
Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunes, 16 de abril de 2012 at 20:51:39

Artist: Blue Drops
Title: Ring my Bell (TV Size)
Source: Sora no Otoshimono
Tags: opening -sekai- ignacio daxmasterix verdisphena
BPM: 77,74
Filesize: 11822kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Dax's Hard (4,62 stars, 239 notes)
  2. Ignacio's Normal (3,9 stars, 121 notes)
  3. Insane (4,81 stars, 325 notes)
  4. Sekai's Easy (3,38 stars, 132 notes)
  5. Verdi's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 511 notes)
Download: Blue Drops - Ring my Bell (TV Size)
Download: Blue Drops - Ring my Bell (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
First Beatmap. Opening from Sora no Otoshimono <3

[Sekai's Easy] by -Sekai-
[Ignacio's Normal] by Ignacio.
[Dax's Hard] by DaxMasterix.
[Insane] by me.
[Verdi's Taiko Oni] by Verdisphena.

Taiko BG by Touche. Thanks :D
El primer mapa del Brunito, a ver que tal te sale xd
Descarga Aqui! <--> Lo subi a Puush porque la Mierda No me dejo adjuntar el Archivo :I . De todas formas extraelo en tu carpeta. F5 Para que lo reconosca y blah blah le haces Submit y blah blah. No se dan kds por Guest Diff's Asi que no kds. XD Luego lo modeare. asd
First kdstar ftw
Topic Starter
Okay, y gracias por el star :3
Aca tenes el video ch3
Topic Starter

Shockwave wrote:

Aca tenes el video ch3
Graciaaas, primera vez que te esforzas (?)
mother of bruno


00:04:830 (3) - Distance
00:07:532 (1) - 00:07:725 (1) start ~ 00:9:354 (1) end
00:12:590 (4,5) - Distance
00:12:949 (5) - 00:13:309 (5) start
00:19:596 (1,2,3) - 00:19:075 (5) pile up
00:24:446 (7) - Distance
00:25:345 (1) - ^
00:36:482 (1) - 00:36:213 (1) start  ~ 00:37:650 end
00:51:752 (3) - Distance
01:01:812 (2) - ^
01:24:087 (1) - 01:24:356 (1) start ~ 01:27:147(1) end

nice song
1st offset:
Offset: 210 (+10 on current)

2nd offset:
is fine~
Topic Starter

AzuRio wrote:



00:04:830 (3) - Distance
00:07:532 (1) - 00:07:725 (1) start ~ 00:9:354 (1) end
00:12:590 (4,5) - Distance
00:12:949 (5) - 00:13:309 (5) start
00:19:596 (1,2,3) - 00:19:075 (5) pile up
00:24:446 (7) - Distance
00:25:345 (1) - ^
00:36:482 (1) - 00:36:213 (1) start  ~ 00:37:650 end
00:51:752 (3) - Distance
01:01:812 (2) - ^
01:24:087 (1) - 01:24:356 (1) start ~ 01:27:147(1) end
Fixed most of the things. Thank you for mod :3

-Sekai- wrote:

1st offset:
Offset: 210 (+10 on current)
Fixed, thanks :3
el easy deberia ser normal o muerase
Hey Brunito, necesitás una normal :3

Si querés, te puedo ayudar :)

Star pibe.
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:

Hey Brunito, necesitás una normal :3

Si querés, te puedo ayudar :)

Star pibe.
Gracias por la star.

Y como dice en la descripción, todavía esta en progreso. La normal se esta haciendo, al igual que una Taiko, igualmente gracias :)
Seems like you need a mod...

Topic Starter

Verdisphena wrote:

[attachment=0:5e08f]Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size) (Darksonic) [Verdi's Taiko Oni].osu[/attachment:5e08f]
Buen mapa ch3, te dejo el BG mañana aquí


Ojala te guste ch3 :3
Topic Starter
Gracias por la BGGGG me gusta :D
Topic Starter

Ignacio wrote:

Listo ;)

Video offset: podrias intentar un -200, se veria mejor


00:14:566 (12) - Borra, y extiende el slider 00:14:207 (11) - hasta donde aqui. Tambien stackealos adecuadamente usando distance space = 0, y con el grid snap apagado
01:14:027 (4,5) - No creo que sea muy intuitivo que uses justamente ese spacing, considerando que poca antes tenias 01:12:590 (4,5), Resumen, quita ese jump ahi.
01:14:386 - Add note

