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So I was on my way to Flavortown, and out of nowhere, Gordon Ramsay jumps me in a remote New York alleyway asking me for the “lamb sauce.” Unluckily for me, I left my trusty lamb sauce at my apartment, and this was God’s way of punishing me. I thought this was the end, and that there was no coming back, but due to my immense adrenaline spike, I called upon the flavor-sprites to lend me their power, and I suddenly transformed into Guy Fieri. Gordon was taken aback by the immediate and awe inspiring transformation so much he started swearing like a middle-schooler who just got his Juul confiscated for the fifth time. Although his morale was lowered, he was still ready to fight. Gordon made a valiant attempt to land a blow, but my stress levels, combined with the holy form of Guy Fieri, was too much for him. I ascended to the cloudy skies and summoned the strongest spaghetti noodles known to man to restrain him and banish him to the land of Brussel Sprouts and Spoiled Milk. Not wanting to be taken alive, Gordon combusted into a pathetic pile of perfectly filleted onion rings and submitted to my unlimited power. As I transformed back into my normal form, I reflected on my actions and felt remorseful. After all, it was I who forgot the lamb sauce. I eventually made it to Flavortown, but I haven’t been the same since...
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If this thread reached 1000 posts before it gets doomed, I'll be surprised...

ello pthhhht welcome pthhhht to pthhhht mcdonalds pthhhht you pthhhht are pthhhht very pthhhht very pthhhht fat pthhhht should pthhhht i pthhhht replace pthhhht your pthhhht french pthhhht fries pthhhht order pthhhht with pthhhht a pthhhht salad pthhhht maybe pthhhht your pthhhht extra pthhhht greasy pthhhht hamburger pthhhht with pthhhht a pthhhht fat pthhhht free pthhhht veggie pthhhht burger pthhhht according pthhhht to pthhhht the pthhhht scale pthhhht you pthhhht weigh pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht thats pthhhht disgusting pthhhht now pthhhht go pthhhht be pthhhht a pthhhht fatass pthhhht and pthhhht suck pthhhht a pthhhht dick pthhhht its pthhhht less pthhhht fattening pthhhht than pthhhht a pthhhht big pthhhht mac pthhhht hello pthhhht fat pthhhht cunt pthhhht welcome pthhhht to pthhhht mcdiarrhea pthhhht you pthhhht are pthhhht one pthhhht obese pthhhht motherfucker pthhhht should pthhhht i pthhhht replace pthhhht your pthhhht shit pthhhht ass pthhhht garbage pthhhht with pthhhht something pthhhht fucking pthhhht healthy pthhhht maybe pthhhht your pthhhht shit pthhhht sandwich pthhhht with pthhhht something pthhhht that pthhhht won't pthhhht give pthhhht you pthhhht a pthhhht goddamn pthhhht heart pthhhht attack pthhhht at pthhhht 40 pthhhht according pthhhht to pthhhht the pthhhht scale pthhhht you pthhhht weigh pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht thats pthhhht disgusting pthhhht you pthhhht goddamn pthhhht landwhale pthhhht now pthhhht go pthhhht be pthhhht a pthhhht fat pthhhht cunt pthhhht and pthhhht suck pthhhht a pthhhht fucking pthhhht dick pthhhht its pthhhht less pthhhht motherfucking pthhhht fattening pthhhht than pthhhht a pthhhht fucking pthhhht big pthhhht mac pthhhht Greetings, pthhhht my pthhhht good pthhhht sir. pthhhht I pthhhht must pthhhht welcome pthhhht you pthhhht to pthhhht this pthhhht most pthhhht elegant pthhhht of pthhhht high-class pthhhht restaurants pthhhht which pthhhht is pthhhht known pthhhht by pthhhht the pthhhht name pthhhht of pthhhht McDonald's. pthhhht However, pthhhht you pthhhht are pthhhht quite pthhhht overweight, pthhhht and pthhhht you pthhhht have pthhhht ordered pthhhht a pthhhht dish pthhhht that pthhhht is pthhhht fairly pthhhht unhealthy. pthhhht Might pthhhht I pthhhht suggest pthhhht substituting pthhhht the pthhhht potato-based pthhhht side pthhhht dish pthhhht with pthhhht a pthhhht healthier pthhhht salad? pthhhht How pthhhht about pthhhht instead pthhhht of pthhhht a pthhhht hamburger, pthhhht I pthhhht shall pthhhht serve pthhhht you pthhhht a pthhhht meat-free pthhhht substitute pthhhht made pthhhht from pthhhht vegetables, pthhhht tofu, pthhhht or pthhhht another pthhhht cruelty-free