
PSY vs. Perfume - A Gangnam Style Hurly Burly [Taiko|Osu]

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Easy, Normal, Hard play fine and hitsounds seem to be consistent now.
Add "kpop collab Ayano Omoto Yuka Kashino Ayaka Nishiwaki" to the tags in Hinsvar's diff (inconsistent tags).

there are some things I want to adress in Katty's Insane:

01:20:495 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I've been thinking about this stream last time I played this map and it caught my eye again today. If you want to keep this long stream I want to see a solid reason. But before, try to follow the vocals in the beginning and then use a much shorter stream to finish this part before the spinner:

There are 2 parts I don't really know why you changed them the way you did:
01:24:814 (5,6,7,8,9) - and 01:32:086 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - If you want to keep them as they are now please tell me why you chose to map it that way. Any reason is fine. I just want to understand what made you map 4-streams here. It is playable and does add some depth to the gameplay but it doesn't seem to fit the song (especially the beat in this part) very well.
You could also try something slightly different here: If you delete 01:25:154 (8) - then move 01:25:382 (9) - back to the red tick @01:25:268 and add a repeat, it would fit much better imo. Also move 01:32:427 (10) - forward to the red tick @01:32:541 - (adjust spacing afterwards).

02:11:632 (4) - instead of 0,5x SV you used 1,5x which is fine if you want it that way. You should map the missing beat on 02:12:086 - because the slider is now shorter than before. (compare to 02:18:905 (4,1,2,3,4) - the (1) is missing in the other combo)

Hinsvar's map could use a few more mods imho. The style of this map is very different from most 'EXTRA' difficulties I've played and I want to get some more impressions of how other players feel about this map. To makes things easier for you I recommend getting mods only for this diff (if possible by ppl who can actually play it) as the rest seems very solid now. Katty Pie's diff only has a few awkward spots left but they could be fine if it is what was intended.

We are slowly getting there. I'll keep watching your progress here and I will get a few people to check the two Taiko diffs so we can get this bubbled (and hopefully ranked) as soon as possible.
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

Easy, Normal, Hard play fine and hitsounds seem to be consistent now.
Add "kpop collab Ayano Omoto Yuka Kashino Ayaka Nishiwaki" to the tags in Hinsvar's diff (inconsistent tags). Fixed ; )

We are slowly getting there. I'll keep watching your progress here and I will get a few people to check the two Taiko diffs so we can get this bubbled (and hopefully ranked) as soon as possible.
Ok, I hope so ;)