Tienes algunos jumps que no son muy intuitivos, la cual con un cambio adecuado de new combo en algunas notas podria ayudar, pero soy muy malo para new combos asi que meh. Ejemplo: 00:43:668 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -


Los hitsounds... urghhh!
00:14:027 (5) - Muevelo a 00:14:207, y deberias borrar el spinner tambien, y agregar nota en 00:14:746 -


00:19:596 (1,2,3) - No stackees objetos asi en un easy, Solo los confundiras mas. De hecho, recomiendo no usar jamas stacks en los easies, pero si tu insistes, supongo que moviendo 00:20:854 (3) seria suficiente
00:23:728 (6) - Acortalo hasta 00:24:087 -
00:24:985 (8) - Borralo... No 1/2 en un easy
00:36:213 (1) - Deberia empezar en 00:36:303 y terminar en 00:37:740 -
00:38:099 (1,2,3,4) - Stacks asi esta mas aceptable para mi (Ahem no tienes que cambiar nada de aqui, solo doy ejemplo de como un stack aceptable en easy deberia ser)
00:50:674 (2,3) - Unstack
01:08:279 (5,1) - Spacing
01:24:356 (1) - Deberia empezar en 01:24:267 -

Te quiero bruno.
Topic Starter

ErufenRito wrote:


Video offset: podrias intentar un -200, se veria mejor Ok.

00:14:566 (12) - Borra, y extiende el slider 00:14:207 (11) - hasta donde aqui. Tambien stackealos adecuadamente usando distance space = 0, y con el grid snap apagado Fixed.
01:14:027 (4,5) - No creo que sea muy intuitivo que uses justamente ese spacing, considerando que poca antes tenias 01:12:590 (4,5), Resumen, quita ese jump ahi. Fixed.
01:14:386 - Add note No me parecía que quedara muy bien, pero anyways.

Tienes algunos jumps que no son muy intuitivos, la cual con un cambio adecuado de new combo en algunas notas podria ayudar, pero soy muy malo para new combos asi que meh. Ejemplo: 00:43:668 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6) -


00:19:596 (1,2,3) - No stackees objetos asi en un easy, Solo los confundiras mas. De hecho, recomiendo no usar jamas stacks en los easies, pero si tu insistes, supongo que moviendo 00:20:854 (3) seria suficiente Fixed. Y lo tendré en cuenta a futuro :D
00:23:728 (6) - Acortalo hasta 00:24:087 - Fixed.
00:24:985 (8) - Borralo... No 1/2 en un easy Ok.
00:36:213 (1) - Deberia empezar en 00:36:303 y terminar en 00:37:740 - Fixed.
00:38:099 (1,2,3,4) - Stacks asi esta mas aceptable para mi (Ahem no tienes que cambiar nada de aqui, solo doy ejemplo de como un stack aceptable en easy deberia ser) :D
00:50:674 (2,3) - Unstack Fixed.
01:08:279 (5,1) - Spacing Fixed.
01:24:356 (1) - Deberia empezar en 01:24:267 - FFFFU, sabía que quedaba mal, e hice caso al otro modeo xD, fixed.
Gracias por el mod :D
Shana Aisaka
Hi ~ A request from My(also LaceWingField) Queue !!~ :)

1st!! Your hit sound are pretty bad please fix it.
2nd!! please use distance snap correctly.
3rd!! please don't forgot to snap your notes.

Your hit sound is really not good. especially the claps.
Please Resnap your notes.
Please do not put your notes in the red tick. Since this is a Easy.
Some sliders looks so ugly to me. please fix it.
00:06:384(4) = spacing
00:11:153(3,4,5) ^
00:25:345(1) = remove note since this is not a beat.

[Igna's Normal]
00:20:674(5) = spacing
00:40:255(5) = ^
01:13:847(4) = ^

[Dax's Hard]
Please snap all notes. some object hasn't been snap yet.

some sliders look so ugly to me. please fix it.
Please snap all notes. some object hasn't been snap yet.

