
Chata - Sora no Hikari

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年5月15日 at 14:18:21

Artist: Chata
Title: Sora no Hikari
Source: Hoshizora no Memoria -Eternal Heart-
Tags: guy galgame
BPM: 162
Filesize: 5173kb
Play Time: 02:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.13 stars, 122 notes)
  2. Guy's Hard (4.78 stars, 317 notes)
  3. Guy's Normal (3.1 stars, 204 notes)
  4. Insane (4.99 stars, 408 notes)
Download: Chata - Sora no Hikari
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Chata kawaiiii~
Normal & Hard by Guy
IRC Moddddddddddddddddddddddd

03:18 *remy11 is listening to (Chata - Sora no Hikari (Short Ver.))[]
03:18 <remy11> : hi
03:18 <NewRulerNA> : hai
03:19 <remy11> : 新譜です
03:19 <remy11> : 良かったら
03:20 <remy11> : 見てみてください
03:20 <NewRulerNA> : 既に見ているところだったりする
03:20 <remy11> : ^^;
03:20 <NewRulerNA> : えーっとこれはMod的な意味で?
03:20 <remy11> : いや
03:20 <remy11> : Player的に。
03:23 <NewRulerNA> : 分かりにくい配置とかはなかったかな
03:23 <NewRulerNA> : 前半マウスだから切ったのはほぼ仕様
03:23 <remy11> : (´゚c_,゚` )
03:24 <NewRulerNA> : 01:54:123 (1) -
03:24 <NewRulerNA> : これが配置として見てて気になったかな
03:25 <remy11> : ああー
03:25 <NewRulerNA> : ヒットバーストで影響はない程度だけど隠れてしまうのが・・・
03:25 <remy11> : 言われてみれば。
03:25 <NewRulerNA> : あとmp3の方なんだけど
03:26 <NewRulerNA> : Fadeのタイミングが微妙で
03:26 <NewRulerNA> : このあとに続きがあるんじゃないかって感じがかなりする
03:26 <remy11> : あるから何もイエナいww
03:26 <remy11> : しかも長いから迷ったんだよなあー
03:27 <NewRulerNA> : 最後の「行こう~」のところでFadeかける感じで
03:27 <remy11> : 最後の 行こう~ で
03:27 <remy11> : ああ
03:27 <remy11> : w
03:27 <NewRulerNA> : スピナーに合わせて無音にするならあり
03:27 <remy11> : そうしてみるかな
03:27 <remy11> : スピナー5%
03:27 <remy11> : してある
03:27 <remy11> : すでに。
03:28 <NewRulerNA> : まぁ見てて気になった配置というのはないし、Mod依頼されても多分大した意見は言えそうにないな
03:29 <NewRulerNA> : あとoffset-2かなぁ・・・・
03:29 <NewRulerNA> : 気持ち遅い
03:29 <remy11> : 788?
03:29 <NewRulerNA> : かな
03:30 <NewRulerNA> : で、カウントダウンのチェック外す
03:30 <NewRulerNA> : Lead-inも1000ms程度入れたほうがいいかなー
03:30 <remy11> : (*`・ω・´)ゞ
03:31 <remy11> : lead in ittumo wakatteru noni wasure tyau
03:31 <NewRulerNA> : 割りとある
03:32 <NewRulerNA> : これってIRC Modとして書き込んでおいたほうがいい的な?
03:32 <NewRulerNA> : 個人的にはkdsいらないから別にいいんだけども
03:33 <remy11> : okay
03:33 <NewRulerNA> : 了解
03:34 <remy11> : Full up date
03:35 <remy11> : shite mita
03:35 <remy11> : kakunin shite moraeruto arigataidesu
03:35 <NewRulerNA> : おk、確認するね~
03:36 <remy11> : 02:47:639 - これ
03:36 <remy11> : 消すか迷ってる
03:36 <NewRulerNA> : 01:36:345 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
03:36 <NewRulerNA> : この辺意識するなら消さないほうがいいかな
03:37 <remy11> : それか
03:37 <remy11> : 02:47:454 - こっから
03:37 <remy11> : 1/2スライダー
03:37 <remy11> : 折り返し
03:38 <NewRulerNA> : 単発とスライダーで行くのがいいかな~個人的には
03:38 <NewRulerNA> : ターン入れると物足りなさが出てくる
03:39 <remy11> : konnnan?
03:39 <remy11> : one more plz
03:39 <NewRulerNA> : あーこういうのもありかー
03:40 <remy11> : え
03:40 <NewRulerNA> : これでもいいと思う
03:40 <remy11> : 逆にどういうの言ってたんだw
03:40 <NewRulerNA> : でも配置に注意で
03:41 <NewRulerNA> : まぁ気にしてはいけ無い
03:41 <NewRulerNA> : 02:47:639 (2) -
03:41 <NewRulerNA> : このままだとスピナーのヒットバーストで何か言われるから注意ね
03:41 <NewRulerNA> : それと最後のスピナー、これ音量徐々に下げていく感じで
03:42 <remy11> : 短さ的にそれくらいになっちゃうんだよねー
03:42 <NewRulerNA> : いや、中央から移動させる的な意味で
03:43 <NewRulerNA> :
03:43 <NewRulerNA> : こんなのでも構わない
03:44 <remy11> : ああー
03:44 <remy11> : 確かにいいかも。
03:45 <NewRulerNA> : ちょっと気付いたんだけどさ
03:45 <NewRulerNA> : 01:37:086 (7) -
03:45 <NewRulerNA> : ここからはどうしてスピナーじゃないの?
03:45 <remy11> : それスピナーかなあ
03:45 <NewRulerNA> : 個人的にはこっちもスピナーで統一しちゃっても良い感じはする
03:46 <remy11> : 確かにそうだな
03:46 <remy11> : 修正。
03:46 <NewRulerNA> : それとtagのguyというのは・・・
03:47 <remy11> : ああ
03:47 <remy11> : Hardのゲスト
03:47 <NewRulerNA> : 把握ー
03:47 <remy11> : こっから追加されるから大丈夫
03:48 <NewRulerNA> : ソースとタグはあとで追加されるとしてこれで終了かな
03:48 <remy11> : さすが伝説のMapperだけあって違いますな。
03:48 <NewRulerNA> : これぞ黒歴史パワー
Topic Starter
GO GO remy11
Topic Starter

