where's video e_e
I love it too!meiikyuu wrote:
i love this song ~
It's under your bed :3 bakaflask /runsFlask wrote:
where's video e_e
The credit for the background goes to Gabe. bl to tags.. not sure about that lmao. Also thanks for the star o3oKonei wrote:
Nice background :>
also add bl to tags.
Wasn't being serious either x3Kei wrote:
bl to tags.. not sure about that lmao.
Looks awesome! thank you a lot ;________;blissfulyoshi wrote:
Someone requested me to make this for you http://puu.sh/2JBpC.avi
I might make another one, since the edges look terrible in this version imo
Changed the video to something with slightly better edges...
Awesome, but where do you want me to use these hitsounds o.o? as hitnormal?Sieg wrote:
I'm here just to suggest hs for you http://puu.sh/2Jqrw.zip
yep, imo 2normal-hitnormal.wav instead of your hitnormal will sound funnyKei wrote:
Awesome, but where do you want me to use these hitsounds o.o? as hitnormal?
okamiratsu wrote:
Hi from my queue
offset 2581 ok
00:26:152(2) move to x:272 y:168 nah i personally preffer my way. more flowy imo.
00:29:060 remove nc
00:31:509 ^
00:35:642 ^
00:48:193 ^
01:15:438 ^
01:24:621 ^i added these nc to avoid having long combos. its purposedly done, hope you can understand. your way is good too but itried to follow the instrumental to make shorter combos. thats all :3
the hitsounds are kind of low but other than that the placements good
also the times I have above won't match your map but once you adjust the offset it should make sense Sorry for saying no to most of things, but the offset was useful!
Really useful mod Konei o3o thank you a loooot pls always mod my mapsKonei wrote:
To say this in before, I guess kd should be taken from bliss, since helping with video doesn't deserve any kudosu. Yah I wasn't that sure about it but he contributed with the map, I think he deserves it but if some team member sees it and deems it like a post that doesn't deserve kudos he can go ahead and revoke them.. the same thing goes to Sieg. He contributed to improve the map with hitsounds, he deserves kudos. o3o
- Hm, thought about adding a silent Sliderslide? I found it really noisy, especially in Easy diff. ( 00:28:311 (2) - ) <- here for example. done o3o
- Ehh, AR - 1? I dont know if it's me but current one feels too fast since the Easy is already slow and BPM aswell. You're right o3o decreased.
- 00:46:678 (1) - Could look cooler for example, if you curved this to blanket 1. I'm saying this since current placement seems a bit odd and meeh. check if you like it now :3 i changed it
- 00:57:086 (1) - Pretty nazi but well, you could move this circle to the exact middle of the grid as it would look more pleasing and wouldn't affect flow. ok o.o
- 01:25:250 (3) - Uhm, do you think you could make this Slider on it's own purpose a bit smoother or more symmetrical? Current one looks dull.ah yeah. i made it more curvy now.
cute skin btw
- Decrase AR by one? Seems much better to me since current feels too fast. yeah.
- 00:30:760 (2) - This could be cooler if it was blanketing 1 at least a bit, I'm not telling you to do an exact blanket since it could be affecting flow, but would you mind to curve it at least a bit more?
- 00:48:515 (3) - Nazi, but since this blankets 1 already a bit, you could improve it, right?.done :3
- 01:05:658 (3) - Curving it in that direction creates a strange flow in my opinion, since 1 goes down again and the end of the Slider doesn't really follows it, so how about pulling the end a bit more down? i personally like it this way :3 i think it flows fine o3o but if other people mention it i'll change it.
- 01:08:719 (4) - Flows strange since mouse goes sharp back and up here, also, 4 3 and 1 are not good blanketing, although if it wasn't your intention huehue, however, I'd aim for something more flowy here, so how about creating something like shown below? o3o OMG THANKS I LOVE IT ;_;
- 01:24:025 (1) - Decrase volume a bit here? Sounds really much more fitting in my opinion if you decrase it by 5 ~ 10% decreased it to 50%~
- Why not using Slidertick rate 2 here? Would be consistent with other diffs and wouldn't make weird noises aswell. oh lol forgot to change it to this diff. changed to 2
- Naaah, AR8 is too much in my honest opinion. Gives me the feeling of playing it with HR lol, decrase it by one tick? forgot to change this too lol because this was intended to be an insane diff but i made it a hard diff after all.
