
M2U - Moon Halo

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on niedziela, 19 sierpnia 2018 at 22:12:21

Artist: M2U
Title: Moon Halo
Source: Deemo
Tags: piano Diversity Namki bossandy FlobuFlobs gary00737 RVMathew Seulgij
BPM: 180
Filesize: 17217kb
Play Time: 01:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Boss' Easy (1,53 stars, 111 notes)
  2. FlobuFlobs' Another (4,6 stars, 341 notes)
  3. gary00737's Advanced (2,98 stars, 232 notes)
  4. Infinity (5,4 stars, 396 notes)
  5. Mathew's Hard (3,41 stars, 259 notes)
  6. Namki's Insane (4,38 stars, 357 notes)
  7. Normal (2,14 stars, 175 notes)
Download: M2U - Moon Halo
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

#1 ranked M2U song!
#3 ranked mapset

Easy - by bossandy
Normal - by me
Advanced - by gary00737
Hard - by RVMathew
Insane - by Namki
Another - by FlobuFlobs
Extra - by Parachute - AVAILABLE HERE
Infinity - by me

Keysounds + Hitsounds - by Seulgij
Timing (at the end) - by Rin Desu and Namki
Banner - by Apo11o

Sadly, Parachute's diff was not suitable for rank, so we both agreed to delete it, but i strongly recommend to give it a try, really unique mapping style.
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