
Chatmonchy - Shangri-La

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kosiga wrote:

jamxxさん こんにちは~ :)

thank you for the request :D

here my mod~

  1. fine
  1. 00:19:799 (3) - nazi. 折り返し部分のclapが少し浮いてるような感じ。 ここだけ40%くらいにするか、harddiffのようにwhistleにした方が良いかなと思いました ><! whistleに変更
  2. 00:33:287(x) - vocalに合わすとしてもここには音が欲しいかも。 00:32:589 (3) - を移動してこんな感じの方がリズムとしては取りやいかなぁと思います。 ( 変更する場合00:33:287にclap忘れずに)  提案どおりの音取りに変更、配置も修正~
  3. 00:35:613 (3,1) - ここが少しリズム取りにくい気がしました。 シンプルにしても合うと思います。 そちらの音取りに変更しました
  4. 00:42:124 (2) - slider end にclap ? つけ忘れ;w;ありがとうございます
  5. 00:55:612~01:03:054 - tickにclap入れても良いと思います。 置いてないと01:03:054 (1) - spinner endのclap音が違うので違和感が :( and spinner後からはtickに置いてるので。
  6. 01:10:728~01:17:938 - ^ 同じ理由。 00:55:612~01:23:519まで全て同じトーンだと思ったので提案させていただきました。 :P 2パートともtickにclap追加
  7. 01:23:519 (3) - slider endのclapをfinishに変更 ok~
  8. 01:27:705(x) - 00:33:287(x)と同じです。 ^
  9. 01:30:728 (1,2) - spacing わざと o.o? omg thx
  10. 02:25:379 (1,2,3,4) - 02:21:658 (1,2,3,4) - これと同じ回り方じゃなくて、方向変えたほうがおもしろいかなぁなんて思います。 例えば:
  11. 03:01:191 (3) - add NC and 03:02:122 (1) - remove NC. 02:57:238 (1,2) - ここにNCを合わせた方が私は好きです :D  あまり自信のなかった所なので提案どおりのコンボにさせていただきました
  1. 02:18:635 (6,1) - ここでドラムのリズムを優先して取るのもありかと。 (7にclap) サークル追加してclapつけました
  2. 02:25:612 (2,3,4,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 同じところで回しすぎな感じが... :(  同じような音程でボーカルが繰り返しているのと、他にいい配置が思い浮かばないので現状維持で;w;
  1. こういった使い方であればsizeは640*480の方が良いです。スケール使うところも減るので次回から試してください ;)
    others fine~
変更しない場合はno kudosu :o 変更だらけでした

きれいなmapです :) star☆~

very useful mod!
thanks kosiga~
ramdom mod from modreqs~

i hope will be assit my modding for u!



01:23:984 finishを外して少し音量を下げることで曲自体のシンバルが活きるように聞こえます 私はこっちのほうが綺麗に聞こえるってだけなので、お任せです!

01:27:240 Whis→Clapにして01:28:403のクラップに揃えるように強調してみてはどうでしょう~ パタパタ五月蝿すぎる、かもしれません;;


02:08:635 かなーり細かいですけどスライダーの終点が02:08:867と微妙にずれてます~ちょとだけ調整するとよかですかもです。

No changeならのーくどすでおねがいします~ 
Topic Starter

yuugeki1234 wrote:

ramdom mod from modreqs~

i hope will be assit my modding for u!



01:23:984 finishを外して少し音量を下げることで曲自体のシンバルが活きるように聞こえます 私はこっちのほうが綺麗に聞こえるってだけなので、お任せです!
01:27:240 Whis→Clapにして01:28:403のクラップに揃えるように強調してみてはどうでしょう~ パタパタ五月蝿すぎる、かもしれません;;
曲の手拍子に合わせたいのでno changeで;;

02:08:635 かなーり細かいですけどスライダーの終点が02:08:867と微妙にずれてます~ちょとだけ調整するとよかですかもです。
No changeならのーくどすでおねがいします~ 
thanks yuugeki1234~
sorry for the delay ><

緑線いじるのが面倒な時は.wav fileの音量いじっちゃえばok

00:17:009 (3) - 譜面全体的にoverlapも殆どなく綺麗に纏まっているので
ここだけ多少overlapしているのが凄い気になりました ただ凄い細かい事なので直さなくても問題はないと思います
00:19:799 (3) - 45%くらいで折り返しにclapつけてみては?whistleだとやや浮いて聞こえました
01:10:031 (4) - 特に強調するところでもないのでここは少し低めのvolumeの方が良いと思います
01:27:938 (4) - 少し流れ方が美しくないので逆に反らしてみるとか?
01:36:542 (2) - 歌詞に沿ってこの形なんだなぁと感動したw
02:09:333 (2) - このsliderの形が次のnoteにあんまりあってない気がします もう少し緩やかに曲げるイメージで
02:30:960 (1) - 少し反時計回りに回してみると流れ的にも見た目的にもよくなると思います

超個人的になんですが、Normalを最低難易度に置く場合follow vocalで赤線乗せまくるのはあまり好きじゃありません

00:17:939 (2) - このへんに置いた方が好きです
00:20:264 (4) - Normalに同じ 始点にclap (45%)
00:34:450 (1,2) - spacing?
00:35:613 (4,5,1) - ^
00:32:357 (1,2) - (1)は一応前のパターンの延長なのでnewcombo入れ替えた方が見た目的にも合うと思いました。
00:38:403 (6,1) - 今までのコンボは綺麗に1downbeatで区切ってるのでここもnewcombo入れ替え?
00:46:077 (1) - (3)の終点と左右対称の位置に? (4)が中心に来てる上spacingがばらばらなのでちょっと目に留まりました
00:52:124 (1) - 01:46:426 (1) - みたいに青線から始めませんか?
01:10:263 (3) - Normalに同じ
02:17:705 (4) - newcombo? ちょっと区切りにくいですが他と比べるとここが長いです
03:03:517 (5,1) - switch newcombos?