- 00:25:097 (2) - Placing this circle down gives this a weird touch, LOL, it was just my mind while test playing in the editor but how about pulling this a bit more up? done~
- 00:28:005 (2,3) - Spacing is really confusing here, also with the triples and such, ehhh, please increase spacing for the sake of readability.done. wtf i swear i dont know why did i use such a bad spacing. LMFAOOOOO anyway fixed
- 01:00:454 (3) - Flows a bit weird, I'd rather pull this up a bit to make the transition to 4 smoother. hmmm okay o3o
- 01:26:168 (6) - Inconsistent hitsounding though difficultys, since this is the only diff in which this note has finish and whistle. Either remove whistle here or add it on the other diffs. removed whistle
That's about it :>
Cool map, Kei! Take another star lol. YAYYYYYYYY
Good luck ~ Thank you :3
call Gabe gabe modpls
></Gabe wrote:
>gabe mod pls
lolreally konei
thank you flask \o3o/ but i want to give kudos because it was helpful for me anyway, if you're REALLY not happy with them i can revoke themFlask wrote:
nokdpls, evenIknowyouwontkd hueuheu
- Pretty sure the Offset should be at 00:00:746 - (for following the downbeat)
where's video ;__; [2]
- 00:29:521 (4) - 1 gird down for straight line done
- 00:52:787 (2) - clap o.o lol done
- 01:05:644 (2,3,4) - Spacing? lol lol fixed
This is a poor mod since it's a quick check bcz I luv it im glad you like it \o3o/!!!Kei wrote:
(video isnt added yet due to a bug corrupting the .osz file)
it was really useful, thank you very very much :3Xinely wrote:
try m4m in ur queuenevermind, just take this as a free mod~
remove countdown and letterbox during breaks
00:05:644 (3) - NC for consistency? yes
00:22:787 (4) - ^ ^
00:21:562 (3) - x:64 y:172 for same line with 00:20:338 (1) - ? if yes, 00:22:787 (4) - x:140 y:260 done
00:27:685 (1) - x:168 y:136 for one line diagonal with 00:27:072 (2,2) - ? sure
00:33:195 (3,1) - swap NC? hmm yeah i think its better
00:35:031 - remove green point? yah
01:03:807 (4,1) - swap NC? ><
01:19:725 (2) - x:412 y:160? nice
how about AR 5 OD 4 HP 4 for balance spread with easy and hard? ar no, i discussed that with konei already. ar 5 is too fast for normal of a 98bpm song, however i increased od to 4. hp is fine imo
00:04:113 (3) - 2 grid down? done
00:35:031 - remove green point? yes
01:21:256 (2) - 1 grid up? okie
00:05:338 (1) - you use 1,00 for normal spacing right? if yes, fix 1,08x spacing oops lol. fixed
00:06:868 (4) - x:72 y:316 for better pattern? hmm ok.
Sorry, i must off due family >_<
i will mod it asap after back ~ dont worry! thanks!![/spoilerbox]fixed, thanks!UnitedWeSin wrote:
Hi Kei!
M4M here.
Try experimenting with volume changes. A decrease at 00:27:685 would fit nice, coupled with a large increase at 00:35:031. i thought i already did that o.o added green lines with less volume for that part.
Your offset is wrong, the downbeat is currently one beat off. [b]Please set it to 747.
- Maybe OD-7 since I feel that this mapset is lacking an Insane diff already. Making this a bit more difficult wouldn't hurt. sure thing
- 00:07:480 (5,6,7,8) - Imo this doesn't read very well because the end of the 5 is not hitting with any particularly strong beat in the music like the 6, 7, and 8 are. For this reason, I play I expect the 5's end to be hitting with the first of the triplet, but it's not. I would suggest extending the 5 to end at 00:07:787 so that the slider end becomes part of the triplet. That will make a more intuitive rhythm. o_o youre right. fixed.
