
Qrispy Joybox feat.mao - Good-bye Tears

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年9月22日 at 0:24:21

Artist: Qrispy Joybox feat.mao
Title: Good-bye Tears
Source: GuitarFreaks XG2 & DrumMania XG2
Tags: KONAMI BEMANI GFDMXG2 Groove to Live Duca Sayonara Namida Goodbye Tears Asakichi
BPM: 174
Filesize: 3253kb
Play Time: 01:40
Difficulties Available:
  1. Asakichi's Expert (5 stars, 296 notes)
  2. Master (5 stars, 384 notes)
  3. Novice (2.96 stars, 96 notes)
  4. Regular (4.91 stars, 225 notes)
Download: Qrispy Joybox feat.mao - Good-bye Tears
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
my 1st... o.o;
T o y

  1. 00:32:511 (4) - NC
  2. 00:48:545 (5) - NC
  3. 00:49:752 (5) - NC
  4. 01:01:649 (5) - NC
  5. 01:03:545 (6) - NC
  6. 01:21:648 (5) - NC
  7. 01:22:855 (5) - NC
  8. 01:27:165 (5) - NC
  9. 01:34:752 (7) - NC
  10. 01:36:132 (4) - NC

とても面白い譜面だと思います :oops: 頑張ってください :!:
Topic Starter

Twilight Blue wrote:


  1. 00:32:511 (4) - NC fix
  2. 00:48:545 (5) - NC fix
  3. 00:49:752 (5) - NC fix
  4. 01:01:649 (5) - NC fix
  5. 01:03:545 (6) - NC fix
  6. 01:21:648 (5) - NC fix
  7. 01:22:855 (5) - NC fix
  8. 01:27:165 (5) - NC fix
  9. 01:34:752 (7) - NC fix
  10. 01:36:132 (4) - NC fix

とても面白い譜面だと思います :oops: 頑張ってください :!:

from IRC mod

  • #1 Offset 11300
    #2 Offset 45105
    Kiai Timeの統一
  • 短いスライダーの連続リバースはちょっと難しいと思います

  • 00:21:817 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 7連ストリームは難しいと思います
    00:41:472 (3) - 急なSV変化は避けたほうがいいと思います
    01:34:415 (3,4,5) - 曲に合ってないストリーム
[Asakichi's Expert]
  • 00:56:484 (2,3,4) - 少し打ちづらい印象を受けました。00:56:829 (4) の角度を変更してみてはいかがでしょうか。
    01:28:208 (2,3,4) - ^
  • 00:13:713 (5,6,7,8) - (8)を削除し、ストリームを00:13:886に移動
    00:36:989 (1) - このあたりの間隔は少し離れすぎている気がしました
    00:49:415 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 直線に配置してください
    01:09:760 (3) - この後のギターパートの音をもう少し丁寧に拾って欲しいです
    01:29:415 (1,2) - 流れ的に少し叩きづらい気がしました

h-728 wrote:

from IRC mod

[Asakichi's Expert]
  • 00:56:484 (2,3,4) - 少し打ちづらい印象を受けました。00:56:829 (4) の角度を変更してみてはいかがでしょうか。
    01:28:208 (2,3,4) - ^
I can't change next circle's place, so no change.
thanks mod~ :)
Topic Starter

h-728 wrote:

from IRC mod

  • #1 Offset 11300 fix
    #2 Offset 45105 fix
    Kiai Timeの統一 fix
オフセットの再設置作業、ありがとうございました :cry:

  • 短いスライダーの連続リバースはちょっと難しいと思います fix
    単発サークルはなるべく赤線を踏まないように fix

  • 00:21:817 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 7連ストリームは難しいと思います fix
    00:41:472 (3) - 急なSV変化は避けたほうがいいと思います fix
    01:34:415 (3,4,5) - 曲に合ってないストリーム fix
    大きすぎるジャンプが所々ありました fix
    ノートがスライダーの下に隠れている箇所がありました fix
  • 00:13:713 (5,6,7,8) - (8)を削除し、ストリームを00:13:886に移動 fix(提案、使わせて頂きました)
    00:36:989 (1) - このあたりの間隔は少し離れすぎている気がしました fix
    00:49:415 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 直線に配置してください fix
    01:09:760 (3) - この後のギターパートの音をもう少し丁寧に拾って欲しいです fix(配置変更・note/slider追加しました)
    01:29:415 (1,2) - 流れ的に少し叩きづらい気がしました no change(他の方の意見も参考にさせて頂きたいと思います)
長時間のIRCMOD(特にオフセットの再設置作業)、ありがとうございました、お疲れ様でした! :|
親切丁寧で、とても良いMODをして頂きました :oops:
ありがとうございます :oops:
Offset 265
also i think second offset is unnecessary, better to remove it and resnap all notes.

[Master ]
00:58:713 (2) - finish tail
00:59:402 (4) - finish
01:00:092 (3) - finish
01:30:449 (4) - finish
01:33:208 (6) - finish

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:41:644 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this NC a bit confusing try to rearange them like this , its much more readable o.o!
01:39:760 (1) - this part, i think it will be much better if you do this

00:57:346 (2) - finish
00:58:725 (2) - tail finish
00:59:415 (4) - finish
01:00:105 (6) - finish
01:06:651 (1) - remove this note and extend spinner to 01:06:656, sounds much better for me~
01:31:829 (2) - finish tail
01:32:518 (4) - finish
01:33:208 (6) - finish
01:39:760 (1) - same as before i think this sounds better

00:31:989 (4) - try this, sounds better for me~
00:34:748 (2) - remove unnecessary NC

Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

Offset 265
also i think second offset is unnecessary, better to remove it and resnap all notes. fix. yes, its better

[Master ]
00:58:713 (2) - finish tail fix
00:59:402 (4) - finish fix
01:00:092 (3) - finish fix
01:30:449 (4) - finish fix
01:33:208 (6) - finish fix

00:57:346 (2) - finish fix
00:58:725 (2) - tail finish fix
00:59:415 (4) - finish fix
01:00:105 (6) - finish fix
01:06:651 (1) - remove this note and extend spinner to 01:06:656, sounds much better for me~ fix. oh.. ty ^^
01:31:829 (2) - finish tail fix
01:32:518 (4) - finish fix
01:33:208 (6) - finish fix
01:39:760 (1) - same as before i think this sounds better fix. i think so ^^

00:31:989 (4) - try this, sounds better for me~ fix
00:34:748 (2) - remove unnecessary NC fix

Good luck~ :)
im always looking forward to your beat maps
thanks for mod^^

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:41:644 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - this NC a bit confusing try to rearange them like this , its much more readable o.o!
Nice Idea, fix!
01:39:760 (1) - this part, i think it will be much better if you do this
no change.
thanks mod~ :)

please upload.
S o r d a
from in-game

  1. remove letter box
  2. change tickrate2 better i think
  1. 00:21:644 - maybe stream start this line?
  2. 00:16:471 (5) - 2grid down then stacked 3
  3. 00:33:368 (1) - you should change this I cant first play this part i think other people too
  4. 00:43:971 (1) - remove new combo
  5. 01:03:196 (4) - stack with 01:01:816 (2) - i think look good
  6. 01:07:161 (1) - near this note i think player confusion
  7. 01:18:885 (3,1) - 3move to far? i think overlap bit messy
[Asakichi's Expert]:
  1. 01:10:265 (3) - 01:10:782 - i think end better?
  1. 01:28:196 (3) - looks bad I think stack 01:27:506 (3) -
  2. 01:17:678 - useless this line
  1. 01:18:196 (1) - end add clap
  2. finish good but this diff poor use clap please check this
good luck
modreq from in-game

Red: You must fix it or it's Unrankable stuff.
Blue: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Black: Just suggestion

  1. 00:19:920 (1,2,3,4) - some whistles don't fit the music imo. add clap instead of claps? I think it's better.
  2. 00:22:678 ~ 00:31:644 - Add claps to follow the drum. It would be better. (same as Sorda said)
  3. 00:31:816 (4) - remove this note. It's hard to play for beginners.
  4. 00:37:506 (1) - remove some whistle and add claps at the beginning, middle and end to follow the drum.
  5. 00:38:885 (2) - add finish at the beginning?
  6. 00:42:678 (2) - add clap at the end instead of whistle? I think it's better.
  7. 00:58:885 (1) - add finish at the beginning and the end.
  8. 01:25:092 (1) - remove new combo
  9. 01:28:885 (1) - ^
  1. 00:22:678 ~ 00:33:368 - same as Novice
  2. 00:32:161 (3) - Hmm, it doesn't follow the music well. I hope you remove this and try making another pattern.
  3. 00:55:782 (6,1) - swtich new combo
  4. 01:23:627 - add a note to follow the backsound?
  5. 01:29:230 (1) - remove new combo
  6. 01:29:747 (1) - ^
  7. 01:31:127 (1) - ^
  8. 01:39:747 - Inconsistency in Kiai times of other diffs, kiai time should end here.
  9. 01:40:437 (1) - move to 01:40:351 same as Asakichi's diff. Because I felt starting is delay. Also don't forget moving the green timing point.
[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:22:678 ~ 00:33:368 - hitsoundが物足りなく感じるのでドラムに沿ってclap入れると良いと思います
  2. 00:20:954 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ノーマルヒットサウンド使って徐々に音量を上げていき連打の部分は下げると良いと思います
  3. 00:32:161 (3) - これはあまり音楽に合っていないので消してみては?
  4. 00:33:368 (1) - 先頭にfinish
  5. 00:38:885 (1) - ^
  6. 00:48:540 (4,5) - スペーシングが狭いです
  7. 00:56:127 (1) - remove new combo
  8. 01:40:437 - この緑線を01:40:351に移動
  1. 00:20:954 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - change normal-hitsound and try to go up the volume gradually.
  2. 00:31:816 (1) - add finish at the beginning and the end
  3. 00:32:506 (1) - ^
  4. 00:38:885 (4) - It's not completely symmetrical. move 2 grid left.
  5. 00:39:920 (2) - ^
  6. 00:43:956 - unsnapped timing point
  7. 00:43:971 (1) - remove whistle. it doesn't fit the music.
  8. 00:49:747 (1) - remove new combo
  9. 00:52:675 - unsnapped timing point
  10. 00:57:333 (5) - add finish at the beginning
  11. 01:01:644 (5) - remove new combo
  12. 01:05:782 (1,7) - add clap
  13. 01:07:161 (1,1,1) - some new combo are not necessary. And can you make another pattern like this? (same as sorda's opinion)
  14. 01:15:265 (3,4,1) - The spacing is bad. Please fix it.
  15. 01:15:437 (1) - unsanpped silder's end. (by AIBat)
  16. 01:16:730 (2) - ^ , and add new combo
  17. 01:22:851 (1) - remove new combo
  18. 01:39:569 - unsnapped timing point
  19. 01:40:437 (1) - same as Regular
がんばってください~! ;)

S o r d a wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]:
  1. 01:10:265 (3) - 01:10:782 - i think end better?     no change

banvi wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:22:678 ~ 00:33:368 - hitsoundが物足りなく感じるのでドラムに沿ってclap入れると良いと思います  入れてみました
  2. 00:20:954 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ノーマルヒットサウンド使って徐々に音量を上げていき連打の部分は下げると良いと思います そんな感じに修正
  3. 00:32:161 (3) - これはあまり音楽に合っていないので消してみては? 私としてはあっているので、とりあえず保留
  4. 00:33:368 (1) - 先頭にfinish fix
  5. 00:38:885 (1) - ^        fix
  6. 00:48:540 (4,5) - スペーシングが狭いです fix
  7. 00:56:127 (1) - remove new combo fix
  8. 01:40:437 - この緑線を01:40:351に移動 fix
S o r d a, banvi   thanks mod~ :)

to wreath:
if you change tickrate, please pm to me.

