
Agnes Monica - Tak Ada Logika [CatchTheBeat]

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doing irc mod with baka O3O
Mod with a little joke www
18:23 Xinely: okay modding~
18:23 Hinsvar: :D
18:24 Xinely: 00:08:056 (3) - also yg tadi deh, lu udh pny solusi *plak
18:24 Hinsvar: lawl
18:24 Xinely: 00:33:502 (4) - hapus, 00:33:770 - slider 1/1 sama kasih note d sini 00:34:574 - ?
18:26 Xinely: 01:00:020 (5) - rotate 30 derajat? (entar atur sndiri ye spacing nya)
18:26 Xinely: 01:06:984 (4,1) - bikin jadi branket aja imo
18:26 Xinely: kyaa baka tdur `-`
18:27 Hinsvar: Err.
18:27 Hinsvar: Tulis aja.
18:27 Hinsvar: :d
18:27 Hinsvar: :D
18:28 Xinely: 01:39:126 - gk usah drum gpp sih, gk kedengaran keras finish nya o3o
18:28 Hinsvar: Uhm, wait.
18:28 Hinsvar: Yang 01:00:020 itu...
18:28 Hinsvar: Muternya ke mana? ;v
18:28 Hinsvar: :v
18:29 Xinely: iya pke ctrl+shift+R itu kan, tulis aja 30 derajat ><
18:29 Xinely: 02:07:519 (1) - miringin aja ke kiri
18:29 Hinsvar: Itu bisa Clockwise sama Anti-Clockwise loh, btw :v
18:29 Xinely: owait lel
18:30 Xinely: yg clock
18:31 Hinsvar: Yang drum tetep deh, udah pas banget sama lagunya :v
18:31 Xinely: o3o
18:31 Hinsvar: Yang 519 dilekukin ke kiri lawl
18:31 Xinely: 02:09:126 (1,3) - trus ini slider copas gk? menurutku klo misal gk copas mending copas
18:31 Xinely: inb4 meli gk bukan anak bahasa jadi gk tau simetris apa gk
18:32 Xinely: 02:15:018 (2,3) - klo mau sih mending branket
18:33 Hinsvar: 018 nggak kelihatan kayak blanket yah? :P
18:33 Xinely: 02:47:161 (4) - dibikin 1 garis diagonal sama sblm dan sesudahnya? krn lagi2 bukan anak IPA jadi ini kira2 x: 200 y: 115
18:33 Xinely: 02:47:161 (4) - dibikin 1 garis diagonal sama sblm dan sesudahnya? krn lagi2 bukan anak IPA jadi ini kira2 x: 200 y: 115
18:33 Hinsvar: 126... Bukan sih :P
18:33 Xinely: klo mw pas nya tny niva *runs
18:34 Xinely: branket yg ( ) <-- T_T
18:34 Hinsvar: ...Ah ._.
18:34 Xinely: 126 : mending copas ><
18:34 Hinsvar: Tapi lebih pas yang ) ) di sana sih.
18:34 Xinely: oke bos o3o
18:34 Hinsvar: owo
18:34 Hinsvar: 126 done.
18:35 Xinely: 03:23:589 (3) - lekung nya keatas aja?
18:35 Hinsvar: 161 sengaja di situ biar pas sama lengkungan 02:47:696 (1) btw owo
18:35 Xinely: oke 'v'
18:36 Xinely: 03:28:142 - <3
18:36 Hinsvar: Ada apa yah *runs*
18:36 Xinely: hitsoudnnyaa ~ <3
18:36 Xinely: easy done imo *inb4 mod berantakan
18:37 Hinsvar: \o\
18:37 Xinely: Baka no normal diff
18:38 Hinsvar: wut
18:38 Xinely: 00:02:431 (3) - dihapus , di ganti slider dari 00:02:164 - smpe 00:02:431 - ?
18:38 Xinely: orz les
18:39 Hinsvar: Done.
18:39 Hinsvar: Ugu.
18:54 Xinely: 00:37:788 (5) - rasanya kok kurang srek di hati ya
18:54 Xinely: tp q gk nemu solusi orz
18:54 Hinsvar: Jangan terlalu dipikirin (?)
18:54 Xinely: www
18:54 Hinsvar: www
18:55 Xinely: 01:00:020 (7) - ini miring nya sama derajatnya dgn yg 00:59:216 (6) - ?
18:55 Xinely: klo misal gk sama, sama in aja
18:55 Hinsvar: Sama kok, itu copasan :P
18:56 Xinely: oke 'v'
18:56 Xinely: 01:21:984 - mulai sini kerasin dikit? gk dgr *atau gue yg budek ya o.o
18:58 Hinsvar: Hmm, idk, rasanya nggak apa-apa kok o.o
18:58 Xinely: oke gue budek *inb4 tadi d skolah berheadset ria
18:58 Xinely: 01:45:555 (3,4,5) - bikin kyk
18:59 Hinsvar: lol berheadset ria
18:59 Xinely: inb4 pelajaran gambar, arab, jepang aku pke headset
18:59 Hinsvar: inb4 mati bosan
19:00 Xinely: 01:54:662 (6) - reverse nya hilangin 1 ripit trus 01:56:269 - d ksh circle?
19:01 Xinely: btw skalian circle nya d ksh NC imo
19:01 Xinely: klo itu ye
19:01 Xinely: *ikut orz
19:01 Hinsvar: Yang 555... (5)-nya kerasa gimana gitu kalau keluar grid `-`
19:01 Hinsvar: Udah sengaja dibikin segitiga kecil juga sih :v
19:01 Xinely: iya itu kecelakaan, bisa d perbaikin kan :P
19:01 Hinsvar: Yang 662... Nope; jauh lebih enak slider terus owo
19:01 Xinely: 02:09:126 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - naisu pattern, i love it bakaaa ~ <3
19:01 Hinsvar: lol kecelakaan
19:02 Hinsvar: \o\
19:02 Xinely: maksudnya jg gk harus sama persis tp konsepnya kyk gtu ><
19:03 Xinely: 02:36:982 (4) - ini pendekin smpe 02:37:786 - trus ksh circle di 02:38:054 - ?
19:03 Hinsvar: owell, ikutin 555 deh :P
19:04 Xinely: 02:38:054 - lupa, circlenya stack sama (3) ya
19:04 Xinely: ^klo ikut, shit lupa trus ngomong ini
19:04 Hinsvar: ...Tapi kan...
19:04 Hinsvar: Kalau nggak ada repeat, itu jadi ke kanan...
19:05 Hinsvar: :v
19:05 Xinely: lel
19:05 Xinely: ke kiri
19:05 Xinely: ada ripit sekali
19:06 Xinely: 02:42:339 (4) - x: 455 y: 157 , atur spacing klo ikut
19:06 Hinsvar: ...Oh.
19:06 *Hinsvar tableflips.
19:06 Xinely:
19:06 Xinely: gni kan
19:08 Xinely: hard :
19:08 Xinely: 00:24:931 (4) - balik spacing awal (klo gk salah 1,2)
19:09 Xinely: err blm ya? *runs
19:09 Hinsvar: owait owo
19:09 Xinely: oke
19:10 Hinsvar: Bener juga www
19:10 Hinsvar: Go! \o\
19:10 Xinely: udh smpe hard?
19:10 Hinsvar: Yep :P
19:11 Xinely: userpanel masih normal *tableflips
19:11 Hinsvar: Yang mendekin 3/4 + circle, ikut.
19:11 Hinsvar: Yang 455 nggak deh, mau coba blanket owo
19:11 Xinely: 00:34:038 (5,7) - sejajarin? y: 148 klo ngikut (5)
19:12 Hinsvar: Miringin semua yang ada di sana deh sekalian lawl
19:12 Xinely: lol
19:13 Xinely: 00:36:984 (1,2) - ini spacing 0,67 emang sengaja?
19:14 Hinsvar: ...lel
19:14 Hinsvar: Fixed.
19:14 Xinely: inb4 aku cuma perhatiin spacing, tau sndiri anak bau kencur urusan hard sama insane
19:14 Hinsvar: :v
19:18 Xinely: 02:15:554 (1) - ripitnya kurangi 1 trus bunder di 02:16:358 - ?
19:18 Xinely: 02:16:625 (3) - same as above cuma, 02:17:429 - 02:17:563 - slider?
19:18 Xinely: klo urusan spacing dll pikirin sndiri ya *di kejar2 mama buat makan orz
19:20 Hinsvar: Oke, done~
19:21 Xinely: 03:16:892 (4) - nazi sih, ctrl+G?
19:21 Hinsvar: lol dikejar-kejar
19:21 Xinely: inb4 skali2 jump di kiai *runs
19:21 Hinsvar: lol
19:21 Xinely: 03:20:240 (2,3) - dilurusin sama sblmnya?
19:21 Hinsvar: ...Baru nyadar hampir nggak ada jump `-`
19:22 Hinsvar: Yang miring sengaja kok :P
19:22 Xinely: makanya jump dikit dong `-`
19:22 Hinsvar: `-`
19:23 *Xinely become sobuzier (?) , tatap mata meli OwO *inb4 cari emot ableh tp gk nemu
19:23 Xinely: wa
19:23 Xinely: besok ulangan *baka nelu
19:23 Xinely: *nely
19:23 Hinsvar: Sobuzier lawl
19:23 *Hinsvar natap.
19:24 Xinely: insane : (cpet2 aja ya, gue blm bljar
19:24 Hinsvar: Oke gan owob
19:24 *Hinsvar runs.
19:24 Xinely: 00:05:914 (4,5) - ini sngaja dikit spacing 0,03 atau mending d stack?
19:24 Hinsvar: ...lawl
19:24 Hinsvar: Stacked.
19:25 Xinely: errr q tau km pro insane , skip aja deh, ctb dlu
19:25 Hinsvar: apah
19:25 Xinely: gue dikejar2 orz
19:26 Xinely: hujan buah (gue mau nya hujan duit aslinya *runs)
19:26 Xinely: 00:31:627 (3) - crtl+G?
19:27 Hinsvar: ...Rasanya posisi buahnya tetep bakal sama deh :v
19:27 Hinsvar: Mau hujan duit juga *runs*
19:27 Xinely: gpp biar cantik aja klo d mod dari editing kyk gni *runs
19:28 Xinely: 00:45:824 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 2 kali nya .. KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ~ <3
19:28 Hinsvar: Oh you.
19:28 Hinsvar: :V
19:29 Xinely: errr ini manusia apa sih, gk bisa main ctb tp ctb diff nya bgus ;3;
19:29 Xinely: 01:19:037 (6) - ctrl+G?
19:29 Hinsvar: Done.
19:29 Hinsvar: Manusia random (?)
19:30 Xinely: ini manusia emang bakat mapping, gue bakatnya ngebikin orang pro mapping ini suka sama gue terus *runs
19:31 Hinsvar: Oh you~
19:32 Xinely: yuk bikin jump gila
19:32 Hinsvar: *glek*
19:32 Xinely: 02:17:697 (1) - di crtl+G? *runs
19:32 Xinely: gue dah test, hyper jump ko
19:32 Xinely: tp lumayan gmpg d tangkap asal gk kepleset
19:34 Xinely: 03:01:893 (6,8) - bgus jg klo ini 2 slider masing2 d ctrl+G jadi jump 3,00x an
19:35 Xinely: inb4 bakal jadi ctb diff yg susah lol
19:35 Hinsvar: inb4 jadi Overdose lol
19:35 Xinely: jadi scarlet rose sumpah www
19:35 Hinsvar: wwwww
19:36 Xinely: www
19:36 Xinely: lupain ww
19:36 Hinsvar: wwwwwww
19:36 Xinely: gk ada yg fc d indo nanti
19:36 Hinsvar: LOL
19:36 Hinsvar: inb4 bahkan Newbie sama Sakuya mati-matian FC
19:36 Hinsvar: www
19:36 Xinely: done it

