
Shogo Sakai - Serious

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 18 februari 2009 at 01:16:42

Artist: Shogo Sakai
Title: Serious
Source: MOTHER 3
BPM: 140
Filesize: 939kb
Play Time: 00:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,96 stars, 69 notes)
  2. Hard (4,67 stars, 134 notes)
  3. Harder (4,85 stars, 148 notes)
  4. Normal (3,65 stars, 95 notes)
Download: Shogo Sakai - Serious
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Updated info:
This is my first beatmap, and also my worst. My newer ones are much better. However, let's get this thing ranked.
It's from MOTHER 3, it's one of the battle themes. The song is very short.

Edit #1: Made some polish to all difficulties. Easy and Normal now has a spinner at the end instead of beats.
Edit #2: Altered some sliders in easy and normal. Added more notes to hard. I can't spot any more errors by myself... I think.
Edit #3: Made all the changes suggested by Mogsworth. (almost completely redone Easy and Hard) Took alot of time! I hope it's better now. :o
Edit #4: Did some stuff on Normal and Hard. Nothing big. Here's hoping that nuke goes away, Someone please mod this and tell me how I'm doing!!
Edit #5: Fixed minor spacing issue in Hard.
Edit #6: Changed even more stuff in Hard. Need modding please! I want to get rid of this nuke and I'm not giving up!
Edit #7: Did all changes suggested by peppy and Jeffro! This is really shaping up nicely. :)
Edit #8: Minor spacing issue in Easy fixed.
Edit #9: Another spacing issue in Normal fixed. Now in need of further suggestions!
Edit #10: Did all Gens' suggestions, and got a better quality .mp3 file to use from him. :D Thanks alot.
Edit #11: Fixed stuff I found and forgot by Gens. Need more suggestions of problems so I can fix (if there are any).
Edit #12: Changed some hitsounds.
Edit #13: Gens had more suggestions. He even gave me a better bg image to use. Thanks Gens for all your help!! :D
Edit #14: I noticed a silly mistake with my BPM. It was 139.999, changed to 140.000. Changed a bit of note placement at the end of Hard, That wasn't even needed, I just felt like doing it differently. Is there more to fix? Or is it can be bubble time now plez?
Edit #15: Spacing issue in Easy fixed.
Edit #16: Changed offset according to peppy. ;)
Edit #17: m980's changes. ^^
Edit #18: james039 changes. Thanks alot. :D
Edit #19: Added Harder difficulty. Yay, now it will take even longer to get this ranked!
Edit #20: Changed some stuff, like adding New Combos and stuff to Harder.
Edit #21: Minyeobs changes. Thanks alot man. :)
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I'm bumping my thread because I'm cool like that.
Remember how I said that I wasn't going to nuke this? I lied.

-Increase slider velocity. Then, remap the slider parts.
-Distance snap is your friend. Use it and create more distance between parts (like at 00:01:880 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)). The way the map looks right now, you need to completely respace the map with the new velocity and with Distance Snap on.
-Some patterns are stupid. Here is a list:
^00:07:025 (4) - Replace this slider with 2 clicked beats, one on a white tick and one on a red tick. Then, you start
^00:07:454 - Beat here, new combo. The next 1 after it, remove the New Combo mark.
^00:11:312 (7) - Remove the slider, make the part a tad more complex.
^00:55:474 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) - Removes these. A clicked beat in the center with a finish should suffice for the ending of this map.

You get the my drift for Hard. Completely remap it, and get rid of the long sliders that could be more complicated and fitting for a short, hard map.

