
Thread Necromancy

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lostsilver wrote:

good morning everyone!! me, the ashwood-cornbluffs and the abmwell-bandellos hope you're all doing well <3
good morning! o/

for everyone: plans for breakfast?

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

good morning everyone!! me, the ashwood-cornbluffs and the abmwell-bandellos hope you're all doing well <3
good morning! o/

for everyone: plans for breakfast?
dave: "ex wanted to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast this morning, so that's what we're having!"
bambi: "everytime dave eats a cinnamon roll, i say 'cannibalism' 'cuz he's sweet, like a cinnamon roll. i love him. <3"
expunged: "cinnamon roll,, cinnaban roll,, hehe <3"
bandu: "ex you goober!! >:33"

ps!dave: "ex told us they'd make us some cinnamon rolls too, so that's what we're having."
ps!bambi: "it's a nice change, though."
ps!expunged: "mhm."
waiting blehh
I am back.

Rhythm32 wrote:

I am back.
hi :>

EnigmaticG wrote:


just waiting for achro,, i hope they're okay...
so sleepy... whyyyy ;o;

fell asleep before i could post... mnn

for expunged: last time you were nuzzled by the dads?
for bandu: something the dads made for you that cheered you up?

qna queue:
ps!dave: "give me something funny about cresswell."
ps!bambi: "give me somethin' cute about ambrose."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet/cozy about ps!bandu, please."
ps!bandu: "give me something cozy/cute about ps!expunged, please!! ty <3"

Achromalia wrote:

so sleepy... whyyyy ;o;

fell asleep before i could post... mnn

for expunged: last time you were nuzzled by the dads?
for bandu: something the dads made for you that cheered you up?

qna queue:
ps!dave: "give me something funny about cresswell."
ps!bambi: "give me somethin' cute about ambrose."
ps!expunged: "give me something sweet/cozy about ps!bandu, please."
ps!bandu: "give me something cozy/cute about ps!expunged, please!! ty <3"
expunged: "a few minutes ago ^^ i always cuddle them everytime i see them <33"
bandu: "mm,, they made me a trans/omnisexual flag thingy when i was feeling insecure a couple weeks ago,, really helped me left my spirits back up <3"
sleeping gives me a headache.. weird
hurts too much to sit so i have to improvise with the phone...

for ps!dave, whats your favorite video to text to mister cresswell to get a reaction from him? how does he react when caught off-guard from surprise?

for ps!bambi, favorite most adorable rambles from mister ambrose?

Achromalia wrote:

hurts too much to sit so i have to improvise with the phone...

for ps!dave, whats your favorite video to text to mister cresswell to get a reaction from him? how does he react when caught off-guard from surprise?

for ps!bambi, favorite most adorable rambles from mister ambrose?
mm,,, i hope you start to feel better soon :<

ps!dave: "hm... i really like to send him this video. he always seems confused as he can't remember the link, but then he realizes what video it is, and laughs. it's adorable! <3"
ps!bambi: "honestly... the one he went on about ps!bandu's purring. i thought it was really cute with how happy he was about it, haha. <3"

ps!bandu: "just checking in with you!! have you made sure to eat/drink? have you rested at all? i hope you're feeling okay!! <3"
went outside today and thought of how i can better

we changing for the better with this one

lostsilver wrote:

ps!bandu: "just checking in with you!! have you made sure to eat/drink? have you rested at all? i hope you're feeling okay!! <3"
i just got some water and im starting to eat now ^^ beans and pasta and rice

this is probably my lunch, i think had breakfast maybe 8 hours ago...? i've been sleeping a lot, like two or three times a day and maybe 8 hours in total, but its not really helping with feeling better;; although it is comfy and i do like having dreams, i just wish i could remember them :')

idk, i just dont have the energy for anything really

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

ps!bandu: "just checking in with you!! have you made sure to eat/drink? have you rested at all? i hope you're feeling okay!! <3"
i just got some water and im starting to eat now ^^ beans and pasta and rice

this is probably my lunch, i think had breakfast maybe 8 hours ago...? i've been sleeping a lot, like two or three times a day and maybe 8 hours in total, but its not really helping with feeling better;; although it is comfy and i do like having dreams, i just wish i could remember them :')

idk, i just dont have the energy for anything really
ps!bandu: "i see... i'm glad you're eating! hopefully you start feeling better soon,, <3"

lostsilver wrote:

ps!bandu: "i see... i'm glad you're eating! hopefully you start feeling better soon,, <3"
ty ^^