- 00:25:848 (5,1,2,3,4) - I feel that the NC is more fitting on the 2 instead because that is the downbeat where the new line in the vocals begins. swapped ncs
- 00:27:378 (4,5,1) - I feel that a jump to the triplet is more fitting with this powerful downbeat at 00:27:685 that starts this new phrase. Just like at 00:29:827 (5,6,1) try using 1.25 spacing. done
- 00:30:440 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Consider increasing the curve here so that you could have the 00:31:970 (4) resting directly opposite the 00:32:583 (1) on the grid so that it could complete the perfect square pattern with the 00:32:276 (5,1,2). done!
- 00:32:889 (2,3,4) - The introduction of the doubles is somewhat surprising imo. I think you can make it more smooth if you make the 2 a slider instead to play along with the vocal hold. Try something along these lines:you have a point, but i prefer my way because i dont like that much sliders at red ticks if they arent necessary. my purpose in this part was making it a circle-only part. yeah odd o3o but i thought it would be fun! your way is good, but this time i preffer keeping mine :p
This rhythm would make the double at 00:33:960 (5,6) feel natural. Also you could have the 3 stacked on the 00:31:970 (4) or something with that sort of idea as you have now.- 00:34:419 (7) - Try adding the soft addition so you could have your custom clap on top of the normal hit here. done
- 00:37:480 (1) - Try making this a normal hit with the soft addition so you could have the finish being drowned out by the buzz from the normal hit. I think it fits well with what the song is doing here. nice
- 00:44:521 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This part part bothered me because you completely ignored the really unique and interesting drum transition going on the the song and just stuck with the vocals. You could have created a really powerful transition here with jumping doubles that would fit perfectly. Hmm yeah but that would change the rhythm completely for a hard diff. I would have done that if this were a insane diff. in fact this was intended to be a insane diff but it was too easy so i renamed it to hard o3o
- 00:46:664 (8,1) - I think an increase in spacing would fit very well here to kick start the spacing in the kiai. A jump between the triplets would fit perfectly. agreed. added jump
- 01:23:705 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - For consistency purposes, maybe remove the NC from the 01:24:623 (1) and add it to the 01:25:236 (3). (That is if you followed previous suggetion. This would keep it consistent with the similar phrase at 00:24:929 (1,2,3,4,5). right. o3o
- 00:03:807 (2,3,4,1,2) - Nazi~Bring the 00:05:338 (1,2) - up and to the right slightly so that the 2 is perfectly reflecting the 4. Then you can move the entire phrase to the left slightly to maintain symmetric distance snap with the 00:06:868 (3). hmm fine!
- 00:29:521 (2,3,3) - Try adding the soft addition here so that you could have your clap sound along with the normal hit. done
- 00:37:480 - Same as hard, try making it a normal hit with he soft addition. yes
- 00:49:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - It would be nice to make rhythm that fit a bit more closely with the music. I feel like the repeating slider 5 is random, and it ending on the downbeat doesn't make it much better. Here what I'd suggest omg this suggestion, its good. i did it but I HAD TO REMAP ;_; you made me suffer. i will not forget this. ;_;
00:47:276 (1) to 00:51:563
00:52:175 to 00:56:461
All I did was delete the 00:49:725 (1,2) and move the 00:50:338 (3,4,5) over to 00:49:726. Then a 1/1 slider at 00:52:175 and delete the 00:52:787 (1). Then delete the 00:55:542 (2) to make the 00:54:623 (1,2) unique with the vocals. Imo you don't need the 00:55:542 (2), the phrase is more dynamic without it.Great set, not much to pick on. I hate being rushed to mod... ;_;
- 00:21:562 (3) - Maybe add a clap to the end here, feels missing to me. done
- 00:28:297 (2,2,3) - Same as other diffs about using soft addition if you'd like to add your clap here. mhm
- 00:37:480 - And again you could try to have the normal hit along with the finish. added
- 00:46:664 (1) - A bit ugly imo. Try a more simple placement like: hmmm ok.