Okay~ That's all i got. :3
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Shana Aisaka wrote:

Hi ~ A request from My(also LaceWingField) Queue !!~ :)

Your hit sound is really not good. especially the claps.
Please Resnap your notes.
Please do not put your notes in the red tick. Since this is a Easy. Some notes need to be in red ticks.
Some sliders looks so ugly to me. please fix it. I will try it later xD.
00:06:384(4) = spacing Fixed.
00:11:153(3,4,5) ^ Fixed.
00:25:345(1) = remove note since this is not a beat.[/color] Sorry but I prefer this way.

some sliders look so ugly to me. please fix it. I will try it later xD.
Please snap all notes. some object hasn't been snap yet. Fixed.

Okay~ That's all i got. :3
Good Luck!
Thank you for mod ! :D

ErufenRito wrote:

Los hitsounds... urghhh! FUCKING BUGS. yo que recuerdo se lo habia pasado con los hitsounds.. Well.. Fixed.
00:14:027 (5) - Muevelo a 00:14:207, y deberias borrar el spinner tambien, y agregar nota en 00:14:746 - kk

Shana Aisaka wrote:

[Dax's Hard]
Please snap all notes. some object hasn't been snap yet. Always. The Bugs.. I think. Fixed.
Oke Oke. Here is my Update Diff.. asdDownload: Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size) (Darksonic) [Dax's Hard].osu
So fast consiguiendo mods. Eso se ira a Ranked en un par de semanas \o/
PD: Solo 4 stars? 5 is better
In-game pm~

  1. general: add the name of guest diff's mappers on the tag~


  1. general: you have to use no more then one Distance snapping on Easy diff~

    1. 00:00:981 (2) - spacing + whistle, fixed the spacing of the other notes after that :3
    2. 00:03:297 (1) - whistle
    3. 00:04:840 (3) - whistle on the start & end of this slider
    4. 00:06:384 (4) - ^
    5. 00:07:735 (1) - finish on the spinner
    6. 00:11:153 (3) - spacing and ugly slider, how about using this one, if you like then use this code~
      Simple slider

    7. 00:12:590 (4) - delete this note
    8. 00:12:949 (4) - add a clap then fix the spacing ~
    9. 00:13:668 (1) - finish~
    10. 00:20:854 (3) - delete
    11. 00:24:446 (7) - remove the claps and add a whistle
    12. 00:26:602 (3) - delete
    13. 00:30:913 (7) - NC~
    14. 00:58:219 (4) - ^
    15. 00:59:656 (5) - ugly slider again~

    16. 01:10:434 (3) - use grip size 3 (small) and move it one grip down and one grip left
    17. 01:10:794 (4) - 2 grip up and one left
    18. 01:11:153 (5) - delete the 3rd point on that slider to make it more nicer, like this
    19. 01:12:590 (1,2,3) - you better use normal soft hitsounds, and add a whistles if you did that~
    20. 01:24:267 (1) - whistle on the spinner~
good,just keep working on your sliders. =w=

[Igna's Normal]

  1. 00:15:105 - (X) add a note here
  2. 00:19:416 (1) - delete
  3. 00:19:596 (7) - NC~
  4. 00:30:374 (1) - remove the NC and add it to 00:31:093 (2) -
  5. 00:44:925 (4) - NC here is better~
  6. 01:07:380 (2) - 1 grip down
nice diff~

[Dax's Hard]

  1. 00:02:332 (4) - maybe making it lined with the 00:01:753 (3) - ?
  2. 00:04:840 (3,4) - ^
  3. 00:19:416 (1) - remove NC and add it to the 00:19:596 (2) -
  4. 00:42:410 (5) - NC~
  5. 01:02:710 (6) - ^
  6. 01:05:584 (5) - ^ listen to vocal when it's starts~
  7. 01:13:848 (5) - ^
I liked this diff, Nice work :3


  1. 00:14:207 (11) - use this slider if you like it~

  2. 00:16:362 (8) - ^

  3. 00:17:979 (5) - ^

  4. 00:48:339 (6) - make the slider like this 00:47:979 (5) - it's looks nicer
  5. 01:06:213 (5) - 1 grip left
  6. 01:16:542 (6) - NC~
  7. 01:22:291 (8) - ^
  8. 01:27:500 (10) - ^
good for your first map,


-Sekai- wrote:

[Dax's Hard]

