
Remove Flashlight and Hidden Score multiplier from taiko Mod

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Your opinion about "remove taiko Hid/FL score multiplier" ?

Remove-Flashlight only
Total votes: 634
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First to say, we can't stop dual screen for taiko, and it is too easy to use dual screen for taiko.
(yes, I know many people are playing in legit way, but not for all sadly.)

If we do this, we need to reset all hidden/flashlight related score from taiko and no exception.
Yes, no exception and it is impossible to pull non-modded score from current submitted one.

Mod itself won't be affected, just score multiplier and score by FL / Hid is.

If you want to help translate for other language, poke me.

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--- Japanese---




--- Chinese---

  投票:在太鼓模式中移除Hidden和Flashlight mod的分數加乘?

  因為我們無法阻止各種雙屏哥,而大家也知道雙屏是個非常容易的「取巧」方法。因此,即使我們知道很多人背圖很辛苦,但是遺憾地,並不是大家都這麼乖。所以我們只能認真考慮自太鼓模式中移除Hidden和Flashlight mod的分數加乘。

  如果我們在太鼓模式中移除了Hidden和Flashlight mod的分數加乘,那麼就必須同時刪除所有的太鼓HD/FL相關記錄,沒有例外。否則有些分數就永遠打不掉了;而我們也無法重新計算分數。



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Wow I don't think this is possible. Those who played legit will be very angry, and there are a lot who do
DS in taiko is really easy to do it, but it's unfair. ._.


-A t H e N a- wrote:

Wow I don't think this is possible. Those who played legit will be very angry, and there are a lot who do
I plays Taiko in Flashlight (on easy though :| )

(poor translation by dvo)

It is sad that we will lost whole legit score, but I am all for this if we can enjoy fair play after reset.

Also most common opinion of my friend is "Can we remove only FL-related(most effective)? ".
To minimize effect of DS , this is one solution.
It is sad that we're down to having to ask such things.
only HD+FL reset?

Hard decision seriously... Either remove te mods and piss people off in exchange for no more cheating or let the cheating continue
There's going to be more cheaters/hackers~ js.
What is 2box or DS or whatever people are talking about?
Just incase anyone doesn't know yet. 2box means using two monitors to play. I think you can guess where things go from here with FL and HD specifically
I get it now. I dont see why people would go through all that trouble to just get a higher score D:
Well, just remove the Flashlight, it's one of the best way to avoid DS players.
Hmm, for the hidden.. I think that's not really difficult to play maps with Hidden..
but anyway , HID+HR is also a FL mode, because we can see nothing in HID+HR.
not just FL, we also need to think about HID+HR.
-[ ix Ishida xi ]-
whether make FL only x 1.06 points, and make it easier (don't reduce the visible range when combo ups) is better way ?

screen-> | ( notes )[half of the screen] ///////////// |
HD+FL = | (//////////[ notes )[half of the screen] ///////////// |

and make HR+HD easier (just SV, OD up, don't reduce the visible range).

sorry for my poor english..
I can see the ending!
Agree with HD+FL removing.
i agree...
Although i play FL in easy,too :(
Delete HD+FL scores? ok
Delete FL scores? maybe ok for me
Delete HD scores? no

mekadon wrote:

Delete HD+FL scores? ok
Delete FL scores? maybe ok for me
Delete HD scores? no
Sounds good
nooooo my only Taiko score

which is now a rank 2 score, so REMOVE IT ALL YOU WANT
remove nothing because then next thing you will want is it for standard and then something else removing features seems pointless imo and not worth wasting time.
I don't know, I don't see a lot of random people using HD + FL in taiko nowadays.

blacksymbian wrote:

