For simplicity, I'm going to post directly what I posted in the BN Discord:
My proposals are as follows:
These proposals were drafted on a whim, so any rewriting is welcomed, but opinions mostly are really appreciated!
The current RC makes it so this is technically allowed, but from the opinions I've gathered so far from individuals, it is almost certainly inappropriate for the difficulty. The strain on accuracy could prove to be too much for a Rain player, and since it is not disallowed in Platters either, there is certainly an issue there.Ascendance wrote:
Hello, friends!
I was looking at this map at CLSW's request and came across 00:57:311 (1) - this slider. After some deliberation, I felt that it was not fitting of this difficulty level, but it definitely fits the following two rules/guidelines
From Rain: "Basic hyperdashes can't be used more than four times between consecutive fruits. If higher snapped hyperdashes are used, they must be used singularly (not in conjunction with other hyperdashes or dashes)"
From General: "Hyperdashes may only be used on drops and/or slider repetitions when the slider path is simple and easy-to-follow. This is to prevent chaotic or unreasonably difficult slider movement, as transitioning into and out of complex slider shapes with hyperdash is usually uncomfortable to play and a major penalty to accuracy for little benefit. Hyperdash on slider repetitions must not be used for more than two repeats, and such slider must not be used consecutively."
The slider is technically 4 basic hyperdashes within itself, so it can't technically break the rule, but it seems unsuitable at this difficulty. If it had been 4 1/2 sliders, it would be perfectly fine, for example, but the accuracy required for the current slider pattern may be beyond that of a rain player. I'd like to gather opinions since this is one of the first I've seen of something like this, and if necessary, we should be setting up an RC proposal to allow/disallow hyperdroplets on certain difficulties.
My proposals are as follows:
RainRanking Criteria wrote:
Hyperdashes cannot be used on individual drops and/or slider repititions. The accuracy and control required is unreasonable at this level and can create a situation where the player potentially fails to read the sliderpath.
OverdoseRanking Criteria wrote:
Hyperdashes should not be used on individual drops and/or slider repetitions. If used, the slider path must be simple and easy-to-follow and they can't exceed two consecutive uses for basic hyperdashes. Higher snapped hyperdashes within a slider are not allowed.
------Ranking Criteria wrote:
Hyperdashes may only be used on drops and/or slider repetitions when the slider path is simple and easy-to-follow. This is to prevent chaotic or unreasonably difficult slider movement, as transitioning into and out of complex slider shapes with hyperdash is usually uncomfortable to play and a major penalty to accuracy for little benefit.
These proposals were drafted on a whim, so any rewriting is welcomed, but opinions mostly are really appreciated!