  1. 00:02:332 (4) - maybe making it lined with the 00:01:753 (3) - ? I make this with ''Diagonal symmetry'' [Ctrl+c/Ctrl+v/Ctrl+j/Ctrl+h] If I making lined with the other circle the Symmetry/Pattern will Broken.. The order asdasd
  2. 00:04:840 (3,4) - ^ ^
  3. 00:19:416 (1) - remove NC and add it to the 00:19:596 (2) - Hm .. I'll keep that in mind Because i put the NC Following the Sound Changes. - Kk
  4. 00:42:410 (5) - NC~ Kk
  5. 01:02:710 (6) - ^ Kk
  6. 01:05:584 (5) - ^ listen to vocal when it's starts~ lol Kk
  7. 01:13:848 (5) - ^ Kk
I liked this diff, Nice work :3 Thanks so Much :)
Well. Good darksonic.. You get Mods so Fast XD. Here are the Diff Updated. - Thanks Sekai! \o/Download: Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size) (Darksonic) [Dax's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

-Sekai- wrote:

In-game pm~

  1. general: add the name of guest diff's mappers on the tag~
Oops, I forgot it xD.


  1. general: you have to use no more then one Distance snapping on Easy diff~

    1. 00:00:981 (2) - spacing + whistle, fixed the spacing of the other notes after that :3 Fixed.
    2. 00:03:297 (1) - whistle Ok.
    3. 00:04:840 (3) - whistle on the start & end of this slider Ok.
    4. 00:06:384 (4) - ^ Ok.
    5. 00:07:735 (1) - finish on the spinner Ok.
    6. 00:11:153 (3) - spacing and ugly slider, how about using this one, if you like then use this code~ I like it, I'll use it.
      Simple slider

    7. 00:12:590 (4) - delete this note Ok.
    8. 00:12:949 (4) - add a clap then fix the spacing ~ Fixed.
    9. 00:13:668 (1) - finish~ Ok.
    10. 00:20:854 (3) - delete Ok.
    11. 00:24:446 (7) - remove the claps and add a whistle Ok.
    12. 00:26:602 (3) - delete Ok.
    13. 00:30:913 (7) - NC~ Fixed.
    14. 00:58:219 (4) - ^ Fixed.
    15. 00:59:656 (5) - ugly slider again~ I'll use this too xD.

    16. 01:10:434 (3) - use grip size 3 (small) and move it one grip down and one grip left Fixed.
    17. 01:10:794 (4) - 2 grip up and one left
    18. 01:11:153 (5) - delete the 3rd point on that slider to make it more nicer, like this I changed the slider, but not in that way.
    19. 01:12:590 (1,2,3) - you better use normal soft hitsounds, and add a whistles if you did that~ Ok.
    20. 01:24:267 (1) - whistle on the spinner~ Ok.


[list][*]00:14:207 (11) - use this slider if you like it~ I like it, I'll use it.

[*]00:16:362 (8) - ^ ^

[*]00:17:979 (5) - ^ ^

[*]00:48:339 (6) - make the slider like this 00:47:979 (5) - it's looks nicer I like the way that I did it xD.
[*]01:06:213 (5) - 1 grip left Fixed.
[*]01:16:542 (6) - NC~ Fixed.
[*]01:22:291 (8) - ^ Fixed.
[*]01:27:500 (10) - ^ Fixed.

Thx you a lot for the big mod :D
request from my queue
remove anime from tags.It will appear at Genre after a BAT checked
btw It seems you use the mp3 of the ranked map.I don't think this timing is fine.But I'm not able to find a accurate timing.try to ask some timinger to get accurate timing.
00:07:735 (1) - end at 00:09:357
00:01:753 (3) - change the director of slider.don't overlap 2
00:03:297 (1) - spacing
00:04:840 (3,4) - remove whistle and add whistle on four circles to remove the sliderbody sound
00:10:434 (2) - clap
00:12:949 (4) - whistle instead of clap
00:23:728 (6) - NC
00:29:836 (6) - stack with 4's beginning
00:31:632 (3) - y276
00:38:099 (1,2,3,4) - move to center
00:40:973 (1) - spacing
00:55:345 (1) - finish at the beginning
01:09:716 (1) - spacing
01:17:620 (1) - finish on the end
01:27:500 (1) - move to center

00:45:285 (2) - 1 grid right&down
01:10:255 (2) - remove this?

