
osu!catch Secret Santa "Modding Queue" 2018

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Please do not move this to modding queues subforum, it's intended as purely a holiday event, and then it will be closed.

Welcome to the osu!catch Secret Santa Event 2018!


Hello everyone! I'm proud to announce the third year of our annual Secret Santa queue. Every year, more and more people become involved in modding and it's fantastic, so it's a huge honor to be able to bring this around again. This seasonal event is all about giving to others, you shouldn't join if all you care about is receiving mods! This is an event where every week you'll receive a random map that you'll mod, and you'll also receive one mod in return from someone random! Each week will have a 100% random factor, meaning that you'll never know who's modding your set! The goal is to help incentivize and promote modding activity throughout the holiday season. This event will start on the 2nd week of November (November 4), and end on December 16 (The weekend before Christmas weekend). I decided to switch around dates this year since people tended to lose interest near the end or became too busy due to holidays.

How it works

Starting today, by posting on the thread with a message saying that you are interested in signing up, you'll officially be signed up for the event! If you sign up, please send your map selection to me via forum pm. Week 1 will start on November 4th (Sunday). On that day, you'll receive a pm on the osu!site which shows you the map that you'll be modding this week. During that week, the only requirement is that you mod that map to the best of your ability but don't post the mod yet! After 1 week has passed, on November 11th, everyone will post their mods on the same day in order to create one big day of mods. On the same day, you'll receive the map you'll have to mod for the next week, and so on. If you want to drop out at the END of the week, please notify me so I can remove you. Please don't drop out in the middle of the week, as that leaves someone without a mod, and that's not cool.


  1. You MUST be willing to mod maps. If you only want to receive mods but not give in return, then this event is not for you. The purpose is to create an environment in which players can willingly give and receive!
  2. You must post your mod on the day specified. Posting early ruins the suspense of who you got!
  3. Don't ruin the fun for others. Telling people preemptively who their secret santa is ruins the fun of the event, and that's not good!
  4. If you do not give a mod to someone, you will not be allowed to participate for the rest of the event. This is the time to put differences aside and enjoy the holiday season!
  5. Please give a map that a majority of the playerbase is able to play. If a low rank player gets your 9* marathon map, it won't be fun for either party.
  6. Don't belittle someone's modding skills. This event is even for new people, so additionally you should help them improve as well!
  7. Please be kind to everyone!

Hi. i want to participe!
sign me up owo

Yes please
I missed last year so here I am
[ Azu- ]
I'm in.
hi, I am Sanyi, a very toxic person that just wants some attention. I suffered my whole life from being ignored from everyone - my parents, my teachers, my classmates, my friends and so on. Then I discovered anime and starting doing nothing else than watching anime to escape my real life. Later on I discovered a game called osu, where I could play my favourite anime songs.
Now I am hardstuck catching fruits. I am so hardstuck doing that that the current amount of ranked maps is just not enough for me so I started mapping and modding with my non-existent abilities. Knowing the lack of modders I really like the idea of this queue and it will be a pleasure to participate in it.

#make_ctb_great_again #the_rise_of_osu!catch

tl;dr I want to participate

(P.S. the story above is not true dw)
get me in
me yea
ya me
Yumeno Himiko
count me in too
let me have it
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Nice list so far :D
I remember when this queue was exclusive to red/white/blue flags, it's far too colourful this year.

Sign me up nvm
I took a decent break from mapping so I feel good enough to come back into it.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let me in as well

edit* Never going to get used to seeing March 2018 under my name lol
Maybe this will motivate me to mod more, count me in! :)
if jeir's in, I'm in!
sign me up chief
sign me up
On November 11th, 2018 let's all go mod someone else's map. The look on their faces is gonna be epic!

its a maybe for me depending how school is
signed me up
Kuya Frex
I want to participate :D
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I forgot to note it in the post, but I shut down secret santa this week due to holidays, sorry for that! Will be back in the upcoming weeks as normal
Kuya Frex

Ascendance wrote:

I forgot to note it in the post, but I shut down secret santa this week due to holidays, sorry for that! Will be back in the upcoming weeks as normal
Thanks for notification
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