edit:change to tickrate2, and add some hitsound.
Topic Starter

S o r d a wrote:

from in-game

  1. remove letter box fix
  2. change tickrate2 better i think fix
  1. 00:21:644 - maybe stream start this line? fix
  2. 00:16:471 (5) - 2grid down then stacked 3 fix
  3. 00:33:368 (1) - you should change this I cant first play this part i think other people too this diff is highest diff, so no change
  4. 00:43:971 (1) - remove new combo fix
  5. 01:03:196 (4) - stack with 01:01:816 (2) - i think look good fix
  6. 01:07:161 (1) - near this note i think player confusion fix
  7. 01:18:885 (3,1) - 3move to far? i think overlap bit messy i dont think so. sry, no change
  1. 01:28:196 (3) - looks bad I think stack 01:27:506 (3) - fix
  2. 01:17:678 - useless this line fix
  1. 01:18:196 (1) - end add clap fix
  2. finish good but this diff poor use clap please check this fix. thx for good advice ^^
good luck

banvi wrote:

modreq from in-game

Red: You must fix it or it's Unrankable stuff.
Blue: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Black: Just suggestion

  1. 00:19:920 (1,2,3,4) - some whistles don't fit the music imo. add clap instead of claps? I think it's better. fix
  2. 00:22:678 ~ 00:31:644 - Add claps to follow the drum. It would be better. (same as Sorda said) fix
  3. 00:31:816 (4) - remove this note. It's hard to play for beginners. fix
  4. 00:37:506 (1) - remove some whistle and add claps at the beginning, middle and end to follow the drum. fix
  5. 00:38:885 (2) - add finish at the beginning? fix
  6. 00:42:678 (2) - add clap at the end instead of whistle? I think it's better. fix
  7. 00:58:885 (1) - add finish at the beginning and the end. fix
  8. 01:25:092 (1) - remove new combo fix
  9. 01:28:885 (1) - ^ fix
  1. 00:22:678 ~ 00:33:368 - same as Novice fix
  2. 00:32:161 (3) - Hmm, it doesn't follow the music well. I hope you remove this and try making another pattern. fix. changed a pattern
  3. 00:55:782 (6,1) - swtich new combo fix
  4. 01:23:627 - add a note to follow the backsound? fix
  5. 01:29:230 (1) - remove new combo fix
  6. 01:29:747 (1) - ^ fix
  7. 01:31:127 (1) - ^ fix
  8. 01:39:747 - Inconsistency in Kiai times of other diffs, kiai time should end here. fix
  9. 01:40:437 (1) - move to 01:40:351 same as Asakichi's diff. Because I felt starting is delay. Also don't forget moving the green timing point. fix
  1. 00:20:954 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - change normal-hitsound and try to go up the volume gradually. fix
  2. 00:31:816 (1) - add finish at the beginning and the end fix
  3. 00:32:506 (1) - ^ fix
  4. 00:38:885 (4) - It's not completely symmetrical. move 2 grid left. fix
  5. 00:39:920 (2) - ^ fix
  6. 00:43:956 - unsnapped timing point fix
  7. 00:43:971 (1) - remove whistle. it doesn't fit the music. fix
  8. 00:49:747 (1) - remove new combo fix
  9. 00:52:675 - unsnapped timing point fix
  10. 00:57:333 (5) - add finish at the beginning fix
  11. 01:01:644 (5) - remove new combo fix
  12. 01:05:782 (1,7) - add clap fix
  13. 01:07:161 (1,1,1) - some new combo are not necessary. And can you make another pattern like this? fix
  14. 01:15:265 (3,4,1) - The spacing is bad. Please fix it. fix
  15. 01:15:437 (1) - unsanpped silder's end. (by AIBat) fix
  16. 01:16:730 (2) - ^ , and add new combo fix
  17. 01:22:851 (1) - remove new combo fix
  18. 01:39:569 - unsnapped timing point fix
  19. 01:40:437 (1) - same as Regular fix
がんばってください~! ;)
S o r d a and banvi,thx for MOD
ye MOD was very useful ^ ^
hi~ Wreath

全部no changeでも問題ないです!


00:15:092 (3) - を 00:14:402 (1) - の開始地点に重ねてみてはどうでしょうか。 00:14:402 (1,2) - がDS 1.13くらいなので3を1に重ねても1.12なので問題ないと思います。

00:17:678 (5) - の開始が 00:17:333 (4) - の真ん中のとこと重なっていますDS1.0でやると少し間隔があくのでそのほうが綺麗だと思います。

01:17:592 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ここは のほうが良いなと思いました。

asakichi's Expert

00:37:678 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - このほうが綺麗かなーと思います

01:04:230 (5) - 1grid←?

01:37:333 (5) - 1grid→?

nicemap :) とても良かったです!
Rankd目指して頑張ってください! ;)
Topic Starter

Mikan wrote:

hi~ Wreath

MOD初心者です。np :oops:
全部no changeでも問題ないです!


00:15:092 (3) - を 00:14:402 (1) - の開始地点に重ねてみてはどうでしょうか。 00:14:402 (1,2) - がDS 1.13くらいなので3を1に重ねても1.12なので問題ないと思います。 fix. ここを修正してしまうとAIMが詰まってしまうので、前後を修正して配置を綺麗に修正しました

00:17:678 (5) - の開始が 00:17:333 (4) - の真ん中のとこと重なっていますDS1.0でやると少し間隔があくのでそのほうが綺麗だと思います。fix. ここもここを修正してしまうとつながりが悪くなってしまうので、前後を修正しました

01:17:592 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ここは のほうが良いなと思いました。00:44:489 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - こことの統一化をはかり、叩くリズムを全く同じにしています、そのため no change です

and, fixed a notes and sliders placement

nicemap :) とても良かったです! ありがとうございますㅠㅠ
Rankd目指して頑張ってください! ;) お互い頑張りましょう :)
mikanさん、MODありがとうございました :oops:
追記:おおお・・・お星様まで、ありがとうございます :)

* 2nd combo color seems blend the BG. Find another one?

00:23:713 (3) - Too much repeating slider can confuse beginners player
00:26:471 (4) - ^
00:38:885 (2) - Add finish at head slider?
00:56:471 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Make a pattern like this to make a symetric pattern?

01:30:954 (3) - Move to X:272 and Y:152? So it's doesn't touch to the slider?

00:55:437 (5) - Stack with 00:55:609 (1)? If you don't do this, players will confuse to know the path while gameplay
01:15:437 (1,1) - 1/8 repeating slider with fast speed is pointless, unless if you have a reason

Keep this map good!

Mikan wrote:

hi~ Wreath

全部no changeでも問題ないです!

asakichi's Expert

00:37:678 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - このほうが綺麗かなーと思います
謎のこだわりを持った部分なのでno change

01:04:230 (5) - 1grid←?
01:37:333 (5) - 1grid→?

nicemap :) とても良かったです!
Rankd目指して頑張ってください! ;)
thanks mod~ :)
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Konnichiwa Konnichiwa :oops:

* 2nd combo color seems blend the BG. Find another one? i will find a new one
edit : changed combo color~

00:23:713 (3) - Too much repeating slider can confuse beginners player fix
00:26:471 (4) - ^ fix
00:38:885 (2) - Add finish at head slider? fix
00:56:471 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Make a pattern like this to make a symetric pattern? fix. thanks ^^

01:30:954 (3) - Move to X:272 and Y:152? So it's doesn't touch to the slider? fix

00:55:437 (5) - Stack with 00:55:609 (1)? If you don't do this, players will confuse to know the path while gameplay fix
01:15:437 (1,1) - 1/8 repeating slider with fast speed is pointless, unless if you have a reason fix

Keep this map good! o.O! thank you ^^
thanks for modding :oops:
i will do the best !! :x
Excellent map!!
Haii ~
You requested in my queue but I couldnt find anything. ><
But, good luck though ~
And star ~ ;D
Topic Starter

hibarirailwayz wrote:

Excellent map!!
wow... many stars :)
thanks hibarirailwayz :oops:
Topic Starter

xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:

Haii ~
You requested in my queue but I couldnt find anything. ><
But, good luck though ~
And star ~ ;D
thanks for modding and star :oops:
Sonico Makaron

looks fine

your SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999 must be 1.0
01:26:471 (1) - add finish
01:30:265 (4) - remove finish and add clap
00:51:989 - not use green line delete it

00:18:196 (2) - remove finish
00:36:127 (1) - add finish end slider?
00:38:885 (1) - add finish
00:43:971 (x) - add note
01:26:127 (3) - add finish end slider

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:20:954 (1) - maybe use this place Normal hitsounds and 00:22:161 (6) - soft hitsound
00:31:989 (2) - add finish
00:32:851 (5,6,7,8) - maybe use normal hitsound?
00:33:325 - unsnaped green line

Beat snap divisor 1/8? you sure for this? :D change 1/4 plz
00:18:196 (2) - remove finish
00:41:471 (3) - remove finish
00:42:678 (2) - add finish
00:42:851 (3) - remove finish
00:43:196 (1) - add finish
01:17:333 - not use green line delete it

good luck
Topic Starter

Sonico Makaron wrote:

Hello hello :oops:

looks fine

your SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999 must be 1.0 fix o.O!? ty~ ^^
01:26:471 (1) - add finish fix
01:30:265 (4) - remove finish and add clap fix
00:51:989 - not use green line delete it fix

00:18:196 (2) - remove finish fix
00:36:127 (1) - add finish end slider? fix
00:38:885 (1) - add finish fix
00:43:971 (x) - add note i think 4-notes stream is hard to play. so no change, sry ; ;
01:26:127 (3) - add finish end slider fix

Beat snap divisor 1/8? you sure for this? :D change 1/4 plz oops :D fix~
00:18:196 (2) - remove finish fix
00:41:471 (3) - remove finish fix
00:42:678 (2) - add finish fix
00:42:851 (3) - remove finish fix
00:43:196 (1) - add finish fix
01:17:333 - not use green line delete it fix

good luck
thx for modding sonico ><
I like this song :3~
Good Luck for the ranked~

I dont have kudos Srry when i have i star this ^^

Good Luck :D !
Topic Starter

espiritur00 wrote:

I like this song :3~
Good Luck for the ranked~

I dont have kudos Srry when i have i star this ^^

Good Luck :D !
thanks for stars espiritur00 :oops:

Sonico Makaron wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:20:954 (1) - maybe use this place Normal hitsounds and 00:22:161 (6) - soft hitsound nice idea! I use this.
00:31:989 (2) - add finish add
00:32:851 (5,6,7,8) - maybe use normal hitsound? use this
00:33:325 - unsnaped green line snaped on 1/8 line, and I think this is no problem. so no change.
thanks mod~

Hello !

This is my mod from Palinus - Gyuunyu Duo Modding Queue

I hope it will help !