00:09:357 (1) - finish at the beginning
01:01:991 (5) - remove clap at the beginning
01:18:339 (3) - finish at the beginning

00:16:362 (8) - clap in the end
00:24:806 (7,8) - make them straight
00:58:219 (1) - 1 gird right&up
01:21:213 (4) - NC for huge jump
Hi, from my queue

"um" nice song choice...


  1. remove countdown in all diffs

  1. add tags in this diff
  2. 00:01:753 (3) - even if you use proper spacing, reverse arrow is too close to the note before, so it looks not so good, so move last point to (248,40)
  3. 00:07:735 (1) - snap spinner end to 00:09:357
  4. 00:10:434 (2) - clap
  5. 00:11:153 (3) - end point finish
  6. 00:15:105 (1) - no clap
  7. 00:17:261 (4) - only end clap, move endpoint to (296,240)
  8. 00:17:979 (5) - move middle point to (256,72)
  9. etc.
Igna's Normal

  1. 00:33:069 (2) - don't stack here ? because there are some "oo oo" rhythms before, normal players may press too early here
  2. 00:33:967 (4) - delete note ? = =
  3. 01:26:961 (1) - middle point 3 grids up, makes blanket look better
Dax's Hard

  1. 00:14:207 (5) - spacing?

  1. 00:10:973 (1) - make 1/2 slider,,,
  2. 00:16:362 (8) - endpoint clap
  3. 00:12:590 (1) - blue color blends in the background video... plz change to green
  4. 00:31:093 (1,2,3) - this looks better
  5. 00:35:225 (3,4) - 1/2 later these 2 notes?
  6. 01:00:374 - add a note plz ;.; I duggest stacking with 7
  7. 01:21:213 (1) - new combo ? follow pioints look better
  8. 01:22:830 (3,4) - symmetrical with 1 and 2
  9. 01:23:368 (5) - new combo ? follow pioints look better
your diffs need more work. keep fighting~ :)

Good luck~

No_Gu wrote:

00:09:357 (1) - finish at the beginning Kk
01:01:991 (5) - remove clap at the beginning Srry. Hitsouds at 1/2 - 1/3
01:18:339 (3) - finish at the beginning Kk

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Dax's Hard
  1. 00:14:207 (5) - spacing? Ctrl+J Changed.
Ok. Here is my update xd.. DARKSONIC NECESITO QUE ME DIGAS COMO CHUCHA CONSIGUES MOD TAN RAPIDO.Download: Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size) (Darksonic) [Dax's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

remove anime from tags.It will appear at Genre after a BAT checked Ok.
btw It seems you use the mp3 of the ranked map.I don't think this timing is fine.But I'm not able to find a accurate timing.try to ask some timinger to get accurate timing.
00:07:735 (1) - end at 00:09:357
00:01:753 (3) - change the director of slider.don't overlap 2 Changed the slider.
00:03:297 (1) - spacing Fixed.
00:04:840 (3,4) - remove whistle and add whistle on four circles to remove the sliderbody sound Uh ok.
00:10:434 (2) - clap Ups, I forgot this xD, fixed.
00:12:949 (4) - whistle instead of clap Ok.
00:23:728 (6) - NC Nop.
00:29:836 (6) - stack with 4's beginning Ok.
00:31:632 (3) - y276 Ok.
00:38:099 (1,2,3,4) - move to center It's ok in this way.
00:40:973 (1) - spacing Fixed.
00:55:345 (1) - finish at the beginning Ok.
01:09:716 (1) - spacing Fixed.
01:17:620 (1) - finish on the end Ok.
01:27:500 (1) - move to center This note is ok.

00:16:362 (8) - clap in the end Fixed.
00:24:806 (7,8) - make them straight
00:58:219 (1) - 1 gird right&up I think this is ok.
01:21:213 (4) - NC for huge jump Ok

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:


  1. remove countdown in all diffs

  1. add tags in this diff I forgot it xD.
  2. 00:01:753 (3) - even if you use proper spacing, reverse arrow is too close to the note before, so it looks not so good, so move last point to (248,40) Fixed.
  3. 00:07:735 (1) - snap spinner end to 00:09:357 Ok.
  4. 00:10:434 (2) - clap Fixed.
  5. 00:11:153 (3) - end point finish Ok.
  6. 00:15:105 (1) - no clap Ok.
  7. 00:17:261 (4) - only end clap, move endpoint to (296,240) Ok.
  8. 00:17:979 (5) - move middle point to (256,72) Ok.
  9. etc.