00:05 <Guy> : HardのLead-in2000にしちゃったけど大丈夫かな
00:05 <remy11> : okay
00:05 <remy11> : ore no mo 2000 desu
00:05 <Guy> : Insaneは0になってるけど。。。
00:06 <remy11> : e
00:06 <remy11> : uso da
00:06 <remy11> : ore settei shita hazu
00:06 <Guy> : wwww
00:06 <Guy> : hontou da
00:06 <remy11> : Fixed
00:06 <Guy> : Ok
Topic Starter
okay, up date!
既存のRanked譜面と同じ曲なので「Hoshizora no Memoria -Eternal Heart-」をソースに追加


[Guy's Normal]

例えば00:38:565 (1) なんかはSliderTickの位置で本来はClapが鳴らされているはずですよね?

00:00:788 (1) ~ 00:23:010 (1) - なぜここはヒットサウンドが全くついていないのでしょうか?
00:09:676 (4) もしくは 00:11:158 (6) - パターン的に見るとどちらかで一旦NC
00:15:602 (5) - ここも長さ的にもNC
00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5) - NC
00:42:269 (6) - スライダーがわずかに歪んでいます
00:46:343 (4) or 00:46:713 (5) - NC 00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5)のところと同じ
00:58:195 (4) or 00:58:565 (5) - NC 見た目を優先するなら(4)、パターン優先なら(5)
01:04:862 (4) or 01:05:232 (5) - NC 00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5)のところと同じ
01:10:417 (5) - ここは以前のパターン的にNC
01:13:380 (1,3) - このスライダーが微妙に触れているのがちょっと見た目も悪く気になります
01:29:676 (1) - ここでNCを外して01:31:158 (3) にNC付け替え
01:51:899 (4) - ここでNC?
01:54:491 (7) - ここにClapがついていないのはなぜ?
02:04:121 (5) - パターンによるNC
02:11:899 (4) - ここでClapはちょっと直前までのヒットサウンド的に浮いている気がします
02:15:232 (4,5) - NC 00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5)のところと同じ
02:34:121 (2) - そこまで実際のプレイに影響はしないのですが、02:31:899 (3)で本当に一瞬だけども隠れるのは初心者に優しくないかも



[Guy's Hard]


00:11:899 (2,3,4,5,6) - ここのDistanceの微妙な変化がすこし気になりました
00:59:306 - なぜここはNormalの時と違い音量を下げたのでしょうか?
01:10:417 (5) - 少しだけ歪んでいます
01:11:899 (7) - ここだけ2回ターンでちょっとコンボを切る要素になるかも
01:50:417 (4,5,6) - 他の似たような配置と比較すると少し近づけ過ぎなように思えます
01:55:973 (5,6) - ^
02:05:047 (4,5) - ^
02:06:713 (1,2,3,4) - Hardとして問題なく通ると思いますが、この往復がちょっと見にくく個人的にはHardとしてはやや難易度が高く別の配置をしたほうが良いように思えます
02:33:750 (4,6) - Unrankかちょっと際どい感じが、どちらにせよHardとしてはちょっと問題ありです


Snapしてない場所が大量にあるのでAI Modで確認、修正で

NewRulerNA wrote:

既存のRanked譜面と同じ曲なので「Hoshizora no Memoria -Eternal Heart-」をソースに追加


[Guy's Normal]

例えば00:38:565 (1) なんかはSliderTickの位置で本来はClapが鳴らされているはずですよね?

