We've all obviously at some point in our editing time clicked on the fabulous submit button in the File menu during either a new beatmap's submission or otherwise when required to do a full submission due to inclusion of a video, new music file or anything else fancy that you decide to shove in/remove at a later date leading us to BBS popping up in the middle of our osu! screen.
But here's the catch, if you open it up without already having Chat/Friends List up you can't do a single thing during all of that time!
What I would like to propose is either or both of these two options depending on whichever is easier to implement:
But here's the catch, if you open it up without already having Chat/Friends List up you can't do a single thing during all of that time!
What I would like to propose is either or both of these two options depending on whichever is easier to implement:
- The inclusion of an ability to minimise the BBS system itself into a nested area on the screen much like you would for applications in operating system use.
- Allowance of keyboard shortcuts to be utilised.