  1. 00:10:973 (1) - make 1/2 slider,,, I don't like that way.
  2. 00:16:362 (8) - endpoint clap Ok.
  3. 00:12:590 (1) - blue color blends in the background video... plz change to green Ok.
  4. 00:31:093 (1,2,3) - this looks better Fixed.
  5. 00:35:225 (3,4) - 1/2 later these 2 notes? I think this seems good.
  6. 01:00:374 - add a note plz ;.; I duggest stacking with 7 Nop.
  7. 01:21:213 (1) - new combo ? follow pioints look better Fixed.
  8. 01:22:830 (3,4) - symmetrical with 1 and 2 Ok.
  9. 01:23:368 (5) - new combo ? follow pioints look better Nop.
Thank you so much for mod guys! :D
IRC MODDING ~ I paste the savelog here :3

20:12 <Touche> : EASY
20:13 <Touche> : 00:12:949 - se veria nice en 260,116 (el mismo lugar que el circulo 2)
20:13 <Touche> : imo
20:13 <Darksonic> : LEMMEE
20:13 <Darksonic> : see
20:14 <Touche> : 00:34:865 - new combo
20:14 <Darksonic> : Quise ponerlo a la altura del slider anterior
20:14 <Darksonic> : pero well
20:14 <Darksonic> : lo movere
20:14 <Touche> : 00:39:536 - new combo
20:14 <Touche> : 00:45:285 - new combo
20:14 <Darksonic> : uhm
20:14 <Touche> : imo
20:14 <Darksonic> : Seguro que por 2 notas deberia poner nc
20:14 <Touche> : IMOOOOO
20:14 <Darksonic> : ?
20:14 <Touche> : if u want
20:14 <Darksonic> : si lo se
20:14 <Darksonic> : XD
20:14 <Touche> : es tu map
20:14 <Touche> : :o
20:15 <Darksonic> : Bueno
20:15 <Darksonic> : no te enojes plz :( (?)
20:15 <Touche> : 01:15:464 - new combo
20:16 <Touche> : 01:17:620 - delete new combo
20:16 <Touche> : no estoy enojado ch3 <3
20:16 <Darksonic> : ese si lo usare
20:16 <Touche> : 01:19:057 - new combo
20:16 <Darksonic> : k
20:16 <Touche> : bue

20:20 <Touche> : ok INSANE
20:20 <Darksonic> : okokokk
20:20 <Touche> : NOTAS
20:21 <Touche> : UNSNAPPED
20:21 <Darksonic> : rly
20:21 <Touche> : mira bien
20:21 <Darksonic> : se habra bugeado
20:21 <Darksonic> : ya las habia snappeado
20:21 <Darksonic> : pero WELL
20:21 <Touche> : en el primer timing
20:21 <Touche> : ch3
20:21 <Touche> : ok snapea eso
20:21 <Darksonic> : ya lo arregle
20:21 <Darksonic> : xd
20:21 <Touche> : updatea el insane
20:21 <Touche> : asi me guio mas facil
20:22 <Touche> : te espero ch3
20:22 <Darksonic> : wait
20:22 <Touche> : well
20:23 <Touche> : aqui ya se updateo ch3
20:23 <Darksonic> : aca todavia carga
20:23 <Darksonic> : lol
20:23 <Touche> : lolol
20:23 <Touche> : ahora si estan snapped :>
20:24 <Darksonic> : okay
20:24 <Darksonic> : wat now
20:24 <Touche> : dax tambien tenia unsnapped, ahi le dije
20:24 <Darksonic> : okay
20:25 <Touche> : ok ahora si
20:26 <Touche> : nada
20:26 <Touche> : really, NADA
20:26 <Touche> : INSANE IS GUD
20:27 <Darksonic> : nada?
20:27 <Darksonic> : de verdaD?
20:27 <Darksonic> : <3
20:27 <Touche> : seh
20:27 <Touche> : Gratz, well
20:27 <Touche> : modeado :>
20:27 <Darksonic> : :3
20:27 <Touche> : guardo log
20:27 <Darksonic> : gracias :D
20:27 <Darksonic> : copialo ahi
20:27 <Darksonic> : y te doy el kdddkdk
Topic Starter

