
Toggles within skin.ini to restore old circle animation [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +447
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Definitely have to agree with the new hitbursts not being informative enough. The old ones made it very easy to distinguish between 300's, 100's and 50's, and the new ones do not.
The falling miss icons are what bugs me the most

+1 support
Gave it some thought, and it seems osu! is moving away from being an improved Ouendan clone, what with the new spinners and slider ticks. Shame, really.
I want the option function

Go back to the old days

The option to use the 3.19 patch previously Skin

Since the patch I hate

Therefore, the option you want

For I beg earnestly, I hope


English is wrong

So I used a translator
Am I the only one who really luv the new osu!?

Aqo wrote:

One thing I don't understand is,
why try to fix things that weren't broken?

the old Miss style was GOOD. Why the hell change it?
the old slider tick style was GOOD. Why touch it?
the old scoreboard menu was GOOD. Why change anything? to annoy people?
the old pie was fine. Why put a dot in the middle? you think we're not smart enough to know where the middle is?


If you are adding unnecessary crap because _you_ think this good idea, this doesnt mean that others think the same about this "features". And this update looks as imposing their tastes to others, because it is not possible to change back.

Silynn wrote:

If this is possible to do with skin customization, then that is fine

However, because you haven't released the template for the new default, no one was aware of this. I think the tone you used in this post was a little unnecessary.

Also, the misses are not the only problem and definitely not the biggest problem.
The ability to do animations on certain emelents has been around for a few months and information about it was in the threads as well as the changelog. Using a template alone wouldn't have made anyone easily aware of that function since single image animations are handled by the game unless there is the presence of an image sequence for elements with that ability.
Topic Starter
Ah, I wasn't aware that it would animate automatically if there was only one image. I don't know much about skinning in the first place. However, I do think information being merely available isn't necessarily good enough, as no one in this thread was aware you could remove the falling misses through skinning. I also think it would have been helpful for you to state that in the first place, if you were aware it was possible.

In any case, it's still not the biggest problem at hand, so this doesn't really change much.
That thing was not selected and here is my poor nexus:
I can definitely agree.
The new hit lightning, or should I say lack of it, really doesn't give me any feel that i'm actually hitting the note and it just doesn't look as good as before.
Slider ticks are now completely useless since you can't see them before time and they are also hard to see.
The falling x's are distracting and they make it harder to continue playing after missing especially on streams.

You have my support with this.
I agree as well, it juste feels like I don't even hit the note... + the falling miss is really distracting.

RBRat3 wrote:

Simple as copying the template hit0 and slapping in a hit0-0 and hit0-1 or you can be more constructive and make a full sequence of your own ;)
Doing the same thing like this with the hit300/100/50's and making some "pop-up" animation would fix the problem of some players here, too. I know it is a hell of work, but it would be a hotfix for this 'problem'.

LoGo wrote:

Please, just add in skin.ini CircleFade: 1-2 and everyone is happy.
yes please!!
This skin is completely broken now: t/98455
also, hit-lightings are a lot smaller and stop growing. thats ok if you have a faded circle like the default skin, but when using a shiny circunference like this: , it loses its beauty.

new animations are ok with the new skin, but make older skins to not be as enjoyable as before...
SKIN.INI is the best solution!!!
New problem: osu! logo in menu completly overlaps your rank in any game resolution, it just cant be correct.

People must be able to choose version what they like and play with it, why just "no"? Why?
I liked the old osu soft corners, is there anyway to switch to that?

Futurola wrote:

Am I the only one who really luv the new osu!?
No you aren't, I was plying with invi 300's and now I play with deffault (with just custom menu-button-backgrond and menu sounds), but people just don't accept change, I already know this kind of drama when a game I played before had a major update that make a huge part of the comunity quit because they don't like new UI etc... And it looks like there is always guys complaining when some program they use change.
hell I just released a new skin under this new format I don't mind it one bit if you want stronger or larger hit lighting make it, it isn't to hard guys and it isn't like this skin is forced I have problems with it myself but you get used to it or you try something different they worked really hard and brought a shit ton of great features to the table.
There is a problem with the ranking screen. When I finish a Map with my favorite Skin, the WarioWare Skin, flawlessly, Doctor Crygor is seen on the bottom-left of the ranking screen, with the word "Flawless" next to him. (Sorry for the weird description. I don't know how to put it any other way.) now, it's looks like this. I would much prefer the back button to be where it used to be: Below the Retry and Replay buttons.

However, I like the "Background of Map you played is showed on results screen" Feature, it's a lot better than the bland blue background.

EDIT: Just noticed that you can scroll the results screen down, so it's not as big as an issue.

Cookiezi agrees with us :D

I miss my pretty explosions...


But on an actual serious note I do feel like it should have been a toggle to keep both sides happy, rather than pleasing one or the other, personally I do feel a subtle difference although its harder for me to tell because i need to improve first before I can say for sure that it hinders mine and other peoples plays.

