
[added] "No Mods" box in Replay

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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I had this idea when I was watching a replay on a song, so I made a montage to try to describe it :)

I'm sorry if it was a bad idea, or if the montage was not good, or if anyone has had this idea before me :?
no support. i'd rather watch the replay with the mods.
Tenacious J
I agree with deadbeat on this one. The purpose of replays would fly out the window with this. It's meant to show how a player achieved his/her rank.

I see why you would make such a request but that's what Auto is for. Maybe if the Nonstop/Endurance feature request were to go through, this wouldn't be as challenging to implement.
I wouldn't mind the the option to unhide things (remove HD and FL), as this would be useful when replaying my own plays in order to better see how I missed things (as well as just finding out how on center I am (or other people are) with hidden circles). So I can certainly support it that far. I can't really see this as destroying the purpose of replays... the replay is still there in it's original form by default, this wouldn't change any of that. You'd just be able to watch someone's FL play, and if you wanted to, expose the hidden circles so you can see what they were hunting for before they got there. It's not like you're suddenly going to forget that the original player couldn't see the target of a cross screen jump, or that you couldn't just turn FL back on so you could see the original player's experience again. If you'd rather always watch replays with the mods, then just never hit the button.

But I can't see a point to turning off HR... it's too different from the actual play to really be useful or that interesting. DT/HT, I would see more along the lines of adding the fast forward button from auto plays to replays (along with a slow motion level)... useful, if you want to fast forward to a part later in a song, or look more closely at a certain part.
Like it
No change for Ez/Hr
Ht/Dt go to normal speed (optional)
Hd/Fl will 'go away'
Just if I had the stars ;-;
I support this, many times i wish to be able to disable Hidden for my own replays to see how im doing misstakes.
Add to t/188918 ?
Bumpity bump
Saw a dupe for this, which made me remember this

baraatje123 wrote:

Bumpity bump
Saw a dupe for this, which made me remember this
When did that get added O.o?
Or just today?

I doubt toggle for HR/EZ will be added (nor is it necessary imo), marking as added.

Feel free to continue the discussion (with solid reasoning) if HR/EZ is required ;)
Perhaps for Hidden
So you can see if the aiming was right and missclicked or by the fact that you were not on the circle
Also, I switched back from Stable to CE just to see this new feature :)
Bump: I would like to see this implemented for HD as well, since that's one of the more useful ones in my opinion.

See t/364072
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