
Poll 12: How should we deal with cheaters?

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A cheater is found (100% certain). What do we do with them?

Permanent ban (no exceptions)
Give a second chance (new account)
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access
Total votes: 312
Polling ended
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eldnl wrote:

It isn't, I've played other games that the bans are like 1 month, 2 month 6 month or something like that depending on the cheat xD
Ah i see. Nvm then.
Cheaters should be Banned Forever.
icwudt Jaay

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.

Ijah wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.
if you know it, and yet u still play, it means u are consenting.

Ijah wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.
Its not public info. I`ve posted it before in the forums and it was removed very swiftly I might add. I dont see why there was such an issue with it if the information was being used correctly.

9. PRIVACY POLICIES finds your privacy most important, and we value your use of our services.'s services are free of any charge, no prior registration is needed for the use of these services. will explicitly ask for information about you when such information is needed for use of the services provided by Any submission of any personal information is done only with your voluntary act (website), or automatically (game client software) where necessary to provide diagnostics and feedback. keeps all private and personal information private, and does not, or will not share this information with any third parties except under the following circumstances :
When such action is necessary to conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process.
When such action is necessary to protect and defend rights or property of
When such action is necessary to enforce terms and conditions of service. may use cookies as party of tracking process, but cookies will not be used to personally identify you without your prior consent. If the user decides to participate in the forum, with user's consent, a cookie will be issued to keep track of the username and password for the period of 1 year.

Doesnt even state the use of data being transmitted. TOS should be updated to accommodate.
that's surprisingly astute from you, SilentKiller.

pretty much every program with any tangible from of "hack detection" will at the very least, check what processes are running on your machine to a list of "suspicious" ones determined by the distributors of the software. this is not new, and such information is probably never even seen by human eyes to begin with.
the process data should at least be encrypted somewhat =\

YodaSnipe wrote:

icwudt Jaay
312 votes
CHEATERS SHOULD BE BANNED!!!by really shows as an example for those people who really doing it!!!
they should be contented..IMPROVEMENT is the best way! :) :) :)
Permahammer, most definitely. If someone cheats, what's to say they won't cheat again? It's like a leopard on a vinyl recorder.

Except without the leopard.

Or the vinyl recorder.


Ijah wrote:

SilentKiller wrote:

Yeah because sending a list of open processes and window names is a anti cheat lol. But to be real the worst thing you gonna get on this game is more than likely the flash light issue. Its not popular enough for someone to even bother messing with.
Fact: downloading otherwise private info (such as process lists and window/application data like osu! does without any end user consent is very much illegal, here in the UK at least.
well how botu friendok impersonating my account doing my account from halo398 into halo 398 eh?
I think cheaters should be nailed to the cross.
The main problem with leaving cheaters around, as seen in another game I play, is that they spread their cheats with their friends once they get caught. It's best to permaban.

Not like the war can be won against multi's tho, but atleast their friends list will be inaccessible.

And they're lazy to make multi's just to spread a cheat, which is why they cheat in the first place.
For example once they get their scores reset, they just float around doing stuff and even cheating like before if they know they're given a second chance by the 'system' of 'not-banning.' They talk to people, and before long, this guy is offering 'you' cheats.

It's happened to me in 2 other games already where I had considerable skill, cheaters got caught, and they were my friends, but they stuck around and soon offered me the cheats. Naturally due to my personality of striving to improve my coordination skills, I refused.

Pandemoniusz wrote:

I think cheaters should be nailed to the cross.
isnt that a bit offensive to other religions?

Pandemoniusz wrote:

I think cheaters should be nailed to the swastika.
Why can't people just play FAIRLY?!
what is a cheater?, I say because I dont wanna accidentally do something that I regret later. XD

Rock Forever wrote:

what is a cheater?, I say because I dont wanna accidentally do something that I regret later. XD
You'll probably be safe from being considered a cheater or anything of the like then. :P

However, cheating and the like usually comes from using an external program to give an unfair advantage to the player and/or editing data files on osu!. If one change the way the program behaves that only they will unfairly benefit, then that's cheating.

EDIT: Also, take a good read of this.
Heyyaa ~

Me and CaCtus112 were thinking of an own let's call it Anti-Cheating/Hacking-Team in/at osu! just like the Beatmapping community got BAT and MAT, the like gaming/rank community should have an Anti Cheat Team, maybe o:

Still, it would be hard to ban all the Hackers and Multi-Accounts out there, but having an own team of people who search for those hackers/cheaters, reporting them and finally ban them, would possibly make the whole cheating-situation a bit better. Maybe x:

I dun know if that is a good idea or not ..
I think BAT's already have the permission to ban people, or am I wrong?
If I'm wrong I support you idea, although peppy and other staff will say "just report their scores and we'll do it"..

Hawkii wrote:

Still, it would be hard to ban all the Hackers and Multi-Accounts out there
They are not so many cheaters out. If it's clearly to see that they cheat, they get banned as soon as possible.
If there's no obviously evidence to see, it will be harder to give a reason to ban, yes.
But seriously, every 40.000th player cheats. So a Team isn't neccessary since the Mods here can ban/reset scores.
Nice to heard.
LOL cheating on osu!