Ichigun ask me i mod in extra so here

23:02 Pereira006: Hi !
23:02 Pereira006: Ichigun ask me i mod you diff
23:02 Pereira006: so wanna irc mod ? when you have time
23:03 Hinsvar: Hmm... Yes.
23:03 Hinsvar: We can do it now, if you want.
23:03 Hinsvar: :D
23:03 Pereira006: cool :)
23:03 Hinsvar: (:
23:03 Pereira006: first hitsound
23:04 Pereira006: 00:46:859 (4) - add clap in start slider because is feel better imo
23:04 Pereira006: you can sayd no wich you wanna
23:04 Hinsvar: Okay, it sounds better, indeed.
23:04 Hinsvar: Added :D
23:05 Pereira006: 00:47:314 (1) - are you sure whistle in start slider ? the finish is better than whistle
23:06 Pereira006: as vocals and drums is so higher
23:06 Pereira006: imo xd
23:06 Pereira006: i jsut try understand you style hitsound and gameplay lol
23:06 Hinsvar: Fine then, replaced with finish :D
23:06 Hinsvar: Haha :D
23:07 Pereira006: 00:49:132 (1) - Same before like 00:47:314
23:07 Hinsvar: Did it already before you mentioned it :v
23:08 Pereira006: 00:50:950 at 01:00:041 all sliders in white tick whistle to finish is better
23:08 Pereira006: imo
23:08 Pereira006: hooo ok
23:11 Hinsvar: Hmm... I didn't follow what you said exactly, but I tweaked the hitsound here a bit.
23:11 Hinsvar: Just continue :D
23:11 Pereira006: oki
23:12 Pereira006: 02:07:314 at 02:18:223 same before if you keep it consistency
23:13 Pereira006: everthing hitsound is great many time check
23:13 Pereira006: now gameplay
23:14 Pereira006: 00:54:132 (4) - the end point need grid 1 up to symentric with 00:53:904 (3) that look great
23:14 Pereira006: 00:55:950 (5) - ^ same
23:15 Hinsvar: Done :D
23:16 Pereira006: 01:10:041 (1,2) - don't really symentric
23:16 Hinsvar: lol ok
23:16 Hinsvar: Made them symmetric.
23:17 Pereira006: 01:33:450 (2,1,2,3,4) - is make my weird jump because inconsienty spacing
23:17 Pereira006: the jump spacing is 1.80x righ
23:18 Pereira006: but (2,3) is 1.70x
23:18 Pereira006: is weird
23:18 Pereira006: better fix all same spacing so will be good
23:18 Pereira006: imo
23:18 Hinsvar: Hmm...
23:18 Hinsvar: I don't have any good idea to replace this pattern...
23:19 Hinsvar: Wait, let me think for a bit.
23:19 Pereira006: ok, is you wanna keep it when you wich
23:19 Pereira006: *is fine
23:19 Pereira006: aff
23:19 Hinsvar: I do think that this is weird, though, after some time :P
23:21 Pereira006: that all i think, everthing look good
23:21 Pereira006: i hope i not miss somewhere orz
23:21 Hinsvar: Hmm, okay then :D
23:21 Hinsvar: Thanks for modding :D
23:21 Pereira006: np
23:22 Pereira006: good diff's
23:22 Hinsvar: (:

little mod, and little change, as everthing look good for me, anyway
good luck ! and bye bye
Hi IchiGUN:3 As requested. ;)

[Hinsvar's EXTRA STYLE]
●00:18:564 (2) - 1 grid right ? for making the spacing equal here.
●00:24:586 (1) - add whistle on the slider's end
●00:25:382 (6) - remove note . this note follows nothing
●00:25:268 (5) - add whistle.
●00:30:268 (2) - add whistle on the slider's head and end.
●00:29:473 (2,3) - try to move to center ? looks better imo :3
●00:30:268 (2) - ^
●00:45:495 - use lower volume? since the melody is calmer than previous part.
●00:48:904 (5) - add whistle.
●01:02:768 (1) - want more spacing >< let's jump :3
●01:03:677 (1,2,3,4) - gradually add volume ? same as next 4 sliders 01:04:586 (1,2,3,4) -
●01:08:677 (3) - add whistle on the slider's head
●01:26:859 (3) - make curve slider . i think it is fit here
●01:34:132 (1) - add whistle.
●01:36:745 (2,3) - align the y:281 or 282
●01:37:655 (2,3) - ^ same as y:372 or 371
●01:52:314 (4) - add whistle.
●02:25:495 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - same as here.01:03:677 (1,2,3,4) -

all suggestions . :P   looks good :3  go go ~(「・ω・)「

alacat wrote:

Hi IchiGUN:3 As requested. ;)

[Hinsvar's EXTRA STYLE]
●00:18:564 (2) - 1 grid right ? for making the spacing equal here. Done.
●00:24:586 (1) - add whistle on the slider's end ^
●00:25:382 (6) - remove note . this note follows nothing I think it still follows the vocal well, so no.
●00:25:268 (5) - add whistle. Done.
●00:30:268 (2) - add whistle on the slider's head and end. ^
●00:29:473 (2,3) - try to move to center ? looks better imo :3 ^
●00:30:268 (2) - ^ ^
●00:45:495 - use lower volume? since the melody is calmer than previous part. Okay, 55%.
●00:48:904 (5) - add whistle. Done.
●01:02:768 (1) - want more spacing >< let's jump :3 Redesigned this spot.
●01:03:677 (1,2,3,4) - gradually add volume ? same as next 4 sliders 01:04:586 (1,2,3,4) - Okay, 55-70%.
●01:08:677 (3) - add whistle on the slider's head Done.
●01:26:859 (3) - make curve slider . i think it is fit here ^
●01:34:132 (1) - add whistle. I think the current hitsound (clap) fits better with the song, so no.
●01:36:745 (2,3) - align the y:281 or 282 282.
●01:37:655 (2,3) - ^ same as y:372 or 371 372.
●01:52:314 (4) - add whistle. Done.
●02:25:495 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - same as here.01:03:677 (1,2,3,4) - ^
Thanks for the mod \o/