- 00:50:950 (2,1,2) - Imo, you've made a worse flow than you could have by forcing the 2's to blanket like this. It would have been nicer if the 00:52:787 (1) were more to the left and the 2's be in a pattern more along these lines: agreed. fixed..
You could then stack the 00:54:623 (3) on the head of the 00:50:950 (2) perhaps, just an idea. i like it this way o3o- 00:58:297 (3,2) - Try instead placing the red anchor in the slider tick and then placing the slider reflecting each other like so: ok!
- 01:19:725 (2) - Nazi~Maybe move it up a bit for a more curved flow here instead. i aligned them on purpose, also with xinely's mod :3
[/spoilerbox]Verlaren wrote:
I'll try m4m, but i'm already too late...
00:21:562(3) - NC. New vocal part. no, i mean you're right, the vocals change but a single nc for that is not necessary imo. its enough with 00:22:787 (1).
00:58:297(3) - slider isn't beautiful. My ver. - improved!
01:00:746(2) - ^
IMO - perfect Thanks?
00:06:256(3,4) - maybe make symmetrical sliders? yeah i fixed that with united's mod, again.
00:59:827(1) - move on x:392 y:132 hmm kinda. I rearranged the pattern ;_;
00:59:827(1,2,3,4) - maybe make square? square? i dont like square shapes/forms :< sorry
Hope this can help you. it did, some things i already changed them with united's mod. so its useful as well. you couldnt know if he pointed out the same stuff as u o3o
BeatofIke wrote:
Hello Kei! You might know me from somewhere, but I'm here from your M4M Queue.
- Since your offset is off-measure (not off-beat), the osu! form title screen is pulsing irregularly. Try setting the offset to 3195 (+612). Make sure to scale and snap all objects to new timing afterwards. I used 747, if that's fine with you
- You could add the video if you want, but of course that is optional. I already have a video, by blissfulyoshi but i cant add it because the BSS is bugged. When i add the video to the map the osz file gets corrupted and it cannot be extracted into osu.
- 00:22:787 (4) - For consistency purposes, you should add a new combo here. For the most part, you seem to add new combo for every measure. Done :3
- 00:30:746 (2) - I'm a bit iffy with this slider, because the reverse part of this slider is not following the main beats of the music. You are free to leave it as it is. It just a little thought I have when I was test playing it. I didnt have a better way to do it, i tried to make it simple for a easy diff, and thats the best i got :<
- 00:33:195 (3,1) - The new combo should start at slider 3, not at the next slider. Remove the combo from that slider (slider 1). already fixed with other mods
- 00:54:623 (3) - Since you added a new combo at 00:15:440 (1) and 01:14:215 (1), I think it will be more consistent to add one here. Fine
- Nothing much to say about this difficulty, but I recommend setting HP Drain and Overall Difficulty to 4 for better difficulty spread. For example: Easy has 2, Normal has 4, and Hard has 6. Also set the Approach Rate to 5, since Easy has AR3 and Hard has AR7. Changed OD to 4, hp to 4 too. About AR i discussed about it with konei, so i preffered to stick with 4.
Yes please, that would be very much appreciated!! also Suit up died because my Insane is bad and naraku is too busy to updateQuiz-chan wrote:
Hey, what's with Suit Up?!?
Want a mod?
What? o.o I didn't understand lolKonei wrote:
I also had a request on Kei per PM
MoodyRPG wrote:
#modreqs esta funcionando
- Deberias añadir un spin en todas las dificultades para variar el score El tema es que no tengo donde agregar xD
- - 00:36:869 (1,2) - En mi opinion intercambiaria los new combos, remueve el de (1) y añade uno en la nota (2) Buen punto pero creo que es mejor enfatizar que cambia la melodia en vez de la voz en este caso. :>
- - 00:38:093 (3,1) - No se si hay error de spacing aqui, no estoy seguro Obvio que si xD se ve que se movio algo de lugar mientras editaba otra cosa ._.