00:00:788 (1) ~ 00:23:010 (1) - なぜここはヒットサウンドが全くついていないのでしょうか?
00:09:676 (4) もしくは 00:11:158 (6) - パターン的に見るとどちらかで一旦NC
00:15:602 (5) - ここも長さ的にもNC
00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5) - NC
00:42:269 (6) - スライダーがわずかに歪んでいます
00:46:343 (4) or 00:46:713 (5) - NC 00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5)のところと同じ
00:58:195 (4) or 00:58:565 (5) - NC 見た目を優先するなら(4)、パターン優先なら(5)
01:04:862 (4) or 01:05:232 (5) - NC 00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5)のところと同じ
01:10:417 (5) - ここは以前のパターン的にNC
01:13:380 (1,3) - このスライダーが微妙に触れているのがちょっと見た目も悪く気になります
01:29:676 (1) - ここでNCを外して01:31:158 (3) にNC付け替え
01:51:899 (4) - ここでNC?
01:54:491 (7) - ここにClapがついていないのはなぜ?
02:04:121 (5) - パターンによるNC
02:11:899 (4) - ここでClapはちょっと直前までのヒットサウンド的に浮いている気がします
02:15:232 (4,5) - NC 00:41:158 (4) or 00:41:528 (5)のところと同じ
02:34:121 (2) - そこまで実際のプレイに影響はしないのですが、02:31:899 (3)で本当に一瞬だけども隠れるのは初心者に優しくないかも



[Guy's Hard]


00:11:899 (2,3,4,5,6) - ここのDistanceの微妙な変化がすこし気になりました
00:59:306 - なぜここはNormalの時と違い音量を下げたのでしょうか?
01:10:417 (5) - 少しだけ歪んでいます
01:11:899 (7) - ここだけ2回ターンでちょっとコンボを切る要素になるかも
01:50:417 (4,5,6) - 他の似たような配置と比較すると少し近づけ過ぎなように思えます
01:55:973 (5,6) - ^
02:05:047 (4,5) - ^
02:06:713 (1,2,3,4) - Hardとして問題なく通ると思いますが、この往復がちょっと見にくく個人的にはHardとしてはやや難易度が高く別の配置をしたほうが良いように思えます
02:33:750 (4,6) - Unrankかちょっと際どい感じが、どちらにせよHardとしてはちょっと問題ありです
ありがとうございます ;)


Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:

既存のRanked譜面と同じ曲なので「Hoshizora no Memoria -Eternal Heart-」をソースに追加



Snapしてない場所が大量にあるのでAI Modで確認、修正で
up date!
hello > #modreqs and Chata <3


  1. You are making [Easy]? remember that the current ranking criteria says that your guest mapper cant submit more diffs than you < see the "Mapset" part


  1. 00:00:788 ~ 00:18:565 - maybe decrease the volume of this sections to ~30%?
  2. 00:09:676 (1) - finish on start of slider? O:
  3. 00:15:602 (1) - ↑ same as up
  4. 00:18:565 (3) - ↑
  5. 00:21:528 (7) - finish to end this section
  6. 00:25:973 - maybe add a normal soundset time section here, to increase the effect of the spinner, also add finish to the spinner, hmm a ~60% volume would be nice here
  7. 00:41:343 (2) - overlap with previous slider dont looks so good, maybe just move this 1 or 2 grids to the right, so they start/end slider dont touch with the other slider body
  8. 00:49:121 (3) - clap? double clap on end of vocals section sounds nice
  9. 00:51:343 (5) - avoid overlap with 00:50:417 (2), maybe use random spacing like 00:41:899 (3,4)
  10. 00:55:232 (5) - finish to end of slider?
  11. 00:59:306 (1,2,3) - any special reason to use whistles here? also (3) dont looks so good, make this: copy paste (1) ctrl+j and ctrl+r it then re-locate (2) to have a nicer formation, see screen, I think you wanted to make something like that

    maybe you have to re-locate next combo
  12. 01:07:454 (1) - finish on start of slider?
  13. 01:11:528 (4) - clap to start of slider
  14. 01:12:269 (3) - clap
  15. 01:12:639 (1) - clap to start of slider, this clap enhance the battery pretty nice, please considerate this
  16. 01:36:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - clap to all this, or move the normal soundset section to 01:36:343, also use default soundset to this section, you have not custom soundset Normal 2
  17. 01:40:047 - 5% volume is silent, ranking criteria says that hitsounds must be audible, and the minimum its 15% I think, Im not too sure about it but I really preffer have a volume of 25%~
  18. 01:54:121 (1) - move the repeat away from previous slider hitburst
  19. 02:07:269 (3) - use a ctrl+h from previous slider, although spacing will be inconcistant the asymmetry looks more weird
  20. 02:17:454 (2) - 3 grids right to have same placement related to (1) and (3)
  21. 02:17:825 (3) - clap to end of this
  22. 02:21:158 (1) - clap
  23. 02:22:639 (5) - clap
  24. 02:23:750 (3) - clap, same as some suggest up, enhance battery
  25. 02:24:491 ~ moar claping please