You have a .osb that not really needed you should remove it.
Otherwise every thing is good :>

  1. 00:44:489 (1) - Feels very weird to start to stream here would be better if it starts on a Red line because it where the vocal says Sayonara. remove it
[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:43:713 (2,3,4,5) - i prefer taking away the 4 , 5 just personal preference you could aswell ignore :P
  2. 00:50:437 (5) - New combo and remove new combo after that
  3. 00:51:127 (3) - Add note here and stack with 4 , 5 personal prefference again

None \o/


Nothing here either \o/

sorry if it's a tiny mod >.< ... was really hard to find something wrong with the map

Overall i really like the map most off all Master because of the epic streams xD

Good luck with the map and i hope it gets ranked soon !
Hi, Wreath~~


00:55:782 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -

00:56:040 (4,1) -
01:28:713 (6,1,2,3,4,5) -

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:43:971 (5) - remove
00:56:644 (x) - add note
00:58:023 (x) - ^
...I don't like this pattern, while just suggestion

01:15:437 (1,1) - the first end at 01:16:558, and the second begin at 01:16:644

Good Luck~~
Dark Fang
from Fang Team's Queue
sorry for delay
Let's go


I think map's diff spread is not good (between Novice and Regular) just suggestion
offset -10 (255) I think offset is here
Delete .osb file and full submit if you don't use SB.


good map


01:20:954 (1) - 곂치지않게 다른곳에 놓거나 각도를 조절해보시는건 어떤가요? 저렇게 잘 보이지 않게끔 놓은 노트는 플레이에 별로 좋지 못합니다.
01:23:540 (5) - 마찬가지로 곂치지 마십시오 박자에 혼란이 옵니다.

[Asakichi's Expert]

AR -1?
00:23:885 (6) - RNC
00:42:506 ~ 00:43:540 - why don't you try make like this? that's more good for play
00:43:971 (5) - why don't you remove it? cuz 3 note is more playable.

nothing special good map '^'d


00:13:885 (2,3,4) - 이곳에 3연타를 넣는건 어색합니다. 없애시거나 00:14:144 - 이곳에 넣는건 어떠십니까?
00:55:437 (5,1) - 플레이어분들이 햇갈려하는 부분입니다. 수정 부탁드려요~
01:07:161 (1) - wow
01:38:540 (1,2,3) - move to (368,280)
01:39:747 (6) - ^

Good luck

Have a good time :3
Topic Starter

Gyuunyu wrote:

Hello !

hello :oops:

This is my mod from Palinus - Gyuunyu Duo Modding Queue

I hope it will help !


You have a .osb that not really needed you should remove it.
Otherwise every thing is good :>

oops o.O!?

  1. 00:44:489 (1) - Feels very weird to start to stream here would be better if it starts on a Red line because it where the vocal says Sayonara. remove it
"'Sayonara" it started with blue line, but i think start with blue line is difficult. so other difficulty started with red line


None \o/


Nothing here either \o/

sorry if it's a tiny mod >.< ... was really hard to find something wrong with the map

Overall i really like the map most off all Master because of the epic streams xD

Good luck with the map and i hope it gets ranked soon !
np, thx for modding Gyuunyu :oops:
Topic Starter

cmn_891127 wrote:

Hi, Wreath~~
hi, cmn~~ :oops:


00:55:782 (3,1,2,3,1,2,3) -
i dont want to place for red line. sry, no change

00:56:040 (4,1) -
01:28:713 (6,1,2,3,4,5) -
hm... i dont like this pattern. sry, no change

01:15:437 (1,1) - the first end at 01:16:558, and the second begin at 01:16:644
i think its not sync with music. sry, no change

Good Luck~~
sry for no change all :(
but your modding is very good~ :)
thx for modding cmn :oops:
Topic Starter

Dark Fang wrote:

Hi hi :oops:
from Fang Team's Queue
sorry for delay its ok^^
Let's go


I think map's diff spread is not good (between Novice and Regular) just suggestion
offset -10 (255) I think offset is here
no change, because this (July 18, 2012)
18:39 fartownik: : this looks like Good-bye crisis lol
18:40 Wreath: : lol
18:40 fartownik: : also the offset might be just a little off, like -4-5 ms
18:40 fartownik: : I mean, it's too late right now
18:41 fartownik: : but that's not a difference that would need fixing
18:41 fartownik: : you can stay with the current offset
Delete .osb file and full submit if you don't use SB.
fixed and uploaded 4 days ago...

4일전에 삭제햇는데... 신기하네요


good map


01:20:954 (1) - 곂치지않게 다른곳에 놓거나 각도를 조절해보시는건 어떤가요? 저렇게 잘 보이지 않게끔 놓은 노트는 플레이에 별로 좋지 못합니다.
i dont think so. 보이는데요...?
01:23:540 (5) - 마찬가지로 곂치지 마십시오 박자에 혼란이 옵니다.
이 정도라면 허용범위라고 생각합니다


00:13:885 (2,3,4) - 이곳에 3연타를 넣는건 어색합니다. 없애시거나 00:14:144 - 이곳에 넣는건 어떠십니까?
움... 그것보다는 그냥 이대로 하는게 좋다고 생각합니다

00:55:437 (5,1) - 플레이어분들이 햇갈려하는 부분입니다. 수정 부탁드려요~
여긴 한번 고쳤고(Leorda씨 의견), 그 이후 테스터 사람들이 플레이해봤는데 아무도 헷갈리지 않았습니다
01:07:161 (1) - wow
01:38:540 (1,2,3) - move to (368,280) okey, fix
01:39:747 (6) - ^ ^

Good luck

Have a good time :3
thx for modding Dark Fang :oops:
Star Stream

00:24:747 (4) - 이지에서 풀 스택 슬라는 매우 어렵습니다..
00:40:954 - 노트 추가
01:06:644 ~ 짧은곡에서 브레이크 넣는거 추천하고 싶지 않네요..

00:37:161 (3,4) - ctrl+r
00:43:971 - 노트 추가
이거 인세인 급입니다.. 하드급으로 하나 더 만들어주세요

Overall Nice work

Gyuunyu wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:43:713 (2,3,4,5) - i prefer taking away the 4 , 5 just personal preference you could aswell ignore :P no change
  2. 00:50:437 (5) - New combo and remove new combo after that changed!
  3. 00:51:127 (3) - Add note here and stack with 4 , 5 personal prefference again no change

cmn_891127 wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:43:971 (5) - remove no change
00:56:644 (x) - add note no change
00:58:023 (x) - ^ no change
...I don't like this pattern, while just suggestion

Dark Fang wrote:


[Asakichi's Expert]

AR -1? changed!
00:23:885 (6) - RNC changed!
00:42:506 ~ 00:43:540 - why don't you try make like this? that's more good for play no change
00:43:971 (5) - why don't you remove it? cuz 3 note is more playable. no change

nothing special good map '^'d
Gyuunyu, cmn, and Dark Fang, Thanks mod~ :)
Topic Starter

Star Stream wrote:

네, 이번에는 바꿉니다~
offset : 265 :arrow: 260

00:24:747 (4) - 이지에서 풀 스택 슬라는 매우 어렵습니다..
이 난이도는 노말입니다
그리고 보이기 어려운것도 아니라고 생각합니다

00:40:954 - 노트 추가
별 난이도 때문에 추가 할수가 없습니다...ㅠㅠ

01:06:644 ~ 짧은곡에서 브레이크 넣는거 추천하고 싶지 않네요..
움... 여기에 브레이크를 넣지 않으면 더 어러워집니다...

00:37:161 (3,4) - ctrl+r
oh... fix
00:43:971 - 노트 추가
이것도 이번에는 추가합니다

이거 인세인 급입니다.. 하드급으로 하나 더 만들어주세요
딴 사람한테 물어봤는데 이걸 인세인이라고 대답한 사람은 한명도 없었습니다

Overall Nice work
감사합니다 :)
thx for modding, Star Stream :oops:
Hi Wreath~


-> Add a new timing section on 00:45:087 - the metronome tick restarts there
-> Add "goodbye" to tags if you want, because "good-bye" and "goodbye" is treated different by the web search...
-> ...and because your map's theme is blue, I really recommend to add a light-blue sliderborder - just open the .osu file and add the last line :

Combo1 : 130,250,250
Combo2 : 30,150,250
SliderBorder : 159,255,243 <------ add this (:


  1. 00:19:915 (2) - Try something like this here? (you can put finish on (2) and (3)'s end here, it fits the song much more~)
  2. 00:28:191 (1,3) - (optional) Slightly curve (1) to the right and (3) to the left here for a cuter flow? (just do it very slightly though...)
  3. 00:31:294 (2) - Hmm, (2)'s path is abruptly covered by (4)'s comboburst... Try this perhaps?
  4. 00:33:363 (1,2,3) - idk why the whistles are placed in (1) and (2)'s end... imo it's better to place in (2) and (3)'s start because the vocal lands there actually~
  5. 00:37:501 (1) - (optional) Try to face this slider to the right like this instead? imo it flows better with your previous (3) :
  6. 00:54:742 (2) - I personally feel better if you placed the red waypoint lower (~x:388 y:72) and adjust your remaining waypoints... Not a must, though (:
  7. 00:57:155 (3,1) - Hmm, pretty much same as 00:19:915, use two 1/2 sliders here? It's because you can put a finish on the end of the first 1/2 slider to fit the cymbals xD
  8. 01:04:397 (1) - The music continues here - add a circle here (with finish) and start spinner 1/2 after?
  9. 01:18:191 (1) - imo it's much better to place this in the left like this... Placing this in the right clusters your (2,3) imo >_<
  10. 01:27:156 (3) - (optional) Encircle (4)'s start here? Will be really fancy imo~
  11. 01:30:259 (4,1) - Again, same as 00:19:915 about the 1/2 sliders :3
  12. 01:37:501 (1) - (also) Again, the music continues here - start spinner 1/2 after and add circle here with finish?
...well, really nice Novice though~ (if you followed my suggestions about the spinner and 1/2 slider your difficulty is still considered as N and still close to 3-star so it's still allowable, if you still think the star rating is too high then you can try HP Drain -1)


  1. 00:19:397 (5,2) - Stack these two instead? It won't hurt though (:
  2. 00:24:397 (6) - (optional) CTRL + R?
  3. 00:31:294 (4) - Hmm, I don't really get the finish here personally... Move the finish to 00:31:984 (2) instead, to comply your finish in 00:32:501 (4) ?
  4. 00:33:363 (1) - Uhm, well, I understand what you're trying to form here but the curve can be made more natural imo:
  5. 00:34:742 (1,1) - Same as Novice, I prefer to put the whistles around in these two's start to fit the vocals~
  6. 00:37:156 (3,4) - (optional) ...apply a small jump here perhaps? Fits the sudden hectic atmosphere imo:
  7. 00:43:966 (8) - Err, remove finish here? There's no cymbal from the song here - however as an alternative, you can try to put finishes in:
    1. 00:42:846 (2)'s end
    2. 00:43:363 (3)
    3. 00:43:708 (5), and
    4. 00:43:880 (7) - the finishes will empower the vocals this way (:
  8. 00:55:432 (4) - (optional) Put in ~x:184 y:196, so (2,4,1) will somewhat form a fan formation?
  9. 01:04:397 (1) - Same as Novice, the song continues here - start spinner 1/2 after and add note with circle here? (a CTRL+R'd jump like this fits imo: )
  10. 01:19:225 (1) - (optional) idk whether you'll like this or not but... Move to ~x:147 y:66 to make (5,1,2) as an arc? Flows better compared to straight line imo :3
  11. 01:37:501 (1) - Same as 01:04:397~
[Asakichi's Expert]