- 01:19:114 (4) - De acuerdo a tu patron aqui deberia venir un new combo, si lo haces remueve el de aqui 01:20:338 Done
- 01:21:563 (3) - Lo mismo ^Buen mapa y la mejor de las suertes :> Muchas gracias!
- - 00:33:349 (4) - Creo que esta nota no encaja bien con la musica y luce algo escondida al jugarla, mi sugerencia es removerla de ahi Nah es que sigue el instrumental de fondo, no exactamente la voz. Queda bien imo asi que por el momento se queda~
HabiHolic wrote:
00:15:440 (1) - Remove NC I do not seem to put the rhythm of the flow of new combo This is due to the change of melody.
00:30:746 (2) - This slider 00:28:297 (2) - the same rhythm and the slider No no, they're different rhythms. I made 00:30:746 (2) longer than the other on purpose, to avoid placing too many notes.
00:32:583 - Once you have modified the above that note here ^
00:55:848 (2) - Try This? Hmm fine!
01:02:583 (3) - Whistle sound lame. What, why? It follows the music. Red tick -> whistle. White ticks -> claps/hitnormal. They're fine imo.
00:38:093 (1,2,3) - Why the distance is different? I accidentally moved these notes and uploaded the map like that lol fixed.
00:55:542 - add Note? Not a bad idea but i personally preffer how it sounds 1/1 so i'll keep this as it is for now at least. If other modder agrees with you i'll change it okay?
00:21:562 (4) - Whistle sound lame. Follows my whistle pattern, sounds good imo ;_;
00:28:603 (4,5) - This is my proposal.How about the short slider to budge?
00:31:052 (5,6) - ^
00:33:195 (3,4) - ^ I purposedly made this part with only circles to make it fit with the instrumental, not to follow the voice.
Good Luck
Star +1 Thanks! :>
phaZ wrote:
your bookmarks aren't snappedoh.. i removed them. they're useless anyway!
- 00:03:807 (2) - start this slider at 236;156 http://puu.sh/2Nefk.png done
- 00:42:991 (1) - move it to 410;260 because spacing and blanket done
- 01:06:257 (1,2) - make (1) parallel to (2)? second slider-waypoint of (1) should be at326;202 then sure
- 00:09:317 (3,1,2) - (3): second waypoint=344;300, third=396;208(or209), (1): y=209, (2): first waypoint=173;209, second=232;112
_ better blanket, (3,1,2) are on the same line ughh so many points. its a mess. i tried to improve the blanket in my way ;_;Normal
- 00:08:705 (3) - end=202;120
- 00:35:031 (1) - end=204;196 why ;_; please next time try to explain your sggestions instead of leaving points like this. its amess and becames quite tedious to check. ;_; i think i understood your point, i tried to improve some blankets.
- 00:38:093 (1,2,3) -dat spacing x.x already fixed.
- 00:02:583 (1) - move to 180;288 done
- 00:05:031 (7) - this triplet plays a litle bit weird, because there are no vocals on the last one. for some reason, it's only the first time weird _ to play O: but it follows the instrumental too! xD
- 00:31:970 (4) - move to 356;100 done
- 01:14:521 (4,5) - i would prefere higher spacing here. also this is the hardest diff in your mapset http://puu.sh/2Nf9d.png increased.