for everyone: how was dinner? have a sip? :O

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

ps!bandu: "i see... i'm glad you're eating! hopefully you start feeling better soon,, <3"
ty ^^

for everyone: how was dinner? have a sip? :O
ps!bandu, smiling softly: "mhm! <3"

dave: "it was good! we had homemade pizza tonight. ^^"
bambi: "we all had soda."
expunged: "mmm,,, cherry dr pepper,, <3"
bandu: "hehe :3"

ps!dave: "we had homemade tacos! they were really good, hehe. :)"
ps!bambi: "me, ambrose and ps!ex had soda, ps!bandu had water."
ps!expunged, cuddling ps!bandu: "i've been in my lab all day, so i've been cuddling zem since i came out of my lab. ze likes it. :]"
ps!bandu, purring: "mmm,,, cuddles,,, <33"
ps!expunged: "we're gonna go to sleep. good night everyone. see you all in the morning. <3"
ps!bandu: "good night my friends,, have a nice day/night <33"

good night ya'll! the ambwells and the ashwood-cornbluffs wish you all a good night too <3
Wimpy Cursed

_Kancho_ wrote:

still tinkering with things
trying to draw, but...
reckon i've got it worked out now
forlorn yearning, daydreaming listlessly
i wanna make another ODthomas episode
i fear im not able to be nearly as empathetic/compassionate as i would idealize in others...
im back

Hocus game level code. Try it if you want to.

sametdze wrote:

i wanna make another ODthomas episode
guess what bro

out of every episode of ODthomas ever recorded, recording this one made me feel the most nervous.

honestly does anyone actually like ODthomas? bit in the dark when it comes to opinions on it
Wimpy Cursed

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

_Kancho_ wrote:

aight this good amunt of poinet
Wimpy Cursed

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

_Kancho_ wrote:


sametdze wrote:

sametdze wrote:

i wanna make another ODthomas episode
guess what bro

out of every episode of ODthomas ever recorded, recording this one made me feel the most nervous.

honestly does anyone actually like ODthomas? bit in the dark when it comes to opinions on it
hit or miss with me, but i would give it like an 80% watch rate from me whenever i see your episodes, and i've enjoyed and/or been interested by most of them-- i generally really like hearing your thought process and absorbing some kind of description of how you experience everything :>

this was a bit longer than most afaik so its harder to pay attention, i haven't finished watching yet

sametdze wrote:

sametdze wrote:

i wanna make another ODthomas episode
guess what bro

out of every episode of ODthomas ever recorded, recording this one made me feel the most nervous.

honestly does anyone actually like ODthomas? bit in the dark when it comes to opinions on it
now we need samet sonic arc....
i wonder when i'll actually start caring for myself...
good morning everyone!! the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos say hi too <3

also, little headcannon for ps!bandu!! i like to think ze wears a mask everywhere ze goes so that ze doesn't accidentally infect anyone! (if zeir saliva gets in a open wound you have it will infect you,, so that's why ze wears a mask <3)

lostsilver wrote:

good morning everyone!! the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos say hi too <3

also, little headcannon for ps!bandu!! i like to think ze wears a mask everywhere ze goes so that ze doesn't accidentally infect anyone! (if zeir saliva gets in a open wound you have it will infect you,, so that's why ze wears a mask <3)
good morning ^^ that makes sense from zem, its good to be safe

i might sleep soon, not now but maybe after my next post;;

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

good morning everyone!! the ashwood-cornbluffs and the ambwell-bandellos say hi too <3

also, little headcannon for ps!bandu!! i like to think ze wears a mask everywhere ze goes so that ze doesn't accidentally infect anyone! (if zeir saliva gets in a open wound you have it will infect you,, so that's why ze wears a mask <3)
good morning ^^ that makes sense from zem, its good to be safe

i might sleep soon, not now but maybe after my next post;;
ps!expunged: "i think i'll go and rest for a bit too. i didn't sleep very well last night."
ps!bandu: "mhm!! always good to be safe!! lostie could draw our outside outfits too for ya so you could see it!!"
fall asleep wake up then fall asleep again,,

Achromalia wrote:

fall asleep wake up then fall asleep again,,
ps!bandu: "i feel that sometimes ngl... ps!expunged is still sleeping tho,, so im gonna leave sem alone, i know se didnt sleep very well last night,, but uhmm,, i can say that lostie made doodles on her tablet for the outside outfit thing!"

