
Best of No.1 Hits - Lemon Tree

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009年2月26日 at 下午 09:49:46

Artist: Best of No.1 Hits
Title: Lemon Tree
BPM: 680
Filesize: 4118kb
Play Time: 03:47
Difficulties Available:
  1. Most Crazy!? (4.71 stars, 1708 notes)
Download: Best of No.1 Hits - Lemon Tree
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I don't think anyone can get A

Reuploaded for archival purposes since the original map got deleted !!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I give you credit for your attempt to elicit some laughter out of us.


I'll nuke this if I were a BAT, but let's just keep things the way they are now for some extra lulz.

Cyclone so pro

Way, way too fast. Unplayably so.

(note that the picture shows Osu playing the map using the Auto mod - even Osu can't keep up with it.)
Pretty awesome map. Took me a couple of tries to pass, but it's doable, so it's cool.

Offset's pretty good, BPM's spot on, things are in shape. Bam.
You have to be careful with some spots such as 00:10:05 in the hardest difficulty. It's pretty hard to sight read, but after a play or two it becomes natural. Overall it's a very well structured and unique map. Offset may be 1 or 2 MS early, but it's not very noticable and I'm willing to let it slide.

Going to send this one to the rankings.
Why did you approve this one? It's clearly good enough for ranking. I moved it over.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Approved is for maps that are impossible/have scores that are too high/are too long in length.

This clearly doesn't fall in any of those three categories, so it's fine as ranked, imo.
The EASIEST map ever

Best map ever created
Best map never created
I'm so glad this map got ranked <3

Best. Map. Ever.
L337 Happosai
I don't mind the song being ranked....but who the hell approved the song as only being a 4 1/2 star song?! >_< What treachery is this?!
L337 Happosai
Wow...I just realized that even with the "Auto" mod turned on, its impossible to get a perfect.....thats really sad....

Ivalset wrote:

Approved is for maps that are impossible/have scores that are too high/are too long in length.
Stuff can also be approved if it is in some kind of niche genre (Like a handful of the Touhou maps; Marisa really should be approved instead of ranked) but this map is kind of on the line. Might as well rank it to see who tries the hardest. (Keep in mind that there are certain things auto can't hit that humans easily can)
Check out that osu button beating to that song. i was afraid its would go break or osu crash
I will keep this map forever
We need more this kind of maps <3
even taiko mode can't catch the rhythm DX

but it still a GREAT FUNNY MAP XD

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