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *dropped ☆ again*
for you~
good luck~
Topic Starter
Yay star \o\

Thanks for the mod, moe~
Shohei Ohtani
Long ass intro.

BPM: 112 (It's currently 112.002)

00:55:065 (7) - Remove this note, it's just awkward.
00:55:467 (7) - Add NC and move so it's not as big of an enti-jump
02:11:405 (2) - Weird jump
02:56:271 (1) - Random-ass speed-up
03:13:414 (1) - ^

00:31:627 (4) - Turn this counter-clockwise so it doesn't overlap with (1)
02:49:839 (3,4) - The drummer does the beginning of his fill in 3 note patterns instead of 4. You might want to consider mapping it like that. It's fine, though

00:46:895 (6) - This might be hard for a normal player

Tick Rate 1
01:54:126 (6) - This curve could be much more pronounced.

Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

Long ass intro.

BPM: 112 (It's currently 112.002) Complain to Niva about the BPM. I think this sounds slightly better than keeping it 112 anyway.

00:55:065 (7) - Remove this note, it's just awkward. There's clearly a sound to map here, so no.
00:55:467 (7) - Add NC and move so it's not as big of an enti-jump Nope; I think there's nothing with this.
02:11:405 (2) - Weird jump Just your usual linear 1/4 jumps, and I think it plays well.
02:56:271 (1) - Random-ass speed-up It's similar to the speed-up on the first and second kiai time, and it's used to emphasize the vocal there...
03:13:414 (1) - ^ ^

AR+1? Okay.
00:31:627 (4) - Turn this counter-clockwise so it doesn't overlap with (1) ^
02:49:839 (3,4) - The drummer does the beginning of his fill in 3 note patterns instead of 4. You might want to consider mapping it like that. It's fine, though I'll keep what I have now, I think.

00:46:895 (6) - This might be hard for a normal player Unstacked.

Tick Rate 1 Done.
01:54:126 (6) - This curve could be much more pronounced. I'm okay with a not-so-subtle curve like this.

Thanks for the mod; sorry for taking so long to reply lol
hehehehe nice song,

hope gonna be ranked xD
Sorry late ;w;

  • "re" is means "remove"
    Black is just suggestion, if you don't like , you can skip it
    Blue is recommended to fix
    red is unrankable issue


  1. Useless green line:
    01:29:483 -

  2. 00:11:271 (3) - get last point on x:228 y:248 to make a blanket ~?
  3. 00:30:020 (6) - well... use soft-finish for there is strange for me and can't merge with music, try to use Drum-finish, will much suitable
  4. 00:34:842 (6) - NC this to have law with 00:25:199 (1) -
  5. 01:00:555 - - I think this finish is too loud for music, try to remove this green line (I mean use 60% volume)
  6. 01:01:091 (6,1) - swap NC, because I hear 01:00:555's vocal is like 00:56:270 (1) - and have a stress , NC there is suitable (and I find same as 01:43:948 (1) - )
  7. 01:09:662 (7) - NC, reason same as ^
  8. 01:30:019 (5) - same as 00:30:020 (6) -
  9. 01:52:519 (4) - NC this like 01:43:948 (1) -
  10. 02:56:268 - I really think this 80% finish is too loud that make people a little fretful!!!~ ;w; try to use 70% volume
previous NC and back NC is a little inconsistent, and some finish use a little loud for sound, but another sound like clap is prefect! :3


  1. Useless green line:
    00:49:573 -
    01:29:483 -

  2. 00:30:288 (6,1) - same as Easy
  3. 00:49:573 (2) - try to NC this, because it is cover by 00:47:699 (1) - 's socre, it is hard for newbie to calculate
  4. 01:12:877 (7) - add finish at the end, just like 02:25:197 (5) -
  5. 01:30:287 (6,1) - same as Easy
  6. 02:25:197 (5) - remove whistle at start to make sound have hierarchical nature (I mean normalhit-->whistle-->finish, soft to heavy), so I think it is excess for music
  7. 03:25:731 (7) - I think this stack is harder for newbie because it will be cover by 03:24:660 (6) - 's score, try to NC or shift it
the diff is like hard... I think, because beat is put too full, almost without interruption, and remember avoid using like 01:11:002 (4) - 1/4 repeat-slider in normal as much as possible


  1. 00:21:717 (3,1) - don't stack there, I hear and feel there should have feeling of moving, try to shift 00:21:985 (1) - (like 00:30:288 (4,1) - )
  2. 00:30:288 (4,1) - same as Easy
  3. 00:30:556 (1,2) - same as 00:21:717 (3,1) -
  4. 00:41:806 (3,1) - there rhythm is strange and hard to read 00:41:806 (3,1,2) - 's rhythm, try to this or this will much better for playing
  5. 00:53:993 (2,1) - swap NC, hard to read
  6. 01:30:287 (2,1) - same as Easy
  7. 01:31:716 (4)- I know why you put it on 01:31:716, but I think you should put it on 01:31:693 - because in test mode, I hear it is like on 01:31:693 - ,not 01:31:716 -
why I think this is insane ..(bend over


  1. 00:03:771 (1,2) - well, i think you should reduce distance, because it is like 00:02:030 (5,6) -'s distance and one is 1/2 and another is 1/4, so that people will think it is on 00:04:306, but in fact, it is on 00:04:173 - and miss it, try to 1.2x distance or other
  2. 00:08:458 (2) - hard to read it is 1/4 beat, because when your eyes follow 00:08:056 (1) - hard to see 00:08:458 (2) - , try to reduce distance
  3. 00:10:601 (2,3) - too far to hit it or else easy to let 00:10:199 (1) - get 100 score, try to reduce distance
  4. 00:53:993 (2,1) - swap NC, will much easy to read
  5. 00:30:288 (1,1) - same as Easy
  6. 01:06:314 (2) - same as 00:08:458 (2) -
  7. 01:30:287 (2,1) - same as Easy
  8. 01:31:716 (1) - same as Hard
  9. 01:32:430 (4) - don't stack there, hard to hit, try to shift it
  10. 01:38:992 (5) - shift it and don't stack there because it is affected by 01:38:055 (3) - so that people will think it is also 1/2 and miss it.
I think some stack notes too hard to judge and I get a feeling that use stack too casual, also, some 1/4 jumps appear too suddenly ;w;... hope you can avoid next time

good luck for rank ~
why graveyard
Topic Starter

SoulBuster wrote:

hehehehe nice song,

hope gonna be ranked xD

Loneight wrote:


  1. Useless green line:
    01:29:483 -
    Oops. Removed.
  2. 00:11:271 (3) - get last point on x:228 y:248 to make a blanket ~? Done.
  3. 00:30:020 (6) - well... use soft-finish for there is strange for me and can't merge with music, try to use Drum-finish, will much suitable Drum sampleset/Soft addition + Finish, instead...
  4. 00:34:842 (6) - NC this to have law with 00:25:199 (1) - Eh wait, you're right. Done.
  5. 01:00:555 - - I think this finish is too loud for music, try to remove this green line (I mean use 60% volume) ...k then.
  6. 01:01:091 (6,1) - swap NC, because I hear 01:00:555's vocal is like 00:56:270 (1) - and have a stress , NC there is suitable (and I find same as 01:43:948 (1) - ) Done.
  7. 01:09:662 (7) - NC, reason same as ^ Did other stuff instead.
  8. 01:30:019 (5) - same as 00:30:020 (6) - Did the same thing.
  9. 01:52:519 (4) - NC this like 01:43:948 (1) - Done.
  10. 02:56:268 - I really think this 80% finish is too loud that make people a little fretful!!!~ ;w; try to use 70% volume ^
previous NC and back NC is a little inconsistent, and some finish use a little loud for sound, but another sound like clap is prefect! :3 \:D/


  1. Useless green line:
    00:49:573 -
    01:29:483 -
    Removed too.
  2. 00:30:288 (6,1) - same as Easy Same too.
  3. 00:49:573 (2) - try to NC this, because it is cover by 00:47:699 (1) - 's socre, it is hard for newbie to calculate ^
  4. 01:12:877 (7) - add finish at the end, just like 02:25:197 (5) - This spot is too silent to add one.
  5. 01:30:287 (6,1) - same as Easy Same too.
  6. 02:25:197 (5) - remove whistle at start to make sound have hierarchical nature (I mean normalhit-->whistle-->finish, soft to heavy), so I think it is excess for music Done.
  7. 03:25:731 (7) - I think this stack is harder for newbie because it will be cover by 03:24:660 (6) - 's score, try to NC or shift it It's okay I think; they should still be able to know that there's going to be something below the stack and when to hit it. This diff is Normal and this mapset has an Easy diff anyway, so I think it's fine.
the diff is like hard... I think, because beat is put too full, almost without interruption, and remember avoid using like 01:11:002 (4) - 1/4 exhumation-slider in normal as much as possible Okay, I toned down some parts of the map.


