
What do you do when you just can't seem to fc or pass maps

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What would you do?

Keep playing until pass or fc.
Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time.
DoubleTime + Relax GOGOGO!
Cry and hang around the chat.
Flip table/ punch wall/ smash pc and throw out the window etc..
I'm too pro and I never encounter such problems.
Others ( please state :3)
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I ....... didn't punch a wall.... I punched the floor, nearly broke my hand and I couldn't play osu for a few weeks T_T
Retry until I get a desirable result (depends on the song and if I think an A is good enough or if I should try for an S/SS)
Forget about it and come back to it later. Of course I'll forget about what to do on that map. So the situation really doesn't help itself there...
Definitely first option...and that's a huge problem sometimes XD

ShaggoN wrote:

Definitely first option...and that's a huge problem sometimes XD
lool and for you SS-rankers, it has to be such a hassle ^^
Topic Starter
That explains the crazy top 40's
As for me?
I always forget it for a while and try to pass/fc it another time. It usually work for me
I usually done the first (with clarification) or second, depending on the beatmap. :lol:

What I mean by first option with clarification: "Keep playing until pass or fc SS"

/me runs away :P

Winshley wrote:

I usually done the first (with clarification) or second, depending on the beatmap. :lol:

What I mean by first option with clarification: "Keep playing until pass or fc SS"

/me runs away :P
I only had that conviction when I started playing this game

from D to SS

Still my most played fml

kriers wrote:

Winshley wrote:

I usually done the first (with clarification) or second, depending on the beatmap. :lol:

What I mean by first option with clarification: "Keep playing until pass or fc SS"

/me runs away :P
I only had that conviction when I started playing this game

from D to SS

Still my most played fml
i know what you're talking about man

You're not alone kriers. My top 3 most played still haven't been SSd haha.

But lately I don't have enough time for anything, let alone fixing old scores. ;_;
I drill it a bit and if I can't do it I'll just let it rest and do it some other time. Sometimes cry about it in chat too.
There are however maps that I swore I would never touch again such as masterpiece on which the only time I got past the square jumps I failed at the very last circle.
It's usually about passing maps because I get too nervous when forcing myself to FC a map. I'm forcing myself to FC Far east nightbird though, and still haven't succeeded because of a long stream at the end of the map that gets me every time.
I'm sure I'll get it one day. :p
Another example is Shounen A. I tend to play it a lot more now that I passed it on the Stream Compilation (only to get killed by Marisa 200bpm) but still haven't cleared the original. I nearly made a remake of my rage quitting with masterpiece by dying at the last stream but it encouraged me more than anything.
I still try it whenever I feel good at streams which isn't very often, but eh.
Lastly, I drill maps such as MENDES or Himiko with long streams that I can't keep up with and try to get the best accuracy I can. I got a C rank on the former and a B rank on the latter, which might seem laughable but I am actually proud of them. There used to be a time when I couldn't clear them at all.
I'm too pro and I never encounter such problems.

kriers wrote:

Winshley wrote:

I usually done the first (with clarification) or second, depending on the beatmap. :lol:

What I mean by first option with clarification: "Keep playing until pass or fc SS"

/me runs away :P
I only had that conviction when I started playing this game

from D to SS

Still my most played fml
lol n00b :c


lolcubes wrote:

You're not alone kriers. My top 3 most played still haven't been SSd haha.

But lately I don't have enough time for anything, let alone fixing old scores. ;_;
You are joking, right?

I'm not even THINKING about SS. D:
I'm not joking, I am just unable to do those for some reason. D:
My most played is Final Answer [Question] (254 plays) and yeah I want to get at least fc on it. ._.
I whored the hell out of this to first pass it when I was uber-noob. When I got a bit better, I whored this song for the FC. After that, (most of my plays) went into SS'ing this. Then recently I whored it some more on DT+HD to get a top 40 score on it.
449 plays - Shihori - Heisei Kappa Lords [Hard]
Topic Starter
Around 300 full plays of world's end with no fail before I finally passed it, god I love that map and song
I nearly passed mendes a few times, but the final stream seems a little different from the rest of the song, dunno if I clicked too slow or too fast.

