
Arctic Monkeys - Teddy Picker

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 7:41:47 PM

Artist: Arctic Monkeys
Title: Teddy Picker
BPM: 150.23
Filesize: 2242kb
Play Time: 01:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.28 stars, 59 notes)
  2. Normal (2.74 stars, 112 notes)
Download: Arctic Monkeys - Teddy Picker
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
November 11, 2008
Yay! My first submission. Since I'm a beginner, I only made one difficulty [Normal]. I'm still confused with the timing thing for this song because at some point, the beat changes. Anyway, I hope you like it!.

November 13, 2008
- changed bpm to 150.23
- spaced out ugly overlaps
- fixed ugly curves
- added another break, more beats and spinners to lengthen play time

November 14, 2008
- added a new difficulty [Easy]
- added beats to [Normal] difficulty
- compresssed the mp3 file
- changed the size of the beats to normal

November 19, 2008
- 00:25:03 (4) - Snapped to red tick
- 00:43:43 (1,2,3,4) - Snapped to respective ticks
- 00:48:96 (2) - Snapped to red tick
- 00:59:37 (2) - Snapped to red tick
- 01:37:12 (6) - Moved 1/2 earlier
- 01:37:91 (7) - Moved 1/2 earlier

November 20, 2008
- re-snapped notes in 1/4 time

November 24, 2008
- 01:27:53 (4) flipped it horizontally
- 01:27:53 (1,2,3,4) just made the whole line straight
- 01:36:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6) made also into a straight line

November 26, 2008
- Changed offset to 1700

November 29, 2008
- resnapped all notes to their correct places

December 4, 2008
00:22:06 (2) & 00:23:66 (4) - I don't know if I got the instruction right
00:26:36 - Removed the break, and put it back in
00:44:83 (1) - Made closer to 6
01:11:99 (1) - Made farther

December 5, 2008
- 00:22:06 (2) copied the spacing of 00:23:66 (4,1)

December 11, 2008
- 00:44:83 - made 6 closer to 1

February 14, 2009 (Yay! Happy Valentines Bump!)
- 00:22:46 (3) - made closer to (2)

February 15, 2009
- Fixed spacing inconsistencies
First of all, you are a cool guy person for mapping Arctic Monkeys.

Try using 150.23 for your BPM, your offset is pretty good.

As for the mapping, I really like it. Try to avoid some things like 00:05:66 (3,1) - space these out more, the overlap looks pretty ugly. This is looking good for your first attempt at mapping. Looking forward to seeing you finish this difficulty and add another.
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I see... I saw beatmaps that had overlaps similar to that that's why I made it like that. I thought it's alright. I will try to change it as soon as I can. Btw, I'm a girl. :lol:
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Does my map have a chance of getting approved? :lol: :oops: :D
01:26:33 (1,2,3,4) - My only real concern. These jumps may be too much for a new player.

Your notes aren't snapped to the timeline. Under the menu bar, go to Timing -> Resnap All Notes. Then go back through and make sure everything is lined up properly.

00:35:21 (6) - Move this closer to (5).
01:09:56 (3) - I would flip this horizontally so it's closer to (2).
01:11:16 (4,5) - You can either new combo this or move it closer to (3). Also doesn't sound very good, but maybe it snapped wrong on my end.
01:27:53 (4) - Move this closer to (3).
01:37:12 (6) - Move this closer to (5).

I personally would cut out the spinner, since it doesn't finish at a really good point.
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Here you go. When I Re-snapped the notes, some notes doesn't sound nice since at some points, I intentionally follow the vocals rather than the beat. I hope I get it this time.
Precision isn't always good. Snapping to timeline is always a good idea, even if it isn't always completely accurate, since it's more intuitive for the player. Snapping off the timeline is a bad habit and will piss people off when they can't SS.

00:25:03 (4) - Snap this to red tick.
00:43:43 (1,2,3,4) - Snap to respective ticks.
00:48:96 (2) - Snap to red tick.
00:59:37 (2) - Snap to red tick.
01:37:12 (6) - Sounds much better if this ends 1/2 earlier.
01:37:91 (7) - Then move this 1/2 beat earlier as well.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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I re-snapped the notes now. I hope I get it right this time. :lol: :D :) 8-) :lol:
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Download: Haruka Tomatsu - Baby Baby Love (TV Size) (palmolive) [palmolive's Insane].osu
01:36:92 (6) - This is too far from (5).

01:27:53 (4) - Too close to (3).
01:32:72 (4) - Too far from (3).
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I made the ones far from one another into a straight line.
Looks pretty good. :3
I'd recommend changing the offset to 1700, though.
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I changed the offset to 1700. Thanks for the suggestion.
OK, now the notes are a bit off
select all of the notes (edit -> select all) and nudge them a bit to the right (in the area at the top of the screen, not the grid) so they line up with the lines at the top of the screen correctly. :D
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^ Oh yeah I forgot to do that. Heehee! Thanks a lot! :D :D
Everything seems alright.
bubbled. :3
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00:22:06 (2) - closer or farther. look at the spacing of the pink combo. if i were to choose it would be farther so that it has the same spacing like in 00:23:66 (4,1)
00:23:66 (4) - this one too.
00:26:36 - remove the break, and put it back in
00:44:83 (1) - closer to 6
01:11:99 (1) - farther
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use the same spacing as you did with 00:23:66 (4,1)
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@ foulcoon, is it good or bad? :)
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I already used the same spacing as I did wth 00:23:66 (4,1)
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bump :lol:
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Does this map have a chance of being approved? :)
The note at 00:44:83 is still too far away. Put it as close to 6 (00:44:63) as 6 is to 5.
Otherwise, it looks like the other stuff has been fixed. :D
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bump :)
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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bump :) :) :)
00:22:46 (3) - Too far from (2).

That's really my only gripe.
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Download: Pizuya's Cell x MyonMyon - Romantic Children (Frill) [hy1hy1hy's CTB].osu
Oh yea I meant [Normal], sorry, operating on little sleep earlier. It's still a little too far from (2) in that it's not consistent with the spacing between (1,2) and (3,4).

Edit: Fizzed.
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^Fixed. I think they're now consistent (3 grid boxes apart.) Hope it's fine now :oops:

I had absolutely no trouble reading spacing. Timing sounds great. I got primarily 300's. You got a background. Etc etc.

Grats on a ranked map!

Download: Hatsune Miku - Uta ni Katachi wa nai keredo (Nymph_) [ATK's Hard].osu
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omg thanks a lot! I can't believe it's ranked!
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