no more gds unless song is really good, lazy rn dont rly care if u have ranked maps or not full size or tv size is fine please no jump spam maps =>>> dont be afraid to poke me
My first ever beatmap ranked. I remember hearing this on a random playlist, then when this part came on 03:09:979, I really wanted to map triangle parts on that section. At the end it didn't end up working out so no jump spam there this time. I vividly remember getting giddy seeing Lasse telling me to call him back, it was during a Chinese tutorial class, one month before HKDSE. The map's aesthetics are basically blanket after blanket, but hey, that's what only watching pishifat videos get you I guess lol. There are a lot of choices I would most likely not use today, but that's just my hindsight speaking.
Dear Jane - Never Be Alone
One of my all time favourite maps I made. Second Cantonese song I ranked, and I don't even listen to Cantonese music at all. I poured a lot of feelings and emotions into this beatmap, and I tried to show that through movement, like with some of my favourite patterns at 04:00:301 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,1) -, 04:13:130 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - among many many others. I think it paid off, as before getting ranked, 5 BNs showed interest in this map. The only thing I would change would be the OD I guess, maybe I should have listened to Firika...
BUTAOTOME feat. Ito Kanako - Lost Word Chronicle
First Touhou map ranked! This map was me wanting to scratch the itch of mapping a song that supports 1-2 jumps, since making jump maps was one of my first ever ambitions when starting out (not anymore tho). There's nothing too special about this to say, I was just trying to make a simplistic farmy style map. Thanks to kuyusu for offering to GD on this map!
ShinRa-Bansho x Yuuhei Satellite & Shoujo Fractal - Genso Connect
This is THE experimental map for me. Somewhat inspired by Icekalt's mapping style, I went all out in this map with slider velocities in the kiai, keysounded bells, and just trying out a lot of different ideas that were held back by my original ideals for visuals. You can tell by how much more messier everything is compared to my first 3 maps. In retrospect, being so enthusiastic about shoving as much ideas into one map, I kinda neglected to see if everything fit together as well as I thought. There are some patterns that still irk me so. Oh well, that's how learning works.
maki ligon - Among Us / Eurobeat Remix
...... Honestly I didn't expect to rank this. All I did was throw this map into a few BN queues, seeing if they would care, and graving it if they didn't. Yet here we are now, sitting at over a million plays, this is my most played map. There were two reasons for me mapping this. Haha amogus funny and the 1/3 + 1/6 sections within the kiai. I think I speedmapped the entire set in like 2 days or so, just to let my friends play it. I'll gladly take the free mapping exposure tho lool.
NateWantsToBattle - Ashes
Banger song, one of the few maps that I made back when starting out. Heard this song on YouTube at a crafts market in Discovery Bay as I wandered around while my mother was tending her stall. Great memories. The storyboard is also from me back in 2018. Again I wanted this to be a jump map, but my ideals have changed since then, so this map is more like a "how many cool and edgy sliders can I spam in here" type of map. In a way this is another experimental styled map I guess.
ShinRa-Bansho - Sanyousei SAY YA!!!
Mapped this because ShinRa-Bansho, and maybe because UberFazz told me to. The way I mapped this was by brute forcing random slider shapes in the kiai first, seeing what worked, then building the rest of the map around that. There are soo many weird sliders because of that. Also fun fact, I tried going back to my old "structured" style of mapping in the Lunatic diff, but got so bored half way through I just reverted into messy mapping, see if you can spot it.
PEPOYO - Rakuraku Anrakushi
This I speedmapped to show to my friend as we saw memes with this song in it. It's really a simplistic map, happily following the song without any big gimmicks. The only ones would be how places like 00:01:696 (1,1,1) - follow the video, which I think is kinda cute. 03:54:037 (1) - this was supposed to be a noose slider, but I decided against it, because reasons.
RichaadEB feat. Cristina Vee - BAD APPLE!!
I literally wanted nothing else other than to rank the background art in this song. I've remapped this like 4 times over the years, excluding section remaps. Since this is an old map, the aesthetics are reminiscent of my older maps as well. I'm not sure how the stream section plays, since I can't really stream low BPM, but I kind of wanted to make it a DT farm map, especially with the 1/6 section at 03:39:968 (1) -. But yeah, small finger control sections + long streams + a jump section + low BPM makes this quite a challenge to play, for me at least.
--RAYvateinn-- - Touhou Medley P - vol.5
I wanted my 10th ranked map, and probably future milestones to be special, so this time I decided on a 9 minute Touhou marathon. Being slightly inspired by Luscent's Touhou medleys, I tried referencing some of his ideas in here, though I doubt you'd notice it. I had so much fun mapping this medley that it only took me two days to finish. Each section has their own specific patterning/theme, and I feel like that's what makes this map that much more coherent. The stream at the end was made to be prone to choking, with the weird shape + a small 1/2 beat jump right after into the slow part. Although that was intended to be the hardest part of the whole map, Hina's theme turned out to be harder than I hoped for though. All in all, I'm really proud of this map, here's to another 10 more!
Liz Triangle - Witches night
This map was me trying to recreate my mindset when mapping Genso Connect: brain off, and just feel the song. The chaotic nature of the song allowed for an excuse for the freeform-styled mapping. I was honestly surprised when I didn't see a ranked map of this song, considering it's quite a classic Touhou song. Lunatic diff was me also trying out all sorts of structured patterning gimmicks. Actually I'd say this whole map is just me trying to get back to a simpler mindset of mapping. I was quite surprised Satellite was willing to lend me his tourney custom map and help me find BNs as well, so a lot of thanks to him!
Takamachi Walk - Until the End of This Dream
Looked for a song named "Wither" for fun, and ended up finding this song from the album "wither.". Somehow became a featured artist and fit a priority quest, and so here it is! Really wanted to play with aim velocity control shenanigans during the kiai when the vocal intensity fluctuates a ton. At first the chorus was mapped with only circles but I found the sudden stop for double 1/4s really ruined the vibe so I went with sliders instead. 02:36:196 (1,2,3,1) - was definitely a fuck-it-we-ball type of pattern, which is a mindset I do want to keep for other mapsets as well.