  1. 00:21:639 (1) - (optional) Put in ~x:275 y:173 to make it centered in your previous pattern, perhaps?
  2. 00:23:018 (3,4,5) - ...create a triangle from (3),(4), and (5)'s end here maybe? Not really sure though >_<
  3. 00:34:397 (3,4) - Considering your next pattern is symmetry-oriented, I think it's better to create a fan-like formation on these two:
  4. 00:36:122 (1) - If you do above suggestion, don't forget to adjust this as well (a small jump from this note to (2) won't hurt though :3)
  5. 00:36:811 (3) - (optional) ...maybe create something like this to make the curve more majestic? xD
  6. 00:40:087 (3,4,5) - Perhaps create symmetry here to make this part tidier? (place (5) in ~y:66, plus put (3)'s endpoint in ~y:55)
  7. 00:59:225 (2,3) - Put further away from your previous (2) to avoid your previous (2)'s comboburst distracting players?
  8. 01:01:294 (5,6,7) - Why in the center? imo it'll fit the music a lot more if there's a small jump here with (7) stacked to (1)~
  9. 01:04:397 (1) - The music continues here - add circle here (with finish) and start spinner 1/4 or 1/2 after? (you can just alter your previous triangle into a diamond here (: )
  10. 01:04:397 (1) - ...also with this spinner, why no finish on spinner's end here? (quite obvious imo >_<)
  11. 01:14:225 (6,7,8) - Put in x:201 y:260 instead, to make (4) and (8) into a beautiful cross-slider?
  12. 01:34:397 (5,6,7) - Same as 01:01:294 ~
  13. 01:37:501 (1) - Same as 01:04:397 (about the diamond formation, 1/4 after, and finish hitsound)
  14. 01:40:260 (1) - ...I like your idea to put C1 whistle here, but the music isn't that strong though... ~15-20% volume would blend much better here xD

  1. 00:14:742 (2) - Minor stuff... Put startpoint in ~x:303 y:323 for a better stack?
  2. 00:27:673 (1) - The finish should be on slider's end instead, the cymbal lands there ._.
  3. 00:29:570 (3) - Stack the slider's end to (6)? In play mode, (6)'s comboburst will block this slider's path because of the quick delay... Therefore you can just arrange the rest closer like this:
  4. 00:32:156 (2,3) - Delete (3) and stack (2) above your next (1)'s start? You'll get a better feeling from the music this way~
  5. 00:41:639 (x) - Hmm, it's quite obvious you need a note with finish here orz (you can just place it in ~x:256 y:116 to form an arc though)
  6. 00:43:966 (4) - Same as regular, finish shouldn't be here - just see what I mentioned on Regular, though (:
  7. 00:44:484 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This stream feels like it's added for extra difficulty imo >_< - I prefer doing something with low spacing like this (following the "sayonara" from the vocals) :
  8. 00:51:984 (5) - (optional) I experimented around with this slider, this flows better imo:
  9. 01:04:225 (3) - Uhm, why whistle (instead of finish) on slider's end here? Also, try to put your red waypoint lower (~x:42 y:52) to get a more natural curve xD
  10. 01:15:432 (1) - I don't feel this 1/8 repeating slider sounds quite right... imo it's better to shorten this slider until 01:16:122, then add three notes afterwards~
  11. 01:17:587 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 00:44:484, but the compressed spacing should start from the upper-left imo xD
  12. 01:22:501 (1,2,3,...) - (optional) Considering (4)'s placement, I suggest to create a wave-shaped stream encircling (4) like this:
  13. 01:34:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Use a jumpy two repeating slider instead? It'll look less forced imo >_<
  14. 01:38:880 (1,4,6) - Add finish to these three as well - it's the song's climax orz ._.
For me Regular is the best diff here, it flows really well~

Asakichi's Expert is also great, but idk... I don't feel really connected with your Master (especially that stream on "sayonara" part... and maybe because some notes overlap as well, idk >_<) for now, good luck Wreath~ xD

Niva wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]

  1. 00:21:639 (1) - (optional) Put in ~x:275 y:173 to make it centered in your previous pattern, perhaps?       I like this pattern. no change.
  2. 00:23:018 (3,4,5) - ...create a triangle from (3),(4), and (5)'s end here maybe? Not really sure though >_<    that's hard to play imo. no change.
  3. 00:34:397 (3,4) - Considering your next pattern is symmetry-oriented, I think it's better to create a fan-like formation on these two: change
  4. 00:36:122 (1) - If you do above suggestion, don't forget to adjust this as well (a small jump from this note to (2) won't hurt though :3) change
  5. 00:36:811 (3) - (optional) ...maybe create something like this to make the curve more majestic? xD I tried to so, but doesn't fit to me.
  6. 00:40:087 (3,4,5) - Perhaps create symmetry here to make this part tidier? (place (5) in ~y:66, plus put (3)'s endpoint in ~y:55) no change
  7. 00:59:225 (2,3) - Put further away from your previous (2) to avoid your previous (2)'s comboburst distracting players? change
  8. 01:01:294 (5,6,7) - Why in the center? imo it'll fit the music a lot more if there's a small jump here with (7) stacked to (1)~ I like stuck here. no change
  9. 01:04:397 (1) - The music continues here - add circle here (with finish) and start spinner 1/4 or 1/2 after? (you can just alter your previous triangle into a diamond here (: ) diamond is hard to play. no change.
  10. 01:04:397 (1) - ...also with this spinner, why no finish on spinner's end here? (quite obvious imo >_<) add finish
  11. 01:14:225 (6,7,8) - Put in x:201 y:260 instead, to make (4) and (8) into a beautiful cross-slider? I like current shape. no change
  12. 01:34:397 (5,6,7) - Same as 01:01:294 ~ Same
  13. 01:37:501 (1) - Same as 01:04:397 (about the diamond formation, 1/4 after, and finish hitsound) Same
  14. 01:40:260 (1) - ...I like your idea to put C1 whistle here, but the music isn't that strong though... ~15-20% volume would blend much better here xD fix
Thanks Niva~ :)
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Hi Wreath~ Hi Niva~ :oops:


-> Add a new timing section on 00:45:087 - the metronome tick restarts there add timing point
-> Add "goodbye" to tags if you want, because "good-bye" and "goodbye" is treated different by the web search... add "Goddbye"
-> ...and because your map's theme is blue, I really recommend to add a light-blue sliderborder - just open the .osu file and add the last line : add sliderborder color

Combo1 : 130,250,250
Combo2 : 30,150,250
SliderBorder : 159,255,243 <------ add this (:


  1. 00:19:915 (2) - Try something like this here? (you can put finish on (2) and (3)'s end here, it fits the song much more~) fix, but another pattern. because i dont want place to the red line
  2. 00:28:191 (1,3) - (optional) Slightly curve (1) to the right and (3) to the left here for a cuter flow? (just do it very slightly though...) thanks, but i think this is better form than
  3. 00:31:294 (2) - Hmm, (2)'s path is abruptly covered by (4)'s comboburst... Try this perhaps? i think so. okay, fix
  4. 00:33:363 (1,2,3) - idk why the whistles are placed in (1) and (2)'s end... imo it's better to place in (2) and (3)'s start because the vocal lands there actually~ i think so lol fix
  5. 00:37:501 (1) - (optional) Try to face this slider to the right like this instead? imo it flows better with your previous (3) : hmm, i think this placement is not so good. sorry, no change
  6. 00:54:742 (2) - I personally feel better if you placed the red waypoint lower (~x:388 y:72) and adjust your remaining waypoints... Not a must, though (: i cant change this. because distance same all ><
  7. 00:57:155 (3,1) - Hmm, pretty much same as 00:19:915, use two 1/2 sliders here? It's because you can put a finish on the end of the first 1/2 slider to fit the cymbals xD i think so, but i dont want place to the red line... ;_;
  8. 01:04:397 (1) - The music continues here - add a circle here (with finish) and start spinner 1/2 after? ^
  9. 01:18:191 (1) - imo it's much better to place this in the left like this... Placing this in the right clusters your (2,3) imo >_< change~
  10. 01:27:156 (3) - (optional) Encircle (4)'s start here? Will be really fancy imo~ change a little~
  11. 01:30:259 (4,1) - Again, same as 00:19:915 about the 1/2 sliders :3 yes, i dont want place to the red line... ;_;
  12. 01:37:501 (1) - (also) Again, the music continues here - start spinner 1/2 after and add circle here with finish? ^
...well, really nice Novice though~ (if you followed my suggestions about the spinner and 1/2 slider your difficulty is still considered as N and still close to 3-star so it's still allowable, if you still think the star rating is too high then you can try HP Drain -1)


  1. 00:19:397 (5,2) - Stack these two instead? It won't hurt though (: okay, fix (:
  2. 00:24:397 (6) - (optional) CTRL + R? very good, but i dont want more difficult this diff ;_;
  3. 00:31:294 (4) - Hmm, I don't really get the finish here personally... Move the finish to 00:31:984 (2) instead, to comply your finish in 00:32:501 (4) ? change~
  4. 00:33:363 (1) - Uhm, well, I understand what you're trying to form here but the curve can be made more natural imo: thanks, i use it
  5. 00:34:742 (1,1) - Same as Novice, I prefer to put the whistles around in these two's start to fit the vocals~ i think so. okay, fix
  6. 00:37:156 (3,4) - (optional) ...apply a small jump here perhaps? Fits the sudden hectic atmosphere imo: hmm... i dont want add a small jump, sorry ;_;
  7. 00:43:966 (8) - Err, remove finish here? There's no cymbal from the song here - however as an alternative, you can try to put finishes in: change~
    1. 00:42:846 (2)'s end
    2. 00:43:363 (3)
    3. 00:43:708 (5), and
    4. 00:43:880 (7) - the finishes will empower the vocals this way (:
  8. 00:55:432 (4) - (optional) Put in ~x:184 y:196, so (2,4,1) will somewhat form a fan formation? change a little~
  9. 01:04:397 (1) - Same as Novice, the song continues here - start spinner 1/2 after and add note with circle here? (a CTRL+R'd jump like this fits imo: ) change another pattern~
  10. 01:19:225 (1) - (optional) idk whether you'll like this or not but... Move to ~x:147 y:66 to make (5,1,2) as an arc? Flows better compared to straight line imo :3 i think so. okay, change
  11. 01:37:501 (1) - Same as 01:04:397~ change another pattern~

  1. 00:14:742 (2) - Minor stuff... Put startpoint in ~x:303 y:323 for a better stack? XO fix~
  2. 00:27:673 (1) - The finish should be on slider's end instead, the cymbal lands there ._. i think so lol fix~
  3. 00:29:570 (3) - Stack the slider's end to (6)? In play mode, (6)'s comboburst will block this slider's path because of the quick delay... Therefore you can just arrange the rest closer like this: okay, change
  4. 00:32:156 (2,3) - Delete (3) and stack (2) above your next (1)'s start? You'll get a better feeling from the music this way~ i think so, change~
  5. 00:41:639 (x) - Hmm, it's quite obvious you need a note with finish here orz (you can just place it in ~x:256 y:116 to form an arc though) okay, add note~
  6. 00:43:966 (4) - Same as regular, finish shouldn't be here - just see what I mentioned on Regular, though (: change~
  7. 00:44:484 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This stream feels like it's added for extra difficulty imo >_< - I prefer doing something with low spacing like this (following the "sayonara" from the vocals) : XO okay, change~
  8. 00:51:984 (5) - (optional) I experimented around with this slider, this flows better imo: thanks, but i like my slider form ><
  9. 01:04:225 (3) - Uhm, why whistle (instead of finish) on slider's end here? Also, try to put your red waypoint lower (~x:42 y:52) to get a more natural curve xD i think so lol change!
  10. 01:15:432 (1) - I don't feel this 1/8 repeating slider sounds quite right... imo it's better to shorten this slider until 01:16:122, then add three notes afterwards~ change 1/8 sliders :arrow: stream
  11. 01:17:587 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 00:44:484, but the compressed spacing should start from the upper-left imo xD change!
  12. 01:22:501 (1,2,3,...) - (optional) Considering (4)'s placement, I suggest to create a wave-shaped stream encircling (4) like this: i has the same shape as this section 00:49:397 (1) - so no change
  13. 01:34:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Use a jumpy two repeating slider instead? It'll look less forced imo >_< hmm.. i think no problems this section
  14. 01:38:880 (1,4,6) - Add finish to these three as well - it's the song's climax orz ._. okay, fix!
For me Regular is the best diff here, it flows really well~ ><