pthhhht substance? pthhhht The pthhhht device pthhhht we pthhhht have pthhhht provided pthhhht to pthhhht measure pthhhht your pthhhht weight pthhhht dictates pthhhht it pthhhht to pthhhht be pthhhht 1814.369 pthhhht kilograms! pthhhht Absolutely pthhhht ghastly! pthhhht Please pthhhht vacate pthhhht the pthhhht premises pthhhht of pthhhht our pthhhht fine pthhhht establishment, pthhhht continue pthhhht your pthhhht hedonistic pthhhht lifestyle, pthhhht and pthhhht maybe pthhhht try pthhhht fellatio. pthhhht You pthhhht might pthhhht find pthhhht that pthhhht the pthhhht male pthhhht sex pthhhht organ pthhhht contains pthhhht less pthhhht fattening pthhhht substances pthhhht than pthhhht our pthhhht signature pthhhht Big pthhhht Mac. pthhhht HEY pthhhht FUCKNUTS pthhhht YOU pthhhht GONNA pthhhht ORDER pthhhht SOMETHING pthhhht OR pthhhht WHAT? pthhhht NO pthhhht NO pthhhht NO pthhhht NOT pthhhht THE pthhhht FRIES pthhhht YOU pthhhht FAT pthhhht FUCK pthhhht TRY pthhhht A pthhhht SALAD! pthhhht MAYBE pthhhht LAY pthhhht OF pthhhht THE pthhhht MEAT pthhhht TOO pthhhht BITCH! pthhhht YOU pthhhht GOTTA pthhhht BE pthhhht WHAT? pthhhht 4000 pthhhht POUNDS? pthhhht WTF? pthhhht GET pthhhht OUT pthhhht OF pthhhht HERE pthhhht AND pthhhht GO pthhhht BLOW pthhhht A pthhhht GUY. pthhhht I'M pthhhht SURE pthhhht YOU pthhhht COULD pthhhht SURVIVE pthhhht ON pthhhht A pthhhht CUM-ONLY pthhhht DIET pthhhht FOR pthhhht A pthhhht WHILE. pthhhht WAY pthhhht BETTER pthhhht FOR pthhhht YOU pthhhht THAN pthhhht OUR pthhhht SHITTY pthhhht BIG pthhhht MAC. pthhhht Uhhh... pthhhht can pthhhht you pthhhht order pthhhht something pthhhht already pthhhht please? pthhhht I pthhhht mean, pthhhht you've pthhhht put pthhhht on pthhhht a pthhhht bit pthhhht of pthhhht weight pthhhht lately, pthhhht maybe pthhhht you pthhhht should pthhhht get pthhhht a pthhhht salad pthhhht instead pthhhht of pthhhht what pthhhht you pthhhht usually pthhhht get. pthhhht Look pthhhht at pthhhht the pthhhht scale, pthhhht it's pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht dude. pthhhht Not pthhhht exactly pthhhht healthy. pthhhht Maybe pthhhht you pthhhht could pthhhht try pthhhht sucking pthhhht dick. pthhhht Semen pthhhht is pthhhht an pthhhht excellent pthhhht source pthhhht of pthhhht protein, pthhhht and pthhhht it's pthhhht not pthhhht nearly pthhhht as pthhhht fattening pthhhht as pthhhht the pthhhht crap pthhhht they pthhhht serve pthhhht here. pthhhht wtf pthhhht bro pthhhht order pthhhht something pthhhht preferably pthhhht something pthhhht healthy pthhhht cuz pthhhht you pthhhht weigh pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht try pthhhht sucking pthhhht dick pthhhht instead pthhhht hello pthhhht welcome pthhhht to pthhhht mcdonalds pthhhht you pthhhht are pthhhht very pthhhht very pthhhht fat pthhhht should pthhhht i pthhhht replace pthhhht your pthhhht french pthhhht fries pthhhht order pthhhht with pthhhht a pthhhht salad pthhhht maybe pthhhht your pthhhht extra pthhhht greasy pthhhht hamburger pthhhht with pthhhht a pthhhht fat pthhhht free pthhhht veggie pthhhht burger pthhhht according pthhhht to pthhhht the pthhhht scale pthhhht you pthhhht weigh pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht thats pthhhht disgusting pthhhht now pthhhht go pthhhht be pthhhht a pthhhht fatass pthhhht and pthhhht suck pthhhht a pthhhht dick pthhhht its pthhhht less pthhhht fattening pthhhht than pthhhht a pthhhht big pthhhht mac pthhhht hello pthhhht fat pthhhht cunt pthhhht welcome pthhhht to pthhhht mcdiarrhea pthhhht you pthhhht are pthhhht one pthhhht obese pthhhht motherfucker pthhhht should pthhhht i pthhhht replace pthhhht your pthhhht shit pthhhht ass pthhhht garbage pthhhht with pthhhht something pthhhht fucking pthhhht healthy pthhhht maybe pthhhht your pthhhht shit pthhhht sandwich pthhhht with pthhhht something pthhhht that pthhhht won't pthhhht give pthhhht you pthhhht a pthhhht goddamn pthhhht heart pthhhht attack pthhhht at pthhhht 40 pthhhht according pthhhht to pthhhht the pthhhht scale pthhhht you pthhhht weigh pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht thats pthhhht disgusting pthhhht you pthhhht goddamn pthhhht landwhale pthhhht now pthhhht go pthhhht be pthhhht a pthhhht