  1. 00:21:717 (3,1) - don't stack there, I hear and feel there should have feeling of moving, try to shift 00:21:985 (1) - (like 00:30:288 (4,1) - ) Did stuff here.
  2. 00:30:288 (4,1) - same as Easy Same too.
  3. 00:30:556 (1,2) - same as 00:21:717 (3,1) - I think this one's okay and doesn't need any change, though...
  4. 00:41:806 (3,1) - there rhythm is strange and hard to read 00:41:806 (3,1,2) - 's rhythm, try to this or this will much better for playing Did something different.
  5. 00:53:993 (2,1) - swap NC, hard to read Uhm, I don't think so actually.
  6. 01:30:287 (2,1) - same as Easy Yep, same.
  7. 01:31:716 (4)- I know why you put it on 01:31:716, but I think you should put it on 01:31:693 - because in test mode, I hear it is like on 01:31:693 - ,not 01:31:716 - I'm sure enough it's on that 1/6 tick, not 1/8.
why I think this is insane ..(bend over idk? I think this diff is still okay enough and not that hard.


  1. 00:03:771 (1,2) - well, i think you should reduce distance, because it is like 00:02:030 (5,6) -'s distance and one is 1/2 and another is 1/4, so that people will think it is on 00:04:306, but in fact, it is on 00:04:173 - and miss it, try to 1.2x distance or other I've tried this part, and I don't feel that way. The 1/4 jump feels natural and unforced. I'll keep this for now.
  2. 00:08:458 (2) - hard to read it is 1/4 beat, because when your eyes follow 00:08:056 (1) - hard to see 00:08:458 (2) - , try to reduce distance ^
  3. 00:10:601 (2,3) - too far to hit it or else easy to let 00:10:199 (1) - get 100 score, try to reduce distance ^
  4. 00:53:993 (2,1) - swap NC, will much easy to read Nope; I still want to follow the stanza here.
  5. 00:30:288 (1,1) - same as Easy Uh, same.
  6. 01:06:314 (2) - same as 00:08:458 (2) - Same.
  7. 01:30:287 (2,1) - same as Easy Yes, still the same.
  8. 01:31:716 (1) - same as Hard Oh yeah, the same~
  9. 01:32:430 (4) - don't stack there, hard to hit, try to shift it Played with the rhythm here.
  10. 01:38:992 (5) - shift it and don't stack there because it is affected by 01:38:055 (3) - so that people will think it is also 1/2 and miss it. Same comment as the other 1/4 jumps.
I think some stack notes too hard to judge and I get a feeling that use stack too casual, also, some 1/4 jumps appear too suddenly ;w;... hope you can avoid next time Let's see later...[/notice]

good luck for rank ~
Thanks for modding (:

Time to resurrect this.
why ungraved
Topic Starter

inverness wrote:

why ungraved
Weird things happened.
i will make the kantan.. i pro-mise.. ... but idk when will make it *rolls
Topic Starter

Senritsu wrote:

i will make the kantan.. i pro-mise.. ... but idk when will make it *rolls
Unfortunately, I don't accept any GD here, but if you want to make one for fun... okay.

Dat transparent text.
that's ok. i'm in my bored mode. nice isn't it?...
I guess you should remove A'..?!! from tags.
800x600 is a bit small for a BG these days, 1024x768 is way better.


Amazing job, I really enjoyed this!
00:06:717 (5) - Feels like this slider should be on x76 to keep the pattern!
00:17:699 (1,2) - Maybe you can take a curve a little better trying something like this
00:40:199 (4,5) - You can increase the distance between these notes a bit, it feels much better, don't forget to fix the spacing with the following notes!
00:45:824 - This kind of jumps can be really good, for it doesn't fit here, strongly suggest to decrease the distance a bit.
01:31:626 (6,7) - I guess you should snap these notes properly.
01:59:751 (4) - There is nothing really wrong here but I would like to see this note at the same distance as (5,6,7,1), it seems a bit weird ingame.
02:49:839 - I think this part should be jumpy, you even put jumps in slow parts, why not here? they could feel great with the music!
03:19:705 (11) - I suggest to put this note right between (10,1).
03:27:205 (3,4) - What if you lean these sliders a bit to the left? like this

Good luck!
Topic Starter

eldnl wrote:

I guess you should remove A'..?!! from tags. It's part of the album's title.
800x600 is a bit small for a BG these days, 1024x768 is way better. It means I'll have to remake it... I'll think about it later.


Amazing job, I really enjoyed this!
00:06:717 (5) - Feels like this slider should be on x76 to keep the pattern!
00:17:699 (1,2) - Maybe you can take a curve a little better trying something like this
00:40:199 (4,5) - You can increase the distance between these notes a bit, it feels much better, don't forget to fix the spacing with the following notes!
00:45:824 - This kind of jumps can be really good, for it doesn't fit here, strongly suggest to decrease the distance a bit.
01:31:626 (6,7) - I guess you should snap these notes properly. They're following the vocal there.
01:59:751 (4) - There is nothing really wrong here but I would like to see this note at the same distance as (5,6,7,1), it seems a bit weird ingame. I guess adding a note at 01:59:617 should work...?
02:49:839 - I think this part should be jumpy, you even put jumps in slow parts, why not here? they could feel great with the music!
03:19:705 (11) - I suggest to put this note right between (10,1). Following how the music flows here, and I believe it should be like that.
03:27:205 (3,4) - What if you lean these sliders a bit to the left? like this
Did everything else.

Good luck!
Thanks for the mod! I'm happy you enjoyed the diff :P
well A'..?!! doesn't work in the searcher really ...
Dat' famous song
Hanya mod kecil

  1. 02:09:126 Kiai off?
  1. 02:11:268 - 02:15:286 pake code dibawah ini?

[Tak Masuk Akal / Illogical]
  1. 01:31:716 (1,2,3,4) - Jangan di stack! saya tidak bisa membaca stack seperti ini.
sasuga hinsvar-sama
Topic Starter

eldnl wrote:

well A'..?!! doesn't work in the searcher really ...
It works in-game though. Well, it's mostly only added for the sake of completion anyway, so...

ishimaru94 wrote:

Dat' famous song
Is this song famous in Malaysia too? lol

alvinheriadi wrote:

Hanya mod kecil

  1. 02:09:126 Kiai off? Err, ini pas-pas aja kok; musik di sini
  1. 02:11:268 - 02:15:286 pake code dibawah ini? Ah, kalau bisa mau lihat screenshot-nya dulu :\

[Tak Masuk Akal / Illogical]
  1. 01:31:716 (1,2,3,4) - Jangan di stack! saya tidak bisa membaca stack seperti ini. Tapi bakal jauh lebih nggak kebaca lagi kalau nggak di-stack...
Yah, tetep aja, thanks untuk mod-nya :P

Yasora wrote:

sasuga hinsvar-sama


Did a few self-fix; updated.
Hello! From my queue.


00:21:449 (1) - I really love your choice of mapping rhythm in this section. The triple half-beat hits match the song's rhythm, keep things interesting and far from monotonous, and are suitable in difficulty for Normal. It's perfect.

00:49:573 (1) - Not sure how I feel about this one. The stack is deceiving given its timing, especially when placed in context of a flow that had previously kept the player continuously moving. While it does match the stall in the music, the player cannot predict this (as it has not occurred previously in the song), leading to potential ambiguity, a mistimed hit, a broken combo, and in the end a sad player.

But at the same time, the unexpectedness of the stall in the music is a strong argument for why a corresponding unexpected stack in the map is appropriate. This moment does create very strong contrast to the previous continuous motion of this section.

I'm conflicted about this one, so I'm not going to make any suggestions here. But I thought I'd just type out my thoughts.

Beautiful map. I had to check multiple times to make sure I was actually modding the Normal difficulty, and not the Hard or whatever, because honestly I don't remember the last time I legitimately had omigoshFUN playing a Normal map. I have absolutely no idea how you managed all of this in a 3.70 Star Rating, because last I checked, maps under 4.00 difficulty were just monotonous streams of white ticks. You, on the other hand, constructed a flow with your three-and-a-little-over-half stars that kept the player in continuous motion utilizing an interesting and flexible rhythm, arranged and refined with an especially attentive aesthetic sense.

I stood up in my chair and started applauding at the end of it. That made me miss a few notes and totally botch my combo but you really do deserve a standing ovation for this beautifully-designed Normal. I'm going to start using this map as an example in my future mods of how to exceed the limitations of the difficulty system and create truly wonderful Normal maps.

You might've noticed that I didn't actually make any suggestions here (you're too good!), but um we'll just ignore that and move right on to


Drain Rate: considering decreasing. It seems like after a couple of mistakes it can take a long time to recover, even with perfect play. Turning on Autoplay, it seemed like the bar tended to stall quite a bit, and take around 15-20 seconds to fully recover during some sections of the song.

00:48:502 (3,1,1,2,3,4) - This one is somewhat of an awkward passage to play through: a slowed slider followed by a stall stack which leads into a cluster of sliders. At this point in the map, you haven't yet familiarized your players with slowed sliders nor that particular arrangement of clustered sliders, and when these two new elements are combined in the same passage with a delayed stack, which is always somewhat deceiving, the entire section can become a huge point of confusion for players. While your arrangement here fits the music well, keep in mind that it may catch many players off-guard.

