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"Ib (pronounced "Eeb," similar to “Eve”) is a freeware horror adventure game by kouri made in RPG Maker 2000. A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents. While observing the many exhibits, she suddenly realizes she is alone, and in her search for others, she finds things awry in the gallery... The game is focused on exploration and puzzle-solving. There are no battles, and it does not demand quick reflexes. It's designed to be accessible to all kinds of players, so enjoy."

Here we go, a lovely thread for a lovely game. Who plays it, and if you do play it, discuss! ♥

Awesome game, the only bad thing is that the game is too short. :<
I completed it, and then i play again, completed, then again.... how many times i played ? T_T
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I've only played it through two times so far but I plan on playing it again to get the remaining endings I didn't get, for example Memory's Crannies and Ib all Alone. I also do have to concur, I hated to see the game be over so fast, even if it was still a good game. If it was a bit longer i'd totally be addicted to it. The puzzles were interesting.

First endings, anybody? Mine was Together, Forever.
I actually got around playing it after watching a full LP of it.

But my first ending was Forgotten Portrait. Getting the good ending in the first try wasn't so easy.
Me playing Ib:" Gaaaarrrryyyyyyy ;w; !!!!!"

Lovelovelove Garry. Love him. Gosh, I love him. <3

I don't, like some people, hate Mary - she was just lonely, and didn't know the feelings of friendhip/love ect. It made me sad.
Overall, it's one of those way too little-known games. It's fanbase has grown hugely in the afterwards of it's release.

My first ending when I played the game was Memories Crannies - it frustrated me! I was like "Ib, remember Garry!! ;_;" And stuff, yeah.
Second time I got Promise of Reunion.
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At first I didn't even understand that you had to be that close to Garry and I was leaning more over to Marry, so that's probably why I got my ending.. Yeah, I have a notepad now of how to get the good / bad endings but I'm going to try to get a good ending w/o looking at it within a few days or so; whenever I feel like doing a new game, basically.

Also yes, Garry hnnn ;A; I'm having trouble picking between my favorite character; it's either Garry or Mary ;A; I love Mary and Garry's designs, Garry was very kind and loving but Mary was so lonely and cute ;A;// omh one day I'll find out who's my favorite xDDDD

I also do concur, it needs a bigger fanbase. There's been a boom since PewDie played it though, which is kinda sad imo because he doesn't take the game seriously ((Unless in the episodes he played it after one and two he started to, the first episodes weren't taken seriously at all.))

Also, 'reminds me, no PewDie fantards please. He's okay and I watch some of his videos, but the reason of this thread is just for the game itself. C: //just incase one happens to waltz in here//

Elly-chan wrote:

Also yes, Garry hnnn ;A; I'm having trouble picking between my favorite character; it's either Garry or Mary ;A; I love Mary and Garry's designs, Garry was very kind and loving but Mary was so lonely and cute ;A;// omh one day I'll find out who's my favorite xDDDD
I liked Mary for a while, but Garry. Hnnng. Garry. ;w; Gaaaaaarrrryyyy.
I almost cry whenever someone gets the bad endings with Garry...
*fanspazzes* :3

And yes I agree, I didn't like when PewDiePie played it - the game was not to be joked so much with. It's annoying to me to have that happen.
Cry played it first, actually, and at least he took it somewhat seriously - PewDie didn't really realize that he got a bad ending.
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I think Garry's actually one of the only Guy-characters through all games i've played / manga I read / animes i've watched so far that I like the most. I usually prefer the girls for unknown reasons ((i'm a girl, I guess that's why?)) but he was just hnn ;A;// Also, take a picture of Ib.


Elly-chan wrote:

I think Garry's actually one of the only Guy-characters through all games i've played / manga I read / animes i've watched so far that I like the most. I usually prefer the girls for unknown reasons ((i'm a girl, I guess that's why?)) but he was just hnn ;A;//
Yeah, usually I stick with girl characters, but this time, Garry was like "omigawdlovelovelove" >w>
Perhaps because he's so caring towards our Ib. It's like a big brother type of cute, and he sticks with her throughout the whole game.
Also, because fanart is awesome, have a cute picture of them all.

Why did this game suddenly get so popular?
Oh yeah, some fag on Youtube's homepage LP'd it.
It had an interesting story, but wasn't fleshed out nearly enough.
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I wish PewDie didn't play it at all.. it was a real disappointment because he couldn't take it seriously.

I thought it was fine, but I guess that's because anything can entertain a 12 year old, I guess?


