
The Hardest map in osu!

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okey,as the title says please post the hardest map in osu! which you think it is. post only ranked/approved maps.
I have no idea is it The Big Black ? because of really high AR and because of spacing? and of course i am not able to pass it.
Xylem Beer
Big Black, or tag4 maps.
Depends on who you'd ask.

Big black is generally the hardest IMO, but I'd sooner pass that than the new rog-unlimitation map that just came out. Also Hatsune Miku - Atama no Taisou seems to be unFCable thus far on all 4 difficulties save for 0108's.
strangeprogram hasnt been FC'd yet either, neither has kokou no sosei or fallen world and plenty of other maps.

TAG4 maps are probably the hardest yea, but thats because they are made to be played by 4 people, not by 1.

silmarilen wrote:

strangeprogram hasnt been FC'd yet either, neither has kokou no sosei or fallen world and plenty of other maps.

TAG4 maps are probably the hardest yea, but thats because they are made to be played by 4 people, not by 1.
Ah yeah, forgot about Kokou no Sousei. That one is probably my pick if Big Black isn't.
Shotgun Symphony+
Although the difficulty on that one is arbitrary and for all the wrong reasons...
Big black seems scary and all, but I doubt it's the hardest
Tag4 maps may seem like a better choice, but reality is they have very low hp drains, making them hard to FC but easy to pass
This question is a pretty hard one XD
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hmm ,Atama no Taisou is hard too i can say too hard for me :( maybe i can pass only angelhoney diff,...and yeah TAG4s too..hmm .lol renards seems here like maps for kids :D ,although they are not :D

XylemBeer wrote:

Big Black, or tag4 maps.
+ Lily Scarlet Rose

Kinrinjin7 wrote:

XylemBeer wrote:

Big Black, or tag4 maps.
+ Lily Scarlet Rose
No way. Lily Scarlet Rose is merely a speed-read. Same goes with With a Dance Number and No, 39.
With a dance number I would say is the hardest out of the 3in overall difficulty, but the last portion of scarlet rose is even crazier.
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and what about square jumps in masterpiece,not hard?i cannot pass it yet.i think 1 or 2 years ago people would say that it is really hard,or i am wrong ?i dont know ..-
masterpiece may be hard, but its nowhere near the hardest map on osu! even i can (with a bit of luck) reach the end of it.
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yes but i can pass scarlet rose,but masterpiece not..then wha?
As a standard guideline to which map is the hardest, don't focus on AR, because that's more about your own comprehension ability than your actual physical ability.

The map that's the absolute hardest to pass despite brilliant reading ability and stamina would definitely be the hardest one, don't you think?

Why is it so important to figure out which map is the hardest anyway? So many aspects to pick from.
imho, if we're talking about FCing here:

1. Kokou no Sousei (by far, Chaos is unFCable for a human being)
2. The Big Black (no, seriously, it's hard, but not the hardest)
3. Shotgun Symphony (as much as "retarded" the map is, I still find it one of the hardest, and I kinda like it)
4. Cry for Eternity (don't let the WW/cookiezi FCs fool you, if YOU try to FC it, it's going to be the biggest pain ever)
5. chipscape (FCing with those ridiculous 1/8 sliders is surely a pain)

Then I could include stream compilation, but seeing as that's just a compilation map, yeah.
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i just want to know it,know peoples opinion and try it play,its interesting-.-
i dont realy like maps like cry of eternity etc..let me wonder :o

djjsixpack wrote:

Atama no Taisou seems to be unFCable thus far on all 4 difficulties save for 0108's.
Lucifer x val0108 is FCable aswell... Sed it with a stupid Sliderbreak after a pretty low amount of tries.

Not going by "being able to FC"... it's more like a feeling.
0. Many TAG4 maps, but I don't really want to count them.
1. Atama no Taisou - nogard. For me this is the hardest approved / ranked map by far which is mainly because of those high BPM repeating squares. Wouldn't know any other approved / ranked map I actually struggle even passing.
2. The Big Black - FCing single ~30sec parts is no problem with just a few tries. But this thing as a whole is just crazy.
3. Shotgun Symphony is retarded... but arguably hard. Even passing it almost guarantees you a rank. TAKE THIS, HALF-TIMERS!
4. Mad Machine is mad. Passing or fcing is one thing, but actually doing well on those streams is another.
5. Chipscape. I already have an advantage through using 3 buttons, but EVERYTIME I get a 1000+ combo something messes everything up. No room for errors.
6. Kokou no Sousei - It's hard but still okay. In my opinion its perfectly possible to FC it. The only problem are the first big squares and the fast singles (for me).
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we can make categories like, the hardest to fc,the hardest to jumps,the hardest to stream,the hardest to read,the hardest to pass or in general....:/
totally forgot He Has No Mittens there, it's short but lol
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so you cant pass/fc it CXu? ))

ReVeNg3r wrote:

so you cant pass/fc it CXu? ))
#30 3,064,972 100.00% CXu


Tom94 wrote:

djjsixpack wrote:

Atama no Taisou seems to be unFCable thus far on all 4 difficulties save for 0108's.
Lucifer x val0108 is FCable aswell... Sed it with a stupid Sliderbreak after a pretty low amount of tries.