Touche wrote:

IRC MODDING ~ I paste the savelog here :3

20:12 <Touche> : EASY
20:13 <Touche> : 00:12:949 - se veria nice en 260,116 (el mismo lugar que el circulo 2)
20:13 <Touche> : imo
20:13 <Darksonic> : LEMMEE
20:13 <Darksonic> : see
20:14 <Touche> : 00:34:865 - new combo
20:14 <Darksonic> : Quise ponerlo a la altura del slider anterior
20:14 <Darksonic> : pero well
20:14 <Darksonic> : lo movere
20:14 <Touche> : 00:39:536 - new combo
20:14 <Touche> : 00:45:285 - new combo
20:14 <Darksonic> : uhm
20:14 <Touche> : imo
20:14 <Darksonic> : Seguro que por 2 notas deberia poner nc
20:14 <Touche> : IMOOOOO
20:14 <Darksonic> : ?
20:14 <Touche> : if u want
20:14 <Darksonic> : si lo se
20:14 <Darksonic> : XD
20:14 <Touche> : es tu map
20:14 <Touche> : :o
20:15 <Darksonic> : Bueno
20:15 <Darksonic> : no te enojes plz :( (?)
20:15 <Touche> : 01:15:464 - new combo
20:16 <Touche> : 01:17:620 - delete new combo
20:16 <Touche> : no estoy enojado ch3 <3
20:16 <Darksonic> : ese si lo usare
20:16 <Touche> : 01:19:057 - new combo
20:16 <Darksonic> : k
20:16 <Touche> : bue

20:20 <Touche> : ok INSANE
20:20 <Darksonic> : okokokk
20:20 <Touche> : NOTAS
20:21 <Touche> : UNSNAPPED
20:21 <Darksonic> : rly
20:21 <Touche> : mira bien
20:21 <Darksonic> : se habra bugeado
20:21 <Darksonic> : ya las habia snappeado
20:21 <Darksonic> : pero WELL
20:21 <Touche> : en el primer timing
20:21 <Touche> : ch3
20:21 <Touche> : ok snapea eso
20:21 <Darksonic> : ya lo arregle
20:21 <Darksonic> : xd
20:21 <Touche> : updatea el insane
20:21 <Touche> : asi me guio mas facil
20:22 <Touche> : te espero ch3
20:22 <Darksonic> : wait
20:22 <Touche> : well
20:23 <Touche> : aqui ya se updateo ch3
20:23 <Darksonic> : aca todavia carga
20:23 <Darksonic> : lol
20:23 <Touche> : lolol
20:23 <Touche> : ahora si estan snapped :>
20:24 <Darksonic> : okay
20:24 <Darksonic> : wat now
20:24 <Touche> : dax tambien tenia unsnapped, ahi le dije
20:24 <Darksonic> : okay
20:25 <Touche> : ok ahora si
20:26 <Touche> : nada
20:26 <Touche> : really, NADA
20:26 <Touche> : INSANE IS GUD
20:27 <Darksonic> : nada?
20:27 <Darksonic> : de verdaD?
20:27 <Darksonic> : <3
20:27 <Touche> : seh
20:27 <Touche> : Gratz, well
20:27 <Touche> : modeado :>
20:27 <Darksonic> : :3
20:27 <Touche> : guardo log
20:27 <Darksonic> : gracias :D
20:27 <Darksonic> : copialo ahi
20:27 <Darksonic> : y te doy el kdddkdk
Gracias :D
Hi there! Here's your mod. Oh and btw, I downloaded your map and I only got Dax's Hard Diff. Take a look: D: & D:
  1. Reupload your beatmap. Make sure you have all the diffs included into that folder. Use FULL SUBMIT.
  1. Overall Difficulty -1

  2. 00:22:111 - Move the slider's first point one grid up.
Topic Starter

Philippines wrote:

Hi there! Here's your mod. Oh and btw, I downloaded your map and I only got Dax's Hard Diff. Take a look: D: & D:
  1. Reupload your beatmap. Make sure you have all the diffs included into that folder. Use FULL SUBMIT.
  1. Overall Difficulty -1

  2. 00:22:111 - Move the slider's first point one grid up.