Your choice of mapping colors may be a bit problematic. Anyone playing with the background turned all the way up read: no one will not be able to see the approach circles well, and this can aggravate points of confusion all around the map. Unclear approach circles are especially of an issue during some of the more "direct" sections, such as 01:27:876 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2). The grays you've chosen does match the background nicely, but maybe it matches the background a bit TOO nicely. Try using some brighter, saturated colors as an experiment and see how that looks to you. Maybe the contrast will actually work out well, visually. Or you could use a slightly more um interesting background, maybe?

02:21:179 (3,4,1) - Related to above. The lighter approach circles here blend into the background a bit too much, making the triple stack hard to process for the player, because the darker approach circle is so much easier to see that it overshadows the lighter one that follows right before it. It's very easy to miss seeing the middle circle (in this case the 4-circle) in between the repeat sliders because of how much darker the approach circle for 02:21:983 (1) is. This isn't an issue for the triple stacks which are formed by two hitcircles and a slider, since the player has enough time to prepare beforehand. However, in this case the beginning of the stack is the end of a slider, so the player has less time to rest and process the information on screen.

See also: 02:23:054 (2,3,1), 02:42:339 (2,3,1), 03:18:767 (2,3,1)

Great map! Again, your sense of rhythm and flow, as well as aesthetics, is amazing. Those stacks are also really fun to play through, sorta like bundles of enjoyment scattered throughout the map. That is, when I can actually see them...


Drain Rate: too high. Extremely difficult to recover from mistakes; it takes Autoplay upwards of 30 seconds of perfect play to fully recharge the bar. Pretty much impossible to recover during some of the slower sections (00:21:985 for example). You should probably decrease this.

00:43:413 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is asymmetrical. It wouldn't be a problem if the rest of your map wasn't so pretty, but it is, so I'm holding these sorts of things at a higher standard. Compared to the rest of your map, this asymmetry can be distracting.

00:47:699 (1,2) - Hard to read. Up until now the player has been able to take these sorts of long strings of hitcircles for granted and just spam away at their mouse buttons/keyboard keys, but you up and threw a stall stack in there. Maybe turn 1-2 into a slider instead?

00:53:993 (2,1) - Hard to read, especially given three things: 1. The approach circles are hard to see with the background. 2. The 2-circle hits on an offbeat. 3. The circles are stacked with the end of the previous slider, but there is a significant delay between that slider and these circles. Consider spacing out, and turning 2-1 into a short slider. I personally think I slider would work well, since slider releases play and sound nice on downbeats.

00:55:064 (7,8,9) - Uguu~
That 9-circle is really unexpected. I thought I'd be done with that location of the map after you threw in that stall stack, but you went and placed another circle in there! For me, this one is really confusing, given the huge difference in delay between 7-8 and 8-9.

01:08:323 (4,5) - Same issue as 00:53:993. At least now the player knows you might pull tricks like this, but it still is very unexpected.

02:09:126 to 02:26:267 - Aaaaaaaaaaand there goes my life points.

02:49:839 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - I really, really want to see this stream changed to be perfectly circular. Right now, it's an odd oval shape, and that just doesn't mesh well for me given how symmetrical the rest of the map is.

03:30:419 (10) - Misplaced. Should be more to the right-ish.

Excellent map! Those short-spaced mini-streams, combined with your creative use of jumps, do wonders for the map's flow. There were a few points of confusion for me throughout the map, but I can't tell if that's just because I'm bad at osu. Of course, since this is an Insane difficulty, you do have a lot more freedom to do confusing things.


This mapset is just amazing. The music isn't of my usual taste at all, but your maps made me really, really, like this song. You're magical. Did anyone ever tell you that you're magical?

Good luck! You won't need it though, because this mapset is so obviously going to get ranked, so I hope you don't mind if I just um keep the luck for myself, haha...
Topic Starter

11t wrote:

Hello! From my queue.


00:21:449 (1) - I really love your choice of mapping rhythm in this section. The triple half-beat hits match the song's rhythm, keep things interesting and far from monotonous, and are suitable in difficulty for Normal. It's perfect. lol thanks; glad it worked well.

00:49:573 (1) - Not sure how I feel about this one. The stack is deceiving given its timing, especially when placed in context of a flow that had previously kept the player continuously moving. While it does match the stall in the music, the player cannot predict this (as it has not occurred previously in the song), leading to potential ambiguity, a mistimed hit, a broken combo, and in the end a sad player.

But at the same time, the unexpectedness of the stall in the music is a strong argument for why a corresponding unexpected stack in the map is appropriate. This moment does create very strong contrast to the previous continuous motion of this section.

I'm conflicted about this one, so I'm not going to make any suggestions here. But I thought I'd just type out my thoughts. Well, in the end I decided to keep them stacked to follow how the music goes, but thanks (again) for the opinion.

Beautiful map. I had to check multiple times to make sure I was actually modding the Normal difficulty, and not the Hard or whatever, because honestly I don't remember the last time I legitimately had omigoshFUN playing a Normal map. I have absolutely no idea how you managed all of this in a 3.70 Star Rating, because last I checked, maps under 4.00 difficulty were just monotonous streams of white ticks. You, on the other hand, constructed a flow with your three-and-a-little-over-half stars that kept the player in continuous motion utilizing an interesting and flexible rhythm, arranged and refined with an especially attentive aesthetic sense.

I stood up in my chair and started applauding at the end of it. That made me miss a few notes and totally botch my combo but you really do deserve a standing ovation for this beautifully-designed Normal. I'm going to start using this map as an example in my future mods of how to exceed the limitations of the difficulty system and create truly wonderful Normal maps. Actually, the song and the difficulty settings helped in making the rhythm and star rating goes like what they are now, but eh... I actually think this diff still needs to be improved a little bit D:

You might've noticed that I didn't actually make any suggestions here (you're too good!), but um we'll just ignore that and move right on to


Drain Rate: considering decreasing. It seems like after a couple of mistakes it can take a long time to recover, even with perfect play. Turning on Autoplay, it seemed like the bar tended to stall quite a bit, and take around 15-20 seconds to fully recover during some sections of the song. Not sure about this; I think anything below HP5 is too low for a Hard diff...

00:48:502 (3,1,1,2,3,4) - This one is somewhat of an awkward passage to play through: a slowed slider followed by a stall stack which leads into a cluster of sliders. At this point in the map, you haven't yet familiarized your players with slowed sliders nor that particular arrangement of clustered sliders, and when these two new elements are combined in the same passage with a delayed stack, which is always somewhat deceiving, the entire section can become a huge point of confusion for players. While your arrangement here fits the music well, keep in mind that it may catch many players off-guard. Changed to something that goes better with the song... hopefully.

Your choice of mapping colors may be a bit problematic. Anyone playing with the background turned all the way up read: no one will not be able to see the approach circles well, and this can aggravate points of confusion all around the map. Unclear approach circles are especially of an issue during some of the more "direct" sections, such as 01:27:876 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2). The grays you've chosen does match the background nicely, but maybe it matches the background a bit TOO nicely. Try using some brighter, saturated colors as an experiment and see how that looks to you. Maybe the contrast will actually work out well, visually. Or you could use a slightly more um interesting background, maybe? I'll reconsider this. For now, I can't see any problem with what am I doing now.

02:21:179 (3,4,1) - Related to above. The lighter approach circles here blend into the background a bit too much, making the triple stack hard to process for the player, because the darker approach circle is so much easier to see that it overshadows the lighter one that follows right before it. It's very easy to miss seeing the middle circle (in this case the 4-circle) in between the repeat sliders because of how much darker the approach circle for 02:21:983 (1) is. This isn't an issue for the triple stacks which are formed by two hitcircles and a slider, since the player has enough time to prepare beforehand. However, in this case the beginning of the stack is the end of a slider, so the player has less time to rest and process the information on screen.

See also: 02:23:054 (2,3,1), 02:42:339 (2,3,1), 03:18:767 (2,3,1) Unstacked everything.

Great map! Again, your sense of rhythm and flow, as well as aesthetics, is amazing. Those stacks are also really fun to play through, sorta like bundles of enjoyment scattered throughout the map. That is, when I can actually see them...


Drain Rate: too high. Extremely difficult to recover from mistakes; it takes Autoplay upwards of 30 seconds of perfect play to fully recharge the bar. Pretty much impossible to recover during some of the slower sections (00:21:985 for example). You should probably decrease this. Umm idk about this... Seems perfectly fine for me. I'll see the incoming mods, anyway.

00:43:413 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is asymmetrical. It wouldn't be a problem if the rest of your map wasn't so pretty, but it is, so I'm holding these sorts of things at a higher standard. Compared to the rest of your map, this asymmetry can be distracting. I'd like to go the flow way here; it doesn't seem to be that noticeable anyway...

00:47:699 (1,2) - Hard to read. Up until now the player has been able to take these sorts of long strings of hitcircles for granted and just spam away at their mouse buttons/keyboard keys, but you up and threw a stall stack in there. Maybe turn 1-2 into a slider instead? Kinda similar to 00:45:020 (1,2), and it fits with the song itself, so why not? Will consider to do this, though...

00:53:993 (2,1) - Hard to read, especially given three things: 1. The approach circles are hard to see with the background. 2. The 2-circle hits on an offbeat. 3. The circles are stacked with the end of the previous slider, but there is a significant delay between that slider and these circles. Consider spacing out, and turning 2-1 into a short slider. I personally think I slider would work well, since slider releases play and sound nice on downbeats. Removed (2) instead. Don't think a slider will work well, but I agree with the offbeat part.

00:55:064 (7,8,9) - Uguu~
That 9-circle is really unexpected. I thought I'd be done with that location of the map after you threw in that stall stack, but you went and placed another circle in there! For me, this one is really confusing, given the huge difference in delay between 7-8 and 8-9. Removed (5).

