
supercell - Kokuhaku (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年1月22日 at 8:42:08

Artist: supercell
Title: Kokuhaku (TV Size)
Tags: ending
BPM: 180
Filesize: 10051kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.82 stars, 193 notes)
  2. Insane (4.97 stars, 281 notes)
  3. Normal (2.98 stars, 110 notes)
Download: supercell - Kokuhaku (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
my first beatmap,please mod it.

song : kokuhaku---guilty crown ED 2
artist : supercell

fixed lyric
add new skin

Waiting for MOD/MAT/BAT....
Waiting for Taiko Mod~


thanks for mod! >.<
不過希望你在刷modding queue時留意一下queue是不是開放中
一般modding queue都會在標題,或者最後一個回帖中寫上queue的狀態(開放 暫時關閉 永久關閉等等)

以及你只有單個難度完成了,嚴格說並不算一張已經完成的圖 (一張圖應該具備簡單, 中等及最高難度)

Random mod OwO
Love this song!!! >w<~ Star!!


Set preview point
Since this is a TV Size, I suggest you to not have a break time
Decrease volume a bit?
Add "Guilty Crown" to the source and add "opening" to the tags.
Maybe the title should be "Kohaku (TV Size)" ?


HP drain +2 & Overall Difficulty + 4 or +3?(since its Insane diff)
00:03:726 (9) - Maybe add new combo?
00:05:059 (10) - I like this slider form,but i think it'll confuse the player with this slider form
00:06:726 (1) - Delete whistle?
01:14:392 (9) - New combo?
01:27:887 (1) - Maybe lengthen the spinner until 01:29:721?

That's all
Nice map~
Ranked this please!
Typo xAx
I mean the title should be Kokuhaku (TV Size)
Sorry ;A;
Topic Starter
ThX for your mod,I have taken your suggestion,other difficulty is editing.(my English is poor~~)
Request from my modding queue. :)

-lol wtf? Is this map really your first one? It's very good. O_O

- 01:21:058 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - lol I always fail at this part when I play your map XD.
- 01:22:392 (1) - Reverse selection?

Very good map overall. Especially for your first time. Your map definitely deserves a star. Good job. :)

  1. There are a lot of files in map folder which aren't getting used in your map. You should remove them, or have I missed something?
  2. Cut lyrics images. Map won't be ranked cuz there are too much free space in your images.
  3. Background size MUST be 1024x768 or 800x600
  4. I think you should remove countdown. (Song setup > Storyboarding > Enable Countdown - no)

00:54:558 (7) - maybe make this slider reverse? Then remove 00:55:225 (1) and add note at 00:55:558 .
00:58:225 (1) - remove new combo o_o
01:03:725 - Timings Points. My ears are crying ._. make volume lower. 60% is nice
01:17:058 (2) - make add whistle and finish on start of the slider? Like here 01:14:392
01:27:725 (1) - why new combo here? remove it


00:15:551 (5) - New combo
00:43:392 (5) - New Combo
00:46:059 (6) - ^
00:55:725 (1) - Remove New Combo
00:57:059 (3) - New combo here
01:03:725 - Timing Point. PLEASE make volume lower cuz my ears gonna die >.<. I think 60% is nice.
01:23:558 (6) - remove slider
01:23:892 (7) - remove note
01:23:558 - add note
01:23:725 - add 3 ticks slider with new combo. Screen if you dont understand:

My mod... is my mod. You can ignore everything except General .
Also I wasn't saying anything about easy\normal diffs cuz your map is WIP (Work in Progress) but map can't get ranked without at least one easy diff (Easy diff - diff with 3 or less star difficult)

Have a nice day and good luck in rank!
Hi, requested in this queue


- resnap all slider in both diff.
- some RED timing section and GREEN timing section are not snapped and inconsistent.

ok, modding continue...


00:02:393 - add whislte.
00:03:726 - ^ ( only at the beginning of this slider )
00:14:718 - remove finish...
00:24:225 - add a circle here
00:25:225 - ^
00:50:392 - add finish (only at the beginning of the slider )
00:53:058 - ^
00:55:392 - add circle here


00:03:726 - add whistle
(Suggestion) - can reduce volume to 45~50% on Kiai time?

that's all.
now, I take my leave...
M a n a

There's some unsnapped inherited timing point. Please check it,especially at KIAI time part.
At 01:26:892,the sounds is too loud D: please decrease the sound.


00:03:726 (2) - Distance
00:11:718 (1) - Too far from spinner >< It's hard to catch for beginer
00:18:392 (1) - ^
00:39:725 (1) - Add finish or add whistle?
00:42:392 (1) - ^
00:45:058 (2) - ^In the begining
01:01:058 (1) - Too far from spinner
01:19:725 (1) - ^
01:23:392 (1,2,3) - Stack it please
01:24:725 (1,2,3) - ^


00:13:718 (2) - Add finish?
00:25:058 (4,5,6) - Confunsing placement. Just use normal spacing
00:28:225 (5,6) - ^
01:13:725 (1) - This stream anoy me. Idk why D;
01:20:392 (1,1) - Remove new combo? Because there's no jump and it just make new combo spam
01:27:887 (1) - End this spinner at 01:29:721



That's all
I love this anime and song sooo much! ><
Good luck :D
Hi, from my queue


  1. letterbox去掉 加了SB一般要去的

  1. 加上这句代码, 可以有效减小SB load
  2. 00:29:505 - 这里SB里没消完
  3. 01:26:892 (1) - 这里SB load过5x了... 不过只有一秒orz
Orignal Sin

  1. diff name拼错了 应该是 Original
  2. 00:03:726 (2) - = = 00:05:393 end here
  3. 最低难度要3星以下 这都4星了 note删一些吧。。

  1. 00:54:558 (7) - 开始的点拉到(160,296) 第二个(200,232) 第三个(288,256)
  2. 00:55:225 (1) - 往左一格
  3. 00:55:725 (1) - 去掉new combo
  4. 01:13:725 (1) - 没叠好
  5. 01:15:725 (1) - 这转盘太瞎了... hard玩家没几个能转300的目测

  1. 00:03:726 (9) - new combo
  2. 00:05:059 (10) - 明显放偏了... = = 建议加绿线滑条速度
  3. 00:16:134 - add note
  4. 00:43:225 - add note
  5. 00:55:725 (3) - 坑爹
  6. 01:04:225 (5) - 摆对称好点
  7. 01:13:809 (2,3,4,5) - SB load红了
  8. 01:22:725 (2) - 这个滑条按ctrl+r转向
nice map, fight~

Good luck~
hello, sorry I was lazy on the weekend >v<

General Information

- You need an easiest diff, since your [Normal] is over 3,00 star rating. You can make a [Easy] diff, ask for a guest or make your [Normal] on a easiest way, move to WIP untill you have your mapset fixed.
- Using red timings with different BPM for control the slider velocity is absolutelly unrankable, use just inherited with slider multiplier values.


