
Hyadain - Chocobo

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 2:20:36 AM

Artist: Hyadain
Title: Chocobo
BPM: 170
Filesize: 6056kb
Play Time: 02:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. White (4.69 stars, 237 notes)
  2. Yellow (2.99 stars, 155 notes)
  3. Black (4.97 stars, 319 notes)
  4. Gold (5 stars, 356 notes)
Download: Hyadain - Chocobo
Download: Hyadain - Chocobo (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
EDIT: Mogsy fixes!

EDIT: Fixed combo colors at end of Gold, added some hit sounds for Mifune's parts, added background image for novid.

EDIT: Changed video offset.

EDIT: Luigi fixed the storyboard names! To check them out, redownload the map or download and replace the images in the map's directory!

This is the fourth collab map, featuring the mappers chosen in the collab map poll: Mifune, awp, and Rolled.

If you're just going to complain about the storyboarded names, provide something better or say nothing. I'm not going to fix it myself because I have NO talents in that regard. If you want to offer your help, please do, but I don't need another person reminding me how much they suck. Thanks in advance.

I was originally going to introduce this map in a mini-tournament of sorts, but fuck that. However, there still may be a collab map tournament. I just figured it would be better to let people know the maps and give the tournament more thought before I commence it.

Play all the difficulties for the special surprise and a great challenge!
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Holy crap "Gold" is sick! I'll never even clear that one. Awesome work on everything. :D
Yeeees I've made Gold twice now ^^
With an B rank XD A rank now, 950k xD
Damn insane that one :P
The whole Gold map is ridiculous.... And you failed because you didn't map the fat chocobo part at the end ;(
Are the random speedups in [Gold] necessary? :/
Bleh stop complaing, gold is awesome!
I've already played it over 15 times or so 'cuz the map rocks.
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I would have mapped fat chocobo at the end, but it was too redundant and I liked how it started right as you see your results.

To those complaining about Gold: I don't know if you noticed, but there are 4 difficulties.
Meh, what an awesome compilation, I'll surely try to beat it when Im more awake.
-01:27:96 (4) - Straighten this out.

-01:26:19 (1,1) - Alter the spacing so the second 1 lines up with the beats fading out.
-01:26:90 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Highlight this and move it so that it lines up with 1.

-Random slowdown/speed-up on the sliders is a bit disorienting. But whatever, it's supposed to be.

Minor errors (Gold, just ignore what I typed). Starred, still.
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All fixed. Thanks Mogsy :D
Lol, this map is awesome. I'm not complaining about gold but it's just frikkin hard :P
Super fast Slider in BURAI GAHHH..

It's at the start so i don't really mind.

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
for me gold didnt passed MY standards.
especially my part, its too much. i was expected nerfing in my part. but no
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Very fun song, but I prefer to not play with video on. x_X I rather watched Gold do its stuff, and man that's lethal. Lots of crazy distancing...But I'm assuming it's funnest challenge ever since...I don't know, max Forever? :P Cool, cool. :)
There was a moment that was in 2000 plays.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

mtmcl wrote:

Make sure you can pass the song. If not, include an easier difficulty. To my understanding, that's the rule. After all, even bad players are allowed to map.

That said, however, I made sure at least one person could pass it before I allowed it to be ranked.
lawl, that was me ^^
0.o Gladi i noticed your names on many hard maps.
you'r tough.
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