Oops, it's fixed now D:
As you requested in my modding queue.

Ring My Bell, would make a map of this music, but i can not find the right timing.
Nothing Bad.

00:40:434 (5): Remove whistle here.
00:43:488 (6): Start NC here.
00:49:237 (5): ^
00:49:596 (1): End slider in 00:50:315, i think is better.
00:50:674 (2): End slider in 00:51:392. Also, add finish in the end.
01:24:267 (1): Remove whistle and add Finish here.

[Igna's Normal]
00:29:297 (5): Suggestion, remove note?

[Dax's Hard]
00:15:105: Add note here and in this note, add finish?
00:19:237 (1,2.3): I think it does not mix well ... I suggest you change this or change this to another pattern. You are not required to change that.
00:51:752 (1): Remove new combo.

Looks good~

Good Luck in your map and star
Topic Starter

suzutsukikanade wrote:

Nothing Bad.

00:40:434 (5): Remove whistle here. Ok.
00:43:488 (6): Start NC here. Ok.
00:49:237 (5): ^ Ok.
00:49:596 (1): End slider in 00:50:315, i think is better. Ok, it seems a little better.
00:50:674 (2): End slider in 00:51:392. Also, add finish in the end. Ok.
01:24:267 (1): Remove whistle and add Finish here. Fixed.

Looks good~

Good Luck in your map and star
Thank you so much for mod and star! :D

Philippines wrote:

  1. Overall Difficulty -1 kk

  2. 00:22:111 - Move the slider's first point one grid up. kk

suzutsukikanade wrote:

[Dax's Hard]
00:15:105: Add note here and in this note, add finish? Ok.
00:19:237 (1,2.3): I think it does not mix well ... I suggest you change this or change this to another pattern. You are not required to change that. Is for the vocal. I can't make another stuff. would have to change all the pattern..
00:51:752 (1): Remove new combo. Ok
Ok here the updates. Thanks to all for the Mod. ~
Download: Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size) (Darksonic) [Dax's Hard].osu
Topic Starter
Rankealo ch3, quiero verlo ranked :<
Topic Starter

Touche wrote:

Rankealo ch3, quiero verlo ranked :<
Paciencia, ya me confirmaron varios mods, así que solo a esperar :D
request from my queue. 2nd time to mod this

00:04:840 (3,4) - this?
00:11:153 (3) - y116
00:24:446 (7) - remove the sound of the sliderbody
01:10:075 (2,4) - clap
01:11:153 (5) - whislte
01:15:464 (1,2,3,4) - spacing

00:12:590 (2) - clap
01:26:961 (1,2) - soft hitsound sounds better

00:05:419 (4) - whislte
00:13:668 (3) - finish
00:18:698 (5) - clap
00:32:351 (1) - finish at the beginning
00:36:482 (5) - finish sounds noisy
01:18:339 (3,4,5) - try to use 0.5x slider?

00:07:735 (1) - end at 00:09:357
01:12:590 (4,5,6) - follow vocal sounds not good

No_Gu wrote:

00:05:419 (4) - whislte kk
00:13:668 (3) - finish kk
00:18:698 (5) - clap kk
00:32:351 (1) - finish at the beginning kk
00:36:482 (5) - finish sounds noisy Whistle removed
01:18:339 (3,4,5) - try to use 0.5x slider? Fixed. -Remaped-
LOL 2 mods? - Ok. Here the update.
Download: Blue Drops - Ring My Bell (TV Size) (Darksonic) [Dax's Hard].osu

PD: I love her
Topic Starter

No_Gu wrote:

00:04:840 (3,4) - this? Ok.
00:11:153 (3) - y116 Oops, fixed.
00:24:446 (7) - remove the sound of the sliderbody Ok.
01:10:075 (2,4) - clap Ok.
01:11:153 (5) - whislte Ok.
01:15:464 (1,2,3,4) - spacing Fixed.

00:07:735 (1) - end at 00:09:357 Fixed.
01:12:590 (4,5,6) - follow vocal sounds not good Ok, I made a different pattern.
Thank you for mod this again! :D
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