- since having useless extra red timing lines and since your timing is wrong, use this unique red timing:
BPM: 180,000 (Current)
Offset: 1075 (< this offset is the correct since you have putted the big white tick (downbeat) on the wrong place

Im not pointing your normal since Im not sure what you gonna do.


- yeah all nice, but try to dont overload the SB see >
even there are 6,49 sb load on some parts


00:03:726 (5) - whistle on repeat and end of slider, just for keep your pattern
00:23:058 (7,1) - excesive jump between this 2, on [Hard] diffs keep your jumps under 1,7 spacing
00:54:059 (3) - dont stack this on previous slider's end, is so confusing even on [Insane] difficulties, the follow circle of previous slider hiddens the approach circle, and combo break, plce it between the 2 sliders you have here, it would better and looks nice.
01:14:392 (3,4,1,2) - remove the whistle from slider bodies, sounds so bad here


00:05:059 (10) - whistle on start/end of slider
不错的MAP 希望能早日RANK
Topic Starter
Hi :)


- Source: Guility Crown > GUILTY CROWN

- Add to the difficulty of all the Preview Point. (Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Point) I think it is good to add to the 01:03:308.

That's all.
I'm sorry this is only...
Good luck ;)
Topic Starter

Ruuuuko wrote:

Hi :)


- Source: Guility Crown > Guilty Crown

- Add to the difficulty of all the Preview Point. (Timing > Set Current Position as Preview Point) I think it is good to add to the 01:03:308.

That's all.
I'm sorry this is only...
Good luck ;)

01:27:721 (2) - Move this to x:441 y:290


00:46:892 (8) - Move this to x:25 y:334

That's all I can think of.
Good luck.
Recheck for M4M~


Easiest diff should have 3 star or less if you want to rank your map My bad :o
At 00:00:060 maybe decrease the volume? More fit IMO
At 00:29:225,like I said before. I think it looks more good if you map this part
At 01:26:892 like 00:00:060,it's too noisy ><"


00:05:726 (3) - Delete whistle from slider slide >< It's really annoy me
00:14:051 (4) - Maybe add whistle here?
00:18:392 (1) - Too far from spinner,it's hard to catch for beginner
00:52:725 (5) - New combo
01:01:058 (1) - Same as 00:18:392
01:03:558 (3,4) - Overlap by 01:02:058,put this note to another place to make more clean
01:17:058 (5) - Maybe add new combo?
01:22:392 (5) - New combo start here?


00:34:058 (8) - New combo
00:55:725 (2) - Maybe remove new combo?


00:03:726 (9) - New combo? because there's jump suddenly oAo;
Like I said before~ Nice diff x33

That's all
Topic Starter

athiota33 wrote:

Recheck for M4M~


Easiest diff should have 3 star or less if you want to rank your map My bad :o
At 00:00:060 maybe decrease the volume? More fit IMO fixed
At 00:29:225,like I said before. I think it looks more good if you map this part pending
At 01:26:892 like 00:00:060,it's too noisy ><" fixed


00:05:726 (3) - Delete whistle from slider slide >< It's really annoy me delete fixed
00:14:051 (4) - Maybe add whistle here? add finish,to keeps pace with other diffs
00:18:392 (1) - Too far from spinner,it's hard to catch for beginner fixed
00:52:725 (5) - New combo fixed
01:01:058 (1) - Same as 00:18:392 is it too far from spinner
01:03:558 (3,4) - Overlap by 01:02:058,put this note to another place to make more clean fixed
01:17:058 (5) - Maybe add new combo? fixed
01:22:392 (5) - New combo start here? fixed


00:34:058 (8) - New combo fixed
00:55:725 (2) - Maybe remove new combo? fixed


00:03:726 (9) - New combo? because there's jump suddenly oAo; fixed
Like I said before~ Nice diff x33

That's all
以下只是建議~不喜歡可以略過 OAO

normal不應該有spcing?!不過我看的時候也覺得怪怪的 距離明明一樣...先不管它吧~

00:15:051 (3) - 這裡感覺怪怪的!?改成這樣的節奏?!

00:14:385 (5) - NC?!

01:08:392 (3,4,5) - 這有點危險 快碰到血條了~.
01:21:725 (1,2,3,4) - 這讓我產生了些幻影.要不要改一下呢?!

Good song and SB!

Star for SB
Topic Starter

l1106188 wrote:

以下只是建議~不喜歡可以略過 OAO

normal不應該有spcing?!不過我看的時候也覺得怪怪的 距離明明一樣...先不管它吧~

00:15:051 (3) - 這裡感覺怪怪的!?改成這樣的節奏?! fixed

00:14:385 (5) - NC?! fixed

01:08:392 (3,4,5) - 這有點危險 快碰到血條了~. fixed
01:21:725 (1,2,3,4) - 這讓我產生了些幻影.要不要改一下呢?! 这个先放放吧

Good song and SB!

Star for SB
thanks for your mod!
Hello, AstroniX ~
I'm here for mod4mod as you write on your queue.


-> Red timing sections should NOT be used to modify slider speeds. If you're going to create a half-speed slider instead, this is what you should do:
-> Also about timing section, you do not need a new timing section on 00:18:059 because the metronome doesn't need to be resetted there
-> To reduce file size, resize your static SB background images to 640*480? With this, you also don't need any S (Scale) codes in the .osb:
Delete lines which starts with "S"

-> Add at least 0.5 seconds of audio lead-in[u]. (your first note starts out quite early)
-> Oh, and [u]tick rate 2 really fits this song


-> Hp Drain +1? (well... your difficulty setting looks like an Easy atm though. I suggest to increase all stats by 2 except circle size, it will still show this as a 2.5-stars diff though)
-> Also, it feels weird having 00:18:392 (1) - until 00:27:725 (3) - being unhitsounded. Because this is a Normal diff, you should rely on hitsounds more (and not on slidertick sounds more) to spice up the map, even simple hitsounding like clap every 1/1 sounds good also :3