Asakichi's Expert is also great, but idk... I don't feel really connected with your Master (especially that stream on "sayonara" part... and maybe because some notes overlap as well, idk >_<) fixed a Master >_<) for now, good luck Wreath~ xD thanks for star XD
thanks for modding :oops:
i will do the best!! :x
nice map!


good luck!
Topic Starter

Yusura Sakurae wrote:

nice map!


good luck!
thanks star :)
m4m =v=



 ● 00:14:742 (2,3) - 同じスライダーを使ったほうがきれいです
 ● 00:41:639 (1,2) - センターラインにスライダー2ndポイントを合わせて左右対称にしましょう
 ● 00:24:742 (4) - (2)にすべてスタックしているのが気になりました。プレイに支障は出ないとは思いますが最低難易度としてはやや難しい配置かと思います
 ● 00:31:984 (4) - リズムが若干合っていません・・が修正難しいところなのでこれはスルーしてもいいです・・ (案としては00:31:984 (4) - を 00:31:811 - に移動して折り返しを消し、終端を00:32:501 - まで伸ばして00:32:846 - にnoteを置く)
 ● 00:49:224 (4) - finishは不要と思いましたので削除
 ● 01:22:328 (3) - ^



 ● 00:14:742 (2) - distance miss?
 ● 00:42:846 (1) - こんな感じのほうがいいと思います
 ● 00:48:535 (3) - finish削除
 ● 00:49:225 (5) - ^
 ● 00:49:742 (2) - ^
 ● 01:21:639 (3) - ^
 ● 01:21:984 (3) - ^
 ● 01:22:846 (2) - ^
 ● 01:33:191 (6) - 流れ的にスライダーの形が美しくないなと思いました
 ● 01:36:638 (1) - (5)を囲うようなスライダーにしてみては?


Asakichi's Expect

 ● 00:33:363 (1) - スライダーの形が悪く見えるのでSlider 2nd point を x:360 y:36 に移動
 ● 00:43:191 (2) - 1grid up?
 ● 01:23:190 (4) - この辺バックの音があるのにnote一つでなんか寂しいので01:23:362 - ここにもnote追加したいです。(次の3連打に間に合うような位置で)



 ● 00:36:122 (7) - (6)との流れをここで切ってる気がしたのでNC追加?


Rankedまで頑張ってください! ;)

Asakichi's Expect

 ● 00:33:363 (1) - スライダーの形が悪く見えるのでSlider 2nd point を x:360 y:36 に移動 直しました
 ● 00:43:191 (2) - 1grid up? no changeで
 ● 01:23:190 (4) - この辺バックの音があるのにnote一つでなんか寂しいので01:23:362 - ここにもnote追加したいです。(次の3連打に間に合うような位置で)
              間に合う位置でいいところが見つからなかったので、no changeで・・・

thanks mod~ :)

(uhm, idk why you remapped... Modding the two diffs anyway: )


-> Add "mao" to tags to distinguish the "feat."? Also add "GF/DM" if you want~


  1. 00:11:639 (1,2) - Hmm, the idea to encircle here is good but I think the angle you're taking is too narrow, try this to let (3) continue the flow from (2) naturally?
  2. 00:16:466 (4) - (optional) Personal preference... Maybe try to split this slider into two circles? A slider's placement is too forcing here imo:
  3. 00:22:673 (1) - Split into 1/2 slider + circle to follow the vocals?
  4. 00:30:432 (4) - Uhm, why sudden anti-jump? I think it's better to put this in ~x:101 y:285 to form a triangle jump instead~
  5. 00:33:018 (2,1) - (optional) If you want you can add a slight curve upward to (2) and move (1) a bit lower, it looks cute :3
  6. 00:35:432 (1) - Perhaps arrange like this, so the flow will be continuous along your light blue combo?
  7. 00:40:432 (4) - Uhm, I'd put the endpoint in ~x:103 y:84 here, forcing a linear slider to flow together with (3)'s bezier curve doesn't really fit imo ._.
  8. 00:46:294 (2,3,4) - Err... Is these three arranged in a straight line? (I prefer to move (3) to ~x:219 y:112 to form an arc though)
  9. 00:54:742 (1) - (optional) I think it's best to put this on the lower side instead, therefore you'll have more space to use for (2,3,4,5) such as a pentagonal arrangement like this:
  10. 01:24:742 (5) - Split into circle + 1/2 slider? It fits the vocals more imo...
  11. 01:35:777 (3,4) - (optional) I think it's better if you move these two just a bit further to make it look more natural ((3) in ~x:70 y:234, (4) in ~x:180 y:180)

  1. 00:13:191 (6,7,8) - Would be better if (5) is encircled this way imo, but up to you~
  2. 00:16:639 (8) - (optional) Put in ~x:232 y:357, so there'll be an arc formed plus letting (1) delivers the flow better from (8)?
  3. 00:21:639 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A wave-shaped stream fits the music progression much more, really~
  4. 00:23:191 (2) - If you followed above suggestion, just stack this slider's end to (4) to make it tidier~
  5. 00:25:087 (7) - Put in ~x:444 y:49, so this slider's end will perfectly be under (5)'s path?
  6. 00:36:122 (7) - orz, considering your previous arc's angle this arrangement for (7) flows much better imo >_<
  7. 00:38:535 (5,6) - Symmetry plays more natural here imo (put (5) in ~x:363 y:379 and (6) in ~x:231 y:361)
  8. 00:40:432 (6) - (optional) Rather than linear, I prefer to make this encircle (3)... Not a must though~
  9. 00:50:259 (3,4,5,6,1) - Uhm, idk, this stream plays better if ended with linear slider imo:
  10. 00:51:293 (4,5,1) - The pattern you're creating here... Yes, it'll look MUCH better if you played around with copy-paste and 120° rotation here, as following:
  11. 00:58:018 (7) - (optional) I'd rather curve this downward instead to create a "S"-shape with your previous (5) :3
  12. 01:01:293 (4,5,6) - No need to put clap on all three I think, try to remove one on (6) for a smoother sound~
  13. 01:12:673 (1,2) - (optional) Curve (1) upward slightly and (2) downward slightly (or vice versa) for an antagonistic flow?
  14. 01:22:327 (6,2) - Err... Missing finish here? o.o...
  15. 01:26:983 (3,4,5) - Due to stacking's nature, I suggest to do either manual stacking or put all three in ~x:128 y:260 (so they'll look correctly in play mode)
  16. 01:34:396 (4,5,6) - Same as 01:01:293~
  17. 01:39:742 (6) - This might be complicated but I'd like to suggest anyway - try this rhythm for the ending? Basically:
    1. (6) is a 3/4 slider slow-downed by 0.75x
    2. (7) is stacked under (6)'s end
    3. (6)'s end is silenced
Yep, Master is now much better though~
As the diffs are majorly changed, this is counted as regular mod imo... Good luck again Wreath (:
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:

m4m =v= =v=



 ● 00:14:742 (2,3) - 同じスライダーを使ったほうがきれいです fix
 ● 00:41:639 (1,2) - センターラインにスライダー2ndポイントを合わせて左右対称にしましょう fix
 ● 00:24:742 (4) - (2)にすべてスタックしているのが気になりました。プレイに支障は出ないとは思いますが最低難易度としてはやや難しい配置かと思います プレイに支障がでないと思うのでno changeです~
 ● 00:31:984 (4) - リズムが若干合っていません・・が修正難しいところなのでこれはスルーしてもいいです・・ (案としては00:31:984 (4) - を 00:31:811 - に移動して折り返しを消し、終端を00:32:501 - まで伸ばして00:32:846 - にnoteを置く) 酷く合っていないわけではないので、no changeです~
 ● 00:49:224 (4) - finishは不要と思いましたので削除 fix
 ● 01:22:328 (3) - ^ ^



 ● 00:14:742 (2) - distance miss? fix
 ● 00:42:846 (1) - こんな感じのほうがいいと思います 最初はその配置だったのですが、打ちづらい上に綺麗ではなかったので変更しました~、なのでno changeです
 ● 00:48:535 (3) - finish削除 シンバルの音がないと盛り上がりに欠けるのでno changeで~
 ● 00:49:225 (5) - ^ ^
 ● 00:49:742 (2) - ^ ^
 ● 01:21:639 (3) - ^ ^
 ● 01:21:984 (3) - ^ ^
 ● 01:22:846 (2) - ^ ^
 ● 01:33:191 (6) - 流れ的にスライダーの形が美しくないなと思いました Ctrl+H~
 ● 01:36:638 (1) - (5)を囲うようなスライダーにしてみては? Ctrl+h~



 ● 00:36:122 (7) - (6)との流れをここで切ってる気がしたのでNC追加? NCは法則性をもたせているのでno change~


Rankedまで頑張ってください! ;)
がいさん、MOD&テストプレイありがとうございました :oops:
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

(uhm, idk why you remapped... Modding the two diffs anyway: )
i cant consented to my map...
so i re-mapped my map ; ;


-> Add "mao" to tags to distinguish the "feat."? Also add "GF/DM" if you want~ i heard "mao=Duca"


  1. 00:11:639 (1,2) - Hmm, the idea to encircle here is good but I think the angle you're taking is too narrow, try this to let (3) continue the flow from (2) naturally?
  2. 00:16:466 (4) - (optional) Personal preference... Maybe try to split this slider into two circles? A slider's placement is too forcing here imo:
  3. 00:22:673 (1) - Split into 1/2 slider + circle to follow the vocals?
  4. 00:30:432 (4) - Uhm, why sudden anti-jump? I think it's better to put this in ~x:101 y:285 to form a triangle jump instead~
  5. 00:33:018 (2,1) - (optional) If you want you can add a slight curve upward to (2) and move (1) a bit lower, it looks cute :3
  6. 00:35:432 (1) - Perhaps arrange like this, so the flow will be continuous along your light blue combo?
  7. 00:40:432 (4) - Uhm, I'd put the endpoint in ~x:103 y:84 here, forcing a linear slider to flow together with (3)'s bezier curve doesn't really fit imo ._.
  8. 00:46:294 (2,3,4) - Err... Is these three arranged in a straight line? (I prefer to move (3) to ~x:219 y:112 to form an arc though)
  9. 00:54:742 (1) - (optional) I think it's best to put this on the lower side instead, therefore you'll have more space to use for (2,3,4,5) such as a pentagonal arrangement like this:
  10. 01:24:742 (5) - Split into circle + 1/2 slider? It fits the vocals more imo...
  11. 01:35:777 (3,4) - (optional) I think it's better if you move these two just a bit further to make it look more natural ((3) in ~x:70 y:234, (4) in ~x:180 y:180)

  1. 00:13:191 (6,7,8) - Would be better if (5) is encircled this way imo, but up to you~
  2. 00:16:639 (8) - (optional) Put in ~x:232 y:357, so there'll be an arc formed plus letting (1) delivers the flow better from (8)?
  3. 00:21:639 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - A wave-shaped stream fits the music progression much more, really~
  4. 00:23:191 (2) - If you followed above suggestion, just stack this slider's end to (4) to make it tidier~
  5. 00:25:087 (7) - Put in ~x:444 y:49, so this slider's end will perfectly be under (5)'s path?
  6. 00:36:122 (7) - orz, considering your previous arc's angle this arrangement for (7) flows much better imo >_<
  7. 00:38:535 (5,6) - Symmetry plays more natural here imo (put (5) in ~x:363 y:379 and (6) in ~x:231 y:361)
  8. 00:40:432 (6) - (optional) Rather than linear, I prefer to make this encircle (3)... Not a must though~
  9. 00:50:259 (3,4,5,6,1) - Uhm, idk, this stream plays better if ended with linear slider imo:
  10. 00:51:293 (4,5,1) - The pattern you're creating here... Yes, it'll look MUCH better if you played around with copy-paste and 120° rotation here, as following:
  11. 00:58:018 (7) - (optional) I'd rather curve this downward instead to create a "S"-shape with your previous (5) :3
  12. 01:01:293 (4,5,6) - No need to put clap on all three I think, try to remove one on (6) for a smoother sound~
  13. 01:12:673 (1,2) - (optional) Curve (1) upward slightly and (2) downward slightly (or vice versa) for an antagonistic flow?
  14. 01:22:327 (6,2) - Err... Missing finish here? o.o...
  15. 01:26:983 (3,4,5) - Due to stacking's nature, I suggest to do either manual stacking or put all three in ~x:128 y:260 (so they'll look correctly in play mode)
  16. 01:34:396 (4,5,6) - Same as 01:01:293~
  17. 01:39:742 (6) - This might be complicated but I'd like to suggest anyway - try this rhythm for the ending? Basically:
    1. (6) is a 3/4 slider slow-downed by 0.75x
    2. (7) is stacked under (6)'s end
    3. (6)'s end is silenced
Yep, Master is now much better though~
As the diffs are majorly changed, this is counted as regular mod imo... Good luck again Wreath (:
thanks re-check :oops:
almost fixed!