But it really feels like it does, and the feel of it all is kind of an important thing, at least to me and some other gamers that the feel of a game and how it plays isn't just restricted to Osu and spans into a lot of other game genres like Shooters and RPG. It could be better or worse than what it used to be but It should be down to the players to choose if they want it or not, some did and some really did not, only thing you can realistically do is keep both happy.
The slider ticks recently changed now so they're much easier to read and personally I love how the bounce up a bit to the rhythm.
I like the skin in every way, all of it! There was so much potential to how the skinning could wind up being! I have asked some peoples where those who did not like it never gave a reason directly, but eventually getting a proper explenation from them they said something like "It's different!". This I just find so silly that probably the majority of the players whom disliked the new skin because it is different!

There is also so many who loved the elements to the skin, personally I would love to have a option to have all the intended skin elements!
It's like you didn't read the OP.

Kyou-kun wrote:

It's like you didn't read the OP.
Raging Bull
I just dont like how circle don't expand anymore when clicked.
Does anyone has a backup of osu before this update?
I will just block updates and play offline. Looks like there is no other way to get it playable...
Aqo has one. Ask him for it
For what it's worth, hit lighting has been restored when new skin is not preferred in options (already public).
I don't think this is true. I could tell you added a little bit of expansion when you hit a circle, but it's nothing like this. Unless you're talking about something entirely different, in which case I retract my statement.
Hit lighting. Not circle animation. Please read, and also read the changelog. And stop posting.
I wasn't sure what the name of the circle animation is. Most people have been calling it "hit lighting" (such as the OP), so I assumed hit lighting had a double meaning. Whatever the case, thanks for at least changing one of the things people might take issue with.

Also, when you mentioned that one of the changes was a glitch in chat earlier today, were you talking about the hit lighting or circle animation?
Topic Starter
What Kyou said. People were calling it the hit lighting, so that's what I put in the OP. If it is indeed "circle animation" then I can change to OP to reflect that, because that's what I was referring to, mostly.
Hit lighting was changed, but also restored in an earlier update.
Thank you peppy!!!!
My old skins work again. ;)
Help T_T i can't make faster spins with this skin.
How can i delete spin background?
Resolved? There was no update to resolve the problems in the OP. Somebody made a mistake.

Edit: Thank you, MillhioreF, for fixing it :D
I've edited the topic title too to reflect the last remaining major issue.
My skin still doesent work :/
How I can do this?
Sad to see this still hasn't been fixed...
If it hasn't been fixed, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Look at this video. You can download this map and the skin from my profile and compare the animations of the circles in-game and in the video. This map is a good example because it's easier to see the massive difference on streamy maps, at least for me. You can see that the circles "expand" far more in that video than they do in the current live version of the game, and that is what so many players have been and still are frustrated over.
im going 2 cry
:( :( :( :(
Here's two good screenshots which clearly exemplify the problem.

This first screenshot is what the game currently looks like, using a 1920x1080 resolution:

Here is a screenshot of the same section of the same beatmap using the same skin at the same resolution, albeit on a YouTube video clip:

Clearly, something has changed. Peppy's denial of this has begun to irritate me recently. There's a reason why most of the top players recognize that something has changed. There's a reason why Cookiezi threw a tantrum and broke his stylus. The game has changed, and many players don't welcome it.
Options > Skin > Uncheck prefer new data. learn your options

w0w who woulda guessed its already not checked
cookiezi broke his pen because i called him noob. get your facts right. this is not factual
I can confirm what Kyou-kun said, nothing has changed about the hitcircle explosions, they're still really small compared to what they were.
gosh, I have no idea why people still keep on ranting about that tiny hitcircle animation. (I don't even know how this thread reached 9 pages)
I would understand why it got so many stars, tho'

technically you can skin that circle animation using hitbursts (the only difference would be that it will be drawn behind the hitcircle). I would happily make you a set of hitbursts ten times more massive and explosive than the old behavior if you want.
Yes, it was weird playing with the new default skin at first (but I liked it, since it looks good). It took some time getting used to it, but now I managed to move on and skin the new osu! interface to my liking. I also tried used a little "burst effect" for the hitburst, so I get a little bit of that old feel when hitting circles. But as I play along and experiment with my skin, I end up with a not-too-flashy and simple animation, which did not affect my gameplay. There is a limit to how we can customize the osu! UI, so we have to maximize it and devise our own workarounds for it. I agree that changing something without notice nor an option to go back isn't really nice, but I'm not liking the reason you're ranting right here.

and peppy, maybe it's time to see the advantages of having a multitude of options ;p
more variables = win
it's up to you to decide whether you'll spend your time adding variables and options to the code, or just deal with ranting people who can't adapt to evolution or these minor changes you make on your program.
lol peppy called cookiezi noob

also Soarezi, Kyou-kun is arguing against the change in the circle animation behavior, so I don't think he thinks that there was no change with the circle behavior. :)

in the end, peppy will still be the one who will win, this is his game after all.
Circle animations have changed 4 times in the last two years. I don't plan on making new toggles each time. The animation has no changed. Duration may have. No, I will not be changing this. It may change in the future, though.

Settings for animations in skins would probably be the best way to deal with this, but you could make a custom skin burst which is animated to replace the shotcoming for now, if you feel that strongly about it. I gaurantee it can be done with animations alone.

*eats stars*
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