here they are!! i'll color them + do full designs of em <3
they're so silly,,, <33

ps!expunged being overprotective of seir little sibling,,

ps!bandu being really nervous + ps!expunged being a bit worried

bandu: "ALSO!! me dave and bambi have figured out why ex is so skinny/doesn't pick up weight!! they have really fast metabolism!! we're all really glad it isn't a eating disorder :> (i probably have slow metabolism bc i pick up weight pretty quick)"

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

fall asleep wake up then fall asleep again,,
ps!bandu: "i feel that sometimes ngl... ps!expunged is still sleeping tho,, so im gonna leave sem alone, i know se didnt sleep very well last night,, but uhmm,, i can say that lostie made doodles on her tablet for the outside outfit thing!"

here they are!! i'll color them + do full designs of em <3
they're so silly,,, <33

ps!expunged being overprotective of seir little sibling,,

ps!bandu being really nervous + ps!expunged being a bit worried

bandu: "ALSO!! me dave and bambi have figured out why ex is so skinny/doesn't pick up weight!! they have really fast metabolism!! we're all really glad it isn't a eating disorder :> (i probably have slow metabolism bc i pick up weight pretty quick)"
awake again!! loving the first sketch :>

and i see :O that might be what i have with metabolism!

Achromalia wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

fall asleep wake up then fall asleep again,,
ps!bandu: "i feel that sometimes ngl... ps!expunged is still sleeping tho,, so im gonna leave sem alone, i know se didnt sleep very well last night,, but uhmm,, i can say that lostie made doodles on her tablet for the outside outfit thing!"

here they are!! i'll color them + do full designs of em <3
they're so silly,,, <33

ps!expunged being overprotective of seir little sibling,,

ps!bandu being really nervous + ps!expunged being a bit worried

bandu: "ALSO!! me dave and bambi have figured out why ex is so skinny/doesn't pick up weight!! they have really fast metabolism!! we're all really glad it isn't a eating disorder :> (i probably have slow metabolism bc i pick up weight pretty quick)"
awake again!! loving the first sketch :>

and i see :O that might be what i have with metabolism!
hello!! thank you btw!! i'm gonna color them soon hehe,,

ps!bandu: "hihii!! welcome back!! i should probably wake ps!expunged up, huh? haha,,,"
bandu: "heyo!! good to know!! :3"
Wimpy Cursed

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

_Kancho_ wrote:

i'm awake again ^^

for everyone: how was lunch for y'all? is everyone ok...?

Achromalia wrote:

i'm awake again ^^

for everyone: how was lunch for y'all? is everyone ok...?

dave: "it was good! we had pasta for lunch. i'm feeling good!"
bambi: "we've all hydrated too. i feel good."
expunged: "i'm a bit sleepy, but i'm feelin good ^^"
bandu: "i'm good!!"

ps!dave: "we had pepperoni rolls for lunch. they were good! i'm feeling great, by the way. :)"
ps!bambi: "we've hydrated aswell. i'm feelin' good, thanks for askin'."
ps!expunged: "i just woke up from that nap, so i'm a bit tired... but i feel alright. my legs are just a little stiff."
ps!bandu: "i'm feeling good!! i just have a tiny stomachache, but it's nothing i can't handle! i mean, after all, i survived the parasite attempting to leave my body, so i can handle a little stomachache :>"
for ps!expunged: whats been one of the most heartwarming moments you got to witness of ps!bandu experiencing the peace and comfort you wished zem to have?
for ps!bandu: what's an unconscious habit ps!ex has when se feels totally relaxed?

Achromalia wrote:

for ps!expunged: whats been one of the most heartwarming moments you got to witness of ps!bandu experiencing the peace and comfort you wished zem to have?
for ps!bandu: what's an unconscious habit ps!ex has when se feels totally relaxed?
ps!expunged: "when ze finally settled back in after getting infected. the pure happiness in zeir eyes when ze realized that we'd all always be there for zem no matter what melted my heart. ze has been much happier knowing we're all here for zem when times get tough, and it's really helped me mentally too. when ps!bandu's happy, i'm happy. <3"
ps!bandu: "mmm,,, im a lil confused as to what that means but,, se kinda taps on stuff and makes a beat and/or plays with seir hair when se feels relaxed :> if i misunderstood anything in the question, please tell me <3"

also i wanna make an animatic of this song with bambi singing it to dave lol...
david would for sure be the girl at the start bc him and bambi don't have the best relationship

i feel like bandu, bendu and kandi would join as the background vocals hehe,,,
Wimpy Cursed

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

_Kancho_ wrote:


Achromalia wrote:

i'm awake again ^^

for everyone: how was lunch for y'all? is everyone ok...?
it was fine !
I am doing all right. OT has been quite amusing recently.
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