  1. BGの画像のファイルサイズが1MBを超えていて必要以上にかなり大きいです
  1. いくつかのターン数が異なるスライダーは初心者を混乱させる要素を持つように私は思いました
  2. 00:20:949 (2) - このスライダーのすべての場所(スライダーの開始、ターン、終わり)にclapが鳴るように設定するべきなのでは?
  3. 00:34:742 (2) - このスライダーをTinyの0.5 grid分下げる
    座標としてはx:275 y:53が一番良いように思えます
  4. 00:50:604 (1) - 00:49:224 (4,5,1)で正三角形を作ってみてはどうでしょう
    00:50:604 (1) - x:272 y:220に移動
  1. 00:32:156 (3) - Finish追加
  2. 00:54:053 (3,4,5) - ここのDistanceを僅かに広げているのはわざとですか?
[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:13:191 (8,9,10) - ここのnoteで00:12:501 (6,7)と音取りが不自然に変わっているように感じました
    00:13:191 - 1/2スライダー
    00:13:535 - ^
  2. 00:22:673 (2,3) - この(3)のスタックを外し、noteをずらして置いてみては?
    00:24:570 (7,8) との音取りに対するnoteの扱いが同じで、それが譜面として良い配置だとは思いません
  3. 00:23:708 - add note
  1. 00:14:742 (2,4) - これらでスタックさせてみてはどうでしょう
    00:13:880 (8,2)がスタックしているので、それに合わせてスタックさせることで一貫性を持たせることができます
  2. 00:20:087 (2,1) - 不完全なスタック
  3. このスライダーからの連打の流れが、サークルの傾きが悪く汚く見えました
  4. 01:01:638 (7,2) - ここをスタックさせたい感じがします
  5. 01:10:691 (2) - Stream中のズレに関して

NewRulerNA wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:13:191 (8,9,10) - ここのnoteで00:12:501 (6,7)と音取りが不自然に変わっているように感じました
    00:13:191 - 1/2スライダー
    00:13:535 - ^
    意味はわかりますが、そこまで不自然には感じないのでno changeで
  2. 00:22:673 (2,3) - この(3)のスタックを外し、noteをずらして置いてみては?
    00:24:570 (7,8) との音取りに対するnoteの扱いが同じで、それが譜面として良い配置だとは思いません
    ずらす場所がないのでno change
  3. 00:23:708 - add note
    no change
modありがとうございました~ :)
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:


  1. BGの画像のファイルサイズが1MBを超えていて必要以上にかなり大きいです
  1. いくつかのターン数が異なるスライダーは初心者を混乱させる要素を持つように私は思いました
  2. 00:20:949 (2) - このスライダーのすべての場所(スライダーの開始、ターン、終わり)にclapが鳴るように設定するべきなのでは?
  3. 00:34:742 (2) - このスライダーをTinyの0.5 grid分下げる
    座標としてはx:275 y:53が一番良いように思えます
  4. 00:50:604 (1) - 00:49:224 (4,5,1)で正三角形を作ってみてはどうでしょう
    00:50:604 (1) - x:272 y:220に移動
    特に問題があるとは思えないので、no changeです
  1. 00:32:156 (3) - Finish追加
    私はこの部分にシンバル音を入れるとしつこくうるさいと感じた及びMasterでもシンバルを使っていないので、あえてRegularだけ入れる必要がないと思うので、no changeです
  2. 00:54:053 (3,4,5) - ここのDistanceを僅かに広げているのはわざとですか?
  1. 00:14:742 (2,4) - これらでスタックさせてみてはどうでしょう
    00:13:880 (8,2)がスタックしているので、それに合わせてスタックさせることで一貫性を持たせることができます
  2. 00:20:087 (2,1) - 不完全なスタック fix
  3. このスライダーからの連打の流れが、サークルの傾きが悪く汚く見えました fix
  4. 01:01:638 (7,2) - ここをスタックさせたい感じがします fix
  5. 01:10:691 (2) - Stream中のズレに関して fix
にゅーるーらさん、もっでぃんぐありがとうございました :oops:
sorry for late............

all suggestion

  1. i guess it's clear.

  1. 00:32:501 - ここ緑線引いて10%位音量あげたいです!!
  2. 00:50:604 (1) - x:272 y:220に移動した方が見た目いい気がします!
  3. 00:55:776 (3) - (2)と(3)のスライダーの向きが全く一緒だから同じ高さに揃えたいdesu
  4. 01:17:328 - 次のKiai timeと全く音量が変わってないから10~15%下げたほうが個人的には盛り上がる気がします!!
  5. 01:36:466 (3) -1 grid left (3)のスライダーの直線状に(2)を置きたいので nazi ;^;

  1. 00:18:191 (1) - add a finish(slider start)
  2. 00:20:949 (1,2,3,4) - (4)の1/4スライダーだけ曲がってないのも変ななので、(1,2)も直線にして,(3)のスライダーの向きも完璧に同じ向きにして並べたほうがいいかも!! nazi ;^;
  3. 00:23:191 (2) - 完璧にスタックさせるか、そうでないならスライダーの流れ的にこんな感じで被らせないような配置のほうがいいかも!!
  4. 01:30:949 (3) - x:244 y:168に移動?

[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:18:191 (4) - add a finish(slider start)
  2. 00:20:949 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ここのジャンプの配置が見た目がよくない感じがしたからこんな感じで配置してみるのはどうでしょう
  3. 00:28:535 (3) - add a finish(slider start)
  4. 00:29:225 (4) - add a finish(slider start)
  5. 00:29:915 (5) - add a finish(slider start) ここの3つのFinishは他のDiffにはついてたのと、ついてた方が自然だと思ったので~

  1. 00:18:191 (5) - add a finish(slider start)
  2. 00:53:362 (1) - add a finish(slider start)
  3. 00:54:742 (1,2,3,4,5) - 綺麗な図形配置にしたいかもしれない!!!
    5角形(00:54:742 (1)は00:55:604 (1)にスタックしてます。)
    6角形(わかりやすいように00:55:604 (3)のNC外してます)
  4. 01:26:983 (3,4,5) - 3 grid right and down ぷりーず!!!!!!

sorry nazi mod.................. ganbatte!!!!!!!!!! nice song and map!!!!! :)

Lizsig wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
  1. 00:18:191 (4) - add a finish(slider start)
    ここはまだ静かにしていたいので、no changeです
  2. 00:20:949 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ここのジャンプの配置が見た目がよくない感じがしたからこんな感じで配置してみるのはどうでしょう
    いまの形を気に入っているので、no change
  3. 00:28:535 (3) - add a finish(slider start)
  4. 00:29:225 (4) - add a finish(slider start)
  5. 00:29:915 (5) - add a finish(slider start) ここの3つのFinishは他のDiffにはついてたのと、ついてた方が自然だと思ったので~
    個人的につけると雰囲気が崩れるので、no changeで~
modありがとうございました! :)
Topic Starter

Lizsig wrote:

sorry for late............ np!!

all suggestion

  1. i guess it's clear.

  1. 00:32:501 - ここ緑線引いて10%位音量あげたいです!!
  2. 00:50:604 (1) - x:272 y:220に移動した方が見た目いい気がします!
  3. 00:55:776 (3) - (2)と(3)のスライダーの向きが全く一緒だから同じ高さに揃えたいdesu
  4. 01:17:328 - 次のKiai timeと全く音量が変わってないから10~15%下げたほうが個人的には盛り上がる気がします!!
  5. 01:36:466 (3) -1 grid left (3)のスライダーの直線状に(2)を置きたいので nazi ;^;
all fixed!!

  1. 00:18:191 (1) - add a finish(slider start) ここはシンバル音がないのでno!
  2. 00:20:949 (1,2,3,4) - (4)の1/4スライダーだけ曲がってないのも変ななので、(1,2)も直線にして,(3)のスライダーの向きも完璧に同じ向きにして並べたほうがいいかも!! nazi ;^; スライダーの形を統一しました!fix!
  3. 00:23:191 (2) - 完璧にスタックさせるか、そうでないならスライダーの流れ的にこんな感じで被らせないような配置のほうがいいかも!! かぶせちゃいました!fix!
  4. 01:30:949 (3) - x:244 y:168に移動? おーけー!fix!

  1. 00:18:191 (5) - add a finish(slider start) 上に同じくno!
  2. 00:53:362 (1) - add a finish(slider start) 同じくno!
  3. 00:54:742 (1,2,3,4,5) - 綺麗な図形配置にしたいかもしれない!!! 軌道がちょっと打ちづらい印象を受けたのでno!
    5角形(00:54:742 (1)は00:55:604 (1)にスタックしてます。)
    6角形(わかりやすいように00:55:604 (3)のNC外してます) 上に同じくno!
  4. 01:26:983 (3,4,5) - 3 grid right and down ぷりーず!!!!!! おーけー!!!!!!fix!

sorry nazi mod.................. ganbatte!!!!!!!!!! nice song and map!!!!! :)
凄く助かりました!ganbarimasu!!!!!!!!!! りずさんもっでぃんぐありがとうございました!!
Hi from PM
late sorry
00:45:807(1) Ctrl+H?
Hit Sonud
00:28:191(1,2,3) 終点のfinishは不要だと思います。つけるとしてもwhistleで十分かなと

00:34:225(2,3,4,5) 少し違和感?難しいところですが、以下の様な音取りと配置はどうですか?
00:58:707(2,3) ちょっと打ちづらかったのでこのような音取りはどうですか?
Hit Sonud
00:38:880(1) 始点にfinish? 音量は40%くらいでいいと思います

Asakichi's Expert
00:50:259 add a note? 個人的にはあった方が打ちやすいと思いました

seems fine

とてもいい譜面だと思います。good luck with star~

kajiyatta wrote:

Asakichi's Expert
00:50:259 add a note? 個人的にはあった方が打ちやすいと思いました
noteを追加してみたのですが、次の3連打にうまくつなげられなかったのでno changeです・・・
modありがとうございました~ :)
Topic Starter

kajiyatta wrote:

Hi from PM
late sorry np^^
00:45:807(1) Ctrl+H? なるほどfix!
Hit Sonud
00:28:191(1,2,3) 終点のfinishは不要だと思います。つけるとしてもwhistleで十分かなと ここはRegular及びMasterと同じように音付けをしているので、あえてNoviceだけ変える必要もないと感じました、no changeです~


00:34:225(2,3,4,5) 少し違和感?難しいところですが、以下の様な音取りと配置はどうですか? 私は違和感を感じませんでした、音取りとしてはMasterを簡単にした感じなので、問題ないと思いますのでno changeです~
00:58:707(2,3) ちょっと打ちづらかったのでこのような音取りはどうですか? 上に同じくno~
01:31:811(2,3)^ ^
Hit Sonud
00:38:880(1) 始点にfinish? 音量は40%くらいでいいと思います ここも他難易度でシンバルを入れてないのでno changeです~

seems fine

とてもいい譜面だと思います。good luck with star~
かじやったさん、もっでぃんぐと☆ありがとうございました :oops:
from PM



AR-1 AR4だとちょっと早い気がします

00:41:639 (1) - これは流石に攻めすぎじゃないでしょうか?