-Again, increase slider velocity. Not as high as Hard, but still, higher than 0.80. Remap the sliders.
-Distance Snap is your friend. With the new velocity, use Distance Snap to make this not look messy. In its current state it looks harder than it is and is just a mess.
-00:00:594 (1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2) - I like the way you mapped this pattern. Please use this pattern at 00:04:024 instead of the stupid slider. Also, remove the New Combo mark from the second 1, put a New Combo mark where the second 2 was, then remove the last 1's New Combo mark.
-00:06:382 (1, 2, 3, 4) - Replace 1, 2, 3 with a repeating slider (the slider is a 1/2 tick in length), and then a single slider of the same length goes right after the end of this repeating one. At the end of that slider, on 00:07:454, place a beat with a New Combo mark, then get rid of the next New Combo mark.
-00:12:813 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) - This is too hard for Normal. Replace with a repeating slider exactly like the one in the last point I brought up, then use two short sliders at the end (both the same length as the last one in the last point I brought up).
-00:15:600, 00:15:814, 00:19:030, and 00:19:244- There should be beats here.
-00:20:316 (1) - This is where the slider endpoint should be, with a beat on 00:20:745.
-00:28:034 (1, 2, 3, 4) - Remember that part I liked? Repeat that here. Get rid of the part I mentioned.
-00:36:609 (1, 2, 3, 4) - Please get rid of this and map the part 00:37:252. Or you could repeat the part I liked.
-00:40:253 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) - Make this more slider-y. Also, the last beat (where the end of 8 was before) needs to be a new combo, so make that beat a clicked one, not part of a slider.
-00:46:470 (3, 4) - Make this part more like 00:43:040.
-00:47:757 and 00:48:185 - There should be beats here.
-00:55:474 (2, spinner) - Get rid of these. I think this map should end in the center, with a clicked beat with a finish right here.

All in all, some things to remap, and definite respacing/reinputting of sliders.

-All I can truly say about this map: it needs to be redone. It's Easy, yes, but it's easy to the point of it being stupidly easy.
-Respace, some semi-tougher patterns instead of all sliders, vary your slider types and shapes, and I'll fix your numbering once it's reuploaded.

Essentially, it's going to take a LOT of work to repair this. Moved to Beatmap Help and nuked.
This is pretty good actually (after the changes obviously).

Use offset 574. Adjust on each map.

I think the notes still feel too cramped. Same with normal to an extent. Maybe increase distance snap and respace? I think it'd be a good idea.

As peppy said offset is too late.

00:21:17 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - I don't think stacking/overlapping is easy for someone who just began.
00:35:75 (3,4) - This isn't distance spaced.
00:39:82 (9) - This somehow really feels and sounds out of place.
00:43:04 (3,1) - Not distance spaced.
00:48:61 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Same as 00:21:17

Can't find problems in Normal and Hard.

Good Job for the rest.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Ye olde bumpe.
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Ye olde triple bumpe.
Wooh! MOTHER3!

Is the BPM really 139.94? It would be odd for a Videogame... I suggest 140.

00:07:00 (3,4) - Not too much Important, just pointing it out: Maybe it's too far.
00:12:79 (1,2) - Ditto: Maybe it's too close.
00:17:72 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A bit inconsistent. Make sure every beat overlaps a little the next. (I hope you're using Grid Lv3...)
00:28:01 (1,1) - Same as first.
00:36:58 (4,5) - You might want to move the 4,5, 1 Grid left...

00:14:29 (3) - So, maybe make it a normal beat?
00:21:15 (1,2,3) - Lacks Finish Sounds?
00:24:58 (1,2,3) - ^
00:37:66 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Somehow I feel this is confusing. What's the rhythm?
00:48:59 (1,2,3) - Again. Lacks Finishes?
00:52:02 (1,2,3) - ^

00:14:50 (7) - Maybe make it a normal beat?
00:21:15 (1,2,3) - So, does it lacks Finish Sounds? (And all repeats too)
00:28:87 (4,1) - Just pointing this out: Too far one from each other.
00:32:94 (11,1) - ^

Is that all? No one knows...

I'm also working on a Beatmap of a MOTHER3 Battle theme, but I Amplified a little my MP3. Since you have a low quality MP3, I decided to do the same. Don't worry, it seems to have the same Offset. (I think...) It also has the same(and more!) tags.
[attachment erased: I don't really see why should I leave this...]

Also, make a Full Submit after adding this MP3.

