
Mouse Only Players - Gameplay Setup Question and stuff..

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To all MOUSE ONLY players, I have some questions to ask...

I made this thread for the reason that the question related here in this forum are all scattered out, and mostly for all gameplay styles,
and I just want to know about how others play using only the mouse.


For posts until p/4035564

So the questions are:

1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed?
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity?
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? Precision mode in osu! is always enabled, but this is different in Windows. So ignore this question.
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?)
5. What kind of mouse you are using?
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution?
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode?
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse?
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?)
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...)

Questions: *ANSWER THIS ONE*
1. Windows' mouse pointer speed: (xx/11)
2. osu!'s mouse sensitivity: (0.4x - 6x)
3. RAW input enabled? (Yes/No)

4. mouse DPI or DPI used during gameplay: (xxxx DPI)
5. type/brand/kind of mouse:
6. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?)
7. How do you hold/grip your mouse?

8. osu!'s screen resolution:
9. borderless fullscreen, fullscreen or windowed mode?

10. problems/issues while you're playing: (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...)

1. Wndows: 6/11
2. osu! mouse sensitivity: 1.0x
3. osu! precision: enabled
4. DPI: 1000DPI but I think this is much lower
5. Mouse: Rigid Mouse Elephant (+modifications)
6. osu! resolution: 800x600 or 1024x600
7. Fullscreen mode
8. Grip: Palm Grip
9. Surface: Cloth Mousepad
10. Issues: Fast jumps and annoying patterns

EDIT 1: Quote this for faster editing.

EDIT 2: Updated some questions for newer osu!
Hmm. Windows Pointer speed and osu sensitivity at the default.
I did enable mouse precision in osu! But not in windows settings(there's a big difference).
I don't know my mouse dpi sorry it's crap and didn't even come with a box
Mousepad also cloth crap.
My resolution is 1366x720, I play full screen.
I use the claw grip method.

The main problem any mouse only user will face is streaming.

Edit: finally figured how to separate my text.. I'm an idiot
precision mode is a rounding error bug fix that should always be enabled. it's completely removed as an option on the test build and always on. oh yeah and it doesn't even do anything if sensitivity is set to default, because there are no rounding errors when multiplying by 1.
deathadder 3500
however I feel like
trading card game playmat
moving the cursor straight up, especially if I have to move it slower than "instantly" (on a slider for example)
Wow lybydose :3. I was about to make a thread like this, my main question is which mouse and mousepad are best for osu! Lol
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Lybydose wrote:

oh yeah and it doesn't even do anything if sensitivity is set to default, because there are no rounding errors when multiplying by 1.
^I didn't know that the precision mode doesn't have an effect when the sensitivity is at default...

anzo-nii wrote:

Lybydose wrote:

oh yeah and it doesn't even do anything if sensitivity is set to default, because there are no rounding errors when multiplying by 1.
^I didn't know that the precision mode doesn't have an effect when the sensitivity is at default...
Have you turned off enhance pointer precision in your mouse settings? Not ingame but in control panel itself, trust me it helps
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-A t H e N a- wrote:

Have you turned off enhance pointer precision in your mouse settings? Not ingame but in control panel itself, trust me it helps
In windows settings, it's turned off..

That "Enhance Pointer Precision" in Windows, I didn't put this in the questions list because I think its common for mouse only players (and for others too) to turn off precision in Windows..
A lot of mouse or mouse + keyboard users I met in game had it turned on, so I was just making sure :D

anzo-nii wrote:

So the questions are:
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 6/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? yes
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 450
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Mionix Naos 5000
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1366x768
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? windowed
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? palmed grip (mostly arm for movement)
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) Razer Goliathus Alpha Control Edition
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) no real issue I should be complaining about.
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 7/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? No
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 400 dpi
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Microsoft Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1a
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1024x600
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? Windowed
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? Palm grip
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) Game mat, cloth on rubber
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) see kriers
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 6/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.1x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? yes
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 800 dpi
5. What kind of mouse you are using? A4TECH X7 XL-747H
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1440x900
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? Fullscreen
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? Palm grip
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) Razer Goliathus Alpha Speed Edition
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) Long streams
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 5/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? yes
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 1200
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Logitech Wireless Desktop MK 300
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1366x768
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? fullscreen
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? uhm never thought about it, something between palm and claw?
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) wood desktop
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) spinners (max i get is 300 and cant keep it), combolose when starting sliders frequently, and long streams. The spinner is more a problem of myself than the mouse.