01:08:323 (4,5) - Same issue as 00:53:993. At least now the player knows you might pull tricks like this, but it still is very unexpected. I'll keep this for a while. I think it's fine; I can do this well.

02:09:126 to 02:26:267 - Aaaaaaaaaaand there goes my life points. lol

02:49:839 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - I really, really want to see this stream changed to be perfectly circular. Right now, it's an odd oval shape, and that just doesn't mesh well for me given how symmetrical the rest of the map is. Tried my best for this.

03:30:419 (10) - Misplaced. Should be more to the right-ish. Fixed.

Excellent map! Those short-spaced mini-streams, combined with your creative use of jumps, do wonders for the map's flow. There were a few points of confusion for me throughout the map, but I can't tell if that's just because I'm bad at osu. Of course, since this is an Insane difficulty, you do have a lot more freedom to do confusing things.


This mapset is just amazing. The music isn't of my usual taste at all, but your maps made me really, really, like this song. You're magical. Did anyone ever tell you that you're magical?

Good luck! You won't need it though, because this mapset is so obviously going to get ranked, so I hope you don't mind if I just um keep the luck for myself, haha...
Thanks for the mod, the compliments, and for everything! :P
Hello there

* White combo color is blending the BG, please change to another color

00:12:878 (4) - Add finish and remove whistle for consistency from previous object
00:32:699 (3) - Probably, make this slider more wavy? (nazi)
00:37:520 (3,4,1) - To create a wave flow, make a pattern like this? Your current one is kinda linear flow and looks uncomfortable for begginners
02:59:482 (4) - Same suggestion as 00:32:699 (3)

00:01:896 (2) - Why not make this slider more curve to make better flow?
00:30:020 (5) - Add clap? Your probably forgot
01:26:269 (8,1) - Swap new combo because the vocal is changing the part
01:46:626 (1) - Why new combo? Mistake?

00:56:002 (3) - Move 4 grid to left for making a triangle pattern? (nazi)
01:05:912 (2,3,1) - Not stack correctly at gameplay. Having weird stacks can weirdly to see
01:49:840 (1) - Add clap at end slider? Probably you forgot....
02:14:483 (2,3,1) - Same issue as 01:05:912 (2,3,1)
02:21:179 (3,4,1) - ^
02:23:054 (2,3,1) - ^
02:42:339 (2,3,1) - ^
03:06:982 (1) - Use drum sampeset and add finish for following instrument of music?

01:31:716 (1,2,3,4) - This timing changes can be confusing for players because they don't know where to follow.... IMO
01:38:992 (5) - Remove this object, otherwise players will impossible to reach the next object due to 1/4 stuff
02:50:911 (9) - New combo for preventing of long combos
03:17:160 (4,5,1) - Not stack perfectly together, probably intentional?

Good luck
Topic Starter
Will reply to Leorda's mod soon in this post.

I'm just too busy and lazy lately dsafsfdasfdsafsfasfdas

Leorda wrote:

Hello there

* White combo color is blending the BG, please change to another color ...I think it isn't; the color is light gray btw. Also, if it does blend, I'll change it from the very beginning because I can't stand blending colors. Will wait for more opinions.

00:12:878 (4) - Add finish and remove whistle for consistency from previous object
00:32:699 (3) - Probably, make this slider more wavy? (nazi)
00:37:520 (3,4,1) - To create a wave flow, make a pattern like this? Your current one is kinda linear flow and looks uncomfortable for begginners
02:59:482 (4) - Same suggestion as 00:32:699 (3)
Fixed all things.

00:01:896 (2) - Why not make this slider more curve to make better flow?
00:30:020 (5) - Add clap? Your probably forgot
01:26:269 (8,1) - Swap new combo because the vocal is changing the part
01:46:626 (1) - Why new combo? Mistake?
Fixed everything.

00:56:002 (3) - Move 4 grid to left for making a triangle pattern? (nazi)
01:05:912 (2,3,1) - Not stack correctly at gameplay. Having weird stacks can weirdly to see
01:49:840 (1) - Add clap at end slider? Probably you forgot....
02:14:483 (2,3,1) - Same issue as 01:05:912 (2,3,1)
02:21:179 (3,4,1) - ^
02:23:054 (2,3,1) - ^
02:42:339 (2,3,1) - ^
03:06:982 (1) - Use drum sampeset and add finish for following instrument of music?
Yes, fixed everything too.

01:31:716 (1,2,3,4) - This timing changes can be confusing for players because they don't know where to follow.... IMO
01:38:992 (5) - Remove this object, otherwise players will impossible to reach the next object due to 1/4 stuff
02:50:911 (9) - New combo for preventing of long combos
03:17:160 (4,5,1) - Not stack perfectly together, probably intentional?
...Yep. Fixed. Every. Single. Thing.

Good luck
Thanks for the mod!
Hello, you wanted a CtB mod from me and I just reviewed your map now.

For now the difficulty does not feel like a Rain at all in my opinion. On many parts it has to be much more challenging, also some other patterns are uncomfortable to play. It is easier if you rename the difficulty to Platter and I can help you making some patterns easier.

You used pretty easy patterns on a low AR.

Making this to a Platter means HP -1 and reducing some dashes / removing a few HDashes.

In my opinion this is much closer to a Platter than a Rain. Tell me how you decided and I will begin to mod this on the criterias of a Platter or a Rain.

Also I'd like to know what other CtB BATs think about this than just eldnl. Apart of a few patterns in Kiai nothing in this mapset is that challenging.
Topic Starter
...Make it Rain then.

Sorry if I sound selfish, but I'd like to make something at least as hard as Rain so I can learn about mapping a CtB diff more thoroughly, because I believe the harder the thing you do, the better you can understand how to do it.

And yeah, I want to go the hard way here, if it isn't obvious already. I will be able to get a lot more experience in mapping this way, IMO.

I'll wait for your reply (:
A tough challenger here! If you want it to be a Rain, so be it :3

Let's make things clear: This is not a Rain at all at the moment. Sounds like a dashy Platter with a pair of overchallenged patterns at the kiai part. I hope this mod helps you to fulfill your expectations.


  1. 00:01:360 (5,6,7) - Static movements are, by general terms, not that fun to play. What about moving the whole 3plet altogether to the right part of the screen? They could even be the mirrored 3plet of (2,3,4).
  2. 00:00:557 (1) - ^ for that reason, you shall even move the very 1st note, since it's stacked with the incoming 3plet.
  3. 00:07:253 (6) - This note needs a NC. The accumulation of fruits starts to be annoying for the player at this point.
  4. 00:11:271 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Use the melody at your favour, as you did it previously. Does it sound as a normal stream for you, or can it be "broken" with some jumps?
  5. 00:19:708 (3,1) - Maybe that's just a personal view, but stacked notes sound a bit uninteresting when there's such a level of difficulty. I recommend you to introduce a little dash, if possible.
  6. 00:19:842 (1) - You're avoiding some beats that could work as potential not-so-difficult jumps. I'm talking about modifying the timeline this way:
  7. 00:21:717 (3,1) - An useful non-written rule is: Whenever you hear a main beat, place an HDash :p
  8. 00:27:877 (5) - The slider itself remarks nothing, and in that part there's a nice opportunity to do something more interesting. I see you use a lot of symmetry... You can get rid of that slider and put 3 dashed notes instead. Make sure the last note of them is NC'd!
  9. 00:35:377 (3) - Same with this slider. Make it alive, by splitting it!
  10. 00:45:824 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try rotating all those sliders a bit. ~15º to the left (or moving the end point a few grids to the left) would create a nice visual effect, and would make the distance between some of them not so abrupt.
  11. 00:52:252 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The potential of this stream is not fully used! A simple suggestion could be inverting the positions of (6) and (8).
  12. 00:53:993 (12,1) - They're completely stacked under the next slider. When you play it, it seems the same 2 notes repeated in the same position! Please, vary it a bit.
  13. 01:00:288 (10,1) - At this point, it's much more than recommendable to introduce a jump between those 2 notes. You need to increase the number of HDashes, and the kiai parts are the most appropriate places for that.
  14. 01:04:573 (8,1) - Following the same explanation as before, this could work, since you already have a Dash here.
  15. 01:05:912 (6) - No, this slider must be separated from the previous 3plet, better with a Dash and adopting a ">" shape.
  16. 01:06:582 (8) - Another slider that can be splitted into notes, to give more emphasis to the lyrics. Use those notes wisely to create a jump with the slider (1).
  17. 01:08:993 (11,1) - Perfect candidate to introduce an HDash.
  18. 01:20:912 (4,5,6,7,1) - That HDash would fit much better between (7,1), rather than (4,5). Please, rearrange the position of those sliders.
  19. 01:43:144 (8,1) - Another place where the jump can be much wider...
  20. 01:47:564 (11,1) - Same here \o/
  21. 01:47:697 (1,2,3) - I recommend you to separate more the notes inside the 3plet, to intensify the background instruments. They're definitely too close to each other. You can do the same to the next 3plet (4,5,6)!
  22. 01:50:912 (6,7,8,9,10) - Why?? D: Vary the position, please... A bit more of movement is needed.
  23. 01:53:322 (6,7,8) - ^
  24. 02:25:732 (10,11) - For those sliders, I recommend you to put them vertical. It's a bit forced to move the player to the left, and then an HDash, after coming from a static pattern.
  25. 02:30:420 (12) - It'd be appreciated to move this note to the left. The melody is more calmed here and there's no need to introduce such a sharp Dash.
  26. 02:35:911 (6,7) - No need to HDash those notes imo...
  27. 02:36:982 (1,2) - Same here. You could try to move (2) much more to the right, to make a similar distance (1,2,3).
  28. 02:47:429 (8,1) - Quite hard to catch (1) after those HDashes. Move it a bit more to the right, please.
  29. 02:50:911 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - No... Think about introducing something else there. The last 4 notes are almost unplayable at AR8.
  30. 03:04:303 (9,10,1) - A bit forced to play. Consider reducing the distance of the dashes.
  31. 03:17:428 (10) - Split this slider into 2 notes, and create an HDash between them.
  32. 03:19:571 (10,11,1) - It could look better if the distance between those notes would be the same.
  33. 03:20:642 (6) - Aesthetically, that note doesn't look okay in that position. Consider moving it to the left a bit more and so, reduce the Dash required to catch (7), which is quite extreme atm.
  34. 03:29:347 (4) - A bit more to the right. The stream looks a bit ugly now ^^".