nice map :)
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

sorry for the delay ><np~:3

緑線いじるのが面倒な時は.wav fileの音量いじっちゃえばok tickの部分をすべて-10%しました

00:17:009 (3) - 譜面全体的にoverlapも殆どなく綺麗に纏まっているので
ここだけ多少overlapしているのが凄い気になりました ただ凄い細かい事なので直さなくても問題はないと思います 修正しました
00:19:799 (3) - 45%くらいで折り返しにclapつけてみては?whistleだとやや浮いて聞こえました 40%でclapに
01:10:031 (4) - 特に強調するところでもないのでここは少し低めのvolumeの方が良いと思います finishの音量を40%に調節
01:27:938 (4) - 少し流れ方が美しくないので逆に反らしてみるとか? こっちの方がいいですね!修正して後ろの部分を再配置
01:36:542 (2) - 歌詞に沿ってこの形なんだなぁと感動したw 真っ直ぐな道で~♪
02:09:333 (2) - このsliderの形が次のnoteにあんまりあってない気がします もう少し緩やかに曲げるイメージで サークルを囲むように曲げました
02:30:960 (1) - 少し反時計回りに回してみると流れ的にも見た目的にもよくなると思います 修正~

超個人的になんですが、Normalを最低難易度に置く場合follow vocalで赤線乗せまくるのはあまり好きじゃありません
そうですね;w; 次回から心がけようとおもいます

00:17:939 (2) - このへんに置いた方が好きです 画像の場所と少し違いますが下のほうに移動しました
00:20:264 (4) - Normalに同じ 始点にclap (45%) Normalと揃えて修正
00:34:450 (1,2) - spacing? ここのコンボで左右対称な配置にしてあるのと、あまり違和感がない気がするので現状維持で
00:35:613 (4,5,1) - ^ ^
00:32:357 (1,2) - (1)は一応前のパターンの延長なのでnewcombo入れ替えた方が見た目的にも合うと思いました。 確かにそうですね…ちょっと様子見で
00:38:403 (6,1) - 今までのコンボは綺麗に1downbeatで区切ってるのでここもnewcombo入れ替え? 歌詞の区切りが悪い感じがするのでこのままで
00:46:077 (1) - (3)の終点と左右対称の位置に? (4)が中心に来てる上spacingがばらばらなのでちょっと目に留まりました 後ろの配置も合わせて修正
00:52:124 (1) - 01:46:426 (1) - みたいに青線から始めませんか? 修正
01:10:263 (3) - Normalに同じ finish40%に
02:17:705 (4) - newcombo? ちょっと区切りにくいですが他と比べるとここが長いです ok~newcombo
03:03:517 (5,1) - switch newcombos? 00:38:403 (6,1) -と同じ理由でそのままで

nice map :) thank you~
First I make sure you just need first red line so delete another red line please ^ ^
remember when you delete another red line,maybe you need to resnap all note
P.S 03:05:029 (1) - about this end just end with 1/6 rhythm, you really dont need those red line it is unrank

00:37:009 (1,3) - those two note looks too close O_O..
00:44:915 (2) - try to use thie Rhythm? P.S dont mind that baka arrangement.........

00:52:008 (1) - I enjoy to begin spinner on there
01:14:217 (1) - try to use this Rhythm?P.S dont mind that baka arrangement too.........

02:04:914 (1) - about this part, I really dont think use more 1/4 rhythm is a good choose,
some part you can use normal 1/2 rhythm and it will be more comfortable and no player will mind you dont use the "True" rhythm in Normal diff
(I know this song have many 1/4 rhythm but....we new player play this diff they just care about this diff is easy to play or not, so I suggestion you to use some slider to instead some 1/4)

00:14:218 (3) - if you do ctrl+R on this slider it will be more comfortable for me but is ok if you dont want it.
00:18:637 (X) - try to add note?
00:36:078 (5) - move it to x332 y140,too close with 00:36:311 (1) -
00:56:311 (x) - add note?
01:14:218 (X) - add note and NC begin there?
01:32:590 (5) - I think NC need begin there
01:33:520 (1) - ^if you do that, remove this NC
01:37:705 (3,4) - fix this overlapping
02:39:332 (4,1) - space
02:47:471 (1) - Move it to x64 y72?
02:47:703 (2) - NC begin there I think
02:49:331 (1) - ^copy it and ctrl+H

^ ^b
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

First I make sure you just need first red line so delete another red line please ^ ^
remember when you delete another red line,maybe you need to resnap all note
P.S 03:05:029 (1) - about this end just end with 1/6 rhythm, you really dont need those red line it is unrank

00:37:009 (1,3) - those two note looks too close O_O..
00:44:915 (2) - try to use thie Rhythm? P.S dont mind that baka arrangement.........

00:52:008 (1) - I enjoy to begin spinner on there
01:14:217 (1) - try to use this Rhythm?P.S dont mind that baka arrangement too.........