A question: Is wireless worse, in what aspect? i have only played osu with wireless so i cant compare, recommendations to improve are welcomed :)
Hmm wireless mouse has delays sometimes, try wired you may improve
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? prolly 5/11 to 6/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.2x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? nope
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) idk (will check on it later)
5. What kind of mouse you are using? logitech (will check on it later)
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1366x768
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? fullscreen
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? fingertip
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) none/smooth wooden surface
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) fast streams, but I'm worse in jumps
1. 6/11
2. 1.6 (or 1.5, don't remember)
3. No.
4. 800
5. Microsoft Intellipoint
6. 1680x1050
7. Fullscreen
8. Claw Grip
9. No mousepad; I just use my desk.
10. Long streams, but what else is new?

Honestly, these will vary greatly from person to person - I'm fairly certain that there is no 'magic combination' that will make somebody a great mouse-only player. >_>
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Nightfirecat wrote:

Honestly, these will vary greatly from person to person - I'm fairly certain that there is no 'magic combination' that will make somebody a great mouse-only player. >_>
^lol... that "magic combination", my own setup is good enough...
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 9/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? No. Windows precision is on, though.
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 1600
5. What kind of mouse you are using? RAT 9
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1024x768
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? Window
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? Palm
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) Alienware 17x mousepad
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) Getting from left to right hand side of the screen quickly enough on fast songs. Fixing this by gradually increasing mouse sensitivity a small bit every few days.
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 4/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? Nope.
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) I don't even know how to check that.
5. What kind of mouse you are using? A USB mouse from Logitech. Can't really say which model.
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1280x800
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? I use windowed mode.
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? ...Normal? I'm not aware of multiple ways to hold a mouse.
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) ...I rather not answer this one.
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) No real problems, but it can be tricky to place it in a comfortable way.

-A t H e N a- wrote:

Hmm wireless mouse has delays sometimes, try wired you may improve
Thanks Athena :) will give a try to a wired one, any recommendation on model or something?, cheap if possible (less than 30€)
Not all wireless mouses necessarily have a delay. Maybe if it's a year or two old, but these days, they usually don't. I'm using a wireless with 0ms delay.

Teliko wrote:

Not all wireless mouses necessarily have a delay. Maybe if it's a year or two old, but these days, they usually don't. I'm using a wireless with 0ms delay.
You're a liar, and the whole tech world can support me.
I never experienced a delay with my wireless mouse. There may be a delay, but it's so low that it's not noticeable.

those wrote:

Teliko wrote:

Not all wireless mouses necessarily have a delay. Maybe if it's a year or two old, but these days, they usually don't. I'm using a wireless with 0ms delay.
You're a liar, and the whole tech world can support me.
Come again?
Teliko, your settings are horrible and increasing dpi for the sake of hitting corners is the worst idea ever.
I'm only trying to help you here :o

kriers wrote:

Teliko, your settings are horrible and increasing dpi for the sake of hitting corners is the worst idea ever.
I'm only trying to help you here :o
Any particular reason you find them horrible? Dimensions are default, osu sensitivity is default, windows enhanced precision is required to be off for RTS gaming. If I can't physically reach the distance between two notes in enough time, the best solution is adjusting myself to a higher sensitivity. Interested to know which aspect of my settings you're specifically criticising, seeing as sensitivity is a personal preference.

Nyarlor wrote:

There may be a delay, but it's so low that it's not noticeable.
Correct answer.

Teliko wrote:

kriers wrote:

Teliko, your settings are horrible and increasing dpi for the sake of hitting corners is the worst idea ever.
I'm only trying to help you here :o
Any particular reason you find them horrible? Dimensions are default, osu sensitivity is default, windows enhanced precision is required to be off for RTS gaming. If I can't physically reach the distance between two notes in enough time, the best solution is adjusting myself to a higher sensitivity. Interested to know which aspect of my settings you're specifically criticising, seeing as sensitivity is a personal preference.
It could be a misunderstanding in wether you decided to use mouse precision in windows or not. In this post, you tell me you turned it off, which is fair enough. In the other post, you claimed to have enabled the "enhance pointer precision" toggle in windows.
In any case, doing that isn't ideal for any kind of mouse play as it makes muscle memory much more complex.

