
What do you do when you just can't seem to fc or pass maps

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What would you do?

Keep playing until pass or fc.
Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time.
DoubleTime + Relax GOGOGO!
Cry and hang around the chat.
Flip table/ punch wall/ smash pc and throw out the window etc..
I'm too pro and I never encounter such problems.
Others ( please state :3)
Total votes: 297
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Not sure if there's a thread about this yet, no really specific keywords I can use to search.

Yup sometimes your combo always seems to break at that exact same spot.
Or maybe you keep failing because you can't get the pattern right.
What do you do in these situations
come back to it after you've improved

or just keep playing

edit: this should go in gameplay and rankings
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Sync wrote:

come back to it after you've improved

or just keep playing

edit: this should go in gameplay and rankings
Sorry I wasn't really sure where to put it...
Try until I succeed
Swearing if I miss at the same place too many times
Come back to the map when I've improved
Also sometimes I just press alt-f4 twice
find another map to play

simple as that ):
Try it again and again and again and again...
until I pass or 'till my hands tired.. :3
It depends on the map. For maps I hate, I just go "fuck it this map sucks anyway", play another diff, rate 1 if I'm really angry or if I think the map shouldn't have been ranked, then play something else.
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Should have added downvoting to the poll, don't wanna change it already lols
if i cant FC it because its just too hard i leave the map and come back when im better
if i keep having like 1 or 2 stupid misses or sliderbreaks i keep trying untill i succeed, or if it takes too long ill just try an other time.
I always have a variety of maps of which I both really like and are just out of reach. I play each a lot and switch it up when I get frustrated.
Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time.

Exactly what it says on the tin
I love that feeling of mastery when returning to a map I couldn't fc, and then SS it
I'd say, leave it for now and come back later when I improved. The very first map I played (Hartmann's Youkai Girl on easy) was like that, which pretty much discouraged me from playing osu! (thankfully, not enough to prevent me from trying out more beatmaps, which were easier and got me into it). Just now, I finally passed it.

Odaril wrote:

It depends on the map. For maps I hate, I just go "fuck it this map sucks anyway", play another diff, rate 1 if I'm really angry or if I think the map shouldn't have been ranked, then play something else.

Me2, if i love the map, i play a lot a lot and when im tired i play other diff xD, and if its a song that i dont like, i go play another xD
I wanted two options :v

spunout + nofail + double time to see how that works out, then move on
get better, try again later.
Try it again later in multiplayer (I do better when up against someone osu! should have ghosts for single player) or switch btwn modes. If it's really annoying I'll leave the map alone for a couple of months.
Maybe you take a couple of months away from osu! & come back.. you'll turn instapro.
Alt+F4 Like a boss.
After a maximum of 10 retries, I'm out. I know , as a fact, that I definitely won't fc/pass/better my best score after 10 retries, I usually give up and return later.
if it's a beatmap that I like but there's just a part that's like "wtf is going on?!" I'll turn on auto + double time to see how the rhythm is.
Or (lol is this cheating?) I'll go into the editor, go just before the the part that I don't know, and play it until I can do it (if I mess up, I can retry and it'll bring me to the part just before the hard section).
S o r c e r y
if i can't fc a map, i will think that means i don't have enough skill to fc this map, therefore, i will forget it temporarily and play other maps first. when i have enough skills, i will be back to fc it:)

xRayne wrote:

I wanted two options :v

next thing you know, LOLFC
Kanye West
I usually go and find some VMA's to crash.
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kanye west wrote:

I usually go and find some VMA's to crash.
It must be a pretty bad map if I can't FC first play. Keep playing, rate 1.

Really, though...
I just play another map if I fail, keep playing the map, or hit retry depending on how stupid the miss in question is.
smash keys
alt f4 then either watch anime, sleep or LoL
I just play different songs for awhile, and then when I come back I FC in a few tries.
Freak out a little, play an easier map, try again later
1.rage and throw my pen around
2. ???????
3. profit
Depends, if it's a map i KNOW i can do .. or one of those i did like perfect the first time and got a lag and missed cause of that i'll rage a lot and keep playing till i fc it, i don't like to fail at things .. but if it's a map i can't do from the very beginning i'll play it once a day or so till i get better.
vote 1 on the map and rage on the thread like everyone else!!!!

no, not really

get fucking mad and swear at everyone in #pt then getting laughed at because anyone can do that map ;_;
Raging Bull
depends on map. Usually maps I think are fun I spend a good amount of time trying to FC. If it's something I hate, I just come back later (or never)
Depends on the map (no, not really though) and the time (between morning and evening).

If I D'ed a diff, I'll try to C it, but if it's too hard, I'll play another song with similar level. If I C'ed it, I'll try to B it. If I B'ed it, I'll try to A it. If I A'ed it, I'll try to S it, but if it takes too long I'll go on another song.

But I sometimes go beast in the morning, no matter what map it is (as long as it's not too far from my current skill). Lol. xD
"Keep playing until pass or fc"
drink coke and try again. If i really can't, screw the map.

- Pizzicato - wrote:

drink coke and try again. If i really can't, screw the map.
Agree. Or, in my opinion, I just play it again, and again, and again, and if bored and too lazy, I'mma leave the map and be back to it later.
If I still can't after a few days/weeks/months, screw the map.

Drexel13 wrote:

Try it again and again and again and again...
until I pass or 'till my hands tired.. :3

xRayne wrote:

I wanted two options :v

uninstall osu

Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time.
Too pro it never happens /flex.

Lol jk usually I end up getting really close to beating it I miss then try like 10 more times then I rage to BD and BD responds with Y CAN I NO ACCURACY!?
Play it everyday and gradually beating my old scores until I get an fc. Otherwise, "Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time."
"Flip table/ punch wall/ smash pc and throw out the window etc.."
"Cry and hang around the chat."
"Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time."
"Trying again until pass or fc."
"Flip table/ punch wall/ smash pc and throw out the window etc.."
"Trying again until pass or fc."
"Win \ :D /"

Other : I smoke a cig then I FC it. (yeah I smoke too much xD)
Since I get really annoyed if I hear a song over & over I just play it some other time after getting it out of my head.
I play another map which I can FC, if not, repeat. Damn old 2007-early2010 beatmaps :<
I take a potato chip...and eat it !!!
Forget about it for now and come back after a random period of time.

Then suddenly...1pc and FC.
Just a second to think about the retries i did the first period i tried it......
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