  1. 00:03:726 (2) - Well... It would be nice if the first red waypoint here is right on (1)'s endpoint (move your first redpoint to the left a bit without grid snap on)
  2. 00:05:726 (3) - I wonder, why you suddenly go bezier here? I think it's better to keep consistent with linear sliders for the opening
  3. 00:13:718 (3,1) - (optional) It would be nice if you could space (1) apart from (2), for example:
  4. 00:15:051 (3,4) - Do you really need this slowdown on Normal diff? I suggest to create something like this, to follow the music more:
  5. 00:16:721 (1) - Having this spinner's end not hitsounded feels weird. Whistle here?
  6. 00:18:392 (1) - (optional) Well, I personally don't like how this curve will play after the spinner. Slider wave instead? (also if you follow my hitsound suggestion above, finish on slider's start?)
  7. 00:22:392 (3) - Sudden straight slider here breaks the flow. Why not curve it to the left? It's not that hard to do yet gives more flow (:
  8. 00:42:059 (1,2) - Spacing error here - (1) should be moved down, most likely in x:392 y:344
  9. 00:45:059 (2) - (optional) Again, this just my suggestion to increase flow - unstack it from (1), and make it encircle (1) like this?
  10. 00:49:059 (4,5,1) - Your usage of 3/4s might be confusing to beginners. I suggest to create a 1/1 slider on 00:49:392 instead of that 3/4 note on (5)
  11. 00:55:225 (1,2) - Spacing error here, it should be snapped as they're 1/2 apart
  12. 00:57:892 (5) - New combo here
  13. 00:58:392 (7,8) - Is there any point to use a soft-sampleset for these two? (well, if it's to use soft-hitfinish on (7)'s start, it's fine though, but no finish there ><)
  14. 00:59:725 (1,1) - Give more time for beginner players to recover after spinner! - well this is your easiest diff on the set after all, you could just simply delete (1) here, (2) is already good standing alone
  15. 01:19:725 (1,2,3,4) - (optional) Arrange them symmetrically? Would be neater here imo:
  16. 01:27:225 (1,2) - This 1/2... Actually it's fine, but it could easily trick newbies. 3/2 slider here instead? (this is one reason why I recommend Tick Rate 2)

-> Again, a problem with unbalanced difficulty setting - Overall Difficulty shouldn't be this low when using AR7. Increase it?

  1. 00:01:393 (2,4) - I think it's better to put whistle everytime the piano reaches high note, it will give a dramatic effect imo. Add it on (2)'s end and (4)'s repeat?
  2. 00:13:218 (1) - Suggestion, make it encircle (2) as your (4) encircles (3)?
  3. 00:16:222 (10) - Again, you don't need this slowdown here. 1.0x speed slider plays fine as is
  4. 00:22:892 (6,7) - (optional) Unstack? Your stack here kills the flow imo. Furthermore, you can arrange like this:
  5. 00:30:225 (4) - Well, the single slidertick here sounds weird. If you decide not to use slidertick 2, make it as a 1/1 slider and a circle 1/2 after instead?
  6. 00:32:892 (6) - Same as above
  7. 00:34:892 (4) - Why you stop your slider curves here >_< - seriously, curve it to the right, it will play much better :3
  8. 00:37:392 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Arrange them in a symmetry to make this part less random? Don't worry though - it won't go offscreen!
  9. 00:43:392 (4,5) - This stack... It doesn't play well also after a 1/2 short slider. I highly suggest to make (4) as a repeating slider instead
  10. 00:49:725 (1) - Hmm, this 1/4 repeating slider looks like they're randomly placed imo. To make it more meaningful, use a Normal sampleset with 15% volume here? (use the green inherit line)
  11. 00:52:558 (1) - Move 1/2 earlier? Sounds much better if it's there imo, to follow the drums more
  12. 01:04:892 (1,2,3,4) - Be more creative with hitsounds! You can play with whistles here, on (1)'s start and end + (3) for example. If you follow this, keep your next whistles consistent
  13. 01:07:725 (3,4,5) - I'd rather use a repeating slider here, because the nature of stack will make (3) almost touching (2)
  14. 01:13:725 (1) - I think you can make this part flow/play better by using more sliders here, I suggest to make like this (orbiting (3)) instead:
  15. 01:23:058 (5,6) - (optional) You can add clap on (5)'s end also to build more power from the hitsound here, if you wish. If you do this, make sure you do the same thing on 01:24:392 (3,4) also
Much more solid compared to Normal, overall.


  1. 00:02:059 (4,7) - Pretty much same as my suggestion on [Hard] here. Add whistle on the high piano note here?
  2. 00:12:885 (6) - It's pretty noticeable that this circle is closer to (5) compared with its distance to (7)
  3. 00:15:718 (2,3,4) - Add whistle on (2)? It will make this triplet sounds more meaningful instead of randomly placed for difficulty imo
  4. 00:23:392 (1) - Why 1/1 slider here? Judging from your previous rhythm, I think it's better to keep using 1/2 slider and a single note 1/2 after. Maybe arrange like this:
  5. 00:27:725 (6,7) - The amount of repeats here could be deceiving. Remove all the repeats here, and add circles stacked on slider's end?
  6. 00:40:725 (1,2) - Why not in the center? Is this intentional?
  7. 00:46:392 (3) - (optional) To make the map more solid, create slider like this instead?
  8. 00:55:725 (3) - Missing finish on slider's start here (or it's intentional?)
  9. 01:04:225 (5,7) - Same as [Hard] also, you can be more creative with hitsounds here (especially involving whistles) - I experimented a bit here, and you might add one on (5) and (7)'s end though
  10. 01:06:392 (2) - Minor stuff, but it's kinda obvious this slider is closer to (1) rather than to (3)
  11. 01:12:392 (6,7) - (optional) Make them parallel to each other to make it tidier?
  12. 01:20:058 (2) - I highly suggest to make this slider's end stacked below (9) to avoid ugly overlap:
  13. 01:24:142 (4) - This stream's sequence sounds like it's being added just for extra difficulty imo. Perhaps remove (4)?
  14. 01:26:058 (3) - Put new combo here instead, so the jump from this note to (1) will be guided by followpoint
I like how the map goes progressively~ and great SB also.
Good luck, AstroniX (:


☆ 您的五條紅線,有3條Offset都錯了0.0,導致重拍都不在長白線上
至於第3、4條,減速是用綠線,然後Slider velocity multiplier選0.5,而不是將BPM砍半
☆ 很多綠線都沒對好,自己再仔細檢查一下


AR+1 OD+1 HP調到4
00:16:222 (5) - 距離錯誤,即使是減速了
00:55:725 (2) - 距離錯誤
00:58:392 (7,8) - 轉盤與下個Note之間的時間太短,這是不允許。刪掉轉盤,換成這個節奏如何:


00:45:558 (3~7) - 突然變距不太好 ??


00:25:058 (7) - 我不喜歡這樣放,非常容易誤讀成折返2次的Slider
00:27:725 (6) - ^
00:55:725 (3) - ^
01:14:892 (2) - 這樣畫(事實上我的也不是畫得好):

That all, Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Hello, AstroniX ~
I'm here for mod4mod as you write on your queue.