The main reason why you struggle with reaching the distance between two notes is because you haven't been playing enough yet.
Increasing dpi will perhaps solve that problem faster than just training with your physical abilites, but over time, this will make you lose a great amount of precision and it will make you struggle with smaller hitcircles later on as you progress as a player.

Lastly, yes it is all preference, but play styles all have pros and cons and even though good players will adjust to about any setting, it's important to focus on the settings that pay off the most as an end product.
Oh, you're correct, that's a mistake on my behalf. Enhanced pointer precision is always off. In regards to sensitivity, as long as the dpi doesn't go beyond the stage where pixelskipping becomes an issue, I can't imagine high dpi having negative effects in the long run if I adjust properly to the sensitivity. I have indeed only picked up Osu recently, but a lot of the technique will carry over from RTS gaming, which I've been doing for years.
low dpi, around default sensitivity, enchance pointer precision off and you're pretty much good to go, the rest depends on you

also hakurouken i cant really help you with that, i use a crap mouse and im a noob as well D:
Kanye West
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 6/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? nope, idk what it does
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? 400 dpi
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Logitech M-UAE96. It's really old.
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1024x600
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? windowed
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? always claw
9. What is your mousepad? a random generic one
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? always overshoot or undershoot pattern jumps. I'm usually pretty good with spinning and streaming though. Though i can't stream above 230 bpm. Sometimes hand pains from claw gripping my mouse.
@Athena np ^^' i guess ill just look for one of those ranking of mouses and start checking by the bottom.
1. MAX
2. 2.8x
3. Yeap
4. 3200dpi
5. R.A.T. 9
6. 1280x800
7. Always fullscreen. Suck in window mode :(
8. Plam Grip.
9. Ehh.. Mousepad w/ Miku on it ... Definitly not for gaming :P
10. Hell jumping.
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 6/11 (I guess it is default)
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu!? Yes, but I don't know for what reason :(
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 1800
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Logitech MX518
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? I used to play fullscreen (1600x900), now 1024x768
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? no real difference, but in windowed mode it's easier to manipulate my laptop
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? umm...don't know how to describe :D
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) usual mousepad
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) fast jumps. I just can't reach about 0.5 cm to note if there is a jump from one side of the screen to another...GOD, HOW I HATE WHEN IT HAPPENS. Btw, I've read some comments from this thread and I'm confused. How the hell you manage to play with default sensitivity and 400 DPI. I tried that and I had to move my hand like mad :(

LnDSuv wrote:

Btw, I've read some comments from this thread and I'm confused. How the hell you manage to play with default sensitivity and 400 DPI. I tried that and I had to move my hand like mad :(
Because I've played 450 dpi for so long, it doesn't feel hard at all. Jumping across the screen is muscle memory and reading skills.
You can improve at jumps like these just by playing them regularly!
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed?

2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity?

3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ?

4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?)

5. What kind of mouse you are using?
logitech g500

6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution?

7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode?

8. How do you hold/grip your mouse?

9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?)

10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...)
clicking/streaming speed... main reason i'm learning tablet now

kriers wrote:

LnDSuv wrote:

Btw, I've read some comments from this thread and I'm confused. How the hell you manage to play with default sensitivity and 400 DPI. I tried that and I had to move my hand like mad :(
Because I've played 450 dpi for so long, it doesn't feel hard at all. Jumping across the screen is muscle memory and reading skills.
You can improve at jumps like these just by playing them regularly!
450's a cool number.
I play at 400, and it really doesn't even seem like I'm moving my mouse much for screenwide jumps. This probably means I can lower my sensitivity even more.

those wrote:

I play at 400, and it really doesn't even seem like I'm moving my mouse much for screenwide jumps. This probably means I can lower my sensitivity even more.
play 6/11 instead of 7/11

kriers wrote:

play 6/11 instead of 7/11
I actually have no recollection of ever bringing it up to 7/11, when 6/11 is Windows default. But I've gotten used to it for programs outside of osu! so this may be a tad more difficult than changing osu! sens.
0.7x in osu!
800 dpi
Razer Copperhead
Windowed Mode
Claw Grip
Some huge ass razer mousemat.
My issues while playing are bad maps
mine went down to 5/11 by itself last month..... didn't notice until I played airman xD
mine settings:
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? middle point
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 0.8
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? No!
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 1000 dpi
5. What kind of mouse you are using? razer deathadder
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 800x600
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? window mode
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? grib style
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) armageddon blabla... (lazy to check the name)
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) Streams orz

GladiOol wrote:

0.7x in osu!
800 dpi
Razer Copperhead
Windowed Mode
Claw Grip
Some huge ass razer mousemat.
My issues while playing are bad maps
is precision mode a bad thing then? D: I don't even know what it does.

GladiOol wrote:

is precision mode a bad thing then? D: I don't even know what it does.
I don't notice anything by using it either. Apparently it's a bug fixing toggle and it's gonna be toggled on as default with osz2 afaik
Oh,a mouse-gamers setup's thread,cool.

  • 1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 7/11
    2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.4x
    3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? nope
    4.What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 400dpi
    5. What kind of mouse you are using? I use a laser TRUST mouse that I do not trust at all -_-' for FPS games and an optical mouse with no name for osu!
    6.What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1280 x 800
    7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? Fullscreen,of course,but for the sake of comfortable program switching I use windowed.
    8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? uhhh,I hold it with my palm so...
    9. What is your mousepad? I use a mousepad. It's surface is made of cloth.
    10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) I think I lack precision during jumps. Also during long runs,after fast spinners with sudden hitcircles I lose um..balance on the mouse. Also streams. The worst of them for me are those going from left to right.
Also I'm using Windows precision and when I tried to switch it off and exchange it for osu's I noticed an increase in precision,but the spinners became horrible (450 > 250). So um... Am I the only one having issues without Windows' precision,or am I just used to it :/ ?
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 6
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? YES
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) I have no idea. I never really checked.
5. What kind of mouse you are using? A4tech OP-620D
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 800x600
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? Windowed
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? CLAW.
9. What is your mousepad? No mouse pad. Just smooth surface.
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) Inconsistent playing because Mouse Precision on the control panel is also turned on which is kind of a problem for me controling the power of my control and jumps.
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? 6/11
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? no
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 900dpi
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Razer Deathadder
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 1024x768
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? windowed
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? claw maybe, sometimes palm
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) Razer Goliathus
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? >220 bpm long streams and >200 bpm single click
Tried 6/11, then Sabamiso! was too difficult. Went back up to 7/11, then everything was too fast.
kriers whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I lol'd :D
1. What is your Windows mouse pointer speed? Default
2. What is your osu!'s mouse sensitivity? 1.0x
3. Did you enable the "Precision Mode" in osu! ? Nope
4. What is the DPI of your mouse? (or what DPI you are using when playing?) 400 dpi
5. What kind of mouse you are using? Logitech M-UAE96
6. What is your osu!'s screen resolution? 800x600
7. Do you prefer fullscreen or windowed mode? Windowed
8. How do you hold/grip your mouse? Whatever that feels comfortable to me. Definitely NOT palm grip though.
9. What is your mousepad? (or where do you place your mouse?) I don't use a mouse pad. I place my mouse on any table.
10. What are your problems/issues while you're playing? (e.g can't spin well, that jumps, streams...) Jumps, streams, and cursor speed.
1. 6/11
2. 1.0x
3. No
4. 400 DPI
5. Logitech G5 (Updated model)
6. 1366 x 768
7. Fullscreen (Native resolution)
8. Whatever feels comfortable.
9. Steelpad 4S
10. Jumps. Though, after about a week of playing, it isn't much of a problem anymore. I used to play with keyboard and mouse (same settings, but 2000 DPI) but recently switched over to mouse-only; now I have a lot more control while playing osu. Low sensitivity/low DPI feels very comfortable for me.
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