very nice map! o/Thanks
Thanks everyone for your mods/stars. :3 i appreciate it!Lally wrote:
muh muh muh a bit late o3o o3o
- personaly i find it really meh to not have a spinner because there are some places to inser it like here at the end : 01:24:012 - just to give some difference to the scores :V Moody said that too, but i dont have any place to add spinners. lol
- you have some unsnapped objects in your diff,check AiMod >u< o.o fixed
- 00:03:808 - this can be just a bit better blanket nazi nazi nazi o3o but the current is fine too ;_; i mean, the difference is very small :< this one is fine o3o also i improved it a bit with phaz's mod
SPOILER228,160,3808,2,0,P|128:224|36:160,1,240,8|8,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:- 00:14:216 (2) - missed clap at slider end? yes :3
- you have some unsnapped objects in your diff,check AiMod >u< lol again ;_;
- 00:24:012 (5) - idon't like really much the flow of this slider,what about to rotate it by 40° ? like: uuugh but i like my blankeeeeet ;___;
- 00:38:093 (1) - 1 gring up for a better line with the prev slider
- 00:38:093 (1,2) - this jump ? ò.ò already fixed it. my bad
- 00:46:665 (3,4,1) - what about something like this? yeah improved it a bit
- 01:03:195 (4) - i think this slider will have a better flow with a curved line,for having kinda a blanket with the next slider ok :3
o3o nice flow ty o3o
- HP + 1 for balance with other settings yep~
- 00:21:563 (4) - i don't really like the whistle on slider body, what about to remove it? yes pls. I HATE WHISTLES ON SLIDER BODIES ;_;
Nice map o3o/ good luck Kei-chan >u< ty ty >u<
omg i watched this anime so often when i was a little childZhengster wrote:
I finally have an excuse to use this gif
take my star pls~
- 00:08:705 (3) - end=202;120uhh im too lazy to write "blanket", but that was the point. thanks for feedback :O
- 00:35:031 (1) - end=204;196 why ;_; please next time try to explain your sggestions instead of leaving points like this. its a mess and becames quite tedious to check. ;_; i think i understood your point, i tried to improve some blankets.
Kirino Kousaka wrote:
I Agree!
232,156,3808,2,0,P|164:224|44:168,1,240,8|8,0:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:00:09:624 (3) - Doesn't blanket 00:11:155 (1) properly. Moving the middle point 2 grids down, end point 3 grids down and 1 grid right seems to work. Tweak 00:11:767 (2) accordingly too.
208,280,48502,2,0,P|160:328|72:336,1,160,0|8,1:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:00:53:400 (3,1) - They don't flow very well imo. Maybe you could either rotate (3) by 20 degrees or so and then move 00:54:624 (1,2) accordingly so they all blanket together (http://puu.sh/2RIns.jpg)
747,612.244897959184,4,2,1,75,1,0Also, you used 55% on [Normal] on the last green line, 75% on [Easy] and [Hard]. I suggest them to be all the same for consistency.
I'll edit the post later with my reply to JInxyjem's modGero wrote:
Ola k ase?
Intentare modear esto ;U; lo haré en español no creo que haya problema. claro que no haha!
[Easy](*) 00:02:583 (1) - escuchando bien el fondo de la canción, me di cuenta que suena un clap en ese tiempo, aqui para ser exactos 00:02:583 ,creo que en el inicio del slider podrías agregar un clap, esto es una sugerencia si no te gusta como suena no lo agregues pero IMO suena bien Nah clap no. Normal clap si. Esa suena mejor.
(*) Una sugerencia en hitsounds, creo que seria mejor si agregaras un slidertick con el clap que usaste, para sliders que son largos, como por ejemplo aqui:
00:09:318 (3) suena el clap de fondo pero con los demas que estas usando suena muy bajo, podrias intentar usar este --> soft-slidertick2 y poner dos lineas verdes a los lados del slidertick para que suene el clap bajando un poco el volumen para que suene mejor.
algo asi: Entiendo tu punto y tiene sentido pero a mi personalmente no me gustan los slidertick. Si quieres un sonido en esa parte, lo mappeas. Eso es lo que pienso yo, pero aun así tu sugerencia no es mala. Solo es mi preferencia. :3
(*) 00:11:767 (2) - ^
(*) 00:30:747 (2) - en mi opinion este slider suena un poco raro siento que podrias recortarlo a que de el reverse en 00:31:359 - y agregar un circle en 00:32:583 esto es una sugerencia puedes omitir esto si no te gusta. tienes razon. Listo
(*) 00:33:195 (1,2) - Nazi* creo que estos sliders se ven un poco disparejos intenta copiar este slider 00:33:195 (1) - y ponerlo en 00:35:032 - para que sean iguales y se vea mejor algo asi: en vez de hacer todo eso solo movi el slider un par de grids :3
(*) 00:41:155 (2) - Nazi* intenta hacer este slider un poco mas simetrico, algo mas o menos asi: o.o ya esta simetrico, solo no esta en el eje y.