-> Red timing sections should NOT be used to modify slider speeds. If you're going to create a half-speed slider instead, this is what you should do:
-> Also about timing section, you do not need a new timing section on 00:18:059 because the metronome doesn't need to be resetted there
-> To reduce file size, resize your static SB background images to 640*480? With this, you also don't need any S (Scale) codes in the .osb:
Delete lines which starts with "S"

-> Add at least 0.5 seconds of audio lead-in[u]. (your first note starts out quite early)
-> Oh, and [u]tick rate 2 really fits this song


-> Hp Drain +1? (well... your difficulty setting looks like an Easy atm though. I suggest to increase all stats by 2 except circle size, it will still show this as a 2.5-stars diff though)
-> Also, it feels weird having 00:18:392 (1) - until 00:27:725 (3) - being unhitsounded. Because this is a Normal diff, you should rely on hitsounds more (and not on slidertick sounds more) to spice up the map, even simple hitsounding like clap every 1/1 sounds good also :3

  1. 00:03:726 (2) - Well... It would be nice if the first red waypoint here is right on (1)'s endpoint (move your first redpoint to the left a bit without grid snap on)
  2. 00:05:726 (3) - I wonder, why you suddenly go bezier here? I think it's better to keep consistent with linear sliders for the opening
  3. 00:13:718 (3,1) - (optional) It would be nice if you could space (1) apart from (2), for example:
  4. 00:15:051 (3,4) - Do you really need this slowdown on Normal diff? I suggest to create something like this, to follow the music more:
  5. 00:16:721 (1) - Having this spinner's end not hitsounded feels weird. Whistle here?
  6. 00:18:392 (1) - (optional) Well, I personally don't like how this curve will play after the spinner. Slider wave instead? (also if you follow my hitsound suggestion above, finish on slider's start?)
  7. 00:22:392 (3) - Sudden straight slider here breaks the flow. Why not curve it to the left? It's not that hard to do yet gives more flow (:
  8. 00:42:059 (1,2) - Spacing error here - (1) should be moved down, most likely in x:392 y:344
  9. 00:45:059 (2) - (optional) Again, this just my suggestion to increase flow - unstack it from (1), and make it encircle (1) like this?
  10. 00:49:059 (4,5,1) - Your usage of 3/4s might be confusing to beginners. I suggest to create a 1/1 slider on 00:49:392 instead of that 3/4 note on (5)
  11. 00:55:225 (1,2) - Spacing error here, it should be snapped as they're 1/2 apart
  12. 00:57:892 (5) - New combo here
  13. 00:58:392 (7,8) - Is there any point to use a soft-sampleset for these two? (well, if it's to use soft-hitfinish on (7)'s start, it's fine though, but no finish there ><)
  14. 00:59:725 (1,1) - Give more time for beginner players to recover after spinner! - well this is your easiest diff on the set after all, you could just simply delete (1) here, (2) is already good standing alone
  15. 01:19:725 (1,2,3,4) - (optional) Arrange them symmetrically? Would be neater here imo:
  16. 01:27:225 (1,2) - This 1/2... Actually it's fine, but it could easily trick newbies. 3/2 slider here instead? (this is one reason why I recommend Tick Rate 2)

-> Again, a problem with unbalanced difficulty setting - Overall Difficulty shouldn't be this low when using AR7. Increase it?

  1. 00:01:393 (2,4) - I think it's better to put whistle everytime the piano reaches high note, it will give a dramatic effect imo. Add it on (2)'s end and (4)'s repeat?
  2. 00:13:218 (1) - Suggestion, make it encircle (2) as your (4) encircles (3)?
  3. 00:16:222 (10) - Again, you don't need this slowdown here. 1.0x speed slider plays fine as is
  4. 00:22:892 (6,7) - (optional) Unstack? Your stack here kills the flow imo. Furthermore, you can arrange like this:
  5. 00:30:225 (4) - Well, the single slidertick here sounds weird. If you decide not to use slidertick 2, make it as a 1/1 slider and a circle 1/2 after instead?
  6. 00:32:892 (6) - Same as above
  7. 00:34:892 (4) - Why you stop your slider curves here >_< - seriously, curve it to the right, it will play much better :3
  8. 00:37:392 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Arrange them in a symmetry to make this part less random? Don't worry though - it won't go offscreen!
  9. 00:43:392 (4,5) - This stack... It doesn't play well also after a 1/2 short slider. I highly suggest to make (4) as a repeating slider instead
  10. 00:49:725 (1) - Hmm, this 1/4 repeating slider looks like they're randomly placed imo. To make it more meaningful, use a Normal sampleset with 15% volume here? (use the green inherit line)
  11. 00:52:558 (1) - Move 1/2 earlier? Sounds much better if it's there imo, to follow the drums more
  12. 01:04:892 (1,2,3,4) - Be more creative with hitsounds! You can play with whistles here, on (1)'s start and end + (3) for example. If you follow this, keep your next whistles consistent
  13. 01:07:725 (3,4,5) - I'd rather use a repeating slider here, because the nature of stack will make (3) almost touching (2)
  14. 01:13:725 (1) - I think you can make this part flow/play better by using more sliders here, I suggest to make like this (orbiting (3)) instead:
  15. 01:23:058 (5,6) - (optional) You can add clap on (5)'s end also to build more power from the hitsound here, if you wish. If you do this, make sure you do the same thing on 01:24:392 (3,4) also
Much more solid compared to Normal, overall.


  1. 00:02:059 (4,7) - Pretty much same as my suggestion on [Hard] here. Add whistle on the high piano note here?
  2. 00:12:885 (6) - It's pretty noticeable that this circle is closer to (5) compared with its distance to (7)
  3. 00:15:718 (2,3,4) - Add whistle on (2)? It will make this triplet sounds more meaningful instead of randomly placed for difficulty imo
  4. 00:23:392 (1) - Why 1/1 slider here? Judging from your previous rhythm, I think it's better to keep using 1/2 slider and a single note 1/2 after. Maybe arrange like this:
  5. 00:27:725 (6,7) - The amount of repeats here could be deceiving. Remove all the repeats here, and add circles stacked on slider's end?
  6. 00:40:725 (1,2) - Why not in the center? Is this intentional?
  7. 00:46:392 (3) - (optional) To make the map more solid, create slider like this instead?
  8. 00:55:725 (3) - Missing finish on slider's start here (or it's intentional?)
  9. 01:04:225 (5,7) - Same as [Hard] also, you can be more creative with hitsounds here (especially involving whistles) - I experimented a bit here, and you might add one on (5) and (7)'s end though
  10. 01:06:392 (2) - Minor stuff, but it's kinda obvious this slider is closer to (1) rather than to (3)
  11. 01:12:392 (6,7) - (optional) Make them parallel to each other to make it tidier?
  12. 01:20:058 (2) - I highly suggest to make this slider's end stacked below (9) to avoid ugly overlap:
  13. 01:24:142 (4) - This stream's sequence sounds like it's being added just for extra difficulty imo. Perhaps remove (4)?
  14. 01:26:058 (3) - Put new combo here instead, so the jump from this note to (1) will be guided by followpoint
I like how the map goes progressively~ and great SB also.
Good luck, AstroniX (:
thanks for yor mod,it's very help for to me