I think a second chance would be fine, well it's not like there not just going to make a new account on a new ip.
I hope that peppy can fix the program code so that the cheaters can't exploit.
peppy がんばって!
As someone who's never been banned I have no clue to what extent a banned account is denied access to the game, but I really wouldn't bother with second chances on the cheating thing. The third option (Ban them from score submissions forever, but leave access to games, forums etc open) is what I think is fair.

You can also have BanchoBot warn players about their cheatery status whenever they login to a multiplayer game. It'll trail them forever, kinda like a criminal record, heh heh. 8-)
First offenders should just have their score wiped.
Third offenders need to have cheater labeled clearly on their profile page, from then on they are free to cheat for all they care. And make sure when they participate in multiplayer games, their rank is counted separately.
Shohei Ohtani

loldcraft wrote:

Third offenders need to have cheater labeled clearly on their profile page, from then on they are free to cheat for all they care.
Sounds interesting. They can be labeled the same way as banned users before, who had a sign under their user picture saying that they're banned.
EDIT: whoops, I'll check timestamps next time.
Permanent ban
How to deal with cheaters? Lure them to the gates of hell.
Score reset, 2 week ban from score submission, but keep access to their accounts. If they continue after the 2 week ban, just permaban them.
why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
Because i'm bored.
[Maid] NekoRyo

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
Epic Words xD
I HATE cheaters…
Some cheaters are using hack program or cheat engine, I hope Peppy will fix it cause too many bugs… so far, peppy will do this.

Kunieda wrote:

I HATE cheaters…
Some cheaters are using hack program or cheat engine, I hope Peppy will fix it cause too many bugs… so far, peppy will do this.
This is the dumbest vote I've ever seen, you just gave three options to vote for the same result.

Permanent ban = disable account, good luck stopping them from making a new one
Second chance = makes no difference to the first option, except that it's easier for you to track the new account
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access = only reason to hack is to get scores, take that away and they'll make a new account.

BRBP wrote:

This is the dumbest vote I've ever seen, you just gave three options to vote for the same result.

Permanent ban = disable account, good luck stopping them from making a new one
Second chance = makes no difference to the first option, except that it's easier for you to track the new account
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access = only reason to hack is to get scores, take that away and they'll make a new account.
Then you actually don't have to care, right?

Stefan wrote:

BRBP wrote:

This is the dumbest vote I've ever seen, you just gave three options to vote for the same result.

Permanent ban = disable account, good luck stopping them from making a new one
Second chance = makes no difference to the first option, except that it's easier for you to track the new account
Score reset, disable submission, but leave account access = only reason to hack is to get scores, take that away and they'll make a new account.
Then you actually don't have to care, right?
Right, any other questions?

BRBP wrote:

blahblah only reason to hack is to get scores, take that away and they'll make a new account.
Not always true, I knew one hacker who coded a bot himself just for the sake of coding and perfectioning. He didn't care about ranks but ofcourse got some top ranks while testing and got banned in the end.

Tshemmp wrote:

BRBP wrote:

blahblah only reason to hack is to get scores, take that away and they'll make a new account.
Not always true, I knew one hacker who coded a bot himself just for the sake of coding and perfectioning. He didn't care about ranks but ofcourse got some top ranks while testing and got banned in the end.
Cool story, but why didn't he test it offline if ranks don't matter? And what did he do to continue making that perfect bot of his after he got banned? Care to guess?

You should also learn the difference between hacking and using a bot.
Aaahhh, I didn't really want to start an argument about this. :/ Well.

BRBP wrote:

Cool story, but why didn't he test it offline if ranks don't matter? Why should he go offline for testing? "To not get banned?" Yeah, he didn't care about that either. And what did he do to continue making that perfect bot of his after he got banned? Care to guess? Well, he finished his perfect bot. So he was done with his "project", nothing to do there anymore.

You should also learn the difference between hacking and using a bot. Yeah, that was my fault, I didn't read carefully. You are right when you say hacks are only to get scores.
Let them cheat it's ok.
Tsukimi Luna
and be a low profile pro without rank...

Wishy wrote:

Let them cheat it's ok.
I disagree, it will just encourage more people to do it to the point where most people don't play legit. think of a ripple effect happening in the community
Cheaters should be hung drawn and quartered.

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
Punch them in the face! Just kidding

How about banning them for like 1 year and give their account back?

Hanyuu wrote:

Option 3:
Also all of their forum posts, their complete profile and all of the cheaters beatmaps are deleted. They should also be marked in both the user online list in game and their profile as a cheater so everyone will see it, and it should be so noticeable that you can not miss it. Also they should be silenced forever in any chat room and private messages. That is a very good punishment for cheaters, just let them be online and enjoy their shamefull existance and let them at least play without taking part in the community ever again in any way. This should also be applied for any other account they had before they got banned and also every new one they will create. And they should never again be able to post on the forums! Or make a subforum where only cheaters are allowed to post and let them cry with each other for the rest of their life
Hm... This is most likely God (or Karma or something else) works on real life. Thieves are an example of shame and permanent misery (while they don't repent and leave their crime life behind, becoming honest and nice...)