P.S.: From now on, I'll write MOTHER3 in caps. :P
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Done! Thanks Gens!
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Bump. Need to know what else there is to do in order to get this ranked. Not giving up!
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Okay, so it seems no one's looking...

here, I got a screenshot you could use:

(I like to use an external Image hoster, so what?)

Make a Full Resubmission after you add this BG Image.

You should add custom colors related to this shot.
And, another tip: Lower the volume of the beats a bit. (Discussed over IRC)

00:07:85 (1) - Too far from 4
00:21:14 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - To all of these and the repeats: Compared to Normal, lacks clap sounds.

00:26:28 (5,1) - Maybe it's too far... but it's hard. So no real complains.

Otherwise, looks good enough. :D
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Whew. Done! :)
I did all except that thing in Hard. I think it's good for hard.

Thanks again for all your help~
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Christmas bump!
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My bump, my bump my bump my bump, my lovely little bumps, check 'em out!
Ah, I was wondering what song was this one. I didn't expected it was this one that I love so much! Even MOTHER3 has a cool beat in the battle rhythm thing for it.
Personally, I think you could follow the beats less and go more for the music itself, even if it's just on Easy and Normal. I think you could make a little farther spacings on the Normal difficulty, too, and make the circles a little bigger on Hard, unless you're planning to make one of those "JAMES DIFFICULTY"-ish Insane maps.
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Drezus wrote:

Ah, I was wondering what song was this one. I didn't expected it was this one that I love so much! Even MOTHER3 has a cool beat in the battle rhythm thing for it.
Personally, I think you could follow the beats less and go more for the music itself, even if it's just on Easy and Normal. I think you could make a little farther spacings on the Normal difficulty, too, and make the circles a little bigger on Hard, unless you're planning to make one of those "JAMES DIFFICULTY"-ish Insane maps.
First of all, thank you for having a look at my beatmap. People seem to ignore it unless I beg them in IRC. :|

Second, I kinda like how all this turned out, and according to peppy, Gens and Jeffro it's good like this, except an offset issue, too cramped notes in Hard and somewhat in Normal, and small spacing errors. I have fixed all of those errors and mistakes. Everything is complete, that's why it's here in Pending and has a star (maps that are complete and of good quality but needs a little more work). :o

Hard isn't really that hard once you get the hang of it. It's full of streams, though, but there are no stacks or confusing patterns in it.

However, if a BAT agree with you, I can change stuff. But as it seems, no BAT has complained about the things you mentioned. Not even peppy!
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Once upon a time, Real1, a newbie beatmapper/experienced osu! player climbed up on a huge mountain near a village.
He desperately screamed "Can a BAT please look at my beatmap???" His words echoed for centuries. Even after his death, people could still hear the echo; "BAT needed"...

The people of the village often talked about this mysterious phenomena, but they never quite came to an agreement on what Real1 meant. Just who was this "BAT"?

Underground, in the lair of BAT's, they were laughing at Real1's ghostly echo. Though some had come to realize that the other weird noises heard at night was the ghost of Real1 and his haunted first attempt at a beatmap. It didn't take long until Real1 infected the dreams of the BAT's just kindly asking "please look at my beatmap, I don't care how many errors you may find, I shall fix all".

The ghost of Real1 hoped that someone would actually take a look at his beatmap, so that his lost soul could finally rest in peace.

TL;DR: Bump.
I played all the difficulties, looked at it in the editor, checked beat distances, etc. I can't find anything wrong with this. Though it's probably not such a great idea to bump the topic so frequently. Once per week max.

Good job on the map though. :D
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james039 wrote:

I played all the difficulties, looked at it in the editor, checked beat distances, etc. I can't find anything wrong with this. Though it's probably not such a great idea to bump the topic so frequently. Once per week max.

Good job on the map though. :D
Thanks for having a look. You won 67 Internets! :D Yes, I am aware of that I may be bumping a bit too much. But I had a personal goal of getting this ranked before 2009. I won't bump as much now, promise. ;)
Anyway, That was my goal when I uploaded it. Then I got bombed with errors to correct. :?
I think I won't reach that goal. :P
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Okay, so like. Bump. Can a BAT please look at this? I think it should be fairly close to ranking by now...
-10 ms offset.

is hard missing a background or do i have an old osz?
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I just redownloaded, and yes, Hard has BG.
Just a confirmation.
00:36:56 (4) - Suuuuuuuuuuuuper nazi, but perhaps move this slightly to the right abit..