* Use Audio Lead-In 500 for all diffs, to make consistent on each diff

* The lyrics SB are hard to see, you need to make it readable

* SB\ouma_shuu.png - This SB elements are fade out lately, please start the fade out at 00:49:557
* SB\inori.png - This are fade in earlier, end fade in at 00:50:890

00:11:725 (1) - Too far from spinner for normal diff. To need to make it closer
00:18:391 (1) - ^
01:01:057 (1) - ^

* AR +1? Your current approach rate is slow

00:55:724 (2,3,4,5) - These anti-jumps are pretty bad

00:16:225 (6) - New combo for noticing that this is a slow slider

Cannot bubble due to lower than +8 stars
maybe you'll want to add a flashy warning for the flash at beginning of kiai time...
audio-lean in for all three diffs should be unique, set to 1000.
00:18:391 - I doubt that why you need a inherited timing section here? It has no offset from the original timing, and it's on downbeat D: If it's useless, replace by timing section (green).

00:12:558 (4,5,6,7) - spacing
00:16:225 (6) - putting this down several grids so that (4,5,6) forms equilateral triangle
00:18:391 (1) - right 1 grid ._.
00:38:390 (5) - this should be the new combo.

whistle beating rocks

00:03:725 (1) - even it's a single note I prefer NC here since it's quite long and it belongs to another lyrical sentence
01:03:391 (3,4) - you can consider (3) up 1 grid, (4) move left+up to so that (3,4,1) forms equilateral triangle
01:10:724 (2,3,4) - spacing inconsistancy
01:16:057 - feel like the flow is not very smooth within the 1.5 beat break, you may want to add one at 01:15:724 -
01:18:390 - ^

where's the whistle beating gone D:

00:14:724 (2) - right 1 grid
01:22:391 (1,3) - try to stack them well

despite some spacing consistancy it's done quite well(especially the hitsound part) , though some players may not like a long turning linear slider like normal 01:03:724 (3) - too much, but that's your decision.

You know the star # is not enough so I will have no further action, but there's some potential if you find some more mods and stars, then find some MATs.
thx reqs~

0.27.724(6) - delete last red waypoint (change white)
0.28.390(7) - ^

0.01.059(1~5) - spacing
[0.01.392(2~4) - try symmetry]
1.13.724(1) - -1 return, and add circle 1.14.224

1.27.724(2) - not use grid snap(x0.0 spacing)
Topic Starter
Because of my fault,I delete my new update,this map maybe have a long time to be edited
pardon me....pardon my fault
This song is ending.


very good map!!!! :)
Colin Hou
  1. 音源略差劲 建议去VeryCD等地方找一下这张单曲碟 有一个TV Edit的版本, 测下新offset 和原offset比对后 把notes和SB按时间位移下即可
  2. tags: ending koeda 记得吧opening删了..
  3. 01:27:724 (T) - KIAI这里结束
  1. 00:23:724 (2) - 漏whistle了
  2. 以楼主PC数来看 已经算是不错的Insane了 当然等你打够多回来看会觉得很多游戏性上的欠缺 比如note/slider的接续略枯燥 间距一成不变等 虽然vocal不是你跟的主线 但是 同样也是歌曲的重要因素 以后多照顾下会好很多
  1. AR+2 OD+2
  2. 00:13:224 (1) - finish
  3. 00:50:224 (2) - 建议移除 因此之后的间距也稍调整
  4. 01:13:057 (3) - 末尾clap
  5. 01:15:890 (T) - 加note 然后new combo放在这个上面 而不是现在的(1)
  6. 01:18:557 (T) - ^
  1. 01:28:057 (1) - 结束时间和其他难度统一下
  2. AR+1 OD+1
  3. 中间的break没必要加的 一起map掉
  4. 00:41:057 (3) - 这里音效略单调 尝试在起始加whistle
  5. 00:43:724 (3) - ^
  6. 00:46:390 (3) - ^
  7. 00:49:057 (4) - ^
  8. 01:07:724 (2,1,2,3) - 两个大slider挨着有点难看 可稍微做调整
  1. 首先要说的是所有SB素材大小超标了.. 于是引用下目前适用Rules
    The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.
  2. 改大小起始很简单 1024x768 -> 800x600 然后把对应Scale代码里参数乘以0.78125就能得到新的Scale参数
  3. 至于参数是什么. 打开osb后可以找到类似' S,0,76721,,0.6799999'的代码 最后那一串就是了 p.s 800x600 对应到屏幕的参数是0.8 因为默认分辨率是640x480 这样仔细计算后得出的值可以有效减少大分辨率屏幕显示时出现瑕疵
  4. 做SB的时候最好考虑到spinner的因素 比如每个难度都有的最后转盘, thank for playing的出现和持续时间都最好延后/延长
废话就这些了 :D/ GC终于完结了可以光明正大黑编剧了

改差不多时候可以发PM再让我看下 希望到时候能够变更好(不仅限于我说的这些
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

  1. 音源略差劲 建议去VeryCD等地方找一下这张单曲碟 有一个TV Edit的版本, 测下新offset 和原offset比对后 把notes和SB按时间位移下即可
  2. tags: ending koeda 记得吧opening删了..
  3. 01:27:724 (T) - KIAI这里结束
  1. 00:23:724 (2) - 漏whistle了
  2. 以楼主PC数来看 已经算是不错的Insane了 当然等你打够多回来看会觉得很多游戏性上的欠缺 比如note/slider的接续略枯燥 间距一成不变等 虽然vocal不是你跟的主线 但是 同样也是歌曲的重要因素 以后多照顾下会好很多
  1. AR+2 OD+2
  2. 00:13:224 (1) - finish
  3. 00:50:224 (2) - 建议移除 因此之后的间距也稍调整
  4. 01:13:057 (3) - 末尾clap
  5. 01:15:890 (T) - 加note 然后new combo放在这个上面 而不是现在的(1)
  6. 01:18:557 (T) - ^
  1. 01:28:057 (1) - 结束时间和其他难度统一下
  2. AR+1 OD+1
  3. 中间的break没必要加的 一起map掉
  4. 00:41:057 (3) - 这里音效略单调 尝试在起始加whistle
  5. 00:43:724 (3) - ^
  6. 00:46:390 (3) - ^
  7. 00:49:057 (4) - ^
  8. 01:07:724 (2,1,2,3) - 两个大slider挨着有点难看 可稍微做调整
  1. 首先要说的是所有SB素材大小超标了.. 于是引用下目前适用Rules
    The maximum dimensions for tall or wide scrolling images are 640x1440 and 1920x480 respectively. This is for the sake of gameplay performance, image loading time, and filesize.
  2. 改大小起始很简单 1024x768 -> 800x600 然后把对应Scale代码里参数乘以0.78125就能得到新的Scale参数
  3. 至于参数是什么. 打开osb后可以找到类似' S,0,76721,,0.6799999'的代码 最后那一串就是了 p.s 800x600 对应到屏幕的参数是0.8 因为默认分辨率是640x480 这样仔细计算后得出的值可以有效减少大分辨率屏幕显示时出现瑕疵
  4. 做SB的时候最好考虑到spinner的因素 比如每个难度都有的最后转盘, thank for playing的出现和持续时间都最好延后/延长
废话就这些了 :D/ GC终于完结了可以光明正大黑编剧了