For me it's weird, I'm very inconsistent in that on some days I'm really good yet on some days I suck.
And on the days that I am good it usually take a lot of playing before I get "into the zone", and it only lasts an hour or 2 before fatigue or something else sets in. During this period I pull off some crazy stuff like airman, 180bpm streams and such(I know not much to you guys but I'm not as skilled and mouse only so yea...). I try to play all those annoying maps that keep getting to me and usually manage to FC or pass without too much hassle.
I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx. But to be honest I'm an official ctb player. \:D/ I sucks in standard. ._.

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx. But to be honest I'm an official ctb player. \:D/ I sucks in standard. ._.
No, you are a keyboard player.

Mouse player = Mouse Only = God
Mouse + z/x = Keyboard Player
Mouse click + x = Lesjuh style

Tablet tap + x = Lesjuh faggot style
Tablet + z/x = faggot

Touch screen = bikko

GladiOol wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx. But to be honest I'm an official ctb player. \:D/ I sucks in standard. ._.
No, you are a keyboard player.

Mouse player = Mouse Only = God
Mouse + z/x = Keyboard Player
Mouse click + x = Lesjuh style

Tablet tap + x = Lesjuh faggot style
Tablet + z/x = faggot

Touch screen = bikko
Mouse + keyboard player. ._. I never said I only use mouse tho.

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player

GladiOol wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx.
Thats equal with mouse + kb, at least to me.
Most of the time I just throw the pen against the wall (one already died, the second one might folllow shortly), sometimes the keyboard gets taught a lesson, too.
But, yeah, the best solution would be to just forget about the map, and try again later. From what I've experienced (and some other players, too), the best results come after a break, in one to five plays, if the retry count gets higher, either it becomes difficult to get full combo on the map you were struggling on before, or the accuracy will be bad even with that fc.

Well, that, of course, isn't the case for everyone.

Forseen wrote:

Most of the time I just throw the pen against the wall (one already died, the second one might folllow shortly), sometimes the keyboard gets taught a lesson, too.
But, yeah, the best solution would be to just forget about the map, and try again later. From what I've experienced (and some other players, too), the best results come after a break, in one to five plays, if the retry count gets higher, either it becomes difficult to get full combo on the map you were struggling on before, or the accuracy will be bad even with that fc.

Well, that, of course, isn't the case for everyone.
My old keyboard is broken and on this one I broke the "enter" already.

Kurokami wrote:

Forseen wrote:

Most of the time I just throw the pen against the wall (one already died, the second one might folllow shortly), sometimes the keyboard gets taught a lesson, too.
But, yeah, the best solution would be to just forget about the map, and try again later. From what I've experienced (and some other players, too), the best results come after a break, in one to five plays, if the retry count gets higher, either it becomes difficult to get full combo on the map you were struggling on before, or the accuracy will be bad even with that fc.

Well, that, of course, isn't the case for everyone.
My old keyboard is broken and on this one I broke the "enter" already.
It's not we, the players, who are at fault for not being able to pass/fc/SS etc. the maps in question. The things responsible are pens, mouses, keyboards, monitors, your dog, and so on, but never the player.

Forseen wrote:

It's not we, the players, who are at fault for not being able to pass/fc/SS etc. the maps in question. The things responsible are pens, mouses, keyboards, monitors, your dog, and so on, but never the player.
Agree, we aren't. :D Hey, how u know about my dogs? o.o

GladiOol wrote:

Tablet + z/x = faggot
But I use a/s \:D/

CXu wrote:

GladiOol wrote:

Tablet + z/x = faggot
But I use a/s \:D/
tablet + a/s = sexy cxu~~

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx.Thats equal with mouse + kb, at least to me.
That's keyboard. Mouse implies mouse only.

