
Oh noes!

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[deleted user]
The DragonMC cometh! Grab your pitchforks!

...Nah, I'm not that bad.

Let me tell you about myself. I'm a 13-year-old American guy. I like programming and playing video games, as well as listening to and producing electronic music, with a preference to drum & bass.
On that note (pun not intended), I like the free music more than the commercial stuff, since DnB music is not very common. The same goes for video games, which is... sort of why I'm posting here.

I'm fairly well-read on Internet culture, though I still can't figure out where the whole "lazor" thing originally originated.

As for my Osu prowess... frankly, I suck. But I'm practicing, so it shouldn't be a problem. In the meantime, try to bear with me if I ever rate a beatmap harder than it really is. :I

So, hi. :D
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[deleted user]
I am an airhead sometimes.

Ah, well.
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[deleted user]
I know about ED, I know it's Shoop Da Woop, I know it originated on /b/, but I want to know exactly what spawned it.
I think it's just a shop someone made on /b/ to look like blackface.
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Pokebis wrote:

And also, Starrod, I'm 14 years old. So is Loginer. Neo@lex is like 15, I think. And Lukewarmholidy is also somewhere in that range. Many people on the internet are around this young without your realization sometimes. And the opposite is true in seemingly more cases. >.>
Yeah, and I'm fourteen years old as well. Just that there are some people that don't bother to use proper language rules in forums, but eh, that's all right. Indeed, though I agree with you...
I'm 16, and I'm sure loginer is at least 15 now, or time is really creeping by slowly :(
He lives in Sweden who knows how time works there.
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I feel young when there are younger peoples around me everywherez

awp wrote:

He lives in Sweden who knows how time works there.
never leave me <3
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