OD+1 流石に5は低いのでは?

00:16:466 (4) - 何か微妙な感じが、こんなのどうでしょう?(それかサークルに音取り変更してとか)

00:21:811 (4) - 微妙に曲がってるのが微妙な感じが、真っ直ぐで良いかと思います

[Asakichi's Expert]
HP+1かOD+1 譜面の内容は比較的簡単なので、どちらか+1しても良いかと思います

00:18:880 (6) - うーん、流れの先にありすぎて微妙な感じが、自分ならこの方が良いと思います

00:50:259 note追加?(4のfinishがなんだが微妙だったので、追加してこっちにfinishで良いかなぁと)
        (もし追加されるなら00:50:087 (4) - のfinishをこっちに)

01:09:052 (1,2,3) - 個人的にこの隠れてしまう配置が初見で分かりにくい様に思います


00:24:742 (6) - 始点にfinish

00:41:466 (2) - 終点にfinish
00:41:984 (4) -
00:42:501 (6) -

00:42:846 (1) - 終点にfinish
00:43:363 (2) - 始点にfinish(終点にも付けて良い感じはしますが、曲がすぐ尻すぼみするので指摘はしません)

01:04:742 (4) - 始点finish(音量50.55.60で盛り上げたい感じ・・・だと思います)
01:05:087 (5) - ^
01:05:431 (6) - ^

01:40:345 (1) - このスピナーの音量は徐々に下げていくべきではないでしょうか?

good luck~
Topic Starter

ArtBox wrote:

from PM



AR-1 AR4だとちょっと早い気がします 私にはそうは思えなかったのでno

00:41:639 (1) - これは流石に攻めすぎじゃないでしょうか? 攻めすぎとは・・・?ここだけDistanceを崩したくないのでno

低速部分でくっ付けたくないのでしたら、そこだけスパシング取るほうが良いかと思います 今までテストしていただいてきた中できついという意見は1つもなかったのでno

OD+1 流石に5は低いのでは?
     この譜面なら6で良い感じだと思います 基礎難易度は現状が一番バランスがとれていると思っているのでno

00:16:466 (4) - 何か微妙な感じが、こんなのどうでしょう?(それかサークルに音取り変更してとか)私もそう思いました、fix

00:21:811 (4) - 微妙に曲がってるのが微妙な感じが、真っ直ぐで良いかと思います ここは他のmodderの方からの意見で修正した箇所なので一旦noです


00:24:742 (6) - 始点にfinish スネアとシンバルは両立しない上にサウンドにシンバルがないのでno

00:41:466 (2) - 終点にfinish ok、しかしスネアとシンバルは両立しないのでスネア削除
00:41:984 (4) - ^
00:42:501 (6) - ^

00:42:846 (1) - 終点にfinish ^
00:43:363 (2) - 始点にfinish(終点にも付けて良い感じはしますが、曲がすぐ尻すぼみするので指摘はしません) 連打にシンバルが合わないのでno

01:04:742 (4) - 始点finish(音量50.55.60で盛り上げたい感じ・・・だと思います) 私にはここでシンバルは合わないと思ったのでno
01:05:087 (5) - ^ ^
01:05:431 (6) - ^ ^

01:40:345 (1) - このスピナーの音量は徐々に下げていくべきではないでしょうか? スピナーのボーナス音が曲と合わないので5%にしています、現状に問題があるように思えないのでno

good luck~

ArtBox wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]
HP+1かOD+1 譜面の内容は比較的簡単なので、どちらか+1しても良いかと思います
00:18:880 (6) - うーん、流れの先にありすぎて微妙な感じが、自分ならこの方が良いと思います
いい配置ですね! 使わせていただきます。

00:50:259 note追加?(4のfinishがなんだが微妙だったので、追加してこっちにfinishで良いかなぁと)
        (もし追加されるなら00:50:087 (4) - のfinishをこっちに)

01:09:052 (1,2,3) - 個人的にこの隠れてしまう配置が初見で分かりにくい様に思います
modありがとうございました~ :)
modding ;)


  • 他のmodderさんの意見にもありましたが、スライダーの返しの回数を統一したほうがベターだと思います
    例えば、01:30:949 (1) -
  1. 00:24:742 (4) - 同じスライダーを重ねるのはEasy Normalでは避けたほうがいいと思います
    次にEasy or Normalを作るときは気を付けてみてください
  2. 00:41:639 (1) - かなり若干ではありますが画面の端に触れてるので念のため(1,2)を1grid上に上げませんか?
  1. 00:16:639 (5) - 次の(1)のスライダーの始点にスタックしませんか?
  2. 00:21:811 (4) - 全体にclapはうるさいので、00:21:811 (x), 00:21:984 (x), 00:22:156 (x) の3つだけにしてはどうでしょう
  3. 00:31:811 (1) - (2)と同じ音量でここにfinishが入っているので少し違和感 音量を-10% ?
  4. 00:32:501 (1) - 全体にclapがついているのはうるさいので、最初の始点だけにclap
  5. 00:49:397 (1,2) - (1)終点、(2)始点にclapを追加して、(2)始点のfinishを削除とかどうでしょう
  6. 00:54:742 (1,3) - (1)の方は始点にそれぞれclapの音がありますがどうしましょう
  7. 01:24:742 (5) - 01:24:914 のボーカルの音を取れてないので違和感
  8. 01:25:432 (1,3) - 上と同じく、ボーカルの音が取れてないところがあるので違和感
  9. 01:27:846 (1,4) - 00:54と同じく
  10. 01:28:880 (1,2,3,4) - 全部にclapがつくのはうるさいので、(1,3)だけにしてみてはどうでしょう
[Asakichi's Expert]

  • 音取りが抜けていてプレイしたときタイミングの取りずらさと音取りの空白感を感じた部分がありました
    Hard difでなら許容範囲かもしれませんが、Insaneだと物足りなさを覚える人がいると思います
  1. 00:13:708 (x) - ドラムの音があるのにnoteがなかったので違和感
  2. 00:15:260 (4,5,6,7,8) - 歌詞で音をとったと思うんですが、それぞれの間にドラムの音が綺麗に入っていて
  3. 00:27:501 (x) - 00:24:570 (7,8) の(8)に対応するこの場所にnoteを追加しませんか?
  4. 00:37:673 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こんな配置にしてみませんか?
  5. 00:49:397 (x) - note追加
  6. 00:50:259 (x) - ^
  7. 00:58:707 (7) - ^
  8. 01:03:535 (2,3) - 01:01:983 (1,2,3,4) は約1.30xのスペーシングなのに対し、
  9. 01:22:500 (x) - note追加
  10. 01:23:362 (x) - ^
  11. 01:31:811 (x) - ^
  12. 01:36:638 (2,3) - 01:03と同じ

  • 譜面を流して聴いていて、いくつかドラムの音が抜けているためもったいなく感じました
      1. 00:22:673 (1) - 00:22:932 の位置にドラム こんな音取りはどうでしょう?
      2. 00:24:225 (6) - 00:24:225 の位置にドラム
      3. 00:25:432 (1) - 00:25:691 の位置にドラム 00:22と同じ音取りの提案
      4. 00:26:984 (5) - 00:27:070 の位置にドラム 00:24と同じ音取りの提案
      5. 00:28:449 (x) - ここにドラムの音があるのでnoteを追加して2連打+スライダーの音取りに
      6. 00:31:208 (x) - ここにもドラムが noteを追加
      7. 00:56:638 (3) - 00:56:724 にドラム
      8. 00:58:018 (9) - 00:58:104 にドラム 00:24と同じ音取りの提案
      9. 01:01:983 (1) - 01:02:242 にドラム
      10. 01:05:000 (x) - ドラムがあるのでnote追加
      11. 01:12:587 (x) - ここにもドラム!
      12. 01:14:397 (1) - 01:14:655 にドラム 00:22と同じ音取りの提案
      13. 01:29:741 (3) - 01:29:828にドラム 00:56と同じ音取りの提案
      14. 01:31:121 (7) - 01:31:207にドラム 00:24と同じ音取りの提案
      15. 01:35:086 (1) - 01:35:345にドラム 01:01と同じ音取りの提案
      16. 01:38:104 (x) - note追加
  • 00:31:811 (1) - (2)と同じ音量でここにfinishが入っているので少し違和感 音量を-10% ?
  • 00:33:104 (3,4,5) - ここは静かな曲調に変わる直前なのでclapを付けて盛り上げるのは合わないように感じます
    イメージ的には00:32:846 (2) - 終点から段々静かにしていく感じですが、
  • 00:38:018 (4) - ヒットサウンドの提案 ここにclapを追加して、00:38:880 (1) - 始点にfinishを追加
    そのあと00:38:363 に40%の緑線、00:39:570に元の50%に戻す緑線を追加
  • 00:43:363 (2,3,4,5) - (2)終点~(5)も60%の音量にするのは大きすぎると思いました
  • 00:49:742 (2) - 特にそれらしい音が曲にないので始点のfinishを削除
  • 00:50:345 (4) - ここにドラムの音が入っていないので、単発 - 2連打+スライダーの方が曲的にはベターだと思います
  • 00:54:742 (1) - clap追加
  • 00:55:259 (4) - ^, finish削除
  • 00:55:690 (2) - ドラムの音がここにはないので単発 - 4連打+スライダーがベターだと思います
  • 01:01:293 (4,5,6) - clapは(4)だけでもいいように思いました
  • 01:05:777 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 曲にこの連打の音がないので若干ではありますが違和感を感じました
  • 01:08:707 (1,2) - ここのギターの音はストリームで取っている音と違って伸びているので
  • 01:22:845 (2) - 始点のfinishを削除
  • 01:23:448 (4) - ここにドラムの音がありません スライダー+単発+スライダーにしませんか?
  • 01:27:845 (1) - clapを追加
  • 01:28:362 (4) - ^, finishを削除
  • 01:28:793 (2) - ドラムの音がないので削除
  • 01:34:396 (4,5,6) - 01:01と同じヒットサウンドの提案

KSHR wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert]

  • 音取りが抜けていてプレイしたときタイミングの取りずらさと音取りの空白感を感じた部分がありました
    Hard diffでなら許容範囲かもしれませんが、Insaneだと物足りなさを覚える人がいると思います
  1. 00:13:708 (x) - ドラムの音があるのにnoteがなかったので違和感
  2. 00:15:260 (4,5,6,7,8) - 歌詞で音をとったと思うんですが、それぞれの間にドラムの音が綺麗に入っていて
  3. 00:27:501 (x) - 00:24:570 (7,8) の(8)に対応するこの場所にnoteを追加しませんか?
  4. 00:37:673 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こんな配置にしてみませんか?
  5. 00:49:397 (x) - note追加  ここは追加せず。
  6. 00:50:259 (x) - ^   追加しました。
  7. 00:58:707 (7) - ^   ここも追加せず。
  8. 01:03:535 (2,3) - 01:01:983 (1,2,3,4) は約1.30xのスペーシングなのに対し、
  9. 01:22:500 (x) - note追加 同じく
  10. 01:23:362 (x) - ^ 同じく
  11. 01:31:811 (x) - ^ 同じく
  12. 01:36:638 (2,3) - 01:03と同じ 同じ
とても参考になりました~ thanks! :)
Topic Starter

