NM Request!
Mode: Standard
Map Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1094143#osu/2286635
Artist: Rize (CV: Taneda Risa)
Song Name: Muteki no Midnight crew
Genre: Anime
No. of diffs: 4, but you can just mod my GD: Mrgglock's Insane
Length: 2:13
Thank you! (hey, if you want to M4M, I don't mind doing Ima Koko, but it seems graveyarded so I'd like to reconfirm if you want another map)
Mode: Standard
Map Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1094143#osu/2286635
Artist: Rize (CV: Taneda Risa)
Song Name: Muteki no Midnight crew
Genre: Anime
No. of diffs: 4, but you can just mod my GD: Mrgglock's Insane
Length: 2:13
Thank you! (hey, if you want to M4M, I don't mind doing Ima Koko, but it seems graveyarded so I'd like to reconfirm if you want another map)