Si te convence cambiarlo aqui esta el codigo por si lo deseas[HitObjects]
(*) 00:46:665 (2) - siento que el NC deberia de ir justamente aqui 00:47:277 - ya que es donde comienza el kiai time y es por eso que hay un nc aqui, porque el slider es con repeat y el ultimo hit del slider cae en ese punto xD
(*) 01:00:747 (2,3,1) - Nazi* estas tres notas no estan formando un triangulo perfecto, intenta mover el slider 01:02:583 (3) a X: 256 Y:258 y el circle 01:03:808 (1) - a X:173 Y: 327 y veras que queda mas bonito :3 ahi lo arregle
(*) 01:03:808 (1) - IMO este NC es innecesario porque esta acabando la frase el NC deberia de ir aqui 01:04:420 (2) lo puse ahi en vez de adelante para evitar que solo un slider conforme un combo
(*) 01:06:257 (1,2) - Nazi* estos dos sliders no estan perfectamente colocados para que se vean paralelos lo cual hace que se vea un poco feo intenta esto: creo que lo logre arreglar
Antes & despues:
NOTA: Esta ligeramente inclinado hacia la izquierda el final del slider.
igualmente si deseas el codigo aqui esta[HitObjects]
(*) 01:25:236 (3) - Nazi* UFFF siento que este slider esta muy mal echo :c intenta hacerlo mejor. no da para decir que está tan mal hecho, apenas se diferencian pero aun asi lo mejoré
algo como esto:
(*) Una ultima cosa: 00:27:685 - aqui en este lapso de tiempo veo que en el normal usaste whistles y realmente suenan muy bien porque no intentas colocar algunos para que suene mejor esta parte :3 no lo hice porque el ritmo en esta diff esta tan simplificado que no hay lugar para poner whistles que suenen bien.. los whistles los use en tick rojos y en esta diff use todo 1/1. :p
[Normal](*) 00:02:583 (1) - lo mismo mencionado en la easy acerca del clap lo mismo
(*) 00:06:869 (3,3) - Lo siento u3u un poco nazi* mueve el segundo punto a X: 304 Y: 76 Y el ultimo punto a X: 236 Y: 116 Para hacer un perfecto blanket con 00:06:869 (3) no lo movi exactamente ahi pero le mejore la blanket
;U; Que bonita normal, no me dejas encontrar nada :c perdon ;-;
[Hard](*) Amazing *O* gracias! ;u;
Buena suerte Kei! \:3/ el mapa es asombroso y la cancion mas Sigo esperando segunda temp de durarara ;3; es todo lo que pude encontrar espero te sirva mi pequeño mod >w< Fue util, gracias! y gracias por el doble rank o3o.
Shiro wrote:
Hi. Someone requested a mod for this, so here I am. Hi!
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me in-game.Okay!
- Everything's fine ! I just suggest to finish the kiai at 01:24:012 - because the song goes a capella there, I think it'd fit better. Wow how did i miss this lol, fixed!
- The slider placement makes the comboing extremely inconsistent, and you miss lots of strong beats because sliders end on them... Overall it's... fine, but I'd like you to change this one 00:46:665 (1) - because you completely miss the beginning of the kiai. Also, if you do change the last kiai as I suggested, do the same with 01:23:400 (1) - . Yeah it was difficult for me to do the comboing! I changed what you pointed there.
- 01:24:624 (2) - Remove the clap ? The song goes a capella at this point, there's no reason to continue the clap pattern. Used a normal-hitclap instead.
- 00:19:726 (4) - 00:21:563 (2) - 00:26:461 (3) - These break the comobing because they end on beats where the new combo should have been. It makes the map feel rather... inconsistent. ;_; but i cant do anything better to follow the music.. it isn't that bad imo. I agree with you, but i preffered using sliders with repeat and such to avoid making this diff too difficult.. I'll be more careful next time.