02:04:914 (1) - about this part, I really dont think use more 1/4 rhythm is a good choose,
some part you can use normal 1/2 rhythm and it will be more comfortable and no player will mind you dont use the "True" rhythm in Normal diff
(I know this song have many 1/4 rhythm but....we new player play this diff they just care about this diff is easy to play or not, so I suggestion you to use some slider to instead some 1/4)

00:14:218 (3) - if you do ctrl+R on this slider it will be more comfortable for me but is ok if you dont want it. sry,no change
00:18:637 (X) - try to add note?^
00:36:078 (5) - move it to x332 y140,too close with 00:36:311 (1) - ok!
00:56:311 (x) - add note? no=(
01:14:218 (X) - add note and NC begin there? ^
01:32:590 (5) - I think NC need begin there ok!
01:33:520 (1) - ^if you do that, remove this NC ya~
01:37:705 (3,4) - fix this overlapping no~
02:39:332 (4,1) - space ok
02:47:471 (1) - Move it to x64 y72? ok
02:47:703 (2) - NC begin there I think ok
02:49:331 (1) - ^copy it and ctrl+H ok~

^ ^b
thanks tutuhaha<3<3
i'll fix normal diff..
Topic Starter



 ● 02:18:170 (5,6) - ちょっと難しいかなって思ったのでこんな音取りでどうでしょう?↓




 ● 01:38:402 (4) - このずれはミスですよね・・・?スタックさせましょう
 ● 02:47:238 (4,1,2) - ここはスペーシングを変えなくても良いと思いました><

指摘する場所が全く見つかりませんでした :o
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:




 ● 02:18:170 (5,6) - ちょっと難しいかなって思ったのでこんな音取りでどうでしょう?↓




 ● 01:38:402 (4) - このずれはミスですよね・・・?スタックさせましょう
 ● 02:47:238 (4,1,2) - ここはスペーシングを変えなくても良いと思いました><

指摘する場所が全く見つかりませんでした :o
01:38:402 (4) - は重ねちゃうとプレイ中に(3)が(2)の真ん中にこないので意図的にそうしてます。
Let's see if I can find anything c:


Folder is okay, everything looks fine.

Just one thing, the new offset at 186850 sounds a bit late, I suggest using 186839 (-11 from current)

Ah and I've got a suggestion for you~~ maybe you already knew this and didn't want to do it, but.. let's see. Looking at that white&black SB part, the combos are still green or orange or whatever in that part, and they would look nicer in grey scale. To do this, add a new grey combo colour, and then use this little button (the little arrow) to change combo colors in new combos to any colour you wish~~ so you can add grey combos to ONLY the part where the sb goes grey and it would be great! Sorry if you already knew this, just trying to help :3


Very clean, good job, just 1 thing.

01:37:937 (3) - What about making a prettier pattern, something like and then you move the next slider a bit like


01:21:659 (1) - I think it's better if you make this slider symmetrycal with the previous heart-shaped slider, something like.. just ctrl+h it
01:26:775 (1) - Remove NC
01:27:240 (2) - Add NC - i think the music and voice changes here
01:46:426 (1) - Why not make this a repeat slider stream or something more creative? It is a really mappeable part of the song
02:10:728 (1) - Make this a short slider with repeat in the white tick or simply 3 notes? (because you can hear a beat in the song in the white tick, and here it is just a part of the long slider)
03:01:656 (7) - NC here
03:01:889 (1) - And remove NC here?

Short mod is short~~ I couldn't find anything else! BTW the song has some nice streams and stuff and it would be great for an insane diff, so maybe add one o.o? I can't make guest, sorry.
Hope I was helpful, and good luck!
Topic Starter

Snepif wrote:

Let's see if I can find anything c:


Folder is okay, everything looks fine.

Just one thing, the new offset at 186850 sounds a bit late, I suggest using 186839 (-11 from current) -5 :)

Ah and I've got a suggestion for you~~ maybe you already knew this and didn't want to do it, but.. let's see. Looking at that white&black SB part, the combos are still green or orange or whatever in that part, and they would look nicer in grey scale. To do this, add a new grey combo colour, and then use this little button (the little arrow) to change combo colors in new combos to any colour you wish~~ so you can add grey combos to ONLY the part where the sb goes grey and it would be great! Sorry if you already knew this, just trying to help :3
yes,I knew.but thank you :3!!


Very clean, good job, just 1 thing.

01:37:937 (3) - What about making a prettier pattern, something like and then you move the next slider a bit like
ok~ fixed


01:21:659 (1) - I think it's better if you make this slider symmetrycal with the previous heart-shaped slider, something like.. just ctrl+h itwhy? I like that pattern
01:26:775 (1) - Remove NCno~
01:27:240 (2) - Add NC - i think the music and voice changes here
01:46:426 (1) - Why not make this a repeat slider stream or something more creative? It is a really mappeable part of the song I think..this map isnt need stream..
02:10:728 (1) - Make this a short slider with repeat in the white tick or simply 3 notes? (because you can hear a beat in the song in the white tick, and here it is just a part of the long slider) no~.02:08:867 (1,1) - are symmetrical.
03:01:656 (7) - NC here ya
03:01:889 (1) - And remove NC here? ok

Short mod is short~~ I couldn't find anything else! BTW the song has some nice streams and stuff and it would be great for an insane diff, so maybe add one o.o? I can't make guest, sorry.
Hope I was helpful, and good luck!
thank you!
I'll mod your map :3
Mod time~ :3


Nice map~ :3

I'd like to make some recommendations, you are free to take them or not.

