
Help with using gifs

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So I wanted to use a dancing gif of Rumia as my back button and it has like 136 frames but for some reason, it doesn't show the entire gif and cuts off. Is there like a limit to how many frames a gif can have or am I doing something wrong?
There is no limit to how many frames an animation can have. You probably misnamed some files and thats the reason why its not working. Please make sure to check if everything is spelled correctly. If this wasnt the reason for the problem please provide a downloadlink to the skin
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I checked the names and they all seem fine. I'll post the link to the skin I'm using right now.
Its not cutting of, its just playing way too fast. You dont have the animationframerate set in the skin.ini. If its not defined osu will use allframes/second as the fps instead. So rn its playing all frames every second. So you need to set that in the skin.ini. This will however also affect other animations like play skip and followpoints. You need to set the menu-back to the fps you want and then you need to add more frames to the other animations to make them fit the new framerate
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