fat pthhhht cunt pthhhht and pthhhht suck pthhhht a pthhhht fucking pthhhht dick pthhhht its pthhhht less pthhhht motherfucking pthhhht fattening pthhhht than pthhhht a pthhhht fucking pthhhht big pthhhht mac pthhhht Greetings, pthhhht my pthhhht good pthhhht sir. pthhhht I pthhhht must pthhhht welcome pthhhht you pthhhht to pthhhht this pthhhht most pthhhht elegant pthhhht of pthhhht high-class pthhhht restaurants pthhhht which pthhhht is pthhhht known pthhhht by pthhhht the pthhhht name pthhhht of pthhhht McDonald's. pthhhht However, pthhhht you pthhhht are pthhhht quite pthhhht overweight, pthhhht and pthhhht you pthhhht have pthhhht ordered pthhhht a pthhhht dish pthhhht that pthhhht is pthhhht fairly pthhhht unhealthy. pthhhht Might pthhhht I pthhhht suggest pthhhht substituting pthhhht the pthhhht potato-based pthhhht side pthhhht dish pthhhht with pthhhht a pthhhht healthier pthhhht salad? pthhhht How pthhhht about pthhhht instead pthhhht of pthhhht a pthhhht hamburger, pthhhht I pthhhht shall pthhhht serve pthhhht you pthhhht a pthhhht meat-free pthhhht substitute pthhhht made pthhhht from pthhhht vegetables, pthhhht tofu, pthhhht or pthhhht another pthhhht cruelty-free pthhhht substance? pthhhht The pthhhht device pthhhht we pthhhht have pthhhht provided pthhhht to pthhhht measure pthhhht your pthhhht weight pthhhht dictates pthhhht it pthhhht to pthhhht be pthhhht 1814.369 pthhhht kilograms! pthhhht Absolutely pthhhht ghastly! pthhhht Please pthhhht vacate pthhhht the pthhhht premises pthhhht of pthhhht our pthhhht fine pthhhht establishment, pthhhht continue pthhhht your pthhhht hedonistic pthhhht lifestyle, pthhhht and pthhhht maybe pthhhht try pthhhht fellatio. pthhhht You pthhhht might pthhhht find pthhhht that pthhhht the pthhhht male pthhhht sex pthhhht organ pthhhht contains pthhhht less pthhhht fattening pthhhht substances pthhhht than pthhhht our pthhhht signature pthhhht Big pthhhht Mac. pthhhht HEY pthhhht FUCKNUTS pthhhht YOU pthhhht GONNA pthhhht ORDER pthhhht SOMETHING pthhhht OR pthhhht WHAT? pthhhht NO pthhhht NO pthhhht NO pthhhht NOT pthhhht THE pthhhht FRIES pthhhht YOU pthhhht FAT pthhhht FUCK pthhhht TRY pthhhht A pthhhht SALAD! pthhhht MAYBE pthhhht LAY pthhhht OF pthhhht THE pthhhht MEAT pthhhht TOO pthhhht BITCH! pthhhht YOU pthhhht GOTTA pthhhht BE pthhhht WHAT? pthhhht 4000 pthhhht POUNDS? pthhhht WTF? pthhhht GET pthhhht OUT pthhhht OF pthhhht HERE pthhhht AND pthhhht GO pthhhht BLOW pthhhht A pthhhht GUY. pthhhht I'M pthhhht SURE pthhhht YOU pthhhht COULD pthhhht SURVIVE pthhhht ON pthhhht A pthhhht CUM-ONLY pthhhht DIET pthhhht FOR pthhhht A pthhhht WHILE. pthhhht WAY pthhhht BETTER pthhhht FOR pthhhht YOU pthhhht THAN pthhhht OUR pthhhht SHITTY pthhhht BIG pthhhht MAC. pthhhht Uhhh... pthhhht can pthhhht you pthhhht order pthhhht something pthhhht already pthhhht please? pthhhht I pthhhht mean, pthhhht you've pthhhht put pthhhht on pthhhht a pthhhht bit pthhhht of pthhhht weight pthhhht lately, pthhhht maybe pthhhht you pthhhht should pthhhht get pthhhht a pthhhht salad pthhhht instead pthhhht of pthhhht what pthhhht you pthhhht usually pthhhht get. pthhhht Look pthhhht at pthhhht the pthhhht scale, pthhhht it's pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht dude. pthhhht Not pthhhht exactly pthhhht healthy. pthhhht Maybe pthhhht you pthhhht could pthhhht try pthhhht sucking pthhhht dick. pthhhht Semen pthhhht is pthhhht an pthhhht excellent pthhhht source pthhhht of pthhhht protein, pthhhht and pthhhht it's pthhhht not pthhhht nearly pthhhht as pthhhht fattening pthhhht as pthhhht the pthhhht crap pthhhht they pthhhht serve pthhhht here. pthhhht wtf pthhhht bro pthhhht order pthhhht something pthhhht preferably pthhhht something pthhhht healthy pthhhht cuz pthhhht you pthhhht weigh pthhhht 4000 pthhhht pounds pthhhht try pthhhht sucking pthhhht dick pthhhht instead pthhhht
you shitheads
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I dindo nuthin
🎵🎶😂(Yeah, aye)😂 It's the thirst💧😰, thirstiest🥵💦 time⏰, of the year🗓. (Aye🤣, yuh👌🏾) 👀I have just ☝🏾one query❓ (😳What's that?🤔) Wanna 🙋🏾‍♂️Sprite 🥤😎Cranberry🍒💦? (😏Uh huh😏) The 😩answer 🤤is clear.. 😋😉It's the 🥵😳thirst, 🤫🤭thirstiest 💦💦💯time⏰, of the year.📅 (🥤Sprite🍒, let's go🏃🏾‍♂️)🎶🎵
Tad Fibonacci

