
osu!sync [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Archangel Tirael
Sometimes there are situations in which coming to reinstall or, worse yet, download our favorite game with friends, or through file sharing networks (such as DC + +). Such cases may be, for example, careless, or formatting a hard disk failure, the purchase of new computer games or removal of any prichine.I reinstall or download the game a little problem: offline records, replays and tagging songs played as a missing or do not belong to us . What to do in this case? In this case, we just take a look osu!sync! This feature will be presented in the form of a button in the tab "Services" in options and will only work if the player is online. When you click on this button opens a small dialog, asking the player what he would like to synchronize (tags of beatmaps as played, records, replays, or all) and whether the game with a clean record replays, tags all Beatmaps as unplayed. Once a player has put all the checkboxes in the dialog and click "sync", the game will remove the mark of teamwork from all Beatmap (If a player is allowed her to do it) and will check every Beatmap in the collection of user and see if he was playing it or not. If so, then the game will celebrate its Played download the record and replay (if the user wanted it and he said it in the dialogue before synchronization). So the game will be completely synchronized with online.
P.S. Translated by Google.
On my native Russian language.
Порой иногда возникают ситуации, при которых придятся переустанавливать или, что ещё хуже, скачивать нашу любимую игру у друзей или через файлообменные сети (например DC++). Такими случаями могут быть, например, неосторожное форматирование или поломка жёсткого диска, покупка нового компьютера или удаление игры по какой-либо причине.И после переустановки или скачивания игры возникает небольшая проблема: офлайн рекорды, повторы и пометки песен как сыгранных пропали или принадлежат не нам. Что делать в таком случае? В данном случае нам как раз и поможет функция osu!sync. Данная функция будет представлена в виде кнопки в вкладке "обслуживание" и будет работать только тогда, когда игрок находится онлайн. При нажатии на данную кнопку откроется небольшой диалог, спрашивающий игрока, что именно он бы хотел синхронизировать (пометки сыгранности, рекорды, повторы или всё вместе) и надо ли игре очищать рекорды с повторами, отмечать все Beatmaps несыграными. После того, как игрок поставит все галочки в диалоге и нажмёт кнопку "синхронизировать", игра удалит отметки сыгранности со всех Beatmap (Если игрок разрешил ей это делать) и начнёт проверять каждую Beatmap в коллекции пользователя и смотреть, играл ли он её или нет. Если да, то игра отметит её сыграной скачает рекорд и повтор (если этого захотел пользователь и он отметил это в диалоге перед синхронизацией). Таким образом игра будет полностью синхранизована с онлайном.
I dont get what your feature request is, you want something like what happens when you press F5 in song select?
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael

Sakura wrote:

I dont get what your feature request is, you want something like what happens when you press F5 in song select?
It does't tag online played offline unplayed songs as offline played and don't download online records with replays.
Rei Hakurei

Archangel Tirael wrote:

It does't tag online played offline unplayed songs as offline played and don't download online records with replays.
did you do google translate again? i don't get it...

if you want osu! synced at every place.. don't use your PC.. use your HDD Ext or something portable like that.. (even you should copy your osu!.{username from your last time used osu!}.cfg into the osu!.{current pc username}.cfg .. )
Topic Starter
Archangel Tirael
30 gigabytes of the game reserve is quite a lot, and besides we do it every day would be pretty hard. Plus I have other than my main computer is still a netbook computer and a few friends, for whom, incidentally, play more than at home. :)
Shohei Ohtani
Would you be able to type this feature request in your native language, and I can refer someone who speaks the language fluently to translate this better? owo
This is basically like google sync. If you have chrome and you log into your account, and that account is "synced," all your tabs, or bookmarks, themes, etc. that have been "synced" to that account will appear in your chrome no matter where you are, whether at a friends house, at school, or whatever. Basically he's asking for the same thing, so that we don't have to go around getting all our stuff back if we are on like a friend's computer. Getting our replays back and those scores seem somewhat possible, but not recovering all our beatmaps...

Not really all that useful imo, and probably will take up a lot of unnecessary space, though I don't really know how these servers and such work, so idk. But it would be nice to have, though unreasonable
Assuming there is enough space/bandwidth of the server, which I doubt there is. I am still unsure why you would want this feature. Unlike the syncing of documents and settings, playing osu! usually requires having your computer calibrated to your exact specificaitons (right mouse speed, correct tablet settings, correct key depth, etc.) As a result, I only play osu! on another computer if I am just playing a silly relaxing section. I can't set a record on another computer without playing for an extended period of time.

The only practical use I see for this is in saving favorites, which there is already an online client for (I know it is limited), but I doubt think there is enough justification to waste more server space for it. (If you want to sync these files through teh internet you might as well use google sync or similar alteratives since they have the server power to do such things)

Again, many people brought up that it would stress the servers too heavily.
The server issue is hardly the reason for not doing this. The real reason is it's redundant and possibly not even the right solution.

If you want something like this, I *highly* recommend you get dropbox and put osu! inside it. It will do exactly what you want.
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