改差不多时候可以发PM再让我看下 希望到时候能够变更好(不仅限于我说的这些
Aww.. graveyarded.. :(
Topic Starter
resurrected - -
那啥, 刚看到上面colin的帖子

你再去找上3个左右的mod, 然后去给Colin Hou发个PM (就ava下面的信封)叫他recheck下就好了。。

Colin Hou
nice stuffs always need more time to make, lets go on

  1. move this to pending
  2. 01:27:316 is a better place for ending your KIAI
  3. 01:02:649 ~ 01:03:316 (T) - how about making the volume increasing by time? would be a nice intro for KIAI part
  4. bitrate of your mp3 is too high, turn it down to 192kbps plz. (check the offset again after doing it and fullsubmit is necessary
  5. add 1500ms audio lean-in in every diff.
  6. source is GUILTY CROWN
  7. tags should be ending instead of opening
  1. BG.jpg is included in your .osb codes but it doesn't exist in anywhere.
  2. many of your elements for SB is taller or wider than the maximum, make sure you've checked all things HERE
  3. sometimes the lyrics are using same color with the main theme of displaying storyboard, kind of annoying but not a big problem
  1. 01:02:649 (5) - place new combo on this note instead of 01:02:983 (1).
  2. 01:03:316 (2) - new combo
  3. 01:07:649 (2) - clap at beginning
  4. 01:08:316 (6) - ^
  5. 01:10:982 (2) - ^
  6. 01:12:316 (6) - ^
  7. 01:13:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - not fitting well as a stream here. or it's just too long. try to come up with a better pattern?
  8. 01:26:482 (1) - 1/2 notes would do better for this parts, sliders are much too soft for playing.
  1. OD&AR +2
  2. 01:12:649 (3) - clap at the end
  3. 01:13:316 (4) - same ^
  1. OD&AR +1
  2. 01:27:649 (1) - make it end at the same time as Hard/Insane
plz check everything I mentioned above, if you have any question, feel free to ask in-game or forum PM.
哦, 要192kbps的mp3么,

offset 大概是676左右, 一根红线就够了, 后面的可以去掉
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

哦, 要192kbps的mp3么,

offset 大概是676左右, 一根红线就够了, 后面的可以去掉
Colin Hou

  1. 01:26:507 (1,2,3) - I didn't mean this, see 01:25:174 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4), and make them all normal sample-set.
  2. 00:15:866 (6) - unsnapped
  3. 00:16:366 (1) - unsnapped
and select pending when you upload next time
when you've got 12SP, contact with me again.
hi AstroniX
here my mod (sorry for noob mod)

CS too big please make it to 4
OD +1 (if ok)

CS+1 (if you want)

and i want say this
oh ..
Shohei Ohtani



The 2nd red section isn't needed~

00:03:009 (8) - Make this symmetrical to (4)
00:03:342 (1) - Make slight adjustments so the end of the slider ends at the previous (6)
00:04:675 (2) - Move this so it doesn't overlap
00:40:674 (3) - Lower this last sliderpoint
00:51:341 (6) - Add NC because of jump?
01:14:008 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:16:674 (4) - ^

Woah wtf this is actually pretty ok

00:03:342 (2) - Move this so it doesn't overlap
00:06:342 (1) - Make this shorter so there's more recovery time for the easiest diff
00:16:341 (1) - ^. Or maybe just remove this, since it's kinda short?
00:29:007 - Dude like map this
00:58:341 (1) - Make this shorter so there's more recovery time
01:03:341 (3) - I can assume you're trying to make a crown shape, but unless you have both sliders like, near each other, it won't work, and it'll just look wtf
01:08:674 (3) - ^
01:23:008 (2) - Add clap

I'm not really that good at modding but I'll mod this anyway :oops:

  1. The hitsounds sound too quiet until 3/4 part of the song. Consider raising up the volume?
  1. 00:26:507 (3) - Make it like this instead? Add whistle on slider end of 00:26:507 (3,4) to keep the hitsound pattern consistent.
  1. 00:06:342 (1) - Put an inherited point here with volume at 5% so that it makes quieter spinner sound
  2. 00:11:342 (1) - Reduce the use of finish and/or use custom clap/whistle hitsound that sounds like soft finish to replace finish from here until 00:16:341 overusing finish is bad imho
  3. 00:39:007 (1) - ^
  4. 01:09:674 (1) - NC?
Guess there isn't much that I can find :<
Overall nice map and storyboard, glhf
Quick Mod from King's Lair.

    1. 00:00:676 (1,2) - Overlap is okay, but move them two grids down and right so it looks better with that Symbol in the SB
    2. 00:41:674 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart.
    3. 00:44:341 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1) instead of (2).
    4. 00:47:007 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1) instead of (2).
    5. 00:49:674 (1) - Add Finish.
    6. 00:52:674 (3) - Remove Finish from Sliderstart.
    7. 00:52:674 (3) - Add Finish.
    8. 01:03:341 (3) - Funny Slider. Keep it ^^
    9. 01:27:341 (2) - Not stacked properly, deactivate Grid Snap to do so.
      1. 00:03:342 (5) - If you changed the position of this Slider in Normal, please do it here and in Inori too~
      2. 00:18:008 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart.
      3. 00:41:674 (1) - ^
      4. 00:41:674 (1) - ^
      5. 00:47:008 (1) - ^
      6. 00:49:341 (1) - Finish on Sliderend.
      7. 00:50:008 (3) - This Slider crosses Lifebar a bit, move it down please.
      8. 00:58:008 (1) - Finish on Sliderstart please.
        1. 00:00:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Ouwch, Spacing became weird, try to fix it somehow o.0
        2. 00:28:674 (1) - Add Finish.
        3. 00:41:674 (1) - ^
        4. 00:44:341 (1) - ^
        5. 00:44:341 (1) - ^
        6. 00:49:674 (5) - Finish on Sliderstart please.
        7. 01:22:341 (2) - Definitly crosses Lifebar, please move it down.
          1. I don't see why "move-b.png needs to be .png format? Maybe convert it to .jpg a the other to decrease filesize?
          2. Inori and ouma_shuu.png are quite large, maybe you can scale them down to 40% width and heigth via photoshop/GIMP to decrease filesize?