I don't know, I don't see a lot of random people using HD + FL in taiko nowadays.
That's because it's almost impossible unless you cheat XD
And yea I prefer if stuff was left the way it is, though if something has to be removed make it fl only and all scores with fl
I hope we can remove these 2 modes from CTB too
I disagree that idea. Many people play FL at easy,noamal..etc.
The most of my #1 is FL too.
So if deleted FL , don't delete past score or delete FL+Hidden only.
I'll say it's better to remove the current records with both HD & FL enabled, and not allowing future submission when both HD & FL are turned on
However, it's unnecessary to clear HD only records imo
From what I know, DS players cheat by enabling those 2 mods only, or sometimes also with HR ( HD+FL(+HR) )
So removing records that have HD & FL turned on is enough to clear all DS records
After removing & banning the submission of HDFL, those DS players have to use sth like HRHD or FL only to continue cheating, which both have a same score multiplier when compared with DT
( And yes, HRHD is harder to get a high acc because of HR's effects ( OD+2 ) )
So their score could be lower than those DT or DTHR, which are not done by DS cheaters
And I think HD-only records do not have to be cleared as those DS cheaters won't use HD-only to cheat ( x 1.06 is too few )

aabc271 wrote:

So their score could be lower than those DT or DTHR, which are not done by DS cheaters
And I think HD-only records do not have to be cleared as those DS cheaters won't use HD-only to cheat ( x 1.06 is too few )
If score multiplier change is enforced, it means past records of DT or DTHR must be deleted because of change of score.
Score multiplier change is very good idea but its influence will be too big I think.

asgardv wrote:

aabc271 wrote:

So their score could be lower than those DT or DTHR, which are not done by DS cheaters
And I think HD-only records do not have to be cleared as those DS cheaters won't use HD-only to cheat ( x 1.06 is too few )
If score multiplier change is enforced, it means past records of DT or DTHR must be deleted because of change of score.
Score multiplier change is very good idea but its influence will be too big I think.
If we make changes to score multiplier, then the influence is too big for sure
So I think it's fine to keep the multiplier unchanged, except those with HD & FL inclusive ( or maybe all records with FL )
We can just clear those records to minimize the influence and I think this is more fair to those HD / DT players
No because i love FL on easy diffs to much D:
What's next? Removing HT because some people troll top 40's with to many slider rolls?

asgardv wrote:

Score multiplier change is very good idea but its influence will be too big I think.
Changing multiplier is not a good idea.It will bring lots of problem.
The best solution is to remove those suspect suspicious records, but cost time.

Lybydose wrote:

nooooo my only Taiko score

which is now a rank 2 score, so REMOVE IT ALL YOU WANT

Well that's HALF-interesting imo, afaik only ONE song's leaderboards will be completely wiped and it's one of the most known songs out there, Saitama2000 (almost 2/3 of the top 40 is HFL)

The thing we should watch is the multiplication of HFL firsts, in doubt ask the suspected player to make a small liveplay to prove it, and watch carefully the gap between 2 HFLs in the profile, the playcount of the level (Mainly for taiko-only players), the accuracy... EVERYTHING.

I don't know how those DS players do to make sure 2 osu! clients run at the same time and stuff, and I don't even want to know this.

Legit players are just pissed of that kind of cheating. I, myself, have few HFL scores (Mostly on Don-Only maps, like 2007~2008 maps, Saitama2000 is an exception, I just WANTED to S it with HFL I could play it HS19...)

I'm not defending Regular Dual-Screeners. I'm defending Legit players, as they just lost firsts because of dual-screeners.

HID+HR is also a FL mode, because we can see nothing in HID+HR.
We see stuff. At the edge.

As Odaril said, it's just damn sad.

Agree in the sense that they are way too easy to cheat.

another reason to agree: if HD FL are deleted, I'll be back to world #1!

About score clearing, I know some old players (<--- really old stuffs, don't panic if you don't know > : D) remember the days when HT are changed from 0.6x to 0.3x and get their HT score get halved. Similar action can be taken on this change, too.
i disagree with it, even some people is using dual screen or so, it's still a part of osu!, if you want to removing flash light / hidden mods from osu! just up for the scores, then it will be very dumb and silly, why? because osu! is a music game, i seen pro people playing Flash Light + Hidden on taiko mod ex: basara, you basicly will not see any note but feel the beat to timing, don't make a music game as competition. wut i say just my personal opinion , doesnt against anyone etc

a better way to solve this problem is to wait peppy update osu that can anti dual screen :o, since you are playing osu, you dont need 2 screens to watch movie or so yea? so make osu! auto detect dual screen and close up sounds a better solution.... and infact, i never seen how dual screen can cheat flash light and hidden, first you can't open up 2 osu , second even somehow you made 2 osu, you won't be able to start a song at exact same time on 2 osus, if somehow people can really trick osu and made all, then i guess peppy should add some rules such as, everytime you up for a top#40 with flash light, you should record with camera showing screen or computer something like that......