Good luck with it :3
Once you applied Deif's mod I try to find more criterias that make your difficulty to a typical Rain.
Topic Starter
...I'll try to check Deif's mod as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I have a lot of things I have to do IRL, and I've just used my time to relax and stuff so I won't go crazy, and also fixed stuff out of Leorda's mod.

Don't worry, I'll take care of the mod as fast as I can.

This is gonna get modded by the entire CtB BAT yeah--- /slapped

EDIT: So here I am.

Deif wrote:

A tough challenger here! If you want it to be a Rain, so be it :3

Let's make things clear: This is not a Rain at all at the moment. Sounds like a dashy Platter with a pair of overchallenged patterns at the kiai part. I hope this mod helps you to fulfill your expectations.


  1. 00:01:360 (5,6,7) - Static movements are, by general terms, not that fun to play. What about moving the whole 3plet altogether to the right part of the screen? They could even be the mirrored 3plet of (2,3,4). Done.
  2. 00:00:557 (1) - ^ for that reason, you shall even move the very 1st note, since it's stacked with the incoming 3plet. ^
  3. 00:07:253 (6) - This note needs a NC. The accumulation of fruits starts to be annoying for the player at this point. Oh damn, forgot about this. Done.
  4. 00:11:271 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Use the melody at your favour, as you did it previously. Does it sound as a normal stream for you, or can it be "broken" with some jumps? Made a small series of zig-zag jumps.
  5. 00:19:708 (3,1) - Maybe that's just a personal view, but stacked notes sound a bit uninteresting when there's such a level of difficulty. I recommend you to introduce a little dash, if possible. Yep, you're correct.
  6. 00:19:842 (1) - You're avoiding some beats that could work as potential not-so-difficult jumps. I'm talking about modifying the timeline this way:
  7. 00:21:717 (3,1) - An useful non-written rule is: Whenever you hear a main beat, place an HDash :p k done.
  8. 00:27:877 (5) - The slider itself remarks nothing, and in that part there's a nice opportunity to do something more interesting. I see you use a lot of symmetry... You can get rid of that slider and put 3 dashed notes instead. Make sure the last note of them is NC'd! ...Not sure if I did it right, but done anyway.
  9. 00:35:377 (3) - Same with this slider. Make it alive, by splitting it! ^
  10. 00:45:824 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Try rotating all those sliders a bit. ~15º to the left (or moving the end point a few grids to the left) would create a nice visual effect, and would make the distance between some of them not so abrupt. Done.
  11. 00:52:252 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - The potential of this stream is not fully used! A simple suggestion could be inverting the positions of (6) and (8). Did something... much more complex?
  12. 00:53:993 (12,1) - They're completely stacked under the next slider. When you play it, it seems the same 2 notes repeated in the same position! Please, vary it a bit.k.
  13. 01:00:288 (10,1) - At this point, it's much more than recommendable to introduce a jump between those 2 notes. You need to increase the number of HDashes, and the kiai parts are the most appropriate places for that. Done, done.
  14. 01:04:573 (8,1) - Following the same explanation as before, this could work, since you already have a Dash here. ^
  15. 01:05:912 (6) - No, this slider must be separated from the previous 3plet, better with a Dash and adopting a ">" shape. ...I hope I did it right.
  16. 01:06:582 (8) - Another slider that can be splitted into notes, to give more emphasis to the lyrics. Use those notes wisely to create a jump with the slider (1). ^
  17. 01:08:993 (11,1) - Perfect candidate to introduce an HDash. I agree!
  18. 01:20:912 (4,5,6,7,1) - That HDash would fit much better between (7,1), rather than (4,5). Please, rearrange the position of those sliders. Yep.
  19. 01:43:144 (8,1) - Another place where the jump can be much wider... I agree with this too.
  20. 01:47:564 (11,1) - Same here \o/ \o/
  21. 01:47:697 (1,2,3) - I recommend you to separate more the notes inside the 3plet, to intensify the background instruments. They're definitely too close to each other. You can do the same to the next 3plet (4,5,6)! ...I also hope I did it nicely.
  22. 01:50:912 (6,7,8,9,10) - Why?? D: Vary the position, please... A bit more of movement is needed. Okay...
  23. 01:53:322 (6,7,8) - ^ ^
  24. 02:25:732 (10,11) - For those sliders, I recommend you to put them vertical. It's a bit forced to move the player to the left, and then an HDash, after coming from a static pattern. Made 02:24:393 (2,3,4) not static instead.
  25. 02:30:420 (12) - It'd be appreciated to move this note to the left. The melody is more calmed here and there's no need to introduce such a sharp Dash. Done.
  26. 02:35:911 (6,7) - No need to HDash those notes imo... k.
  27. 02:36:982 (1,2) - Same here. You could try to move (2) much more to the right, to make a similar distance (1,2,3). Done I suppose?
  28. 02:47:429 (8,1) - Quite hard to catch (1) after those HDashes. Move it a bit more to the right, please. Removed the hyper dash instead.
  29. 02:50:911 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - No... Think about introducing something else there. The last 4 notes are almost unplayable at AR8. I hope I did it... correctly.
  30. 03:04:303 (9,10,1) - A bit forced to play. Consider reducing the distance of the dashes. Done.
  31. 03:17:428 (10) - Split this slider into 2 notes, and create an HDash between them. ^
  32. 03:19:571 (10,11,1) - It could look better if the distance between those notes would be the same. ...idk what did I do before, but made a hyper dash instead because I think it can fit really well.
  33. 03:20:642 (6) - Aesthetically, that note doesn't look okay in that position. Consider moving it to the left a bit more and so, reduce the Dash required to catch (7), which is quite extreme atm. Done.
  34. 03:29:347 (4) - A bit more to the right. The stream looks a bit ugly now ^^". ^

Good luck with it :3
Still working...