*Update given to IchiGUN.
Topic Starter
Updated-^^- and fixed Insane
02:23:223 (8) - missed whistles on start and end?

[Hinsvar's EXTRA STYLE]
This map has improved a bit since I last checked it!

BUT: The flow of some parts is still very poor. I will point out the critical parts. If you don't want to change something mentioned below, please provide a detailed reason why. Explain to me why you think the part should be this way from a GAMEPLAY perspective - I won't accept "because it looks nice" (symmetry reasoning) or something like "because it is harder this way" (poor mapping is also hard to play).

Consider using Circle Size 4 (+1 bigger) - it would require some minor re-arrangements of some slider combos to look better (touching and overlapping should be fixed) but it greatly increases playability. You can keep CS5 if you have a different reason than "because my map will show above 'Insane' with CS4".

00:42:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - still badly overmapped. remove (2) and (4) to make it fit the song

01:18:223 (1) - the sudden increase in spacing after this slider kills the good flow of this part. I'll try to explain what actually makes this whole part play as nice as it does and why the spacing after this slider is "bad": 01:16:404 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the 1/4 jumps (slider -> circle/slider-stack) of those 2 combos are equally spaces hence the equal movement of the cursor. However 01:18:223 (1,2,3) - and 01:19:132 (1,2,3) - don't match at all. I highly recommend to move 01:18:223 (1) - to achieve a similar distance/pattern as in 01:19:132 (1,2,3) - : <--- if you move it to this point also adjust 01:19:132 (1,2,3) - to be on the same spot to make the transition better.

01:39:473 (3,4) - why is this so far to the right? The 1/4 jumps are very challenging even if the player is expecting them and you should aim to present your challenges in a readable way that has some consistency. Improving the flow here is crucial. A consistent pattern fits best here (what the actual pattern looks like is up to you, this placement is just a suggestion):

01:50:041 (1,2,3) - I don't know if this placement is intended...if not try to allign both sliders to the same height

I think with CS4 and the changes mentioned above this map is really fun to play and refreshingly "different". If you (Hinsvar) have any questions regarding this mod or if you want to discuss some changes, you can always contact me ingame (I usually don't bite ;) )

OK let's get this done already~
gotta love the rabbit

p3n wrote:

[Hinsvar's EXTRA STYLE]You can keep CS5 if you have a different reason than "because my map will show above 'Insane' with CS4". This map is already designed with CS5 in mind, and using CS4 will make this a completely different thing. In my opinion, circle size is one of the most important thing on designing a map, and using a different size than the one I have used will ruin the map itself.

00:42:768 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - still badly overmapped. remove (2) and (4) to make it fit the song Done.

01:18:223 (1) - the sudden increase in spacing after this slider kills the good flow of this part. I'll try to explain what actually makes this whole part play as nice as it does and why the spacing after this slider is "bad": 01:16:404 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the 1/4 jumps (slider -> circle/slider-stack) of those 2 combos are equally spaces hence the equal movement of the cursor. However 01:18:223 (1,2,3) - and 01:19:132 (1,2,3) - don't match at all. I highly recommend to move 01:18:223 (1) - to achieve a similar distance/pattern as in 01:19:132 (1,2,3) - : <--- if you move it to this point also adjust 01:19:132 (1,2,3) - to be on the same spot to make the transition better. Done. Not really sure about 01:19:132 (1,2,3) though...