[Guy's Hard]

  1. 00:25:973 - same as [Insane] add a normal default soundset section to this spinner end, it has finish already
  2. 01:02:269 -any special reason to use this volume decrease? please use the same volume
  3. 01:34:121 (1,2) - this blankets dont looks so good, suggest on screen
  4. 02:12:639 - common volume please
  5. 02:24:121 (2) - no clap?
  6. 02:48:195 (1) - finish the spinner on 02:50:232, just like [Insane]
Nice [Hard] <: but needs moar finishes

as I dont know what you are goint to do with your diff spread Il stop here, if you are going to make an [Easy] diff or delete the [Normal] and make your own, make me know it Ill back

ikari_kyon wrote:

[Guy's Hard]

  1. 00:25:973 - same as [Insane] add a normal default soundset section to this spinner end, it has finish already
  2. 01:02:269 -any special reason to use this volume decrease? please use the same volume
  3. 01:34:121 (1,2) - this blankets dont looks so good, suggest on screen
  4. 02:12:639 - common volume please
  5. 02:24:121 (2) - no clap?
  6. 02:48:195 (1) - finish the spinner on 02:50:232, just like [Insane]
Nice [Hard] <: but needs moar finishes
All fixed!
Thank you i_k ;)
Topic Starter
I fixed it~

up date!
remy11さん こんにちは

thank you for the request ~ :D

here my mod ~

  1. KIAI TIME - 1st kiai time:01:12:639 - 音が小さいとこからkiai入れるのは盛り上がりに欠けると思います。01:13:380で良いかと。 2nd kiaitimeも同様02:23:750⇒02:24:491
[Guy's Normal]
  1. 00:12:639 (4) - スライダーstartはwhistleじゃなくfinishの方がいいと思います。
  2. 00:03:750 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 始まりから1/1リズムでずっときてるので、00:07:454 (1,2,3) - ここからのリズム変わり目が少し合わないように思います。00:03:750~をvocal合わせで置いてみてはいかがでしょうか? 例えば: (画像のように00:07:825にも置くと直良くなるかと)
  3. 00:15:602 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 00:21:528 (3) - add finish
  5. 00:23:010 (1) - finish音をNormaldiffと統一してはどうですか?
  6. 00:37:825(x) - ここにnote+finishを置いて勢いを付けた方が私は好きです。00:38:565 (1) - ここからの最初のclap音が目立ちすぎているので。(EDIT:他diffではあまり気にはならなかったので音量を下げるだけでも良いかも。normalだけ少し音量大きいです)
  7. 00:38:195(x) - ^ note+clap
  8. 00:49:676 (1) - startにfinish
  9. 01:02:269 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここにもclapを一定に置くなら01:02:269でのvolume downは小さすぎると思います。
    音付けの提案: 01:03:380.01:04:862.01:06:343. volは60%くらい。 01:07:454~のnoteでvolume up.
  10. 01:25:232 (1) - startにfinish
  11. 01:29:676 (1) - remove NC and 01:31:158 (3) - add NC ?
  12. 01:48:936(x) - 00:37:825(x)と同じ
  13. 01:49:306(x) - 00:38:195(x)^
  14. 02:03:010 (4) - add NC and 02:04:121 (1) - remove NC
  15. 02:13:380 (2) - 02:13:750に移動してclap置いた方が私は好きです :D
  16. 02:15:602 (1) - remove NC and 02:16:713 (2) - add NC 形、リズム的にもこの方が合うと思います。
  17. 02:21:528 (1,2) - 重ねない方が良いと思います
  18. 02:24:491 (2,3,1,2) - サビなのでこの間がものすごく寂しく思います。 02:24:121と02:27:084くらいにはnote置いたほうが良いかも。
  19. 02:48:195 (1) - スピナーend 他のdiff同様に02:50:232移動。kiai time endも移動してください。

