Hobbies: sewing plushies, cooking, photography, a bit of coding for funzies, playing on my Kalimba and I also design stuff
Fav music genres: I listen to pretty much everything as long it doesn't kill my ears and I'm a very open minded person, so feel free to send me your fav songs so I can listen to them :3
Stuff I love: rain, nature, astronomy, cute animals/general cute stuff, o!catch, my friends and more random stuff
Fav Mods:
I'm pretty much your average nerd girl that is here to have fun and enjoy game I guess lol
Wir werden nie unsterblich sein, und alles wird vergessen und vergehen...So schätze dich und dann kannst du weiter sehen
I love you guys <3
One day I won't be here anymore and I will miss you all while randomly thinking about you guys. Thank you for all the good times and the precious memories we made over the years. You guys are awesome and Caro loves you all <3