I... don't feel... so good...


Oh well, it seems that the infection spreads out of this thread quickly.. YOLO. Can't fight it alone on meta threads..

don't worry abraker, I gotchu.

I got resurrected. But then I saw Aiseca say "YOLO"

... I am scared to ask, but what year is this?
Tad Fibonacci


abraker wrote:

I am scared to ask, but what year is this?

Tad Fibonacci
Baddies💀😠 It's a lot of baddies😩😬 That be griefin' and griefin' and griefin' and griefin'😧😢😞😞 They griefin' on me🤒🤕 Yuh, ay, ay💯✔

She say, "Do you love me?"🤔💘 I tell her, "Only partly"😖😖😝 I only love my ores and my diamonds, I'm sorry😎💯💎

This shitpost Chaos is sponsored by:

ok i should probably finish what i was working on
An abrupt abberation, after all.
gotta post my ctrl+v

We got too drunk, we got too high
By burdensome blight, be banished.
now this is epic
Griffith did nothing wrong
Abraker, don't feel bad, you did your best....
But this thread is really doomed..
Crass cretins, cower.
ok maybe one more

whats up ⬆ with people with depression 😭 😕 just don't ❌be depressed 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎊 problem solved 👌😳 why do people 🚶have anxiety 😨😱 just calm 😌 down ⬇ yall don't ❌ need some therapy 😂😂 I know 📑📘📖 I went to collage 🌆 and studied 📑📒📒 this stuff 😎 I have an IQ of 100 💯 and I can tell 💬 y'all just overreacting 😂😂mental 😵 disorders don't ❌ exist, and neither ❌❌ does ADHD 😂 and autism 👌😂 y'all dumb 😤😂 asf 😂😂👌🔥🔥😎 me and the flat earth🌍 ❌ society agree ✔✔ and we 👪 also think needles 💉 are from the government 😲😱to steal your money 💸💷💴💶💵💱💱💲💸💰💰
Wow, why are you guys shitposting
You know, shitposting is bad. You guys should stop
Getting blindsided in this thread
wait, someone is shitposting? wtf how dare they
Yeah, you'll get punished if you do
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