01:39:473 (3,4) - why is this so far to the right? The 1/4 jumps are very challenging even if the player is expecting them and you should aim to present your challenges in a readable way that has some consistency. Improving the flow here is crucial. A consistent pattern fits best here (what the actual pattern looks like is up to you, this placement is just a suggestion): Not sure if I did it right... But eh, I changed stuff here.

01:50:041 (1,2,3) - I don't know if this placement is intended...if not try to allign both sliders to the same height ...That must've been accidental. Aligned.
Thanks again \o/

Update given to IchiGUN \o/

Hinsvar wrote:

This map is already designed with CS5 in mind, and using CS4 will make this a completely different thing. In my opinion, circle size is one of the most important thing on designing a map, and using a different size than the one I have used will ruin the map itself.
This is what I wanted to see. Using CS5 or even CS6 demands higher precision in mapping and much more thoughts have to go into crafting transitions between patterns. While the high accuracy concept isn't implemented "perfectly" in your map, it is now at a level I consider rankable. I asked some tablet players to play this map and they had no problems after learning the unique 1/4 jump pattern. I could FC it after way less than 10 plays with mouse only (mostly missed the last stream because I suck at streams).

There is one last thing I missed in my last mod:

[Hinsvar's EXTRA STYLE]
01:20:041 - 1st KIAI should end here to make it consistent with the other diffs. The end of the 1st KIAI in 'Easy' is on a different timing because of the spinner.
01:50:041 (1,3) - are still not alligned properly but it doesn't really matter that much.

No kd for this post. Try to catch me ingame or drop a PM after the update.
KIAI in EXTRA is fixed now. EXTRA is also a very unique map with the repeating 1/4 jumps. I've seen enough ppl FC the EXTRA in the first few tries so here you go: (>o.o)>
Yeah \o\
Oppan bubble style
Hi IchiGUN~
I'm just pointing up the unrankable things here, please don't kudosu:

  1. Remove first break from BakaCI STYLE, to make it consistent with other diffs? After that, I recommend +1 to HP Drain, Overall Difficulty and Approach Rate - I feel it's better that way (:
  2. Also remove letterbox in breaks from BakaCI STYLE for consistency (not fully required though, due to other diffs doesn't have break)
  3. Hinsvar's Extra Style: 02:00:495 (2) - I can't sightread this slider's repeat on test mode orz (covered by hitburst), my suggestion would be something like this: ((4) and (5) is stacked to your previous red combo)
  4. Your storyboard still has unnecessary transparency around it
Here's the SB elements without unnecessary transparency: (don't worry, no SB code needs to be changed :3)


EDIT : I was getting so many highlights on #indonesian while checking this orz, I hope I didn't miss anything...

Ranked ~
Topic Starter
Thanks p3n for bubble and Niva for rank :D it really was a surprise!
thank you all, who helped me in creating this map, I hope you enjoy it.
\ (^.^) /

gratz ichiGUN and all who give GD for ichiGUN :)
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

gratz ichiGUN and all who give GD for ichiGUN :)
thx =^^=
gratz IchiGUN !!
*w* Gratz !!
finally~ congratz!!!
Congrats ~ >w<
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto IchiGUN ~ finally ~ :)
Congrats IchiGUN ;)
Topic Starter
Thank you very much, all of you!! I'm very happy :cry:
Congrats ! :3
Congrats~ :D
Congratulations <3
Aw god this again.

Congratz :3
Congratz :D
What is this?
congrats :>
Congratz! :D
love this map :3

Congratz !!
Oh hey, it got ranked.

Amazing map
Shin Nakagawa
lol awesome mixing.
Congratz ~
Wow, it's ranked already, okay then. Good job!

SapphireGhost wrote:

Wow, it's ranked already, okay then. Good job!
surprised SG is surprised! *poke*

GZ on the rank!
Topic Starter
Thank you all :)
I hate the insane diff, it's ugly. sorry :/
Nobody bothered to check the storyboard?
Enna Alouette
Gratz =w=
The rabbit it doing the dance incorrectly.
Deserves less star rating.
Congrats IchiGUN~ (*^_^*)
perfume~ <3
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