    noteの追加提案が多いので、じっくり考えて決めてください。 star rating調整する場合はサビ以外のところでした方がベターかと思います。
    (00:49:676 (1) - を00:49:676のnoteのみに変更, 01:05:973 (2,3,4) - 01:05:973~01:07:084までのスライダーに変更等 )
[Guy's Hard]
  1. HD -1 , OD -1 ( normal,hard間でのバランスが悪いので変更をお勧めします)
  2. 00:03:750 (5) - Ctrl+Hの向きの方が合うかと
  3. 00:46:713 (7) - add NC
  4. 00:57:084 (6) - add NC and 00:57:825 (1) - remove NC and 00:58:380 (4) - add NC とした方がわかりやすいかも
  5. 01:02:269 - 不要な緑線
  6. 01:08:195 (7,8) - ジャンプさせないほうが良いと思います。 もしくは01:07:084 (4) - endにfinish、01:07:639 (5) - add NC とここからスライダー速度戻しとか。
  7. 01:11:899 (7) - add NC
  8. 01:19:121 (9) - note削除した方がNCの見た目に良いし、リズムも悪くないかと
  9. 01:24:491 (1) - remove NC and 01:25:232 (3) - add NCした方が私は好きです :D
  10. 01:28:565 (6) - startのwhistle削除。 入れるなら01:28:936 (7) - のstartと01:29:676 (1) - .01:30:417 (5) - に。
  11. 01:59:306 (6) - add NC
  12. 02:08:195 (7) - ^
  13. 02:08:195 (7,8) - DS1.3xの方がきれいだと思います。
  14. 02:09:676 (1,2,3) - ^
  15. 02:18:565 (1) - startにfinish
  16. 02:21:528 (1) - ^
  17. 02:23:750 (1) - remove NC and 02:24:491 (4) - add NC ストリームじゃないのに13コンボは長すぎるかと。
  18. 02:33:380 (7) - add NC
  19. 02:35:602 (1) - remove NC and 02:36:343 (3) - add NC
  20. 02:40:787 (9) - add NC

    2番目のサビで02:24:491~と02:38:565~のNCの付け方が違うのが気になりました。(前者は強拍、後者はvoical合わせ) 1番目サビと見比べて統一性をもたせたほうが良いと思います。 02:26:713 (12) - . 02:29:676 (10) - .02:41:899 (1) - . 等
  1. 00:59:306 - スライダー速度down使うなら01:01:528~の方が良いかと思います。
  2. 01:10:417 (2) - startにfinish
  3. 01:17:454 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 順番の提案: こういう順番の方が流れ的に合うかなと。
  4. 01:25:232 (1) - startにfinish
  5. 01:29:306 (1) - remove NC and 01:29:676 (2) - add NC
  6. 02:10:417 - 00:59:306 - と同じで02:12:639~
  7. 02:24:491 (1) - startにfinish
  8. 02:30:417 (5) - add NC and 02:30:787 (1) - remove NC
  9. 02:36:343 (1) - startにfinish
  10. 02:43:380 (4) - 1番サビに合わせて add NC and 02:43:750 (1) - remove NC and 02:44:676 (4) - add NCにしては?
頑張ってください。 ;)

02:34:862 (3,1) - スタックした方がいいと思います
02:47:454 (1) - 01:36:343 (4) - に合わせて、1回折り返して、02:48:380 (1) - からスピナーにしてはどうでしょうか~?

01:34:121 (1,2) - スライダーを左右上下対称にしたほうが良いと思いました!
01:36:713 (5) - 提案ですが、スライダーを1回折り返して 01:37:084 - に音量をさげてfinishつけて01:37:269 - からスピナーにしてはどうでしょう?(finishは好みで><)
02:48:195 - ^と同じく提案ですが、add note(02:47:454 (6) - とスタック?)音量をさげてfinishをつけて、02:48:380 - からスピナー


00:00:788 (1) - naziですが、スライダーは終端のドット?をできるだけ○の真ん中に(x:168 y:320)、途中の曲げるところのドット?はスライダーの真ん中に(x:92 y:332)置いたほうが綺麗に見えると思います。この程度ならあまり気になりませんがもっと外れているところもあるので、作るときに意識したほうがいいと自分は思います。
02:08:565 (1) - ^ これはできるだけ直したほうが良いと思います。
01:05:973 (1,3) - ^ なめらかなカーブでないスライダーは形が分かりやすい?ので、特に意味がなければ曲がるところを真ん中に持ってきた方が無難だと思います。
00:08:195 (1,2,3) - 自分なら2を中心に、1と3をなるべく対称に見えるように置きます。
00:59:306 (1,2,3) - なめらかなカーブのほうが曲にあってると思います。それと、01:01:528 (1) - 自分ならとスタックさせます。
02:47:454 (1,2) - 音取りが01:36:343 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - と違ったのが少し気になりました。



kosiga wrote:

[General] - fixed
  1. KIAI TIME - 1st kiai time:01:12:639 - 音が小さいとこからkiai入れるのは盛り上がりに欠けると思います。01:13:380で良いかと。 2nd kiaitimeも同様02:23:750⇒02:24:491
[Guy's Normal] - All fixed
  1. 00:12:639 (4) - スライダーstartはwhistleじゃなくfinishの方がいいと思います。
  2. 00:03:750 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 始まりから1/1リズムでずっときてるので、00:07:454 (1,2,3) - ここからのリズム変わり目が少し合わないように思います。00:03:750~をvocal合わせで置いてみてはいかがでしょうか? 例えば: (画像のように00:07:825にも置くと直良くなるかと)
  3. 00:15:602 (1,2,3) - ^
  4. 00:21:528 (3) - add finish
  5. 00:23:010 (1) - finish音をNormaldiffと統一してはどうですか?
  6. 00:37:825(x) - ここにnote+finishを置いて勢いを付けた方が私は好きです。00:38:565 (1) - ここからの最初のclap音が目立ちすぎているので。(EDIT:他diffではあまり気にはならなかったので音量を下げるだけでも良いかも。normalだけ少し音量大きいです)
  7. 00:38:195(x) - ^ note+clap
  8. 00:49:676 (1) - startにfinish
  9. 01:02:269 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - ここにもclapを一定に置くなら01:02:269でのvolume downは小さすぎると思います。
    音付けの提案: 01:03:380.01:04:862.01:06:343. volは60%くらい。 01:07:454~のnoteでvolume up.
  10. 01:25:232 (1) - startにfinish
  11. 01:29:676 (1) - remove NC and 01:31:158 (3) - add NC ?
  12. 01:48:936(x) - 00:37:825(x)と同じ
  13. 01:49:306(x) - 00:38:195(x)^
  14. 02:03:010 (4) - add NC and 02:04:121 (1) - remove NC
  15. 02:13:380 (2) - 02:13:750に移動してclap置いた方が私は好きです :D
  16. 02:15:602 (1) - remove NC and 02:16:713 (2) - add NC 形、リズム的にもこの方が合うと思います。
  17. 02:21:528 (1,2) - 重ねない方が良いと思います
  18. 02:24:491 (2,3,1,2) - サビなのでこの間がものすごく寂しく思います。 02:24:121と02:27:084くらいにはnote置いたほうが良いかも。
  19. 02:48:195 (1) - スピナーend 他のdiff同様に02:50:232移動。kiai time endも移動してください。

    noteの追加提案が多いので、じっくり考えて決めてください。 star rating調整する場合はサビ以外のところでした方がベターかと思います。
    (00:49:676 (1) - を00:49:676のnoteのみに変更, 01:05:973 (2,3,4) - 01:05:973~01:07:084までのスライダーに変更等 )
[Guy's Hard] - All fixed
  1. HD -1 , OD -1 ( normal,hard間でのバランスが悪いので変更をお勧めします)
  2. 00:03:750 (5) - Ctrl+Hの向きの方が合うかと
  3. 00:46:713 (7) - add NC
  4. 00:57:084 (6) - add NC and 00:57:825 (1) - remove NC and 00:58:380 (4) - add NC とした方がわかりやすいかも
  5. 01:02:269 - 不要な緑線
  6. 01:08:195 (7,8) - ジャンプさせないほうが良いと思います。 もしくは01:07:084 (4) - endにfinish、01:07:639 (5) - add NC とここからスライダー速度戻しとか。
  7. 01:11:899 (7) - add NC
  8. 01:19:121 (9) - note削除した方がNCの見た目に良いし、リズムも悪くないかと
  9. 01:24:491 (1) - remove NC and 01:25:232 (3) - add NCした方が私は好きです :D
  10. 01:28:565 (6) - startのwhistle削除。 入れるなら01:28:936 (7) - のstartと01:29:676 (1) - .01:30:417 (5) - に。
  11. 01:59:306 (6) - add NC
  12. 02:08:195 (7) - ^
  13. 02:08:195 (7,8) - DS1.3xの方がきれいだと思います。
  14. 02:09:676 (1,2,3) - ^
  15. 02:18:565 (1) - startにfinish
  16. 02:21:528 (1) - ^
  17. 02:23:750 (1) - remove NC and 02:24:491 (4) - add NC ストリームじゃないのに13コンボは長すぎるかと。
  18. 02:33:380 (7) - add NC
  19. 02:35:602 (1) - remove NC and 02:36:343 (3) - add NC
  20. 02:40:787 (9) - add NC

    2番目のサビで02:24:491~と02:38:565~のNCの付け方が違うのが気になりました。(前者は強拍、後者はvoical合わせ) 1番目サビと見比べて統一性をもたせたほうが良いと思います。 02:26:713 (12) - . 02:29:676 (10) - .02:41:899 (1) - . 等

maaagic wrote:

02:34:862 (3,1) - スタックした方がいいと思います - fixed
02:47:454 (1) - 01:36:343 (4) - に合わせて、1回折り返して、02:48:380 (1) - からスピナーにしてはどうでしょうか~? - うーん、Normalだとこの間隔でnoteが来ると早いかもしれないので、このままにします