I has spend more time to best ending [Promise of Reunion] and I had done :)
it's is best game :D
when you say best game do you actually mean it
oh, that's the game you was talking about...
/me go on google to find it

awp wrote:

when you say best game do you actually mean it
well, surely it's one of the best games i have played at least this year (if not the best)

great storylines make great puzzle-styled/horror games (although this isn't really like that, but can be classified as that genre)
I just read this in kouri's blog, posted yesterday was an update, there is apparently Ib merchandise at a a panel at a con or something.
There will be Ib T-shirts and buttons, and a few other things I think. There are now a few goods for Ib!
I wish I was in Japan. ;~;
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Sounds pretty legit. I hope I'll see some at Otakon / Zenkaicon or Megacon next year, fanmade or official.. I totally need a cute little button of Mary / Ib / Gary ;A;//

Side Note; Mary manipulated the dollroom to look like Bunnies to Ib, right? Just confirming because Garry didn't say it was cute and once you played as him and went into the dollroom he said what he said previously when Ib / Mary were there; "I'll never find this cute." ><"

Elly-chan wrote:

Sounds pretty legit. I hope I'll see some at Otakon / Zenkaicon or Megacon next year, fanmade or official.. I totally need a cute little button of Mary / Ib / Gary ;A;//

Side Note; Mary manipulated the dollroom to look like Bunnies to Ib, right? Just confirming because Garry didn't say it was cute and once you played as him and went into the dollroom he said what he said previously when Ib / Mary were there; "I'll never find this cute." ><"
Actually, there is a book in that same room, that explains that. Mary sees the dolls, as does Garry - Ib's mind however makes her hallucinate to see bunnies instead of dolls. So to her it's bunnies. Mary legit thinks the dolls are cute. Ib's mind just protected her by making her see that. Eh, read the book, I think it says it better x3 But no, Mary did nothing. It was Ib's own mind.
i played that game a lot of times. and i love it!. . . . . the bad thing about it was that the game was not so long. you can beat the game in like 2 or 3 hours. but's a very fun game! my first ending was ib all alone ._. . . . . . . this game deserves a 2nd part or something like that. cuz it's a magnificent game. or an adaptation to a console.i would buy it!

but yes. the point it's that this game is one of the most brilliant games i ever played.

peace and play Ib! :)

Lunavista wrote:

Elly-chan wrote:

Sounds pretty legit. I hope I'll see some at Otakon / Zenkaicon or Megacon next year, fanmade or official.. I totally need a cute little button of Mary / Ib / Gary ;A;//

Side Note; Mary manipulated the dollroom to look like Bunnies to Ib, right? Just confirming because Garry didn't say it was cute and once you played as him and went into the dollroom he said what he said previously when Ib / Mary were there; "I'll never find this cute." ><"
Actually, there is a book in that same room, that explains that. Mary sees the dolls, as does Garry - Ib's mind however makes her hallucinate to see bunnies instead of dolls. So to her it's bunnies. Mary legit thinks the dolls are cute.
Yep. You can see in the toybox where Mary tells the doll exactly what you chose in the other area of the game.
First play through I got the Memory's Crannies ending...
Wow, I kinda wish I was more into this game back then. But now that I see you guys talking about it, makes me wanna retry the game ; - ;' I forgot where I left off.
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Maybe you should just restart from the very beginning? \o/
May as well xD And somehow manage to know where I should go. I've already download it and will be playing it tonight. Oh ho~
Memory's Crannies is the ending where Mary is Ib's sister, right? If it is, that was the first one I got.
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I think that was the ending where (SPOILERDERP) Garry lives, but you have a low bond so Ib doesn't get to give Garry her handkerchief, Garry doesn't remember Ib, and you get Memory's Crannies. (ENDSPOILERDERP)

What you're talking about is Together, Forever; and that was my first ending too. Does this picture ring a bell?

Going to play it now. :>
Oh. I see D: I didn't really try all endings so I don't know it
This game seems interesting
I want to play Ib again.... i'll try to download on this laptop. >.<
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somebody map another song from the game and i'll make a guest difficulty normal.

god i love ib
Damn I'm gonna try this. I'm a chicken but idc. :D
I wanna play it but unfortunately I have to download the RPG4000 maker or something? Is there any other way that I can play it without using that? ._.
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Angelique448 wrote:

I wanna play it but unfortunately I have to download the RPG4000 maker or something? Is there any other way that I can play it without using that? ._.
Uh, I didn't have to download it when I downloaded it. Maybe try PewDiePie's download or something? I re-downloaded it with his download on another computer without having the maker and It worked fine.