KSHR wrote:

modding ;) どうも! :D


  • 他のmodderさんの意見にもありましたが、スライダーの返しの回数を統一したほうがベターだと思います
    例えば、01:30:949 (1) -
  1. 00:24:742 (4) - 同じスライダーを重ねるのはEasy Normalでは避けたほうがいいと思います
    次にEasy or Normalを作るときは気を付けてみてください
  2. 00:41:639 (1) - かなり若干ではありますが画面の端に触れてるので念のため(1,2)を1grid上に上げませんか? fix 2grid上げて、終点のfinishを削除しclapを追加しました
  1. 00:16:639 (5) - 次の(1)のスライダーの始点にスタックしませんか? ok
  2. 00:21:811 (4) - 全体にclapはうるさいので、00:21:811 (x), 00:21:984 (x), 00:22:156 (x) の3つだけにしてはどうでしょう 往復数を減らしてスネア音に忠実にして、音をカットしました
  3. 00:31:811 (1) - (2)と同じ音量でここにfinishが入っているので少し違和感 音量を-10% ? ok
  4. 00:32:501 (1) - 全体にclapがついているのはうるさいので、最初の始点だけにclap fix 音量調整しました
  5. 00:49:397 (1,2) - (1)終点、(2)始点にclapを追加して、(2)始点のfinishを削除とかどうでしょう 2の始点にclapは個人的に合わなかったので1のみ修正しました
  6. 00:54:742 (1,3) - (1)の方は始点にそれぞれclapの音がありますがどうしましょう スネアの音に合わせてclapのみにすると盛り上がりに欠け、スネアとシンバルは両立できない音源だと思っているのでnoです
  7. 01:24:742 (5) - 01:24:914 のボーカルの音を取れてないので違和感 01:23:535 (4) - から01:29:225 (5) - まではボーカルに合わせず、違うパターン(シンセ等に合わせています)で構成しました、打ちづらい等の意見も特になかったのでnoです
  8. 01:25:432 (1,3) - 上と同じく、ボーカルの音が取れてないところがあるので違和感 同上
  9. 01:27:846 (1,4) - 00:54と同じく 上記と同じくno~
  10. 01:28:880 (1,2,3,4) - 全部にclapがつくのはうるさいので、(1,3)だけにしてみてはどうでしょう fix 音量調整しました

  • 譜面を流して聴いていて、いくつかドラムの音が抜けているためもったいなく感じました
      1. 00:22:673 (1) - 00:22:932 の位置にドラム こんな音取りはどうでしょう?
      2. 00:24:225 (6) - 00:24:225 の位置にドラム
      3. 00:25:432 (1) - 00:25:691 の位置にドラム 00:22と同じ音取りの提案
      4. 00:26:984 (5) - 00:27:070 の位置にドラム 00:24と同じ音取りの提案
      5. 00:28:449 (x) - ここにドラムの音があるのでnoteを追加して2連打+スライダーの音取りに
      6. 00:31:208 (x) - ここにもドラムが noteを追加
      7. 00:56:638 (3) - 00:56:724 にドラム
      8. 00:58:018 (9) - 00:58:104 にドラム 00:24と同じ音取りの提案
      9. 01:01:983 (1) - 01:02:242 にドラム
      10. 01:05:000 (x) - ドラムがあるのでnote追加
      11. 01:12:587 (x) - ここにもドラム!
      12. 01:14:397 (1) - 01:14:655 にドラム 00:22と同じ音取りの提案
      13. 01:29:741 (3) - 01:29:828にドラム 00:56と同じ音取りの提案
      14. 01:31:121 (7) - 01:31:207にドラム 00:24と同じ音取りの提案
      15. 01:35:086 (1) - 01:35:345にドラム 01:01と同じ音取りの提案
      16. 01:38:104 (x) - note追加
  • 00:31:811 (1) - (2)と同じ音量でここにfinishが入っているので少し違和感 音量を-10% ? ok
  • 00:33:104 (3,4,5) - ここは静かな曲調に変わる直前なのでclapを付けて盛り上げるのは合わないように感じます
    イメージ的には00:32:846 (2) - 終点から段々静かにしていく感じですが、
  • 00:38:018 (4) - ヒットサウンドの提案 ここにclapを追加して、00:38:880 (1) - 始点にfinishを追加 4には既にclapが付いています~、1の始点には音源にシンバル音はなく、finishをつけてしまうと、1の終点で音源のシンバルがなるので、重複して私には音源に合わないと思いましたのでnoです
    そのあと00:38:363 に40%の緑線、00:39:570に元の50%に戻す緑線を追加
  • 00:43:363 (2,3,4,5) - (2)終点~(5)も60%の音量にするのは大きすぎると思いました fix 音量調整しました
  • 00:49:742 (2) - 特にそれらしい音が曲にないので始点のfinishを削除 ここは他の方の意見でfinishを追加しました、また削除すると盛り上がりに欠けるのでnoです
  • 00:50:345 (4) - ここにドラムの音が入っていないので、単発 - 2連打+スライダーの方が曲的にはベターだと思います ここは私自身のこだわりの音取りなので、申し訳ないですがnoです、が音量を調整しました
  • 00:54:742 (1) - clap追加 スネア音だけだと盛り上がりに欠ける、及びスネアとシンバルは両立しないのでno
  • 00:55:259 (4) - ^, finish削除 同上
  • 00:55:690 (2) - ドラムの音がここにはないので単発 - 4連打+スライダーがベターだと思います ここもこだわりの音取りなので、申し訳ないですがnoです
  • 01:01:293 (4,5,6) - clapは(4)だけでもいいように思いました 物足りない感があるので、音量調整しました
  • 01:05:777 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 曲にこの連打の音がないので若干ではありますが違和感を感じました
    連打にするよりは(2,4,6,8)を削除して単発のジャンプ配置の方が合うかも? 素晴らしい提案です、採用させていただきました!
  • 01:08:707 (1,2) - ここのギターの音はストリームで取っている音と違って伸びているので ok
  • 01:22:845 (2) - 始点のfinishを削除 同上
  • 01:23:448 (4) - ここにドラムの音がありません スライダー+単発+スライダーにしませんか? ^
  • 01:27:845 (1) - clapを追加 ^
  • 01:28:362 (4) - ^, finishを削除 ^
  • 01:28:793 (2) - ドラムの音がないので削除 ^
  • 01:34:396 (4,5,6) - 01:01と同じヒットサウンドの提案 ^
KSHRさん、もっでぃんぐありがとうございました、とても参考になりました! :oops:
Hi Wreath

00:16:811 (1) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen
00:21:639 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
00:25:087 (7) - you can do it like this orthis. I think that should do the for example 1.
00:29:225 (4) - make it better like this
00:31:294 (3) - you try to copy notes 00:30:949 (2) - and set this asthis
00:31:811 (1) - if you do so, you have to edit this note !
00:36:811 (1) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen
00:38:880 (1) - ^
00:50:259 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:54:741 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - you should use Ctrl + Shift + D
00:55:604 - next of 00:54:741 (7) - I do this just for example, If you do change, Please adjust
if you do two things this 00:57:155 (21) -please change
00:59:397 (4) - you do it likethis, is overlap with 00:57:328 (5,7) -
01:14:397 (1) - likethis
01:25:431 (2) - overlap with 01:24:396 (4) - likethis
01:26:983 (3,4,5) - same ^. change

[Asakichi's Expert]
00:12:501 (6,8) - adjust the back one here
or 00:13:191 (8,9,10,11) - change for example, you must change its distance
00:18:018 - add note here
00:18:622 (5,6) - change likethis, overlap with 00:17:501 (3) - and 00:17:328 (2) -
00:23:708 - add note
00:24:397 - ^ and add sound clap
00:26:294 (3) -add hit clap or finish
00:42:673 (2) - right 1 grid
00:43:191 (2) - ^
00:45:604 - i think add note, because it would be better for play
00:51:121 - ^
00:56:638 - ^
00:58:707 - add note, because has vocal or slider likethis,add note 00:59:052 - here, to be so.
00:58:880 (1) - can remove
01:29:742 - i think add note, because it would be better for play
01:31:811 - add note, because has vocal or same like 00:58:707 -
01:31:983 (1) - can remove

00:13:018 (2) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen.
00:18:880 (3) - make it better, slider tick overlap together , example.
00:33:018 - remove slider replaced 3 note
01:19:225 (1) - like this or like this will like this
01:40:260 (1) - remove and start spiner here,so it is the same with 3 diff remaining
00:41:639 (1) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen.

that all
is purely my opinion, you can ignore them if you disagree.
good luck, my friend

Zejky wrote:

[Asakichi's Expert] 
00:12:501 (6,8) - adjust the back one here
or 00:13:191 (8,9,10,11) - change for example, you must change its distance
00:18:018 - add note here
00:18:622 (5,6) - change likethis, overlap with 00:17:501 (3) - and 00:17:328 (2) -
00:23:708 - add note
00:24:397 - ^ and add sound clap
00:26:294 (3) -add hit clap or finish
00:42:673 (2) - right 1 grid
00:43:191 (2) - ^
00:45:604 - i think add note, because it would be better for play
00:51:121 - ^
00:56:638 - ^
00:58:707 - add note, because has vocal or slider likethis,add note 00:59:052 - here, to be so.
00:58:880 (1) - can remove
01:29:742 - i think add note, because it would be better for play
01:31:811 - add note, because has vocal or same like 00:58:707 -
01:31:983 (1) - can remove
fix some. thanks mod~ :)
Topic Starter

Zejky wrote:

Hi Wreath hi :oops:

00:16:811 (1) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen
00:21:639 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
00:25:087 (7) - you can do it like this orthis. I think that should do the for example 1.
00:29:225 (4) - make it better like this
00:31:294 (3) - you try to copy notes 00:30:949 (2) - and set this asthis
00:31:811 (1) - if you do so, you have to edit this note !
00:36:811 (1) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen
00:38:880 (1) - ^
00:50:259 (3,4,5,6) - ^
00:54:741 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - you should use Ctrl + Shift + D
00:55:604 - next of 00:54:741 (7) - I do this just for example, If you do change, Please adjust
if you do two things this 00:57:155 (21) -please change
00:59:397 (4) - you do it likethis, is overlap with 00:57:328 (5,7) -
01:14:397 (1) - likethis
01:25:431 (2) - overlap with 01:24:396 (4) - likethis
01:26:983 (3,4,5) - same ^. change

00:13:018 (2) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen.
00:18:880 (3) - make it better, slider tick overlap together , example.
00:33:018 - remove slider replaced 3 note
01:19:225 (1) - like this or like this will like this
01:40:260 (1) - remove and start spiner here,so it is the same with 3 diff remaining
00:41:639 (1) - you can make it up, thus easier to play.should not leave it too close to the screen.

that all
is purely my opinion, you can ignore them if you disagree.
good luck, my friend
thanks zejky~~~~<3 fixed some :oops:
May I?
go go!
GoGo ;) ;) ;) ;)
Oh, I see this map got bubbled :3

This map is still lovely even since the first I modded it 2 months ago, here you go (:
(especially Regular diff, very lovely flow xD)

Ranked ~
Gratz :O
1st rankおめでとうございます :)
1st rank,gratz~~:3
Qrispy Joybox~~~~

おめでと :D
congratz xD
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