
Feature Requests Changes

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I have recently been able to reallocate more of my time into osu!, and as a result purged most everything from my personal "must-do-first" list. As a result, I have started started knocking off some of the most requested features, and hope to consider doing so for as long as I feasibly can. I have also made some changes to the feature requests forum which I felt needed to be announced so everyone is on the same page. Read on for details!

Feature Requests votes:

Until recently, votes (aka stars) have not been automatically distributed. I said I would start distributing more stars once I had time to meaningfully act on them, and I believe that time has come. All existing supporters have been awarded two extra stars, and non-supporters awarded one. Going forward, stars are awarded at a rate of 2 stars per month supporter tag. Also to note is that they are awarded to the person paying for the tag, in the case it is gifted.

Feature Request stars will be given out to non-supporters at times, as well :).

Finding features to support:

Please make use of the "Ignore Star Priority" button to check for new requests which have potential, rather than focussing on the already high priority requests shown by default. You can access a non-prioritised list here.

"Bubbled" features:

Until now, there have been a list of features which are "bubbled" in the requests forums – similarly to the way beatmaps are bubbled. I'm not sure when or why we started using these, but they didn't make sense. As a result I have removed all bubbles and will not be using them in the future (unless work has already been started on a request and it needs to be more prominent).

Recently implemented requests:

"Storyboard toggle" with +1438.
"Play style" with +248.
"New selection of language channels" with +126.
"Customising the menu background" with +120.
"Randomise only in selected grouping" with +93.
"Spectating room" with +50. (though this was at the request of an irl friend)
"Keyboard shortcuts for mod selection" with +12.
Seems alright with me.
Nice features and stuff.
Any plans to port things over from the test build? Main thing I have in mind is the per-object sampleset choices so we don't have to green line everything to switch between normal and soft.
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I am in discussions about getting that into the public build. It hasn't come across yet due to .osu format changes and quite a few dependencies. Worst case scenario, it will be bundled with osu!mania.
Alright, no problem. I can find other things to want in the meantime. :P
How about doing something for the friend system?

Send a massage when someone wants to be your friend and add to each other's friend list if you agree.Don't make it one-sided. :)

Now i think a friend list is more like a spec list.I used to use it as a pro-player list until nearly every rank list shows "friends on list". >:(

Tomoyo wrote:

How about doing something for the friend system?

Send a massage when someone wants to be your friend and add to each other's friend list if you agree.Don't make it one-sided. :)

Now i think a friend list is more like a spec list.I used to use it as a pro-player list until nearly every rank list shows "friends on list". >:(
I don't have a problem with the way it is currently, perhaps make it a toggle. From what I've seen someone will generally say they added you anyways. (although that could be due to the lack of it being announced) Not to mention it means nobody will get spammed by friend invites.
Awesome! We already got a few I was waiting for (storyboard disable, listing playstyle). The one I'm mostly looking at is the Hold note. I would also love to see Nonstop.

osu! has been getting the most awesome updates EVER recently. Keep it up!
Wouldn't it be better if ignore star priority would be used by default and people had to sort by stars to see it?
The star priority is mostly for the development to see not for the users to base their voting on .
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I'm still not certain about this. Maybe so?
I was thinking the same thing as qlum once upon a time.
Party Chats, be able to talk to more than one friend at a time.
Jiu Wei Hu
I want this feature - REPLAY PAUSING.
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Just to clarify, this thread isn't for feature requests. Please use the forum for that :P.
Cheers mate.

Can I necro older request to be marked as "completed"/"duplicated"/"refused" ?
We have 48 pages of request, some cleaning is required
So i opened osu and it said i had a late version and i need an update. can someone help me?

Crabbyjones wrote:

So i opened osu and it said i had a late version and i need an update. can someone help me?
Please report any issues in the Tech Support Forum
i dont understand a thing but okay :/
I think giving users 1 vote per month would be better, and 2 votes per month for supporters would be better.
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I plan on giving out votes as I implement features, to all users. Supporters will just get a bonus above this.

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Can I necro older request to be marked as "completed"/"duplicated"/"refused" ?
We have 48 pages of request, some cleaning is required
I'm sure almost a fourth of them are implemented, plus another fourth is duplicated or shall have been rejected
Хорошая характеристика.

sacchann wrote:

i dont understand a thing but okay :/
Haha...same thing with me :|
amazing changes! thx peppy!

qlum wrote:

Wouldn't it be better if ignore star priority would be used by default and people had to sort by stars to see it?
The star priority is mostly for the development to see not for the users to base their voting on .
Hope some interesting features come from this in the future. :)
Looking forward to all the new things coming in the near future. Note: priority people, vote up more editor related things.
I don't know where to put my request, it's about opening the program. my computer most likely hangs all the time when I leave osu! on full screen, how about make a feature where in opening the program you can change it to windowed mode first or go to full screen?
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You can hold shift while osu! is starting to change graphic options :).

peppy wrote:

You can hold shift while osu! is starting to change graphic options :).
thanks~ :D

peppy wrote:

You can hold shift while osu! is starting to change graphic options :).
Did not know this. woo
:) o.k
All these new changes suddenly... thanks so much peppy, it's good to see visible improvements again that make osu! great :D
of course it should be done 8-)
peppy how about a new mod for multiplayer? like survival mode? the room leader would choose a set of songs and difficulties, and each person got 1000HP, per miss on easy it's minus one, miss on normal is 5, and miss on hard 10, insane 20, while on teams, there would only be one hp for one team :)
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