          Man, this is a brilliant SB!
          Also this map will become quite amusing to play in Taiko mode with all these Finish's.
          I don't see any grave Errors here, not even optical Issues. This Map is fine for me.
          So get that MAT back here asap. *Double Star*
Topic Starter
Man, this is a brilliant SB!
Also this map will become quite amusing to play in Taiko mode with all these Finish's.
I don't see any grave Errors here, not even optical Issues. This Map is fine for me.
So get that MAT back here asap. *Double Star*
thans for your star,but I can't design Taiko map because I am a noob mapper... x.x
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:




The 2nd red section isn't needed~

00:03:009 (8) - Make this symmetrical to (4) fixed
00:03:342 (1) - Make slight adjustments so the end of the slider ends at the previous (6) fixed
00:04:675 (2) - Move this so it doesn't overlap
00:40:674 (3) - Lower this last sliderpoint
00:51:341 (6) - Add NC because of jump? fixed
01:14:008 (1) - Add clap on end of slider fixed
01:16:674 (4) - ^ fixed

Woah wtf this is actually pretty ok

00:03:342 (2) - Move this so it doesn't overlap
00:06:342 (1) - Make this shorter so there's more recovery time for the easiest diff fixed
00:16:341 (1) - ^. Or maybe just remove this, since it's kinda short? because of SB...
00:29:007 - Dude like map this
00:58:341 (1) - Make this shorter so there's more recovery time fixed
01:03:341 (3) - I can assume you're trying to make a crown shape, but unless you have both sliders like, near each other, it won't work, and it'll just look wtf I'll try to make a new shape...
01:08:674 (3) - ^ fixed
01:23:008 (2) - Add clap fixed

Topic Starter

DarkDunskin wrote:

Quick Mod from King's Lair.

    1. 00:00:676 (1,2) - Overlap is okay, but move them two grids down and right so it looks better with that Symbol in the SB
    2. 00:41:674 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart. fixed
    3. 00:44:341 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1) instead of (2).fixed
    4. 00:47:007 (1,2) - Add Finish on (1) instead of (2).fixed
    5. 00:49:674 (1) - Add Finish.fixed
    6. 00:52:674 (3) - Remove Finish from Sliderstart.fixed
    7. 00:52:674 (3) - Add Finish.fixed
    8. 01:03:341 (3) - Funny Slider. Keep it ^^
    9. 01:27:341 (2) - Not stacked properly, deactivate Grid Snap to do so.

    1. 00:03:342 (5) - If you changed the position of this Slider in Normal, please do it here and in Inori too~fixed
    2. 00:18:008 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart.fixed
    3. 00:41:674 (1) - ^fixed
    4. 00:41:674 (1) - ^fixed
    5. 00:47:008 (1) - ^fixed
    6. 00:49:341 (1) - Finish on Sliderend.fixed
    7. 00:50:008 (3) - This Slider crosses Lifebar a bit, move it down please.fixed
    8. 00:58:008 (1) - Finish on Sliderstart please.

    1. 00:00:676 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Ouwch, Spacing became weird, try to fix it somehow o.0fixed
    2. 00:28:674 (1) - Add Finish.fixed
    3. 00:41:674 (1) - ^fixed
    4. 00:44:341 (1) - ^fixed
    5. 00:44:341 (1) - ^fixed
    6. 00:49:674 (5) - Finish on Sliderstart please.fixed
    7. 01:22:341 (2) - Definitly crosses Lifebar, please move it down.

    1. I don't see why "move-b.png needs to be .png format? Maybe convert it to .jpg a the other to decrease filesize?
    2. Inori and ouma_shuu.png are quite large, maybe you can scale them down to 40% width and heigth via photoshop/GIMP to decrease filesize?

Man, this is a brilliant SB!
Also this map will become quite amusing to play in Taiko mode with all these Finish's.
I don't see any grave Errors here, not even optical Issues. This Map is fine for me.
So get that MAT back here asap. *Double Star*
thanks for your mod,it is very helpful to me!
As per your request.

