake this as something else (1/4 stream with no break or a basic misread for example)
■ 00:32:471 (5) - eventually change this to a 1 repeat Slider to get the very very last sound as well?

■ 00:03:681 (3,4) - Maybe space these to 1.0 like you had with 00:01:979 (3,4) - ?
■ 00:06:128 (1,2) - This is a bad idea imo. Placing things under the "last note" of a Stream (which would be 1 in that case) might be unexpected and might lead to a miss. To make it readable, you could do something similar to this or on a different angle. Anything that makes it look different from the rest of the stream, really.

■ 00:07:405 (1,2,3,1) - Similar here. I'd move 1 somewhere else (maybe like half a circle visible?) so that it wont get misread.

As a quick example why exactly this might be a problem, try to sightread this Extra Diff If still not clear, pm me.

■ 00:12:937 (1,2) - See above.
■ 00:14:213 (1,2,3,1) - see above
■ 00:19:745 (1,2) - asdf
■ 00:21:022 (1,2,3,1) - ghjk, and any other of these. Even something like this would work

Edit: As you might want to nerf this diff abit, how about this:

■ 00:07:405 (1,2,3) - turn into repeat Slider OR 00:06:128 (1,2) - turn into Slider combo
The second one would probably be the better call.
As you nerf it, AR8 might work as well. AR 8.5 is pretty fast.

[(Looks) Great]
As this is a Normal, I'll treat it like a "Normal". Keep all the spacing at around 1.3 please.

■ 00:05:277 (2) - spacing error. I'd wish all of these wouldnt be trouble as they technically make sense in the way you used them, but ranking criteria says otherwise :c
■ 00:07:405 (3) - 00:09:532 (1) - 00:14:213 (3) - 00:20:383 (2) - 00:23:149 (1) - 00:27:192 (2) - 00:27:830 (3) -

■ Ok!
Topic Starter

Yauxo wrote:


■ Combocolour 3 and 5 are kinda dark. You probably want to make them a bit more bright
■ Remove "repetitive cool background" from the Tags
■ Resnap preview point in every diff (since you changed the mp3)
■ Consider adding ~2000ms auf Audio-LeadIn to every diff, as the first Notes appear pretty early
■ Even though the song is pretty quiet at the end, please have at least 25% volume on those parts (Ultra and Master, the Spinners are fine)

Great and Ultra have around 1.7 stardiff difference, which is too much. It shouldnt be over 1.5 between each diff, so you should either buff Great or nerf Ultra a bit. (In this case, you probably want to nerf Ultra)

■ 00:03:960 (6,7,8,9) - It'd be more enjoyable if this stream had the same spacing on every circle. 0.60 should be fine
■ 00:09:067 (6,7,8,9) - 00:22:684 (6,7,8,9) - This Stream doesnt really make too much sense as 00:02:258 (6,7,8,9) - 's music is not as powerful, but the Stream is yet spaced. You might want to adjust either one of them with more or less spacing.
■ 00:12:471 (1,2,3,4,1) - 00:26:088 (1,2,3,4,1) - Imo, this combo doesnt play too well. Teleporting mid-stream isnt always a good idea. Maybe you want to do sth like this?

■ 00:27:790 (1,2,3) - You probably want to move this a little bit so that the player wont mistake this as something else (1/4 stream with no break or a basic misread for example)
■ 00:32:471 (5) - eventually change this to a 1 repeat Slider to get the very very last sound as well? I had a repeat there before, but with it, the diffs wouldn't have a general ending point.

■ 00:03:681 (3,4) - Maybe space these to 1.0 like you had with 00:01:979 (3,4) - ?
■ 00:06:128 (1,2) - This is a bad idea imo. Placing things under the "last note" of a Stream (which would be 1 in that case) might be unexpected and might lead to a miss. To make it readable, you could do something similar to this or on a different angle. Anything that makes it look different from the rest of the stream, really.

■ 00:07:405 (1,2,3,1) - Similar here. I'd move 1 somewhere else (maybe like half a circle visible?) so that it wont get misread.

As a quick example why exactly this might be a problem, try to sightread this Extra Diff If still not clear, pm me.

■ 00:12:937 (1,2) - See above.
■ 00:14:213 (1,2,3,1) - see above
■ 00:19:745 (1,2) - asdf
■ 00:21:022 (1,2,3,1) - ghjk, and any other of these. Even something like this would work

Edit: As you might want to nerf this diff abit, how about this:

■ 00:07:405 (1,2,3) - turn into repeat Slider OR 00:06:128 (1,2) - turn into Slider combo
The second one would probably be the better call.
As you nerf it, AR8 might work as well. AR 8.5 is pretty fast.

[(Looks) Great]
As this is a Normal, I'll treat it like a "Normal". Keep all the spacing at around 1.3 please.