Dafydd wrote:

Damn I'm gonna try this. I'm a chicken but idc. :D
Go For It~ It isn't all in all that scary, it's more creepy and sad. ^w^
Okie :D Thank you! Actually, PewDie was the one that made me want to play xD

This totally made my day
Oh hey an Ib thread on Osu! :D hoorah!
I really like this little game and I'm actually working on creating Ib desktop buddies (Shimeji) :U
Just thought it would be fun seeing garrys running around while idling on Osu -w- Gonna post a link here soon if anyone wants one.
So, I finished Ib (in 1-2 days) and oh my gawd...

; = ; so amazing.
Been playing for the last three hours or so, scared the shit out of me but has been definitely worth my time. Wonder if I'll ever see all the endings without help

Fight69 wrote:

This totally made my day
Garry Gangnam Style!

I had no clue this thread even existed, well, I don't write a lot anyway.

This is such a nice game, you really get to like some of the characters. God knows I wanted to kick those mannequins hard, but I suspected Garry wouldn't survive the feat in the long run; preserving his health was first. Both BlindAlley and Ib-Memory are beautiful tracks, and Garry's event was just genius.

The thing I liked the most was probably the attention given to little details (Like the mirror breaking with Mary in your party)
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KRZY wrote:

Been playing for the last three hours or so, scared the shit out of me but has been definitely worth my time. Wonder if I'll ever see all the endings without help
I'm sure you will, just od things you haven't done in previous endings or such and then i'm sure you'll get all endings eventually.

nekogetzu wrote:

Oh hey an Ib thread on Osu! :D hoorah!
I really like this little game and I'm actually working on creating Ib desktop buddies (Shimeji) :U
Just thought it would be fun seeing garrys running around while idling on Osu -w- Gonna post a link here soon if anyone wants one.
Ahh, yesss, link when they're done ahh >w< I hope there will be a mary too <33
I'm a replay Ib again and try to get the best ending...I want the good ending for Ib ; - ;
I'm glad i only watched the first part of pewdies playthrough, otherwise it would have been spoiled significantly. I started playing, thinking it would be more of a scary game, but learned that it's more like a creepy-with-a-good-story game, which turned out to be great in my opinion. I hope the creator will make a new game/sequel that's longer than IB, i'd even pay for it.
Just finished getting every ending. That took me less than an entire afternoon of playtime (because multiple saves are the best).

I will say that I had no expectations coming into it, since I had no idea what this even was besides for a horror game. I left feeling satisfied, even if the story was rather simple and the game was rather easy. I'm glad that the story did not overly rely on jump scares as it went on, allowing more of its atmosphere to sink in and creep out the player, rather than try to give them a heart attack from sheer shock. The amount of flavor text in the game actually helped make this feel more like an actual world I was playing, and the interactions between Garry and Ib were fantastic. One who knows horror in general will have seen Mary's character arc coming, her being not actually human. However, the matter in which it was presented was still quite the nice surprise and the background behind her painting is just tragic. I did end up feeling for her when you burn her painting.

I really liked Ib. Now, let's see if art galleries are more creepy after playing this game.

Fight69 wrote:

This totally made my day
wahaha, where did you see this?

As for the game itself, I thought it was very well thought out and the characters were perfect :D! The only thing that bugs me a bit is the whole Ib x Garry ordeal. I mean they're cute together, but I just can't see them as a couple. To me, they have a nice brother-sister relationship that does not involve incest.

Oh yeah, and the endings I got in order were

Together Forever, Forgotten Portrait, Ib all alone (more than once), The one where Ib is forgotten.. I forgot the name and finally, Promised Reunion!

Good Game, I would definitely recommend to a friend/

Fight69 wrote:

This totally made my day
That's good. Very good. xD
Ib's just like... meh. Where was this at?
I played it a month ago and like it quite much. Not as much as Yume Nikki (with which it gets compared often, even though they aren't that similar), but it's still one of the best RPG Maker games I played.

My favorite character is actually Ib. I'm not sure why, she is a silent protagonist after all. But Garry comes right after. While I don't hate Mary and do find her rather sympathetic, I still view her as villain. Getting chased with a knife can do that.

Breadly wrote:

As for the game itself, I thought it was very well thought out and the characters were perfect :D! The only thing that bugs me a bit is the whole Ib x Garry ordeal. I mean they're cute together, but I just can't see them as a couple. To me, they have a nice brother-sister relationship that does not involve incest.
I don't see why this would bug you. The game never played them up as a couple. At least, I don't see anything that suggests that Garry's interest in Ib is more than platonic.

Nyarlor wrote:

I don't see why this would bug you. The game never played them up as a couple. At least, I don't see anything that suggests that Garry's interest in Ib is more than platonic.
I meant the in the fandom of course. It bugs me because the game never portrayed their relationship as anything but platonic, yet there are shippers errywhere ;~;
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