Please reply to this mod providing reasons for not applying my suggestions if you don't apply them.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. I... don't get why the hardest diff is named "Inori" and not "Insane". What sense does it make ?
  2. Avoid placing circles under sliderends. It looks bad in almost all cases, and the circles are always hard to see under the hitburst and the slider.
  1. 00:00:676 (1,2) - I don't really agree with that kind of overlap, but it makes sense - just make sure it overlaps perfectly. As of now, the end of (1) goes a little bit too much to the right.
  2. 00:16:341 (1) - This spinner is too short for a Normal, and there is an object too soon after it.
  3. 00:28:674 - Why is there a break here ? None of the other diffs have it, and I don't think anything in the song calls for a break - all diffs would have one otherwise.
  4. 00:41:674 (1) - I suppose this is an error - isn't the finish meant to be on the last beat of the slider ?
  5. 00:44:674 (2,3) - I don't think this is a good idea in a Normal. The overlap looks rather bad, and it can be pretty confusing, because the last beat of the slider isn't entirely visible.
  6. 00:51:674 (4) - You should move that one down a bit. It's too close to 00:52:341 (1) - and that's kind of confusing.
  7. 00:58:341 (1,1,2) - For a Normal, I think you should remove the two sliders and move the spinner's end to 01:00:674 - . There is a slight pause in the song, and it should appear in the map. Right now, the sliders start too soon after the spinner, which makes this part too hard to play.
  1. AR7 felt really fast on this. I'd recommend to lower the AR by one, because right now, it gives a weird feeling to the map.
  2. 00:15:509 - My ears have been desperately looking for a note here. The song has a note at this point and your mapping calls for it. The lack of any hitsound here is literally disturbing.
  3. 00:18:008 - until 00:23:341 - : I don't really like how you used different spacing for 1/2s and 1/1s. It would have been cool for an Insane, but for a Hard, I find it too confusing.
  4. 00:49:341 (1) - This slider alone was very confusing. Usually, that kind of kick slider ends 1/4 before the next object, but not in this case, so players rush to the next note and mess up the timing. Also, it doesn't... make any sense with the song, which makes it even more confusing.
  5. 00:50:008 (3,4) - These were quite confusing too. So far, you've only been using repeat sliders with a single repeat, and you suddenly throw in a second repeat.
  6. 01:00:674 (1) - This comes way too soon after the spinner and is way too far from the center of the screen.
  7. 01:06:508 (2) - This slider breaks your clap pattern. There should be a clap at 01:07:007 - but your slider makes this impossible, and the clap on its last beat sounds very bad.
  8. 01:11:841 (2) - Same.
  1. There are a lot of absolutely unjustified jumps, which make the map difficult to read, because it's never possible to know if a high spacing is a jump or a bigger time gap.
  2. 00:11:342 (1) - This comes in too soon after the spinner for how far from the center it is.
  3. 00:11:842 (3) - This slider is hidden under the hitburst from the spinner, which makes it impossible to see that it is actually reversed (which makes no sense but ok). Here's a fix that makes the pattern actually more consistent:
  4. 00:14:341 (2,3) - This jump is way too big and for no real reason.
  5. 00:15:841 (6) - There is absolutely nothing that warns that this slider is slower. I don't even see a reason why it should be slower, actually.
  6. 00:16:341 (1,1) - I'm fine with silencing sliderends but this is not fine at all. The circle comes way too soon after the spinner, and the fact that the spinner is silenced makes the rhythm extremely confusing. Make the spinner end earlier without silencing it.
  7. 00:27:341 (1,2) - Very confusing. You were using a very mobile kind of mapping so far, and you suddenly throw in sliders with two repeats, which completely stop the movement, which flows very badly and is confusing.
  8. 00:30:174 (7) - Apart from the will to make people miss this note, there's no reason why it should be hidden under the slider. There is enough room to place it at the bottom, so why did you choose the uglily overlapping option instead ?
  9. 00:39:341 (3,4) - Consequence of the unjustified jumps: this looks exactly like any of the jumps before, except it's not a jump. People will miss on this and get frustrated because they expected it to be a jump. Then 00:49:674 (5,1) - is another jump, and people get confused again.
  10. 00:55:341 (3,4) - Same flow killing issue as 00:27:341 -
  11. 00:58:008 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - HUGE jumps for no real reason at all. You also completely break the movement you were doing so far with 00:56:674 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
  12. 01:00:674 (1) - Too soon after the spinner.
  13. 01:12:008 (5,6) - Why is this a 3.00x jump when the other similar rhythms in the chorus are more or less regularly spaced ?
  14. 01:24:674 (1,2,1,2,3) - These jumps are way too big and way too surprising, too difficult to read because of the hitbursts and the moving background, and play very bad because of the sharp turns and movements needed to play them.

The "Inori" diff suffers from a severe lack of consistency, mainly in spacing, and a lot of jumps that look like they are hard for the sake of it. The difficulty has potential but these jumps kill the flow. It needs some more work in that aspect, but you're getting there.
Hi :)
From A-tan's mod queue

  • Fine~
  • 00:13:341 (3,4,1) - 這3note距離不平均
    00:16:341 (1,1) - 太快了 對新手來說有點難 而且沒有Easy難度的情況下 ._. 建議用滑條代替吧
    00:42:507 (2) - 移到 x:296 y:144
    00:43:341 (3) - 移到 x:168 y:176
    00:52:341 (1) - 距離改到1.2x
    00:53:674 (4) - 建議這邊grid關掉調整前後距離1.2x看起來更好看
    00:58:007 (6) - 移到 x:384 y:312 比較flow
    00:58:341 (1,1) - 一樣太快了
    01:00:674 (1,2) - 滑條開頭加whistle?
    01:02:674 - 這條綠線移到 01:03:007 - 不然 01:01:674 (2) - 滑條尾巴用Normal音效有點突兀..
  • 00:18:009 - 這邊到 00:22:007 - 這的距離0.8x 之後都1.2x 其實我不知道為何從這改成1.2x :? 建議0.8x的部份統一成1.2x 單點太多太遠可以用 00:18:008 (1) - 這種代替
    00:27:341 (1) - 距離
    00:37:007 - 這邊0.8x 部分我到覺得還可以~
    00:44:341 (1) - 滑條開頭上finish (另外有紅色做直角的...拿掉吧 雖然不是什麼大問題)
    00:52:174 (1) - 前後距離差很大 讀圖可能會有困難 ._.
    01:02:674 (1) - 距離
    01:03:841 (2) - 藏好吧 x:184 y:80 (可以刪掉note 重新放一個在滑條尾巴上放他會自動對準)
    01:10:341 (2) - 移到 x:108 y:88
  • 00:19:341 (1,2) - 這是直線滑條吧? 是的話就重拉一個吧 不要有中間拉弧度的...
    00:27:341 (1,2) - 總覺得好突然的2次反轉slider 分成4個slider做個跳板感覺很棒呀0.0
    00:29:674 (5,7) - note7疊好在slider5下
    00:39:341 (3,4) - 這邊讀圖很困難 一定會搶按滑條4 因前面節拍很緊湊且 00:38:341 (1,2) - 這樣距離你當成跳 導致這邊也會覺得是跳的滑條...建議放遠一點
    00:58:008 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 打起來有點不太順 ._. 感覺 00:59:341 - 這邊更適合跳 其實不是大問題 ~
    01:08:841 (7) - NC
等MAT/BAT看圖吧 加油!!
nice mapset and nice song!!
- About SB: 01:02:674 - start to fade-in the white colour since here? It fits the new combo at the same time.
- The "thank you 4 playing" SB could last longer. A suggestion: the BG fade out since the end of slider, and the "thanks you 4 playing" lasts till the end of the song.
- Rename [Inori] to insane enhances uniqueness of diff name, otherwise rename hard and normal to character name too.

00:03:342 (1,2) - mute the sldierslider sound since the music is so calm?
00:16:341 (1) - it makes more sense if it ends 1/2 eariler, fitting the vocal.
00:29:674 (5,7) - try to stack them properly?
00:41:174 (4) - as the end of a sentence I don't think it needs a finish here
00:43:841 (3) - ^
00:46:507 (4) - ^

Similarly, the sliderslider could be muted in the intro part.
00:26:674 (4) - I don't see a reason using 1/2 spacing for a 1/1/ separation. It's reasonable under NC, but the music doesn't sound like that.
00:41:174 - delete finish like insane
00:43:841 - ^
00:46:507 - ^
00:57:174 (4) - needs an accent at the end? I propose that the coming notes can be in N too, with gradually louder volume.
01:10:508 (3) - quite trivial spacing error.

00:00:676 (1,2) - try not to overlap like this as part of (2) is completely invisible and this is hard for beginngers. (actually the (1) fits in the SB, wow.)
00:18:008 (1) - Try to put the note nearer to the center to make it easier?

These are the points made others than the above unchecked mod, I guess. good luck~
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