■ 00:05:277 (2) - spacing error. I'd wish all of these wouldnt be trouble as they technically make sense in the way you used them, but ranking criteria says otherwise :c
■ 00:07:405 (3) - 00:09:532 (1) - 00:14:213 (3) - 00:20:383 (2) - 00:23:149 (1) - 00:27:192 (2) - 00:27:830 (3) -

■ Ok!
Did my best with fixing everything else. Thank you!
2 hour IRC Mod. We fixed:

- Nerfed Ultra (Hard) alot, made the spread more balanced (Less spacing on some jumpy parts, less objects in general)
- Some green lines
- Buffed Great (Normal) with some more Circles
- Made things look better in general

Bubbles for everyone \/
Topic Starter
Thanks a bunch! And again sorry for keeping you awake that long.
  1. Would you like to change the source to Japanese? It'll be ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア, which is the japanese of this game. It's kind of long and so katakana, you can decide to change it or not but please at least add it into tags if you don't want to change it.
  2. Could you find a metadata confirmation for me? I'm not really good at finding these stuffs... lol.
  1. 00:19:745 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - This pattern is kinda hard (yeah probably the hardest part in the whole diff), so as a player's side, it'd be better if the flow is nicer when they're clicking these objects. Current seems suck a bit cuz the place where 00:19:532 (9) - isn't a really 'high place', it's in the bottom of the whole playing area. I'd suggest you to do a ctrl+j for all these objects, do a 30 degrees switch, and replace them in a nice way. See the example picture:
    The codes
  2. 00:28:043 (3,1) - oops, they're not parallel with each other.
I'm kind of worried about the spread between [Poke] and [Great], the former one is kind of like a easy diff and the latter one is kind of like a normal+.. D:. I'd ask some other people's opinion later.
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

  1. Would you like to change the source to Japanese? It'll be ポケットモンスター オメガルビー・アルファサファイア, which is the japanese of this game. It's kind of long and so katakana, you can decide to change it or not but please at least add it into tags if you don't want to change it. Yeah, probably goes into the tags. There are no other ranked pokemon maps that feature the japanese name in the title.
  2. Could you find a metadata confirmation for me? I'm not really good at finding these stuffs... lol.

    This is pretty controversial. I have been asking in #modhelp and have been looking around, I've been told that my title is fine. The literal translation (Eye Contact! Psychic) sounds a bit more weird than what I have, I don't think the correct title is "Trainers' eyes meet (Psychic). I was told that this is how it is called on iTunes, with iTunes being an unreliable source.
  1. 00:19:745 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - This pattern is kinda hard (yeah probably the hardest part in the whole diff), so as a player's side, it'd be better if the flow is nicer when they're clicking these objects. Current seems suck a bit cuz the place where 00:19:532 (9) - isn't a really 'high place', it's in the bottom of the whole playing area. I'd suggest you to do a ctrl+j for all these objects, do a 30 degrees switch, and replace them in a nice way. See the example picture:
    The codes
  2. 00:28:043 (3,1) - oops, they're not parallel with each other. derp
I'm kind of worried about the spread between [Poke] and [Great], the former one is kind of like a easy diff and the latter one is kind of like a normal+.. D:. I'd ask some other people's opinion later.

We had problems finding a good gap between Great and Ultra, so we had to buff Great a bit. the Gap between Normal and Hard is a lot worse than the Gap between Easy and Normal. I think I have less of a problem with those.

Anyway, Thanks for the mod! I hope there will be nothing wrong with the metadata.
I thought that Ultra is more like a hard+, and Great is like a normal+. So that's why I'm worried about the gap between Poke and Great cuz Poke is just a random easy diff.

In my opinion, the best way to make the gap better is to reduce some difficulty from both Great and Ultra. After that, this mapset will be much closer to an real E-N-H-I mapset. Tell me your opinion about this!
Topic Starter
Nerfed Ultra by ca .35, Great by .03. I hope things are better now.

Also added that one tag that Flask wanted me to add.
Here we go!
Grats \:D/
Gratz owo
Grats o/

How can this get ranked with these difficulty names?
Topic Starter
Thank you all. <3

The difficulty names are equal with pokeball strenghts. Thus you can say that Poke is the easiest, Great the second easiest, Ultra the second hardest and master the hardest. Simply because a Pokeball is relatively bad, a Great Ball is good, an Ultra Ball is better and the Master Ball is the best.
Asagi Mutsuki
how2speedrank gratz!!
I never will understand the secret of fast qualifies....

Stefan wrote:

I never will understand the secret of fast qualifies....
Talk to the right people at the right time.

To be honest, I didnt even see that this set is as young as it is.
This is really good ! :)

Yauxo wrote:

Stefan wrote:

I never will understand the secret of fast qualifies....
Talk to the right people at the right time.

To be honest, I didnt even see that this set is as young as it is.
This isn't that easy sometimes.....

Anyway, congrats Sala-!
now keep this tempo :^3
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