
[Proposal] Set can be single difficulty if it's just an E/N

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currently mapsets need at least 2 difficulties unless they're marathon length. but this is really needless for sets that don't go over normal difficulty. E/E sets don't add any real content a single-diff E set wouldn't be adding. pretty sure this rule is just carryover from when we couldn't submit single-diff sets to pending anyway.

uh so yeah i think this rule:

adsf wrote:

Single-mode mapsets must include a reasonable spread of at least two difficulties. The lowest difficulty cannot be harder than a Normal and it must comply with its respective mode’s difficulty-specific Ranking Criteria.
(and all the hybrid diff variations)

should just be reworded to:

dfafad wrote:

Single-mode mapsets must include a reasonable spread. The lowest difficulty cannot be harder than a Normal and it must comply with its respective mode's difficulty-specific Ranking Criteria.
or something like that
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also inb4 nao says "just make e/n sets unrankable"
yes please
welcome to the r3 hell
given that that's the minimum requirement to have a normal this proposed change does actually make sense
i agree so much with it

it's pretty frustrating to see sets with two E/E where:

- lowest diff: 1.01 - 170 objects
- highest diff: 1.02 - 172 objects

it doesn't produce content in a useful way
Nao Tomori
i disagree with this proposal. i feel like there should be a minimum modicum of effort necessary to make a rankable map, and under this rule literally making a 30 second diff of 1.3 sr would be rankable (and get ranked, thanks people that nominate r3 maps..)
at least with two diffs you're forced to think a little bit about "spread" and simplification of rhythm or whatever. i know it isn't very difficult to make 2 diffs for a shitty 30 second song (having done it a lot) but it's still more than making 1 diff for a shitty 30 second song, and i believe that that amount of effort, the literal bare minimum, should not be reduced even more.
@Nao Tomori im not insulting i love every osu users

but honestly who really cares about spread these days, it's just rhythm choice & DS issue for most of mappers(even for me in most of times). spread isn't like sacred area or sth.

and if someone makes r3 map with single normal diff with little effort, that would pay. low pc, low user rating, and hard to nominate. if single normal spread isn't suitable for song, maybe BNs can filter it. that standard of 'minimum effort' looks not necessary and obvious for me xd
Tbh I don't see a need for it, E/N already take very little time to make compared to higher diffs, no point in further lowering the requirement. Especially since it provides some progression for the new players that would primarily play such a map, even if there's little difference (granted, E/E spreads with like .05 SR difference really don't add a thing, but if the song somehow doesn't allow for even a normal, there's no reason you couldn't undermap it to be super easy (Ultra Beginner tier) if you wanted for some reason, and still somewhat follow the song.
Caput Mortuum
I think this proposal would allow for longer length easy only mapsets, like 2-4 minutes. that seems okay to me c:
i've thought about this for a while and im pretty indifferent about this.

nao has a good point that it would lower the amount of effort to rank e/n sets even more (i would know, its my first ranked map. and i regret it.) and it would iust feel too easy if a newer mapper mapped 30 sec r3/tomppabeats to get a ranked map lol

then again, its not like e/n sets took a lot of effort anyways, so why the hell not?

but tbh i feel like this makes the job easier for nominators. who the hell wants to nominate a 1 diff easy or normal. i honestly wouldn't.

idk tbh

defiance wrote:

i've thought about this for a while and im pretty indifferent about this.

nao has a good point that it would lower the amount of effort to rank e/n sets even more (i would know, its my first ranked map. and i regret it.) and it would iust feel too easy if a newer mapper mapped 30 sec r3/tomppabeats to get a ranked map lol

then again, its not like e/n sets took a lot of effort anyways, so why the hell not?

but tbh i feel like this makes the job easier for nominators. who the hell wants to nominate a 1 diff easy or normal. i honestly wouldn't.

idk tbh
as a mapper (for ctb), this makes mapping a rankable set of some lame r3 music box song take probably 15 minutes or less depending on your ability as a mapper

as a nominator (also for ctb), this would then fit the same category as most marathons in our mode, it provides content with little to no replay value and that's not the kind of stuff that i'd want to push forward

tl;dr no thank you
anna apple
p: i agree with uc

if you don't like 30s sets why not just have e/n be rankable if its more than 50s or something like that, another silly arbitrary time thing but zzz

@ascendance I actually like this idea -> more easy/normal diffs is good imo, most people saying "who would replay this lol" you wouldn't even play it cuz its too easy anyways so no shit you're not going to replay it if you don't even play it, but people play songs they like, so what's to say they won't play a 30s r3 easy a few times before they go to bed like another other anime diff they randomly find

also for "it only takes 15 minutes unfair for most sets that take more time!!!" if I can do long division faster than your then I'm good and ur bad so why complain like that and just get better lol ????

@nao I don't think it takes any effort to make two completely different easy diffs that are the same difficulty and just not consider spread at all
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