GladiOol wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx. But to be honest I'm an official ctb player. \:D/ I sucks in standard. ._.
No, you are a keyboard player.

Mouse player = Mouse Only = God
Mouse + z/x = Keyboard Player
Mouse click + x = Lesjuh style/ aevv style

Tablet tap + x = Lesjuh faggot style
Tablet + z/x = faggot

Touch screen = bikko
Best determinology ever! add in aevv to mouse click+x. He was the best player ever using that style, you know!

GladiOol wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx. But to be honest I'm an official ctb player. \:D/ I sucks in standard. ._.
No, you are a keyboard player.

Mouse player = Mouse Only = God
Mouse + z/x = Keyboard Player
Mouse click + x = Lesjuh style

Tablet tap + x = Lesjuh faggot style
Tablet + z/x = gorgeous people

Touch screen = bikko


those wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

I'm mouse player too, but for click I using yx.Thats equal with mouse + kb, at least to me.
That's keyboard. Mouse implies mouse only.
Okay, my sentence has a mistake, but what I want to say is "I moving the cursor with my mouse and use sd for clicking".

Kurokami wrote:

Okay, my sentence has a mistake, but what I want to say is "I moving the cursor with my mouse and use sd for clicking".
Sorry. You don't get to say you use the mouse unless it's mouse only.

those wrote:

Kurokami wrote:

Okay, my sentence has a mistake, but what I want to say is "I moving the cursor with my mouse and use sd for clicking".
Sorry. You don't get to say you use the mouse unless it's mouse only.
keyboard players so awesome. They don't need a mouse!
keyboard only...BIG BIG YEAH!
Then what would you call Mouse-only and only use keyboard when it's necessary? Any lengthy streams or high BPM streams become near impossibly to keep stable if you were a true mouse-only stable and in general you wouldn't be considered good at osu!.

JappyBabes wrote:

Then what would you call Mouse-only and only use keyboard when it's necessary? Any lengthy streams or high BPM streams become near impossibly to keep stable if you were a true mouse-only stable and in general you wouldn't be considered good at osu!.
Implying kriers is not good at osu!

CXu wrote:

JappyBabes wrote:

Then what would you call Mouse-only and only use keyboard when it's necessary? Any lengthy streams or high BPM streams become near impossibly to keep stable if you were a true mouse-only stable and in general you wouldn't be considered good at osu!.
Implying kriers is not good at osu!
or ShaggoN. or Gladi.

Tanzklaue wrote:

or ShaggoN. or Gladi.

Why are you mentioning keyboard players? And one of them is a tablet faggot \:D/
Hah, people don't know that ShaggoN has been playing with a tablet for such a long time now.
Kanye West

Still no FC. I'm a noob \:D/
ragequit and go read manga or smth like that
Papi Bear
Flip table, smash wall, smash pc etc. Lol!

I'll just try again when I'm ready
whine about it in chat, forget the beatmap, pet my cat, play another random map.

kriers wrote:

Tanzklaue wrote:

or ShaggoN. or Gladi.

Why are you mentioning keyboard players? And one of them is a tablet faggot \:D/
both of them played once mouse only on the highest level, and they still have some impressive mouse only scores.
im mouse only too, why nobody remembers me? :(
King Cupcakes
Invite my friends to play with me so we can fail together.
Usually if I failed a map or can't FC a map, I usually play the map a few more times, then I go to edit to check the Drain rate and Accuracy, then I move on to different map.

If I rage, I either just play muitiplayer, update my maps, chat, or rage quit. It's usually frustrating to fail a hard map and you see the Top 40 replays with a Hidden+Hard Rock SS, Hidden+Double Time SS, and/or Hidden+Flashlight SS, etc.

I feel like a fuccen noob. Damn It! :x
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