Finally done with the mod lol

Thanks for the mod! :D

  1. First of all: It is a pain to play a such long song without any break nor spinner. I personally suggest you to include at least a spinner somewhere. For example at 01:36:983 - because it fits quite well with the vocals and leads directly into the Kiai.
  2. The map needs much more New Combos. Don't forget that this isn't Standard. In CtB maps you usually make a NC every stanza (under certain circumstances, more or less) because otherwise the Plate is getting too full of fruits. Usually I use 1/1 sections. Also, keep in mind, that NCs are not felt like in standard. The fruits fall from the plate but you don't really feel it too much during the gameplay. A few SUGGESTIONS from my side (not only 1/1 sections):
    00:01:896 (8) - NC
    00:04:039 (6) - NC
    00:06:181 (4) - NC
    00:08:592 (6) - NC
    00:10:199 (5) - NC
    00:12:610 (8) - NC
    00:14:753 (6) - NC
    00:16:360 (4) - NC here cos of the vocals (maybe) or here 00:17:163 (6) -
    00:19:708 (3) - NC, 00:19:842 (1) - erase NC; 00:20:378 (2) - NC (makes more sense imo)
    00:21:717 (4,1,2) - ^
    00:24:931 (5) - NC, or here NC: 00:25:199 (6) -
    00:27:877 (6) - NC, erase NC here instead: 00:28:413 (1) -
    00:28:949 (2) - NC
    00:30:556 (1) - erase NC, NC here: 00:30:824 (2) -
    00:36:449 (6) - NC here and erase NC here: 00:36:984 (1) - , NC here again: 00:37:788 (3) - and here: 00:38:324 (6) -
    00:40:199 (5) - NC
    00:42:341 (4) - NC
    00:44:752 (7) - NC
    00:46:627 (5) - NC
    00:48:770 (5) - NC
    00:52:252 (4) - NC
    00:53:591 (11) - NC, 00:53:993 (12) - erase NC
    00:57:341 (5) - NC
    00:59:484 (6) - NC
    01:01:627 (6) - NC
    01:04:038 (6) - NC
    01:05:912 (6) - NC
    01:08:055 (5) - NC here or here: 01:08:323 (6) -
    01:10:198 (5) - NC?
    01:12:341 (6) - NC
    01:14:484 (3) - NC
    01:16:627 (6) - NC
    01:17:564 (7) - NC
    01:17:698 (1) - Erase NC
    01:18:769 (5) - NC
    01:20:912 (4) - NC
    01:25:198 (5) - NC
    01:40:198 (4) - NC
    01:42:340 (4) - NC
    01:44:751 (6) - NC
    01:46:626 (6) - NC
    02:01:894 (8) - NC?
    02:12:340 (4) - NC
    02:14:215 (4) - NC
    02:15:286 (9) - NC if you want, erase it here: 02:15:554 (1) - , and NC here: 02:15:822 (2) -
    02:19:304 (10,11,12) - ^
    02:27:340 (6) - NC
    02:29:482 (7) - NC
    02:31:625 (5) - NC
    02:33:768 (4) - NC
    02:35:911 (6) - NC
    02:38:054 (4) - NC
    02:40:464 (4) - NC
    02:42:607 (4) - NC?
    02:44:482 (4) - NC
    02:46:625 (5) - NC
    02:48:768 (6) - NC
    02:50:911 (9) - NC
    02:53:321 (7) - NC?
    02:55:196 (6) - NC
    02:57:607 (6) - NC
    03:03:768 (6) - NC
    03:06:178 (7) - NC?
    03:08:053 (5) - NC
    03:12:339 (6) - NC
    03:16:624 (6) - NC
    03:19:035 (8) - NC
    03:20:910 (7) - NC
    03:23:053 (7) - NC
    03:25:196 (5) - NC
    03:31:624 (6) - NC!!
    03:33:499 (5,6,7) - You can give these 3 last notes each a NC to create a more interesting ending feeling
  3. 00:01:896 (8,9,10) - This pattern can be moved more left. Otherwise it's a complete copy of 00:00:824 (2,3,4) - but it would be nicer if you increase the distance a bit to make this more challenging.
  4. 00:04:039 (6) - and 00:04:574 (8) - You want a Rain, right? CTRL + G those sliders to create 2 HDashes. It gives this part more challenge and is interesting to play.
  5. 00:11:672 (2,3,4,5,6) - This here is very boring to play. What can be done? Simply increase the distance always a little bit more, so that the whole section becomes more dashy. That would mean: 4 to 5 needs a higher distance than 2 to 3.
  6. 00:17:163 (6,7,1) - Try to create a little left-right HDash movement maybe? like here: However, do not exaggerate with it, please.
  7. 00:27:342 (5,6) - Oh please not... It is not a great idea when the Ryuuta simply has to stand here and wait for the HDash. You should move (6) to another place to create a bit of movement here.
  8. 00:38:324 (6,7,8) - I really like those sliders here, they fit with the rhythm in a very cool way. However, I personally would make this more challenging, for example try this out: This creates 2 HDashes and especially the second one fits perfectly with the "drum" voice in the background
  9. 00:42:074 (3,4,5,6,7) - Try to increase the distance here and make this part more difficult. Move (5) more to the left and (6) more to the right, (7) more to the left, and so on. But test it and try out if it's still FCable.
  10. About the first Kiai I must unfortunately say it is almost as easy as the non-Kiai part... You really need to include more HDashes here to make this part more difficult. I make you some suggestions where I miss the HDashes and you should think about it then by yourself:
    00:58:145 (9,1) - HDash maybe? Also, in the section from 00:58:145 - to 01:00:288 - you can make some more left-right HDashes as I showed you above already. Those fit well with the vocals, but try to listen clear on the rhythm if you decide to do so. 00:59:752 (7,8) - here for example a HDash to the right, and then again a left HDash at 01:00:020 (8,9) - would be an option.
    01:03:234 (3,4,5) - Here should be at least one HDash cos of the vocals. Dunno how now... I hope you find a solution for this part.
    01:05:511 (4,5,6,7,8) - Distances should be increased from step to step like I mentioned above in 00:11:672 (2,3,4,5,6) already. There doesn't have to be necessarily a HDash but it needs to be more challenging.
  11. 01:11:939 (4,5,6) - That "O-TU"-voice should have a HDash. Move (5) more to the left to create one.
    01:18:769 (5,6,7) - The idea is not bad at all but this is too easy. Try this for example:
  12. About the second Kiai: It is pretty nice, didn't find so much there. Anyway, you could create a HDash at 01:43:814 (2,3) - and then again at 01:44:483 (5,6) - , that gives this part more challenge and also feels pretty nice with the rhythm. Try it out by yourself anyway.
  13. 01:57:608 (4) - Move it more to the right, it should not be a simply copy of 01:56:537 (2) -
  14. 02:05:108 (2,3,4,5,6) - Increase the distances again from note to note. Playing 5 consecutive times the same distance is too boring, especially for a Rain.
  15. 02:15:420 (10,1), 02:19:706 (12,1), 02:21:715 (10,1) - - - HDashes would fit here well imo.
  16. 02:50:241 (4,5) - Between those streams you could include a HDash, same here: 02:50:777 (8,9) -
  17. 03:06:178 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - Try to increase the distance between those. I want to see a HDash here: 03:06:848 (12,1) -
  18. 03:33:499 (5) - Move (5) to the left of the screen and center (6) in the middle of the screen to create 2 HDashes that go to the right direction. It is a very typical element in CtB which is pretty often used. It should look like here:
That's all I can do by now. Try to find more modders, it is already much better than the first time I saw it. :D
Topic Starter

Sey wrote:


  1. First of all: It is a pain to play a such long song without any break nor spinner. I personally suggest you to include at least a spinner somewhere. For example at 01:36:983 - because it fits quite well with the vocals and leads directly into the Kiai. I disagree with this actually; there are just too much important beats here, and ignoring them would be bad. I can't think of any other place where I can place a break, though.
  2. The map needs much more New Combos. Don't forget that this isn't Standard. In CtB maps you usually make a NC every stanza (under certain circumstances, more or less) because otherwise the Plate is getting too full of fruits. Usually I use 1/1 sections. Also, keep in mind, that NCs are not felt like in standard. The fruits fall from the plate but you don't really feel it too much during the gameplay. A few SUGGESTIONS from my side (not only 1/1 sections):
    00:01:896 (8) - NC Followed.
    00:04:039 (6) - NC ^
    00:06:181 (4) - NC ^
    00:08:592 (6) - NC ^
    00:10:199 (5) - NC ^
    00:12:610 (8) - NC ^
    00:14:753 (6) - NC ^
    00:16:360 (4) - NC here cos of the vocals (maybe) or here 00:17:163 (6) - Followed the vocal.
    00:19:708 (3) - NC, 00:19:842 (1) - erase NC; 00:20:378 (2) - NC (makes more sense imo) Nope; I'm not agreeing with this. The NC pattern is just wrong like that. I think the plate should be clear of fruits exactly before a new stanza to represent the transition from a stanza to another.
    00:21:717 (4,1,2) - ^ ^
    00:24:931 (5) - NC, or here NC: 00:25:199 (6) - NC'd (5).
    00:27:877 (6) - NC, erase NC here instead: 00:28:413 (1) - NC'd (6).
    00:28:949 (2) - NC Hmm, NC'd 00:29:485 (4) instead to avoid making the combo too short while it's still possible.
    00:30:556 (1) - erase NC, NC here: 00:30:824 (2) - No, for the same reason as 00:19:708 (3).
    00:36:449 (6) - NC here and erase NC here: 00:36:984 (1) - , NC here again: 00:37:788 (3) - and here: 00:38:324 (6) - ...I think I did what I wanted to do here; not exactly like what you've told, but tweaked the combo pattern a bit.
    00:40:199 (5) - NC Done.
    00:42:341 (4) - NC ^
    00:44:752 (7) - NC ^
    00:46:627 (5) - NC ^
    00:48:770 (5) - NC ^
    00:52:252 (4) - NC ^
    00:53:591 (11) - NC, 00:53:993 (12) - erase NC ^
    00:57:341 (5) - NC ^
    00:59:484 (6) - NC NC'd 00:59:216 (5) instead.
    01:01:627 (6) - NC ^
    01:04:038 (6) - NC ^
    01:05:912 (6) - NC ^
    01:08:055 (5) - NC here or here: 01:08:323 (6) - (6).
    01:10:198 (5) - NC? Done.
    01:12:341 (6) - NC ^
    01:14:484 (3) - NC ^
    01:16:627 (6) - NC ^
    01:17:564 (7) - NC ^
    01:17:698 (1) - Erase NC ^
    01:18:769 (5) - NC NC'd 01:18:769 (6) instead.
    01:20:912 (4) - NC ^
    01:25:198 (5) - NC ^
    01:40:198 (4) - NC ^
    01:42:340 (4) - NC ^
    01:44:751 (6) - NC ^
    01:46:626 (6) - NC ^
    02:01:894 (8) - NC? (7) instead.
    02:12:340 (4) - NC Done.
    02:14:215 (4) - NC (5).
    02:15:286 (9) - NC if you want, erase it here: 02:15:554 (1) - , and NC here: 02:15:822 (2) - Did things by myself here.
    02:19:304 (10,11,12) - ^ ^
    02:27:340 (6) - NC Done.
    02:29:482 (7) - NC ^
    02:31:625 (5) - NC ^
    02:33:768 (4) - NC ^
    02:35:911 (6) - NC ^
    02:38:054 (4) - NC ^
    02:40:464 (4) - NC ^
    02:42:607 (4) - NC? ^
    02:44:482 (4) - NC ^
    02:46:625 (5) - NC ^
    02:48:768 (6) - NC ^
    02:50:911 (9) - NC ^
    02:53:321 (7) - NC? ^
    02:55:196 (6) - NC ^
    02:57:607 (6) - NC ^
    03:03:768 (6) - NC ^
    03:06:178 (7) - NC? ^
    03:08:053 (5) - NC ^
    03:12:339 (6) - NC ^
    03:16:624 (6) - NC ^
    03:19:035 (8) - NC ^
    03:20:910 (7) - NC ^
    03:23:053 (7) - NC ^
    03:25:196 (5) - NC ^
    03:31:624 (6) - NC!! ^
    03:33:499 (5,6,7) - You can give these 3 last notes each a NC to create a more interesting ending feeling ^
  3. 00:01:896 (8,9,10) - This pattern can be moved more left. Otherwise it's a complete copy of 00:00:824 (2,3,4) - but it would be nicer if you increase the distance a bit to make this more challenging. Well, I think this reflected the song nicely; I just can't explain how, it feels really hard to lol
  4. 00:04:039 (6) - and 00:04:574 (8) - You want a Rain, right? CTRL + G those sliders to create 2 HDashes. It gives this part more challenge and is interesting to play. Done.
  5. 00:11:672 (2,3,4,5,6) - This here is very boring to play. What can be done? Simply increase the distance always a little bit more, so that the whole section becomes more dashy. That would mean: 4 to 5 needs a higher distance than 2 to 3. I hope I did it correctly.
  6. 00:17:163 (6,7,1) - Try to create a little left-right HDash movement maybe? like here: However, do not exaggerate with it, please. Done.
  7. 00:27:342 (5,6) - Oh please not... It is not a great idea when the Ryuuta simply has to stand here and wait for the HDash. You should move (6) to another place to create a bit of movement here. ^
  8. 00:38:324 (6,7,8) - I really like those sliders here, they fit with the rhythm in a very cool way. However, I personally would make this more challenging, for example try this out: This creates 2 HDashes and especially the second one fits perfectly with the "drum" voice in the background Let's see if I did it correctly.
  9. 00:42:074 (3,4,5,6,7) - Try to increase the distance here and make this part more difficult. Move (5) more to the left and (6) more to the right, (7) more to the left, and so on. But test it and try out if it's still FCable. Hmm, fixed I guess?
  10. About the first Kiai I must unfortunately say it is almost as easy as the non-Kiai part... You really need to include more HDashes here to make this part more difficult. I make you some suggestions where I miss the HDashes and you should think about it then by yourself:
    00:58:145 (9,1) - HDash maybe? Also, in the section from 00:58:145 - to 01:00:288 - you can make some more left-right HDashes as I showed you above already. Those fit well with the vocals, but try to listen clear on the rhythm if you decide to do so. 00:59:752 (7,8) - here for example a HDash to the right, and then again a left HDash at 01:00:020 (8,9) - would be an option. Made hyperdashes for the first and the third, but for the second... the song isn't that "powerful" for a hyperdash to fit there, so maybe no.
    01:03:234 (3,4,5) - Here should be at least one HDash cos of the vocals. Dunno how now... I hope you find a solution for this part.Done.
    01:05:511 (4,5,6,7,8) - Distances should be increased from step to step like I mentioned above in 00:11:672 (2,3,4,5,6) already. There doesn't have to be necessarily a HDash but it needs to be more challenging. Okay, let me play with this.
  11. 01:11:939 (4,5,6) - That "O-TU"-voice should have a HDash. Move (5) more to the left to create one. It's actually "untuk" lol. Done.
    01:18:769 (5,6,7) - The idea is not bad at all but this is too easy. Try this for example: Done too.
  12. About the second Kiai: It is pretty nice, didn't find so much there. Anyway, you could create a HDash at 01:43:814 (2,3) - and then again at 01:44:483 (5,6) - , that gives this part more challenge and also feels pretty nice with the rhythm. Try it out by yourself anyway. Hmm, I think it's not necessary for the first one, since the music isn't that heavy. Did the second, however.
  13. 01:57:608 (4) - Move it more to the right, it should not be a simply copy of 01:56:537 (2) - Done.
  14. 02:05:108 (2,3,4,5,6) - Increase the distances again from note to note. Playing 5 consecutive times the same distance is too boring, especially for a Rain. ^
  15. 02:15:420 (10,1), 02:19:706 (12,1), 02:21:715 (10,1) - - - HDashes would fit here well imo. ^
  16. 02:50:241 (4,5) - Between those streams you could include a HDash, same here: 02:50:777 (8,9) - Still not quite sure about making hyperdashes... The music doesn't support them, IMO.
  17. 03:06:178 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - Try to increase the distance between those. I want to see a HDash here: 03:06:848 (12,1) - Yep, done too.
  18. 03:33:499 (5) - Move (5) to the left of the screen and center (6) in the middle of the screen to create 2 HDashes that go to the right direction. It is a very typical element in CtB which is pretty often used. It should look like here: Maybe not for now. The current pattern creates a series of jumps that close and emphasize the end of the song very nicely.
That's all I can do by now. Try to find more modders, it is already much better than the first time I saw it. :D Good to hear that~
Still working. Already finished going through the NC stuff.


