
Best of No.1 Hits - Lemon Tree

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Blah... joke... this is very nice song :D Wanna play tag? xd
Is a super beatmap! Please rank it map!


Larto wrote:

Is a super beatmap! Please rank it map!

Oh you.
Awesome map. Awesome BPM !
Hell yeah! Ranked FTW! :)
At first I was like: LOL WUT? HAS peppy GONE INSANE WUT?

Then I realized. I'm slow.
omfg this is the bestest map ive ever played

go rank it plz

the map's so good that i have to make another post
if u guys like this, lets try to pass this stuff <3
Im going to make a map like this.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
my head exploded.
Best map ever. Felt a little slow in the beginning, but I adjusted after a while. 10/10, would play again. ;o
Fail beatmap is fail. In fact, it so fail, I win! osu!DB can not withstand the ultimate powah uv mah mad skillz and totl awesumnes! That y it cant display on online skorbord. HARHARHAR!! :twisted:
Prufe I win? I need no prufe becuz I win! But if prufe yuu want, prufe yuu get:

p.S. :twisted: :twisted:

p.P.S. Replay, anywun? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Download: buraimaster1234 - Best of No.1 Hits - Lemon Tree [Most Crazy!] (2009-04-01) Osu.osr
Gosh! I swear this beatmap is so much fail! Rate 0/10 :happyface:

Gosh! I cannot STAND much longer talking with this insidious voice! I hate it! :sadface:
And yes, this a joke post, so leave me alone! >< April Fools, get it? haha!

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
rank in approved please ^^, this is my favourite map xD

buraimaster1234 wrote:

Fail beatmap is fail. In fact, it so fail, I win! osu!DB can not withstand the ultimate powah uv mah mad skillz and totl awesumnes! That y it cant display on online skorbord. HARHARHAR!! :twisted:
Prufe I win? I need no prufe becuz I win! But if prufe yuu want, prufe yuu get:
p.S. :twisted: :twisted:
p.P.S. Replay, anywun? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
[attachment=0:261eb]buraimaster1234 - Best of No.1 Hits - Lemon Tree [Most Crazy!] (2009-04-01) Osu.osr[/attachment:261eb]
Gosh! I swear this beatmap is so much fail! Rate 0/10 :happyface:

Gosh! I cannot STAND much longer talking with this insidious voice! I hate it! :sadface:
And yes, this a joke post, so leave me alone! >< April Fools, get it? haha!
Hacks. :P

Anyway, I so knew this was an April Fools joke. This map should be kept ranked for the lulz, though.
This needs to be sent to approved already. u__u;

buraimaster: It looks like your video card is overclocked past its limit.

mikhe wrote:

rank in approved please ^^, this is my favourite map xD
Please someone tell just was a joke. :(

Moofey wrote:

Hacks. :P
This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

Moofey wrote:

Anyway, I so knew this was an April Fools joke. This map should be kept ranked for the lulz, though.
'haha' No.

MetalMario201 wrote:

This needs to be sent to approved already. u__u;
More like deranked and nuked for all to enjoy.

MatalMario201 wrote:

buraimaster: It looks like your video card is overclocked past its limit.
Yeah, I know. Somehow, it only ever happens when I run programs like O2Jam, Osu! and Stepmania (not that I play anymore). Also, I've got hardly any disk space left here; I've got like... 72MB or something (lol, stepmania's taking up a huge chunk of disk space of 1020MB or so). I'm thinking of getting a new laptop or a desktop, hopefully sometime soon.

This was a fun joke and all, but in all seriousness, I've got no choice other then to derank and nuke this garbage.
I don't know how in the world you would get a BPM of 1000.
There is NO rhythm or interactive spacing.
The map itself makes absolutely no sense.
Following up on the last two ideas, there no connection, no relation, whatsoever between the map and the song.
This beatmap is garbage. This is probably the 4th best example I've seen of a cruddy and ill-made beatmap.
I strongly urge you to look over the Editing FAQ.
This beatmap sucks; I hate it. I doubt you will even come to bother reading this.

Deranked and Nuked.

EDIT: Hmm... how come I can't derank? :( Oh, never mind that, now.

EDIT2: I should probably reset the scoreboards to go along, right?
Lol,if you put all the multiplier mods on the results for auto are: 300:1694 300Combo:151
100:11 100Combo:8
50:1 Miss:2 [auto was supposed to fail LOL]

WhatsCrackin94 wrote:

Lol,if you put all the multiplier mods on the results for auto are: 300:1694 300Combo:151
100:11 100Combo:8
50:1 Miss:2 [auto was supposed to fail LOL]
How could Auto fail by 2 misses.
The Hp Drain is low you know.
i forgot to say that i put all the multiplier mods on including sudden death. >.<
i lol'd
Do Auto and Sudden Death on and when auto miss, its like Auto was supposed to fail.
i meant that. [sometimes im not clear about things :? ]
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Played with Taiko :)

Taiko wins lol<

Edit- STAR???<<<

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Arusha Shuna
what kind of sliders are those!? :?
they have to be pressed simultaneously!? omg... >:(
Kitty McWittles
Lol where the hell did [Hard] come from? I put it in the songs folder and it crashed osu! xD.

Fix the AudioFilename.
This beatmap is too hard!
Snowy Dream
too crazy...i can't stand
Nooooooooooooooooo :shock:
Rizumu Tenshi

Holy eff I have 33x Max Combo
i want to get with hidden

lol joking
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