for taiko players they will lose their interest and it's pretty sad as well
even i never play taiko and this won't really affect on me back i still highly suggest that do not remove flash light and hidden from osu :|
Remove flashlight only.
It's not possible on Oni maps, no matter who you are, unless you memorize it. (Which is ok) But if it's double screening, then shame on you.
As for Hidden, it's possible on most taiko specific maps.

Sander-Don wrote:

Remove flashlight only.
It's not possible on Oni maps, no matter who you are, unless you memorize it. (Which is ok) But if it's double screening, then shame on you.
As for Hidden, it's possible on most taiko specific maps.
This this and this.

Please fucking get rid of FL. Im tired of zakko, lolitype, and the like.

Backfire wrote:

Sander-Don wrote:

Remove flashlight only.
It's not possible on Oni maps, no matter who you are, unless you memorize it. (Which is ok) But if it's double screening, then shame on you.
As for Hidden, it's possible on most taiko specific maps.
This this and this.

Please fucking get rid of FL. Im tired of zakko, lolitype, and the like.
Aww don't mention any names~
Why not? We've been complaining about them for a while, and no one did anything about them cause "no proof"
I could go on and on with a list of known people who use exploits, but I won't.
Let's try not to get off-topic though, I like this poll.
Or how about this, why not just reset any kind of hidden mode (both hidden and flashlight) if used with another mod (like hidden+hr, hidden+flashlight, flashlight+hardrock). Or when multiple mods are used with hd or fl mod, then it doesn't add both of the multipliers, it just keeps 1.06, even on flashlight.

Love wrote:

Or how about this, why not just reset any kind of hidden mode (both hidden and flashlight) if used with another mod (like hidden+hr, hidden+flashlight, flashlight+hardrock). Or when multiple mods are used with hd or fl mod, then it doesn't add both of the multipliers, it just keeps 1.06, even on flashlight.
This sounds good to me, with the exception of DT+HD (Since this is very possible) and HR+HD (since this "bug" is getting fixed soon)

Even though I do have a few legit HR+HD+FL scores on taiko, they are for easy to memorize Standard->Taiko diffs.

Besides, I think somebody who is able to play DT+HD should have a better score than somebody who can memorize a map.
taiko is just a game or what._.

so, I say ‘No’

SpIritisTz wrote:

taiko is just a game or what._.

so, I say ‘No’
Erm.. That attitude will never make this game improve lol
Removing Hidden would break my heart. It really would.

Deleting Flashlight would be a solution to stop DS, I don't mind that.
DS players like zakoPPsh and lolitype, I seriously had enough of them already.
Removing something because of cheaters is the wrong solution. Never let cheaters decide how a game should be!
>Make Flashlight's multiplier = 1.00x (like Sudden Death)
>If necessary, put Flashlight in the Special category (at least it's useful to fill in the empty spaces between Relax and Auto)


-A t H e N a- wrote:

SpIritisTz wrote:

taiko is just a game or what._.

so, I say ‘No’
Erm.. That attitude will never make this game improve lol

If you think 'Remove Flashlight and Hidden Score multiplier from taiko Mod' is the Improve, then forget what I say._.

kriers wrote:

Removing something because of cheaters is the wrong solution. Never let cheaters decide how a game should be!
And yet I forgot to say this. If we delete Flashlight, we lose challenge. That mod deserved a x1,12 (x1,19 in the past afaik) but cheaters abusing it would just make the mod VOID ?


KinomiCandy wrote:

Removing Hidden would break my heart. It really would.

Deleting Flashlight would be a solution to stop DS, I don't mind that.
DS players like zakoPPsh and lolitype, I seriously had enough of them already.
Not to mention Tenshi... Though he stopped it, lulz
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