- Maps where the mapper is trying too hard to be original, and wind up being annoying to play. Generally have weird patterns that take a few plays to learn the flow of.
- When the sv doesn't fit the BPM. It doesn't play all too terribly, but just feels weird. Don't do it.
- Shrinking/expanding squares/diamonds/triangles. For some reason I can do Saten's expanding+rotating star and circle jumps, but those other shapes are beyond me.
- Tornado jumps.
- Awkward streams. This would be streams with notes randomly sticking out in places, or making unintuitive curves. It's already hard enough to stream accurately. Not annoying on slower maps, if done right.
- Stacks on sliderends, but those are only annoying with HD.
- Sliderstreams, especially when they're spaced out badly. Sliders just make streams harder, unless they're "safety net" kick sliders.
- Triple spam.
- Singletap streams, or however you call those long ropes of evenly spaced singles. You move across them like a regular slider, but they're incredibly hard to follow when there's a lack of feedback.
- Fullscreen jumpspam. Self-evident.
- Expanding linear jumps. Can be found at around the 60% point of Airman. Terrible to play, especially near the bottom of the screen.
- AR9 on maps that should've been AR10. This is definitely the most annoying thing out of all of this. Goes for most 0108 maps, and maps like Distorted Lovesong. Once you start spamming notes at 240BPM, you should realize that AR10 is necessary. People bitching about AR10 shouldn't lead mappers to just put AR9 on everything that isn't 360BPM. Then again, I even think Freedom Dive should've been AR10, so maybe that's just me.