01:34:121 (1,2) - スライダーを左右上下対称にしたほうが良いと思いました!
01:36:713 (5) - 提案ですが、スライダーを1回折り返して 01:37:084 - に音量をさげてfinishつけて01:37:269 - からスピナーにしてはどうでしょう?(finishは好みで><) - fixed
02:48:195 - ^と同じく提案ですが、add note(02:47:454 (6) - とスタック?)音量をさげてfinishをつけて、02:48:380 - からスピナー - no change ><

kosigaさん、maaagicさんModありでしたー ;)
Hey i got your request in-game.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

Add "favorite" in the tags. if you say why, that's because it's the Studio name. if you don't know what i'm saying i hope this helps.
the 2nd kiai should start at 02:24:491. yes the lyrics start from there, but it follows the instrumental. it'd look weird if the fountain starts from 02:23:750.
02:48:195 - the kiai time should end here. it only follows the long pause after all.

[Guy's Normal]
00:03:010 (5,1) - move these around (40 so that it'd make a blanket. it should look like this.
00:05:973 (5,6) - same as above but like this.
00:12:639 (4) - maybe add a repeat on this slider. i think it goes well with the piano.
00:18:195 - add a circle to follow vocals?
00:21:528 (3) - add a finish here since you have it on the beginning of (1,2).
00:49:676 (1) - you forgot to add a finish at the beginning. add it to match the cymbals.
01:02:269 (1,2,3,4) - this clap pattern plays weird during gameplay. it doesn't flow that nice to the song at all. for this one add claps at every 2nd and 4th downbeat, and remove the clap on the slidertick because that made it play weird during gameplay.
01:07:454 (1) - same as 00:49:676. for this one, you have to listen carefully.
01:10:417 (1) - ^, or you can add a finish with the whistle. same reason.
01:19:306 (1) - same as 00:49:676.
01:25:232 (1) - *nazi* move the 3rd point down a bit. i noticed a slight overlap on (4).
01:29:676 (1) - remove the NC for this. the long pause in vocals is still going.
01:31:158 (7) - if you follow the suggestion, make this a NC because of new lyrics.
02:06:343 (1) - i understand that you're blanketing the end of (3), but the overlap on (1) makes it look bad. align this to the end of (3) so that it doesn't happen and it'd look easier and like i said, the overlap makes it look bad during gameplay.
02:23:750 (1,2) - if you follow the kiai time, make (1) a NC because yes the lyrics change, but the instrumental stops for a second, and (2) should be a NC because the instrumental goes back up.
02:36:343 (1) - *nazi* go 1 grid up to stack perfectly on (3).
pretty nice, but you need more finishes because i heard so many cymbals on this song that doesn't have the finish.

[Guy's Hard]
00:03:750 (5) - since this has a finish, and the lyrics change, make this slider a NC.
00:15:602 (4) - ^
00:37:825 - maybe you can add 2 circles at the 1/1 lines or add a 1/1 slider to follow the instrumental.
00:59:306 - besides the long pause, give me a reason why is there a slowdown on this part.
01:20:047 (5) - make this slider look like (6). it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
01:28:195 (5,6,7,8) - personally, i don't like patterns like this. it lacks in flow and creativity. make it like this as it flows a lot smoother and the pattern is a lot creative than the last one.
01:34:121 (1,2) - make this blanket nicer. the slight overlaps make it look bad during gameplay.
01:48:936 - same as 00:37:825.
02:47:639 (7) - i don't like where this note is at all. the hitburst is covering some parts of the repeat slider and that might throw off some players. move it where the repeat arrow can be fully visible for players.
same comment about the finishes, and i think the NCs as well. some of them reach up to 12 or 13. I suggest listening to the song where the lyrics, melody, or instrumental change.

1/1 o.o. weird :?
00:18:565 (3) - make this a NC. the lyrics change from here.
00:37:825 - similar to hard.
00:48:750 (1) - remove the NC. the lyrics and instrumental are sill going.
00:55:973 (6) - a NC here because the lyrics change.
00:59:306 (1,2,3) - same as hard. give me a valid reason why this is slowed down and don't say it's to follow vocals. with the vocals like this, it can keep up at it's regular speed to 1.00.
01:11:899 (1,2,3,4) - what shape are you trying to make out of this? it looks bad and it plays weird due to the unexpected jumps. make a shape out of this. for example, you can do a diamond, square, etc...
01:30:232 (5) - align this to (4) so that it'd form a diamond.
02:07:269 (3) - make the slider like this so that it'd the slider end clears the middle of (2) and it'd blanket the end of (2).
02:22:084 (4,5,6) - for this one you have to make (4) symmetrical. move (5) above the slider and (6) below the slider. it'll put a nice challenge for players. it should be like this.
same comment as normal.

i guess that's it. GL :D

Byakugan249 wrote:

Hey i got your request in-game.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

Add "favorite" in the tags. if you say why, that's because it's the Studio name. if you don't know what i'm saying i hope this helps.
the 2nd kiai should start at 02:24:491. yes the lyrics start from there, but it follows the instrumental. it'd look weird if the fountain starts from 02:23:750.
02:48:195 - the kiai time should end here. it only follows the long pause after all.