Not going by "being able to FC"... it's more like a feeling.
0. Many TAG4 maps, but I don't really want to count them.
1. Atama no Taisou - nogard. For me this is the hardest approved / ranked map by far which is mainly because of those high BPM repeating squares. Wouldn't know any other approved / ranked map I actually struggle even passing.
2. The Big Black - FCing single ~30sec parts is no problem with just a few tries. But this thing as a whole is just crazy.
3. Shotgun Symphony is retarded... but arguably hard. Even passing it almost guarantees you a rank. TAKE THIS, HALF-TIMERS!
4. Mad Machine is mad. Passing or fcing is one thing, but actually doing well on those streams is another.
5. Chipscape. I already have an advantage through using 3 buttons, but EVERYTIME I get a 1000+ combo something messes everything up. No room for errors. well someone done it so ur lieing so what if its a hax at least they passed anyone vote?
6. Kokou no Sousei - It's hard but still okay. In my opinion its perfectly possible to FC it. The only problem are the first big squares and the fast singles (for me).
When it comes to actual ranked maps, lately TJ.Hangneil - Kamui has been kicking some ass.
masterpiece is not hard at all. Even I could almost clear it (failed at the last circle)

CXu wrote: \:D/
easy as poot; try this
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but seriously,dont post shittest maps ever..
look at the fc-rate and it is obvious. not that many high combo runs either.
this is like mittens, it's possible because it is short, but if it would be longer...
this is both hard to fc and hard to pass, and definetly one of the hardest maps.

didn't pick the to obvious choices, because they are already picked.

Blue Dragon wrote:

CXu wrote: \:D/
easy as poot; try this
I would actually agree with any choice here. No criteria for "hardest" has been defined so pretty much anything goes, and is a personal opinion.

Tanzklaue wrote:
look at the fc-rate and it is obvious. not that many high combo runs either.
This isn't very hard actually. I almost FC'd it once but then failed at the end because I was nervous :(

It's just not that much played; I'm sure most people nowadays would be able to FC it.

Made of Fire is very hard, but I wouldn't say the hardest ever. Same for MATzcore.

Blue Dragon wrote:

Tanzklaue wrote:
look at the fc-rate and it is obvious. not that many high combo runs either.
This isn't very hard actually. I almost FC'd it once but then failed at the end because I was nervous :(

It's just not that much played; I'm sure most people nowadays would be able to FC it.

Made of Fire is very hard, but I wouldn't say the hardest ever. Same for MATzcore.
then only big black and atama no taisou nogard and maybe kokou no sousei have the rights to get mentioned, and only shotgun symphony can win (it'sat the end the only map cookiezi struggled to fc).
Still that map is hard as hell because of shit clusters, still yeah impossible map. Those 3 you mentioned are the 3 hardest nowadays I guess.

Astrosexy is not THAT hard, it's just damn long and not a good/nice/fun map to play for many players I guess, I got quite a high combo at my first play (something like 14kk score and failed lol) and that was like an year ago and my aim was always horrible.

Tanzklaue wrote:
look at the fc-rate and it is obvious. not that many high combo runs either.
it isn't hard, it's just unfcable.

ont: chipscape.
Almost sure this is unfcable
I remember there was another tag4 map with no scores that werent with nofail or easymode but forgot.

If were not including tag4 maps then probably atama no taisou

Blue Dragon wrote:

imho, if we're talking about FCing here:

1. Kokou no Sousei (by far, Chaos is unFCable for a human being)
2. The Big Black (no, seriously, it's hard, but not the hardest)
3. Shotgun Symphony (as much as "retarded" the map is, I still find it one of the hardest, and I kinda like it)
4. Cry for Eternity (don't let the WW/cookiezi FCs fool you, if YOU try to FC it, it's going to be the biggest pain ever)
5. chipscape (FCing with those ridiculous 1/8 sliders is surely a pain)

Then I could include stream compilation, but seeing as that's just a compilation map, yeah.
I agree with this one.
Kokou no Sousei [Solitary Genesis]'s Hard is easy though lol.
But yeah, especially Tag 2 & 4, Chaos of this map is so unFCable for a human being.

Wishy22 wrote:

Still that map is hard as hell because of shit clusters, still yeah impossible map. Those 3 you mentioned are the 3 hardest nowadays I guess.