01:16:077 (1,2) - You could move this sliders to x:304 y:252 and form something nice in form of a shovel :3 What am I saying?
And here the "shovel"

Moving this~
01:45:379 (2) - x:184 y:132
01:45:844 (3) - x:116 y:200
And we have a smile~ C:


I had found nothing x3

Good luck c:

And as I didn't find anything wrong, star :3
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

Mod time~ :3


Nice map~ :3

I'd like to make some recommendations, you are free to take them or not.

01:16:077 (1,2) - You could move this sliders to x:304 y:252 and form something nice in form of a shovel :3 What am I saying?
And here the "shovel"

Moving this~
01:45:379 (2) - x:184 y:132
01:45:844 (3) - x:116 y:200
And we have a smile~ C:


I had found nothing x3

Good luck c:

And as I didn't find anything wrong, star :3
all fixed!
thanks mod and star <333
Hi jam's 'v'
from #modreq

02:19:798 (1,2) - これはどう?
00:39:799 (2) - try this

01:40:495 (1) - これは似合わないと思う。

02:40:495 (3) - これも..
02:53:401 02:53:517 - add note.追加しなくてもいいけど, もっとおもしろくなるわ

good luck jamxx 'w'
Topic Starter

B2IN wrote:

Hi jam's 'v'
from #modreq

02:19:798 (1,2) - これはどう? ok!
00:39:799 (2) - try this

01:40:495 (1) - これは似合わないと思う。

02:40:495 (3) - これも.. ok~!
02:53:401 02:53:517 - add note.追加しなくてもいいけど, もっとおもしろくなるわ

good luck jamxx 'w'
日本語で書いてくれてありがとう B2INさん\( 'ω')/
t h a n k y o u ~ *
Consider raising OD and HP drain by +1 each. It doesn't change very much but feels more in line with your intentional difficulty setting for this map.

I don't have any problems with this set only having 2 difficulties. This [Normal] however is mostly an "Easy" with a few normal difficulty parts in it. You could add some more details here and there (1/2 notes) to spice it up a bit. 2.50 stars leaves some space for the normal criteria. This way you could avoid ppl telling you to map a "N" to even the difficulty spread of E-I a bit. As this map is already polished I will focus on those details in my suggestions. Feel free to ignore them after you tried some of them.

01:02:589 (4) - I was expecting another 1/2 slider here like before @00:58:868 (4) -
01:10:031 (4) - Starting the new phrase on the vocals can be done and it works - but I wouldn't recommend it here. Feels much more natural to actually map the downbeat on 01:10:496 - as beginners will probably hit 01:10:728 (1) - very early if they don't know the song itself. You can try to add a repeat on (4) and rearrange the pattern a bit.
01:13:752 (4) - ^same as above, danger of hitting 01:14:449 (1) - early.
01:36:542 (2) - maybe split this and start the slider on the downbeat, mapping the original starting point as a circle to add a little more action that goes with the vocals (and you can add the whistle on 01:37:007 to support your established pattern):

You tend to slide over many pronounced downbeats. This is not a huge problem in this case as you follow mostly vocals or a mix of beat and vocals and most of the ignored downbeats can be explained with that. But some of those downbeats actually impacted gameplay for me so I will point them out.

00:27:474 (3) - add whistle to make it consistent with patterns before and after this combo
01:03:054 (1) - "ahhhahahhh" :D
01:08:635 (1) - maybe remove whistle from beginning, doesn't really fit here song wise and doesn't fit your established pattern
01:32:589 (1,2) - Choice of hitobjects feels a bit off here. Beat placement itself is great but the input required from the player seems a bit unintuitive. You could try to map this triplet properly and start a slider on the downbeat instead of ending the repeating slider there: this is purely a suggestion to improve the "feeling" of the map. The little kick slider isn't really adding to the flow of the vocals here imo.
01:40:495 (1) - Another downbeat left out that feels weird. I highly recommend mapping this downbeat in any way. Even a turning point of a repeating slider would be enough here:
01:38:402 (4) - why isn't this stacked properly? The custom stack has the exact same distance as the automatic one. If you want to use a custom stack you should do something the automatic one wouldn't stacking exactly vertical: but that doesn't really look any better here. So if you don't intend to do something special with the custom stack you shouldn't use it in the first place.
02:07:472 (2) - missed a clap on the ending point here? You used claps here in the parts before. Better add the claps for this part as well for the sake of consistency.
02:09:798 (3) - missed a clap?
02:11:658 (3) - ^
02:15:379 (3) - missed clap on the beginning?
02:51:192 (5,6) - same as 01:32:589 (1,2)
02:33:286 (1,1,1) - I love this effect with the SB!

Great (even if a bit thin) mapset! I'll say that renaming [Normal] to [Easy] and mapping a ~3.5 star "Normal" would benefit the difficulty spread. It would also avoid complaints on the way to getting this ranked. But on the other hand I don't see how to achieve this while making the new diff in the middle different enough from both the other diffs. Therefore I think this is one of the rare instances a 2-map-set feels "complete". Have this~

I'll be back soon...

