This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, 2 July, 2012 at 21:01:20
Artist: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast
Title: SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size)
Source: Saki: Achiga-hen - episode of side-A
Tags: no_gu kanpakyin aoi yuuki nao toyama kana hanazawa mako uchiyama yumi
BPM: 179
Filesize: 13006kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
Download: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
19/5/2012 MP3 changed.ReDL plz~
Thx Vicho-kun for the new mp3

Artist: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast
Title: SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size)
Source: Saki: Achiga-hen - episode of side-A
Tags: no_gu kanpakyin aoi yuuki nao toyama kana hanazawa mako uchiyama yumi
BPM: 179
Filesize: 13006kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
- Gu's Easy (2.6 stars, 93 notes)
- Gu's Hard (4.99 stars, 229 notes)
- Insane (5 stars, 337 notes)
- Kanpakyin's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 487 notes)
- Normal (4.35 stars, 156 notes)
Download: Saki: Achiga-hen Cast - SquarePanicSerenade (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
19/5/2012 MP3 changed.ReDL plz~
Thx Vicho-kun for the new mp3