Thanks for the mod!
Are you sure i should mod this one, seems very unactive?
Topic Starter
Yes, just mod this. It's not like I have any other pending map that is non-Japanese...

I'm only stuck because of the CtB diff anyway :D
Alright ^^

Expect my mod soon then. Trying to finish yours first.

Hey, from my "non-japanese" Queue!


00:17:699 (1) - I don't see the point of making 1 single NC at the end of a part. It is not needed so please remove it.
00:50:913 (1,2,3) - Align these maybe. It would look and play a little better.
01:29:483 (2,3,1) - The playment here is really not easy for beginners. The slider 2 goes left so when you place the circle right then it makes the natural movement of your wrist different. Try to improve the flow somehow you like. You can try something similar to this; would work better.

Nothing more to say. A few flow things which could be improved more but thats too nazi.


00:11:806 (4) - Rotate this maybe to the left so it gives better flow with the next elements.
01:01:359 (2,3) - , 03:24:660 (6,7) - That's not easy to read for beginners and shouldnt be used in an easier diff like this. Please avoid such stacking. They sure will missclick this and read it wrong. The playment of this pattern is surely different than normal row playing. And this overall should only be used in Hard and Insane.


00:53:056 (1,2,1) - Not stacked proper.
01:27:073 (1) - This slowdown is not needed and very unexpected to play. The NC should also be removed due to you having 2 single NCs at ones which is combo spam.
02:09:126 - The speed up is also unexpected. You should make a warning or something to make it readable so people dont get confused.

Please fix these things and the map is fine. Very flowy.


- Try to fix up your comboing, some single NC are so senseless. Also a few combo patterns are there too which change to weird patterns. Short long, im meaning.
01:44:483 (3) - The circle is 1 too much, remove it. Would make the rythm better.
- The song is over 3 mins long, you need to make a break somewhere.
- Way too many unexplaing streams and too long. Too much to point them all out but you should reduce them.

01:05:912 (1,2) - That's so unexpected and hard to play. Consider changing this to something more playable which is better readable.

Not my favourite style of mapping but its unique and its pretty well done overall. c(:


00:19:708 (3,1) - ctrl+h
01:12:877 (8,9) - triplet? And delete (10).
01:24:662 (4,5) - I expect here a bigger jump because of the vocal. Try to add one.
01:26:269 (1,2,3) - Same as above.
01:28:412 (1,2) - I think a repeat slider would fit better.
01:38:858 (6,7,1) - I think you should delete (7) and start (1) 1/8 earlier and add a HDash is possible.
02:21:983 (1) - I dunno why but I expect a stream here.
02:33:232 (3) - Why there is nothing after it? I think 2 notes should fit there well.
02:36:848 - A note should go there.
02:37:920 - ^
02:40:464 (4,5,6,7,8) - These jumps are follows nothing.
02:41:268 (1,2,3) - These are kinda makes no sense. The rhythm sounds a bit off here. Try to map something else here please.
02:45:152 - Place here a note?
02:45:286 (7) - Either if you apply the previous or not you should ctrl+g this.
02:54:125 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part is kinda makes no sense. Pleace delete (3) and add note between (1,2) and (4,5).
02:56:000 (10) - ctrl+g?
03:20:910 (7) - Add an 1/2 slider here? I think it sounds better according to the rhythm.

I personally think HP7 is kinda cruel with these jump patterns but its your choice. I passed if after ~20-25 try.
You have some useless uninherited timing point, I won't point them out since you can find them looking at the volume.

I think this difficulty is enjoyable tho sometimes the flow seems really bad to me, maybe because I'm not a really experienced player. Anyways I really liked this song so good luck with it. :3/
Topic Starter
Will check all the mods here soon. I can't let everything go to waste.
lol lagu masa kecil

bakal mod kalo ada waktu deh <3
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:



00:19:708 (3,1) - ctrl+h Err, why? Making no movement at 00:18:770 (2,3) reflects how the instruments are played nicely. Besides, it kinda makes me (at least) uncomfortable for the aforementioned reason.
01:12:877 (8,9) - triplet? And delete (10). Sure, added a not, but I didn't remove (10) because the instrument there is very noticeable.
01:24:662 (4,5) - I expect here a bigger jump because of the vocal. Try to add one. Just made the spacing between them bigger.
01:26:269 (1,2,3) - Same as above. ^
01:28:412 (1,2) - I think a repeat slider would fit better. There's nothing that I can emphasize in the middle of these two notes...
01:38:858 (6,7,1) - I think you should delete (7) and start (1) 1/8 earlier and add a HDash is possible. I know what are you trying to suggest here, but the rhythm just feels... too awkward.
02:21:983 (1) - I dunno why but I expect a stream here. As you wish.
02:33:232 (3) - Why there is nothing after it? I think 2 notes should fit there well. ^
02:36:848 - A note should go there. ^
02:37:920 - ^ Well, there is nothing that can be really followed here...
02:40:464 (4,5,6,7,8) - These jumps are follows nothing. Well, I think they fit with the gradual increase of the instruments' pitch here, but I made them easier.
02:41:268 (1,2,3) - These are kinda makes no sense. The rhythm sounds a bit off here. Try to map something else here please. Remapped. Not sure if I did it right, though...
02:45:152 - Place here a note? Done.
02:45:286 (7) - Either if you apply the previous or not you should ctrl+g this. ^
02:54:125 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part is kinda makes no sense. Pleace delete (3) and add note between (1,2) and (4,5). Changed the rhythm here by myself.
02:56:000 (10) - ctrl+g? Sure.
03:20:910 (7) - Add an 1/2 slider here? I think it sounds better according to the rhythm. The vocal here doesn't really support a slider, though... It feels forced.

I personally think HP7 is kinda cruel with these jump patterns but its your choice. I passed if after ~20-25 try. Hmm, I'll wait for more opinions, then.
You have some useless uninherited timing point, I won't point them out since you can find them looking at the volume. Sure, sure~

I think this difficulty is enjoyable tho sometimes the flow seems really bad to me, maybe because I'm not a really experienced player. Anyways I really liked this song so good luck with it. :3/
Thanks for modding!

I'm currently remapping Easy, btw. Will look at BounceBabe's mod soon (sorry, it's been almost 4 months orz).

Yuzuru wrote:

lol lagu masa kecil

bakal mod kalo ada waktu deh <3
Lagu masa kecil indeed~

Ditunggu yah :D
Lol I totally forgot about this mod.
Topic Starter

Kurokami wrote:

Lol I totally forgot about this mod.
And apparently, it can't be kudosu'd since I left it too long.

Finding a solution right now...

EDIT: Decided to give a kudosu to your new post after consulting with alacat; there's a proof anyway, although it might be better to cut and paste the mod to the new one too so it'll look more valid :P (Sorry for the inconvenience.)

And it looks like BounceBabe has to post here too... Crap, I'm making a lot of trouble orz
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