  • 00:23:055 (3) - the custom slidertick here hits too hard (louder than the other softclaps), so lower the volume on it to 40% (hits harder because of normal sampleset)
    00:30:962 (1) - ^ same here
    00:40:729 (1) - ^
    00:47:240 (5) - ^
    00:49:101 (2) - ^
    00:50:496 - add a note here?
    00:50:961 (3) - again, custom slidertick appears to be too loud compared to your usual softclaps, reduce the volume
    00:55:612 - imo, the sliderticks in the following section (custom sliderticks I mean) sound better at 50% volume as they stand less out and the first one somewhat surprised me; as a newby, I would've probably let the slider go loose
    00:57:705 (3) - netpicky: this should end exactly on where 1 ended, right now it's a tiny bit different
    01:06:775 (2) - you could make the bows go more smooth and let 1 and 3 get more blanketted by this slider, for that, use 2 sliderpoints each bow
    01:10:728 (1) - I'd suggest replacing this with circle + slider as the start on the red tick feels a bit unused compared to the rest of the diff and it also feels better to start the slider on where the hitsound is
    01:21:659 (2) - same as with 01:06:775
    01:25:380 (1) - could you work this a bit more out so the central sliderpoint and -tick lie on the Y-axis? that'd be a bit more aesthetic; also, again, the sliderticks hit too hard from here on, use 40% as mentioned in the beginning
    01:35:147 (1) - slidertick stuff
    01:43:519 (1) - ^

    02:04:914 - to be honest, I expected custom sliderticks inthe following section as you did it before (lower volume tho, maybe 25-30% instead of 40%); might add them?
    02:18:170 (5) - as you use them again here, reduce volume as before and I pretty much suggest you to follow the above thingie for more consistency

    02:36:774 (4) - I find the start of this slider a bit clunched as the bow to the right is hardly noticable

    to give you an idea of what I thought of what might suit better

    Coordinates are:

    [list:0ba27]Second Sliderpoint: 478|253
    Third One: 424|272
    Fourth: 368|254

    02:43:983 (1) - reduce slidertick volume again here and in following section
    02:46:541 (4) - similar as with 02:36:774; you may recycle that slider after change
    02:47:703 (1) - netpicky: you can improve this blanket around 4's end
    02:48:634 (2) - ^ similar, just around 1's end
    02:49:564 (3) - ^ just around 2's
    02:50:494 (4) - I'd like to see this build an equal triangle with 2's and 3's ends; for that, place it at 166|316
    02:51:424 (6) - will have to adjust this one to change above
    02:53:750 (1) - slidertick stuff again and in following sectionJudgement: Diff is very neat, just little stuffs to better out as stated - take care of these and it'll be fine.


    I find Drain 6 a bit high for such a, well, friendly song but that may also be me as I generally like OD higher than Drain and suchs.

    • 00:12:358 (3) - not exactly symmetric; also, could blanket 2 better
      00:13:288 (1,3) - these could blanket 2 better
      00:16:078 (3,4) - ^
      00:18:869 (1,2) - could blanket 3 better
      00:22:125 (3,4) - smooth them out and better the blanket more out aswell
      00:23:985 (3,4) - ^
      00:26:776 (1,4) - ^
      00:31:892 (3,1) - ^
      00:33:520 (3) - that may be me but the end of this wiggly slider appers to be a bit clunchy; moving 2nd sliderpoint to 250|254 and 3rd to 217|290 will do
      00:35:613 (4) - smooth out around 3 please
      00:38:403 (6) - similar to 00:33:520 (is this the same slider? ;v)
      00:39:101 (1) - I suggest removing one reverse arrow and adding a circle there instead as this seems to suit the vocal's emphasis more
      00:41:426 (2) - might smooth this more out
      00:42:822 (2) - circle + slider suits the vocals better here
      00:44:449 (2) - smooth out
      00:45:612 (4) - ^
      00:49:566 (3) - that should blanket 1 better, right now it's somewhat meeh and the distance to 1 is very inconsistent
      00:51:426 (2) - ^
      00:57:705 (1) - a bit more smoothing out here please
      00:58:868 (3) - two circles fit better here as the "da yo" (?) appears to be single words or at least is pronounced like this, thus, two single hitobjects will suit the vocal's expression better than one slider to hold; hope you get me
      00:59:566 (1) - smoothout
      01:00:729 (3) - same as with 00:58:868, the vocals are now "yo ni" (?) tho but the emphasis stays
      01:02:124 (4) - netpicky: not perfectly symmetric, also not flowing exactly through 2; could do that better with gridsnap off
      01:03:054 (1) - not symmetric again, gridsnap off in the middle bow should do (central sliderpoint to 256|232)
      01:06:775 (1) - ^ same, just other way around; recycle the slider after fix
      01:09:566 (3) - the constellation of 3 sliderpoints makes this slidercurve somewhat meeh-ish, just use 2
      01:15:380 (3) - as this appears to start a new sentence or at least there is a break in vocals (which you are focussing on) before, a New Combo would suit the emphasis of the song here
      01:16:775 (2) - that could blanket the following heartshape better, use 2 sliderpoints
      01:17:938 (1) - that hearty shape is a bit clunchy to the red point, might try to smooth it more out

      01:21:659 (1) - ^same
      01:38:402 (4) - uhh... something appears to have went wrong with this stack
      01:41:658 (3,1) - as mentioned in easy,these sliderticks hit too hard because of the normal sampleset; reduce their volume to 40%
      02:16:774 (2) - smooth this more out; also, you might try to let it have the same distance to 1 all throughout it's bow
      02:17:705 (1) - to suit the accentuation in the song better, replace this with circle + slider, the sounds you are following with this one do not seem to belong together all in one; also, the NC should follow on the big white tick then
      02:19:565 (1) - same
      02:23:286 (1) - I guess this is okay as there's vocals here that appear to belong together
      02:27:007 (1,2) - swap NC here as the vocals start on 2 and there's also the big white tick
      02:33:286 - wow, this part of the SB is very neat