I choose the #3 option, adding the described 'hell' as mentionated above.

Hanyuu, really you're part of the Higurashi freakin' collab :o
It's possible to cheat in osu? wth how? Do people use like bots or something?
I think so...

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
Can someone lock it please? <_<

inb4 Andrea
No need to lock this kind of topic, where the community says their opinion about how to deal with something.

Suggestions are always welcomed, anytime.

Confirmed 100% true.

Is Satan.

[Luanny] wrote:

why are you ressurecting this dino-topic?
discussions like this = lock
I'm sure someone said this maybe but, if it's a 1st time offense, then wipe all their stats and start from the beginning and maybe put like [C] on their profile to indicate they cheated. Kinda like a Scarlet Letter kind of deal or a Wall of Shame page.
If they're stupid enough to cheat again, just ban them for good.
I'm in favor for a reasonable punishment for the first offense but I think repeat offenders should get the most harshest type of punishment possible (score wipe, no access to account, IP blocked, etc)

Outsanity wrote:

I'm sure someone said this maybe but, if it's a 1st time offense, then wipe all their stats and start from the beginning and maybe put like [C] on their profile to indicate they cheated. Kinda like a Scarlet Letter kind of deal or a Wall of Shame page.
If they're stupid enough to cheat again, just ban them for good.
I'd totally exploit this to get all of my bad scores wiped.
lol i didnt know that there are cheaters xD on to the topic hmmp FIRST OFFENSE maybe just reset they're status put them back in lvl 0 then erase all of they're records but put them in the last last rankingscore just like erasing they're existence has just been deleted it should work no harm or others just plain punishment and maybe on the SECOND OFFENSE they cant access they're account for about let's say about a 5'month punishment or so so then the THIRD OFFENSE maybe we can put there the perma ban punishment or so called the punishment over 9000! then is should do the work .. LETS MAKE OSU RUN CLEAN!

hillaryzx wrote:

Permanent ban should be enough for real cheaters....
yeah its true
Trash Boat

BlackAgumon wrote:

hillaryzx wrote:

Permanent ban should be enough for real cheaters....
yeah its true
even if this thread is too old, i second that
This thread is old and I'm bumping to make a recommendation:
Why not just make it difficult for the cheater to notice whether they've been banned or not instead of informing them?

Make their scores still visible to them on the rankings, but only to them.
Make their chat invisible to everyone.. so if they try to say "LOL I HAX", they'd find themselves being ignored.

People either cheat because they want to make a scene (the obvious ones that take rank 1 on difficult maps) or because they're useless at osu and need cheats to help them.
My above proposed solution would make their efforts wasted because the attention they seek would not be granted.

Or how about.. cause them to get random misses every now and then.. that'd be frustrating because they would be baffled wondering why their cheats are broken.

It's the cheaters that are cheating just for attention that will be happy to just find methods to bypass whatever ban (ip/account/hardware etc) and make a new account and continue cheating.. so it's best to make it difficult for them to determine whether they're banned or not rather than practically informing them "You're banned, so now you can go make a new account to continue your fun."

Only issue with this is with people who get banned accidentally for whatever reason (assuming that ever actually happens).
Though I feel - if this isn't implemented already: the play that the user was banned for should be logged (similar to a replay) so admins can easily observe it to determine whether the player was actually cheating.
Well, I think the amount of scores should be counted too.

Lovu has been banned before SteRRuM and despite writing e-mails etc he hasn't recovered his account. The point is that lovu cheated like 1 or 2 scores out of curiosity (of which I don't approve).

I'm for perm bans in general as a long-term solution, people will be just scared to try it out of curiosity. And if somebody wants to quit he shouldn't cheat like it happened with some guys bc it just makes them more suspicious. BUT if you're doing some exceptions please do it equally fair.
Eren Yaeger
Personally I feel as though if they the person just did it once and only once and if they're doing it to get banned in the first place then I feel as though the person should just be suspended for a period of time from submitting scores for a period of time equal to the amount of scores they have hacked with 3+ scores being hacked being a perm ban.
just silently disable score submission, let them happily hack and farm to realise they just wasted all their effort.
Trash Boat
Until some ultra designed software and technology to prevent cheaters, multi-accounters and hackers comes out, stick to permanent ban
Permanent ban. What else would you want to do to someone who is cheating?
Permanent Ban, as well as an IP ban. Why give people 2nd chances who are wrecking the game?
Vuelo Eluko
well tiper got a second chance and i know many other people got a second chance who got caught cheating... so the precedent has been set, just roll with it imo.

i dont think mac address banning will be effective because at least for me i can change the mac address and ip on my router at will
Their stats should be wiped, and they should be monitored for future cheating.

No mercy for them.
Pernament ban seems to be better than have their entire data wiped out, so someone can therefore be unbanned without the entire data being wiped after proved to be not cheating.
Just reset the stats if it's a first-time offence. If it continues, perm ban. It's basically a way of giving them a second chance and dealing with them, or at least warning them.
Show no mercy!!! PERMABAN!!!
Perma-Ban, people like them doesn't deserve a second chance.
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