Astrosexy is not THAT hard, it's just damn long and not a good/nice/fun map to play for many players I guess, I got quite a high combo at my first play (something like 14kk score and failed lol) and that was like an year ago and my aim was always horrible.
I love astrosexy.
seen this thread before, years ago. You might find some good suggestions via search
For unranked :

Well it was ranked for an april fool i believe...
Ibuki Suika
Zekira's map
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awp wrote:

seen this thread before, years ago. You might find some good suggestions via search
yes but now there are more ranked/approved maps ,new maps since "years ago".this topic will be never current .
Tsukimi Luna
Prolly atama no taisou nogard, talent shredder or the big black
Oh and also tag4
hardest legit map for me is the big black

Yuu-Chii wrote:

Prolly atama no taisou nogard, talent shredder or the big black
Oh and also tag4
Talent Shredder is not that hard... btw, for me The Big Black D:
I don't really have exactly 1 map i'd say is impossible, there are several others out there but here is just a few of them which i consider impossible.
hmm.. for an unranked i'd say Dm Ashura - deltaMAX [Unexpected] (that thing gets pretty damn impossible near the end)
Ranked/Approved: Kokou no Sousei [Chaos] (Nuff said.)
Ranked/Approved : The Quick Brown Fox - The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK] (for any normal human being, that map just seems impossible to fc without half/fail/easy mods)
Ranked/Approved : Shotgun Symphony+ [Impossibly Intense] (difficult as hell)
Ranked/Approved : Can't Defeat Airman [Holy Shit! It's Airman!!] (imba jumps, just seems to be impossible to fc it properly..Cookiezi is an exception)
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i tried that shotgun ís not hard map,it was made bad,really bad....and because of it ,it is the shittest map i played ever...
just a little lemon tree

ReVeNg3r wrote:

i tried that shotgun ís not hard map,it was made bad,really bad....and because of it ,it is the shittest map i played ever...
S it go I dare you do it.

ReVeNg3r wrote:

i tried that shotgun ís not hard map,it was made bad,really bad....and because of it ,it is the shittest map i played ever...
Why u call Shotgun Symphony shitty

CXu wrote:

ReVeNg3r wrote:

i tried that shotgun ís not hard map,it was made bad,really bad....and because of it ,it is the shittest map i played ever...
Why u call Shotgun Symphony shitty
newguys gonna newguy

ss+ is probably one of the best maps ever
I don't think he is talking about the approved version...

ReVeNg3r wrote:

i tried that shotgun ís not hard map,it was made bad,really bad....and because of it ,it is the shittest map i played ever...
yeah, shotgun symphony is sucky, and all in all, it's probably not as great as some other mapping pieces, and it is probably a pile of shit.

but it has a soul and a heart and awp putted lots of effort in it and really made it something special, though it's not a particuarly good map, it seems to be enjoyable, and compared to the soul- and heartless anime-ranking-factory-massproducts, it isn't a shitty map, but just an old classic with the old classy charm that old things tend to have.

plus, it's so friggin hard that most people aren't even able to enjoy the map because they can't pass the very beginning of the map without no fail/easy/half time. and the map still is the most important map for showing off that you are pro at this game, because still the guy who gets the first fc on shotgun symphony will ever be remembered by the osu-community.
You need to specify if the most hardest/impossible map could be (or not) FCable.

dNextGen wrote:

[Fear] diff
we are talking about ranked/approved maps.
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something fcable for me might not be fcable for you iMercurial...and yes Tanzklaue you wrote it really nice :o
i think i agree with you ,especially your last sentence is true. ;)
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Rekka Answer Insane yet:
Most of it isn't *too* hard to play, but if you go by to-FC, so far only 13 people in the world managed to record an FC run on it. Not as bad as sousei but fun too

3.2% pass rate, for what it's worth

Aqo wrote:

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Rekka Answer Insane yet:
Most of it isn't *too* hard to play, but if you go by to-FC, so far only 13 people in the world managed to record an FC run on it. Not as bad as sousei but fun too
i managed to clear that map more than once, that automaticly makes it not hard.
I agree with elroyboy. Even the YouTube vid of that beatmap is absolutely MADNESS!!!!!
soo many...cant remember xD

elroyboy wrote: is very hard!
lol i dont know if that will be approved...soo many to choose >.<
Kanye West
Imo hardest is still either Freedom Dive or Shotgun Symphony. No one's even come close to FC'ing either one without easy/HT
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Kanye West wrote:

Imo hardest is still either Freedom Dive or Shotgun Symphony. No one's even come close to FC'ing either one without easy/HT
i can pass freedom dive with very much retries,big concetration or taping :p
the other mentioned hard just because of small circles ...i will try to pass it ;) .one day
On Four Dimensions? Another isn't really even close to any of the hardest maps.

Elit3noob wrote:

I agree with elroyboy. Even the YouTube vid of that beatmap is absolutely MADNESS!!!!!
Yeah That Beatmap IS MADNESS!!!!!!!

CXu wrote: \:D/

CXu wrote: \:D/
I'm the only one to SSH there, eh?

Anyways, the hardest map is probably every insane map with EZ+HT+HD mods. \:D/
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