[Guy's Normal]
00:03:010 (5,1) - move these around (40 so that it'd make a blanket. it should look like this.
00:05:973 (5,6) - same as above but like this.
00:12:639 (4) - maybe add a repeat on this slider. i think it goes well with the piano.
00:18:195 - add a circle to follow vocals?
00:21:528 (3) - add a finish here since you have it on the beginning of (1,2).
00:49:676 (1) - you forgot to add a finish at the beginning. add it to match the cymbals.
01:02:269 (1,2,3,4) - this clap pattern plays weird during gameplay. it doesn't flow that nice to the song at all. for this one add claps at every 2nd and 4th downbeat, and remove the clap on the slidertick because that made it play weird during gameplay.
01:07:454 (1) - same as 00:49:676. for this one, you have to listen carefully.
01:10:417 (1) - ^, or you can add a finish with the whistle. same reason.
01:19:306 (1) - same as 00:49:676.
01:25:232 (1) - *nazi* move the 3rd point down a bit. i noticed a slight overlap on (4).
01:29:676 (1) - remove the NC for this. the long pause in vocals is still going.
01:31:158 (7) - if you follow the suggestion, make this a NC because of new lyrics.
02:06:343 (1) - i understand that you're blanketing the end of (3), but the overlap on (1) makes it look bad. align this to the end of (3) so that it doesn't happen and it'd look easier and like i said, the overlap makes it look bad during gameplay.
02:23:750 (1,2) - if you follow the kiai time, make (1) a NC because yes the lyrics change, but the instrumental stops for a second, and (2) should be a NC because the instrumental goes back up.
02:36:343 (1) - *nazi* go 1 grid up to stack perfectly on (3).
pretty nice, but you need more finishes because i heard so many cymbals on this song that doesn't have the finish.

[Guy's Hard]
00:03:750 (5) - since this has a finish, and the lyrics change, make this slider a NC.
00:15:602 (4) - ^
00:37:825 - maybe you can add 2 circles at the 1/1 lines or add a 1/1 slider to follow the instrumental.
00:59:306 - besides the long pause, give me a reason why is there a slowdown on this part.
01:20:047 (5) - make this slider look like (6). it'll flow a lot smoother during gameplay.
01:28:195 (5,6,7,8) - personally, i don't like patterns like this. it lacks in flow and creativity. make it like this as it flows a lot smoother and the pattern is a lot creative than the last one.
01:34:121 (1,2) - make this blanket nicer. the slight overlaps make it look bad during gameplay.
01:48:936 - same as 00:37:825.
02:47:639 (7) - i don't like where this note is at all. the hitburst is covering some parts of the repeat slider and that might throw off some players. move it where the repeat arrow can be fully visible for players.
same comment about the finishes, and i think the NCs as well. some of them reach up to 12 or 13. I suggest listening to the song where the lyrics, melody, or instrumental change.

1/1 o.o. weird :?
00:18:565 (3) - make this a NC. the lyrics change from here.
00:37:825 - similar to hard.
00:48:750 (1) - remove the NC. the lyrics and instrumental are sill going.
00:55:973 (6) - a NC here because the lyrics change.
00:59:306 (1,2,3) - same as hard. give me a valid reason why this is slowed down and don't say it's to follow vocals. with the vocals like this, it can keep up at it's regular speed to 1.00.
01:11:899 (1,2,3,4) - what shape are you trying to make out of this? it looks bad and it plays weird due to the unexpected jumps. make a shape out of this. for example, you can do a diamond, square, etc...
01:30:232 (5) - align this to (4) so that it'd form a diamond.
02:07:269 (3) - make the slider like this so that it'd the slider end clears the middle of (2) and it'd blanket the end of (2).
02:22:084 (4,5,6) - for this one you have to make (4) symmetrical. move (5) above the slider and (6) below the slider. it'll put a nice challenge for players. it should be like this.
same comment as normal.

i guess that's it. GL :D
Thank you for Mod~ :3
Topic Starter
Thank you for mod every one~
up date now!
Haii ~
You requested in game ~

- If all diffs are done then move this into pending.
- remmy11, this is your map so you should have more diffs than the guests. Make another diff ? ><

[Guy's Normal]
- HP Drain Rate +1
00:12:639 (1) - New combo ?

[Guy's Hard]
01:34:121 (8) - New combo.
01:53:010 (3) - Bring this note down a bit.
02:00:788 (1) - Make the end of this slider meet 01:59:862 (4)

01:11:899 (1,2,3,4) - Make the distance of these notes the same.

Well mapped and nice song ~
Star and good luck! >w<
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