      02:35:146 (3,1) - make these blanket 2 better and smooth them out
      02:37:936 (2) - due to trapezoid sliderpoint placement, this curve appears ugly and boring, just use 2 sliderpoints and do not place them in this way; also, you can do a better blanket, I am sure
      02:39:564 (1) - replacing this with circle + slider suits the emphasis of the song better as the vocals are becoming much stronger on the big white tick so add the NC there aswell
      02:40:029 (2) - along with previous change, this should start on a white tick
      02:41:192 (5) - could blanket 4's end better and could also be more smoothed out
      02:42:355 (1) - smooth out
      02:44:913 (3,1) - ^ + let them blanket each other's starts better
      02:45:843 (2) - that curve appears a bit clunchy, move sliderend to 365|368 for a better one
      02:46:541 (3) - as with previous wiggly sliders, I suggest recycling the earlier example here
      02:48:401 (3) - replacing this with circle + slider will suit the vocal's emphasis better
      02:50:262 (3,4) - this does not work out; you should just put a circle where 3 starts as the strong vocals which would suggest you put sliderstarts on them lie on the white ticks
      02:51:657 (6) - replace this with circles
      02:52:122 (1) - use 1/2s to go with the vocals here
      02:54:447 (2) - we had this before, make it symmetric and try to get it a more consistent distance to 1
      02:55:377 (1) - improve the blanket here
      02:57:936 (2) - remove the reverse arrow and replace it with a circle, that suits the vocal's expression and rhythm more
      03:00:959 (1) - ^
    Judgement: That diff is very neat, though there's little flaws you should take care of as stated above - I like this.

    As for the diff names, I suggest using custom ones such as [Beginner] and [Relaxing] as that'll make your diffset appear less loose and suits the difficulty levels aswell.
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

Consider raising OD and HP drain by +1 each. It doesn't change very much but feels more in line with your intentional difficulty setting for this map.
OD and HP drain +1

I don't have any problems with this set only having 2 difficulties. This [Normal] however is mostly an "Easy" with a few normal difficulty parts in it. You could add some more details here and there (1/2 notes) to spice it up a bit. 2.50 stars leaves some space for the normal criteria. This way you could avoid ppl telling you to map a "N" to even the difficulty spread of E-I a bit. As this map is already polished I will focus on those details in my suggestions. Feel free to ignore them after you tried some of them.

01:02:589 (4) - I was expecting another 1/2 slider here like before @00:58:868 (4) - fixed
01:10:031 (4) - Starting the new phrase on the vocals can be done and it works - but I wouldn't recommend it here. Feels much more natural to actually map the downbeat on 01:10:496 - as beginners will probably hit 01:10:728 (1) - very early if they don't know the song itself. You can try to add a repeat on (4) and rearrange the pattern a bit. ok,fixed
01:13:752 (4) - ^same as above, danger of hitting 01:14:449 (1) - early. fixed
01:36:542 (2) - maybe split this and start the slider on the downbeat, mapping the original starting point as a circle to add a little more action that goes with the vocals (and you can add the whistle on 01:37:007 to support your established pattern):
sry,no change.I like this straight long slider,because the lyrics「真っ直ぐな道で~(in English,,straight road)」

You tend to slide over many pronounced downbeats. This is not a huge problem in this case as you follow mostly vocals or a mix of beat and vocals and most of the ignored downbeats can be explained with that. But some of those downbeats actually impacted gameplay for me so I will point them out.

00:27:474 (3) - add whistle to make it consistent with patterns before and after this combo missxD fixed
01:03:054 (1) - "ahhhahahhh" :D ahhhahahhh♪
01:08:635 (1) - maybe remove whistle from beginning, doesn't really fit here song wise and doesn't fit your established pattern ok~
01:32:589 (1,2) - Choice of hitobjects feels a bit off here. Beat placement itself is great but the input required from the player seems a bit unintuitive. You could try to map this triplet properly and start a slider on the downbeat instead of ending the repeating slider there: this is purely a suggestion to improve the "feeling" of the map. The little kick slider isn't really adding to the flow of the vocals here imo.
hmm...I like your suggestion.but I don't want to put a circle on blue-line,,no change;w;
01:40:495 (1) - Another downbeat left out that feels weird. I highly recommend mapping this downbeat in any way. Even a turning point of a repeating slider would be enough here: ok~fixed
01:38:402 (4) - why isn't this stacked properly? The custom stack has the exact same distance as the automatic one. If you want to use a custom stack you should do something the automatic one wouldn't stacking exactly vertical: but that doesn't really look any better here. So if you don't intend to do something special with the custom stack you shouldn't use it in the first place.
I would like to place 01:37:705 (3) right in the center. so I use your stack
02:07:472 (2) - missed a clap on the ending point here? You used claps here in the parts before. Better add the claps for this part as well for the sake of,because this part's clap is snare-drum,and no hand-clap
02:09:798 (3) - missed a clap?
02:11:658 (3) - ^
02:15:379 (3) - missed clap on the beginning?
02:51:192 (5,6) - same as 01:32:589 (1,2)
02:33:286 (1,1,1) - I love this effect with the SB! Bang♪Bang♪

Great (even if a bit thin) mapset! I'll say that renaming [Normal] to [Easy] and mapping a ~3.5 star "Normal" would benefit the difficulty spread. It would also avoid complaints on the way to getting this ranked. But on the other hand I don't see how to achieve this while making the new diff in the middle different enough from both the other diffs. Therefore I think this is one of the rare instances a 2-map-set feels "complete". Have this~