- 01:24:012 (1,3) - Remove claps, like for Easy ? Replaced with normal-hitclap~ sounds less noisy than the soft-clap imo.
Well, there isn't much to say. Good luck with this ! Thank you a lot
- hm... methinks you should reduce the HP drain, as the note density is relatively low in this diff, due to the low BPM Hmm kay!
- Your slider usage makes you miss tons of claps in the map... This introduces holes in the hitsounding and it feels weird: 00:09:777 (6) - 00:12:226 (6) - 00:19:573 (6) - 00:39:165 (5) - 00:41:614 (5) - 00:48:961 (4) - 00:51:410 (6) - 00:58:757 (6) - 01:08:553 (6) - 01:11:002 (6) - 01:18:349 (6) - Ah yes, but I thought it was more appropiate to stick with the vocals rather than the boring and constant clap sound at these parts. I dont remember who.. i think it was Gero who suggested me to use claps in sliders like this but I didn't agree (i dont like that hitsounding, personally).
- 00:35:644 (1) - I don't think this needs a new combo - or you'd need lots of new combos in this one to stay consistent Agreed. Removed
- 00:46:971 (1,3) - New combo on (1) should be on (3) - it follows the vocals and stays consistent with your kiai usage. And, to stay consistent with the beginning of the map, remove the new combo on 00:48:195 (1) - You're right, changed.
- 01:06:257 (4) - missing clap Added!
- 01:23:706 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - Same suggestion as Easy and Normal - remove the claps ? Same!
Thank you very much.Behonkiss wrote:
Great song. Yes! I love it. So catchy
Consider turning the hit volume up during the choruses. I can barely hear it outside of the finishes. Okay! I increased it by 10%.
00:15:440 (1) - It might be easier to get rid of the second slider and extend this one to end at 00:16:053 and repeat twice so it ends at 00:17:277. Hmm your idea is good, has a point but I personally prefer the current way. Seems easier to read for beginners since I have been using the same ammount of repeats in the whole diff. (1 repeat per slider).![]()
00:54:624 (1) - Same as above.
01:14:216 (1) - And again. ^ It's just my personal choice :p I hope that's okay for you!
00:05:644 (2) - Move this up a tiny bit so it's on the same horizontal plane as 1. It looks a little off the way it is. Done!
No problems here! Oh good~
Roddie wrote:
- 00:36:869 (1)-A new combo here is not necessary to have honestly. It comes in at the wrong time in my opinion. Best to remove it. The next object after is a good place to put a new combo over.
Agreed! done~
- 01:03:808 (1)-Consider removing this new combo? The way I see it, it's too premature to put a new combo there. Give it some thought. Also, if you do remove it. how 'bout adding a new combo on the next object?
Much better
- 00:44:522 (1)-You could remove this new combo from here. You've didn't have one on 01:14:216 (5) - So, it doesn't hurt to remove it, right? o: But that's a completely different rhythm imo ;_; I added nc here at 00:44:522 to avoid a long combo and to emphasize the change of melody&vocals.
Give me a call when you're done looking through my mod post.
- 00:546:920 (3)-You're missing a good opportunity of having a clap here. I'm not sure if it was intentional but still, it would be great to have a clap here.
o.o good idea. Added
- 01:06:716 (5)-^
Thank you very much Roddie!
Kawayi Rika wrote:
Hi ~ Kei ~Hi Rika, again
- 00:05:644 (2,3) - You'd better to make these notes symmetrical,
please use this code(fixed next note spacing). Done :3319,181,6869,2,0,P|340:260|396:312,1,160,4|12,2:0|0:0,0:0:0:0:
436,128,8400,1,2,0:0:0:0:- 01:19:114 (1) - Move 1 gird down,symmetrical 01:17:889 (2) - .Doneeee~[/color]
That's all ~ I love relax map :3 Yeah i do too
Call me back ~ok! Thank you Rika-chan :3