00:02:27 (1,2) - Spaced weirdly. It's probably fine, however, just to be on the safe side, i'd move it away from (3) from the previous combo.

Some of the map looks pretty bad. Sometimes the "stream things" have spaces inbetween, and others touch slightly. It looks pretty bad. Try to keep those combo's either touching or slightly seperate from eachother.
00:07:84 (2,3,4) - This could move to the right abit.

This is looking pretty alright..

Also. Bump with submission please.
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Done. Thank you! :)
And thanks for the advice, I shall bump only with submission from now.
Allow me to help you with your spacing on [Hard] (It appears you want to use 1.0x spacing, so I am going to go with this).

For all the below adjustments, keep your distance snap setting at 1.0x and just nudge your dots a bit, they are already almost where they're supposed to be.

00:16:63 (4) - Please snap this, it is a wee bit farther right than it should be.
00:22:84 (5) - Nudge this slider a bit to the right. 1.0x distance snap.
00:24:99 (2) - Nudge this a bit further down. For symmetry's sake, you make want to Ctrl+Click the 3,4 and 5-slider of this chain before dragging, so they all retain their relative positions.
00:27:34 (1) - Nudge it up. Bring this guy closer to the 2-slider. Otherwise, the whole rest of that chain would have to be nudged down, and would be far more cumbersome.
00:36:56 (5,6,7,8) - These are all out of whack. Use distance snap, and they should all lie next to each other, without any gaps.
00:45:13 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Too far apart, just resnap, and keep them straight as they are now.
00:48:99 (2) - Snap this sucka.
00:49:84 (4) - This one too.

I think that about covers it. Good luck with the map!
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Thank you very much! Everyone's so helpful now. :D
All fixed. I think. :P
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I have made an Insane difficulty. Shall I add it or skip it? I think it turned out pretty good. Check it out and tell me, plox.
Talked to Gens. It wasn't Insane enough so I changed the difficulty name to "Harder". Decided to upload it. Here's hoping there isn't too many mistakes here.
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This beatmap sucks compared to my newest "Sucks to be you" that got ranked, and my brand new "Poison" map. But I would hate to see all the work that has been put into it go to waste. I'm not only talking about the work I put in it, also the work of the BATs and the friendly non-bats that have helped me. Even peppy offered some of his limited time to star this map. It would be a waste of so many hours just to let this map die.

I will remove "Harder" difficulty if it is needed.

Tell me, what do I need to do in order to finish this beatmap and get it ranked...?
Suuuuuper minor modding
9:778(1)--> Move left a bit.
11:917(7),(8),(9) Select them all then move down a bit. (0.9x distance snap will help you.
24:988(2),(3),(4),(5) Use 0.9x distance snap.
46:147(4),(5),(6) Move down a bit. (4),(6) must be stacked.

11:488(3),(4),(5)--> Select them all then Move right a bit.
36:564(5),(6),(7)---> Select them all then Move left a bit.

Tell me, what do I need to do in order to finish this beatmap and get it ranked...?--> I don't know. Because I have no ranked beatmap.......(Although I submitted it on Aug,2008)
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Done. Thanks minyeob.

I don't know. Because I have no ranked beatmap.......(Although I submitted it on Aug,2008)
Your maps deserve more attention IMO. You obviously know your way around since you give good modding. ;)
No visible problems, bubbled.
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peppy wrote:

No visible problems, bubbled.
Whoa! Wasn't expecting that! I was just about to bump this old thing one last time.
Thanks peppy!

This map is quite embarrassing for me, since it really lacks compared to to my recent maps. At the same time it's a fine example of a mapper going from a nuke and a novel of errors, to soon 3 ranked maps. :)
That thing has waited way too long~
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