I'll be back soon... I hope
thanks mod and star icon:3
Topic Starter

Jenny wrote:


  • 00:23:055 (3) - the custom slidertick here hits too hard (louder than the other softclaps), so lower the volume on it to 40% (hits harder because of normal sampleset)
    00:30:962 (1) - ^ same here
    00:40:729 (1) - ^
    00:47:240 (5) - ^
    00:49:101 (2) - ^
    00:50:496 - add a note here?
    00:50:961 (3) - again, custom slidertick appears to be too loud compared to your usual softclaps, reduce the volume
    00:55:612 - imo, the sliderticks in the following section (custom sliderticks I mean) sound better at 50% volume as they stand less out and the first one somewhat surprised me; as a newby, I would've probably let the slider go loose
    00:57:705 (3) - netpicky: this should end exactly on where 1 ended, right now it's a tiny bit different
    01:06:775 (2) - you could make the bows go more smooth and let 1 and 3 get more blanketted by this slider, for that, use 2 sliderpoints each bow
    01:10:728 (1) - I'd suggest replacing this with circle + slider as the start on the red tick feels a bit unused compared to the rest of the diff and it also feels better to start the slider on where the hitsound is
    01:21:659 (2) - same as with 01:06:775
    01:25:380 (1) - could you work this a bit more out so the central sliderpoint and -tick lie on the Y-axis? that'd be a bit more aesthetic; also, again, the sliderticks hit too hard from here on, use 40% as mentioned in the beginning
    01:35:147 (1) - slidertick stuff
    01:43:519 (1) - ^

    02:04:914 - to be honest, I expected custom sliderticks inthe following section as you did it before (lower volume tho, maybe 25-30% instead of 40%); might add them?
    02:18:170 (5) - as you use them again here, reduce volume as before and I pretty much suggest you to follow the above thingie for more consistency

    02:36:774 (4) - I find the start of this slider a bit clunched as the bow to the right is hardly noticable

    to give you an idea of what I thought of what might suit better

    Coordinates are:

    [list:cb058]Second Sliderpoint: 478|253
    Third One: 424|272
    Fourth: 368|254

    02:43:983 (1) - reduce slidertick volume again here and in following section
    02:46:541 (4) - similar as with 02:36:774; you may recycle that slider after change
    02:47:703 (1) - netpicky: you can improve this blanket around 4's end
    02:48:634 (2) - ^ similar, just around 1's end
    02:49:564 (3) - ^ just around 2's
    02:50:494 (4) - I'd like to see this build an equal triangle with 2's and 3's ends; for that, place it at 166|316
    02:51:424 (6) - will have to adjust this one to change above
    02:53:750 (1) - slidertick stuff again and in following sectionJudgement: Diff is very neat, just little stuffs to better out as stated - take care of these and it'll be fine.


    I find Drain 6 a bit high for such a, well, friendly song but that may also be me as I generally like OD higher than Drain and suchs.

    • 00:12:358 (3) - not exactly symmetric; also, could blanket 2 better
      00:13:288 (1,3) - these could blanket 2 better
      00:16:078 (3,4) - ^
      00:18:869 (1,2) - could blanket 3 better
      00:22:125 (3,4) - smooth them out and better the blanket more out aswell
      00:23:985 (3,4) - ^
      00:26:776 (1,4) - ^
      00:31:892 (3,1) - ^
      00:33:520 (3) - that may be me but the end of this wiggly slider appers to be a bit clunchy; moving 2nd sliderpoint to 250|254 and 3rd to 217|290 will do
      00:35:613 (4) - smooth out around 3 please
      00:38:403 (6) - similar to 00:33:520 (is this the same slider? ;v)
      00:39:101 (1) - I suggest removing one reverse arrow and adding a circle there instead as this seems to suit the vocal's emphasis more
      00:41:426 (2) - might smooth this more out
      00:42:822 (2) - circle + slider suits the vocals better here
      00:44:449 (2) - smooth out
      00:45:612 (4) - ^
      00:49:566 (3) - that should blanket 1 better, right now it's somewhat meeh and the distance to 1 is very inconsistent
      00:51:426 (2) - ^
      00:57:705 (1) - a bit more smoothing out here please
      00:58:868 (3) - two circles fit better here as the "da yo" (?) appears to be single words or at least is pronounced like this, thus, two single hitobjects will suit the vocal's expression better than one slider to hold; hope you get me
      00:59:566 (1) - smoothout
      01:00:729 (3) - same as with 00:58:868, the vocals are now "yo ni" (?) tho but the emphasis stays
      01:02:124 (4) - netpicky: not perfectly symmetric, also not flowing exactly through 2; could do that better with gridsnap off
      01:03:054 (1) - not symmetric again, gridsnap off in the middle bow should do (central sliderpoint to 256|232)
      01:06:775 (1) - ^ same, just other way around; recycle the slider after fix
      01:09:566 (3) - the constellation of 3 sliderpoints makes this slidercurve somewhat meeh-ish, just use 2
      01:15:380 (3) - as this appears to start a new sentence or at least there is a break in vocals (which you are focussing on) before, a New Combo would suit the emphasis of the song here
      01:16:775 (2) - that could blanket the following heartshape better, use 2 sliderpoints
      01:17:938 (1) - that hearty shape is a bit clunchy to the red point, might try to smooth it more out

      01:21:659 (1) - ^same
      01:38:402 (4) - uhh... something appears to have went wrong with this stack
      01:41:658 (3,1) - as mentioned in easy,these sliderticks hit too hard because of the normal sampleset; reduce their volume to 40%
      02:16:774 (2) - smooth this more out; also, you might try to let it have the same distance to 1 all throughout it's bow
      02:17:705 (1) - to suit the accentuation in the song better, replace this with circle + slider, the sounds you are following with this one do not seem to belong together all in one; also, the NC should follow on the big white tick then
      02:19:565 (1) - same
      02:23:286 (1) - I guess this is okay as there's vocals here that appear to belong together
      02:27:007 (1,2) - swap NC here as the vocals start on 2 and there's also the big white tick
      02:33:286 - wow, this part of the SB is very neat

      02:35:146 (3,1) - make these blanket 2 better and smooth them out
      02:37:936 (2) - due to trapezoid sliderpoint placement, this curve appears ugly and boring, just use 2 sliderpoints and do not place them in this way; also, you can do a better blanket, I am sure
      02:39:564 (1) - replacing this with circle + slider suits the emphasis of the song better as the vocals are becoming much stronger on the big white tick so add the NC there aswell
      02:40:029 (2) - along with previous change, this should start on a white tick
      02:41:192 (5) - could blanket 4's end better and could also be more smoothed out
      02:42:355 (1) - smooth out
      02:44:913 (3,1) - ^ + let them blanket each other's starts better
      02:45:843 (2) - that curve appears a bit clunchy, move sliderend to 365|368 for a better one
      02:46:541 (3) - as with previous wiggly sliders, I suggest recycling the earlier example here
      02:48:401 (3) - replacing this with circle + slider will suit the vocal's emphasis better
      02:50:262 (3,4) - this does not work out; you should just put a circle where 3 starts as the strong vocals which would suggest you put sliderstarts on them lie on the white ticks
      02:51:657 (6) - replace this with circles
      02:52:122 (1) - use 1/2s to go with the vocals here
      02:54:447 (2) - we had this before, make it symmetric and try to get it a more consistent distance to 1
      02:55:377 (1) - improve the blanket here
      02:57:936 (2) - remove the reverse arrow and replace it with a circle, that suits the vocal's expression and rhythm more
      03:00:959 (1) - ^
    Judgement: That diff is very neat, though there's little flaws you should take care of as stated above - I like this.

    As for the diff names, I suggest using custom ones such as [Beginner] and [Relaxing] as that'll make your diffset appear less loose and suits the difficulty levels aswell.
thanks Jenny
slider tick -10% and some fixed.
(Many places were not changed,but no offense)

jamxx wrote:

I like this straight long slider,because the lyrics「真っ直ぐな道で~(in English,,straight road)
This is a great idea! Glad you didn't change it.

p3n wrote:

01:32:589 (1,2) - Choice of hitobjects feels a bit off here. Beat placement itself is great but the input required from the player seems a bit unintuitive. You could try to map this triplet properly and start a slider on the downbeat instead of ending the repeating slider there: this is purely a suggestion to improve the "feeling" of the map. The little kick slider isn't really adding to the flow of the vocals here imo.
No big deal if you keep it as is ;)

The difficulty spread is fine by me. It just looks strange on the info-page with the "E-I". I can't see how to make another map inbetween that adds anything "new" to the set and from playing both maps many times I can say the jump in difficulty is not a huge one.

Here we go (>°-°)>
Topic Starter
thanks p3n :3
omg Chatmonchy !! I love you jammxx! ♥♥♥ /me stars
Topic Starter

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

omg Chatmonchy !! I love you jammxx! ♥♥♥ /me stars
wow +56lol
thanks yyy:3
Hue hue hue hue, good ranked map incoming, hue hue /o/
And finally, someone maps Shangri-La.

Not a bad map at all.
Red = Must change
Blue = Highly suggested
Black = Suggestion


01:27:938 (3,4,1,2) - Make all of these spaced evenly, this spacing looks odd and really makes no sense.
02:25:379 (5) - New combo here? Follows the combo pattern you had previously.
02:52:820 (3) - This would look better with a curve instead. Example:

Fix this up and i'll rank~
Topic Starter

MMzz wrote:

Red = Must change
Blue = Highly suggested
Black = Suggestion


01:27:938 (3,4,1,2) - Make all of these spaced evenly, this spacing looks odd and really makes no sense.
02:25:379 (5) - New combo here? Follows the combo pattern you had previously.
02:52:820 (3) - This would look better with a curve instead. Example:

Fix this up and i'll rank~
all fixed:3
thanks MMzz.
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto :)
僕らは目指し~  てないシャングリラや!
:) :o
ehehhe :!: 8-)
y u c a
G o o d ~ jamxx > v <
omedeto~!! ヾ|๑ ╹ ◡ ╹ ๑|ノ"
gratz 8-)
omedesu (「・ω・)「
Topic Starter
Thank you MMzz.
Thank you everyone:3
Pretty fun in doubletime :3
P o M u T a
congratulations jamxx!
Graah everything I was going to mod is being ranked, haha. おめでとう、jamxx!
way to map chatmonchy's worst song

lol got excited for no reason at first
01:01:659 (2,4) - this overlap ruined the map for me. try and avoid these in the future and your maps will be a lot more beautiful.

slider art (the heat especially) was kinda lame. the storyboarded background bulging was unnecessary.

i approve of the hitsounds and the rest of the map.
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